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Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by Wings of Writing View Post
You're welcome.

Our apartment complex is currently doing a test of the fire alarms. let me tell you how obnoxious that is.
Kat and mine's cats are freaked!
You too live together?? :o

That sounds extremely annoying DX There's this beeping I've been hearing every 60 minutes whenever I am in my room and I am pretty sure it is NOT from inside my room. My mum thinks it's a neighbour's burglar alarm indicating it is active, but I don't know. But yours sounds more annoying as it's a constant sound, mine is every 60 mins.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 04:50 PM

Yep yep. We've known each other since 7th grade. So like almost 15 years or something?

ugh that sounds bad to cuz it's probably just enough to make you think you're going crazy.
but yeah this went on for like 45 minutes, but they're done now thankfully.

Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 04:57 PM

That's super cute! I wish I had a friend like that ><; all my friends just drift away eventually, heh :c

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 05:00 PM

I haven't made a new close friend since college tho.
Like I get friends and then just kinda keep them. And don't bother making new ones XD

*Hime* is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 05:28 PM

hey all.
how much time is left for the auction? am i too late?

Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 05:28 PM

Yeah, I get cha. I used to have close friends back when I was younger and we used to hang out and see eachother everyday but then they moved to another country and after that, didn't really make any steady friendships. At least in real life. Most of my friends are online now.

---------- Post added 01-05-2018 at 05:29 PM ----------

Originally Posted by *Hime* View Post
hey all.
how much time is left for the auction? am i too late?
Just over two hours left c: finishes at 3pm EST

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 05:32 PM

I have a good group of online friends (read 3 people i made friends with via the glee fandom) and then we bonded over out mutually bitterness of how that showed ended.
and then like my 3 irl friends.
i'm not particularly social.

Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 06:04 PM

High five, Wings Same here!

*Hime*: you are not late, there is nearly 2 hours left of the auction. If you'd like to bid, please make sure to do it soon because I am not accepting bids 30 minutes before the end of the auction as it is unfair on the winning bidder to be outbid at such a short notice.

Thank you<3

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 06:23 PM

lol. yay for being antisocial. XD

Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 07:16 PM

So how's your day going, Wings? c: what'd you get up to today?

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 07:22 PM

it's my day off today so right now i'm just chilling.
i really really need to clean but so far that's not happening.

Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 07:24 PM

Awesome. Aw, maybe you can clean once the event is over?

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 07:28 PM

hahaha maybe.

how's your day been?

Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 07:37 PM

It's been alright, I just worked on my assignment (I'm still working in between browsing mene). I wish the weather was brighter and warmer *sigh* I miss the summer.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 07:53 PM

it's finally warmed back up here, but the cold was definitely miserable.
seeing people work on assignments over break time makes me so happy i'm done with school tho

Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:03 PM

Congrats, Wings! You've won my auction!

*Hime* is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:03 PM

I just had an accident with the wood craft project. So much blood I fainted >.<
Username: *Hime*
I bid: 12500 goldies

I swear it I'm too clumsy for serious projects like that ;_;

---------- Post added 01-05-2018 at 09:04 PM ----------

And my phone battery was dead, so if I'm too late it's alright
Still one hour to go!
-goes on a shoppin spree-

Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:05 PM

Oh dear, Hime!! Are you okay? DDD: <3 I'm so sorry.

Also, I'm super sorry but the auction ended 5 minutes ago so I can no longer accept bids orz apologies </3

*Hime* is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:07 PM

Ooh, no problem. I ready you said 30 min so I thought it was in time :)
Congrats Wings of Writing!

And if you ever do another auction... I'll be here! (I hope ;)

---------- Post added 01-05-2018 at 09:08 PM ----------

I'm okay, two deep cuts in two fingers, and a lot of blood but I'll live. :)

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:08 PM

oh my gosh, Hime, that sounds awful! are you ok? D: oh, just saw your response. glad you're ok! still sorry that happened, aaa.

Mikio is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by *Hime* View Post
Ooh, no problem. I ready you said 30 min so I thought it was in time :)
Congrats Wings of Writing!

And if you ever do another auction... I'll be here! (I hope ;)

---------- Post added 01-05-2018 at 09:08 PM ----------

I'm okay, two deep cuts in two fingers, and a lot of blood but I'll live. :)
I intended to end the auction one hour before the event ended to allow people to do other things other than bid here and to not make anyone panic.

I'm sorry you didn't make it this time, I promise there will be more opportunities like this as I enjoyed hosting this auction and talking to all of you here

Oh gosh you've got to be more careful. Please take care of yourself

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by Mikio View Post
Congrats, Wings! You've won my auction!

omg Hime that sounds mildly terrifying. glad your'e ok tho.

*Hime* is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:12 PM

It was weird, I didn't even feel I was cut. I was calm, went to wash it out, even took a pic lol
but the blood kept coming and I then I felt hot and the next thing was me laying down on the sofa lol

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:19 PM

Probably shock then cuz shock is weird like that. It like numbs you and then life will come back in and take over. Definitely yikes. Was there someone there to help at least?

ghostPastry is offline
Old 01-05-2018, 08:22 PM

oh wow. that's probably because of the adrenaline, i'd bet...


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