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Lacona is offline
Old 06-03-2009, 06:05 PM


Weapon(s): a sythe, all black but has a crymson glow about it.
Magic: hypnotisim, shapechange(bat and wolf),
Background: She has lost her memory and does not recall when she was turned, and in fact she verry strongly belives herself to be human with odd teeth and a skin disorder.
Fears and Faults: doesn't like garlic (the stuff stinks.), aura of fear that makes dogs bark ans cats arch and hiss at her...
Appearance: 5'11", dark hair and blood red eyes. She is wearing a black corset and black leather pants. Thigh high boots with 6" block heels adorn her feet.

Rules: The Menesha TOS... well duh... respect other PC's no pc death without owners permission<i'd prefer not having chars die but if you feel yours must, who am I to stop you.> this Rp is freform so have fun...

RP start: ashadowy mausolim in the local graveyard Lacona sits, the front door is open, alowing for a cool breeze and the scent of rain to mix with the musty oder of age, and stale air. This is the place she has woken up from a sleep that seems like forever, and this is where she returns to think.

redanime90 is offline
Old 08-08-2009, 08:08 AM

Kiki black
half vampire
she used her sword
no magic
she life was bad her father killed her mother her mother was a human her father is a full blood vampire
she fears of losing her family and friends
she as long black one black eye one dark green eye black school outfit

she looks at that woman

Sapremia is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 08:43 AM

Weapon(s)~ Death staff, looks like this

Steel scythe, looks like this

Magic~ Immortal *does that count as magic?*, can turn into a skeleton when licking a person's blood, when I stab myself, it hurts, but doesn't kill her, hurts/kills the other person.
Background: Her father has been a cruel man ever since the day her mother has died, now she has to live with it, too.
Fears and faults~ She hates the light, she doesn't like cats or dogs
Appearance~5'15", black hair and light gray eyes. She is wearing black goth boots, black skirt (up to knees), and a black spy top.

*She looks at Kiki and Lacona*

redanime90 is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 10:46 PM

she walks away from them and goes to the bar for a drink she goes to the park and sees a vampire phantom

Nicoline is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 11:04 PM

Half Vampire
weapon: her black death sword
magic: can control people, can read minds
Background: Mom was a vampire, dad a human. Dad died when she was 10. Grew up with her mom, aunt and cousin. Aunt and cousin were very cruel to her, so she got away. Is now with the Death and Blood clan for half vampires.
Fears: Fulblood vampires(because of her aunt and cousin), churches.
appearance: Black t-shirt with white sleeves and a black jeans with a black converse.

*walks pass the graveyard and feels that something is there*

*walks to the graveyard and enters it.

Last edited by HamletSpamlet; 08-21-2009 at 12:09 PM.. Reason: double post

redanime90 is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 11:08 PM

she sees something go to the graveyard she fellows them she feels something bad as well

Nicoline is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 11:42 PM

*Nicole sees a person and feels, that the person is just like her. Nicole walks up to her and* says: Hi there! Who are you?

Last edited by Nicoline; 08-13-2009 at 11:45 PM..

redanime90 is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 11:45 PM

kiki and u r a half vampire too like me its good to met u

Sapremia is offline
Old 08-15-2009, 03:39 PM

*puts head down and sits on a bench alone* ....So..

redanime90 is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 12:45 AM

i don't like evil full blood vampires they killed my mother

Vaneria19 is offline
Old 10-10-2009, 04:52 PM

((May I join in?))
My character is half goddess and vampire. Mother was the daughter of aphrodite and her father was the prince of vampires.

Chazzeh is offline
Old 10-12-2009, 03:32 AM

Died At Age:16
Appearance:::Mist would rise up from the ground making the leafs on the trees wilt very slowly,a insane giggle could be heard from behind the mist as a dark figure slowly stepped through the mist making it disappear,Chazzeh would be standing tall at 5'7,the blackness of her hair sort of lingered through the breeze, a smirk grew across her lips while her finger layed lightly on her lip letting her eyes examine the others::

::Chazze's eyes peered at the others watching them closely, she was very cautious and afraid that the others would notice her, her fingernails scrapped against the bark of the tree hearing the tree bark crumble off the tree::

Kokoro chan
Kokoro chan is offline
Old 10-13-2009, 08:19 PM

((Can anyone join still? And do we have to be vampires?))


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