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Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 11:37 PM

Adax had turned to stare at the newly arrived wyrm with mild annoyance. At least one voice within the mass seemed to talk excitedly now, as if actually trying to communicate with the beast. But it couldn't. He wondered how long it would take before it noticed this. He sighed lightly, but blinked as the woman from earlier came up to him, apologizing for the still stinging burn on his neck. He shrugged lightly, keeping one hand on his gut, to keep the rotted organs from spilling out. While most of his neck and face were healed, he hadn't concentrated on his gut in the slightest while the wisps were there.

Honlogaaf tilted his head at the angry words that had come from the direction of the whimpering, shifting on his feet lightly. In truth, he had no idea what had happened between his roar and this moment. One of the downsides to being blind was being unable to see, after all. The smell of blood soon hit his nose and he let out a mildly distressed growl, lowering his head and spreading his wings. Through the stench of rot, the mild scent of dust and death hit him. And the dragon recognized it. A vampire. He stomped angrily at the smell, unsure if whether the undead monster was friendly or not to him. The horrible smell in the air was overpowering his other senses slightly, leaving it hard to gauge.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-26-2012, 11:54 PM

Loki had stopped in mid kick, his head turning to look at the dragon. That roar had been quite terrible, his ears were ringing from it, of course that would go away soon enough. Crimson eyes were studying the wyrm and Loki was trying to decide how hostile it was. Moment's later, Loki was sprawled out on the ground, blinking in momentary confusion. He had been watching the dragon, he hadn't even seen Regan coming towards him.

He was on his feet in moments, but Regan already had Amadeo in his arms. Honestly that vampire had a funny way of showing his love for someone. "Do you really love me?" The anger seemed to have completely drained out of Loki as Regan sank his fangs into Amadeo's neck. In fact, all emotion seemed to have left the wolf, his voice was a monotone. "You've a funny way of showing it. I've been faithful to you, but you've betrayed me twice. If you really want someone else, then fine, I won't stop you."

He turned from the vampire and white haired demon, his eyes going to Adax and Karlin for a moment, then to the wyrm. Loki moved towards the dragon, and pointed at it. "Don't break anything, Dragon." Then the wolf was rushing up the stairs of the porch and into the building. He had his own wounds to lick.

Amadeo hadn't dared to open his eyes when Loki stopped kicking him, and he cringed when Regan gathered him up into those arms. Eyes opening slowly, he was almost afraid to look though realizing it was the vampire that held him, Amadeo's hands moved to grasp at the other. Cling to him tightly and whimper softly. He moaned softly and relaxed completely against Regan when the vampire bit him. His body cooling and his heart rate slowing down as Regan pulled out that extra blood.

As that pain receded it only gave way to pain in his chest, for the most part that pain had been blocked by the pain in his veins. Now his torso nearly exploded in pain with every breath he took. A soft whine left his lips, and his hands let go of Regan so he could clutch at his own torso. Mostly like a few ribs were broken.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 01:33 AM

Blue eyes filled with pain at Loki's words. The vampire had no idea what to do, save perhaps calling on the aid of a friend. Besides, despite all his years, he didn't have much experience with binding wounds of any sort. "Karlin come take care of him!" Then Regan was off, running after Loki like he always had. He'd hurt the wolf, hurt him terribly this time. So much more so then with any physical wound.

It must be a nightmare for him, to be stuck with Regan. Mumbling to himself about the state of the Inn, he pounded up the stairs. "Loki!" Desperation entered Regan's voice as he searched for the dark haired wolf. He followed his nose, but didn't really trust himself in this. Regan was afraid of finding the wolf, but knew that if they didn't talk alone things would never truly be resolved, one way or another. The thought of losing Loki had Regan's heart racing and panic rising in his throat. In short, the vampire felt sick.

At least she'd gotten a reaction this time. Karlin removed her bag and rummaged inside to come out with a roll of fresh bandages. Adax wasn't bleeding, but that wound of his still seemed to need some covering. Hearing Regan's voice, she looked over to see the eared demon alone and sighed. Great, now she had these three to deal with, and none of them seemed inclined to speaking all that much with her. "Move your hands so I can cover that real quick." The words were firm but gentle, just as her hands would be if Adax agreed.

"Hey you, with the white hair! I'll be right over after I take care of this guy. And dragon, I don't think anyone here wants to hurt you." There weren't any crazed knights around that Karlin could see.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 06:33 AM

Adax blinked, but sighed, lifting his hands. They needed to find a new vessel. It may be time to abandon Adax's body as time had clearly taken its tole. "We hope you can forgive our earlier outburst...we were hoping to control ourselves around that angry mutt but....apparently we were wrong," he said, his voice still holding those of many. The singularity had faded with the emergence of the Collective. The singularity was not gone, though. It just needed to reform...and who really knew how long that would take.

Honlogaaf tilted his head as he was addressed...well, he was sure he was the one addressed. He could smell no other wyrm here. "Do not break what, whelp?" he asked, turning to where he was sure the voice had one. He lifted one of his clawed talons and playfully nudged the old building he had landed next to earlier. "You will have to be more specific!" He laughed to himself quietly as he shook himself, turning his attention to the one that had whimpered earlier. He approached cautiously, letting out small clicks in an attempt to gauge some distance. It would seem something was hunched not too far from here. Something that seemed to be in excruciating pain.

Last edited by Hidden Cupcake; 06-27-2012 at 06:36 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 07:21 AM

Loki had heard the dragon's question, but ignored it as he slipped into the tavern. One quick look around and he immediately began moving the tables and chairs that Karlin had moved to a corner back into their proper places. Really, what had that girl been thinking, moving these things around, and then trying to jump in the middle of the fight. Was she suicidal?

His ears twitched at the sound of approaching footsteps, his tail hung limp, defeated behind him. He was bleeding from the few wounds the necromancer had dealt him, and his right hand and arm was burned and lacerated a bit from that unicorn haired rope. It didn't matter, he welcomed the physical pain. It was much better than emotional pain, much easier to deal with. He barely glanced at Regan while he shoved another table into place. "I've nothing to say to you."

Loki turned from the table he had just returned to it's proper place and moved towards a window. With a soft grunt he forced it up and open, it was so stuffy in here. The wolf felt as if he were suffocating for many reasons. He moved to the next window and opened it. He seemed intent on ignoring Regan and just opening the windows.

Amadeo made a soft noise of protest when Regan left him to follow after the violent wolf. Still, he had no right to the stop the vampire, those grey eyes looked around for a moment. Watching Karlin and the necromancer, and then the dragon. His head tilted to the side slightly, his hands pressing gently against his left side. That's where most of the pain was coming from, so it must be the ribs there. He didn't care, they would heal soon enough, he watched the wyrm as it seemed to be approaching him. His tail twitched nervously, but he was remaining calm. His voice a soft whisper.

"I think the wolf meant he didn't want you to damage the building or anything in it." Amadeo sighed softly, he shouldn't be explaining things for that wolf demon, but then again, it probably didn't really matter. He took half a step back and looked towards Adax again, that man had gotten hurt because of him. If he hadn't come here with Regan that fight never would have happened. He grit his teeth.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-27-2012, 09:49 AM

The young woman set to work with brisk efficiency the moment the wound was exposed. Though the smell bothered her, Karlin didn't show it. "It's already forgiven. Mind if I ask why you're traveling in these parts? I'm a treasure seeker myself." So she wandered where she went in search of adventure and wealth. Though in all her travels she'd never met anyone like Adax. The voices Karlin heard as he spoke sent a shiver down her spine, though it was easy for curiosity to take over from fear.

Karlin turned her head slightly to see the dragon speaking with the white haired man and debated on going over to help him. No, it seemed like he would be alright. Turning back to Adax, she tied the bandages and leaned back to make sure everything was to her satisfaction.

With a sigh, the vampire moved to help Loki by beginning to open windows as well. He thought of what to say as he shoved old glass outwards to let fresh air and sunshine enter the building. This was a difficult situation, one he'd brought upon himself with his actions.

Glancing at the wolf and his seemingly dejected demeanor, Regan turned away with a small chocked sound. "But I have many things to say to you." The soft murmur seemed to fill the air and hang there alone, save for the sounds of footsteps and windows being opened.

"I know an apology won't cover it, won't even come close to healing the hurt I've caused you. But I am sorry, and ... would do nearly anything to make this up to you. Please Loki, what can I do to gain your forgiveness, and to heal the wounds I've caused?" Only now did Regan move towards Loki, one hand stretched out as if to brush a lock of hair away from the wolf's forehead. He stopped himself though, not feeling that he had any right to such actions.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 05:32 AM

Adax blinked, eyeing her face lightly. In truth, he was collecting. All those souls unwilling, or unable, to move on to their next plane of existence. Those too attached to the world. Those who were unable to leave due to outside forces. But most who heard this explanation were not very accepting of it, claiming the Collective a monster for absorbing the lost souls into his fold. He sighed, closing his eyes. "We...are just does us no good to stay in one place for long," he said, giving her only part of the truth. He poking around of his wound did not bother him. Dead nerves and all that. And so he sat, allowing her access to their vessel.

Honlogaaf tilted his head. "The building?" he said, turning his head back to the old frame, snorting audibly. "Then he should have said that..." he growled, turning back to the injured man. "Are you alright, whelp?" he asked, leaning in and taking in a long whiff of the little creature. "Whoever that was did not hurt you I hope? It is one thing to perform honorable combat, but to attack something that did not even lift a finger to defend itself would have you killed where I am from...he was lucky Brodaldez did not witness such a thing..." The young wyrm shuddered lightly at the thought of the broodmother...such a cold and distant wyrm. Not many of them got to know her, only those she considered trustworthy ever saw that warmer side he had hoped to see from his own mother.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 07:03 AM

"I don't want to hear it. Whatever you have to say. So just shut up." Loki growled, barely even glancing at Regan as he spoke. Still it was hard to ignore the vampire, especially when all Loki really wanted was to hold him close and never let go. Obviously, Regan didn't want him though. He had that demon out there to hold and hug and...Loki growled...he didn't like where his thoughts were going. The wolf shook his head and sat down on a dusty chair.

He looked at Regan now, careful to keep all of his emotion out of those crimson eyes so they looked rather empty and cold. "Fine. Talk. Say what you gotta say. I might listen." He crossed his arms over his chest, and his ears twitched this way and that. Loki turned his head, surveying the rest of the falling down tavern. Why did all this have to happen here? It made him feel dirty, terrible. Like he had defiled and desecrated a holy place.

Amadeo reached out slowly with his hand, as if he wanted to touch the dragon, when it leaned in and sniffed at him. He didn't though, he pulled his hand back. "I think that building means something special to him." It was just a feeling he had gotten earlier, when Loki had said Amadeo could stay on the porch but not come inside. It didn't matter. Amadeo was the one in the wrong here. "He's just mad because I slept with his boyfriend." Amadeo shivered, he felt dirty and horrible as he said that.

But it was true, so those feelings of shame were almost welcomed. "I deserved it. I'd let him hurt me s'more if he came back out with that intent." Amadeo toed the ground with a boot lightly, one hand still pressed against his ribs. Breathing was difficult, talking was almost agonizing but it was alright. Because he deserved the pain, and more. He should have just killed that vampire the first time he had seen him. Things would have been much different.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 09:15 AM

Calla sighed, pulling the lily white cloak tighter about his shoulders. The thin slippers he wore barely made a sound as he walked toward the rundown looking building. Maybe he could hide out here. If no one else was there, he wouldn't have to worry about being denied. If there was an owner, he could only hope they were sympathetic to his plight. Moving to the door, hidden yellow-green eyes widened slightly before he sighed inaudibly. There were others here. Letting his long bangs fall over his eyes, the young angel moved toward the side, as far from the others as he could but still reach the door. It wasn't that he didn't trust them, well actually he didn't, but he just didn't feel like getting into the mess of things. He could feel a residual sadness, anger, abandonment, and pain, both physical and emotional. All of it was recent.

He wanted nothing more than to blend into the shadows at the moment, but it would be near impossible given his current fashion statement. Slipping behind the others, curiousity blossoming in his chest, and after testing the first few steps, finding them sound enough for his fragile weight, he took to the indoors. Blinking quickly as his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, Calla had hoped to find the inside empty, allowing him time to find a hole to squirrel away in. Looking like a deer caught in the headlights, spring green eyes flickered from werewolf to vampire. "Ahh... My apologies." He stuttered out even as he moved back, tripping on a cracked floorboard, landing on his ass while his back smacked the wall.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 09:40 AM

A shiver ran down the vampire's spine. It was the way the wolf looked at him, like he didn't even matter anymore. The thought of that being true clogged up his throat for a few moments, making Regan fall silent. He didn't pay attention to the little angel coming in and falling down as he made his escape from the situation. His attention was all on the wolf and what words he might offer up to try and heal the rift he'd created between them. Reprehensible, that was the word for what he'd done.

"What I did was horrible, especially since I had no reason at all to betray you. Even worse, I brought Amadeo with me. I keep doing everything wrong, choosing to do things that I know will hurt you and knowing they're not the right. I don't deserve you or your love after all the hurt I've caused you, but I'm being selfish and asking for it anyway. No, not asking, I'm begging for your forgiveness!" By now the vampire had moved so he knelt by the shorter man and looked up at him with supplicant eyes. He was remembering their times together, all the fights and all the good as well. Regan was prepared to do nearly anything Loki asked, any impossible task, to regain what they had once had.

Karlin fiddled around with the white strip of cloth some more and made sure that nothing was spilling out. Apparently this man was a rotting corpse. It made her shudder to think of it, but since Adax hadn't made a move to harm her, even earlier, she doubted he would do that now. "Don't you get lonely though?" She did, at every turn. The orange haired woman was a people person at heart, and went so far as to seek out different inns and villages during her travels to make a few new friends.

A loud thump made her twist around to glance at the inn again, but since nothing seemed to be amiss she turned to Adax again with a small smile.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 06:43 PM

Adax blinked at the question, a small smile sliding over his lips. Lonely? "No...we do not get lonely..." he said, the voices of the mass whispering in sync in his head. "The one thing about being...well, that the living seem to repulse you after a while." He turned his head away slightly as he lowered his arms. The only exception to that seemed to be children. No matter the city or the village he was drawn to their light, drawn to the innocence the seemed to exhume like the sun. And it made the guilt of their disappearances afterword that much harder for the Collective to bear.

Honlogaaf snorted audibly, sitting down with a loud thump. "No excuse!" he growled, seeming to glare lightly at the demon. "Just because you slept with his mate does not give him grounds to pummel you! Especially if you would not fight back," he hissed, voice low and dangerous as his lips curled lightly. Coming down seemed more and more like a mistake. Especially since his nose still burned from the smell of rot. Whatever creature that died so long ago to make such a smell, if it was even dead, needed to be taken away. Or destroyed.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 11:42 PM

Dead? Well it as one thing knowing you were tending a corpse, and another hearing it from his lips. With a small laugh, Karlin shook her head. This was definitely the strangest of all meetings during her travels. "Everyone living? Then why is it you don't seem to mind me being around, and you seemed to be alright with that demon from earlier." Plain curiosity filled her words as the orange haired woman fell back upon her heels and began to rummage trough her backpack again. Karlin had to go trough her notes to try and find the nearest treasure, or at least she needed to find that darn map. With an exclamation of triumph, she pulled the battered piece of parchment from her pack and laid it out before her.

"Don't mind this, I'm just trying to figure out the shortest route to my destination." Though she had no intention of leaving just yet. A good rest was warranted after her constant journeying, and this seemed like an interesting enough place to take it.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-28-2012, 11:58 PM

Loki watched the vampire with an air of disdain, at least for a moment. Then he sighed, ears twitching lightly. "I'm not good in relationships, apparently. I didn't think I was so callous as to drive you into the arms of others though. I'm not going to stop you if you want to be with someone else. You are being selfish." The wolf stood, inhaling deeply and started to turn his back to Regan when he caught scent, sound and sight of someone else stepping into the falling down, dust covered building. An angel from the scent of it, Loki sneezed once at the dust that stirred up when the boy fell backwards.

The wolf barely glanced at Regan before he moved to the angel. Honestly he couldn't figure out why all these others were here. What could this run down place possibly offer any of them? Regan had allegedly been looking for him, he shook his head and stood over the angel, looking down at him. "Watch yourself, this place is falling down it's dangerous so tread carefully." Loki reached down and caught the angel's wrists in each hand. Gently and easily he pulled the boy to his feet, he released the young man's wrists and reached around the angel to dust off some of the dirt from his clothing. He turned his head to look at Regan. "Your new lover is not allowed in this building, I should ban you from it too..but I won't..yet."

Amadeo kept his eyes on the dragon, giving a soft shrug. "By the laws of some clans and cultures the wolf ought to have killed me and his lover for betraying him. A beating is much better than death...for most.." Amadeo couldn't quite say which he would have preferred. Because of what he was, he sometimes longed for a permanent release, for death. Most times though he was too attached to living. He frowned slightly and slowly sat down with a wince. His ribs would heal. Faster than a humans, but slower than the wolf demon's. His tail twitched. "I would be just as angry if I were in his place, though."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 12:37 AM

All he could do was stare without a word as Loki began to walk away from him. What would he do to make this right? There wasn't really anything Regan could think of, except those things of the most drastic kind. With a low growl the redhead jogged across the room to take hold of the wolf's wrist. With a glance the angel's way, he bent down to whisper softly in Loki's ear. Because of course he'd come across quite a few different practices in his travels, and one of them might very well serve to save what he shared with Loki from being a disaster.

"There are ways to bind me to you, as you are bound to me. Ways that I know, and that I would go trough if you'll still have me." He unbent his form and sent a smile the little angel's way, before speaking once more. "Tell me what you want to do later on, and you, Loki's right you should be more careful." Regan made a waving motion with his hand, and walked out of the inn with false cheer. The vampire ran away into the forest, not caring that he must have seemed like a coward for trying to leave his troubles behind.That didn't seem like it would happen any time soon, with his hurts coming from the heart and not from anything else.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 12:46 AM

Sneezing a couple times at the cloud of dust that surrounded him, Calla watched as the wolf came closer. Tensing as the male grabbed his wrists, the petite angel was surprised at the gentleness used to help him stand. Hissing at the sudden flare of pain at his ankle when he added pressure to it, he knew it had been sprained. "Thank you. I do apologize if I'm trespassing...I'll leave if you prefer." He spoke softly, effeminate voice turning nervous. He didn't really want to leave the area. This place was probably the most out of the way building he could find that people didn't go near. Biting back the small whimper, Calla turned to make his way to the door. Later, when he had the chance to sit, he could draw on the earth energy to heal the sprain.

Turning to glance back at the pair, he wondered about the connection these two had. There was obvious feeling between them, the vampire certainly seemed to express much, as well as the pain and sadness that Calla could feel. It was the wolf that also radiated sadness, hurt, but he covered it over with anger. Yellow-green eyes softened a little, he studied the wolf. Everything he'd ever been told was that vampires and werewolves didn't get along, and that they were totally ruthless and unkind. Yet, the wolf had been kind to him, and was in a relationship with a vampire. So many new things he's learned after escaping his prison. Calla blinked as the vampire seemed to speak to him dismissively, frowning slightly at the rudeness. Shaking his head, he let a few fingers reach up to brush his bangs from his eyes before turning to the wolf once more.


Staria is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 03:23 AM

Sio, short for Siobhan which is pronounced shi-vawn, had been traveling some time now and had grown use to her fay abilities from her father's side of the family, which was good since there were those who would kill her for them chasing her now. She used them accordingly to make herself seemed a mere shadow among the trees despite her stark white cloak as the light bent to her will. She raced with the speed of her father's blood as she followed a small compass of light she held in one palm. It would lead her to shelter, to safety or so she hoped.

It led her towards the previously abandoned building, which were the terms she had given it. Simply an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere was her request and her desire. It was easier alone, what a foolish child she had been not more then ten years ago. Well... a teenager technically and sixteen in body but a child in mind. Still those times seemed centuries ago to her until she heard a voice so familiar yet so strange as she came to rest on a tree branch near the Inn.

She dismissed her magic more out of being startled then any real desire too. Amadeo? She raced towards the sound and soon found herself able to see the inn, along with a dragon and next to it a familiar face. It was him... the decade seemed to melt away and she felt her heart flip, even as she took in all those new scars with an inner horror. What had happened to him?

"'Deo? ... I mean, Amadeo?" She asked in a startled tone after she leaped from a tree and walked towards him. She said it and stopped a few feet from him, her nickname for him slipping out before she corrected herself. It had been so long he may not wish her to call him that anymore. His eyes.... his eyes had changed as well. She frowned but forced a small smile as she pulled back her hood so he could see her face, a face with eyes of full of worry despite the smile.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 04:39 AM

Loki's ear twitched and flicked when Regan came to him and whispered in it. So close, and yet still so far away from each other. How as that possible, was it really all his fault? Had he been so horrible as to cause Regan to run to the arms of others for love? The wolf was silent as the vampire whispered to him, when Regan walked out, Loki damn near followed him. He took two, maybe three steps after the vampire before he stopped himself. For a few moments, he had forgotten the angel.

Loki turned back towards the slight young man. "Trespassing? No, you're fine. Just watch your step and don't walk on the stairs." He tilted his head to indicate a flight of stairs off to the side, some of the steps had fall in and there were holes there. "There's no food here, if you get hungry. Plenty of alcohol left over, but alcohol only gets better with time instead of worse." Now the wolf moved off, heading towards one of the still closed windows. He opened it, and then one more before he went back to the chair he had been sitting in moments ago.

The wounds the necromancer had inflicted on him were healing properly, healing quickly. As were the burns from that unicorn haired rope. Honestly though Loki was barely even aware if those wounds still caused him pain. The pain in his heart was outweighing the physical pain. Loki had heard Regan's words, whispered in his ear but he would not bind the vampire. If Regan wanted the comfort of other's bodies and arms, Loki would let him have it. He didn't want to rob the vampire of his freedom in any way.

Amadeo's eyes were on the dragon, he wasn't afraid of the most likely dangerous creature. In fact, Amadeo found he was more comfortable in the wyrm's presence than the presence of people. Well, considering the company he'd had just before the dragon showed up that was probably understandable. He did blink and turn his head to catch a glimpse of the vampire running off into the forest. Had Regan abandoned him here to Loki's mercy? Surely the vampire wouldn't do that.

The white haired demon actually trusted Regan. His brow furrowed slightly as he thought. Those thoughts were soon interrupted by a voice that sounded so sweetly familiar. His tail twitched and he blinked, head tilting slightly to the side as Sio approached. He knew her. He knew that he knew her. Snatches of memories came to him, but only snippets here and there. Her name was Sio and, and. Amadeo frowned. She had called him 'Deo' and that had sounded right. Comfortable somehow.

They had been friends..hadn't they? Amadeo licked his lips to moisten them, his eyes not straying from her form. "We've met before, haven't we?" He asked the question timidly. Almost afraid she would say 'no', even though he felt as if they had. Even had a few tiny memories of her. Nothing really significant. Just her name, and the feeling of friendship. Though in those few memories he could grasp of that life, she had been younger. Were his memories wrong, or had it been such a long time? The white haired demon was uncertain and he chewed his bottom lip gently.


Staria is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 04:50 AM

"Yes... yes we met before. At the Inn....around ten years ago? I..i'm Sio. We shared a room because you couldn't afford one." She responded as cheerfully as she could, though a little bit of hurt touched her gaze. They had been more then friends... he had been her protector. He had always been around her, his hand often on her shoulder as he protected her from any who wished harm on her or would have manipulated her naivete at the inn. They had been nearly family and yet... he asked that? Did he not remember her? Or did he simply not want her clinging to him like some bashful younger sister as she had back then? She wasn't shy now, she had become comfortable in her own skin and grown into an attractive, curvy young woman instead of the awkward lanky teen she had been... but that didn't make things easier now. He was close to her heart even now...

As she listened to his timid voice and her eyes searched his she knew he was not just trying to push her away. There was fear, uncertainty. It was almost as if he had expected to be turned away. She stepped closer, realizing from how he held himself his side was hurt. She hadn't noticed earlier, too busy studying his changed eyes. She knelled, her white cloak seeming to repel the dirt and be unaffected by it. She frowned a bit as she reached a hand towards him, letting it hover just over his side.

"'re hurt. Let me take care of that." She said quietly, as if him forgetting her was of no consequence. She hid her hurt, feeling too much pity for him to let him see any pain in her that may make him feel guilty. She would heal the wound carefully, channeling the light through her neutral human half so it too would become neutral and heal the demon with no harm despite it's light. If he pushed her hand away before she could the healing would be prevented of course but she saw no reason he would.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 05:18 AM

Calla smiled slightly when the wolf spoke to him again. It was...Nice listening to the other male. Watching him move around and open another window made the angel feel better. The open windows allowed more of the earth energy to be brought in on the soft breezes. Most never noticed, but he was an Earth Angel, he could see where the earth energy rose from the ground to meet with the Air energy. Frowning lightly and nibbling his bottom lip, he silently approached the male, kneeling to the right of the other's knees. Murmuring a quick prayer, Calla moved his now gently glowing hands towards the other, only to pause, his eyes widening in surprise as his lips formed an 'o'. Withdrawing his hands quickly, he dispelled the holy energy, mumbling a short apology for almost hurting the demon worse, Calla placed his palms flat on the floor for a moment. Concentrating, he pulled and tugged at the earth energy that was under the floor. It wouldn't do any good to try to pull from the building itself. Wood it may have, but it was dead wood, and rotted out.

Satisfied with what he was able to gather, Calla let his now green glowing hands closer to the demon, pushing at the energy to heal the kind demon. It was a rare skill, knowing how to heal a demon without hurting them more, but if one knew how to use the elements, it was possible. And the petite angel needed to know before anyway. Exhaling softly as he felt the others physical wounds fade even more, he let the earth energy seep back into him and heal his ankle. "I hope you do not mind. And you don't need to worry about food. Or, well, feeding me. I just need fruits and vegetables and sunlight." He spoke, offering a soft smile as he lifted his hands to push the hood back away from his head and brushing his fingers through the loose bangs that once more fell into his eyes. "If I am too forward, I mean no disrespect, but why do you seem so sad Mi'Lord?" Calla would have had to either be dumber than the rocks, or very young not to be able to recognize that this male was a very strong, very powerful demon, and fully deserved his respect.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 05:20 AM

Adax blinked at her as she revealed a map, leaning in to take a closer look at it. "You may wish to get a new map, my dear," he said, not bothering with answering her earlier question. He had no answer for it. He wasn't sure why her presence hadn't set off his annoyance yet. "The pass here," he said, placing his finger on a place a few miles west, next to a river, "has been blocked by a local cult. They delve in earth magicks, and have raised a wall to cut off the canyon. In fact, it's probably best to avoid this whole area." He made a large circle starting outward from the map. His circle passed dangerously close to the inn and encompassed a good chunk of a nearby swamp and a small town a few miles down the road. "The Earthbreakers are ruthless..." He lifted his head as another voice hit his ears, the mass beginning to whisper in apprehension. Many have turned up since they had arrived. Including one that had made it into the building without his notice. It may be best for him to move on shortly.

Honlogaaf snorted, shaking his head. "Love can not be held on to. Especially by creatures with such long lives..." he said, sitting back and relaxing, closing his blind as if in concentration. "Attractions can wander and loyalties can falter. I would have expected a demon," he spat the last word, turning back to the building with a slight snarl, "to understand that concept. Especially one that smells so old..." He chuckled to himself as a the sound of shuffling hit his ears. It was quiet, muffled by magicks. But there was very little his ears could not pick up. And it was that fact that made him proud of them. He turned his head as the woman revealed herself, taking in her scent with deep huffs. He chuckled at her lightly, but mostly kept quiet. It would seem a reunion had just begun.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 05:59 AM

Loki's legs stretched out in front of him as he relaxed in that chair. His eyes were half closed, but they opened fully when the angel approached him. Loki watched the young man as he sat next to him and began to call forth some magic or energy. Loki didn't care which, it was both basically the same thing, he could feel it though. Holy. That was going to hurt, but the wolf didn't move, then the angel's expression changed and he mumbled an apology. Still Loki was silent, just watching.

This time the energy was different, and as it flowed through him, healing his woods Loki could swear he smelled the scents of the forest all around him. Earthy and good. The wounds healed easily, though they had been healing good on their own, this added boost was rather welcome. When the angel spoke, his ears twitched to show he was listening. "I'm not sad, I'm just tired." He was tired, emotionally and physically. Being in this place didn't help him emotionally either. "...And don't call me that. Just call me Loki." It was true, he was a lord. Just as Luce was a lord. The wolf sighed. "There's probably a few apple trees on the property if you need fruit." The wolf stood.

He wasn't a cold hearted or a heartless bastard. "I need to go outside. Be careful in here and try not to break anything." Loki was moving towards the door, not even waiting for the angel to respond to anything he had said. He did hesitate at the door. "Thanks." He was sure the angel would know he was thanking him for healing those wounds. Then the wolf was stepping out onto the porch.

Crimson eyes looked out over the others out there and he started towards the dragon and Amadeo. He wasn't coming to hurt the demon again, Loki knew the way he had acted had been rather, extreme. He was always like that when he got angry though. Perhaps that was the reason why Regan ran to the arms of others? Loki hesitated for a moment, there was a woman there now with Amadeo and the dragon.

Amadeo watched Sio carefully for a few moments. He felt he could trust her, no. He knew in his heart he could trust her. So he didn't move to push her away or try to get away from her when she knelt next to him and reached out to heal the ribs that were broken. He moved his hands out of the way. "I'm sorry..My memory just isn't what it used to be." He spoke those words softly to her, as way of an excuse, or explanation.

Those eyes shifted from her as she healed him to the dragon, he had nearly flinched at the way the dragon said the word 'demon'. "...He is a wolf..I've heard a lot of wolves mate for life, so to take a mate must be a very serious thing for him.." It was just speculation, Amadeo didn't know if that were true for this particular wolf demon. Still it did make sense to him. Amadeo was about to say something else, when he saw that wolf demon coming towards him. It didn't matter if Sio was done healing him or not.

Amadeo was on his feet in a matter of moments but he didn't move away or towards the wolf. He just stood there and waited for the wolf to come to him, Loki didn't seem too angry anymore. Still Amadeo could only wonder if the wolf was coming to finally kill him. The way Loki was carrying himself, it didn't seem like it, Amadeo glanced nervously to Sio. He didn't want her to get hurt, a strong desire to protect her had woken inside of him, if the wolf did mean him more harm he really did not want Sio to get into the middle of it.


Staria is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 06:11 AM

Sio wanted to yell at the dragon, not wishing to beleive such a thing. In truth she knew nothing of love and what little she knew of sex....had come at a high price. Still, she hoped... she hoped that her immortality would not mean such a thing. That love would be impossible to keep, but she was not even quite thirty yet so what could she say? No, instead she simply focused on 'Deo.

She mumbled it was alright as 'deo apologized, and her gaze briefly lifted to him. It sounded like a lame excuse and that there must be something more to it. She said nothing, however, and simply let him use what excuse he liked. She would be done healing the simple broken rib in moments before she felt someone exit the building more then saw them. It was powerful... she glanced up and soon saw the wolf demon approaching.

She soon gathered from what he said and what she saw that the man approaching them must be a wolf demon... and someone that amadeo seemed a little afraid of. She was no longer one who needed protecting and stood with him as she eyed the wolf demon. He was old...powerful... but he did not seem to want to attack. She frowned, her hand withdrawing under her cloak once more. It obscured armor and weapons that contradicted her soft fay clothe she used to cover them somehow, but it worked for her.

She stood a stark white piller next to Amadeo, ready to be the one to defend him if needed. The look on her face would be one alien to him or anyone who knew her back then. It was a look of determined paitiance and calculating intelligence. It passed quickly, however, as she placed her hand over 'Deo's and gave him a soft smile. She whispered a simple but loaded question considering all that had happened between the two men before she had arrived.

"Who is he?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 06-29-2012, 09:37 AM

((Staria it's been a while, how's it going?))

Regan let himself sway with the movements of the tree he'd climbed into as he contemplated his troubles. Loki and Amadeo ... What he had done hadn't been fair for either of them, and yet he'd gone and done it anyway. Reaching out the pale vampire plucked a leaf from it's resting place to twirl it around absentmindedly in his hand. This little thing was so fragile, and yet it came from something so strong and sturdy. If only his love for Loki was more solid, more enduring, then it had been. Perhaps it could become so?

Now there was Amadeo to consider as well. Letting out a huff of breath, the vampire closed his blue eyes to try and block out everything save his thoughts. It didn't work very well, as a new voice reached his ears. The redhead hadn't run too far from the inn, and now could hear everything the others said. Though his absence hadn't been long what he heard forced the vampire to jump down gracefully from his tree to walk out and join the group gathered in front of the inn.

Instead of interrupting their conversation, he stayed back to watch what might happen if he didn't interfere. In truth, indecision halted his steps. Regan didn't know whether to run to Loki's side, or if he should go to Amadeo. Though it appeared he had someone, that white haired demon.

A frown crossed her features as Adax mentioned the earth cult and it's territory. Green eyes moved over the map quietly as the young woman tried to think of an alternate route to get to where she wanted to go. Silently her fingers traveled over other routes, only to meet with frustration at every turn. "I have to go trough their territory though. My prize is here," She pointed to a spot on the opposite edge of the area Adax had designated, near a river and a large copse of trees. There had been a house there once, and it's owners had sent Karlin to gather some family heirlooms. But if these people were there, it was more then likely that they had the items in their possession.

"It won't be the first time I go into hostile territory alone to get my hands on the treasure I was sent to find." The orange haired woman tugged lightly at her corset to pull it up. It was just a matter of finding these people's weakness, or perhaps an area where their power was blind.

Hidden Cupcake
\ (•◡•) /
Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 06-30-2012, 05:04 AM

Adax blinked, sighing through his nose. "If you must go through their territory, at least invest in a cloaking spell of some sort," he said, sitting back. "They have employed the very earth to be their eyes and ears in their territory. And the earth does not miss much." He took this time to look about him, eyeing the newcomers and keeping tabs on the sparks of life around him. One seemed especially bright, hiding within the building. The dragon's was bright as well, but burned more with fire than purity. Most of the fire would be his Dragon Pride, the fatal flaw of almost every dragon. But there were some species out there that did not suffer from this, had their own flaws. Most of these dragons he had no desire to meet.

Honlogaaf took in a deep breath, letting it out in a long, growling huff. He turned as the scent of the wolf came closer, standing from his sitting position. Lazily, he lifted his heavy tail, leaving the barbed and deadly tip as a warning for the wolf if he tried anything. But the dragon could not smell aggression on him. He only smelt dust and fur. Then again, he couldn't be sure. Scent was a dodgy thing. He could only ever trust his hearing. "You seemed to have calmed down, whelp," he said, lips pulling into a light grin.

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AmaniIshtar is offline
Old 06-30-2012, 09:26 AM

Calla just sat there, grinning softly in acceptence. Waiting a few extra minutes after the wolf left, the angel stood and made his way outside once more. If anything, maybe he could trust the wolf. Untying his cloak, he let the material fall into a pile by the door moments before he stepped outside. Lifting one hand to hold onto his elbow, he was still nervous and fidgety. Blinking from Amadeo to Loki, Calla nibbled his lip in curiousity, but he knew better than to ask questions so he let his oddly colored eyes stray.

Passing over one group, the angel barely held back the frown and was quick to look away. He wanted to ignore the aura of death for right now, it just didn't feel right to him. Glancing around, he spotted the vampire that had been inside with the wolf earlier. More curiousity filled Calla as he watched the other move closer, and yet still remain at the edge of the group. Just as his eyes went to preview the female, they were drawn to the dragon, surprise filling his yellow-green orbs. It wasn't often one got to see a dragon. They were almost just as bad if not worse in their attempts at reclusion than the other Angels. He felt one hand twitch, the sudden urge to pet it filling him, but he chose to ignore it. Instead he turned to look back at Loki, then getting a bout of fidgeting nerves, he looked down to smooth his pale green vest and skirt thing over his loose white pants.


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