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ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 01:25 AM

banners by xogizmoox
A menewsha travel guide. Don't forget the towel!

The tour bus has arrived to take you around Menewsha to see some of the sights. There may be some time/space travel involved to be able to reach all the destinations in the timespan of your fun in the sun vacation, so please remember to fasten your seat belts and bring your towels.

Best Vacation Tour will receive
A book of daydreams

Worst Vacation Tour will receive
A Tome of nightmares

Last edited by Inspiration; 07-20-2017 at 02:07 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 01:25 AM

. If you decide to change your choice. post a new form with "CHANGING MY ANSWER"
. If you want to see how you're standing, keep track of your own points.
. Copy and Paste the provided form so I don't miss your choice.
. Wait for final days results to be posted after event.
. Follow the normal rules of Menewsha
. No mules except charity mules
. One choice per day
. Have fun

known charity mulesX

Calcifer , Prismatic Llama, Utopia, Xo~GREMLIN~oX, Phobos and Deimos,User ,[2600]Bartender

Last edited by Shadami; 07-03-2017 at 11:35 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 01:26 AM

Day 7: Curiosity Exploration

THe final day of the tour is for more relaxation. We've put on the itinerary some stops at various locations that have peaked peoples interests in the past.

[COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="7"][B]I'm curious about...[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]Username[/COLOR][/SIZE]:[I]Your Username, not mule[/I]
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="mediumturquoise"]Location[/COLOR][/SIZE]:[I]Pick a curiosity[/I]
Should look like:
I'm curious about...

Sky Pioneer Viewing Gallery
Sky Pioneer Observation Deck
The Spirit of Calesco Trainstation
Stareater’s Lair
Creativity Plaza
Evergreen Hills
Icy Peaks
Entertainment Theatre
The Wishing Tree
Harbor Park Bandstand


Sky Pioneer Viewing Gallery -dragoness129
Sky Pioneer Observation Deck -velvet
The Spirit of Calesco Trainstation -Kent
Stareater’s Lair -elirona, ava the vampire
Creativity Plaza
Evergreen Hills
Icy Peaks -star2000shadow, salvete
Entertainment Theatre
The Wishing Tree -onsenmark, hadsvich, *hime* , xogizmoox
Harbor Park Bandstand

Last edited by Inspiration; 07-20-2017 at 10:36 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 01:26 AM

the shipwreck at shipwreck cove
Beyond getting wet and enjoying some wonderful scuba diving, the day is a bit dissapointing. There is no sunken treasure in the ship as you were hoping for, and the ship isn't in nearly as good condition as you thought it would be in. At least it was good diving right? The underwater world is always beautiful in clear water like there is in shipwreck cove.

Isle de Cacoa Harbor
As beautiful as the water is the place is incredibly busy with shoppers dashing all over to the shops that are just off the docks. You also forgot your sunscreen and the glare off the water increases the hot suns touch. You get a little sunburnt even as you join in the dashing around shops.

Island of Zajac
You decide to visit the Island of Zajac where the Easter Bunny lives. In the past the Easter Bunny came out to help find carrots on menewsha to feed the hungry citizens of Zajac, only now it seems to be covered in carrots and bunnies. No shortage anymore. In fact… there is barely any room to walk around at all. You feel rather jostled and harassed all day as the population seems to steadily grow larger.
Pick a bunny for your own

Garland's Wedding Grounds
You surround yourself with the beauty of the lakeside town and hear of the tale of the freak accident that led to the ending of two young lives. It seems a bit eerie as you visit the tomb on a small island in the lake. Why anyone would want to get married here gives you the shivers but as you look around at the beauty you have to shift your point of view. Maybe it’s not that bad. Hey look a wedding! When’d you get back on the bus? You don’t remember that happening.

Mr. Mayor's Family plantation
On the Isle de Cacoa is where Mr. Mayor grew up. Of course you want to check out the plantation where he came from. It’s a slight let down though as you can’t really do much and spend most of the time kind of getting in the way as people are hard at work. At least you can sit on that bench in the shade and enjoy a nice glass of lemonade. So its not a complete loss, especially after you get the brilliant idea to start selling some to the hard workers and people passing by on this hot day and make a little cash.
+200 gold

Ice Palace
On the outskirts of Menewsha is an ice palace set up during last years festival of winter nights by Demetri as he came to find his Lise. You know it is all an illusion, but it is a joy to explore the icy halls where they’ve been ‘rebuilt’ to look at as a part of Menewsha history. It feels like a sign of hope for the future of menewsha and feels you with a warmth that counteracts the cold that you would normally assume you’d feel in the middle of an ice palace.

Island Pool
This is the island pool that a bunch of menewshans managed to find the fresh water they needed to survive when they crashed during a big storm on the way to Jao Koh. It’s still fresh clear water that turns a hot afternoon into a nice relaxing swim in the cool water. Grab a pair of trunks or a swimsuit from the tour bus and enjoy yourself. And no… you can keep them. Also remember, please don’t pee in the island pool. That is fresh drinking water after all.
Pick a Tropical Trunk or Tropical Swimsuit

Duvalian Natural History Museum
Little bit of a sucker for history you can’t resist heading into the Duvalian Natural History Museum and see what it has in store. It is a gorgeous building with lots of natural light and the weirdest taxidermy animals you’ve ever seen. One of them was this weird chicken hawk thing that had some kind of mammal head and vampire fangs. It’s gotta be a laugh but it sure is fun wandering around and exploring the museum and its eccentricities; Including some fascinating old artifacts.

Shipwreck Cove pavillion
As menewsha always provides well for its people, there is no surprise that the pavillion even here in the secluded cove is decked out with food to celebrate the tourists summer bash. You pig out all day on good food and fresh sparkling water. You even get the best view in the cove of the shipwreck where a piece of Menewsha’s history lies trapped.
Finish the day off with a nice cold popsicle: Strawberry, green apple, meyer lemon

Shipwreck Cove: the beach
The sun is bright, there are some clouds in the sky so its not overly hot, and the sand is perfect. You enjoy the sun and the water all day long, and you even get to pick up some treasures you found in the sand when building a sandcastle!
beachcombers bounty, tiki beach party

Last edited by Inspiration; 07-20-2017 at 02:04 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 01:26 AM


Hot Gossip
I'm sure you were expecting to get some shopping done when you stepped into the store; but Aimee was a little bit to excited to share some of the gossip she's heard. You vaguely recall something about Vicky and Channah's front lawn, Emilio's name coming up several times, and Abel having some magical hair changing shampoo. She talked so fast you're really not sure of what she said for the most part, but she kept you there listening until you had to run to catch the tour bus.
+1 Point

Sera was all to obliging when you stepped into the store. You recall getting something to drink from a punch bar she had set up, but Peeblo must have snuck in to spike it. The next thing you know you're waking up on the tour bus with a brand new tattoo.
+2 Points
Choose a sun, star, or moon belly tattoo

Quercus Magus
You were expecting to see the ever popular Abel upon entering the store...but it would seem that Cessy had scared him off for the hour or so you spent the time window shopping waiting for him to return. She was chattering on about mermaids, but you really didn't pay attention as you'd been hoping to see the elven shopowner much more than the chattery child as adorable as she is.
+3 Points

D is a beautiful and mysterious lady, but her store is about shoes. Wouldn't you rather be bare foot for your fun in the sun vacation? What are you doing in here? Well okay, if you insist in shopping for shoes you shoeaholic! D is incredibly helpful as you look around and find the best deal for the style shoes you want. So good, you even get some gold back! Why don't you go buy yourself another pair of shoes?
+4 points
200 gold

McQuade Boutique
The boutique is just a little bit to fancy for a tourist trap vacation, but you find some great outfits that could come in great later if there is a late night dance or something. Magnus is really helpful anytime you need to check sizes, or adjust a collar here, or a tie there. When you leave you feel really proud of yourself and your purchases. If something fancy comes up in the near future, you are going to look sharp!
+5 points

Lance is ecstatic to see you come into the shop. He's put some effort into preparing the tour himself and can't wait to see how you like it. In fact, he's still making some last minute touches to the itinerary so he let's you have free roam over the shop to try on as many hats as you want and take pictures with your friends. You were having so much fun you barely noticed that Lance had a smile on his face and was chuckling softly as he worked. Hope you got lots of awesome pictures to save this memory of your trip!
+6 points
Choose a Squiddly hat. Marea, Fresa, ocean, Pearl, Blanca, Ione, Malina, or Thalassa

The Toy Chest
Curiosity leads you to the toy chest, either for your spirit of childhood adventure, or the mysterious toy maker himself. Either way you enjoyed looking at all the toys in stock and time quickly passes and before you know it, it is time to board the bus again.

Petal Paradise
You go into petal paradise to pick out some flowers for your significant other. (Or just to get a peek at Nalin doing what he loves so his face is aglow with a smile.) Instead, you find yourself completely wrapped in the calming atmosphere. The air smells sweet and delicious, none of the pollens are overpowering, and there is a fountain trickling somewhere in the shop making the ambient noise that much more relaxing. Instead of a rush around shopping trip before the tour, you return to the tour bus feeling rejuvenated.
+8 points
Pick a romantic gesture Flower: Purple, Red, White, Yellow, Pink, Golden, Frozen over, Frozen, Chaos, Black

Lingerie Land
Oh ho ho! We know why you came in here of all places you naughty person. It was the delicious smell of baked cookies and apple cider that Mango laid out for all of the wonderful tourists out exploring Menewsha and its famous locations of course! You just had to stock up on all the essentials before starting your journey. I hope you had a great time browsing the wares to. *wink wink*
+9 points

Black Jack
Fashionable, and creepy. This is your kind of store. Lise is more than welcoming... in her own way. You even get a delightful tarot reading done, though the answer from the spirits that Lise gives you is a little unclear... you're pretty sure it's a positive one and you have a great time browsing the store! Even manage to pocket a little bit of change you find laying around.
+100 gold


Petal Paradise - Ava the vampire, salvete
Hot Gossip
Lingerie Land - Nephila
Headworks - Kent
Blackjack - Star2000Shadow, zeapear
The Toy Chest - ANTIPODEAN OPALEYE, velvet
Colorama - Onsenmark, *Hime*
McQuade Boutique- Elirona, Sadrain
Qeurcus Magus- Hadsvich, Dystopia
Hopscotch - xogizmoox


Last edited by Shadami; 07-15-2017 at 01:10 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 01:27 AM


Menewshan Pixel Studios
Hoping to get some sneak previews of upcoming items you head over to pixel studios, but just like when you’re visiting the house of a celebrity certain areas are roped off and you mainly get to watch the artists in training. Sewing machines click away and you see some very… unique designs. Some of them aren’t actually bad though and you purchase one on your way out from the artist to encourage them to keep up the amazing work.
+1 Point
Pick something from The #1 newbie Emporium and send your wish to Inspiration.

Confection Artisan Institution
Not cooking, but baking? And baking confections! Count you in! It's like a dream of a lifetime to go in and get free sugary baked deliciousness. Except, that you have to actually join in the baking and by the end of the tour when the bus returns you are covered from head to toe in flour and frosting. Well at least they paid you for the work.
+2 Points
1000 gold

S.S. Meow
A little bit of fishing should be a great relaxing way to spend a nice summer day. Only problem is that the sun is too hot, and the fish are hiding in the cool areas deep underwater and you’re having no luck enticing them out. You did manage to catch one little guy though, nothing to brag about but he could make a nice pet.
+3 Points
Pick a color of festive fish and send choice to Inspiration
Pink/Cream/Sea Green/Red/Lavender/Gold/Purple/Blue/Teal/Snowy/Yellow

Carol planning central
Expecting hot chocolates and badly sung carols of festive cheer you instead find people watching movies like “The Fatality of winter Nights”, and “Once upon a FOWN.” Papers are scattered on desks where the citizens have thrown their melodic ideas to the side to have a riproaring FOWN in July movie marathon. At least their was something to do on your stop.
+4 Points

Saint's Pole
You explore Saint's pole, walking among the various artisans busily working on their chosen trades. The most fascinating artisan you find is busy at work quickly sculpting small toys out of wood. Their hands move so fast, and with such precision it is fascinating to watch. Before you know it the bus has returned for you. As a thanks for watching for so long, the artisan hands you a toy to take with you.
+5 Points
Ducks in a row

Nanowrimo campgrounds
There is always someone jotting away here at the campgrounds. Either in the castle that makes such a good inspirational writers haven, or down by the water where the natural setting brings others inspiration. In between national writing months it can be a little bit quiet, most people just editing up stories, but the atmosphere is still pretty wonderful. You get to enjoy the views for quite a while since it is only the second stop on the tour today and the writers are all really friendly.
+6 Points

Boden Mines
You quickly realize that there are no actual workers here that are alive. It is a long abandoned mine that has since been taken over by the spirits that still reside in its cavernous walls. It’s creepy and terrifying. And yet… oddly thrilling. Not to mention the gold that you find as you wander through the labyrinthine paths. Not that bad of a little vacation side trip to be honest.
+7 points
500 gold

Town Hall
You get dropped off at the first stop at Town Hall. You want to see, really see how things are managed in town hall. There’s plates of food everywhere and you’re allowed to pretty much wander wherever you want. Which of course you do. One door peeks your interest and you just get a glimpse inside before you’re ushered away. Were those decorations for the next event coming up. Excitement courses through you as you realize another big event is coming to Menewsha and you can’t wait to see it!

Street Performers at the old market square
The old market square peeked your interest and you weren’t dissapointed. You didn’t have to join in any of the work, and you got to just enjoy show after show as mime artists took elevators, dancers spun around the square with ribbons leaping and twirling, and acrobats shut up a high wire rope across the fountain and did daring tricks. Someone near you exclaims excitedly that the fire eater across the fountain from you is a rare treat and you realize this was the perfect choice for a stop that you could have made.

Bootcamp Barracks
The bootcamp has been pretty much abandoned since the days of the angel bunny versus peeblo army days and so has turned into a place of good fashioned reckless fun to be had. You have your choices of places to run around from the tight rope walking and mud wrestling pit, to the climbing trees and just generally running around and having a good time. Which of course exactly what you do. This stop was a blast!
+10 points


Bootcamp Barracks - *hime*
Nanowrimo Campgrounds
Confection Artisan Institution -Star2000shadow
Menewsha Pixel Studios - ANTIPODEAN OPALEYE
Town Hall - Hadsvich, Ava the vampire
S.S. Meow- kent, Salvete, xogizmoox
Saint’s Pole
Boden Mines -Velvet, zeapear
Street Preformers in Old Market Square - Onsenmark, Dystopia
Carol Planning Central


Last edited by Shadami; 07-16-2017 at 01:04 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 01:27 AM


You enter the mansion hoping to enjoy all the gorgeous sights and grand decorations. Only Yumeh surprises you because you have food in your pocket and he didn’t eat enough fish yesterday because it was such a bad day for fishing. He accidentally claws you up (or we think it was an accident) and you need to have your wounds attended to instead of continuing on with the tour.
+1 Point
Take your medicine for those scratches

Mr. Mayor's office
It's locked. What did you expect? Of course we're not going to let you see the private sanctuary of our mayor! That's some private... stuffs that goes on in there! Not even us tour guides know what goes on in there. And frankly we're not going to ask. Sorry about that. Maybe you should have asked to explore some other areas of the Town Hall. Of course, while we're here, you could leave a little message for Mr.Mayor on his cork board.

Recreation Hall
Who doesn't love a little game of competitive foosball! Er, no. Not you? I'm sorry. Maybe it's because the game didn't go your way? How about the checkers game... the billiards? Darts? Oh come on, you didn't even win at any of the board games or card games. At least tell me you were able to enjoy a puzzle. Yeah? Oh. Phew. Glad at least that worked out. The recreation hall is supposed to be fun!

Banquet Hall
The place where all the events happen. The place Mr. Mayor loves to deck out to match whatever season is currently being celebrated. And of course, it always includes some themed food. You lucked out because even for tourist season the Banquet Hall is decked out in bright yellows and oranges like sunbursts around the windows, and a wonderful spread of food covers the tables. Maybe a little bit too much food. You feel a bit sleepy and take a nap, almost missing the tour bus leaving for the next stop.

It may only be the third day, but the library seems like a lovely place to rest and rejuvinate from the hustle and the bustle of the end of summer bash. Of course, It's not as quiet in the library as you expected it to be, but there are still quite a few comfortable chairs to sit and rest (or nap) in. And during the quieter moments you get to read some good books you found on the shelf.
Are you a righthand or lefthand reader?

Though it is not decorated for anything special like it has been in the past for many events. (Mr. Mayor really seems to like decorating for Halloween if you can recall correctly.) The front foyer is still looking grand as ever as you explore. In a side closet you expected to be for coats and hats you discover a stash of old event gift bags that never got handed out. Mr. Mayor shouldn't miss one little gift right?
First Come, First serve. Which bag did you take from the closet?

The decorations and the dancing are delightful. You wheel across the floor for most of the day, getting wild when the tempo says to. And when you get tired and need to rest your feet their is an assortment of snackables and drinks off to the side of the room complete with chairs. Besides your sore feet, you enjoy a lovely day.

What you expected to be a nice quiet place to enjoy the weather turned into a delicious dinner location. Chefs out grilling all kinds of good foods, like corn on the cob, barbacued meats, and even grilled pineapple! You don't know why, but everything tastes better grilled over an open flame. Yum!

Garden stage
You chose to entertain yourself with some music today in the garden stage. The view is beautiful of course, the music wonderful, and the tips you get tossed at you as you spin and step all over the dance floor is absolutely glorious. Make some nice pocket change to pick up some souvenirs at some later stops you’re sure.
+9 300 gold

It's the end of summer bash menewsha tour. What better way than strolling through the beautiful gardens nurtured by our own Nalin Sun. As an added bonus there are tents all throughout the garden to escape the sun's heat when it gets to be too much and to keep hydrated and nourished with snackables throughout the day. You enjoy a very wonderful day that couldn't have been better or more relaxing.
Pick a Suntina: Rosy, Orange, Purple, Golden, Yellow (first come first serve)


Garden Stage
Mr. Mayor’s office
Gardens - dragoness129, velvet, star2000shadow, ava the vampire, xogizmoox
Recreation Hall
Banquet Hall -*hime*
Terrace -kent, Elirona
Library -onsenmark, hadsvich, Nephila
Foyer - zeapear
Ballroom - Dystopia
Veranda - car'a'carn, Salvete, woohoohelloppl

Last edited by Inspiration; 07-20-2017 at 02:14 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 06:43 PM


The Diner
This is a hit or miss place with cheap and sometimes free food. Cooks from all over menewsha come to share their recipies here. Sadly, it seems to be a miss day since most people are attending the festivities of the tourist season and end of summer bashes. Hope it wasn't to disapointing, at least it was a free day and you saved some money.

You weren't expecting sadly a figment of Cessy's imagination when you decided to take the candyland stop. You were kind of hoping it would be a restaurant with wall paper you could peel off and eat. Or maybe bowls that were made out of peppermint. Instead you get board games and tea parties with imaginary food. Shame. Oh well. Maybe there will be a snack on the bus.

old market stalls & carts
You were expecting food at this stop since everyone knows food carts have the most deep fried, bad for your body, delicious foods you could imagine. Only there doesn’t seem to be that many food carts out and about today. There’s a couple of baked goods carts being pushed around but the majority seems to be shopping carts with amazing quilts and jewelry, and this one with some really fancy landscape paintings. As great as it all is your stomach is grumbling a little when the tour bus returns to pick you back up.
Pick a mirror you found while shopping around : white pearl, deep plum, dark cocoa, cool breeze, or black pearl

Airship Dining Hall
The Sky Pioneer has a lavish wood-paneled dining hall. It mostly caters to traditional home cooked meals. They may not have been quite prepared for the turnout today which is quite a bit higher than their normal every day. (They may have forgotten about the tour, being swept away in the beauty of the sky and all) The food gets out a little slow, but it's well worth the wait. It's all delicious.

Oceanview cafe
Memories flood back of those glorious days when we were chasing pirates and cruising around the Isle De Cacoa hunting to get Mr. Mayor back. Wait some of those were really bad memories! Maybe you shouldn’t have picked this one, didn’t you get super sun burnt on the sun deck at the end of the cruise? At least this place serves amazing pancakes and Mimosas.

Festival Tent
The ever changing festival tent of course is decked out with all kinds of food. Today it has hot dogs and hamburgers to satisfy those summer grilled food cravings, as well as slushies and snow cones to keep off the heat. Not to mention the many different flavors of lemonades! It’s a shame one of the slushies gave you a brain freeze from drinking it too fast. Whoo. Better sit that out on the bus for a little bit.
What slushie did you brainfreeze on? Strawberry, orange, raspberry, lemonade, iced latte, watermelon, pina colada, green tea

Sock hop restaurant
A delightful restaurant where you get to drink milkshakes, kick off your shoes and dance your toes off. Aimee even pops in to show how to be a hip cat and blast tunes out of the jukebox for everyone to dig. All in all, it's a great time and you get to relax and enjoy the music and atmosphere until the tour bus returns to pick you up again for the next stop. As you pass the jukebox on your way out you notice a bunch of coins still laying there waiting for someone to play the next song. You put one in and start another song as you pocket the rest of the coins for some later use.
+75 gold

Channah's flop house
I hope you weren't expecting pancakes. This little joint is a chocoholic heaven. You can get chocolate everything here from chocolate malts, to chocolate lattes, and just regular old chocolate! There's some other stuff like strawberry shortcakes without chocolate, but you came for the chocolate right?! Channah of course never disappoints and even has a velvety lounge to eat it all in delicious decadence.
What chocolate themed hat did you end up wearing out as a souvenir? Toque, sprinkles hat, bun cap, or frosting hat?

The Grumbling goddess
As you cross the threshold into the grumbling goddess tavern you feel like you’ve stepped into a role play game of some kind. Everyone here is in costumes like they’re straight out of a fantasy game. There are bards playing music in the corner, and rumors being swapped over mead at the counter. You pick a character and dive into it feeling the joy of letting loose and showing your medieval side to those present. All too quickly the fun is final and you have to head back to the tour bus so you don’t miss the next stop.

Old market cafe bistros
You picked the best place in Menewsha to get some food. (And one of Vicktoria Valentines favorite locations in all of menewsha.) It used to be the central location for Menewsha’s farmers to sell fresh produce and the pure delicious quality of the food found here is still one of the best. Not to mention the atmosphere being truly amazing. You choose a table outside where you can sit and watch the fountain trickle in the center of the square as you just relax and enjoy your delicious meal.


The Sock Hop -Rochiel Silverfire
Old Market Cafe Bistros
Festival Tent - ava the vampire
The Grumbling Goddess - zeapear
Airship Dining Hall -star2000shadow, xogizmoox
Candyland -Wish
Oceanview Cafe -hadsvich, woohoohelloppl
Channah’s Flop House
Old Market Stalls and Carts - kent
The Diner -velvet, Elirona, onsenmark


Last edited by Inspiration; 07-20-2017 at 02:15 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 06:43 PM


arcade tent - sardine smash
You’d think a little game of whack-a-mole would be a great way to blow off some steam and relax. But you get a little too into it and that high score is eluding you. Your fish mallet just isn’t powerful enough, and ARGH, you hit the mummy again and everything is so disorienting as a sand of confusion sprays in the air. Shoot! You hit Yumeh mole again and it ate your fish mallet. Why is this game so much harder than it should be! At least you walked away with a fair number of tickets to trade in for gold by the end of the day.
+250 gold

Sunflower maze at the fairgrounds
The fairgrounds has a beautiful maze that you wander around in for awhile…. Quite awhile. You’re pretty sure it was supposed to look like Yumeh’s head in its overall look, but from down here under the 8 feet tall sunflowers you’re pretty sure its just a bunch of stupid happy flowers leering at you for being so lost. Finally you find your way out of the crazy maze and sneeze your way back to the tour bus.

Peeblo barracks tree climbing
A bit of tree climbing and swinging on vines to the next trees is really fun at first. Except Yumeh jumps out at one of the landings apparently frightened by your sudden appearance and you get quite a few scratches to show for it. As you limp over to a med tent for care you get swarmed by a bunch of mosquitoes and add itchy arms and legs to your arsenal of injuries. Not to mention your hands are covered in rope burns you hadn’t noticed while you were having so much fun. At least you find some leftover gold in the first aid kit.
+50 gold

large sports hall
The large sports hall seems like a perfect place to hit around some balls and just enjoy goofing off. Sadly it seems like its been left alone for quite awhile, most of the balls seem to have deflated and are no good for bouncing or kicking properly. You do manage to scrape together enough players for the one basketball that is left and throw some hoops in a nice good sportsman bit of fun and shenanigans. Lots of laughs and much sweat later you head back to the tour bus with a stitch in your side and a smile on your face.
Pick a sports equipment to take with you. Net win, hey batter, buyouncy kit, take a dip

square dancing at the fairgrounds
Swing your partner dosey doe. You get caught up in the toe tapping beat and dance your heart out for a good portion of the day and even quite a bit of the night. There may have been a few drinks involved, just lemonade of course, and just some exhaustion from dancing so long is making your eyes a little heavy and you’re ready for a nice long nap back on the tour bus ready for the next destination.

Bystanders Bar
Like a relic of the past you get to delve into a mystery dinner set in the 1920s. Mafia members, and flappers walking around in full costumes as some amazing acting plays out in front of you. You almost forget to partake in the good food and drink that is included as you sink deeper and deeper into the mystery. Shame you couldn’t figure out who the murderer actually was. It was a surprise right up through desert when the answer is announced. You gasp in shock and promise to yourself you’re going to brush up on your detective skills when you get home.

Storytime in the festival tent
The food in the festival tent has been replaced with chips and other snackables as everyone sits down to storytime. Mostly its just kids sitting around to hear tales of dragons in the icy peaks and other such stories. To be honest, you’re mostly there for the snackables, but the stories are just as fascinating to listen to. Even though your fingers are covered by cheese puff dust by the time the tour bus comes back around you feel like you spent a nice day relaxing in the shade.

angelbunny barracks outdoor obstacle course
Jumping over boulders, climbing wooden walls with the help of a single rope, crawling through the mud under a rope “ceiling” . Ahhhhh, the fun and enjoyment of an outdoor obstacle course. Just the adrenaline pumping a parkour fan like yourself needed. Not to mention the race against your friends to see who can get to the end first. And the rematches after that as you all laugh at how much fun you’re having. The messy clothes aside you fully enjoyed your day running around and that nice gold pile you won from all the wins and betting on who would place where isn’t bad either.
+800 gold

arcade tent - mad gallop
Mad Gallop was just repaired and so when you go in to the arcade tent to play you find its running at its top preformance and you’re pretty sure you just passed your top score and than some. You’re still going when the tour bus arrives and you purposefully run afro donkey into a wall so you don’t miss the bus. Than you notice that some of the tools used to repair mad gallop were left behind you swipe one for its good luck.
Which Tool set did you swipe? Team gasket wrench, Team Sprocket Shovel, Team Gasket Shovel, Team Sprocket hammer

Oracle fortunes tent
You decide the best activity out of all the stops is going and getting your fortune read at the oracle tent. You go intending it to be just a bit of goofing fun, maybe secretly believing in it all as well. You don’t expect your fortunes to be a magic 8 ball amount of fun. You spend the day asking silly questions and just generally having a blast goofing around exactly like you expected to. To bad the question about “will I win this game” had an answer of “the future is a little foggy. “


Sunflower Maze - salvete, star2000shadow
Obstacle Course -kent
Sardine Smash
Peeblo Barracks Tree Climbing - hadsvich
Mad Gallop
Storytime in the Festival tent - ava the vampire, xogizmoox
Bystander’s Bar - Dystopia
Large Sports Hall -*hime*
Square Dancing at the Fairgrounds - Elirona
Oracles Fortunes Tent -onsenmark, dragoness129


Last edited by Inspiration; 07-20-2017 at 02:15 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 06:43 PM


the shipwreck at shipwreck cove
Beyond getting wet and enjoying some wonderful scuba diving, the day is a bit dissapointing. There is no sunken treasure in the ship as you were hoping for, and the ship isn't in nearly as good condition as you thought it would be in. At least it was good diving right? The underwater world is always beautiful in clear water like there is in shipwreck cove.

Isle de Cacoa Harbor
As beautiful as the water is the place is incredibly busy with shoppers dashing all over to the shops that are just off the docks. You also forgot your sunscreen and the glare off the water increases the hot suns touch. You get a little sunburnt even as you join in the dashing around shops.

Island of Zajac
You decide to visit the Island of Zajac where the Easter Bunny lives. In the past the Easter Bunny came out to help find carrots on menewsha to feed the hungry citizens of Zajac, only now it seems to be covered in carrots and bunnies. No shortage anymore. In fact… there is barely any room to walk around at all. You feel rather jostled and harassed all day as the population seems to steadily grow larger.
Pick a bunny for your own

Garland's Wedding Grounds
You surround yourself with the beauty of the lakeside town and hear of the tale of the freak accident that led to the ending of two young lives. It seems a bit eerie as you visit the tomb on a small island in the lake. Why anyone would want to get married here gives you the shivers but as you look around at the beauty you have to shift your point of view. Maybe it’s not that bad. Hey look a wedding! When’d you get back on the bus? You don’t remember that happening.

Mr. Mayor's Family plantation
On the Isle de Cacoa is where Mr. Mayor grew up. Of course you want to check out the plantation where he came from. It’s a slight let down though as you can’t really do much and spend most of the time kind of getting in the way as people are hard at work. At least you can sit on that bench in the shade and enjoy a nice glass of lemonade. So its not a complete loss, especially after you get the brilliant idea to start selling some to the hard workers and people passing by on this hot day and make a little cash.
+200 gold

Ice Palace
On the outskirts of Menewsha is an ice palace set up during last years festival of winter nights by Demetri as he came to find his Lise. You know it is all an illusion, but it is a joy to explore the icy halls where they’ve been ‘rebuilt’ to look at as a part of Menewsha history. It feels like a sign of hope for the future of menewsha and feels you with a warmth that counteracts the cold that you would normally assume you’d feel in the middle of an ice palace.

Island Pool
This is the island pool that a bunch of menewshans managed to find the fresh water they needed to survive when they crashed during a big storm on the way to Jao Koh. It’s still fresh clear water that turns a hot afternoon into a nice relaxing swim in the cool water. Grab a pair of trunks or a swimsuit from the tour bus and enjoy yourself. And no… you can keep them. Also remember, please don’t pee in the island pool. That is fresh drinking water after all.
Pick a Tropical Trunk or Tropical Swimsuit

Duvalian Natural History Museum
Little bit of a sucker for history you can’t resist heading into the Duvalian Natural History Museum and see what it has in store. It is a gorgeous building with lots of natural light and the weirdest taxidermy animals you’ve ever seen. One of them was this weird chicken hawk thing that had some kind of mammal head and vampire fangs. It’s gotta be a laugh but it sure is fun wandering around and exploring the museum and its eccentricities; Including some fascinating old artifacts.

Shipwreck Cove pavillion
As menewsha always provides well for its people, there is no surprise that the pavillion even here in the secluded cove is decked out with food to celebrate the tourists summer bash. You pig out all day on good food and fresh sparkling water. You even get the best view in the cove of the shipwreck where a piece of Menewsha’s history lies trapped.
Finish the day off with a nice cold popsicle: Strawberry, green apple, meyer lemon

Shipwreck Cove: the beach
The sun is bright, there are some clouds in the sky so its not overly hot, and the sand is perfect. You enjoy the sun and the water all day long, and you even get to pick up some treasures you found in the sand when building a sandcastle!
beachcombers bounty, tiki beach party


Isle de Cacoa Harbor
Garland’s Wedding Grounds
Duvalian Natural History Museum -kent
Mr.Mayor’s Family Plantation -Onsenmark
Ice Palace -woohoohelloppl, star2000shadow, xogizmoox, dystopia
Shipwreck Cove Beach -Ava the vampire
Shipwreck Cove Pavilion
Shipwreck Cove Sunken Ship - dragoness129, velvet
Island Pool - *hime*, elirona
Island of Zajec -hadsvich


Last edited by Inspiration; 07-20-2017 at 02:15 PM..

ICKy Charity Owner
Inspiration is offline
Old 07-03-2017, 06:44 PM


No there is nothing here to give you a sneak preview


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Giant butt

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Old 07-14-2017, 12:17 PM

Yay, games!

I'm going shopping!
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Location: McQuade Boutique! Magnus is a hunk.


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Old 07-14-2017, 12:20 PM

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Cuz I want to visit Lance.

Shiro Neko

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Old 07-14-2017, 12:35 PM

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Old 07-14-2017, 12:40 PM

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The Serpent Bride

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Old 07-14-2017, 12:42 PM

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Ghost Caracal
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Old 07-14-2017, 02:34 PM

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Old 07-14-2017, 02:46 PM

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Old 07-14-2017, 03:40 PM

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Old 07-14-2017, 04:17 PM

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Hey Shadami

Tom Hiddleston
Adorably Profound
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Old 07-14-2017, 04:39 PM

Weong account! XD

Last edited by Tom Hiddleston; 07-14-2017 at 04:49 PM..

Milk and Cookies
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Old 07-14-2017, 05:25 PM

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Old 07-14-2017, 07:22 PM

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Spooky Action at a Distance
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Old 07-14-2017, 09:05 PM

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Old 07-15-2017, 01:12 AM

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