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Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-17-2010, 08:37 AM

New Haven:

Despite its humble and utterly unimaginative name, New Haven is a bevy of East Coast aristocracy, old money, and those pretenders fortunate enough to have had some initiation into the ranks of the blue bloods and true high society. Only an hour's drive North of New York City, and yet, this small community seems like almost another world. This is largely due to the level of seclusion that the residents of New Haven enjoy and, as an unspoken rule, maintain. For it is here that the rich can enjoy their decadence without the awkward intrusion of "new money", blood-sucking journalists, or the poor. With its yacht parties, flourishing night-life, and isolation from the rest of the world, New Haven seems almost a paradise.

And perhaps that was what attracted sir Phillipe Leon Domingo Marques de Vallado. Building his expansive home on a, dwarfing many in size, opulence, and splendor. And yet not much has been seen of the Marques since his arrival.

No. In fact, the Marques has kept quite to himself causing no small amount of curiosity amongst the locals. So much so, in fact, that when he sent out invitations, seemingly out of the blue, not a single family invited dared miss the opportunity to attend what would, without a doubt, be the most talked about dinner party of the month.


Marques Phillipe Leon Domingo- Spanish nobility, the Marques has made his home in New Haven. Nobody is quite sure what to make of him. In this game, he is a man of unknown means and an unverifiable origin who is both handsome, charming, frightening, and a vampire. His power is immense.

The Nine To Be Embraced- These nine have been chosen to be the Marques's children of the night, though they do not know it yet. Most of their families, along with many others, have been invited to attend Sir Phillipe's dinner party and they all know each other, in some capacity, either through school or through their parents or perhaps other parties. They each were chosen for their unique characteristics, and the embrace will effect each uniquely. These are Player Characters.

Count Dante Escobar- A strange, though exorbitantly rich, eccentric who claims that the dead walk among us and that they will damn our children. He is considered to be mostly harmless, and many locals listen to his wild tales to pacify the funny fellow. Whether or not he is really a count is the cause of much debate.

The Wayward Children- These children seem to have been caught up in strange currents around them. Something very strange is happening, but they are not quite sure what. Perhaps they believe the Count and his stories or perhaps they observe a change in one of their friends, who seems to no longer come out during the day. Maybe they simply do not trust the Marques. Whatever the case may be, they have some inkling as to the dangerous waters in which they swim. Some will die, some will hunt the children of the night, and still others will turn against their own kind and serve the vampires in hopes of earning the eternal gift for themselves. Their fate is in your hands.


1. Obey the ToS(Terms of Service) this is mandatory.
2. Do not disrespect, spam or flame anyone in the thread.
3. Read any posted announcements and participate in the OOC.
4. Do not ignore/disobey any of the mods or the creator.
5. Do not God Mod/Min Max/Powerplay, etc.
6. Do not advertise things in the thread.
7. Keep romance and violence to a respectable level.
8. Do not Auto-Hit.
9. Do not Auto-Move.
10. Do not Puppet-Master.
11. No 1 liners. This should be, at the very least, semi-literate.
12. Desdamin's and his mods' (if there are any) words are law.
13. At the end of each game day/whenever your character sleeps, at least one of your characters (you may have more than one) writes a journal/diary entry summarizing their day from their perspective.


Submitted profiles MUST follow these rules:

1. All character profiles are sent via pm to Desdamin, the creator. His decision is final, and if the profile needs to be changed, he'll tell you how.

2. Please fill out the form completely.

3. When sending the profile, title the subject "Nocturne".

4. The powers are spelled out.

5. No profile will be accepted unless it is fit into the skeleton below.


Q: Do I have to be a human?
A: There are a few spots left for vampires, and his/her potential powers and personality are somewhat prefabricated, though his past and your play-style determines a lot as well.

Q: Really?
A: Well, yes... as the story goes on, there may be more vampires later, but... as of the moment, this is story.

Q: Really?
A: Yes! Stop that!

More as they come up.

User Name: (the name of your account.)
Character Name: (the name you give your character.)
Age: (how old is your character?)
Gender: (male, female, other?)
Strength: (are you really strong, a natural athlete, a brain, an artist, a stunt-driver?)
Weakness: (What do you really suck at?)
Pets: (optional)
Likes: (what does your character like?)
Dislikes: (what doesn't your character like?)
Bio: (what is your character's revealed past?)
Position: (Are you applying for a human or vampire position? If a vampire, which one?)
Other: (anything you wish to add?)
Appearance: (post a pic of what you look like, or describe. Description is preferred.)

Game Details:

The game begins at the dinner party. No one is aware of the Marques's Vampiric nature, and no one has any reason to be ill at ease. Moreover, all the vampire characters have not yet been turned and have never met Sir Phillipe. At the beginning of the game, all Vampire powers will be at the lowest of levels. They will grow more powerful as the game goes on, and only if it makes sense. The humans, who have varying histories, may be at the dinner party as well, or they may be elsewhere, if they so choose. It is sun down, and the guests are just arriving. They are met at the front door by a butler and led into a sitting room where they are offered the finest of refreshments.

This rp is largely based on Vampire: the Masquerade, with some notable differences. If you are familiar with that game, then all the better. but don't think that it is exactly the same.

Here's the OOC!

Last edited by Desdamin; 12-13-2010 at 01:54 AM.. Reason: To add more.

Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-17-2010, 08:43 AM


The Nine To Be Embraced:

The Reluctant Aristocrat:
-Auspex: The ability to utilize one's senses beyond the natural. With this ability, one can even see into the mind of another. At the lowest levels, one's senses can be temporarily bolstered to an absurd level. At the highest level, no secret on Earth can stay hidden for long.
-Vicissitude: The ability to change one's own flesh, bones, and organs, or to sculpt another's with the merest touch. At the lowest levels, one can make minor cosmetic changes, stretch skin, a bit, cover a wound, manipulate scar tissue. At the highest, one can become a near unkillable monster and reduce whole villages to masses of living fleshy liquid or combine them to form gargantuan, unholy creatures.
-Animalism: The ability to communicate, control, and bond with animals and beasts. At higher levels, this also includes what is bestial in people. At the lowest levels, one can almost communicate with an animal, they understanding you, and you understanding them in a sort of unnatural way. At the highest levels, one can control all beasts within a mile wide radius, or perhaps set all minds in the area to operate as animals' would, denying higher functions. Or perhaps one could combine the two powers to control all the minds, animal and human, within a mile wide radius.

User Name: Desdamin
Character Name: Merrick Jacobi Sebastian Ames Sombres
Age: 17
Gender: male
Strength: Art Prodigy (Particularly Sculpting), Natural Leader
Weakness: Very Reluctant, Self-Doubting, Listless, a little technophobic.
Pets: n/a
Likes: Beauty, art, real emotion, truths.
Dislikes: Falsehoods, masks, ugliness (especially hidden ugliness), most technology
Bio: He's the son of Jacobi Sebastian Ames Sombres and Merricka Genevieve Ames Sombres, two members of the French nobility and very old money. His father is a stern man that speaks often of the responsibilities of the upper class and the responsibilities of the lower class, but Merrick himself has difficulty seeing this as anything but hypocritical and unjust. He goes to the local private school, which is extremely privileged and does very well in most all subjects, by turns. There are times when he does little or nothing, staring blankly at the wall, or spending days holed up in his room drawing or reading or sculpting, neglecting the world outside and even his own hunger and thirst. He's never one to pay much attention to the day or the night. Just what is it all for, anyway?
Position: The Reluctant Aristocrat (Vampire)
Other: He's had some training in all the gentlemanly pursuits (falconry, fencing, equestrianism, etc), and he did very well with them, for the minimal amount of effort he put into it. He's never been a particularly physical person.
Appearance: Not particularly tall, he stands at 5' 10", fairly thin, somewhat pale, but the sort of pale that comes from both heritage and spending too much time indoors. His features are delicate but angular, giving him the appearance of being quite fragile, except his hands which appear to be unusually strong. He generally wears crisp and clean shirts, generally white or slightly off white, of no small expense and form-fitting dark pants. Altogether, he gives the impression that he is very clean. And he is... very clean. Very very clean.

The Pious Child:
-Auspex: The ability to utilize one's senses beyond the natural. With this ability, one can even see into the mind of another. At the lowest levels, one's senses can be temporarily bolstered to an absurd level. At the highest level, no secret on Earth can stay hidden for long.
-Obfuscate: Used to obscure, hide, and disguise, this ability allows one to pass unseen, or perhaps seen as someone else. At the lowest levels, one can stay completely unnoticed, if you do not move around. At the highest levels, a person can remove their identity from the memory and data of the entire world or create a completely new one. Though often very impressive, Obfuscate uses illusions to accomplish its means.
- Dominate: The ability to directly control another person. At the lowest levels, one can, with an utterance, make another person perform a simple, immediate action. At the highest levels, one can turn a city into an obediant collection of mindless slaves.

User Name: meatballhead (mule account of The_Crow)
Character Name: Sakura Rose Dawson
Age: 14 (equivalnt to freshman in high school)
Gender: Female
Strength: Her intellectual age is the equivalent of a high school AP/IB "Senior" or a first year Ivy-League University student
Weakness: Her social growth has been stunted by a number of factors, which makes her very childlike and vulnerable in certain situations.
Pets: Any of her caretakers.
Likes: The fashions in Gothic and Lolita Bible (Japanese Magazine/Publication); Akihabara[A District in Tokyo]'s Stores and Maid Cafes (Tons of Anime, Music, Games, and cute cakes and teas served by girls in various maid outfits); Flowers, especially Cherry Blossoms and Roses.
Dislikes: Uncleanliness (in people and environments), Cigarette Smoke, anything both green and slimy.
Bio: Sakura Rose was born in Japan, during the Cherry Blossom Festival. As the daughter of the American Consulate in Kyoto. As a young child she did not understand why she was a "gai-jin" (foreigner), even though she was born in Japan and learned to speak English and Japanese simultaneously. She picked up quickly on people's positions relative to her based on honrifics and the general way they speak. Her parents became concerned about her identity formation during the key years as a young teenager and truly wished for her to be "American", thus the family moved to New Haven, where they have lived happily for six months, and aside from the mysterious Marques, they are the 'newest blood' to the neighbourhood. However her family posesses both wealth and a solid reputation. Position: The Pious Child Vampire
Other: I plan to add a full Vampire: The Masquerade character sheet on my reserved post of further detail for the reference of myself and anybody else who is curious.
Appearance: Sakura Rose stands at 4'11'' and weighs 90 lbs, leaving her thin but healthy looking. She has shoulder length raven black hair, yet piercing green eyes. Her skin color is pale, as she is Caucasian, as are her parents. She prefers to dress in the 'gothic lolita' style that is popular in Japan, and even more expensive stateside.

Serpent in Paradise:
-Chimestry: This is the ability of illusions. At it's lowest level, one can create a motionless illusion that affects one of the five senses. At the highest, one can bring complex illusions into reality or trap someone in a reality of your making.
-Presence: This is charm magnified to supernatural proportions. At the lowest levels, one's words become far more pleasing and agreeable. At the highest level, one can project an emotion onto everyone in a city, make them work towards the same goal, subconsciously, or manipulate the dreams and nightmares of the entire planet.
-Serpentis: Unusual and encompassing, this strange and enigmatic ability gives one the powers of and dominion over serpents and snakes, including the more esoteric ones. At the lowest levels, one can paralyze with a gaze and serpents recognize you as one of their own. At the highest, One can mark someone to be attacked by all who see him, summon or transform into a giant snake of pure darkness, walk in the sun with no effect, or create an object that causes people to become addicted to sadistic acts.

User Name: Desdamin
Character Name: Appolonia D'Angelis
Age: 19
Gender: female
Strength: Charismatic, People seem to trust her, Beautiful, Knows people.
Weakness: Hedonistic, Easily addicted, Easily tempted
Pets: Ball Python named Nagi
Likes: Pleasure, Pretty things, Money, Excitement, People.
Dislikes: Being alone, Being denied anything, Moralists.
Bio: Her parents are wealthy enough, but disreputable. They are known to have been former mob, and how they ended up in New Haven is something of a wonder. They had been quite the scandal when they'd first moved in, some twenty years ago, but the two, having been fairly quiet and self-contained, have since been tolerated, ignored, or feared, as the situation called for. Appolonia grew up around children who were mostly afraid of her, having heard terrible things about her parents. She learned to be pleasant to make friends, tempting them with that which they wanted, and then using it to keep them around and under control. She knows just about everyone, and is pretty much everyone's friend. People may have mixed opinions of her, but nobody says "no" to Appolonia.
Position: The Serpent in the Paradise (Vampire)
Other: She is constantly well dressed, has a well concealed drug habit, and has a habit of teasing men and women. She keeps people close, but stays away from being personal.
Appolonia in full Regalia

Alone in the Dark:
-Celerity: Supernatural speed and grace. At the lowest levels, this means a simple temporary boost of speed, but not to inhuman degrees. At the highest levels, you move fast enough to defy gravity, you can move too fast for the eye to see, and you're graceful enough to never fail when attempting a physical maneuver.
-Obfuscate: Used to obscure, hide, and disguise, this ability allows one to pass unseen, or perhaps seen as someone else. At the lowest levels, one can stay completely unnoticed, if you do not move around. At the highest levels, a person can remove their identity from the memory and data of the entire world or create a completely new one. Though often very impressive, Obfuscate uses illusions to accomplish its means.
-Quietus: This ability is for those that strike from the shadows. It is an assassin's art that affects the senses and deals death. At the lowest level, it creates absolute silence around the target or yourself. At the highest, you can reduce a target's physical abilities to that of a quadriplegic, even another powerful vampire. You can turn the blood in your own body, or in another's, to acid with no damage to you. Or you can communicate with the blood in another to find information, or awaken memories long since past.

User Name: MewMint20
Character Name: Kataro Sousuke
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Strength: Although not all that physically strong he has an eye for accuracy and top marksmanship with all forms of long range weaponry. He also has an almost poetically beautiful singing voice. He doesn't trust easy.
Weakness: hand-to-hand combat, he also has a weakness for sweet foods usually letting his guard down when enjoying them. HE isn't a "people person"
Pets: a small ginger kitten, nameless.
Likes: His kitten mostly, his butler and sweet foods. He is oddly simple in this way.
Dislikes: noisy people, nosey people, bitter foods, people who can’t prepare a good sweet dish, people who try to ‘get too close’, people who bring up his parents. People who don’t try to understand his ‘in-depth thoughts’.
Bio: He was 8 when his parents died in a car accident causing everything to be left to him but not until he was of age. His butler took care of him; he raised him but not like a parent would. He believed in a tough love process usually leaving Kataro on his own to contemplate and think. During this time he learned that everyone died and the instinct to survive was a strong impulse. He believes his life becomes before his butlers and that all the world is subject to an infinite hierarchy, he had learned this from the many experiments he conducted. Keeping to himself apart from the odd occasion someone tried to break in, which allowed him to experiment more so on the human’s will and instinct to survive.
Position: Vampire, Alone in the Dark:
Other: He has scars on his back from being hit with a cane as punishment when he was very young.
Appearance:Kataro HE looks older then he is, his skin is deathly pale from his odd like to spend time alone. His eyes are a beautiful blue and his hair black. He is 5’10’’ and tends to wear black jeans, a black shirt and a leather jacket.

The Loner:
-Dementation: This deals with madness and passions. At the lowest levels, one can amplify or dull any emotion or passion already present in the victim. At the highest, one can reduce an entire city block to bedlam, remove the madness of another permanently, or drop a city into a catatonic state.
-Chimestry: This is the ability of illusions. At it's lowest level, one can create a motionless illusion that affects one of the five senses. At the highest, one can bring complex illusions into reality or trap someone in a reality of your making.
-Obfuscate: Used to obscure, hide, and disguise, this ability allows one to pass unseen, or perhaps seen as someone else. At the lowest levels, one can stay completely unnoticed, if you do not move around. At the highest levels, a person can remove their identity from the memory and data of the entire world or create a completely new one. Though often very impressive, Obfuscate uses illusions to accomplish its means.

User Name: BLACKllASH
Character Name: Faith Bard
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Strength: an artist (Painting)
Weakness: Those inner thoughts
Pets: none
Likes: Peace, flowers, technology, emotion, loud music.
Dislikes: Stone-like personalities, dependence.
Bio: Faith has always been a sort of strange child. She was slower than other children, always watching and analyzing instead of acting. At a young age Faith took up art. Grasping concepts it took artists years to learn. Something else was formed in the process. A sort of surreal side of Faith. One that comes out threw her paintings. Never in her physical body. Some call Faith a genius of the art world. Able to tap into her subconscious mind and create nothing less than a master piece. Her life was one of interest to the media. Although she does not enjoy speaking with them, or anyone she knows is in it just for the money.
Position: The Loner
Appearance: Faith's appearance has changed very much over the years. She has a traditional light skin, and dark hair. Although now her hair has lighter streaks of auburn in it. Her hair is also short, much like a slightly longer pixie cut. Her body reminds you much of a dancer. The graceful, curvy, strong type. Faith also stands at about 6' 1" Which is another reason others tend to be nervous around her. Being that tall is very unnatural for a woman. Faith tends to stride towards comfortable, elegant clothing. When with her Vampire counterparts. Even with her ever-changing fashions,Faith is truly recognized for her unnaturally bright blue eyes.

The Proud Noble:
-Presence: This is charm magnified to supernatural proportions. At the lowest levels, one's words become far more pleasing and agreeable. At the highest level, one can project an emotion onto everyone in a city, make them work towards the same goal, subconsciously, or manipulate the dreams and nightmares of the entire planet.
-Dominate: The ability to directly control another person. At the lowest levels, one can, with an utterance, make another person perform a simple, immediate action. At the highest levels, one can turn a city into an obediant collection of mindless slaves.
-Fortitude: The ability to take damage that would otherwise injure or even kill a normal man. At the lowest levels, one can shrug off a single normally fatal bullet or blade wound. At the highest level, weapons shatter upon contact, those that strike you end up hurting or even breaking their arms, you can render a limb to be invincible for up to 10 minutes.

User Name: Graxdon
Character Name: Alfred Churchill
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Strength: A master's proficiency at strategy and natural marksman.
Weakness: Aquaphobia
Pets: (optional)
Likes: Strategy games, WW2 history, marksmanship shooting, chess
Dislikes: idiots who don't think before they act
Bio: A direct decendent of Winston Churchill, Alfred is very proud of his British lineage and teaching. Alfred was home schooled, but was taught by the finest teachers of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in England, passing with flying colors. He moved to America for a marksmanship competition and decided to stay in New Haven finding it a beacon of sophistication amongst America's cities.
Position: The Proud Noble
Pragmatic Conspirator:
-Obtenebration: Control over shadows and the supernatural darkness of the Abyss. The unnatural darkness summoned by Obtenebration is extremely frightening to mortals, animals, and even other Vampires unaccustomed to its use. At the lowest levels, you can manipulate shadows, bending them to any shape, animating them, in harmless, but potentially scary ways. At the highest level, One can banish someone to a realm of absolute darkness in every sense of the word, blot out the sun, and teleport between shadows around the world.
-Dominate: The ability to directly control another person. At the lowest levels, one can, with an utterance, make another person perform a simple, immediate action. At the highest levels, one can turn a city into an obediant collection of mindless slaves.
-Potence: Superhuman strength. At the lowest levels, this means a simple temporary boost of strength, but not to inhuman degrees. At the highest levels, one can perform near godly feats of strength, grant their strength to others and even use their strength without touching their target.

User Name: redrabbit
Character Name: Caleb Jackson
Age: 17
Gender: male
Strength: Charisma, strategy,
Weakness: hubris.
Pets: six guard dobermans patrol his grandfather's home.
Likes: card and board games, logic puzzles, dobermans.
Dislikes: music, all it is to him is noises in time.
Bio: As soon as Caleb learned that his grandfather, Jacob Jackson, was not only the sole reason his family had any wealth to speak of but was also a senile old fart, he demanded to be with him as much as possible. For the past few months Caleb has been a personal attendant to his grandfather, enjoying all the privileges of being spokesperson to and for a very rich and powerful man while waiting for him to die and leave millions of dollars in his will, or possibly his entire company. While never passing up a moment to spend with his grandfather, Caleb also enjoys puzzles and logic games, the most challenging and amusing of which are people.

Position: Pragmatic Conspirator
Other: Caleb cannot be described as friendly as he sees people as little puzzles with pieces missing. The trick is to find that missing piece and how to offer it upon a string. Then they will follow you forever. He will take pains not to make an enemy, but is not preoccupied with surrounding himself with followers.


The Goth Kid:
-Fortitude: The ability to take damage that would otherwise injure or even kill a normal man. At the lowest levels, one can shrug off a single normally fatal bullet or blade wound. At the highest level, weapons shatter upon contact, those that strike you end up hurting or even breaking their arms, you can render a limb to be invincible for up to 10 minutes.
-Auspex: The ability to utilize one's senses beyond the natural. With this ability, one can even see into the mind of another. At the lowest levels, one's senses can be temporarily bolstered to an absurd level. At the highest level, no secret on Earth can stay hidden for long.
-Necromancy/Mortis: Command over death, undeath, life, and unlife. At the lowest levels, you can stare into the eyes of a corpse and see reflected there the last thing the dead man witnessed, make a corpse shift, or see ghosts and ghostly objects or structures. At the highest level, you can control or destroy legions of ghosts and zombies, walk freely in the land of the dead, force souls to possess living bodies, and many useful and strange things. There are many paths and uses for this Power yet to be learned and discovered.

User Name: BLACKllASH
Character Name: Ace Fantasia
Age: 21
Gender: male
Strength: a natural talker and thinker
Weakness: being true to himself
Pets: none
Likes: Music, the color black, being left alone, and watching others as they go on with their daily lives
Dislikes: weakness, crying and art
Bio: Ace was born to a very rich and powerful family. His father being a relativity scary figure. Everything you think in a villain is what you see in the man. Ace on the hand completely rebelled his father. Becoming labeled as a simple goth child. Not that it bothered him. He enjoyed to dress darker than everything around him. Ace, whenever presenting in school always turned out to be a great speaker. He just did not have the motivation to speak with anyone. Well, at least anyone who would hold up a conversation longer than three words. Other than that, Ace is a complete mystery. Since he never feels the need to say anything.
Position: The Goth Kid
Other: Ace, as funny as it is, enjoys magic. He is very good at it also.
Appearance: pic

The Warrior Lord:
-Potence: Superhuman strength. At the lowest levels, this means a simple temporary boost of strength, but not to inhuman degrees. At the highest levels, one can perform near godly feats of strength, grant their strength to others and even use their strength without touching their target.
-Celerity: Supernatural speed and grace. At the lowest levels, this means a simple temporary boost of speed, but not to inhuman degrees. At the highest levels, you move fast enough to defy gravity, you can move too fast for the eye to see, and you're graceful enough to never fail when attempting a physical maneuver.
-Presence: This is charm magnified to supernatural proportions. At the lowest levels, one's words become far more pleasing and agreeable. At the highest level, one can project an emotion onto everyone in a city, make them work towards the same goal, subconsciously, or manipulate the dreams and nightmares of the entire planet.
User Name: MewMint20
Character Name: Lucille Corvet (Lu)
Age: 21
Gender: female
Strength: a natural athlete, master of multiple martial arts.
Weakness: voicing her opinions, she also is bad with animals.
Pets: N/A
Likes: her sisters, her mother, meeting new people, winning a fight
Dislikes: losing a fight, animals, people intruding on her family's business.
Bio: Born as one of three she was the first to come out. considered the oldest she was taught to be kind and gentle to all those around her without personal judgment or thought. She is upheld to the natural order of a Nobles charm. She is elegant and withheld. Her mother and father often talk about her as their Heir even though it is yet to be decided. Her life was sheltered and besides her martial arts lesson she hasn't witnessed blood shed nor a fight.
Position: vampire
Other: Although she acts nice she has quiet the hidden temper.
Appearance: she is the middle one. standing at 5'7'' with brown hair and brown eyes. Her fashion sense is very casual with a designer edge.


The Wayward Children

User Name: Ixie
Character Name: Alessia Lia Falco
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Strength: She's good with blades and guns. Loyal, quick and determined.
Weakness: Despite her rough and tumble exterior, she's very loyal to both of her parents. And with her mother pregnant, she will do anything to protect her family. Though this loyalty is a strength,it is also a weakness, as it could be used against her. She's a bit of a dreamer, and as such, somewhere deep beneath that tough exterior she's a romantic.
Pets: Cat named Pixel
Likes: Motor cycles, guns, swords, her Japanese heritage, history, mythology, reading, music, and art
Dislikes: Weakness, fear, clutter
Bio:If you asked Alessia Lia Falco what her favorite gift was that she'd received, she would say three things. First would be the Daisho set that her grandfather gave her, and taught her to use,celebrating her Japanese heritage. Second would probably be the Harley Davidson that she and her father built as she grew and visited over the eight years after her parent's divorce was finalized. Or perhaps the gun she bought for herself from her father's motor cycle club.
As a child she never really wanted for anything, with her mother being a successful lawyer and her father,following family tradition, a retired Marine. As an only child, she got what she asked for, and even now with her mother remarried and a new baby on the way she still gets what is asked for.
A ruthless girl, she's determined to make it into the motor cycle club-and not as someones 'old lady'. So far her efforts have been shot down.
How and/or why did you become involved with any of this: Chiyoko Emi Wallace(Married name)
Position: Human
Other:Alessia is a hard girl to understand. She's hard edged and often acts without thinking.
Appearance: At first glance, Alessia looks like a delicate girl, with her lithe build and small stature. Standing at 5'2", she's able to dart here and there. Her soft, innocent,round face is almost child like with lovely chocolate eyes.
Picture: Alessia

User Name: MewMint20
Character Name:Clarissa Corvet (rissa)
Age: 21
Gender: female
Strength: a natural musician, strong swimmer
Weakness: running, understanding others emotions.
Pets: A Dolphin, Pipu.
Likes: her dolphin, her 'little' sister and children.
Dislikes: her parent's and any like them.
Bio: the 'middle' child she was treated fairly and given most of what she wanted however her 'older' sister was always more favored above her. She put all her time and effort into learning many instruments. She learnt how to swim and once she had her dolphin spent most of her time that wasn't practicing instruments to swim with it.
Position: human
Other: she seems to understand an animal's emotions much more then any human she has met.
Appearance: she is the right one keeping to her natural hair and eye color, she is also 5'7''. her fashion sense is more elegant then both her sisters, she enjoys wearing the finer things.

User Name: MewMint20
Character Name:Annaleise Corvet (Anna)
Age: 21
Gender: female
Strength: a natural artist, she is a people person.
Weakness: getting on with her sisters, keeping a low profile.
Pets: A white Stallion, Celio (C-leo)
Likes: being different. Getting attention from her parents.
Dislikes: her family most the time, people who try to control her.
Bio: Anna was the last to 'surface' of the three and is considered the youngest. She spent most her childhood painting in hopes to impress her parent's however eventually gave up turning into a rebellious child. Her rebellious streak led her into dangerous situations which caused her parent's to grow angry with her. She acted out more and more becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol. Her parent's set her to rehab and eventually she came back with no addictions but was still as rebellious as ever.
Position: human
Other: She believes she is better then her siblings and finds annoyance in being the 'youngest'
Appearance: she is the left one 5'7'' like her sisters, her hair is dyed and not naturally blond, it is a natural brown, she changes contacts regularly to make her eyes different colors. She also tends to wear clothing her family frowns upon.
User Name: Coma Patient
Character Name: Arabelle 'Belle' de Diamonte
Age: 16
Gender: female
Strength: She is the strongest mentally and artistically, and is silent and graceful. She learns quickly, is perseverant and loyal, and isn't squeamish. At all.
Weakness: She usually cannot approach people, and can obsess over one person or thing so much she will devote everything she owned to either obtain or keep in touch with it. In other words, easily manipulated and extremely obsessive. She has vivid hallucinations (Schizophrenia).
Pets: Mostly dogs and cats, replaced nearly weekly due to their 'disappearances'. Her 'companions' could count as pets.
Likes: Mind games, blood, beauty, knives, the supernatural. She likes the feel of the power when she kills something with her bare hands. And also, her 'companions'.
Dislikes: Pink, being controlled, occasionally herself. Not being 'special' is another.
Bio: Arabelle was always a strange child. Neglected by her parents because she was a girl, she spent all of her time in her room or the garden outside. By the time she turned ten, everyone in the manor knew she was different from the rest of them. She talked to things that weren't there, and always watched as the cooks gutted and sliced the meat brought to them, looking excited as she saw the dead animals blood run down their body. To 'cure' her insanity, her parents bought her a yorkshire dog. It 'ran away' within the week. This 'losing' of pets continued on ever since. However, on Arabelles fourteenth birthday, a servant found rotting bodies buried within the garden. He ran into Arabelle on his way to the police.
He was never heard from again.
Position: Wayward Child.
Other: Arabelle is a Schizophrenic, which means she has vivid hallucinations. Her favorite hallucination is that of an anthropomorphized purple rabbit, with a button for an eye, and an eye patch, with it's mouth partially stitched shut. She calls him Stormy. Arabelle has killed all of the pets she's ever owned, listening to her 'companions' advice. She has only killed one person in her short life, and, contrary to popular belief, she does not dislike her parents. Belle carries with her a 'Teddy Bear'.
Appearance:Arabelle stands at only 5'5", with pale skin and wavy, dark brown hair that frames a heart-shaped face. She has large, dark eyes rimmed with shadows from sleepless nights, and nearly-red lips. Her hands are those of a pianist, with slight calluses due to what she does in her spare time. Belle wears old fashioned green dresses, with a long sleeved shirt underneath, tights, and shoes. These are all black.



Originally Posted by Graxdon
User Name: Graxdon
Character Name: Mikhail Razputin
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Strength: Spetsnaz training (spetsnaz are the russian equivalent to the green berets and those types, the best of the best and toughest of the tough), undying loyalty, great at being a butler
Weakness: can be loyal to a fault, but is also terrible at keeping secrets
Pets: toucan named Grigori
Likes: pineapple, weapon maintenance, practicing on the range, Alfred (as a leader, not romantically)
Dislikes: brocoli, police, vodka
Bio: Mikhail is a former highly acclaimed Spetsnaz operative, praised for his deadly efficiency and unshakable loyalty. After leaving the service he took up mercenary work for a while until Alfred hired him when Alfred was 20 as his permanent bodyguard during visits to different countries best described at turbulent. After this, Mikhail was impressed by the young British man and quite the mercenary business, becoming Alfred's butler, bodyguard, and most trusted advisor.
Position: Ghoul eventually.
Other: N/A
Appearance: like so, but dressed in butler attire
Mikhail Razputin

The Servants of the Marques: The Marques keeps in his employ a collection of very highly trained ghouls (humans that have gained some vampiric power from the blood of their master) who often battle for his attention and favor. Almost none of them like the idea of the embrace going to humans and some might kill the new children of their master without a second thought.

Benjamin: An extremely intelligent and useful fellow, he has ingratiated himself and become near indispensable because of his unique research abilities and his ability to single-handedly defend the home of his master. Generally not one to interact with the public, he is usually found in his study.

Gui: A laid back, but very physical sort of ghoul. He is in charge of the Marques's man-powered defense and also functions as something of a brute squad. He also acts as a liaison between the Marques and the East, where Western Vampires are far from welcome, and where business connections and alliances are extremely valuable.

Hannah: Leader of the three ghouled servants of the Marques, she lives mostly in the underground and the catacombs, though she does have a room and full wardrobe, she seems to shun them in favor of rags. You could ask her, but it might not be a very healthy idea. She functions as an assassin, confidante, and usually as second in command, next to the Marques himself. This position has changed with the introduction of the Marques's new Vampiric children.

Last edited by Desdamin; 01-18-2011 at 12:40 AM.. Reason: to add more.

meatballhead is offline
Old 11-17-2010, 08:47 AM

Sakura Rose Dawson - Advanced V:tM Character Sheet

Concept: Prized Daughter of the Consulate General's to the American Embassy in Japan/ Abused Child (by Uncle)

Clan/Bloodline/Set of Gifts: Malkavian

Nature: Perfectionist
The character's 'real' self, the person she truly is: Nothing [I do] is Good Enough
Demeanour: Child
The way a character presents herself to the outside world. It is the 'mask' she wears to protect her inner self: Won't somebody be there for [me]?
Primary Attributes: Mental
Mental Attributes define a character's cerebral capacities, including such aspects as memory, intelligence, awareness of one's surroundings, and the ability to think, learn, and react.
Perception: X X X X* O *Specialty in Discerning/Discernment
Exceptional: Almost nothing evades your notice.
Intelligence: X X X X* O *Specialty in Book Knowledge
Exceptional: You're not just bright, you're downright brilliant (IQ 140).
Wits: X X O O O
Average: You know when to bet or fold in poker.
Secondary Attributes: Social
Social Attributes delineate a character's appearance, charm and ability to interact with society. These Traits are paramount in deterimining a character's first impressions, personal dynamics and relations with other individuals.
Charisma: X X X O O
Good: People trust you implicitly.
Manipulation: X X O O O
Average: You can fool some of the people some of the time, just like anybody else.
Appearance: X X X O O
Good: Strangers offer to buy you drinks at bars.


Other: Why the spoiler/translation bars?
Well, if your character really doesn't know Japanese, you will have a more sincere response if you don't know what was said to you. It may be best to type your reply not knowing the translation. Then, for OOC knowledge, you can read the transliteration and the literal and/or conversational translations.

Last edited by meatballhead; 12-18-2010 at 09:05 AM..

Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-18-2010, 07:13 PM

"Whoever or whatever this Marques may be, at least try to make an effort to be sociable", said Jacobi Ames Sombres to his son, the bored-looking boy with impeccable posture, gazing languidly at some of the unusual fauna and flora around the entrance to the great Sir Phillipe's mansion. It was the talk of the town, this party, for not a soul had actually seen the Marques, let alone the inside of his opulent palace, since he'd moved to New Haven some three months back. It had been the town scandal, for even the moneyed gossip, despite pretenses suggesting otherwise. Honestly, the very idea of attending another boring dinner-party with the same old people discussing the same old thing evoked a nauseated yawn from Merrick. Really, he'd have preferred to attend to paint the exquisite front door, with it's lovely nature frame of, what he imagined to be, Spanish grapevines and stepped not another step towards the place.

Luckily, he didn't have to respond to his father's demands, for just at that moment, the door opened and a solid-looking butler with a waxed mustache appeared and beckoned the Ames Sombres family inside. Merrick's mother drew herself up and walked briskly inside, flanked by her husband and child. Standing between them had become a familiar habit, one that she had grown accustomed to. No one acknowledged the butler as they made their way inside until he offered to take their coats, to which they obliged without a word. They were led through an anteroom that led to a sitting room that branched off into a smoking room, bar, hallway, and what Merrick supposed was another sitting room or perhaps a solar.

He sighed. Well, whoever this Marques was, he had a very classic sense of taste. Not a single stitch of furniture or work of art seemed to be from anytime after the 1800s.

"Well, this is festive", interjected his mother Merricka, "just look at the carpets and tapestries. The Marques has fine taste." She said this as if satisfied, as if this unknown man had past a test. And surely he did, the first of many. But the man was nowhere to be seen. Several other families stood around the sitting, some even daring to sit on the obviously antique sofas and cushions, but they were the same old faces, telling the same old stories, and drinking the same old champagne. A servant approached and brought the eldest Ames Sombreses two filled glasses, and soon enough, they settled in with the rest of them while Merrick found an unsettled chaise longue and looked about the place for distraction.


~Count Dante Escobar~

The Count sat off to the side nursing a rather tall glass of brandy, tapping his cane on the floor impatiently. Just where was this Marques anyhow and what was taking him so long to appear? He hadn't planned on waiting this long, not with this room full of vultures and their young. Buzzards became mighty ornery around their young, and there was no telling when one of them smaller malformed buzzard chicks would take a peck at you either. As it was, one of the great corpse-turkeys was flapping towards him, a ridiculous girl named Ramona Ivonisk, whose family, the Count suspected, made their money running bootlegged vodka down through Canada during the prohibition days. She had that sort of impropriety about her.

"Why, I just love your hat", she said to him, as if he had some great need to be bothered, "really, it's outrageous. Wherever did you get it?"

She laughed a bit too loudly for the Count's taste. He scoffed and tapped his cane a bit louder and replied, "Miss Ivonisk, tonight, this night of all nights, you should not be worried about me hat, outrageous or otherwise! Nor should you concern yourself with my cane, my jacket, nor my slacks!"

He cast her an intense look, and miss Ivonisk shifted uncomfortably and appeared to be trying not to laugh. The brandy in his hand wavered dangerously, but only managed to spill a relatively minor amount on the Count's hands, coat, and the carpet.

"No, miss! This night, of all nights on this great green and spinning planet Earth, you should be concerned with your SOUL!"

It seemed that he was now standing and pointing. Some of the other guests had turned to see what was going on, but seeing as it was only the Count, they chuckled for a moment and continued their rehearsed conversations. Miss Ivonisk swallowed a guffaw, curtsied and turned on her heels.

The Count sat back down.

God-blasted vultures.

Last edited by Desdamin; 11-19-2010 at 07:06 PM..

Ixie is offline
Old 11-18-2010, 08:52 PM

"Now, Alessia, please behave yourself." Chiyoko pleaded with her daughter. "This is an important new client." she said, brushing her daughters red dress into place. "He could make or break me." she added, now fussing over her daughter's hair. Alessia batted her mother's small, elegant hands away. "I know, mother, you've only stressed this point since you received the invitation." the girl replied, indignant. "Alright." her mother replied opening the door so they could get out.

Alessia stepped out of the rented limo and looked at the looming mansion. Instinct made her check the holsters under the skirt of her dress, everything was in place. Who said fashion and weapons couldn't go together?

When her mother toucher her shoulder she nearly jumped out of her skin. Slowly the three of them assended the stairs and stepped carefully through the large front door. Her mother took her coat and handed it to the butler. They were lead to the room where the rest of the guests had gathered. Alessia found a spot on the wall while her mother and step father mingle with the crowd.

(Kinda meh, forgive me.)

Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-19-2010, 02:13 AM

Many of the other guests were confused and bewildered by the entrance of some service person, an Asian woman of some sort, with a little girl, presumed to be her daughter. But who knew, with the habits and scandals of service people. Still, the guests were, in their minds, people of class and refused to stare for more than a moment. Merrick's parents glanced only for a moment, as they were led inside. His father bristled at their presence but only requested another glass of champagne from a passing servant.

Merrick himself cast a wayward look at the girl and her mother. He surmised that the two were out of place, and it showed on the daughter's face and the relatively unnoticeable stiffness in her mother. Merrick would have liked to have taken a picture for study later. The subtle details of discomfort could be quite fascinating.

meatballhead is offline
Old 11-20-2010, 05:07 AM

Yet another limousine makes its way down the circular driveway that meets the steps leading up to the impressive mansion that has been staring down at the whole town of New Haven for the past three months. The chauffeur cuts the engine and then exits the vehicle, rounding it to open the door. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Dawson III exit the vehicle, followed by their daughter. The young one's green eyes shine in excitement and amazement. There will be so much to see and do tonight! The small, excited girl makes her way between her parents and then walks slightly in front of them, forming the point of the V formation to which she is used to walking in comfortable situations as they ascend the stairs.

The young teen is truly a sight to behold: she is wearing a long skirt that is of dark, royal purple in colour and is comprised of many layers and is trimmed with black chiffon at the end of each layer. Her top is of matching colour and the front is held together by a long black ribbon in a corset like fashion. A black chiffon shrug covers her arms, leaving them looking like little bells with frills on the end. The front has an extended ribbon that is tied in a perfect bow as well. She only laments that the time of the party made it inappropriate for her to bring her matching parasol. With raven black hair tied up in two pigtails, and feet clad in the classic 'mary jane' style shoes, she looks as if she walked off one of the pages of Gothic and Lolita Bible.

The butler's countenance showed a slight twinge of surprise at the living doll as he opened the door for the family. Being the second-newest family in town, the Dawsons were still a bit of a novelty; although their prestige and wealth did in fact qualify them to reside in New Haven. After being led through the anteroom to the main room, as the servant took the coats from the Dawsons, Sakura Rose brought her heels together in a definative click, toes pointed outwards in the First Position of ballet. Neither her smile nor the shine in her eyes never once faltered as she took a quick demi plié, bending her knees ever so slightly to warm them up. Suddenly her right leg sprang up from the ground and her foot nestled itself against her left knee in a passé, before extending her right leg out fully to the right, her pliable right arm hanging over it making it almost appear as if she was holding her leg out as straight as her arm by invisible strings while her left arm was extended to the front. She then retired back to the passé for a brief moment, bringing her arms down to grasp each side her multi layered skirt. Her right foot never touching the ground, she performed an arabesque with her right leg extended behind her body while she kept her chest high but bowed her head and standing leg simultaneously in a curtsey to the room. Somebody has definately mastered basic ballet lessons, and when she finally looked up, knowing she had the attention of the nearest third of the room, her smile was one that could rival Shirley Temple's, and never wavered just like a cheerleader's.

The gazes towards her were ones of jovial amusement, as most of the faces managed a smile back and a few light golf claps were heard.

"Announcing the Dawson Family" the servant said just loud enough to be heard over the light applause and murmurs of "How adorable!" and the like.

The family then walked into the room a few more feet before they were engulfed. Sakura Rose did her job by clasping her hands and bowing at the waist "A pleasure to make your aquaintance as well, Madame." "How nice to see you again, Sir." of course, the child was only given small talk, as was to be expected. She took advantage of the opening of a different servant offering her parents glasses of Pinot Grigio to ask "May I please be excused?" Her father chuckled heartily and said "Of course you may, dear." The smallest Dawson made her way off to observe the unique surroundings, and take note of the faces, both familiar and new.

Meanwhile Mr. Reginald Dawson III continued to field many questions from the adults. "Why yes, I am still under contract to work with the American Embassy, mostly correspondance via E-mail. You see it is mostly just a courtosey to leave the option of returning to my position of Consulate General of Kyoto again." After a sip of wine he chuckled again and responded "The reduced pay is just a courtosey as well, but I have absolutely no regrets! I wanted our daughter to have a true American experience during her formative years as a teenager. We are still attempting to find the perfect match for her in terms of a school." Mrs. Dawson was entertaining a small 'hen party' of her own "She has had private tutors all of her life so the transiition is a bit difficult. In the meanwhile she is participating in the 'college advancement' program that allows her to earn both high school and junior college credits, transferrable to a university of course at the same time. Did you know... for her Fall Semester finals she scored the top of her class in each course? We are so proud of her!"

After some time admiring the festive and foreign tapestries Sakura Rose's discerning eyes caught a real jewel, a 日本人(1), no doubt about it! She made her way over to the figure of Alessia resting against the wall. Noticing how she was being rather shunned by the others, and to her knowledge she didn't live within the down, the energetic girl felt it was safe to be a bit casual with her as she approached, bowed her head alone, and piped up, "はじめまして! あたしダウッサン桜ロッズです. きみのなまえはなんですか. (2)", her eyes shining with excitement and expectation.

Translation NotesX

(1)Romaji: Nihon-jin
Translation: Japanese Person

(2)Romaji: Hajimemashite! 'atashi Daussan Sakura Rozzu desu. Kimi no namae wa nan desu ka.
Literal Translation: Nice to meet you (for the first time)! I (cutesy girly way) Dawson Sakura Rose (am). Your(not stiffly formal) name is what [question]
Conversational Translation: Nice to meet you! I'm Sakura Rose Dawson :). What's your name?

Last edited by meatballhead; 12-14-2010 at 09:34 AM..

Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-20-2010, 06:34 PM

"Feh", exclaimed the Count as the excitable sheep crowded around a shiny object in the form of a little girl wearing a corset. Sakes alive! Who wore corsets these days? It just wasn't done, he thought to himself, his beret slipping over his eyebrows a bit. He pushed it back to its resting spot on his crown and then pulled out his long, calabash pipe and put it to his mouth, biting on the lip. However, he remembered just then that the smoking room was just next door.

He got up to move, sat down, got back up again, turned around in a circle, and then sat back in his seat with a frown. He sorely did not want to miss the Marques's entrance. For surely the Count's presence may be enough to forestall the inevitable tragedy that awaited the dinner guests of this small affluent community.

He chewed harder on his pipe's lip.



~Merrick Jacobi Sebastian Ames Sombres~

He couldn't be sure, but he thought he'd met the small bouncy girl all in chiffon and frills and ribbons and the like. She'd been at one of his art galleries a month and a half ago, and she'd been just as excited and happy then, too. That's right. They'd had a conversation over one of his sculpted pieces... a lion that looked like it was made from leaves and flower petals. He'd tried to explain what it was...

"It's a monument to nature", he had said, blandly. This somewhat underwhelming description was about all he could have said that someone would have understood. For how could he describe the feeling he'd gotten when seeing a sewage pipe overgrown with wildflowers to such a degree that two men working for the city had to come and appraise the issue? It seemed mundane, but it had put the boy in touch with something.

He'd always felt that there were forces unknown in the world. They moved through means unusual and simple and often wondrous... like wildflowers growing into a sewage pipe.

He wasn't an environmentalist, to be sure but... there were mysteries yet to be revealed.

He had some vague hope that the girl would not come his way.


~Appolonia D'Angelis~

Appolonia and her parents had come early, her parents having excused themselves to the smoking room where they were sipping martinis and smoking some very nice cigarettes. Appolonia, meanwhile, mingled. If her parents were going to be anti-social, it was up to her to secure her place among the rest of the blue-bloods. She met with each and every one of them, shaking their hands and looking them right in the eye to say "How DO you do? That's ever such a lovely dress, who's your girl? Can you believe the Marques's mansion? It's beautiful, isn't it? Oh, who did your hair? Have you tried this? It's delicious..." and so on.

She sat attentively, listening to each of them go on and on about this salon or that dressmaker or this party or that relative or this business trip, smiling pleasantly and offering some witty remark or other, before excusing herself to the bathroom. It was really very standard. She'd sit around and listen for as long as she could take it until she had to excuse herself. At that point, she'd look in the mirror, smile, laugh for a moment, look down at the sink, look back in the mirror and pull out a small snuff box.

She'd come out of the bathroom in much better spirits, and immediately find someone else. In this case, she found two girls, a few years younger than her, who looked a bit like they did not belong. One was a girl named Sakura Rose, a resident whose parents she'd met a few times. Consulates or something minor. The other was unknown to her. She didn't think she was a resident. Appolonia had never seen an Asian resident.

"Hello", she said pleasantly, curtsying. Big smiles for everyone.

"My name's Appolonia D' Angelis. You can call me Apple or Loni. People do."

Last edited by fiarra; 11-28-2010 at 03:53 AM..

Ixie is offline
Old 11-21-2010, 08:06 PM

Alessia nearly jumped out of her skin when the younger girl spoke. It took a lot for her to keep her reflexes in check. It took her a moment to realize she was speaking the lively tones of Japanese, bringing back the fond memories of her grandfather.

Her reply though was interrupted by Appolonia's appearance. Another smile, this one less bright crossed her face. "Good evening." she said politely. Alessia pushed her dark hair over her shoulder, in reply to the girl's curtsy; Alessia pressed the palms of her hands together in a graceful bow.

It was easy for her to fall back into the reserved customs that her grandparents taught her. "Alessia Lia Falco." she managed to get out after a few moments. She glanced at Sakura with an apologetic expression.

Crowds had never bothered her, not really, but being around the higher class made her nervous. She knew she reflected on her mother and that if she slipped up, she would shame her. It was a lot of pressure for a woman who was used to being 'one of the guys'. Carefully she searched the room for her mother, who was mingling easily with some of the other guests. Chiyoko offered her daughter an encouraging smile and went back to her conversation.

Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-21-2010, 08:48 PM

"And you must be Sakura Rose Dawson", said Apple, to the small girl in the frills, "your parents speak so highly of you, and here you are in person. A pleasure to meet you."

She then turned to the new girl, this Alessia and said with a sympathetic smile, "You look a little lost. But don't worry. They don't bite. Neither do I, Miss Falco... not hard, anyway."

She giggled silently, covering her mouth as she did so with a delicate laced hand. And then continued on, "So have either of you met the Marques? I'm not sure I even know his name. Everyone seems to just refer to him by title."

Last edited by fiarra; 11-28-2010 at 03:53 AM..

Mime From Hell
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Old 11-21-2010, 09:25 PM

Sakura Rose smiled brightly at Alessia. The fact that the older teen understood her made her almost giddy with delight. The girl's earlier guess that Alessia was not from around here was confirmed by the nevrous way her gaze sought out her mother. Being raised in Japan for the most part, the young girl in frills is most aware of heirarchy, though with only the rarest exception does she not treat those 'below' her with kindness. She was eager to prattle some more but the introduction of another older teen demanded her attention. She clicked her heels together, pointing her right foot at 90 degreesand turning her toso so that both of the other young ladies were in view. Holding up a finger and saying, "ちょっと" (1), she turns her attention to the other girl.

It wasn't all that strange that Appolonia had heard of her, but she had not met her yet. After all, in this small community word gets around at lightning speed. "Apple is a cute nickname," Sakura Rose muses. "It really works in English, but in Japanese apple is 'ringo'... that's not nearly as cute sounding... sorry for rambling, It's nice to meet you as well!" she clasps her hands low and bows her head... Alessia really isn't quite as alone as she imagines.

When Sakura Rose's green eyes were brought to Appolonia's face, she noticed that something was a little off. Her makeup? There seemed to be some sort of powder that wasn't blended in properly. It would be too rude to mention such a small thing at a first meeting, so she decided to go with the current train of conversation and she addressed both of them.

"I'm super excited to meet The Marques. I know the town buzzed for a while about my family but we might as be garden variety chameleons compared to Him. His house is so large, and the interior with all of the foreign art and furniture, and this is only what I've seen so far! It's almost as if this was a photograph ripped out of a history book and then photoshopped with all of our bodies on top..."

Translation NotesX

(1)Romaji: Chotto
Literal meaning: a little bit
Conversational Meaning: Gimme a sec

[OOC: Damnit, I did it. I forgot to log out. I blame being ill]

Last edited by The_Crow; 11-21-2010 at 09:33 PM..

Ixie is offline
Old 11-21-2010, 09:36 PM

Alessia smirked. "I'm sure." she replied, shifting her weight. Heals were not her choice foot wear, and her feet were protesting. "My mother received a call, her reputation as a lawyer precedes her."

Without really moving, her eyes ran over the young woman's dress. "I do love your dress." She complemented after a few moments. She didn't know what to talk about with these...people. At the moment she felt very out of place.

Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-21-2010, 10:06 PM

Apple wiped her nose with a red handkerchief, which she seamlessly drew back into her pocket in one motion. She could feel it. There was a little bit of blood. It was nothing major, and surely unnoticeable, now that it had been wiped. She would have to abstain for a few days, which wasn't something that she was particularly keen on doing.

Anyway, it was just starting to take effect. She giggled a little quickly at Sakura Rose's take on her name and replied, "Ringo. I like that. Makes me sound like I should have a gun in my garter."

She smiled and stared directly at Alessia for a moment. She hadn't meant to stare. She had meant to address the compliment, but had lost her train of thought for a moment before picking it back up, "Do you like it? It's altered. Daddy won't spend money on tailor-made dresses. I had to have it altered- Do you want to explore this house? It's so... big, you know? It's just really big!"

Her mind was getting away from her, and she drew it back in, "and maybe we can find the Marques on the way. You never know."

She smiled. She was back in control. It was unfortunate that the first wave had hit while she was talking. She decided to take a quieter approach and measure her words first.

Last edited by fiarra; 11-28-2010 at 03:53 AM..

Ixie is offline
Old 11-21-2010, 10:29 PM

Alessia noted the slight change in personality and inspected her a little closer. Ah, yes, she recognized these side effects, though, not her drug of choice. "Mine came from my Junior Prom." she replied, with a small laugh. "There was no time to get another."

And this was true; her mother had received the invitation at very short notice. She liked this dress though, it fit her well and flowed enough for her to easily conceal a gun, or two. She couldn't help but smirk at the comment.

"I'm not sure exploring is such a good idea." Alessia replied, though the idea was very tempting. "Though it is dreadfully boring around the older generation." she sighed. "What do you say, Sakura, should we?"

Mime From Hell
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Old 11-22-2010, 05:14 AM

For the first time since her arrival, any trace of a smile instantly dropped from the youngest Dawson's countenance. Her gaze grew hard and cold, and her voice came out stiffly, as if giving an annoyed reminder to a servant or chastizing a pet. "It is Sakura Rose if you please." It was a command, a small one, like a small nail intended to be driven into Alessia's head until her dying day. After the sentence was uttered, the smallest of the girls blinked once, and her facial features softened. With two more blinks she was once again wearing a light smile and no longer seems the least bit annoyed, presuming she got her message accross effectively.

"Hmm..." she puts her finger to her lip, addressing both of the older teens. "I don't think my parents will allow me to go anywhere that is not already clealy open to the public, and I personally wouldn't enter the smoking room if you paid me. I don't want to be an annoying baby that you have to sit though, if you both feel like it have fun. I can entertain myself just fine. So if you'll both excuse me, I'm sure I'll bump into you two again sometime later tonight." She was wearing her full cute, childlike grin again. "See ya!" she said, walking off from them.

There was still so much to see in the main room... she stuck to the edges until she hit a corner, and then immediately before her gaze at 12:00 was a familiar figure. "Goodie!" she says under her breath and walks briskly, though not running of course, over to him. "Merrick! Hello!!"

Ixie is offline
Old 11-22-2010, 05:59 AM

Alessia lifted her eyebrow at the girl, she was younger, by at least for years. Two things crossed her face; first was a slight amusement that this child would talk down to her, then, just as quickly anger. Despite said anger, she bit her tongue. Once the younger girl was gone, Alessia let her anger go. "Children." she muttered under her breath.

She turned to Applonia with with a bit of a smile. "I don't really care if we explore or not. I am simply bored out of my mind." her eyes sparkled at the idea of sort of idea getting away from the stuffy atmosphere was driving her crazy.

Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-22-2010, 08:58 AM


~Merrick Jacobi Sebastian Ames Sombres~

Merrick was enjoying a glass of sparkling pomegranate juice with mint and a platter of dates, sliced french bread, brie, Gouda, candied pears, an assortment of cured meats, and a fig spread. He took a sip of his drink and quietly cast his gaze around the room, but noticed too late the bouncing until she was upon him and he had to swallow much harder than he'd have liked. He shifted uncomfortably for a few seconds while the drink settled down his throat and he said, "Hello!"

He stared at the girl a bit blankly, for several moments while he got his bearings. He tried to smile, pleasantly, but could barely contain his discontent. It wasn't that he was doing anything of particular note or interest, no. In fact, he was quite bored. But Merrick was one of those obstinate creatures that liked to be undisturbed in his boredom... to savor it at his own pace. Besides, babysitting didn't seem exactly like a vast improvement.


Apple chuckled and curtsied as Sakura Rose scampered away. She caught her new friend's comment and raised her eyebrow and smirked. It seemed Miss Falco wasn't the well behaved little china girl that she was trying to appear to be. She liked that. It meant she could be herself just a little bit more around her.

"Well, it's bound to be better than nothing. Come on", she said and began to walk towards the hall, motioning her new partner in crime to follow. The hallway was high and arched, lined with tapestries on the left, and tall windows on the right, and out of which a large and immaculate flower, herb, and fruit garden could be seen. The sun was very low in the sky now, just dipping into the horizon and casting a golden hue onto everything around. While the sitting room was mostly protected from this treatment, featuring only one large window and several gas lamps, the hallway had not yet been lit. Apple waited at the entrance.

((Short, I know, but am feeling a bit under the weather and sleepy... I may add more description and whatnot tomorrow.))

Last edited by fiarra; 11-28-2010 at 03:54 AM..

Ixie is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 01:38 AM



Upon stepping out, Alessia paused to let her eyes roam the hall. She hadn't had the chance to take in her surroundings upon arrival. "Lovely." she whispered under her breath. She may prefer the laid back, and at times, riotous surroundings at the club house; that was only half of her existence though. This was much more to her taste as apposed to her mother's modern chic deco at their home.

Once done admiring the simple lines of the hall, and the tapestries she , she glanced at Appolonia. "Shall we?" she asked, tilting her head. Her hair fell across her eyes, hastily she brushed it away and sighed heavily. I should have put it up. she thought to her self.



The limo pulled up just as the sun began painting the sky in shades of golds and pinks. Sunset was most defiantly the most magical of times. A soft, dream filled, sigh passed through the youngest passenger's lips, it was certainly a lovely sunset; she could only imagine what it looked like atop a cliff on the Emerald Isle.

"Ixandrias," her mother's voice cut into her pleasant day dream. She sounded nervous. "We're here." she informed her daughter. Ixandrias replied with a gentle nod before stepping out of the limo behind her father.

The slight chill in the air was refreshing after being stuffed in the limo with one puffed out dresses. Ixandrias wore her favorite dress, the one she did most of her violin recitals in. The green silk hugged her curves like a glove and flowed out at the in light flowing fabric.

Her mother stepped out of the limo after her, and the ascended the steps together. Without a word the handed their jackets to the waiting butler and were taken to the parlor where the other guests were gathered.

Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 02:07 AM

Apple slipped Alessia's arm into her own and stepped down the hall. It seemed strange that there weren't any other guests roaming around, but it wasn't all that surprising. Most people were sheep, anyway and rarely did anyone have any imagination, whatsoever. As they walked down the hallway, the windows came to an end and they encountered a collection of doors to the right and left of the two. Most of the doors led to simple guest bedrooms, studies, and libraries, but one particular door seemed older than the rest.

"So, tell me about yourself, Miss Falco. What do you DO for fun", she asked with a mischievous smirk. But her attention was only half on her new friend, for as they came closer to the strange door, she got a better look at it. It looked far older than the house and in fact, seemed almost ancient, with its stone frame and heavy aged wood. She pulled Alessia towards it gently. Cold air escaped from underneath... a kind of musty still air. It was certainly tempting.

Last edited by fiarra; 11-28-2010 at 03:54 AM..

Ixie is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 03:26 AM

Moment passed before it registered that Apple had spoken to her. "Work on my custom Softtail." she replied, then realizing she may not realize what a Softtail was she clarified. "Harley."

She was aware that she only had half of the other girl's attention, because her attention was split as well. As they passed the rooms she glanced in the doors that were open. When Apple stopped to admire an old door, she let her eyes fall on it as well.

With a tentative hand she reached out and touched the wood of the door. A shiver passed through her. As if shocked she pulled her hand away from the door.


After going around the room with her parents for quick introductions, Ixandrias slipped away from them. Her eyes fell on a familiar figure in the corner talking to a younger woman. Quickly she made her way over there before she could get pulled into yet another boring conversation.

"Merrick!" she greeted him brightly. "It is good to see you as always." she gave a low curtsy. "You're last gallery was awe inspiring." she commented, then turned to the smaller figure. "Good evening." she smiled pleasantly at the younger woman. "I'm afraid I've not met you."

Last edited by fiarra; 11-28-2010 at 03:54 AM..

meatballhead is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 03:53 AM

Sakura Rose was quite pleased that Appolonia had acknowledged her departure. However, Alessia did not. Perhaps she held some resentment for being corrected about her name. For being of Japanese heritage she seemed almost dangerously unaware of her place in this room. Sakura Rose had noticed that the woman that must be Alessia's mother (Chiyoko) has been received in a rather ill manner. Most won't look her in the eye, as she is neither one of the 'same old people' nor a novelty such as the Dawson family nor the Marques himself. In fact many of the more intoxicated nobles have absent-mindedly tried to pass off their empty glasses to Alessia's mother, who did her best to take things in stride, for she appeared to sincerely desire to be here.

As the second figure approached herself and Merrick, Sakura Rose clicked her right toe behind her left foot and held out her skirt in a curtsey. "I am Sakura Rose Dawson. What is your name, if I may ask?" As this exchange happened Sakura Rose couldn't help but notice Merrick's awkward and/or annoyed facial expression at having a gaggle of fangirls about him. Though the newcomer complimented him in words, Sakura Rose beamed with an innocent light in her green eyes, as she truly admired him in a more than superficial way. "Don't look so excited, Merrick." she said in a straight tone, the sarcasm impossible to miss however.

Ixie is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 04:14 AM

"'Tis very nice to meet you, Miss Dawson." Ixandrias replied, playing with a dangling curl. "I am Ixandrias Lane Kellen Devereaux, but please, call me Ixie." she added. She'd always disliked her stiffer name, it was far to long. Perhaps it was disgraceful to shorten it so, but she didn't really care.

"Merrick, do you think that you'll make my next recital?" she asked, turning her attention to the gentlemen she considered a friend.

Last edited by fiarra; 11-28-2010 at 03:55 AM..

Radical Dreamer
Desdamin is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 04:49 AM

Merrick stood and took a couple steps backwards. He wasn't sure where all these women were coming from, but he was positive that there were far too many of them. He cleared his throat and regained his composure and bowed, slightly at the newcomer. He did know her, however, somewhat well from several parties in the past. In fact, she had caught his particular attention because of her devotion to music. To be honest, most of the people at the parties could play some form of instrument. It was virtually mandatory if one went to a private school and mostly, they played the same way. Having never heard her play, he wasn't completely sure whether or not she fell into this category. He sorely hoped not.

"Hello, Ixandrias. I had heard about the recital", a smile crept across his lips for a moment as he ignored Sakura Rose's little bit of sarcasm, but it felt too uncomfortable to maintain and dropped. He took a breath and addressed both of the girls, while looking about the room for a quick exit.

"I was... about to go looking at the garden, actually. I had heard it was... really something to see."

He remained quiet, hoping this would be enough to get the two to leave. He didn't wish to just tell them to leave. No... that would be rude.

Last edited by fiarra; 11-28-2010 at 03:55 AM..

\ (•◡•) /
MewMint20 is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 05:05 AM

Kataro Sousuke

The limo sped along beneath the setting sun. The rays of color filtered away by the one way glass becoming duller then they should be. The ‘boy’ inside gazed out as it blurred into one. He was silent and deep in thought about it all. He let a gentle sigh pass through his lips as his door was opened by the tall man who barely ever left his side. He stepped out adjusting the suit he had donned for the occasion. A traditional black tux, crisp and fresh not a crease out of place.

He headed in and couldn’t help but cringe inwardly as his butler coughed and announced his arrival. “Master Sousuke” his voice was clear and crisp like his own suit and the smile he wore. Most of the guests turned to let their eyes momentarily linger on the almost stiff boy as he walked down to join them. ”I told you Carlos I dislike being introduced like that.” the young muster whispered so only his butler could hear. His butler shrugged it off without a word knowing any would possible upset the young master. He glanced at the butler ”I will be fine by myself Carlos; I shall call for you if you are needed.” it was then he noticed the artist and couldn’t help but smile slightly at his agitation from all the attention. Grabbing a drink that was being offered around he brought the glass to his lips gently sipping it as if savoring the taste. He would much like the evening to go without much interaction and thus he made himself look busy, staring at one of the pictures on the wall. His dazzling blue eyes seemed to shine gently against the pale skin and dark hair which he gazed at the extravagant piece of art before him.

He didn't move from the spot nor seem to move at all except to raise the slender hand holding his drink to his lips to drink some more of the delicious champagne.

Last edited by MewMint20; 11-23-2010 at 07:26 AM..

Ixie is offline
Old 11-23-2010, 05:49 AM

Ixandrias gracefully stepped a side for Merrick to pass. "I'm sure my mother will drag me out there later." she stated,dryly.

The voice that rung out through the room, made Ixandrias turned to see what all the commotion was. It didn't take long for talking to fill the room back up. She excused herself from Sakura Rose and went to speak with her mother.

(Short I know)

Last edited by fiarra; 11-28-2010 at 03:55 AM..


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