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Old 04-13-2016, 01:11 AM

I have been incredibly busy for the last 7 months or so while my husband and I have been seperated by distance. I have been packing and cleaning daily. Narrowing down the things we own, so that we can move into a house together again instead of living at our own parents houses. Life has kept us apart because of the economy or whatever. Right at this moment we are looking at a few houses that could mean we finally our moving back together.

Our daughters are super excited, they can't wait to be living with daddy again. and I can't wait to make their dream come true. When I ask them what they want for presents they say daddy home. It makes me cry cause I wish I could just make it happen instantly. So i've been spending as much time with them as possible.

Now that most of the house is packed up and I'm not so panicked as I have been due to money issues, job issues, ect I'm able to sit down at a computer again. Wow.. I really do barely touch it. and tada! I'm planning on spending it on menewsha again. i've missed you my cuddly awesome online community. It's a bit eerie how silent it is though. I'll have to see what I can do to bring it back to life if i can. Well.. I am stealing this picture... just so I can see it right away. I am going to start right here. in.. January.. i know its April. But I want to start on the Jan prompts anyways. There has been a crazy amount of stuff going on I don't even know where to begin.

Mary my oldest has been going to school mon-fri, so its been a big change to adjust to. Lily is being tested to see if she needs to go as well. Mary is finally speaking, and they are both using the toilet. It has taken so long to get to this point. But I'm super in love with my husband and happy to be happy despite all the crazy stress. ^^

the one and only

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Old 04-13-2016, 01:39 AM

I would also like to restate some of the resolutions I've set for myself. Which are more like goals for this upcoming year.

I'm hoping to spend more time working closely with my chidlren so they can learn the alphabet, numbers, shapes, and speaking.
Really hope that my Mary gets potty trained soon so we don't have to buy diapers for her anymore. xD And only Lillikins.
I'm hoping to lose 10 lbs.
See if I can eat a salad once a week.
Work on improving my husband and my relationship.
Get money started saving towards a home.
Sell One piece of artwork.
Finish a novel first draft.
January - Prompt 1

The above is a quote from last year's journal about what I hoped to reach over the year. So here's me checking stuff off to see how I did.
My girls are both learning the alphabet and our getting the sounds down when repeating after me. Mary identifies some letters, and I swear she can read some words. Numbers are moving along really well with Mary. Lily is having a really hard time paying attention and is still going to take extra work. Now they didn't make potty training last year, it was only in the last month that it finally happened as a regular thing. YAY for it happening though.

I did not manage to lose 10 pounds. I exercised all year, and ate healthier all year. and i am still... the exact same weight.... UGH. Starting a new program called cize though and going to see if that helps any. It's this really cool dance led workout by.. uhh shaun T? i think was his name. Anyways its from beachbody, which is also P90X and insanity which are ones I kind of wanted to try but it never happened I didn't buy them. I also have been wanting to pick up a couple other dance extra programs. and try yoga. All of it seems really fun. I'm just scared to do it cause i feel like a failure at exercises. I'm not good and I can't get the flexibility or skill that they all have. But I'm fighting that lack of confidence now.

As for eating a salad a week... yeah.. I've failed at that. But hey I've at least gotten to a salad a month, and vegetables more often than I ever used to . Slowly moving up to eating healtheier. i just hate veggies so much. ugh. so hard to change that diet.

I am giggling at my goal of wanting to improve my husband and our relationship..... except that is exactly what happened. <3 i just want to cuddle him forevers whenever i see him. I'm so in love with my hubby <3 i'm going to burst into tears just talking about him cause my love for him is bursting from my heart and I misses him so much. We only get to see each other for a day or two a week. And we're working on changing that and move in together. I will do it somehow!!! Actually we're working on it right now. I could go on and on about my husband but I'm not going to. cause .. cause i would go on and on. <3 GAH <3

i actually have saved up a ton of money for a house. imagine that....

sell an artwork... eh.. i sort of did? I was giving away artwork to people who were kind enough to donate to me when I was streaming.

and finally... i finished a novel first draft..ish... I wrote 50k+ words. but it is far from finished still. i've got more that needs to be finished on it. Quite a bit more. But i have several stories that I started which is an improvement to the just notes of ideas that I had in past years. I actually completed nanowrimo last November! i'm super proud of myself!

and with that.. holy carp guys. I MADE all my resolutions. well pretty much. i am so stinking proud of myself right now. I had no idea I'd managed to do that!!!

the one and only

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Old 04-14-2016, 12:36 AM

Januaray Prompt 2: resolutions

Let me take a moment as I type all this to think what my resolutions for this year even are. I think i'm going to do a similar thing to last year, and just see how that goes.

I would like to lose 10 pounds this year.
I would love to be able to get rid of my arm jiggles by keeping up my callenetics arm flab vaporizer exercise.
get in a house with my husband
get Lily signed up for a school proram
perhaps get a job if we're going to be public schooling OR set up the home schooling station
get active with the arts again.
Tell my husband every day that I love him.
call my parents once a week just to say hi, I love you.

I think these are good goals. I know its already month 4 and i should have thought about these earlier in the year. but eh. my brain was to busy and addled to think about it. :O

---------- Post added 04-13-2016 at 09:08 PM ----------

things like this? january 3rd prompt. Ice sculptures.
i can't do it. But. I love it.

i don't understand how people do it! It's crazy. What i can do is put things like fruit inside of an ice tray and making floating fruit drinks. how cool is that huh :D i should do that tomorrow and take some pictures. reminder to self... by some seltzer? sparkling water maker thingy so that i can do the "water bar" idea from the cize it up eating plan it suggests so that I can eat healthier...mehcky. *pouts* i don't want to eat nasty healthy food.

actually I tried a spinach and cheese scrambled omelete and it was actually quite delicious. I'll get a picture of that in here to soon. I'd like to share the food progress I'm making.

also salad with 1 squished cup of spinach and a squished cup of romaine lettuce, and half a small tomato (about 1/2 cup) with some italian dressing on it. mmm mmm so tasty.

where has shadami been dragged off to? she's talking about healthy food. and ENJOYING THEM *gasp*

the one and only

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Old 04-14-2016, 10:38 PM

January 4th - In my kitchen.
I have some cute pictures to share today. And a little story. As part of our "homeschooling" that we're doing. I teach the girls the importance of responsibility. This is my two year old Lily helping me put away the dishes. She loses attention on it rather fast of course. But she does a great job helping me out. They both will also 'help' me wash dishes. and will transfer laundry loads with me. We even backed a cake this week. So we got in some math work with the measuring cups, and some science on what happens when we mix things together, and than what happens when we add heat to said mixture.

(It was a chocolate bannana cake. and i hate bananas and found it to be delicioous)

And of course January Prompt - in my yard
The girls and I love to get outside when we can. It can't be to cold or to hot. I overheat extremely fast, and Lily feezes instantly. Poor girl has terrible circulation in her lips, it scares me. But we have some gardening tools in their size so they can help out in the garden, and they helped me build a compost pit which my mom was working on turning today. We take turns tilling it and giving it the proper amount of oxygen. And of course, Mary and her rock. She is very proud of her rock, though i want to move it to more level ground soon....

Hubby and i went out to a chinese buffet for a wonderful dinner together. and i'm super happy that we're going to be checking out another house toggether this weekend. Hopefully we will be living together again very soon. I miss him so much.

the one and only

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Old 04-18-2016, 11:29 PM

January 6th and 7th prompts.

WEll to my left is a bookshelf. My bed, some pokemon trinkets. and a tv. and a ps3 controller. To my right is a water bottle a chair, my bed, and the tv remote. and a pokemon book and some stuff i'm trying to sell.

Behind me is my pokemon plushies. I'll have to get a picture after removing what they're covering from the girls eyes. :3

My chores are kind of falling behind. Going ton to Januarys 8th prompt.
Like today i got half the dishes done.. well into the dishwasher only. The girls "pre-washed" them and handed them to me so we could have a fun educational experience. I'm letting them learn to be trusted with glass that's wet and not just dry at a table. And of course some water play which is always good for a growing toddler.
We were cooking mac n cheese at the same time. I hid some veggies in it :3 Mary polished it off.. but lily is still having issues eating. They're asleep now though so her tummy doesn't hurt from hunger. So clearly i got ENOUGH food in her today, even if it didn't seem like enough to me.

I found out that I have some weird condition that makes pregnancy symptoms appear...?!?! Well waiting on the test to come back positive or negative. I'm thinking it will be negative and I will have to go back into the doctors for an ultrasound of my belly. Which.... honestly I want them to do regardless cause I feel like something serious is up and hiding. But they don't seem nearly as concerned so maybe I'm just crazy.

the one and only

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Old 04-22-2016, 03:15 PM

I'm playing Kingdom hearts with my daughter who is currently controlling Sora. She's learning what the different shaped buttons do. Like X makes him attack, circle makes him jump, and triangle makes him look at things. Though it's not an intersting button. She's growing up so fast. Today she even had an examination to see if she's going to qualify for paid pre-k. A headstart like program with speech therapy and such. Her actual test is on the 11th since she can't attend school until Spetember anyways.

Wanted to share the aewsomness that is my daughter right now though. xD

As for Travel and my last vacation prompts from January.. well My last vacation was to visit my dad in Michigan before he moved back to New York. and it was incrdibly relaxing to not have technology and just take a break and get out and walk and run every day.. though i did spend a fair bit of time working on dungeons and dragons.

But some day I'd really like to be able to travel. If not the world, than at least the united states since I don't have a passport yet. xD

the one and only

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Old 04-28-2016, 01:14 AM

January challenge number 11. The future of.....

the future of what. My life together with my husband is the first thing that comes to mind. I'm super excited that we're going to be living together again. I've needed our own place for too long. and while its not completely ours yet... we're only renting for the next year. we should own the house at the end of said year. Move in date is july 1st, and i'm super excited. I have to ask them what kind of changes we can make if any. Though it will probably just be a bit of roof touch up that i want to do in the first year. just incase things fall through. but inspection says the roof needs a couple patches in places before the winter.

still. super excited. I'll be able to mostly get a control on my own life again. and not have to keep relying on others. that are never reliable...

Challenge 12: my new jam

American Saturday Night- brad paisley. i can not get enough of this song. xD i love lots of music. but this one just really gets me for whatever reason. lol.

Challenge 13: mmmmmm jam
actually i think i can't have jam. or at least i haven't tried it again since 1st grade when it made me throw up every day after lunch when i was eating peanut biutter and jelly sandwhiches. So we figured i was allergic . and its kept me away from most over processesd and preserved fruit things and i'm rather healthy for it i think. seeing as it may actually be the preservatives that i'm allergic to. xD

challenge 14: movie time

well i'm going to have a dress made for my daughter based on a studio ghibli movie. my neighbor totoro. which reminds me. I've been so busy i forgot to check etsy to see if there was any more questions on sizes. EEP!

Last edited by Shadami; 04-28-2016 at 01:17 AM..

the one and only

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Old 04-28-2016, 02:44 PM

January challenge 15: Happy thoughts
I'm going to be homeschooling as much as i can. I'm going to pick up streaming again. I'm finally active on menewsha again which i've missed dearly. and i'm getting a house which i'm hoping to make into a home. Things are finally looking up and i'm excited. and i'm learning how to ebay and etsy. Perhaps I can sell some stuff on etsy even! that would be really awesome to achieve for me :D

january Challenge 16: Bears

we're cuddle bears today! it's relazing nap time. THough i'm posting cause I can't sleep during the day like everyone else.

january challenge 17: dat merchandise
well.. I'm hoping to open an etsy store as I already said. And i'm going to be putting up art, and quilts, and knitted hats. fun things along those lines. :D so I think that counts as merchandise. It's little things that I can do, have fun doing. and would love to be able to make a bit of money off of to pay for things like diapers. and student loans >.>

January challenge 18 : B is for
B is for absentee ballot for A. Where is the A is for option?

B is for blue and buffalo. Bears in Bermuda, babies bashing on keyboards when they shouldn't be. beautiful brats whom i love so much. burnt bacon that still doesn't taste to bad. bashful . blackheart rum. and busy busy busy.

Last edited by Shadami; 04-28-2016 at 02:51 PM..

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Old 04-30-2016, 03:24 AM

January prompt 19: in my desk
technically i don't have a desk at the moment. even though my computer. well.. my brothers computer is sitting on one. It has a keyboard tray but no drawers. and it doesn't have a chair at it. I'm sitting on my bed to use the computer. BUT
there is a filing cabinet underneath the table which is technically in the table. and inside its notes on story ideas i've had. and some dungeons and dragons campaign ideas.

And sitting on top of the filing cabinet are Kingdom hearts 1.5 and 2.5 remix discs for the PS3 . YEAH HD where you can actually see the HD. gasp....
and Little Big Planet. number 1 with the bonus content. I need to get the 2nd and 3rd games still.. i do rather adore the series.

January Prompt 20: I'm Up!

why. yes i am. xD and its only a little after midnight. hubby accidentally woke me up in his sleep. so i got a bit of a nap in at least. So i'm posting a little on inspiration to try to earn some more donate to others gold. its about time I remembered I need to use her >.>

the one and only

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Old 04-30-2016, 03:58 AM

January Prompt 21: random acts

I got a random donation from an account that was made yesterday fairygiftmother
500 gold. Completely random. Completely awesome. <3 thank you whoever you are. I'm pretty sure that you are some kind of charity mule and you have made me incredibly happy . I appreciate how awesome you are. Love your avatar and user picture. super cute. I don't know why you picked me to donate to. But I appreciate it so much <3

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Old 05-01-2016, 09:45 PM

January Prompt 22:my shirt is...
My shirt is actually a dress today. xD and i'm wearing it like a shirt cause i didn't really want to wear a shirt, and i didn't want to wear a dress so it was a ccompromise by wearing it with jeans. It's gotten a bit short on me cause my breasts are getting bigger in an obnoxious way. so it pulled the dress up where i feel like my butts going to show. It's above my knees O.o I used to love short skirts but I can't handle them anymore for some reason.

Challenge from January number 23: keys
My keychain is covered in spare keys for other peoples cars. My library card, and i think some grocery cards. But the best part is my R2D2 keychain :D i loves it so much. its soft and bendable and awesomely nerdy <3

Challenge 24: C is for....

C is for challenges! I LOVE CHALLENGES!!! They're hard, and fun, and they push me to better myself because they give me a purpose. They help me gain confidence to continue with something. To push myself past what i normally would think that I could do. I have a hard time making decisions or keeping up with something, or learning new things. But every challenge I do helps me to understand myself better. To keep active. To keep creative. I have a great amount of fun with them. ^^ and I thank Menewsha for constantly giving me challenges to do like this one with the journal, and the 30 day plank challenge that i'm doing with salvete: . We're currently on a rest day in the 30 day challenge. And I am relaxing wonderfully today. Though I did do my other challenge, which is the cize it up dance is the end of exercise challenge. xD

Prompt challenge number 25 from January: my room
My room is extrememly crowded, but I'm super pleased to say that i've gotten the clutter down to only a tiny portion of the room instead of the huge mess that it has been while I've been packing up the house.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
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Old 05-01-2016, 10:28 PM

Your pictures are soooo cute!! <3 Also, yay for planking, haha! I'm still on my hiatus but I'll be back with more posting tomorrow when the event starts! :D

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Old 05-02-2016, 01:59 AM

Awesome :D I look forward to it. Though I myself haven't been posting a super ton the last couple days. It was moving weekend phase 1. exhausting. hopefully makes things easier though.

Prompt 26: hidden places
In our bathroom we have two storage rooms now that we found when we replaced the tub a few years back. It was clearly an old storage/attic of some kind because there was a screwdriver embedded into the floor like someone had tossed it down like a knife and forgotten it. And there was a fake christmas tree. It's kind of awesome. But i don't really have any hidden places other than that.

the one and only

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Old 05-03-2016, 02:15 AM

Prompt 27: pretty faces.

got to visit hubby and mother in law today. <3 It was nice giving him a kiss and a hug in the middle of the week that we're away from each other. and it was great to sit and chat with mom.

prompt 28 of january: snowball
this actually reminds me of snowflake which is the duel name of my sisters two fish. Snow and Flake. They're completely white, except flake has a red dot on his forehead.

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Old 05-05-2016, 11:16 PM

prompt 29: fluffy \
fluffy things are awesome . like pokemon plushies! i really want to get one of every single pokemon. that is my collectors dream <3
Even if some of them are make it myself. or painting arts. i just want to represent all the pokemon in my house. :D

prompt 30: favorite jeans.. hmmmmmm

my favorite pair of jeans were these joe boxer hip hugger ones that my sister gave me. they were flares and were awesome. and they had little hearts on the butt. And the belt loop were mini pockets. I loveeeeed them... but they don't fit my big had kids bum anymore.

Prompt 31: D is for.....
daffoddils and daisies in the spirit of the phoenix jubilee. dogs even though i dislike them... We saw a dog today that was father in laws that was adopted by the grandparents in law.. for some reason? he can't care for a dog like he can't care for his kids i guess. sweet dog. but to much licking.

the one and only

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Old 05-06-2016, 12:24 PM

It is time for the February challenges!! wooohooo! i finished January!

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Old 05-07-2016, 12:10 AM

Feb 1st challenge prompt: Pictures!
Well that's aneasy one. But its going to be suddenly picture heavy cause i'm going to toss My May the 4th be with you pictures in here because we had just a blast! it was so much fun!

On a completely different note. I don't think i can post my "before" pictures of my exercise up on here since it is technically in bra and underwear even though its what i use as a swim suit since they don't make stuff in my size but I like bikinis. . . >.> i'm working on making my own swimsuit but I found out i need to pad the bra cup a little better o.O its a tid bit uhh nipply... oops... the swimsuti. not the bra in the picture.

SO regardless. I'm not going to be putting my before pictures up for this first round of exercise but I may do another "before" after the first month and have that with more appropriate clothes on so I can share and compare after a second month. ^^

the one and only

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Old 05-10-2016, 11:42 PM

Prompt challenge 2 from February. : storytime

this is a toughie. I really want to work on dungeons and dragons story stuff. but its the type of interactive story, that people are suppossed to play the characters in it to determine how the story unfolds. I really want this to happen some time soon cause i miss the game so much. But i can never find players that can play at the same time. its frustrating. But everyone wants me to DM, and gets mad that i get their hopes up and than never do anything. which isn't my fault!!!

2. I have participated in nanowrimo twice now and have just learned about camp nano.
This last nanowrimo I made the 50k words goal. but than i got sick of the story. and i do mean really sick of the story. I think its a piece of poop and not worth continuing. I want to scrap it all i hate it so much.
2 nano's ago. my first nano. I started a story that is loosely based off of golden compass, and skies of arcadia (the video game for the dreamcast) It has my own twists of course, and quite alot that is very different. But i got sick about halfway through the month. i was probably around 23k words, though i need to find my portable harddrive to know the exact number (everythings getting re arranged constantly so not quite sure where it is at this present moment) I got super sick and wasn't able to finish it. I would really love to pick that story back up. I'm not sick of it. I have an idea kind of where I want it to go. and i think i could do it. I think its even original enough that i could sell it if i edit it up well enough after.

So there is camp nano in July that I may participate in. Though im nervous that I'm not going to have the time to do so because i could be in the middle of a move?!!!

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Old 05-13-2016, 05:25 PM

Prompt February 3: Tattoos

I love tattos. People with tattoos are awesome.
I only have 1 tattoo. I have 2 more planned, but don't have the money! UGH. but <3 <3 <3 loves so much for tattoos!!!!

Prompt 4 from February: Shake n bake
ehhh i'm not really much for shake n bakes anymore. THey used to make a tasty meal when i was growing up. but i've completely spoiled myself with my home cooked from scratch meals. That things out of boxes just don't cut it. and all those nasty preservitives make me feel terrible!

prompt 5 from the month of love. :"E" ish for?
e is for evil. muahahahhahahaha
I mean.. e is for everything that i want and nothing that I've got. xD okay i don't really have any ideas popping to mind with an e prompt. funny as that is. how about Vitamin E! that's good for you somehow. its in baby lotion. and baby lotion is what i use to try to clear up my feets dry skin. they've been getting really cracked and stuff with the amount of walking/standing that i do all day long. and they won't stop being cracked *angry fist* I will fix you stupid feet!

the one and only

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Old 05-16-2016, 03:36 AM

February 6 challenge prompt: Dream Time
It is actually dream time right now. It's going out midnight 30 . I am struggling through all the updates that I needed to do. Got some more of My impossible quest thread updated and noticed a mistake in my actual current quest. like its indra's storm not weather forcast that i needed. xD and oops i crossed it out. So i'm going to have to fix that at some point here soon. person i bought it from used the indra's storm picture and labeled it as weather forcast? or I am friggin blind. its probably my fault. but i ended up buying a weather forcast which i donated to the URE so i'm cool with this.
I'm going to be working on stuff for the URE here very soon. I want to get my thread set up to perfection like things. with some art and story. And what prizes I want/need for it. Note to self. transfer prizes to inspiration in a "FOR URE" drawer.

But with the scaryness of what's going on with housing right now. and the untrustworthy internet. I want to get that all done sooner than later incase i need to hand it off. That way they don't have a ton of work if i need to.

Girls are sick. and so am i. we're working on getting better. but damn it this stupid heater. when its turned on we're sick. Anywho. baby is crying. i need to go take care of her and than get to sleep myself.

I also updated my trade shop for 2007 -2008 CIs that i'm looking for. with pictures/names/average prices so I have a better idea what I'm missing and how much its going to cost me.

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Old 05-17-2016, 02:43 PM

February 7 prompt: what a strange

life. like the video game. I want to play it myself so bad. it seems like such an awesomly fun game. i've seen the ending and quite a bit of gameplay because I frequent twitch quite often. THough not as much now as I'd like. I will probably get back into it again soon though. Specifically more when my internet is not being poop. and my computer isn't dying on daily basis.

February 8 prompt: my favorite CI from 2015
This is a tough one... I need to look them up really quick. *looks up CI, 2015*
I'm going to go with camping adventures, or the opera house. I don't really have any CIs from 2015 amazingly. o.O I can't get the flower boxes from camping adventure to show up in the preview. actually i wonder if that has to do with the bork testing background i'm using. I should tell someone. Though i don't think it showed up on SHadami either and I don't use this background on her.

Prompt 9: family news
My nephew was born on Monday at 7:11 Am, 21 inches, and 8 lbs 9 oz! He's a cutey and going to be a nerd hopefully because oh his name. It's very technology related :P
Still looking for a house so that I can move in with my hubby. I miss him terribly...
and the girls and I are still sick for the past week or so. The girls are getting potty trained finally though. so yay good news! they're peeing regularly on it, now i just need to get them to understand that they can poop on it too. xD

the one and only

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Old 05-21-2016, 01:40 AM

I'm ignoring prompt 10 for february for the time being to say that I'm panicking with excitement mixed in.
Hubby looked at an apartment today that he says will work for us. But we have to wait until Monday when the rental agency or whatever its called opens back up. We're going to say we want to rent it. ANd hopefully they accept us. cause we really need a place together. like... REALLY REALLY BAD.

so this could be a really good thing about to happen. I sure hope so anyways. !

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Old 05-23-2016, 04:31 AM

Prompt 10: workout music.

okay so i don't really have any selected.. but anything up beat that makes me want to move i suppose. Waka waka by Shakira is one of my favorites right now. I use it when I'm doing planks for the challenge salvete: and I are trying to get through. Not that i'm doing a good job at the moment.

But tomorrow.. er. today. since i should be sleeping right now and up in 5 hours.. oops. . .
is the day that hubby will be getting ahold of the apartments to see if we can rent it. please oh please be able to be rented. we need a place together again.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
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Old 05-23-2016, 05:28 AM

Good luck!! I really hope the apartment works out for you two <3

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Old 05-23-2016, 11:48 PM

Prompt 11 from february : favorites child book.
i guess this depends on the age range we're talking. I read alot of books though so it is very hard to narrow down a favorite. for some reason i really liked 10 apples up on top when i was little. But reading it now it just doesn't match what my memory had for it. we read fox in socks alot. or whatever its called by Dr. Seuss. its just to much fun. xD

and than I really loved this book about an old lake turned swamp. It is a much loved book for me even though for the life of me i can't hold on to the title in my head. I haven't read it since i was little and i miss it terribly. but i could really go on and on about the books that I love reading, and did love reading when I was little and would love to re read.

But my girls and I try to read books for 15 minutes a day at least. So we've gone through a ton of kids books. They like to go to the same ones which are much younger than their age should say they're at. but hey they love them.

and thanks salvete. I really hope something pans out. no such luck so far. we're thrid in line for the place >.<


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