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Old 05-30-2010, 02:24 AM

Welcome to my final home on Menewshan soil, so to speak. I've been around since fairly early on in the site's life and gotten to watch this place switch multiple hands and its community grow since I was in college.

Alas, life is starting to take a much stronger precedence for me with a proper job, handling bills, time with my beau where I can get it and needing to get my arse into working more with my art. I've decided that it's time to stop waiting for this forum to grow into what I wish it could and it's time to head on off.

And so here we are~ I'm a more quiet art whore (er, well unless bidding in auctions I suppose) and I do love quality artwork more than most things. It's a wonderful pick me up and something I can keep forever. So without further ado, please take a gander on in, perhaps you'll find someone interesting enough to draw and enter for.

Contest runs until: May 17, 2011

Post 1 - Intro and Table of Contents
Post 2 - Rules and Prize Cache
Post 3 - Prize Categories
Post 4 - Entries
Post 5 - Extra - Scenes and ideas
Post 6 - Characters: Ise/Jace
Post 7 - Characters: Yoki/Teridon
Post 8 - Characters: Hem/Tobin
Post 9 - Characters: Abiah/Mikh'ail
Post 10 - Characters: Tigress/Demon

Last edited by Ise; 11-26-2010 at 04:12 AM..

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Old 05-30-2010, 02:25 AM

- We all hate 'em, but too bad.

1. Follow the ToS. I don't think I need say anything more on this.
2. Do not offer me art you did not create. If I catch you or otherwise find out you stole or plagiarized someone else's artwork I will report you.
3. Do not steal any of the art on this page be it my own or the art that has been done for me.
4. I prefer quality over quantity. Take some time, have some fun, experiment. This won't end anytime soon.
5. Multiple entries are allowed and encouraged.
6. Collaboration entries are allowed, but if the piece wins you and your partner are responsible for choosing how the prize is to be split.
7. Any material that is above or thought of to be offensive to the Pg-13 rating must be PMed to me rather than to be linked in the thread.
8. Do not bring your drama in here. I'm getting on in my life and the further I go, the more it pisses me off. Keep it light, fun and friendly or don't post at all.
9. Have fun with it!

I can and will add rules as necessary as the contest progresses.

This needs to be updated, but here's a rough idea of just CIs & EIs to be involved.

Last edited by Ise; 06-16-2010 at 09:47 PM..

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Old 05-30-2010, 02:26 AM

1st Place Overall: V-day '07 hairpin
2nd Place Overall: V-day '07 Pure Love Boa
3rd Place Overall: V-day '07 Pure Love Sash

Best Yoki: V-day ;07 Pure Love Boa
Best Teridon: V-day '07 Pendant
Best Yoki & Teridon: V-day '07 Lovelipop

Best Ise:
Best Jace:
Best Ise & Jace:

Best Tobin:
Best Hem:
Best Tobin & Hem:

Best Abiah:
Best Mikh'ail
Best Abiah & Mikh'ail:

Best Tigress:
Best Demon:
Best Tigress & Demon:

Honorable Mentions:

Most Entries:

Most Creative:

Most improved:

Best Traditional:
Best Digital:
Best Pixel

Last edited by Ise; 06-18-2010 at 06:29 PM..

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Old 05-30-2010, 02:27 AM

All current entries that have yet to be uploaded to photobucket will be linked here.

Photobucket link here

Last edited by Ise; 06-16-2010 at 09:47 PM..

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Old 05-30-2010, 02:28 AM

This post contains things that I would absolutely love to see done, some being scenes from the stories of the characters, some being musical inspiration from the links I provide and others perhaps being outfits I'll post.

Ise & Jace:

Yoki & Teridon:

Stock References for Yoki

Yoki has been my OC for over 12 years, so she has the most attention from me. She is also the one I have compiled more stock references of, so in this folder are odds and ends for ideas regarding her if you like her but aren't sure where to go. Perhaps they will help you a little.

Tobin & Hem:

Abiah & Mikh'ail:

Tigress & Demon:

Last edited by Ise; 06-16-2010 at 09:48 PM..

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Old 05-30-2010, 02:29 AM

Characters: Ise & Jace

Name: Ise
Nickname: Iseh, koneko-chan
Apparent age: 22
Race: feline
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 126lbs
Eyes: Anywhere from a sky blue to a semi-turquoise shade depending on mood, but generally blue.
Hair: Either burgundy red, sometimes with a slight violet tint to it in good lighting, or white. It's cut in a short pixie cut with bangs shifted from right to left. Sometimes the back is smooth, others it's mussed or spiked in a rather punkish manner. Ask upon commission.
Ref: These are the cuts the style is based off:
x x
Physique: Pale skin tone. Tall and lanky, with a gentle hourglass - Average bust and hips which protrude just a little.
- Misc: She has a set of cat ears and a fluffy angora tail that is vainly maintained to keep it smooth and silky. Also wears a pair of black cat eye glasses
Personality: Ise is quite the introvert. Most people who don't know her think she is a standoffish bitch at first glance. True to that, she can. She likes to be around people, but not necessarily with them. Is rather quiet unless you know her and then can be a big chatterbox. Prone to depressive mood swings, but generally a nice person overall (or so she's told).
Music - she cannot function throughout the day without it, and wherever she is going she's noted to always have her headphones and little Zen V mp3 player. If in her room, she is consistently on her computer with her headphones on again.
Art - Ise is an artist, an illustrator to be exact. Behind her LCD monitor are bins of various supplies ranging from markers to watercolors to sculpting supplies that she hasn't used in a long time. Most everything she owns has a splotch of paint or ink on it somewhere. Also, by her desk is a large 12x19" Intuos tablet that she is struggling to learn. She NEVER goes anywhere without her sketchbook, even if she ends up not using it. If someone tries to take it or look inside without permission she gets very defensive and will swipe it, only to whack that person over the head with the book.
Reading - When she gets the time, if Ise gets hold of a good book she won't put it down until she's done. In fact, things tend to get put on hold until she's finished.
A certain dragon - :coughChaosvariablecough: Is around him as much as physically possible, and generally the two make a cavity sweet pair. She's often sitting by his legs with her head on her lap when he hasn't pulled her to sit there, or just plain cuddling. The two are generally always in close contact, be it hands or tails wrapped firmly about the other's hips.

OOC background: Ise-kit, by day, is like you or I with a job, a significant other etc. She works retail and also works as a custom framer in a local frame shop where, after four years of art school, she gets her fix of seeing more artwork. Some things she likes, others not so much.

After hours can be said to be a slightly different story. You see, Ise-kit is an art thief, but certainly not the way one might think. How she got hold of it is unknown, but she has a quill pen and brush that allow her to essentially draw or paint the opening to any painting she might so desire and to crawl right on into it. Each painting is a little alternate universe in and of itself, and when she spies something - a dress, a vase, a flower - that she likes, she sneaks in to pilfer it away. It's during one of these times that she came across her beau, among other things.

RL References:
x x x

Commissions References:


Name: Jason
Nickname: Jace, Jas, Chaosvariable, Pendejo
Apparent age: 24
Race: Dragon/ Incubus (currently residing in human form)
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 150 LB
Eyes: Hazel (range from green to brown and mixes)
Hair: Chestnut brown, dark red tint. Double length, front bangs down to throat angled back towards back of neck- After that is long, down past shoulder blades, middle of back. Often gelled into curles, bangs framing face,-sometimes straight with ends curled in, framing again and rarely tied back but when it is, bangs are usually kept down to frame.
Physique: Slim, athletic, leaning towards androgynous. Sometimes mistaken for a woman.
Personality: Eternally amused, slightly arrogant, confident, watchful and curious while being reserved with a touch of a touble-maker and flirt. Motto: Order through Chaos.
Martial arts of various styles, fencing, reading, collecting anything and everything ranging from weapons to statues of dragons and odds and ends Researching and practicing my own brand of magick and occasionally sharing it with others. Loves to spoil his Lady Love at every possible turn and making her blush.

OOC Background Jace is an interesting fellow. He first arrives in the story by way of running into Ise pilfering some item or another from a famous painting. Now, while each painting is indeed a world unto itself, he was not exactly a part of said world and quiet the smug conundrum to the feline thief. Having taken an interest in her antics and a great deal of amusement in making her takings more difficult to attain it is learned that he has access to such worlds through computers as opposed to the brush of his later to-be kitten. While she moves through the paintings themselves, he is even more easily able to jump through at the touch of a simple google search, though at times this makes for a bit of a problem if he can't find a high enough resolution on the painting he wants.

RL References:

x x

Commissions References:


Last edited by Ise; 06-16-2010 at 09:55 PM..

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Old 05-30-2010, 02:31 AM

Characters: Yoki & Teridon

Name: Yoki
Race: Vampire
Apparent Age:21, but her demeanor makes her seem a few years older in maturity
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 145 lbs, though she hardly looks it
Skin: Alabaster white
Eyes: Slim, slightly slanted with very full lashes. Silver in color.
Hair: Full length drifts nearly to the floor, but generally it is cut somewhere between the small of her back to her knees. It's raven black, with all the sheens of color included, and is in fountain curls.
Reference: X
Physique: Tall and willowy, she has a very slender hourglass shape and is perfectly fit and toned from both dancing as well as hard labor in the fields when she was yet mortal. She is neither small nor large in the hips and bust, she's probably a small C. In general she's proportionate, slender and svelte.
Personality: Very moody, forever torn between acceptance and denial of her own nature. Often she may come across as calm and well composed, even cold to many but inwardly she is always a torrent of thought and emotions along with a well hidden gentleness. It's very rare for a true laugh or smile to escape her, often her lover mentions his desire to see her "smile that sad smile at me once more." More often than not she is enigmatic and a little aloof.
- Dancing: First and foremost love in her life when it comes to passions. You name it she likely can dance it and to near perfection. Several thousand years is plenty of time to master such things. She loses herself in her own little world when dancing and it is often where she truly relaxes and allows herself some happiness.
- Reading: She is somewhat of a bookworm, if several story libraries in her home have anything to say about it. She reads both out of curiosity and boredom as well as to keep up with the times. Subjects range from apothecary practices to philosophy.
- Cello/violin: Violin was her first instrument, but cello was another early acquisition to her instrumental repertoire. She is highly skilled in both. In reality she loves all stringed instruments, but these two are her favorite to play.

Image References:
x x x x

Name: Teridon
Race: Vampire
Age: over 20,000 years old
Apparent Age: About 30
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 194 lb
Skin: Natural skin tone.
Physique: Semi-broad shouldered, well muscled but not overly so. Not Lanky thin, well proportioned, strong athletic build.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long silvery-white, very wavy, more so the further down it gets.No bangs,long all around, flowing out behind him in true dramatic form.
Personality: Playful, arrogant, manipulative. He's been everywhere you can think of, lived, learned and had his hand in the proverbial "cookie jar" of wherever he's been. Calm and calculating but loyal to those he cares about- a single individual in particular. He will do anything to protect those certain people. Teridon has the resources to get anything he wants and particularly collects fine things and antiques- expensive tastes.


Image References: These are unfortunately the only two commissions I have that can properly reference Teridon. The issue is they're both in profile, so it doesn't give the best idea of his face. xD; Below these are a couple of references just for an idea of his structure, so please take a look at them.


These are NOT Teridon. They are illustrations of Juste Belmont, who my beau found to resemble Teridon the most in terms of facial and body structure. They both have chiseled features, a slightly broader muscular build and are both masculine but beautiful- though you'd never mistake him for a woman.


Last edited by Ise; 06-16-2010 at 09:55 PM..

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Old 05-30-2010, 02:31 AM

Characters: Hem & Tobin

Name: Tobin
Age: 23
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145 lbs
Skin: Pale in complexion, burns easily. She has a more peaches ' cream complexion, a bit more yellow than pink undertones.
Eyes: Emerald green
Hair: Tricky thing, her hair changes almost as fast as her tempestuous moods. It's safe to assume it changes color and style weekly, but it's always fairly short and very much along the punk/emo/scene set of styles. She likes it choppy, uneven and often spiky. Most common hair color is a bright red. She and Hem share similar, kind of androgynous hair styles. Tobin likes to accessorize more, though, with hair bands, brightly colored clips and the like.
Hair References: x x x x x x x x x x
Physique: Tobin is tall and fairly slender. She's got a good musculature given she works out regularly, her favorite thing being the kick bag. She is also no stranger to martial arts, so she's got decent definition. A little on the smaller end for bust, small B, slender hips.
Personality: Tobin is a hellcat, to put it simply. She has an attitude and like hell is she afraid to use it. She is not one of the most tactful people on the planet and does have some issues with anger on occasion, not to mention reckless behavior. She's a good, loyal friend, though, the sort who had and would get herself spending the night at the police station for knocking out someone harassing a friend. Due to a plethora of issues growing up, she hasn't always made the best choices when it comes to others in her life and has gotten hurt plenty for it but on the flip side it made her fiercely independent from a very young age, enough so that she moved out of the tenement she lived in with her parents by age 16. The only one who has been there through it all is Hem whom she shares a bizarre and twisted relationship full of biting put downs, frequent spats and a lot of wrestling around. She is also part of a small band that sticks to a more punk/goth set of rules, being the main vocalist and often also playing bass, even if it's only in her spare time.

References: Newly worked up character, unfortunately I have only a rough sketch bust and RL reference images to work from at this moment.


Name: Hem
Age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145lbs
Skin: Light skin with only a slight hint of tan during winter, but easily gets a tan during summer if he spends a little time outside. No facial hair.
Eyes: Solid moss green with flecks of color.
Hair: Think...emo. Any odd hairdo will do, regardless of whether it might be taken as femme or not. Often the back is short while the front is long, sometimes spiked. Colors have gone over the entire range of colors, often natural hue of black with blue tint. IF he really want's to just be a pain, he'll wear a natural wig and laugh his ass off when people are taken aback by the hair.
Hair References: x x x x x x x x x x
Physique: Very lean, a little bit on the gangly side aside from being very toned. Often ends up being mistaken for a girl.
Piercings: Small stainless steel ring in eyebrow and both nipples
Personality: The quintessential trouble maker. Even as a kid, he loved to play tricks and games on people. Will actively just watch people to figure them out and is not afraid to stand up and tell someone when they're being stupid. Takes it in stride when people mistake him for a girl and can only smirk. Always playful but can be serious when necessary. Spends a lot of time with his best friend since childhood, Tobin. Plays in a band- sings and plays both guitar and drums but can also play violin. Moved out at age of 16 so he is independent and hardworking. Mostly get's what he wants and if he doesn't he can figure out a way to do so in the end.

Spends ample time between gym, band, working and martial arts and yet, still manages to find time to hang out with his friends, mostly Tobin. Some people don't understand their relationship but that doesn't bother him- they'll either get used to it or not. He is fiercely protective of anyone that hurts the people he cares about. Most people don't even know his real name, he just goes by Hem or Hemlock.

References: Newly worked up character, unfortunately I have only a rough sketch bust and RL reference images to work from at this moment.


Last edited by Ise; 06-16-2010 at 09:55 PM..

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Old 05-30-2010, 02:32 AM

Characters: Abiah & Mikh'ail

Name: Abiah


Name: Mikh'ail


Last edited by Ise; 06-16-2010 at 09:56 PM..

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Old 05-30-2010, 02:32 AM

Characters: T igress & a Demon

Name: Unknown, Tigress
Age: Unknown, forced under a pact into immortality unknowingly
Apparent Age: Late 20s, early 30s
Height: 5'10" - 5'11"
Weight: 155lbs
Skin: When in humanoid form, bronzed tan with dark brown to black tiger markings
Eyes: Deep amber yellow
Hair: Untamed spiral curls, full of volume and some frizz down to mid-back. Bright, rich red in color.
reference: Curls
Physique: Amazonian in stature, Tigress is very curvy with ample bust - large C - and child-bearing hips. She's also extremely muscular and lean. She has a pair of rounded tiger ears, the long tail and clawed fingertips.
Personality: Hellcat, to put it lightly. She hates humans due to the fact that poachers murdered her infant cubs and husband, taking her for the slave market and won't hesitate to make a meal out of one. She is a ruthless huntress who spares absolutely no mercy or pity for her prey. Typically Tigress is fairly solitary and more angry in nature than broody, never having given up her hatred and grudge after the murder of her family. She also has a very violent temper, very rarely turning over an affectionate side. This is not a passive woman.
Other: Tigress, as is given by her name, is a tiger and spends a good deal of her time in the cat form, looking like a Bengal Tiger. When not, she bypasses the anthro form (she can't use it for whatever reason), she wanders in the humanoid form described above.


Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'11" - 6'
Weight: 165lbs
Skin: Normal skin tone, light to moderate tan
Eyes: Crimson
Hair: Coal black, straight to the middle of shoulder blades, bangless.
Physique: Tall and broad shouldered. He can take on any form he pleases, but typically he's well muscled and fit like his tempermental beau.
Personality: Like many a Servitor demon, he is ultimately a trickster and a wordsmith skilled in the art of loopholes and semantics to gain what he wants. He makes deals with foolish beings that give them what they truly want, but for a hefty price. Self-assured and snarky, he has no qualms with pestering and following around a certain ill-tempered feline who once wanted nothing to do with him (and would to this day rather eat her own tail than admit anything different). Though often far, far too self-assured, in the case of his tiger lover he prevailed in the end... even if it meant having to go incorporeal umpteen million times to avoid being gutted, his face slashed or his loins set on fire.


Last edited by Ise; 06-16-2010 at 09:56 PM..

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 09:57 PM

Hey Ise~ I hope you get lots of beautiful entries and that all of your characters get drawn~ :'3 <3
You have quite the prize pool after all~ x'3
& You deserve many entries, that's for sure~ <33

EmiEmi is offline
Old 06-14-2010, 02:32 AM

Ah what a better way for me to begin meeting people around here than to enter an art contest? heee Well I can't say I'll have anything whipped up quickly, but I for sure would like to experiment with these characters. :) Too bad you're leaving though. :(

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Old 06-15-2010, 11:51 PM

I drew Yoki...I will probably try to add a background, I normally don't but I think this drawing needs one! Anyway, here is the entry for now anyway...I've still got a WIP saved in case you need them for some reason

There is still a little bit I'm going to change on it anyway...add some black to her corset and change her bracelets. But too many hours in it right now!

Last edited by Dejection; 06-16-2010 at 07:18 AM..

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Old 06-16-2010, 07:41 PM

:ninja: Ohohohoho~

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Old 06-16-2010, 07:55 PM

Hadsie: Aw, thank you, hun. I don't have much reference of a few of them and I'm not sure how many people want to attempt an anthro (Mikh'ail), but we'll see. xD <3

EmiEmi: ^^ I hope so, I like to have people interacting in my threads. My last contest on Gaia in '04 was how I met a lot of my current friends. -pokes Moo-

Dejection: Wow o.o That was fast, and so sexy.

=3 Are you open to critiques along the way? I'm a terrible judge, I love to help people along in their art. xD;

Carrie: -eyes the ninja- You're gearing up for the "Most entries" prize you know I'll have again, aren't you? XDDD <333

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Old 06-16-2010, 08:46 PM

XDD Hahahaha possiiiibly~

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Old 06-16-2010, 08:47 PM

XD By all means~

I'm not sure how many entries I ought to require for most of the prizes to go out per category.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 06-16-2010, 09:04 PM


I am for cleavageful Yokis everywhere.

Last edited by Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda; 06-16-2010 at 09:25 PM..

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Old 06-16-2010, 09:26 PM

Lmao xD; Should have known you'd say that, dear. She is pretty busty compared to usual there, must be the corset.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 06-16-2010, 09:28 PM

At least she's in clothes. Something I am fully incapable of drawing.

Okay, more like, 'why clothe something so sexy? You're denying the world!', but...

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Old 06-16-2010, 09:29 PM

xD Ha, yeaaaah. Sometimes that's really the case. If you're wanting more of the nude-ish ones, that's Tigress's bag. She'd prefer to be au natural given she's more feline than humanoid.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 06-16-2010, 09:31 PM

Oh, I will be drawing all of them. In group art. Making out. *shot at repeatedly*

S-separately making out?

Just separate? ;o;

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Old 06-16-2010, 09:32 PM

xD; That was.. so wrong.

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Old 06-16-2010, 09:34 PM

You're welcome to critique if you want. I can't guarantee I'll change anything at this stage in the artwork that isn't minor...but I might draw another of your characters anyway

Last edited by Dejection; 06-16-2010 at 09:37 PM..

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 06-16-2010, 09:35 PM

But it made you laugh. 8D

I can't even picture any of them doing any PDA other than Hem and Tobin. And then it would be the played up kind. XD


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