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Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 05:20 PM

Last edited by Elirona; 11-03-2016 at 06:47 PM..

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 05:34 PM

Exploring the Shadow Caravan, you notice a pumpkin patch that wasn't there, last time you checked, anyway. Many of the pumpkins in this patch are already fully grown despite the patch only being here for a couple days, and someone has already moved in and carved the pumpkins with toothy grins and empty eyes. Their creepy grins unsettle you, but you can't really place why. Some of the pumpkins are propped up on bodies made of tree branches in the shape of human bodies.

As you enter the patch you begin to feel faint, the world around you shaking and becoming foggy. You're not sure if the pumpkins are surrounding you, but it definitely feels like they are.


You awake after an indeterminable amount of time, in the pumpkin patch. The fog wasn't just in your field of vision as a blanket of fog has covered the pumpkins, though you can still see their faces, eerily glowing.

As you gain your bearings and continue through the patch, you stumble upon two skeletons. One is dressed as a pirate, and the other is dressed as...something? You're not entirely sure what. They speak.

"Hey, I'm Elirona," says the pirate skeleton. They gesture at the other skeleton, "this is my cohort, Cool Milk." The weird skeleton nods silently. You can't read his expression beyond his yellow grin and awesome aviator sunglasses. Elirona speaks once more: "our special pumpkin patch has appeared for you because we're here to make a proposition," he snaps his fingers, and a table appears with an assortment of rare items. Your mouth waters a bit. "For just a few coins, you could have the chance to win some items that have been plundered from the depths of the underworld."

You spot a nifty golden scythe and some green lederhosen, along with lots of other cool things. Elirona holds out a glass bowl, filled with tickets.

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 05:39 PM

The Rules of the Raffle
  • Below this post, you'll see all the raffles we're doing for the event. You can participate in ALL of them!
  • They have varying prices.
  • You can buy a maximum of 50 tickets for each raffle.
  • If a raffle sells less than 100 tickets, the raffle will not happen and gold will be refunded to all that bought tickets for that specific raffle.
  • When buying tickets, you MUST donate your gold to Cool Milk. If you donate to Elirona, he'll just take it as a nice donation to himself! (He won't. He'll just give you your gold back.)
  • You CAN buy tickets for your friends, but be sure to let them know! Ping them to the thread if you do.
  • No mules, please! Charity mules are fine, though!
  • Raffles will be drawn live in the Meneverse shortly after the event ends.

Notes: Tickets are NOT limited in availability.

With all those boring rules out of the way, let's get to the different raffles you can enter!

Last edited by Elirona; 10-30-2016 at 06:24 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 05:59 PM

Raffle 1: Gourds and Scares

Items being raffled off:

Macabre Masks | Got Gourds? | Homestead Harvest | Freaky Fonts | Lonely Lanterns

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 161 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: Prismatic Llama
2: Prismatic Llama
3: Prismatic Llama
4: Prismatic Llama
5: Prismatic Llama
6: Kay
7: Kay
8: Kay
9: Kay
10: Precarious Fool
11: Precarious Fool
12: Precarious Fool
13: Siipu
14: Siipu
15: Siipu
16: Siipu
17: Siipu
18: Siipu
19: Siipu
20: Siipu
21: Siipu
22: Siipu
23: Siipu
24: Siipu
25: Siipu
26: Siipu
27: Siipu
28: Siipu
29: Siipu
30: Siipu
31: Siipu
32: Siipu
33: Siipu
34: Siipu
35: Siipu
36: Siipu
37: Siipu
38: Agent404NotFound
39: Agent404NotFound
40: Car'a'Carn
41: Car'a'Carn
42: Car'a'Carn
43: Car'a'Carn
44: Car'a'Carn
45: Car'a'Carn
46: Car'a'Carn
47: Car'a'Carn
48: Car'a'Carn
49: Car'a'Carn
50: Car'a'Carn
51: Car'a'Carn
52: Car'a'Carn
53: Car'a'Carn
54: Car'a'Carn
55: Car'a'Carn
56: Car'a'Carn
57: Car'a'Carn
58: Car'a'Carn
59: Car'a'Carn
60: Car'a'Carn
61: Car'a'Carn
62: Car'a'Carn
63: Car'a'Carn
64: Car'a'Carn
65: Car'a'Carn
66: Car'a'Carn
67: Car'a'Carn
68: Car'a'Carn
69: Car'a'Carn
70: Car'a'Carn
71: Car'a'Carn
72: Car'a'Carn
73: Car'a'Carn
74: Car'a'Carn
75: Car'a'Carn
76: Car'a'Carn
77: Car'a'Carn
78: Car'a'Carn
79: Car'a'Carn
80: Car'a'Carn
81: Car'a'Carn
82: Car'a'Carn
83: Car'a'Carn
84: Car'a'Carn
85: Car'a'Carn
86: Car'a'Carn
87: Car'a'Carn
88: Car'a'Carn
89: Car'a'Carn
90: Calcifer
91: Calcifer
92: Calcifer
93: Calcifer
94: Calcifer
95: Calcifer
96: Calcifer
97: Calcifer
98: Calcifer
99: Calcifer
100: Calcifer
101: Calcifer
102: Calcifer
103: Calcifer
104: Calcifer
105: Calcifer
106: Calcifer
107: Calcifer
108: Calcifer
109: Calcifer
110: Calcifer
111: Calcifer
112: Calcifer
113: Calcifer
114: Calcifer
115: Siipu
116: Siipu
117: Siipu
118: Siipu
119: Siipu
120: Siipu
121: Siipu
122: Siipu
123: Siipu
124: Siipu
125: Siipu
126: Siipu
127: Siipu
128: Siipu
129: Siipu
130: Siipu
131: Siipu
132: Siipu
133: Siipu
134: Siipu
135: Siipu
136: Siipu
137: Siipu
138: Siipu
139: Siipu
140: Kay
141: Kay
142: Kay
143: Kay
144: Kay
145: Kay
146: Kay
147: Kay
148: Kay
149: Kay
150: Kay
151: Kay
152: Kay
153: Kay
154: Kay
155: Kay
156: Kay
157: Kay
158: Kay
159: Kay
160: Prismatic Llama
161: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:49 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:03 PM

Raffle 2: A Summer Wedding in Fall?

Items being raffled off:

Wedding Arch | Stage Setting - Celebrations Pack | Gather Ye Rosebuds | Wedded Bliss Topiaries | Honeymooners Retreat

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 127 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: ObviouslyAya
2: ObviouslyAya
3: ObviouslyAya
4: ObviouslyAya
5: ObviouslyAya
6: ObviouslyAya
7: ObviouslyAya
8: ObviouslyAya
9: ObviouslyAya
10: ObviouslyAya
11: ObviouslyAya
12: ObviouslyAya
13: ObviouslyAya
14: ObviouslyAya
15: ObviouslyAya
16: ObviouslyAya
17: ObviouslyAya
18: ObviouslyAya
19: ObviouslyAya
20: ObviouslyAya
21: ObviouslyAya
22: ObviouslyAya
23: ObviouslyAya
24: ObviouslyAya
25: ObviouslyAya
26: *Hime*
27: *Hime*
28: *Hime*
29: *Hime*
30: *Hime*
31: *Hime*
32: *Hime*
33: *Hime*
34: *Hime*
35: *Hime*
36: Siipu
37: Siipu
38: Siipu
39: Siipu
40: Siipu
41: Siipu
42: Siipu
43: Siipu
44: Siipu
45: Siipu
46: Siipu
47: Siipu
48: Siipu
49: Siipu
50: Siipu
51: Siipu
52: Siipu
53: Siipu
54: Siipu
55: Siipu
56: Siipu
57: Siipu
58: Siipu
59: Siipu
60: Siipu
61: Agent404NotFound
62: Agent404NotFound
63: Car'a'Carn
64: Car'a'Carn
65: Car'a'Carn
66: Car'a'Carn
67: Car'a'Carn
68: Car'a'Carn
69: Car'a'Carn
70: Car'a'Carn
71: Car'a'Carn
72: Car'a'Carn
73: Car'a'Carn
74: Car'a'Carn
75: Car'a'Carn
76: Car'a'Carn
77: Car'a'Carn
78: Car'a'Carn
79: Car'a'Carn
80: Car'a'Carn
81: Car'a'Carn
82: Car'a'Carn
83: hummy
84: hummy
85: hummy
86: hummy
87: hummy
88: hummy
89: hummy
90: Siipu
91: Siipu
92: Siipu
93: Siipu
94: Siipu
95: Siipu
96: Siipu
97: Siipu
98: Siipu
99: Siipu
100: Siipu
101: Siipu
102: Siipu
103: Siipu
104: Siipu
105: Siipu
106: Siipu
107: Siipu
108: Siipu
109: Siipu
110: Siipu
111: Siipu
112: Siipu
113: Siipu
114: Siipu
115: hummy
116: hummy
117: hummy
118: hummy
119: hummy
120: hummy
121: hummy
122: Kay
123: Kay
124: Kay
125: Kay
126: Prismatic Llama
127: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:50 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:07 PM

Raffle 3: My Lovely Prohibition Era

Items being raffled off:

Foamy Delight | Nouveau Headband | Chocolate Contraband | Mene's Chicago Typewriter

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 152 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: Siipu
2: Siipu
3: Siipu
4: Siipu
5: Siipu
6: Siipu
7: Siipu
8: Siipu
9: Siipu
10: Siipu
11: Siipu
12: Siipu
13: Siipu
14: Siipu
15: Siipu
16: Siipu
17: Siipu
18: Siipu
19: Siipu
20: Siipu
21: Siipu
22: Siipu
23: Siipu
24: Siipu
25: Siipu
26: Agent404NotFound
27: Agent404NotFound
28: Siipu
29: Siipu
30: Siipu
31: Siipu
32: Siipu
33: Siipu
34: Siipu
35: Siipu
36: Siipu
37: Siipu
38: Siipu
39: Siipu
40: Siipu
41: Siipu
42: Siipu
43: Siipu
44: Siipu
45: Siipu
46: Siipu
47: Siipu
48: Siipu
49: Siipu
50: Siipu
51: Siipu
52: Siipu
53: Kay
54: Kay
55: Kay
56: Kay
57: Kay
58: Kay
59: Kay
60: Kay
61: Kay
62: Kay
63: Kay
64: Kay
65: Kay
66: Kay
67: Kay
68: Kay
69: Kay
70: Kay
71: Kay
72: Kay
73: Kay
74: Kay
75: Kay
76: Kay
77: Kay
78: Kay
79: Kay
80: Kay
81: Kay
82: Kay
83: Kay
84: Kay
85: Kay
86: Kay
87: Kay
88: Kay
89: Kay
90: Kay
91: Kay
92: Kay
93: Kay
94: Kay
95: Kay
96: Kay
97: Kay
98: Kay
99: Kay
100: Kay
101: Pistachio_Moustache
102: Pistachio_Moustache
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104: Pistachio_Moustache
105: Pistachio_Moustache
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111: Pistachio_Moustache
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113: Pistachio_Moustache
114: Pistachio_Moustache
115: Pistachio_Moustache
116: Pistachio_Moustache
117: Pistachio_Moustache
118: Pistachio_Moustache
119: Pistachio_Moustache
120: Pistachio_Moustache
121: Pistachio_Moustache
122: Pistachio_Moustache
123: Pistachio_Moustache
124: Pistachio_Moustache
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126: Pistachio_Moustache
127: Pistachio_Moustache
128: Pistachio_Moustache
129: Pistachio_Moustache
130: Pistachio_Moustache
131: Pistachio_Moustache
132: Pistachio_Moustache
133: Pistachio_Moustache
134: Pistachio_Moustache
135: Pistachio_Moustache
136: Pistachio_Moustache
137: Pistachio_Moustache
138: Pistachio_Moustache
139: Pistachio_Moustache
140: Pistachio_Moustache
141: Pistachio_Moustache
142: Pistachio_Moustache
143: Pistachio_Moustache
144: Pistachio_Moustache
145: Pistachio_Moustache
146: Pistachio_Moustache
147: Pistachio_Moustache
148: Pistachio_Moustache
149: Pistachio_Moustache
150: Pistachio_Moustache
151: Prismatic Llama
152: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:50 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:09 PM

Raffle 4: The Sleepiest Sheepiest

Items being raffled off:

Year of the Warm Fuzzies | The Dusty Dreamer

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 105 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: Shadami
2: Shadami
3: Shadami
4: Shadami
5: Shadami
6: Shadami
7: Shadami
8: Shadami
9: Shadami
10: Shadami
11: Shadami
12: Shadami
13: Shadami
14: Shadami
15: Shadami
16: Shadami
17: Shadami
18: Shadami
19: Shadami
20: Shadami
21: Shadami
22: Shadami
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Shadami
44: Shadami
45: Shadami
46: Shadami
47: Shadami
48: Shadami
49: Shadami
50: Shadami
51: Damia Flagg
52: Damia Flagg
53: Damia Flagg
54: Damia Flagg
55: Damia Flagg
56: Damia Flagg
57: Damia Flagg
58: Damia Flagg
59: Damia Flagg
60: Damia Flagg
61: Prismatic Llama
62: Prismatic Llama
63: Prismatic Llama
64: Prismatic Llama
65: Kay
66: Kay
67: Precarious Fool
68: Precarious Fool
69: Precarious Fool
70: Precarious Fool
71: Kay
72: Kay
73: Kay
74: Kay
75: Kay
76: Kay
77: Kay
78: Kay
79: Kay
80: Kay
81: Kay
82: Kay
83: Kay
84: Kay
85: Kay
86: Kay
87: Kay
88: Kay
89: Kay
90: Kay
91: Kay
92: Kay
93: Kay
94: Kay
95: Kay
96: Kay
97: Kay
98: Kay
99: Kay
100: Kay
101: Agent404NotFound
102: Agent404NotFound
103: Precarious Fool
104: Prismatic Llama
105: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:50 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:11 PM

Raffle 5: Wishing for Death

Items being raffled off:

Death's Minion | Elven Wish

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 183 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: ObviouslyAya
2: ObviouslyAya
3: ObviouslyAya
4: ObviouslyAya
5: ObviouslyAya
6: ObviouslyAya
7: ObviouslyAya
8: ObviouslyAya
9: ObviouslyAya
10: ObviouslyAya
11: ObviouslyAya
12: ObviouslyAya
13: ObviouslyAya
14: ObviouslyAya
15: ObviouslyAya
16: ObviouslyAya
17: ObviouslyAya
18: ObviouslyAya
19: ObviouslyAya
20: ObviouslyAya
21: ObviouslyAya
22: ObviouslyAya
23: ObviouslyAya
24: ObviouslyAya
25: ObviouslyAya
26: ObviouslyAya
27: ObviouslyAya
28: ObviouslyAya
29: ObviouslyAya
30: ObviouslyAya
31: ObviouslyAya
32: ObviouslyAya
33: ObviouslyAya
34: ObviouslyAya
35: ObviouslyAya
36: ObviouslyAya
37: ObviouslyAya
38: ObviouslyAya
39: ObviouslyAya
40: ObviouslyAya
41: ObviouslyAya
42: ObviouslyAya
43: ObviouslyAya
44: ObviouslyAya
45: ObviouslyAya
46: ObviouslyAya
47: ObviouslyAya
48: ObviouslyAya
49: ObviouslyAya
50: ObviouslyAya
51: Shadami
52: Shadami
53: Shadami
54: Shadami
55: Shadami
56: Shadami
57: Shadami
58: Shadami
59: Shadami
60: Shadami
61: Shadami
62: Shadami
63: Shadami
64: Shadami
65: Shadami
66: Shadami
67: Shadami
68: Shadami
69: Shadami
70: Shadami
71: Shadami
72: Shadami
73: Shadami
74: Shadami
75: Shadami
76: Shadami
77: Shadami
78: Shadami
79: Shadami
80: Shadami
81: Shadami
82: Shadami
83: Shadami
84: Shadami
85: Shadami
86: Shadami
87: Shadami
88: Shadami
89: Shadami
90: Shadami
91: Shadami
92: Shadami
93: Shadami
94: Shadami
95: Shadami
96: Shadami
97: Shadami
98: Shadami
99: Shadami
100: Shadami
101: Prismatic Llama
102: Prismatic Llama
103: Prismatic Llama
104: Prismatic Llama
105: Precarious Fool
106: Precarious Fool
107: Precarious Fool
108: Precarious Fool
109: *Hime*
110: *Hime*
111: *Hime*
112: *Hime*
113: *Hime*
114: *Hime*
115: *Hime*
116: *Hime*
117: *Hime*
118: *Hime*
119: Kay
120: Kay
121: Kay
122: Kay
123: Siipu
124: Siipu
125: Siipu
126: Siipu
127: Siipu
128: Siipu
129: Siipu
130: Siipu
131: Siipu
132: Siipu
133: Siipu
134: Siipu
135: Siipu
136: Siipu
137: Siipu
138: Siipu
139: Siipu
140: Siipu
141: Siipu
142: Siipu
143: Siipu
144: Siipu
145: Siipu
146: Siipu
147: Siipu
148: Agent404NotFound
149: Agent404NotFound
151: Precarious Fool
152: Precarious Fool
153: Siipu
154: Siipu
155: Siipu
156: Siipu
157: Siipu
158: Siipu
159: Siipu
160: Siipu
161: Siipu
162: Siipu
163: Siipu
164: Siipu
165: Siipu
166: Siipu
167: Siipu
168: Siipu
169: Siipu
170: Siipu
171: Siipu
172: Siipu
173: Siipu
174: Siipu
175: Siipu
176: Siipu
177: Siipu
178: Precarious Fool
179: Precarious Fool
180: Precarious Fool
181: Precarious Fool
182: Prismatic Llama
183: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:50 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:13 PM

Raffle 6: A Bard's Creepy Journey

Items being raffled off:

Creepy Storybook Journey | Whimsical Bard

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 118 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn. Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: ObviouslyAya
2: ObviouslyAya
3: ObviouslyAya
4: ObviouslyAya
5: ObviouslyAya
6: ObviouslyAya
7: ObviouslyAya
8: ObviouslyAya
9: ObviouslyAya
10: ObviouslyAya
11: ObviouslyAya
12: ObviouslyAya
13: ObviouslyAya
14: ObviouslyAya
15: ObviouslyAya
16: ObviouslyAya
17: ObviouslyAya
18: ObviouslyAya
19: ObviouslyAya
20: ObviouslyAya
21: ObviouslyAya
22: ObviouslyAya
23: ObviouslyAya
24: ObviouslyAya
25: ObviouslyAya
26: ObviouslyAya
27: ObviouslyAya
28: ObviouslyAya
29: ObviouslyAya
30: ObviouslyAya
31: ObviouslyAya
32: ObviouslyAya
33: ObviouslyAya
34: ObviouslyAya
35: ObviouslyAya
36: ObviouslyAya
37: ObviouslyAya
38: ObviouslyAya
39: ObviouslyAya
40: ObviouslyAya
41: ObviouslyAya
42: ObviouslyAya
43: ObviouslyAya
44: ObviouslyAya
45: ObviouslyAya
46: ObviouslyAya
47: ObviouslyAya
48: ObviouslyAya
49: ObviouslyAya
50: ObviouslyAya
51: Shadami
52: Shadami
53: Shadami
54: Shadami
55: Shadami
56: Shadami
57: Shadami
58: Shadami
59: Shadami
60: Shadami
61: Shadami
62: Shadami
63: Shadami
64: Shadami
65: Shadami
66: Shadami
67: Shadami
68: Shadami
69: Shadami
70: Shadami
71: Shadami
72: Shadami
73: Shadami
74: Shadami
75: Shadami
76: Shadami
77: Shadami
78: Shadami
79: Shadami
80: Shadami
81: Shadami
82: Shadami
83: Shadami
84: Shadami
85: Shadami
86: Shadami
87: Shadami
88: Shadami
89: Shadami
90: Shadami
91: Shadami
92: Shadami
93: Shadami
94: Shadami
95: Shadami
96: Shadami
97: Shadami
98: Shadami
99: Shadami
100: Shadami
101: Prismatic Llama
102: Prismatic Llama
103: Prismatic Llama
104: Prismatic Llama
105: Precarious Fool
106: Precarious Fool
107: Precarious Fool
108: Precarious Fool
109: Kay
110: Kay
111: Kay
112: Kay
113: Agent404NotFound
114: Agent404NotFound
115: Precarious Fool
116: Precarious Fool
117: Prismatic Llama
118: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:51 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:16 PM

Raffle 7: Colorful Glows

Items being raffled off:

Karmic Glow | Colorful Delight Floors

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 154 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: Shadami
2: Shadami
3: Shadami
4: Shadami
5: Shadami
6: Shadami
7: Shadami
8: Shadami
9: Shadami
10: Shadami
11: Shadami
12: Shadami
13: Shadami
14: Shadami
15: Shadami
16: Shadami
17: Shadami
18: Shadami
19: Shadami
20: Shadami
21: Shadami
22: Shadami
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Shadami
44: Shadami
45: Shadami
46: Shadami
47: Shadami
48: Shadami
49: Shadami
50: Shadami
51: Damia Flagg
52: Damia Flagg
53: Damia Flagg
54: Damia Flagg
55: Damia Flagg
56: Damia Flagg
57: Damia Flagg
58: Damia Flagg
59: Damia Flagg
60: Damia Flagg
61: Precarious Fool
62: Precarious Fool
63: Precarious Fool
64: Precarious Fool
65: Kay
66: Kay
67: Kay
68: Kay
69: Kay
70: Kay
71: Kay
72: Kay
73: Kay
74: Kay
75: Kay
76: Kay
77: Kay
78: Kay
79: Kay
80: Kay
81: Kay
82: Kay
83: Kay
84: Kay
85: Kay
86: Kay
87: Kay
88: Kay
89: Kay
90: Kay
91: Kay
92: Kay
93: Kay
94: Kay
95: Kay
96: Kay
97: Kay
98: Kay
99: Kay
100: Kay
101: Siipu
102: Siipu
103: Siipu
104: Siipu
105: Siipu
106: Siipu
107: Siipu
108: Siipu
109: Siipu
110: Siipu
111: Siipu
112: Siipu
113: Siipu
114: Siipu
115: Siipu
116: Siipu
117: Siipu
118: Siipu
119: Siipu
120: Siipu
121: Siipu
122: Siipu
123: Siipu
124: Siipu
125: Siipu
126: Agent404NotFound
127: Agent404NotFound
128: Siipu
129: Siipu
130: Siipu
131: Siipu
132: Siipu
133: Siipu
134: Siipu
135: Siipu
136: Siipu
137: Siipu
138: Siipu
139: Siipu
140: Siipu
141: Siipu
142: Siipu
143: Siipu
144: Siipu
145: Siipu
146: Siipu
147: Siipu
148: Siipu
149: Siipu
150: Siipu
151: Siipu
152: Siipu
153: Prismatic Llama
154: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:51 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:18 PM

Raffle 8: A Tattooed Bride

Items being raffled off:

Vicktoria's Natural Updo | Inked | Perfect Valentine

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 154 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: *Hime*
2: *Hime*
3: *Hime*
4: *Hime*
5: *Hime*
6: Precarious Fool
7: Precarious Fool
8: Precarious Fool
9: Siipu
10: Siipu
11: Siipu
12: Siipu
13: Siipu
14: Siipu
15: Siipu
16: Siipu
17: Siipu
18: Siipu
19: Siipu
20: Siipu
21: Siipu
22: Siipu
23: Siipu
24: Siipu
25: Siipu
26: Siipu
27: Siipu
28: Siipu
29: Siipu
30: Siipu
31: Siipu
32: Siipu
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Shadami
44: Shadami
45: Shadami
46: Shadami
47: Shadami
48: Shadami
49: Shadami
50: Shadami
51: Shadami
52: Shadami
53: Shadami
54: Shadami
55: Shadami
56: Shadami
57: Shadami
58: Shadami
59: Shadami
60: Shadami
61: Shadami
62: Shadami
63: Shadami
64: Shadami
65: Shadami
66: Shadami
67: Shadami
68: Shadami
69: Shadami
70: Shadami
71: Shadami
72: Shadami
73: Shadami
74: Shadami
75: Shadami
76: Shadami
77: Shadami
78: Shadami
79: Shadami
80: Shadami
81: Shadami
82: Shadami
83: Agent404NotFound
84: Agent404NotFound
85: hummy
86: hummy
87: hummy
88: hummy
89: hummy
90: hummy
91: hummy
92: hummy
93: hummy
94: hummy
95: hummy
96: hummy
97: hummy
98: hummy
99: hummy
100: hummy
101: hummy
102: Siipu
103: Siipu
104: Siipu
105: Siipu
106: Siipu
107: Siipu
108: Siipu
109: Siipu
110: Siipu
111: Siipu
112: Siipu
113: Siipu
114: Siipu
115: Siipu
116: Siipu
117: Siipu
118: Siipu
119: Siipu
120: Siipu
121: Siipu
122: Siipu
123: Siipu
124: Siipu
125: Siipu
126: Siipu
127: Kay
128: Kay
129: Kay
130: Kay
131: Kay
132: Kay
133: Kay
134: Kay
135: Kay
136: Kay
137: Kay
138: Kay
139: Kay
140: Kay
141: Kay
142: Kay
143: *Hime*
144: *Hime*
145: *Hime*
146: *Hime*
147: *Hime*
148: *Hime*
149: *Hime*
150: *Hime*
151: *Hime*
152: *Hime*
153: Prismatic Llama
154: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:51 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:20 PM

Raffle 9: The Golden Death

Items being raffled off:

Death's Retirement Scythe

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 212 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: Star2000shadow
2: Star2000shadow
3: Star2000shadow
4: *Hime*
5: *Hime*
6: *Hime*
7: *Hime*
8: *Hime*
9: *Hime*
10: *Hime*
11: *Hime*
12: *Hime*
13: *Hime*
14: Star2000shadow
15: Star2000shadow
16: Star2000shadow
17: Star2000shadow
18: *Hime*
19: *Hime*
20: *Hime*
21: *Hime*
22: *Hime*
23: Dragoness129
24: Dragoness129
25: Dragoness129
26: Dragoness129
27: Dragoness129
28: Dragoness129
29: Dragoness129
30: Dragoness129
31: Dragoness129
32: Dragoness129
33: Dragoness129
34: Dragoness129
35: Dragoness129
36: Dragoness129
37: Dragoness129
38: Dragoness129
39: Dragoness129
40: Dragoness129
41: Dragoness129
42: Dragoness129
43: Dragoness129
44: Dragoness129
45: Dragoness129
46: Dragoness129
47: Dragoness129
48: Miscreant74
49: Miscreant74
50: Prismatic Llama
51: Prismatic Llama
52: Precarious Fool
53: Precarious Fool
54: Precarious Fool
55: Shadami
56: Shadami
57: Shadami
58: Shadami
59: Shadami
60: Shadami
61: Shadami
62: Shadami
63: Shadami
64: Shadami
65: Shadami
66: Shadami
67: Shadami
68: Shadami
69: Shadami
70: Shadami
71: Shadami
72: Shadami
73: Shadami
74: Shadami
75: Shadami
76: Shadami
77: Shadami
78: Shadami
79: Shadami
80: Agent404NotFound
81: Agent404NotFound
82: Car'a'Carn
83: Car'a'Carn
84: Car'a'Carn
85: Car'a'Carn
86: Car'a'Carn
87: Car'a'Carn
88: Car'a'Carn
89: Car'a'Carn
90: Car'a'Carn
91: Car'a'Carn
92: Car'a'Carn
93: Car'a'Carn
94: Car'a'Carn
95: Car'a'Carn
96: Car'a'Carn
97: Car'a'Carn
98: Car'a'Carn
99: Car'a'Carn
100: Car'a'Carn
101: Car'a'Carn
102: Car'a'Carn
103: Dragoness129
104: Dragoness129
105: Dragoness129
106: Dragoness129
107: Dragoness129
108: Dragoness129
109: Dragoness129
110: Dragoness129
111: Dragoness129
112: Dragoness129
113: Dragoness129
114: Dragoness129
115: Dragoness129
116: Dragoness129
117: Dragoness129
118: Dragoness129
119: Dragoness129
120: Dragoness129
121: Dragoness129
122: Dragoness129
123: Dragoness129
124: Dragoness129
125: Dragoness129
126: Dragoness129
127: Dragoness129
128: Precarious Fool
129: Precarious Fool
130: Sadrain
131: Sadrain
132: Sadrain
133: Sadrain
134: Sadrain
135: Sadrain
136: Sadrain
137: Sadrain
138: Sadrain
139: Sadrain
140: Sadrain
141: Sadrain
142: Sadrain
143: Sadrain
144: Sadrain
145: Sadrain
146: Sadrain
147: Sadrain
148: Sadrain
149: Sadrain
150: Sadrain
151: Sadrain
152: Sadrain
153: Sadrain
154: Sadrain
155: Sadrain
156: Sadrain
157: Sadrain
158: Sadrain
159: Sadrain
160: Sadrain
161: Sadrain
162: Sadrain
163: Sadrain
164: Sadrain
165: Sadrain
166: Sadrain
167: Sadrain
168: Sadrain
169: Sadrain
170: Sadrain
171: Sadrain
172: Sadrain
173: Sadrain
174: Sadrain
175: Sadrain
176: Sadrain
177: Sadrain
178: Sadrain
179: Sadrain
180: Velvet
181: Velvet
182: Velvet
183: Velvet
184: Velvet
185: Velvet
186: Velvet
187: Velvet
188: Velvet
189: Velvet
190: *Hime*
191: *Hime*
192: *Hime*
193: *Hime*
194: *Hime*
195: *Hime*
196: *Hime*
197: *Hime*
198: *Hime*
199: *Hime*
200: Kay
201: Kay
202: Kay
203: Kay
204: Kay
205: Kay
206: Kay
207: Kay
208: Kay
209: Precarious Fool
210: Precarious Fool
211: Prismatic Llama
212: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:52 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:21 PM

Raffle 10: The Lederhosen is Greener...

Items being raffled off:

Green Lederhosen

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 151 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: *Hime*
2: *Hime*
3: *Hime*
4: *Hime*
5: *Hime*
6: *Hime*
7: *Hime*
8: *Hime*
9: *Hime*
10: *Hime*
11: *Hime*
12: *Hime*
13: *Hime*
14: *Hime*
15: *Hime*
16: Dragoness129
17: Dragoness129
18: Dragoness129
19: Dragoness129
20: Dragoness129
21: Dragoness129
22: Dragoness129
23: Dragoness129
24: Dragoness129
25: Dragoness129
26: Dragoness129
27: Dragoness129
28: Dragoness129
29: Dragoness129
30: Dragoness129
31: Dragoness129
32: Dragoness129
33: Dragoness129
34: Dragoness129
35: Dragoness129
36: Dragoness129
37: Dragoness129
38: Dragoness129
39: Dragoness129
40: Dragoness129
51: Shadami
52: Shadami
53: Shadami
54: Shadami
55: Shadami
56: Shadami
57: Shadami
58: Shadami
59: Shadami
60: Shadami
61: Shadami
62: Shadami
63: Shadami
64: Shadami
65: Shadami
66: Shadami
67: Shadami
68: Shadami
69: Shadami
70: Shadami
71: Shadami
72: Shadami
73: Shadami
74: Shadami
75: Shadami
76: Shadami
77: Shadami
78: Shadami
79: Shadami
80: Shadami
81: Shadami
82: Shadami
83: Shadami
84: Shadami
85: Shadami
86: Shadami
87: Shadami
88: Shadami
89: Shadami
90: Shadami
91: Miscreant74
92: Miscreant74
93: Prismatic Llama
94: Prismatic Llama
95: Precarious Fool
96: Precarious Fool
97: Precarious Foo
98: Agent404NotFound
99: Agent404NotFound
100: Precarious Fool
101: Precarious Fool
102: Dragoness129
103: Dragoness129
104: Dragoness129
105: Dragoness129
106: Dragoness129
107: Dragoness129
108: Dragoness129
109: Dragoness129
110: Dragoness129
111: Dragoness129
112: Dragoness129
113: Dragoness129
114: Dragoness129
115: Dragoness129
116: Dragoness129
117: Dragoness129
118: Dragoness129
119: Dragoness129
120: Dragoness129
121: Dragoness129
122: Dragoness129
123: Dragoness129
124: Dragoness129
125: Dragoness129
126: Dragoness129
127: Precarious Fool
128: Agent404NotFound
129: Agent404NotFound
130: Agent404NotFound
131: Agent404NotFound
132: Agent404NotFound
133: Agent404NotFound
134: Agent404NotFound
135: Agent404NotFound
136: Agent404NotFound
137: Agent404NotFound
138: Velvet
139: Velvet
140: Velvet
141: Velvet
142: Velvet
143: Velvet
144: Velvet
145: Velvet
146: Velvet
147: Velvet
148: Precarious Fool
149: Precarious Fool
150: Prismatic Llama
151: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:52 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:21 PM

Raffle 11: That's One Foxy Pumpkin

Items being raffled off:

Jack and Scary | Kitsune and Caboodle

Ticket Price:
Maximum Tickets that can be bought: 50
Tickets sold so far: 152 (This raffle has passed the threshold of 100 and will be drawn! Woohoo!)

Remember, send your gold to Cool Milk and specify which raffle you're buying for, and how many tickets you're buying!

Ticket HoldersX

1: Star2000shadow
2: Star2000shadow
3: Bloodstainedwings
4: Bloodstainedwings
5: Bloodstainedwings
6: Bloodstainedwings
7: Bloodstainedwings
8: Bloodstainedwings
9: Bloodstainedwings
10: Bloodstainedwings
11: Bloodstainedwings
12: Bloodstainedwings
13: Bloodstainedwings
14: Bloodstainedwings
15: Bloodstainedwings
16: Bloodstainedwings
17: Bloodstainedwings
18: Bloodstainedwings
19: Bloodstainedwings
20: Bloodstainedwings
21: Bloodstainedwings
22: Bloodstainedwings
23: Shadami
24: Shadami
25: Shadami
26: Shadami
27: Shadami
28: Shadami
29: Shadami
30: Shadami
31: Shadami
32: Shadami
33: Shadami
34: Shadami
35: Shadami
36: Shadami
37: Shadami
38: Shadami
39: Shadami
40: Shadami
41: Shadami
42: Shadami
43: Shadami
44: Shadami
45: Shadami
46: Shadami
47: Shadami
48: Shadami
49: Shadami
50: Shadami
51: Shadami
52: Shadami
53: Shadami
54: Shadami
55: Shadami
56: Shadami
57: Shadami
58: Shadami
59: Shadami
60: Shadami
61: Shadami
62: Shadami
63: Shadami
64: Shadami
65: Shadami
66: Shadami
67: Shadami
68: Shadami
69: Shadami
70: Shadami
71: Shadami
72: Shadami
73: Miscreant74
74: Miscreant74
75: Precarious Fool
76: Precarious Fool
77: SuperZombiePotatoe
78: SuperZombiePotatoe
79: SuperZombiePotatoe
80: SuperZombiePotatoe
81: SuperZombiePotatoe
82: SuperZombiePotatoe
83: SuperZombiePotatoe
84: SuperZombiePotatoe
85: SuperZombiePotatoe
86: SuperZombiePotatoe
87: SuperZombiePotatoe
88: Kay
89: Kay
90: Kay
91: Kay
92: Kay
93: Kay
94: Kay
95: Kay
96: Kay
97: Kay
98: Kay
99: Kay
100: Kay
101: Kay
102: Kay
103: Kay
104: Kay
105: Kay
106: Kay
107: Kay
108: Kay
109: Kay
110: Kay
111: Kay
112: Agent404NotFound
113: Agent404NotFound
114: Car'a'Carn
115: Car'a'Carn
116: Car'a'Carn
117: Car'a'Carn
118: Car'a'Carn
119: Car'a'Carn
120: Car'a'Carn
121: Car'a'Carn
122: Car'a'Carn
123: Car'a'Carn
124: star2000shadow
125: star2000shadow
126: star2000shadow
127: star2000shadow
128: star2000shadow
129: Velvet
130: Velvet
131: Velvet
132: Velvet
133: Velvet
134: Velvet
135: Velvet
136: Velvet
137: Velvet
138: Velvet
139: SuperZombiePotatoe
140: SuperZombiePotatoe
141: SuperZombiePotatoe
142: SuperZombiePotatoe
143: SuperZombiePotatoe
144: SuperZombiePotatoe
145: SuperZombiePotatoe
146: SuperZombiePotatoe
147: SuperZombiePotatoe
148: SuperZombiePotatoe
149: SuperZombiePotatoe
150: SuperZombiePotatoe
151: Prismatic Llama
152: Prismatic Llama

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-03-2016 at 07:52 PM..

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:22 PM

The Golden Pumpkin's Favorite Number

Want to enter a raffle, but don't have the money to spend on tickets? Eli and Cool Milk have got you! A special golden pumpkin has appeared in the Walking Pumpkin Patch, but you can only find it if you can roll its favorite number.

Whenever you post, you may roll a 100-sided dice. If the die lands on a number I specify, the special golden pumpkin will appear for you and bestow upon you 10 free tickets in a raffle of your choosing! If you've already purchased 50 tickets for a raffle, you CANNOT use the free raffle tickets from this game on it. You must pick another. You can split your tickets up between different raffles, if you wish.

The Form:
[quote] [COLOR="#e9b135"][SIZE="4"][B]I want that sexy golden pumpkin![/B][/SIZE]
The Pumpkin's Favorite Number Right now is: 85!


When you roll the number, please ping Elirona, indicating what raffle you would like tickets for.

DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST. Any post that has been edited with a roll in it will be disqualified. Good luck!

Last edited by Cool Milk; 11-01-2016 at 02:17 PM..

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:24 PM

Aaaand, we're open! I'm going to hop in the shower now. Be back in a bit.


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:26 PM

'pokes head in' boy there's a lot of skeletons in this closet..

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:26 PM

There are lots of skeletons out and about, Star.

*Hime* is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:28 PM

-pokes head in-
Hi thar!


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by Elirona View Post
There are lots of skeletons out and about, Star.
So i've noticed, I feel silly being the only bear haha.

Cool Milk
Elirona's Mule!
Cool Milk is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:31 PM

Hi, Hime! I forgot to add a raffle, but now that it's been added, I'm out for a shower, really this time. :P


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:38 PM

wow that's a nice raffle..and a big on two you musta been saving up all year for that..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:39 PM

oh my goodness, so many awesome raffles elirona!!!


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 06:42 PM

I know RIGHT.. im tempted to ping people here to haha.

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 10-30-2016, 07:04 PM

Do it, there's definitely no harm in it!


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