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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 01-14-2015, 01:56 AM

*image taken from the Menewsha comic

Kat Dakuu woke up around noon, thirty minutes after her alarm went off, which she ignored at the time. In one lazy roll, she grabbed her tablet and disappeared back into her covers. Start of morning routine: check Menewsha. Not that she expected anything to happen in the nine or so dead hours that she slept in, along with a good portion of the site it seemed.

The first thing the site did was prompt her to log in. Which was odd, considering she stayed logged in. Squinting because she had yet to put on her glasses, Kat typed her username and password. The second she hit enter, a jolt went through her. The dizziness left her squeezing her eyes shut and just as soon as it came, it went, so she almost didn't believe it happened. She ran a hand over her eyes. When she dropped it again, she could only start in wonder. Rather than her dark blanket-filled bedroom, a sunny beach stretched out. The gentle waves made sound, but did not move, like the video wasn't streaming properly. “What the hell…?” I swear to god I didn’t fall asleep again. Kat took one step and that’s when it all snapped into focus. “The heck am I wearing?! Oh my god, it’s breezy! Breezy….?” Kat frantically ran hands along herself and particularly her pale and quite naked torso that ended in a damn cravat over a bit of white cloth with sleeves. As if that constituted a shirt! No matter how one looked at it, the ridiculous get-up wasn’t just any get-up. Kat dropped to her knees to bang her head against the sand, making her feathered hat tip. “I look like my avi! Holy hell, omg. Menewsha? This is fucking Menewsha!”

Lifting her head to see the outlines of a town and a clock tower clearly etched in the near distance, she knew that’s exactly where this was.

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 03-02-2015 at 04:30 AM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 01-14-2015, 02:06 AM

The Players

---Kat Dakuu-------------BlueBlackRose-----------------Cora------------

Pandora's Box---------------Zyne

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 01-14-2015 at 02:30 AM..

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 01-14-2015, 03:37 AM

"You can't sleep the day away!" Pandora's Box was huddled under her covers, freezing her butt off. The sound of her mother's voice woke her from her slumber. She made a noise similar to a dying whale and rolled over, which was a difficult task, since she had half a dozen blankets on top of her. "Kaaay.." She could hear her door shut and poked her head out of her blanket fortress. Cold smacked her in the face as she immediately retreated. All she wanted to do was go back to sleep. Her clock read 11:00. She hadn't gone to sleep until about two hours earlier, despite her being in bed by midnight.

"I must have done some shitty stuff in my past life to deserve insomnia." She groaned as she braced the cold air in her room. Her tiny heater didn't do much good unless you were sitting right in front of it. She grabbed her laptop and pulled it onto the bed with her as she sat up and pulled on her Doctor Who hoodie (her favorite piece of clothing). Facebook and Menewsha popped up automatically. She checked her notifications. Nothing. Switching to Menewsha, she noticed something odd. Why was it logged out? She didn't remember logging out. Maybe she just forgot. She quickly logged in (after putting the wrong password in at first) and felt dizzy suddenly.

When she gained her composure, she realized she was a lot warmer. Her feet felt like she was standing on sand. Wait, she was! She realized that she had been keeping her eyes closed. Opening them, she saw an ocean. Wait. What? She looked around and saw what she thought was a dock. Then she noticed her hair felt...heavier. And the fact it was pink. "Uh..."

I fell asleep. That's it. She convinced herself. Then she heard a voice. "This is fucking Menewha!" Menewsha? Wait, that made sense! The long pink hair, the sunny beach, and when she looked down and saw a belly tattoo of a star, it sealed the deal. "What the heck?!" This couldn't be a dream, she was never this coherent when she slept. She looked towards the person who spoke before. It seemed they were in a similar situation to her. "Okay...not a dream....." She paused, "...shit."


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 01-14-2015, 04:07 PM

Cora, like every morning about this time, had already been at work for hours. That morning had been a particularly busy morning. She’d taken the time to run a test procedure on a very important piece of new equipment to go with the infusion pump her company had built. As usual, everything was going entirely wrong and Miska Moosaria, the principle engineer on the new equipment, had broken things on the back end and had left Cora and her team to fix things. She’d organized her team, giving all of them very distinct tasks in the project, been up in Miska’s office screaming at him for what seemed like the billionth time, and wrote so much red pen over the new test procedure that hardly any of the procedure was going to be the original piece.

So it was that by 11:00 AM, when she sat down for a minute to eat her lunch, that she was in a particularly bad mood. As was usual, she pulled out her lunch and arranged it on her desk next to her. Today it included Spicy Thai Chili flavored tuna fish, a handful of almonds, and a small container of grapefruit juice. She was sipping lightly on her grapefruit juice when she clicked on the internet to go on Menewsha to do some forum checking or other Mod duties. If she had been home the fact that she had to sign in when she first got to mene would have seemed rather odd to her, but as it stood from her work computer she thought nothing of it. She was just getting a bite of her tuna to her mouth as she clicked on the Log In button.

And then it happened. A jolt went through her like lightning and she closed her eyes. A dizziness went through her that made her feel like vomiting but as quickly as it had started it was over. She was sitting on the ground at this point and simply kept her eyes closed, her head on her arms leaned against her knees. She stayed this way for a brief moment making sure the dizzy spell would pass. When was the last time she had had a dizzy spell of that nature? She honestly couldn’t remember.

It was there sitting with her eyes closed; on what she thought was the floor that she heard the ocean. Ocean? Why was she hearing the ocean? Was Jenna playing on her computer instead of working? Then again Jenna could be on lunch. Regardless, she opened her eyes to look in on what Jenna was doing when she realized she was no longer at work at all! In fact before her eyes was not just the sound of the ocean, but the ocean itself! Her eyes went wide with shock. How does a person go from sitting at a desk in a perfectly normal office to looking at the ocean?

She put her hands on her knees ready to stand up and start exploring her surroundings when she was in for an even bigger shock. Her skin, which after a thorough examination of herself to make sure it wasn’t just her hands and arms, was discovered to be a deep dark shade of blue, like the night sky. Her legs weren’t like human legs at all, in fact they were scale-y and protruded into long talons. The ocean….the ocean….and blue skin? She studied her appearance and clothing and then it hit her. She knew exactly where she was though she didn’t want to believe it. Menewsha was nothing more than words on a computer screen with real life people to transform them. Was this some trick of Inso’s or Yanyan’s to make it so the staff never stopped working? Did Jelly wish upon a star and have her dream to transport them all here come true? She guessed time would only tell.

She looked towards the others that seemed to be in the same predicament as she was. She didn’t recognize the avatars of the others, which meant either they were not staff, or the staff had changed avatars while she worked. Either one was plausible but she couldn’t be sure. She pinched the bridge of her nose and then remembered a few other oddities about her own avatar and reached up to feel the horns on her bald head, and then to the feathery wings along her back. She took a deep breath, whether she wanted to believe it or not it was true, she had somehow been sucked into menewsha.

She stood, brushed off her skirt, and then walked towards the others on the beach with her, “erm….hello. I’m not sure by appearances who you are, but I’m Cora.”

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 01-15-2015, 12:38 AM

Kat had been perfectly content to wallow in her insanity alone, but just when the dream was weird enough, it got weirder. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement. when she looked up, an elegant pink-haired girl dressed in purple just poofed into existence. One second beach, then beach and a rather Menewsha looking person. Kat recognized the Star Catcher item immediately, it being one of her favorite Ci's. "Uh...hi..." she started. But before she could do more than lift herself off the sand, another flash came as a person appeared. Kat's eyes felt like they would bug out of her head. This was getting too weird...

This new person...well, person didn't seem to be the right word. Kat's shock turned to a pleasant surprise when the newcomer introduced itself. Because really, was that thing female? Yeah, probably. Kat was already run across the sand in boots that were exactly as heavy as they looked, and making it very hard to run. "It's Cora! Kat knows Cora! I'd hug you, but..." She winced and backed away from the Cora-creature. "...I kinda don't feel like hugging demonic things today. Bad luck and all."

Kat turned back to the pink-haired girl. "So like, I'm Kat Dakuu. Either we're all in a shared hallucination, which I think is technically possible, or this is Menewsha. So, what's your name? Gee...I wonder if the whole site will suddenly be here! That would be cool." She started looking around for more sudden poofing. "Oh my god I need to explore!"

zyne is offline
Old 01-15-2015, 05:39 AM

The sand was definitely real - grains of gold under black, leather shoes. As was the sound of the ocean, the humidity, and the heat - Gods the heat! It was unbearable! Yes, Zyne decided to themself, this absolutely was not a hallucination. It seemed almost ironic to them for a moment, that they would have to convince themself that something was reality and not just their junk excuse for a brain playing tricks again.

Somehow already weary, the teen tried to piece together the situation. Things had been going fairly normally: they had woken up around 6:45 AM, showered, ate breakfast, went to school, powered through their first two classes and was checking their phone in the hallway when some sort of shock had ran through them. It hadn't been much of a surprise, they were used to their body acting up and flashing out every now and then. They had simply shut their eyes and when they opened them... this.

No, that wasn't all. They had been doing something in particular... logging into some website. With a start, they realized it, now-gold eyes lighting up in surprise. They turned their attention to their outfit. Skin far whiter than their own, the shoes, the long socks, the ridiculous sparkling cape - yes, this was all very reminiscent of a site they had begun frequenting recently. It had to be Menewsha, there was little other explanation for the outfit and the scenery and, a little further away, what seemed to be other players or NPCs.

Could be some sick kind of science experiment that Menewsha actually created to test the players? A government plot? Maybe it really was a hallucination? A dream, perhaps? Or just some odd twist that life had decided to throw their way. What abut school? Was life in the "real world" still going on - what if they missed class and got detention, what if they were stuck here and that ruined their GPA and their chances of college and their future and - Zyne dug their nails into their palms and gave their head a quick shake, gold chains jingling. The stress would get them nowhere, and neither would standing here. They sucked a deep breath and trudged through the sand, wishing they had picked sandals or a barefooted avatar, towards the others.

"Hello!" They called as soon as they were close enough to be in hearing range. "Are you guys real by any chance?"

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 01-15-2015, 06:24 AM

Again the music of her alarm played. Reaching over to the phone by her bed her hazel eyes fluttered open as she yawned. Looking at her phone she grudgingly dismissed the alarm, growing tired of setting it to snooze and it going off every ten minutes. Like most mornings after turning off her alarm blueblackrose unlocked her phone and selected the web browser which automatically brought up Menewsha. Sleepily she reached for her glasses so she didn’t have to squint or hold the phone really close to her face to see the screen. It seemed a little strange that it was on the homepage instead of the forum page and she wasn’t logged in. It was too early in the morning to give it too much thought as to why she had to login when she never logged out on her phone. The woman quickly put in her username and password before pushing log in.

No sooner had she pushed the button and a jolt of electricity seems to course through her body. The feeling gave way to the sensation of dizziness and a severe pain in her head. It had been a long time since she felt like that. Rose closed her hazel eyes tight waiting for the tingling and strange sensation she associated with the rare black outs she had to fade. A few moments passed before she opened her eyes again. Well at least the woman thought she had opened them, but instead of her room surrounding her she was now standing on what appeared to be a sandy beach. Blinking she glanced around, the soft sound of the ocean filling the silence. Maybe she had ended up falling back asleep and was dreaming again?

The breeze caused her ears to twitch. Wait…her ears were twitching? Rose’s head tilted to the side before shaking her head due to the unfamiliar and strange sensation. Lifting her hand to brush away the hair or whatever was causing the problem she froze. Her hand was now paw like, covered in snow white fur and black stripes. In disbelief she rotated her hand back and forth a few times. Was this really a dream and if it was then it was awesome because it appeared she really was her original character, Fiaria Silverfang. Reaching her paw like hand to her head she rubbed her velvety ears, grinning. “Sweet.” Getting enough of scratching her ears she looked around to see a fluffy white tiger tail swaying behind her. It had yet to register with Rose that her outfit was exactly like the one on her Menewsha avatar which happened to be a cosplay of Fiaria.

After a few moments of inspecting herself she was grinning widely. If she was now Fiaria than she should be able to use her characters magic, be able to shift forms and be just like a Katayan. This was amazing. The only thing that would make this better was if Ara’mis, Rayne, Shiro and Yuuta were here. Then again just Ara’mis would work. Blushing from the thought of that man caused the snow white fur of her cheeks to gain a reddish hue to it. Her joy soon faded as the sound of other people nearby caught her attention.

At first a sense of panic rushed through her. Who were those people and were they hunters after her or well Fiaria? Wait…this was getting confusing she thought. Cautiously she moved to get a better look at the strangers. Only two of them appeared to be human. The other two were strange looking. Rose caught one of them saying something about this being Menewsha. Menewsha? No, if she was Fiaria then this had to be the world of Iruna. Quietly she continued to listen in as they talked.

As more was said her ears drooped in disappointment. Indeed this was not Iruna, but Menewsha instead. There was no way to deny it since they were giving their usernames. Ok so maybe in some ways this wasn’t bad either. At least if this was Menewsha she wouldn’t have to worry about being hunted for the bounty on her…err…Fiaria’s…err whoever’s head. Then again it was sad because she wouldn’t get to play games or have smexy time with Ara’mis. Shaking her head she pushed those thoughts away. With a heavy sigh she stood up and wandered over to the small group of people. Her footsteps were quiet as she approached the others. “Hello…so this is really Menewsha and not Iruna?” There was disappointment within her voice as she spoke.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 01-15-2015 at 06:52 AM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 01-15-2015, 04:38 PM

["It's Cora! Kat knows Cora! I'd hug you, but..."] Aha! She thought to herself as she looked at the fairly scantily clad individual in front of her. Not that she could talk much she was hardly dressed in more than that herself. A bra, corset, and underwear, regardless of whether she was wearing a long skirt or not hardly constituted anything other than scantily dressed. Kat, the girl was Kat, but then which Kat?. She was careful not to let on that she had only narrowed the girl down to two possibilities. KatMagenta and Kat Dakuu. She did however burst out laughing when the other one mentioned not wanting to hug her for fear of hugging ‘demonic things’. “Strange how that worked out isn’t it? I’ve made hundreds of very normal looking Avatars in my 7 years, and the time I get sucked into the actual world of Menewsha I happen to look like this” She did have to admit though, the blue skin was really kind of cool.

Kat directed her attention to the other girl who was amongst them, who had yet to introduce herself, and Cora simply just observed the exchange. As she introduced herself further to the pink haired girl, she spoke out loud, “AHA!” but then quickly recovered herself. It was a good thing that her skin was now so dark, otherwise the group would have seen her blush a deep crimson color. Instead she merely just busied herself with some searching to see if others were about to join them.

Soon enough another joined the group, another avatar that she did not recognize materialized before them on the beach. Pale skinned and dark clothed. She tried to place who it looked like style wise but couldn’t place it so instead she waited until he got nearer to them. ["Hello! Are you guys real by any chance?"] She tilted her head and looked at him for a moment as if contemplating that answer, “You see now, that’s a really interesting question. I know that I am real, However whether you are real is still a mystery. Even if you told me you were in fact real would leave me no proof of your actual existence. However, I think to make things simpler, we should operate under the assumption for the time being that yes, we are in fact real.”

She was still contemplating the idea of her own reality when blueblackrose walked up to them. Her footsteps were light, and so Cora never heard her and when she spoke Cora jumped slightly but then turned around to take in the girls appearance. “Iruna?” she said with some curiosity, as she had never played nor heard of this before. As she studied the tiger girl she realized that this was the first avatar that she did recognize! Hadn’t she just watched Mythos in a live chat drawing this very person. So she held up a finger and excited pointed at the newcomer, “I know who you are!”

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 01-17-2015, 05:46 PM

Cora and Kat Dakuu. Pandora knew both names. Cora was a moderator, so she was hard to miss. And she had seen Kat Dakuu around from time to time, chatting a few times. She watched the exchange between the two until the attention was turned towards her. "I'm ah," Avatar name. They were referring to each other's usernames. This would get confusing for her really fast. "Pandora's Box. It's nice to meet you all, err, I guess." She watched the others converse and shrunk back. She wasn't very good at socializing, even online she was a bit awkward. And this felt very, very real. All the while she was trying to remember each username. Kat, Cora, and two who hadn't introduced themselves. But one looked very familiar, but she couldn't quite place her.

Pandora turned to the pale avatar who hadn't introduced themself yet. "Well existential crisis aside, I'm real." She clasped her hands together and smiled. "I'm sorry, I don't think I got your name." She wasn't the greatest at introductions, but she wanted to make sure she knew everyone. Something was obviously wrong here.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 01-17-2015, 06:37 PM

"Yeah. I think I'm totally real!" Kat added with a raised hand. She spent a second inspecting the new addictions to their group. As expected, people were showing up. She'd be far more terrified by this oddity if alone, so this was lovely. Turning to the cat woman, she tilted her head. " Iruna another site? Because I don't think this is that." She pulled awkwardly on her skirt because she feared it would untie and like, fall off.

Alright, more introductions done. Kat didn't know Pandora's Box, so she had to try hard to remember that. Spoken names always went in one ear and out the other. Only written things really stuck with her so she made friends easier online. She'd need to give this girl a nickname. "Panda? that weird she muttered to herself. So was that everyone introduced now. No wait, princely looking one hadn't yet. Kat pondered that person. "Don't you look a bit familiar. I think I received art from you, but I don't remember your name."

Kat looked around a little more. "Do you think more will show up? Should we stay around to wait and see?"

zyne is offline
Old 01-18-2015, 07:33 PM

"Oh, sorry!" Zyne spluttered out. "I got kind of distracted with the whole suddenly-new-world ordeal. I'm Zyne." Giving a sheepish smile, they turned to the one dressed almost as an MMORPG character - Kat Dakku, if they were recalling the introductions correctly. "Yeah. I remember your username!"

Usernames were easy since they would always be there on the screen. Actually keeping the name to the people in front of them would be harder. They pulled at the hem of their cape. Everyone seemed friendly enough, although it was strange to see so many outlandish outfits. It was like a convention but... not. They tried not to stare too long at anyone, flitting their gaze around from person to person. Er- humanoid to humanoid. There were two who were a bit iffy on that matter: one with dark blue skin and one with... fur? This tiger-like one had come talking about some "Iruna" place. Zyne was about to ask what it was but was beaten to the punch. No matter.

In any case, it seemed fairly confirmed by the others that this Menewsha-like land was real as far as alternate realities went and that solved one problem. The next was -

["Should we stay around to wait and see?"] Oh, there it was.

"Well, what was around the interval of time between our arrivals? I think I showed up later than most of you, so I'm not really sure. If it wasn't too long we can stay for a bit longer and then head out?" Zyne offered.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 01-20-2015, 12:03 PM

Pandora’s Box, the name seemed vaguely familiar to her though perhaps not as someone she had personally spoken with, and Zyne, another in the same boat. More than likely she had come across them between her travels of one place to the next, or even observed them without contact. Most usernames that spent any length of time at all came across her screen at one point or another. Kat Dakuu, Blueblackrose, Pandora’s Box, and Zyne. What an odd choice of characters to be stuck in this odd twist of fate. What had the creator of this world been thinking when they chose that particular grouping.

Secretly she had been hoping that Ziggles or LONG or Mythos would be amongst those who got pulled into this strange reality, but it seemed like she was to have no such luck. Not that she minded the group in front of her, but it appeared that she was the only staff member to have been pulled into all this mess. Certainly not what she had signed up for, and certainly the craziest thing she had ever been through on the staff. She took in a deep breath, yup looked like she’d have to be alone in this.

["Do you think more will show up? Should we stay around to wait and see?"] Cora looked at her for a moment and contemplated this. The time between there arrivals had been fairly short. Would others be sucked into this world that was very much like menewsha. She looked over the ocean and thought back over all the things they had written for this world, things the common user wouldn’t know. Would these users get into that knowledge? She guessed that depended on whether this mene world was staff created or user created. She still wasn’t entirely sure this wasn’t somehow Jelly or Yan’s fault.

She looked over at Kat once more before answering. “Just in case I feel like we should wait a few minutes, but then we should get moving. I feel like we really need to assess the full amount of what’s going on” And find out if this is user or staff, a small voice in her head said. “If this really is Menewsha, which it undoubtedly is then I feel like we should find Lucien. He might be able to help us.”

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 01-21-2015, 06:30 AM

After approaching the others to find out where this was her shyness started to kick in. Starting to feel a little uncomfortable being with strangers she began to play with her hair. One of bad nervous habits other than fiddling with her clothes. At Cora’s pointing at her and proclaiming to know her Rose gave a sheepish smile. Luckily for her, her white fur hide the fact that she was slightly blushing. If she remembered correctly the one who said they knew her had introduced herself as Cora. Cora, she knew that name and she knew a few Kats so the woman wasn’t sure which this person was. The other girl introduced herself as well. Oh she knew Pandora as well since they role-played together.

First Rose decided to answer the question the male had brought up. “I would like to think that this is real. Though it is a tad confusing since I now look like one of my oldest original characters whom I role-play with.” As she spoke quietly her head tilted to the side, still trying to determine if this was another one of her dreams or was really happening.

Kat asked about Iruna. The tiger woman fidgeted a little. Truthfully she was a little embarrassed that she had really hoped this place was that fantastical and mystical world. “Umm…yes Iruna. It’s well….the fantasy world I created that the character I look like lives in. At first I thought I had somehow ended up there instead of inside of Menewsha.” Her icy blue eyes moved to look at the ground.

Zyne finally introduced himself. The name seemed slightly familiar. Hadn’t she recently gotten art of Fiaria from a user by that name? Skies what was she doing? If she was Fiaria she wouldn’t be so shy, instead she would be leery, yet curious. Probably staying at a distance. Rose sighed lightly. “Forgive me I forgot to tell you who I am. I am blueblackrose.” The tiger woman gave them a fangy smile.

“I suppose we could wait a bit longer. I don’t really see any of us leaving this place soon.” This entire time she had stayed several feet away from the others. She did like the idea of going exploring. “Speaking of Lucien I wonder if all the NPCs will be real,” she mumbled more to herself than to the others.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 01-28-2015, 03:07 AM

Kat tilted her head to the side as she listened to what the others had to say. Well, that cleared up a few things. "Huh. You can tell me about Iruna later, then. Sounds cool," she said to the cat woman. Blueblackrose huh? Was Kat friends with her? Probably but she couldn't put her finger on anything. Second by second, she felt less confused by the situation though. Which probably made no sense because this whole situation didn't make any. Who would want to send users in Menewsha? Not that Kat hadn't wanted this moment to happen for the past...about four years, but it didn't seem like something the site would do on purpose. They'd say something wouldn't they otherwise?! Yeah...probably. Unless Yan was involved.

"Well, we can start exploring around here then," she said with a sigh. Pacing a little off, Kat inspected the ocean. As she noticed before, the waves didn't roll like a real ocean, but she noticed a sparkle to them that would perhaps give the illusion of motion from a distance. "Is it just me or is this lamer than how I pictured Menewsha?" This beach looked like a cop out. Despite Menewsha supposedly being an active little island town, there were no ships on the horizon and so far, no inhabitants. Kat heard no sea birds or city noises in the distance, just that tape recorded wave sound. She reached down to wet her hands in the water and instead, hit air. Like really hit air. Brow furrowed, she smacked her hand into the invisible wall that started right at the water's edge. "Gah! What the hell is this?!" Kat yelled, giving it a kick. "Something's wrong with this Menewsha!"


Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 01-30-2015, 04:07 PM

As Rose explained how she thought that this was a world she had created with her friends, she frowned slightly. She could see how this would be disappointing to the girl, she herself would be extremely disappointed if she had thought she was in terra only to be moments later whisked away in a blink of an eye only to find herself in some place much different indeed. She was about to tell her so when the girl spoke again, [“Forgive me I forgot to tell you who I am. I am blueblackrose.”] Cora clapped her hands a bit and did a little bit of a hyperactive jump, “I totally knew it!”

Shortly after her mind began contemplating the existence of the NPCs. Would they sound like they had hoped the users would picture them to sound, with personalities and voices all their own….would Lucien sound like….no she wasn’t going to think like that. She did however start to laugh uncontrollably for a few moments of the thought of staff voices coming out of the NPCs mouths.

["Something's wrong with this Menewsha!"] Cora looked up and walked over to Kat. She had been lost in her own thoughts so she hadn’t seen all of what just transpired but as she walked closer, She was going to walk into the water to stand in front of the girl, comfort her. She took one step in that direction and BAM! She walked right into an invisible wall. What was going on here! She stepped backwards slightly but then took to running her hand along the wall. “This sure is getting weirder and weirder…” she mumbled.

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 02-12-2015, 01:46 AM

Pandora watched and listened to the conversation that continued between the users. She didn't really have a need to add her own thoughts until Kat and Cora tried to mess with the glitchy ocean. "Awww!" She complained. "I was hoping this could be cool like SAO or something." She immediately covered her hands with her mouth. That wasn't the right thing to say right now. Hopefully these people were nerds like her. "I, uh, mean without the whole dying part." She added.

She remembered how they had been talking about a Lucien. She didn't know the names of the NPC's yet. Even though she had been on Menewsha for a year or two now, she didn't remember all the names. And for sure, didn't know what his personality was like. She decided to just listen and let them decide.

zyne is offline
Old 02-13-2015, 07:47 PM

Cora ran into a wall. She literally ran into a wall. It wasn't even a metaphor or anything it was a physical, invisible wall. That, or she and Kat had planned to do some sort of miming skit. Something about the whole thing was as comical as it was slightly unnerving. Then again here they all were trapped in a world that Zyne wasn't really all that familiar with in the first place so did it even really matter?

They laughed anyway. Just a small snicker. Schadenfreude had always been an active participant in their sense of humor and, honestly, lack of empathy.

"Guess that's where the world ends. Or the coding, maybe?" Zyne pondered, walking towards the water's edge but stopping before they got too close. Reaching out their hands, they felt something cool and hard. Wasn't this the kind of thing that happened in movies and anime and also to their brother when he was young and ran into a glass door? They bit their lip to keep from grinning and the ridiculousness of it all. "We could try heading in another direction. Find that "Lucien" person? Maybe there are others who know more somewhere in town?"

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 02-23-2015, 05:02 AM

The tiger woman chuckled lightly at Cora as she did a bit of a jump while clapping her hands and shouting. Her eyes moved to watch Kat. Her tail twitched as she moved forward following. She had to somewhat agree with her. “Yeah, it kind of is. It seems so lifeless around here.” Her thoughts ran along with Pandora’s where this being like SAO without the whole dying thing was concerned.

Rose walked over running her paw like hand along the wall. This was kind of strange, but Zyne was probably right. The world/coding ended here. After all Menewsha was just an avatar site. It wasn’t meant to be a 3D place for people to visit and explore like a mmorpg. With a sigh she turned to look at the town again. “Finding Lucien or one of the other NPCs might be a good idea at this point.”

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-24-2015, 10:30 PM

Kat had no idea what SAO was, but she figured it didn't matter. "Maybe they're still writing the code..." Because she really wanted to hope it would get more lively. She walked along the beach for a distance, every now and then hitting the wall to test if it was still there. She had memories of doing this in her youth too while playing the first Spyro game. She and her brothers spent an entire day running along the invisible wall, looking for weaknesses. Of course, they never found any. Sighing, Kat turned back to her companions. She was just about to agree with the new plan of action when a meow cut her off.

Kat froze and turned slowly. Right where the sandy beach ended and the cobblestone streets started, a black cat sat. She stared for five long seconds before she let out a lout squeal. "Yumeh!!!" And with that, Kat took off tearing after the cat.


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