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Old 01-30-2017, 07:24 PM

Monday, January 30, 2017

So I have a date tonight with someone I met through an online dating site. I’m not like super excited about it but hopefully it will go well. I’ve been feeling like getting back into the dating scene but at the same time I’m also so lazy about it so it takes me a while to get back to people’s messages. It’s like I want to meet someone without actually having to go through the trouble of meeting people. Anyway, in the very least hopefully I’ll be able to be a lot more chill about it than I was the last time I tried the online dating thing. I was so nervous the first few dates that I was literally shaking! @_@ So yeah, wish me luck!

• • •

To the left of me is a bookshelf! I'm currently at work.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-01-2017 at 05:23 PM..

the one and only

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Old 01-30-2017, 11:47 PM

You can ice skate??? I've always dreamed about it. THat and gymnastics are the reason i watch the olympics. I tried to ice skate once and i cut my leg open xD

also Yuri on Ice <3 is love <3 there is a rumored 2nd season last i heard, but nothing confirmed. do you happen to know?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 01-31-2017, 03:01 AM

I can! I can't to spins or jumps or anything but I can skate forwards and somewhat backwards, stop, and do crossovers. I was thinking of trying to take a class to see if I can learn some other things.

Oh my gosh! Did you fall on someone else's skate? That's scary!

OMG another fan! I am so in love with that show. The end of it definitely eluded to a second season though I haven't seen anything concrete about it. I would love love love for there to be more of that show!

the one and only

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Old 02-01-2017, 02:46 AM

i'm rather hoping that they sign up for doubles ^^;; and that's the second season. that's my hopes. Hubby and I watched it together <3 It was amazing from start to finish, each week waiting for a new episode was torture. xD hahaha

I feel on my own skate actually. i'm.. not even sure how. i hit a knick in the ice and did this weird split thingy. and I can't wait to go again and hopefully not fall again. It was so much fun!


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Old 02-01-2017, 05:14 PM

That would be a really fun idea! Really as long as they continue the series I think I will be happy. XD Thankfully I didn't get around to watching it until all the episodes were out already so I didn't have to wait. I ended up marathoning it between two days because it was just so good. ^_^

Yikes! I'm glad that hasn't put you off it though! Skating is a lot of fun!

---------- Post added 02-01-2017 at 12:16 PM ----------

OMG I just realized the thread ate my post from yesterday.

---------- Post added 02-01-2017 at 12:22 PM ----------

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

So bleh, apparently the thread ate my post for this day so I'll just do a brief summary:

The date went okay. The guy is nice but I didn't really any romantic attraction for him.

I woke up in the middle of the night with a urinary tract infection. So not fun. I didn't get much sleep after that and woke up feeling awful. I got some meds from the doctor and went home early.

• • •

To the right of me is my coworker's chair. She's currently in a meeting so I snuck on Mene. Shhh, don't tell anyone!


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Old 02-03-2017, 03:32 PM

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

I can’t believe how fast time is flying, both this week and this year. I actually thought it was Tuesday today most of the way through, LOL! Nothing really noteworthy happened today. Another eh day at work. Came home, played a bit of SWTOR, and went to bed.

• • •

To be honest I’m not much of a fan of bling. I much prefer plain, simple things.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Today was not a good day for me. I really haven’t been in a “people” sort of mood this week and today was definitely the manifestation of that. Everyone at work was bugging me. Part of it was them actually being annoying and the other part of it was me not being able to deal with people today. On top of that I’m still not feeling well and my stomach was bothering me. The day seemed to drag by and then I had train problems trying to get home. I made dinner, which ended up being more time consuming than I thought it would, played a bit of SWTOR and headed to bed.

• • •

Today I…wanted to hide under a rock.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Today is going a little bit better today compared to yesterday but I’m still not in a huge “people” kind of mood. I wonder what this funk is about. I mostly just want to hide away at home and avoid everyone and everything and just play SWTOR. Hopefully I can get back into a better groove next week.

I’m currently at work and have most of the day ahead of me yet. Hopefully it won’t go by as slowly as the other days. I’m hoping my Kawaii Box will be delivered today, if not I’ll probably get it Monday. After work I’ll grab a pizza on the way home and get a few things done before playing some SWTOR. I’ve been totally addicted to that game lately.

• • •

If I were and animal I would definitely be a cat, especially this week. I could sleep all day and swat anyone who dared to bother my slumber. Definitely wish I was a cat this week.


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Old 02-07-2017, 02:36 PM

Saturday, February 4, 2017

I keep getting behind on this… Anyway, Saturday I called my mom and went for a long walk on a quest to get some groceries that I have been having difficulty in my area. It was really cold out but it was sunny and it’s been a long time since I’ve really gotten outside so that was nice. In the end I didn’t really find what I was looking for but oh well. What wasn’t nice was the migraine I ended up with in the evening. I had a bit of a headache all day but it really kicked my butt around 6:00pm and I was out for most of the evening. It finally abated a bit after I had a late dinner and then I ended up staying up a bit later than I had planned to get to level 70 on SWTOR. ^_^

• • •

E is for earrings? IDK. I’ve been trying to wear them a bit more often lately since I’ve been having trouble with my holes if I let them go too long without wearing them.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Thankfully today I didn’t have a headache though my body was pretty sore after all the walking I did yesterday and all the cleaning I did today. I did find a bit of time to make some Valentine’s Day cards though! I’ll have to put some pictures up on my card-making thread when I get a chance.

• • •

I’ve been making headway on my mene quests! I managed to get a few of the items I’ve been looking for at the end of last year and I recently bought the Totally IS Santa’s Hat! On the marketplace. I need to save up more gold though for those pricier items so I can snag them when I see them pop up for sale.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Today was not a good day for me. I slept very poorly (as per usual on Sunday nights) and had a pretty lousy morning. Things picked up a little bit towards the afternoon but it was a very long day. When I got home I made dinner and got a few things done. I meant to do some job searching after that but got distracted again by SWTOR. It’s been rough trying to get back to doing that. I feel so crummy lately that I just want to escape when I get home and don’t feel like I have the energy to do the job stuff. I really need to though because that’s really what’s making me feel so bad. Hopefully this week I can get myself motivated a bit more to start working on that again. *sigh*

• • •

Here is a picture I took today! I went to a store on my lunch break to look for a gift for a friend and ended up getting something for myself.


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Old 02-09-2017, 05:41 PM

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Another slow day at work. I did laundry when I got home. Not a very noteworthy day.

• • •

It’s funny that I posted that picture of the kitty mug yesterday since that’s actually the last thing I bought!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Yet another slow day at work. Things are going to start picking up next week though and start to be super hectic again with all of the upcoming events that I need to prepare. I stayed a bit late at work and then walked down to 34th street because the weather was pretty nice today and I wanted to stop at a store there. After that I had a lot of issues trying to get home because they started running the snow routes for the trains with the impending snow storm tomorrow even though it definitely wasn’t snowing yet. :/

The rest of the evening kind of went downhill from there. I’m so tired of guys lying on their dating profiles or being pushy/obnoxious assholes in general. This whole dating thing is starting to make me feel depressed. It turns out that the guy I was supposed to meet for a date tomorrow actually lives in NJ and totally lied about living in NYC and then this guy on SWTOR was a huge asshole to me, asking me to give him back credits he had donated to me of his own free will after I told him that I wasn’t interested in being his in-game girlfriend. In the end I just gave up and cried. T_T

• • •

For dinner I had an egg and cheese sandwich and some chicken noodle soup.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

So far today seems to be going a bit better than yesterday. I woke up before my alarm but didn’t wake up feeling as terrible as I have been lately. Turns out it really did snow overnight. I had originally thought that maybe it was a joke since it was so hard to believe that it was nearly 60 degrees here yesterday and that today we would get 6-10 inches of snow. It was a weird feeling going into the city because it’s so empty. Honestly I’m really confused because it’s not a bad blizzard, I think people just wanted an excuse not to come in today. Oh well, that’s better for me. I don’t mind a quiet NYC day for a change, even if I have to deal with crappy shoveling jobs and the lakes of slush on the street corners, LOL!

• • •

My new favorite TV show is The New Girl. The main character is so adorkable, I love it!


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Old 02-10-2017, 07:49 PM

Friday, February 10, 2017

Today is going pretty well. Work is a bit boring but the hours seem to be going by faster than they have other days. Another 2 hours or so and I can go home and play SWTOR!!! I finally earned 2.5 million credits so I can unlock the Yavin stronghold! I’m pretty excited! It’s so pretty with waterfalls and hidden caves and all sorts of fun places. I only have enough for the first unlock so I’ll have to keep working hard to earn enough to unlock the other sections. It’ll take 13 million total so I’ve got my work cut out for me.

• • •

Eh, what is there to say? I guess there hasn’t been a lot of romance in my life lately, LOL. The online dating hasn’t really been going well. This is going to be my first single Valentine’s Day since…2006? Pretty crazy huh? Hopefully it won’t be too depressing.


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Old 02-16-2017, 06:43 PM

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Today I went with a friend to try out this new cookie dough place in Manhattan! It was pretty crazy. We waited in line for an hour and a half! @_@ The cookie dough was super yummy though. I got chocolate chip! After that we got some pizza for lunch and did a bit of shopping so I could find presents for my mom and a friend who both have birthdays coming up at the beginning of next month. After that we met up with my friend’s boyfriend for a drink and then BOWLING! It was a really fun day overall.

• • •

F is for flaming chicken! I saw one on Skype and really wanted to reproduce it but can’t because apparently it doesn’t exist on the mac version.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Today I tried to catch up on some things but wasn’t able to get everything done that I was hoping to. I’ve been sort of falling behind latey…

• • •

I made a bunch of paper hearts using the die cut machine I got for Christmas and made a bunch of Valentine’s Day cards for my friends! That was really a lot of fun. ^_^

Monday, February 13, 2017

Today was really not a good day. I got woken up early by some asshole who thought it would be awesome to play the news at max volume at 6:00am. I already had earplugs on and a fan on medium so I upped the fan to loud…tried playing music…tried headphones over the earplugs, a pillow over my head…basically every combination of things I could think of to drown out the noise to no avail. Really not a great start to the day and the rest of the day sort of followed in that same manner.

The one nice part of the day was that I got two packages for Valentine’s Day with fun things inside. The one from my mom had some scented oils, a cat coloring book, some Dove caramel chocolates, some strawberry flavored heart shaped peeps, a unicorn plush from my little sister, some embellishment stickers for card making, and two cards. The one from my friend had a Pusheen bracelet and paper pad, a t-shirt, some Tupperware containers they were returning to me, some card sleeves for my Pokemon TCG cards, and some delicious truffles! I think that was everything!

• • •

I had a bad dream last night as well. I dreamt something about being late because of some crazy subway issues and then my boss screamed at me.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Today was Valentine’s Day! And… I had a date! *gasp* I ended up being fifteen minutes late after dealing with a bunch of train issues but the date itself went really well. It seemed like the guy and I really clicked! We had wine and a meat and cheese platter which was yummier than I expected and we ended up talking for a few hours before I finally went home to feed my kitty and go to bed. I can’t wait to meet up again!

• • •

Haha, what I question! I do love my chocolate but I would have to choose love over chocolate.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Even though I was tired from going to bed late last night it felt like a much better day today. I was still on a bit of a high from my date last night though I did crash pretty bad in the afternoon. It was pretty hard to get through the day after that. Thankfully I got a seat on the train on the way home and had a quick power nap so I could make dinner and do updates for my game here on mene when I got home. I really wanted to get to bed early to make up for lost sleep but my tummy ended up bugging me so that didn’t happen. I’ll have to try harder to get to bed early tomorrow night.

• • •

I love… Plushies! They are so soft and cuddly and cute!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Today has felt kind of weird. Since last night I keep thinking that today should be Friday...

This morning on the train I finally hatched a shiny Marill! It only took 9 boxes of Marill to get it…

Now I am trying to debate if I should try to get a shiny Mudkip for a friend or restart the game to get them a Kyogre. Decisions decisions…

For lunch I got a sandwich because I didn't have extras from dinner to pack for today. It was beef and turkey, cheddar cheese, sauce, and lettuce on an onion roll. Not something I would usually go for but it was actually pretty yummy! Hopefully the rest of the day will go by quickly so I can head home and try to get caught up on sleep tonight, LOL!

• • •

I wonder what this question is implying… >.>

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 02-16-2017 at 06:46 PM..


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Old 02-17-2017, 07:20 PM

Friday, February 17, 2017

Today has been rather so/so so far. I tried to take a nap during my 15 minute break but it definitely wasn’t long enough. I can’t seem to wake up now and I feel headachey and ick. Just waiting for the day to be over so I can head home. I need to find time to do game updates tonight as the event will be ending. Hopefully I can perk up before then…

• • •

I’ve always loved interior decorating. I kind of wish that I had gotten into it as a career. The funny thing is that I’m not that great at decorating my own space though I’ve put a lot more effort into decorating my new apartment than I ever did in the old one. I quite like how it has turned out. It’s not perfect but it looks pretty and homey. ^_^


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Old 02-25-2017, 07:07 PM

Saturday, February 18, 2017

I can't believe it's been a week since I updated this. Let's see, Saturday I went on an ice skating and ice cream date which went pretty well. I was really glad the weather was nice for it. After I got home I had a fun time playing SWTOR with a friend.

• • •

G is for...gumdrops? IDK...

Sunday, February 19, 2017

I got all fired up and motivated and finally got back to job searching today! I tackled all of my email notifications and found some new jobs to apply to. I sent out two applications, hopefully I'll hear back from a few of them! I didn't end up getting everything else done that I wanted to but In the evening I played some more SWTOR which was fun.

• • •

I've been pretty stressed lately so I've been having some nightmares. It's kind of hard to remember what they were about now though...

Monday, February 20, 2017

Today is President's Day and thankfully I have the day off! So thankful for this long weekend. I got an impromptu call from a headhunter about one of the jobs and talked to them for a few minutes which ended up kind of stressing me out. I sent in a writing sample, hopefully I will hear back from them! After that I went out to lunch and got some ramen from the place nearby that I've been wanting to try. It wasn't as good as I was hoping but it was fun to go somewhere different. The evening wasn't as fun though. I had a very sad discussion with one of my friends. I am not sure we will be able stay friends after everything. I would be really sad to loose our friendship though so I hope not.

• • •

Uhhh, well there was the Valentine's Day event that just finished, that's about as current as I am with the events at the moment.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Going back to work today was super hard. I didn't sleep well at all after my discussion with my friend last night and woke up feeling super crappy and was very listless at work today even though I have a shit ton of stuff to get done before the trade show starting on Thursday and another starting the week after. I was trying to leave work an hour early but that didn't happen. The rest of the night was laundry and cooking and getting to bed late. *sigh*

• • •

Lately I can't stop listening to the Interstellar soundtrack. I love Hans Zimmer!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Another bleh day at work today. So much to do for tomorrow! About 5 minutes before I left work my mom called me to tell me that my grandmother is in the hospital. It was an especially scary moment for me because my other grandmother died in the hospital last October. I went to a friend's house after work and watched the first episode of Legends. The start seems kinda eh but hopefully the show will pick up more later. I really hope my grandmother will be okay.

• • •

I love board games! I'd been so long since I've really played some games with a good group. Hopefully I'll get to play some soon!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Today was pretty hectic trying to get everything set up for the event this evening. I spent most of the day running around. Thankfully I managed to get everything ready in time though the evening had a bumpy start since my coworker didn't show up on time and I had to do the setup all by myself. T_T The boss made some comments about how we should have used the big display and I tried to understand that I had planned to use the big display but she is the one who changed her mind about the setup but she didn't get it. Oh well. Thankfully she left early and we were able to finish out the rest of the night relatively peacefully.

• • •

My first car was a silver Dodge Neon. It was used and had it's fair share of issues but I can remember how happy and proud I was to have a car of my own. I had that car from 2009 up until I moved to NYC. I tried to sell it but didn't get any takers so I ended up donating it to cancer.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Today was even more hectic than yesterday if possible. Organizing the evening event was such a nightmare. So many last minute changes! Everything went pretty well in the end though and the boss seemed pretty happy with my work so at least there is that. I was so happy to get out of there! As I was leaving though, I lost my little soot sprite keychain that I had gotten in Oregon. I'm so sad. I wonder if I can try to look up the name of the place and call them to see if they can order me a new one... After that I met up with a friend and his friends for drinks and a burger. Everyone was really nice so it was a pretty good evening.

• • •

Freedom!!! That's exactly what I was thinking when I was leaving the trade show this evening.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Finally Saturday!!! It's been a pretty uneventful day so far. I finally managed to get a bit of sleep and when I woke up I got on mene to take care of some updates. I lost my motivation about halfway through though and made a new avi then lay down for an impromptu nap. I'm back up now though so hopefully I can finish my updates on here and get some other stuff taken care of so that maybe I can play a game or do something fun tonight.

• • •

I really wanted a pizza for dinner tonight but alas there is no pizza in the house and I am not sure I really want to go out to get some. Dilemma dilemma...


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Old 02-28-2017, 05:18 PM

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Today was a pretty good day. I went to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens with a friend. There weren’t many plants in bloom but it was nice to get outside and get some fresh air. After that we went back to my place and I made us cheesy chicken quesadillas and we watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and laughed so much making fun of different parts of the movie.

• • •

H is for Harry Potter!

Monday, February 27, 2017

I slept super bad last night despite taking a sleeping medication and woke up feeling super crappy. I think I am getting sick… I was dragging all day as I tried to take care of the materials that came back from the tradeshow we had last week. I tried to take a short nap on the train ride home but just couldn’t seem to fall asleep even though I was super tired. I lay down in bed for a few minutes when I get home then made some soup and toast for dinner. I claimed my special reward for Pokemon Day on the online TCG game but was pretty disappointed with my Evolutions Gyrados. Oh well. After that I meant to prepare for my job interview tomorrow and work on a translation project that I can’t ever seem to get around to but ended up getting sucked into playing a bit of SWTOR. Oops…

• • •

I have been seeing so many people around with the new Masquerade Queen CI and I was inspired to make my current avi! *twirls*

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I thought for sure I would sleep better last night but no luck. I tossed and turned all night and had a super hard time waking up this morning. I kept falling back asleep and waking up with my phone still in my hand. The morning train ride was pretty crappy but I made it to work in one piece. I have my work cut out for me this week trying to wrap up everything from last week’s show and rush to prepare everything for the show at the end of this week. @_@

On my lunch break I had a short phone interview for a Marketing NINJA position but it didn’t work out. The salary was too low for me to be able to live and pay the rent.

After work I had plans to go to a friend’s house and play The Last Guardian! I was super excited for that but considering I’m feeling so tired/crappy and likely getting sick I ended up having to cancel. Hopefully I can reschedule soon. And hopefully I can actually get some sleep tonight! I plan on taking some Dramamine since that usually knocks me out pretty well. XP

• • •

I honestly haven’t been feeling super peaceful lately which is probably the root of my sleepless nights. I’ve been under so much stress lately it’s super hard to relax. Hopefully I can get all of my work taken care of this week and relax a bit.


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Old 03-03-2017, 06:31 PM

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Today was a rather eh day. At least I managed to sleep a bit last night after taking the Dramamine but still felt pretty awful when I woke up. :/ I took a longish lunch break so I was supposed to stay later to make up for the time but one of my coworkers was going shoe shopping so I decided to tag along with her instead. I’ll make up the time tomorrow. I ended up getting a pair of flats that tie around the ankle. They look nice but I wonder if they will be comfortable with everyday wear. I’ll wear them a bit around the office tomorrow and see how it goes.

• • •

Smile! I actually put up a piece of paper on my fridge that says exactly that. Sometimes I need a bit of a reminder to smile, especially since I’ve been feeling a bit down/depressed lately.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Today was not so good. I was supposed to send out the birthday packages for my mom and a friend today but didn’t have the boxes so I decided to pop in the post office quick and grab some boxes but there weren’t any out and I ended up having to wait in line. I finally got my boxes and ran home quick to drop them off before getting on the subway to head to work.

Except when I got to the subway station there was a ton of people milling around because the trains weren’t running. So I ended up following a group of people to a bus and eventually another subway station but I still got to work a half hour late. I had planned on staying a half hour late today to make up for yesterday so then with being a half hour late I ended up having to stay till 7 with no lunch break. Needless to say it was a very long day.

After work I popped into a store quick to look for a dress I had seen online but they didn’t have it there and another store to try on a pair of jeans but I didn’t like the way they fit. I had more subway issues on the way home which was super frustrating because I had a translation project I wanted to work on but ended up getting home too late to do anything with it. I rushed around trying to take care of dinner and the dishes and everything else but still ended up getting to bed late. :/

• • •

For dinner I made pasta with sausage and a fried egg. Well actually that was for lunch tomorrow now that I think about it. For dinner I had kale salad with Italian dressing and two pieces of peanut butter toast.

Friday, March 3, 2017

It’s finally Friday! So happy! I’m also happy that even though I got to bed late I slept relatively well. I was going cray in the beginning of the week because I couldn’t sleep at all and was feeling so exhausted so that’s definitely a relief! It’s been a bit of a quiet day with the bos away but that’ll definitely change on Monday. She’s called a few times to bitch about stuff that in her opinion went wrong at the tradeshow that I organized so I’m sure I’ll get reamed out on Monday. Ugh…

Today I can actually leave a few minutes early I hope and get a few groceries and then play some SWTOR tonight!

• • •

This is definitely my favorite song lately:

I love that anime!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-13-2017, 08:29 PM

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Man I’m getting really behind on this again… Today I finally finally managed to get around to doing some of that translation project. I only did a few pages but it was good to finally get a start on that. I sorted through my email notifications for job offer and got that a bit organized though I didn’t end up getting time to actually apply to any. :/ I also made some madeleines for my friend and my mom because they both have birthdays coming up. I think this was the best batch I ever made. They were chocolate with chocolate chips inside with chocolate spread on one side dipped in nonpareils. They were totally delicious (though I only got to eat two of them since the rest I sent out in the mail XD). After that I played some SWTOR. Overall it was a pretty good day.

• • •

I have an iPhone 5C. My mom was super nice and got me a new phone for Christmas so I could have a model that was new enough to do wifi calling since I don’t have good cell service in my apartment to make calls. So far it’s pretty much exactly like my last phone but I’m pretty happy about it since now I don’t have to worry about not being able to make a call if I ever have an emergency. :)

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Today I went out to brunch with my friend, his room mate, and his room mate’s girlfriend. We went to a place called Milk Bar which was pretty delicious. After that we played a game of Catan, which I lost. I had a super good setup but everyone else worked to block me which was pretty sad, oh well. Then we watched a documentary about psychedelic honey and then finally I got to play some of The Last Guardian! So far I don’t like it as much as Ico but it’s still a pretty good game. I love the relationship you build with the trico. After that I headed home, made some dinner, and went to bed.

• • •

Honestly I don’t always put my family first these days. Growing up I always put everyone else first because that’s what my mom always did but in recent years I’ve come to realize that I also have an obligation to take care of myself.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Today was another stressful day. The trains weren’t running at my subway station and I ended up being a half hour late for work. I was supposed to stay late to make up for it but I was having some difficulty with a friend and ended up leaving at my usual time because I just couldn’t focus anymore. I met up with another friend after work and had my first raclette! It was pretty yummy. They melt cheese and put it over a plate of charcuterie, potatoes, and salad. The only hitch was the bill. I wasn’t expecting it to be so much! I really need to work on a budget, I’ve been going out too much lately. >.<

• • •

I don’t actually have any of my baby pictures available to share. Most of them are at my mom’s house though I might be able to dig up a picture if I can remember… Let me see what I can do.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Another eh day at work. I stayed a little bit late to make up for being late yesterday and skyped with my friend afterwards to try to fix up our friendship. It went so/so. I really hope we can work things out. :/

• • •

I is for ice cream! I’ve really been in the mood for ice cream lately. It’s hard to find good flavors where I live though and very difficult to find ice cream on sale. I can’t believe they sell it for like $5 here! New York City is so expensive.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Another busy work day. I have so many deadlines coming up, it’s crazy. After work I skyped with a friend because it was their birthday! It was a lot of fun. We drank and listened to music and played games and did a bit of reading. It was the best night I’ve had in a long time.

• • •

With how crazy work has been lately I’ve definitely been working for my money!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Today I had plans to go to the movies to see Logan. I was pretty annoyed though because it seemed like I had to drag the information out of my date on where and when to go at the very last second and then found out that his friend was brining her coworker too and I didn’t realize it was going to end up being a group thing. :/ The guy she brought along was a really pretentious prick who I didn’t get along with at all and I got stuck sitting next to him at the movies. I was doubly annoyed that my date spent most of his time talking to his friend and completely ignoring me. The movie itself was pretty good though definitely too gory for my tastes. After the movie they talked about going out to eat but I said I was going to go home because I’m broke and can’t afford to eat out at the moment. T_T I ended up getting home pretty late, had some soup, and went to bed.

• • •

I’d say I’m definitely paniced about what’s going on in The White House. I still can’t believe Trump actually won the election. It feels like a bad dream…

Friday, March 10, 2017

So happy that it’s Friday. It was a long day but I got quite a bit done. After work I ran home to do my laundry. I was supposed to play some SWTOR with my friend but my flipping computer wasn’t working so it took most of the night just to get the thing on. *sigh*

• • •

Makeup is a definite yay! I never used to wear makeup but I got into it a few years ago. These days I usually wear foundation, blush, mascara and tinted chap stick. If I have a bit of extra time in the morning or want to be a bit fancier than usual I wear some eyeshadow or eyeliner and lipstick as well.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

I was super productive today! I got up and cleaned the entire apartment, got some groceries, did some work, and got the PC backed up because I’m pretty sure it’s going to die soon. After that I played some SWTOR and headed to bed.

• • •

It’s been forever since I’ve played basketball. Honestly I was never that great at sports but it was pretty fun to play with my cousins with the hoop on the garage at my grandparent’s house when I was younger.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Today I was supposed to go over to a friend’s house to watch Fantastic Beasts but had to cancel since work asked me if I could do overtime this weekend. I woke up feeling pretty sick/crappy but managed to get all my work done. After that I took a bath but ended up getting really dizzy after I turned on the shower to rinse off and had to get out and lie down for the rest of the night. I’ve been fighting this sickness off for so long but I guess with all the emotional, financial, and work stress I’ve been going through lately it isn’t that surprising that it finally caught up to me.

• • •

I saw this year they have some new s’mores flavored Girl Scout cookies! My mom is supposed to be sending some in the mail, I can’t wait to get them!

Monday, March 13, 2017

I didn’t sleep so well last night and woke up feeling pretty crappy this morning. I couldn’t call in this morning though after the overtime I did over the weekend so I dragged myself to work. At least it was a pretty productive day. Once I get out I plan on returning some shoes to DSW for a refund and then heading home. If I’m feeling up to it I’ll make some meatballs for dinner and try to relax so I can get better soon. We’re supposed to have a huge blizzard tomorrow. I might end up calling in if I still feel crappy. I just don’t get the weather lately. 60 one day then snowing the next. WTF!?

• • •

Definitely toast! I’ve gotten back into peanut butter toast lately, it’s sort of an obsession…

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 03-15-2017 at 07:06 PM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-15-2017, 07:13 PM

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

So today I woke up and looked at the subway map only to realize that no trains were running in the area so I had no way of going to work. SNOW DAY!!! I still had to work a little bit from home but I was super thankful not to have to go out in the crappy weather being sick and all. I lay in bed for a while trying to sleep but the cat kept meowing because storms freak her out so I didn’t really get to sleep much. Eventually I got up and had lunch and then worked most of the day on trying to fix my PC which refuses to display the screen almost all of the time now but to little avail. Eventually I took a shower, made some dinner, and headed to bed. Not a very exciting day but I was glad to get a bit of rest.

• • •

J is for…IDK. I can’t think of any fun J things right now. XP

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

I woke up feeling pretty crappy today but dragged myself to work because I have a deadline to meet. I only meant to stay for a half day and then go home early to rest but around the half day mark I felt pretty good so I decided to stick it out. I’m rather regretting it now though because I’m crashing pretty hard. I’ve got just over an hour to go though so hopefully I can push through it.

In other news… IT’S PAYDAY!!! Man have I never been so excited for a paycheck in my life. I’ve been completely broke these past few days so that’s definitely a big relief.

• • •

Salt and vinegar used to be my favorite chips but now I’m more of an original Lays kind of girl. Man this is really making me want some chips now…


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-17-2017, 07:41 PM

Thursday, March 16, 2017

I woke up feeling a bit better today. The day itself was pretty eh. I was late to work because my subway card didn't want to work and then I couldn't get what I needed to from the store on my lunch break. After work I stopped at Forever 21 to pick up a dress I had ordered in but didn't end up liking it and then picked up my prescription from the pharmacy before heading home. I cooked bacon for dinner which was yummy and an omelet which didn't turn out too well.

• • •

LOL, story of my life. It seems like I never have enough gold for the things I am trying to get but I always manage to pull through from loans or kind hearted donations. I love how generous people are on this site.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-19-2017, 06:29 PM

Friday, March 17, 2017

Today was an alright day. I am mostly over my cold now. I didn't have any green so I wore a turquoise shirt and necklace to work today. NYC is always so rowdy on St. Patrick's day. People start really early in the morning and walk around in big groups wearing cheesy green gear and yelling drunkenly. Work went kind of slow but it wasn't too bad of a day. After I got home I skyped with a friend and tried to diagnose what is wrong with my PC. Turns out it's the power supply so I'm going to have to replace that before I can get it working again. -_-

• • •

I didn't see any lucky rainbows today, nope. It's been quite a while since I've seen a rainbow really...

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Today was a kind of slow day. I didn't sleep super well and tried to take a nap in the afternoon but had a hard time sleeping. Later on a friend came over and we were going to play Journey but my PS3 controller decided to kick the bucket so we played Zelda Skyward Sword instead. I thought I was further along in that game than I actually am but it was fun to finally get back to playing it. After that we ordered some Chinese food for dinner and watched Fantastic Beasts. It was a pretty good movie but not as good as the other Harry Potter movies in my opinion.

• • •

Wow, such a deep topic today. I'm too tired to answer this one.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-20-2017, 08:08 PM

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Today was another slow day. I played a little bit of Zelda Skyward Sword, took a shower, did some work around Menewsha and ate a late lunch/early dinner. Then I wrote a letter and did some coloring, and then read a bit before bed. A very uneventful day but it was nice to relax a bit.

• • •

If I were rich I would live in a bigger apartment. XP Seriously though my place is so tiny!

Monday, March 20, 2017

I woke up feeling pretty tired this morning but not too bad. Work was pretty uneventful and it wasn’t a bad day overall but this last hour is killing me. Especially since I just want to find a quiet place to sit down and read my book. XP

After work I’ll take the subway home then stop at the store to get some groceries, make dinner, and probably read for the rest of the night. There are things I should probably get to but I’ve been in a really lazy mood this past week. ^^;

• • •

Ah yes, today was the first day of spring. The weather was still a bit cool but warm enough that the snow from our big snow storm is meling. I can’t wait to not have to put on all my winter layers before going outside.


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Old 03-22-2017, 05:10 PM

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Today was an alright day. I’ve been feeling rather bored at work lately. I have things to do but I’m really just not in the mood to work. I would much rather be reading my book. I decided to start rereading Daugther of the Empire by Raymond E. Feist. I’ve read it before but felt a hankering to go back to it.

After work I headed home and did a whirlwind of cooking and dishes so I could get to work on trying to fix my PC since the new power supply came in. Getting the old one out was the easy part. Getting the new one in however was a bitch to say the least. Finally I got the power supply in and the cables all plugged into it but I didn’t have time to rewire everything. I’ll have to try to do that for tomorrow night and then get the OS operational again so I can finally get back to playing SWTOR!

In other news, today I was promoted to Assistant Admin! Now I’m a Pink Ninja! It will be fun to learn the new ropes. I hope I can live up to my new role!

• • •

K is for…kittens!!! They’re so soft and cuddly.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Today has been another rather boring/unmotivated sort of day. I’ll have a meeting here shortly but I thought I would get some updates up first. Bad ziggles always posting from work…

In more exciting news, today I won my fifth Admin’s Pick star! It was such a wonderful surprise to wake up to this morning! Here is a picture of my winning avatar:

• • •

Hm, what’s new. Well, I have a new Admin’s Pick star, a new position here on Mene, and a new power supply for my computer… Those are definitely fun new things!


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Old 03-24-2017, 01:16 PM

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Today was rather uneventful. The work day went pretty well except during my lunch break. I decided to order a sandwich online but accidently ordered it for delivery instead of pickup and that ended up being a bit of a mess. >.<

Getting to bed late every day this week is finally taking its toll on me but I pushed through it when I got home and finished zip tying the cables inside my PC and did some cable organization behind my desk to get everything all set up again and sealed away so my cat can’t chew on them. After that I got the last bit of OS stuff up to par except my game save files which I couldn’t figure out on my own so I’ll have a friend help me tomorrow.

I popped on SWTOR for a bit and realized that being a subscriber has more perks than I realized. Apparently it has a pretty huge effect on crafting which I wasn’t aware of. Instead of being able to use all of my skills and queue up five items per companion I am limited to using only 2 of my skills and only 3 different items can be crafted at a time by different companions. So lame… I’ll have to see what my finances are like at the end of the month but hopefully I can get resubscribed soon.

• • •

I’ve been wanting to update my wardrobe lately. It’s been quite a while since I got any new clothes and I’ve been in a shopping sort of mood. I’ll have to wait till next month I think but fortunately that’s only a few days away! What I’m most excited about for spring though is not having to wear my winter coat. Here’s to hoping it will warm up soon!


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-27-2017, 07:44 PM

Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday was a bit of an annoying day in terms of work. My supervisor left early and the intern decided he just couldn’t be bothered to do any work after that. He chit chatted with the IT guy for like an hour. Then with the sales director for like an hour. Then I got fed up and asked him to print some articles for me and so he stood in front of the printer watching it print while texting. Then he disappeared into the bathroom for an hour. And then after that he stood in the back of the office blatantly texting on his phone for the last hour. It really irked me that he doesn’t even seem to be bothered in the least by how obvious he’s being about not working. It really felt like a lack of respect but there’s not much I can do because he doesn’t really listen to me, only my boss. :/

After that I headed home and rushed around to do my laundry and then FINALLY GOT TO PLAY SOME SWTOR!!! It felt really good to get back into playing that game. I got tired pretty quickly though and ended up having to go to be after only a short while.

• • •

I’m too tired to respond to this one today.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

I really wanted to sleep in a bit today after getting to bed late pretty much every day this week but my body had other plans. I slept pretty crappy and ended up getting up around 8:30am. I was planning on getting some stuff done but totally ended up getting sucked into playing SWTOR pretty much all day. I did call and talk to my mom for a few minutes though which was nice.

• • •

Waffles aren’t my favorite thing but they’re pretty yummy! I don’t have a waffle machine to make my own but when I have waffles I like to eat them with maple syrup and ice cream and strawberries.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

So I realized right before bed last night that my ebook was going to expire today so I had a mad rush of reading in the morning to try to finish it before the deadline. After that I rushed around to get ready and head out to meet a friend for ice skating. The ice was pretty crappy but at least there were less people than last time I was there (probably because the weather was also crappier than last time, lol).

Afterwards we ended up going to a friend’s house to play board games. We played a round of Catan then ordered some food and played Trivial Pursuit until nearly midnight. I sucked so bad at it. I mean I suck a Trivial Pursuit in general but this one was a French edition so I sucked all the more. I’m going to be so tired tomorrow after staying up late again. @_@

• • •

Today is Sunday, lol.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Today was not a good day. I ended up getting to bed last night around 1:30am. I woke up at 3:30am shaking and nauseous which was not fun at all. I brought the garbage over to the bed and rearranged the pillows/blankets so I could try to sleep sitting up but it took me quite a while to fall back asleep. Then I got woken up at 6:00am by the neighbor who decided that it was totally acceptable to blast the news on his stereo at max volume at that ungodly hour and it took me forever to go back to sleep. I set my alarms back to try to get a few more minutes of sleep but that didn’t really help and I woke up feeling awful and ended up calling in for the morning half of the day. I sent a bunch of emails with instructions to my coworkers to see if they could cover some of my work and then went back to sleep for a bit. I woke up feeling a bit better but still pretty crappy but unfortunately still had to go into work because I had two deadlines I couldn’t miss today. *sigh* I’ve only got about an hour of the day left to go, hopefully it will go by quickly and then I can head home and crawl back into bed.

• • •

I think we should celebrate zigglesday. On zigglesday people will dress up in silly outfits and greet each other with silly greetings. They will play with kitties and there will be lots of birthday cake flavored delicacies to be had all around.

the one and only

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Old 03-28-2017, 10:59 PM

zigglesday sounds like a fantastic day !i vote yes


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 03-29-2017, 01:39 PM

Hehe! Let's get the party started then! *breaks out all the birthday cake flavored things and changes into a unicorn costume* XP

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-19-2017 at 06:59 PM..

the one and only

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Old 03-29-2017, 06:25 PM

I'm going to wear a mash up of all the disney princess costumes from the official royal court.


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