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SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-07-2014, 10:35 AM

I find that I am in need of a little home for my characters. So, on the recommendation of a friend, I have decided to build them a little chateau. Now they can spend their time here until I have need for them.

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 01-07-2014 at 11:34 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-07-2014, 11:35 AM

Character #1

Daedalus "D.D." Freight

You know, I'm not very fond of the word "normal." I think that's mainly because I don't fully understand the term and it's uses. What makes a person normal? What makes a person abnormal? When those questions are asked you're bound to get a different answer from every person, I'd bet my entire workshop on it. Therefore, in my opinion, normal does not exist. It is merely a word that people wrap themselves in, thinking that it is an armor, an armor that will shield them from their problems. Whether or not we want to be, we are all abnormal. And it is nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm sorry, was I rambling? I've been told by many people that I tend to do that, heh. You see, there are so many things that I want to say that sometimes I tend to say them all at once, as soon as they enter my mind. You could call it a strength or you could call it a weakness. Call it what you will, I haven't made up my mind on what it is. There I go again! So, you've obviously come here for a story, yes? I myself enjoy a good tale now and again. The lives of people are so fascinating, that's one of the reasons I opened my little business, to meet people. Would you like something to eat before I begin? There's some chicken in the fridge...

At the age of three years, I was diagnosed with a mental disease known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD for short. This means that i have a slight problem with things such as concentration and sitting still, hence my tendency to ramble. One would think that such a disorder would make life increasingly difficult, but was the exact opposite for myself and my parents. A blessing in disguise, in fact. My inability to pay attention to one thing allowed me to be exempt from school. This resulted in me being home schooled by my father, who taught me only interesting things, like mechanics and physics and such. I was so beguiled by these subjects that I found that I could actually force myself to concentrate on them. So, atleast my parents knew that when I grew up I would be able to find work for myself and for a while life was lovely. Then there was the accident.

While on the way home from the market, my father's auto mobile was involved in a terrible crash. I was never allowed to sit in the front seat, next to my father. That seat was always my mother's and I thank the good Lord every day for the fact that she had chosen to stay at home. She would have been crushed had she been sitting in that seat, much like my legs. I had the horrible habit of putting my feet up on the seat, so that my upper torso was behind the driver's seat and my lower behind the passenger's. All I can say about the second party in the crash had been... not in his right state of mind. The accident itself is quite painful to remember so, to be brief, his auto mobile cut ours in half and crushed my legs with it. This resulted in the amputation of my right leg above the knee and my left leg above the ankle. Sounds particularly gruesome, does it not? It was, there was so much blood. I pity my father who had to see me like that and then explain it to my mother. Ah well...

I was in need of prosthetic legs if I ever wanted to walk again and, being of a middle class family, the cost of a good prosthetic promised to cripple my parents aswell. Thus, I had to settle for two wooden legs. I would be able to walk atleast, but with a crutch. And would never run or climb or jump. That sounded the most horrid thing to a 12 year old boy, but you must know that I was and still am a very determined person. I turned to all the lessons my father had told me about mechanics and applied a bit of physics to it. Then, I went searching through the scrap yards for a few month. Soon, I had all the materials I needed and soon after that I had a new pair of legs. Metal legs that are powered by steam and... Ah, thought I would tell you my secret now, didn't you? You sly fox. All you need to know is that From the day I put them on until today, I've been running and jumping like any other person. Although I do keep a cane with me at all times, just in case.

So here we are 12 years later. Quite the abnormal person, aren't I? Oh, I'm sure you're just as abnormal as I am. Anyway, that terrible incident lead to my current profession. Inventor, mechanic, tinker extroadinaire! My profession then lead to more money for my parents and when they were settled I had enough money to purchase this workshop for myself. Where I'm headed from here I cannot tell you. Maybe you can tell me?

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 06-04-2014 at 05:07 PM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-15-2014, 06:57 AM

Character #2

The Mad Hatter

Character- Well, hello there dear. Fancy a spot of tea? No? Your loss, it's a damn good tea. Who? Actually, he more appropriate question is "What?" I am a Hatter, a Mad one I've been told, hee hee. Who I am is something we, myself included, have yet to find out.

Nick-Name- You may call me Hatter, if you wish.

Username- SuperZombiePotatoe


Abilities- Abilities? What is this, an interrogation?! Sorry, almost lost my self for a moment. Hmm, abilities? Well, I' a bloody good hatter, if you consider that an ability. I also make a brilliant pot of tea, my own blend of course. Ah, but you want interesting things. I'm very good with a sword and I'm quite the acrobat, see -does hand stand-
I can also perform illusions. Making smoke screens, project images that aren't there, those are my speciality. Inherited the gift from my darling mother.
Now, let me tell you about the most interesting thing of all. You see this hat? DON'T TOUCH! Ahem, this hat, which I made myself... is magical. I won't tell you how it got that way, but I will tell you what it does. It's bottomless for one thing. Anything that I want to hide- I-mean-store, heh, store can fit in it. Be it a raven or a writing desk, even people can fit in here. Though, that isn't encouraged, I think there's someone still lost in there.

Age- 23, do I look it? Say no.

Gender- Male

Personality- Oh, another tricky question. I think that I'm a whimsical person, really. I dress as I act and I act as I please and what pleases me is eccentricity. The odd side of life has such a charm to it, it's thoroughly magical and, thus, very invigorating to one such as myself. I prefer to live alone, but company is always welcome. I also try my best to stay away from politics, it's so serious. Not that serious is a bad thing, I can be serious when I want to. Also, and I think that this is something that you should know, when something happens that I don't particularly like I... well... tend to lose my head. I've never done anything drastic, though. A few people have just lost some body parts or gained some scars. See, not bad at all.

Likes- Oh goody! I like making hats, tea parties, magic, bright colours, pretty girls, sharp knives... did I mention tea?

Dislikes- Dislikes, dislikes? I don't like being ridiculed, it... makes... me... so... MAD! Oh dear, I'm sorry, where was I? Right, I also dislike coffee and those pessimistic sorts. Really, why be glum all the time? And, I'm not particularly fond of the colour red, although I do see a lot of it.

Weakness- Ah, everyone has a weakness. I'm very fond of my hat... get it?

Distinguishable Traits- Another nice question! -exposes wrist- I got this little tattoo 3 years ago. It's a clock. Now I can tell the time even when I don't have my watch on me. See, it say 13 o' clock. Oh, and I have this scar running down my back from a nasty fight when I was younger. You can see the tip of it if I turn around. I still won though! Poked him right in the neck...

Weapon- My sword, I keep it in my cane here, aswell as my trusty knife. I don't use that one very often, but it's fun to twirl it in your fingers and scare people, hee hee.

Extra- Extra? What more could you possibly want to know? I've practically told you my life story. I sell hats for a living. I own a chesire cat, lovely fellow, likes to smile. My parents are dead, I saw it happen too. Very nasty images in my head, I can still hear the sounds aswell. But let's not discuss that, you know why. We're having such a nice little chat, are you sure you won't have tea?[/QUOTE]

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 01-15-2014 at 08:22 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-15-2014, 06:59 AM

Character #3

Briar Elderidge

Nickname: Bri
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Region of Origin:The Forest Realm of Baelin
Race: Human
Class: Sword and Bow Ranger

Appearance: Briar is lightweight and of an average height. She has wavy blonde hair, bright blue eyes and pixie-like features. Many people say that Briar has a mischievous look on her face. She is hadly ever seen without her red hooded-coat, which is her good luck charm. She has never been seen wearing a dress as she finds them impractical for her line of work.

Abilities: Keen eyesight and hearing makes Briar an excellent marksman. She is able to travel lightly and silently. Her agility and good balance enables her to climb and run across narrow paths ( such as tree branches ).
Weakness: Claustrophobic (not found of small spaces and confinement), not very strong
Mark Ability: To be determined :3
Location of Mark: Left forearm

Bio: Baelin, which lies to the east of Galiph, is a realm which comprises mainly of forest. Many of the plants and animals that have made Baelin their home are not found any where else on the planet. The inhabitants have, thus, a great sense of patriotism for their realm and great respect for nature. During spring, people from the neighbouring realms visit Baelin to witness the "Eruption of Colour." This made possible due to the welcoming nature of the people. Homes are built in the branches of trees, some of which are so high that you cannot see the top. All trade work is done at ground level.

It consists of many provinces and communities, each of which have their own trade. Briar Elderidge was born to a community that specialised in wood, everything from cutting to carving. Men and woman are allowed to take up a trade, but men are also given the option of becoming hunters. They would, according to their customs, provide food, clothing and protection from dangerous beasts that lurked in the forest. Women did not hunt.

Briar had a fairly normal childhood. Her father worked as a wood carver while her mother chose not to work in order to take care of her two children i.e. Briar and her older brother, Alder. While Alder wished to follow in his fathers footsteps, Briar, always the strange one, had her eyes set on another occupation. Everyday, she would follow the hunters out on their expeditions. She had to be quiet, perching on tree branches at times, so that they would not find her. Fascinated with the daring feats of the the hunters, she aspired to be one, despite the traditions of the community.

She made her wishes known to her family from a young age and although her mother was not happy, her father encouraged her. On her 13th birthday, he presented Briar with a bow he had carved for and told her that the elders would only accept her if she was excellent. So she practiced everyday until she was 16, the age at which hopeful hunters would prove themselves in front of the elders. They were very against letting Briar participate, but when she stated the fact there was no written law stopping her, they had no choice but to allow her... on a condition. She had to hit a moving target at 200m away, never before accomplished. If she failed, she would not be allowed a trade as an example to others. Effortlessly and without fear, Briar loosed her arrow... which landed on a tree. She was heartbroken, until Alder suggested examining the target, which he noticed had shook. The arrow had passed through the side of the target so technically she had hit it. An example was made. Briar then became the first woman to ever be a hunter, but some people still see it as a disgrace.

Personality: Briar is a whimsical free spirit. She enjoys being mischievous, but this often leads people to think that she likes trouble. Only the people close to her know that she merely has a sharp tongue and loves to laugh. Opinionated, witty and stubborn, Briar doesn't shy away from stating her views. As an ally, she very loyal and protective of those she holds dear.

Additional Information: Briar works best with a bow, but is also good with a sword. She has never left the forest. She has a respect for animals and will not kill one unless for a good reason. The same goes for plants. Having lived in the forest her entire life, she has a fairly good knowledge of plants but her specialty lies in trees, everything from identifying them to climbing them.[/QUOTE]

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 01-15-2014 at 08:24 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-15-2014, 07:01 AM

Character #4


Name: Frederick
Job: Shop owner
Appearance or Picture:
Preferred Outfit: Black slacks, light shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black glasses. He likes dressing preppy but comfortable. On special occasions, he dons a blazer and very shiny shoes (only because he polishes them so much). Freddie can't do without his glasses.
Age: 20
Birthday: Winter 17
Personality: Freddie gentle and calm, he doesn't like confrontations and can be shy at times. He, like his great aunt Evelyn, is a good listener, but tends to be more kind and subtle in his opinions. Also, Freddie is a firm believer in hard work and, due to the fact that he is very responsible, can be counted on to get a job done once he's put his mind to it.
Other Information: Freddie took over the general store after his great aunt. She felt that she had been around for a long time, given it everything she had and it was now time for "new blood to flow through it's veins." Freddie is proud and protective of the store and does his best to keep customers happy and the store in it's best condition.[/QUOTE]

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 01-15-2014 at 08:28 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-15-2014, 07:02 AM

Character #5

Elain Kendrick

Also Known As: Ella

Appearance: Elain is slim and is 5'7. She always has some sort of pin or headband in her short brown hair. She dresses for comfort as she's always on the move: tights, skinny jeans and sneakers. But, she still keeps it cute.

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Marital Status: Single

Race/Ethnicity: Human/ Welsh & American

Birthplace: Wales/ United Kingdom

Powers: N/A

Weapons: N/A

Personality: Elain is kind, spunky and energetic. She loves smiling and seeing other people smile. She is a book worm and a bit of a geek. Because her likes differ from many of the others, Elain has few friends. She, thus, keeps to herself, as she is more than happy with a book for company. When you do get to know her, she can be a great person to hang out with. She loves indie and alt.rock and can often be heard singing her favourite songs.

Bio: Elain was born and spent the first 5 years of her life in Wales. After her parents divorce, she and her mother moved to her mother's home country of America. Elain is a bit of a social outcast, due to her geeky ways. But it never bothers her much. Her mother works at a clothing store during the day and goes to school at night, leaving Elain home alone most days. She has thus taken up baby sitting to get out and earn some money

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 01-15-2014 at 08:31 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 01:30 PM

Characters 6, 7 & 8

Dior, Lorcan and Alais

Bio to come

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 01-18-2014 at 09:44 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-18-2014, 09:40 AM

Original Story #1

The Kingdom of Rhulle

House of Kings

Current Monarch:
King Cyrus Dvorak II

His oldest son and heir,
Prince Creon Dvorak

House of Warriors

Current Head:
Jasper "Red Jasper" Norfleet

House of Assassins

Current Head:
Vivienne Adair

Her brother,
Stephen Adair

House of Conjurers

Current Head:
Ennius Faige

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 05-31-2014 at 10:07 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 02-18-2014, 10:24 AM

Character #9

Adrienne "Addy" Silsbury

Name: Adrienne " Addy" Silsbury

Age: 16

Skills: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Dueling, Feelings and
Sensing things

Wand Type: English oak, 10 3/4 inches, Phoenix feather core

Pet: Brown barn owl named Gideon.

Fun facts:Is in Ravenclaw house. Suffers from insomnia. Loves sugar. Is afraid of catterpillars. Is head of the Dueling Club.

Background Story:

From the moment she was born, Adrienne Silsbury was affectionately dubbed " Addy".

Addy was a strange little girl. That's what everyone said.But It was quite easy to accept, considering her upbringing.

She never knew her father. Her mother, Evelyn, never spoke of him and Addy never asked any questions, because, in her mind, she already had a father in her uncle, Timothy.

Uncle Tim and her mum were magical researchers, specialising in defensive magic. They frequently traveled around the world, with Addy, collecting information and theories from various people. All the Silsbury sibling's meetings, experiences and findings gathered them a lot of recognition. Addy, however, gathered a lot of quirks and eccentricities. These included inventing her own theories that only made sense to her and taking an interest in muggle literature.

Evelyn worried for her and the fact that she didn't attend school worried her even more.Uncle Tim, however, encouraged her. He, unlike many others, thought that Addy was gifted and learnt enough from them.

Five years ago, on a trip to Romania, the Silsburys were invited to the home of the Eackhart family. Mr. Eackhart had read one of Uncle Tim's journal articles and wished to share with him some knowledge of an unknown defensive spell. Uncle Tim had, unfortunately, gotten food poisoning, so Evelyn decided to go instead. They waited all night for her to return. But she never did and the Eackart family were never found.

Uncle Tim was now tasked with caring for Addy, who was only 11 years old at the time. Evelyn's one wish was for Addy to have a stable upbringing and to experience everything that a normal teenager should.

After finally settling down in Hythe, England and getting a respectable job at the Ministry of Magic, Timothy enrolled Addy at Hogworts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although liked by many teachers and students, Addy was forever the strange girl who said strange things and hardly ever slept. This never bothered her because Uncle Tim always said, " Its the strange things that are the most interesting. Your mother was strange and so am I." Addy always wanted to be like her mother...

Character #10

Elliot Lancaster

Name: Elliot Lancaster

Age: 17

Skills: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care for Magical Creatures, Non - verbal Spells, Arithmancy, Dueling.

Wand Type: Cedar, 12 inches, Unicorn hair

Pet: Siamese cat named Bruno

Fun facts: Is an animorphmagus. Is never seen without his leather choker. Is in Gryffindor. Is co-head of the Dueling Club.

Background Story:
Elliot was born in Manchester and lived there for his entire life. His parents ran a local menagerie that kept exotic pets and creatures and he thus knows much about magical creatures. He shares an extremely close bond with his cat, Bruno and the two are very seldom seen apart from each other.
Having inherited his animorphmagus abilities from his father, Elliot inspires to one day be as good as him. For now, he can change his hair and eye colour and make subtle differences to his facial features.
Elliot is very blunt and occasionally arrogant and is described as having a perpetual smirk on his face. This does not, however, mean that he is a horrible person, he is merely very proud of his magical abilities, most of which surpass his fellow 7th years. This has made Elliot an excellent duelist and earned him the position of Dueling Club co-head. Where Addy is imaginative, Elliot is innovative making them an excellent team.
He and Addy have a friendly relationship and are often seen getting into mock arguments. It has become hard for people to figure out which arguments are real and which aren't.


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 02-22-2014, 02:35 PM

Character #11

Darcy Kazuto

- SuperZombiePotatoe -

- Name -
Darcy Kazuto

- Age -

- Gender -

- Sexuality -

- Position -
Kazuto family member, first cousin to the Heir

- Personality -
One could describe Darcy as talkative, confident and mischievous. She has always been an opinionated person, liking to make decisions and assumptions without being swayed by other peoples thoughts. But, this trait has lead many to think that Darcy is stubborn and cocky. That has never been a problem for her, though, as she is very firm in her ways. Darcy is very protective of her family and loved-ones. While she may normally present a care free and laid back attitude, Darcy can be extremely fierce when their safety is endangered

- Weapons -
Rina fights with a pair of ornate knives.

- Powers/Abilities -
Air- Rina can manipulate and control the air, everything from soft breezes to strong gusts of winds to miniature tornadoes. One of the main characteristics of wind is it;s ability to travel at immensely high speeds. Darcy can cause small bursts of wind to travel at high speeds and thus act as knives. Staying on the same topic, Darcy manipulate the air immediately around to her to allow her to run extraordinarily fast and levitate. Her preferred use of air is creating a vortex around a target, thus limiting their oxygen supply which causes them to lose consciousness.

- Biography -
Darcy is the younger of the Kazuto twins, by a minute and forty three seconds. Her father is the brother of the current head making her and her sister, Deidre, first cousins to Yoshimitsu. Darcy cares deeply for her cousin, as they grew up side by side. Her parents travel around, but visit occasionally. However, she was never very close to Yoshimitsu, him being a very quiet person. She and Deidre, however, are as close as close can be. Apart from their looks and a few personality traits, they are extremely alike. They both share the same inquisitive and sometimes mischievous nature. They did everything from eavesdropping on important conversations to playing pranks.
Being born with the gift of special powers meant that she and her twin had to practice often. While she was very grateful for her gift, Darcy had a more laid back attitude towards it. She preferred to improve her skills by using them in everyday life.

- Extra -
Darcy is never seen without her blue flower hairpin, of which she is very fond.

- Character Theme -
Rockers to Swallow - Yeah Yeah Yeahs


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 03-31-2014, 09:44 AM

Character #12
Felix "The Wisp" Calydi

"There may be a great fire in our hearts, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke" - Vincent Van Goch


Name: Felix "The Wisp" Calydi

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Orientation: Straight

Hair colour: White

Eye colour: Light grey

Distinguishable features:
  • Scar on his left cheek
    His mouth twitches when he is angry


In many ways, Felix is very much the perfect killer. He possesses a calculating, cold and cunning mind, but is can be extremely charming when it suits him and the situation. He prides himself on his ability to always deliver the best results. All that being said, Felix was not always like this. As a child, Felix was extremely warm and loyal towards those he cared for, but circumstances and experiences seemed to dull the flame within him. Ultimately, his lack of conscience and occasional restlessness developed over the course of his career as an assassin, thus, creating a inner-conflict between who he was, who he has become and who he truly is.

  • Challenges
    Drawing (It calms his nerves)
    High places
  • Cowardice
    Alcohol (It dulls the senses)

Two long knives

Click on thumbnail for full view

A hidden knives on his arms

Click on thumbnail for full view

A crossbow for long distance

Click on thumbnail for full view

Various lightweight throwing knives

Click on thumbnail for full view

  • Hightened senses (general assassin ability)- Can hear higher and lower frequencies and see further than normal
  • Hightened reflexes (general assassin ability)- Can move quickly and silently, aswell as enhanced agility and fighting skills
  • Accelerated precognition (special ability)- Can study a situation and predict the various outcomes that result from certain actions


Growing up, Felix Calydi was not familiar with comfort. Being the son of a serving woman, Felix spent his entire young life in a small room at the inn where his mother worked. He never knew his father nor did he question his mother about the man's whereabouts. For all Felix, his father had abandoned them to suffer this difficult life on their own. Although Felix's mother had dreams for her son, none of them could be materialised as she only earned enough for their food and lodgings. She was, however, able to teach him how to read and write so no matter the circumstances, the woman still had hope.

When Felix was 10 years old, the innkeeper felt that he was old enough for labour, so Felix began working in the stables. Although the work was not difficult as such, Felix always felt a little heartbroken that he was robbed of all the privileges that other children took for granted such as playing and going to school. But, being a extremely passionate child, he took his situation as a blessing in disguise. He resolved to observe the people in and about the inn and, thus, get more acquainted with the ways of the world. It was through doing this that he uncovered his gift. One day, Felix was concentrating particularly hard on the conversation of the innkeeper and a customer, when he noticed that the scene was playing over and over again, but differently each time. The strangest fact was that neither of the men noticed any differences. This frightened him terribly, but Felix told no one for fear of being ridiculed. After that incident, he began concentrating just as hard on other conversations and over time Felix realised what was happening. He could, through observation, predict various outcomes for various situations and watch each of them before it truly occurred. Being a crafty young boy, Felix used this talent to his advantage and became one of the most liked and favoured stable boys. This earned a little extra money, which meant that if he and his mother began saving it, they would be able to buy themselves a better life. For a while, all was well...

On his 13th birthday, the inn was uncommonly full, but that didn't bother anyone very much. As the day turned to night, Felix noticed that a certain group of 5 men were becoming exceedingly more rowdy by the minute. He alerted the innkeeper, but there really wasn't anything he could do. The men were ordering drink after drink and each time the inn was earning more money. Atleast that's what the innkeeper told him, but Felix had the distinct feeling that the man was actually afraid of a confrontation. No one knew how the fight broke out, but everyone knew how it ended... with blood on the floor. Many of the servers, Felix's mother included, were caught right in the middle of the commotion. Thinking this a perfect time for his ability to come into use, Felix began searching for loop holes. But, no matter what he or anyone else did, the same people ended up dead every time: 3 of the men, the innkeeper's son, 2 serving girls and Felix's mother. His grief over the situation was uncontrollable, but Felix could not avoid being pulled out into the street by a man clothed entirely in black. This told Felix that he knew of his ability and that such potential should not be wasted, that he would be able to teach him how to use it properly. Although Felix had his suspicions about this dark man, they were all shoved aside when he was told that one day, when he had learned all that was necessary, he would be able to find the men who survived. Felix agreed to train in the art of assassination.

For years after that terrible night, Felix studied and trained vigorously and was soon on the same level as many of the others. At the age of 16, he was sent out on his first "assignment" and although he was weary, memories of his 13th birthday flooded his mind and flushed out any remorse he could have felt. Now, being a fully fledged assassin, Felix was sent on more assignments. He quickly rose in rank, but the more he rose the more himself he subdued. By the time he was 20 years old, Felix was one of the best in the business and, due to his appearance and impeccable stealth, was known to all as "The Wisp"


Felix's Tunes

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 06-12-2014 at 07:42 AM..


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 06-12-2014, 07:41 AM

Character #13
Acteon Faige


▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ Acteon Faige █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Bare Neck or Chained?: Chained

Disposition: Neutral

Weapon of Choice: Sword

Personality: The adjective most often used to describe Acteon is calculating. He is a likeable person, but prefers to saunter in the background and speak only when he has something of interest to say. Acteon grew up in the shadow of his older and livelier brother, Auberon, but always saw it as a blessing. While Auberon attended numerous public gatherings, Acteon was more than happy sit alone in the library reading and studying. The more boisterous members of the community think him cowardly, as he never speaks out of turn and gives of an air of submission. This is far from true. Acteon can be very assertive when he wants to and is an accomplished swordsman.
While Acteon is overall quite happy with himself as a person, there is one thing about himself that he loathes. Whenever overwhelmed with any sort of emotion, the right side of his upper lip begins to twitch. It began at a very young age, and no one knows yet what the actual cause of it is. What many do know is that it is birthed a spree of cruel nicknames, such as Lord Twitch and the Duke of Rabbits. Acteon can ignore most of the mockeries, but the ones involving this twitch always affect him.

Biography: Acteon is the second son of Alastair Faige, a “nobleman” of sorts and staunch supporter of heart chains, with strong ties in the Military. While Acteon possessed his own opinions on the subject, he did not think it necessary to voice them as it would just draw unwanted attention toward him and bring shame on his family. Although, if it were up to him, there would be no such thing as heart chains.

For as long as he could remember, Acteon had watched on while Auberon, his larger-than-life older brother, was trained and groomed to take their father’s place when he died. He felt no jealousy towards his brother though, and Auberon was always happy to be the center of attention. While Auberon was following closely in their father’s footstep (loyalty to the system included), he lasked one thing: control over his mouth. At any given chance, Auberon would shout out his thoughts on heart chains. Acteon had on many occasions advised his brother against speaking so freely, but his words fell on deaf ears. Auberon’s “speeches” gained him much praise from the fellow chained…
But it gained him an equal amount of dislike from those who were unlucky.

One night, while out walking with his friends, Auberon was apprehended by a group of rebels who wished to make a statement. His body was found beside the road the next morning. Now, with the title of heir shoved in his lap, Acteon has a choice to make. When he takes his father’s place as head of the family, should he use his social status to assist the rebellion in their cause or should he go on being silently neutral? While he felt a degree of hatred towards the Rebellion screwing up his life and robbing him of his brother, he could not help but pity the fact that their lives were far worse than his.


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Old 11-06-2014, 09:47 AM

Name : Vivienne Adair***

Age : 50 (18 on human terms)

Weapons : Two knives. A Ring with hidden blades

Primary Magic : Elemental Magic - Metal and Illusion

Bio : Vivienne, as she calls herself, is the youngest of 13 sisters. Each sister being born of a different union, Vivienne was the (unexpected) result of an affair between her mother, a Lady of the Seelie Court, and dark Fae of the Unseelie Court.

For many days after her birth, a vigorous humming could be heard emanating from any metal that came near her. She also proved talented in the magical arts from an exceedingly young age. This, aswell as the circumstances of her birth, caused the young Fae to regard her with caution (and occasional mockery) and the old to regard her with disdain. Her bright golden eyes and raven black hair didn't help the situation any more. That being said, she was never rejected from the community, but Vivienne always felt an outcast.

In her adolescence, Vivienne discovered that she held a great love for antique objects and metals and their working. Unfortunately, when she reached the proper age for learning, they could find no one to teach her. That was when she received her invite. Overjoyed, she accepted immediately, and planned to make her way on her own once she completed her studies.
Pic :

Other : ***Vivienne's true name is Leto of the Golden Briar. If any person were to say her true name for the very first time within her earshot, Vivienne would obliged to grant them a boon.
Vivienne holds herself at the mid point of the two Faerie Courts. She appreciates beauty, values honour and never forgets a debt, but she also embraces chaos and change, uses glamour (magic) as she pleases and works with passion.


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