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Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 10:28 AM

Drabble 8
List: 15hugs
#14. Balcony
Characters: Kait/Kuro and Hikage
Story: N/A
Pairing: Kait/Hikage
Location: Hikage's house
Warning/Special Notes: Kait is a famous thief know as KK (Kuro Kage).

Kuro landed softly on the ground. Tonight's heist has been a success. The only thing left to do, was to figure out who to return the gem to. Anyone who had been following Kuro Kage's track record would have noticed that he didn't have a set pattern. Kuro stole everything from gems to paintings to even people themselves. And each theft had different reason. Some was for the thrill of it, the chase the planning and of course the item was returned by the following morning. Others was to prove a point, something that was wrongful stole was taken and given back to the rightful owners. Others were never seen again.

Kuro paused in his thoughts as he heard a door open. Looking up at the balcony, he saw a familiar face looking up at the stars. It was Hikage. Kuro let out a soft sigh. Hikage was staying up late again. He supposed it was his own fault. She knew that Kuro Kage always visited her after his heist, chances were tonight would be no different. Kuro took a moment to ponder. Hikage was a very bright girl. It shouldn't have surprised him if he found out that she knew her best friend was actually Kuro.

"Lovely evening to look at the stars no?" Kuro called up.

Hikage looked down, a smile spreading across her face. "And I suppose it's a wonderful evening to go stealing no?" she teased.

Kuro grinned. Hikage has such a playful side once she relaxed. It was shame that no one really knew that aside from himself. "I would come up there and give you a hug, my lady."

Hikage smiled. "You're welcome to come up, but the hug I must decline. Father would sooner kill you if he ever found out."

Kuro grinned a bit. That was true. Hikage's father was extremely overprotective of her. It was a shame. Perhaps Hikage didn't know who he was. She would have let Kait hugged her.

Kuro climbed up a tree and slipped onto the balcony. "Well then my lady. I hope you don't mind if I ask you to return this gem for me?" He handed Hikage the ruby he had taken earlier in the night. "I do believe the owner would like it back in the morning." Without another moment, he gently kissed her on the cheek and jumped down the balcony and was over the high wall surround the house in minutes.

As her infamous thief slipped back into the shadows that he lived in, Hikage frowned slightly. "Stupid Kait," she muttered to herself. "Don't get yourself killed."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 11:14 AM

Drabble 9
List: 15hugs
#4. Ticklish
Characters: Seika and Ita
Story: Ninja
Pairings: Seika/Ita
Location: N/A
Warning/Special Note: N/A

Seika didn't know what was with Ita today. He had been hugging her for the past hour and showed no signs of letting go. It wasn't like she minded, but it was beginning to get bothersome and she was beginning to get restless.

"Ita off," she finally said.

"No," came back Ita's short reply.


Ita paused. On one hand he could continue this until Seika finally grew angry with him (which often lead to results that Ita didn't like) or on the other hand he could agree to let go. Ita pouted to himself. But he was comfortable! He didn't want to move and hugging Seika was the best way to spend the afternoon...

Less... Less he found another way to keep Seika busy and have fun too. Ita grinned. He remembered that Seika was quite ticklish.

Seika felt her stomach dropped, a sign that well too associated with Ita's random attacks. She didn't stand a chance. Ita pounced and began to tickle her.

In between burst of laughter Seika manged to get out. "Ita... -laughs- stop!" Ita just grinned to himself. Tickling Seika was so much more fun then just hugging her.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-26-2007, 11:00 AM

Drabble 10
List: 15hugs
#7. Hold me tight
Characters: Hotaru and Kai
Story: Slatrommi
Pairing: Well what do you think?
Location: A random house in a random city:
Warning/Special Note: Occasionally, the slatrommi like to venture into the mortal realm and often pose as humans.

It rained endlessly. The water beat viciously against the window as the harsh gusts of wind raced through the house coming in and escaping through the tiniest of cracks. The sky lit up as flashes of lightning danced and thunder roared.

In a small little apartment, Hotaru was having a bad dream. It was an old one, one that had haunted her for centuries. With a start she woke up. Trembling she desperately tried to calm herself. It wasn't working. So she did the next best thing, seek out her comfort zone.

In the room down the hall, Kai slumbered quietly. He was quickly awaken as someone shook him. Groggily he opened his eyes to see his girlfriend with a worried expression on her face. 'Another nightmare,' he thought to himself.

Hotaru flung herself into Kai's arms and clung onto to him desperately. He's real, he's there, she reassured herself. He wasn't going to die again. She wasn't going to lose him again. He's there.

Kai hugged her gently, rubbing her back and whispering soft, "Hey, hey, calm down. I'm not going anywhere. Okay. It was just a bad dream."

Hotaru just clung on harder. "Just hold me tightly okay?" she whispered softly. She didn't want the past to repeat itself, she didn't want to lose him again. Never again.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-26-2007, 11:39 AM

Drabble 11
List: #15hugs
#6. Sleeping
Characters: Ita and Seika
Story: Ninja
Pairing: Ita/Seika
Location: Somewhere
Warning/Special Note: Nothing... except maybe the fact that I can't fit a hug into this drabble... kinda hard when the person is asleep no? o.O

Ita decided a long time ago that he enjoyed watching Seika sleep. She was much more peaceful. Normally Seika was defensive, easily angered, but asleep her stress and worries disappeared with the lullaby of dreams. This was the look she was supposed to have on her face every day. Not one was angry and mistrust.

Ita scowled. Of course her grandfather was to blame. If he saw the old man again, Ita would make sure his blade ran straight through the old stick. Seika stirred slightly in her sleep, moving a tad bit.

Ita stroked her hair. One day he'll be able to get Seika out her shell. Till then, staying her side and watching her sleep, was one of the best things in the world.

sychobunny is offline
Old 03-26-2007, 07:39 PM

So I notice some errors in your profiles- I’ll have to proof read those… or someone else can…. I feel mean.

Drabble 1: ^.^

Drabble 2: came to an sudden
A moment later
or Moments later
I consider this to be cute- am I warped?- or rather am I warped just because I find it cute?

Drabble 3:only to realize
X3 kawaii!

Drabble 4: cute, but it pales in comparison to #12

Drabble 5: remembers (after Black and She)
Awww, a good sad cute. With the right build up, one could cry at this.

Drabble 6: smarter with
Someone managed to slip pass her defenses. A moment later Seika found herself in a hug.
orSomeone managed to slip pass her defenses; for a moment later Seika found herself in a hug.
:3 hah, funny-kind-of-violent-cute.

Drabble 7:Cute, fuzzy, and all too wholesome.

Drabble 8:
It shouldn't have surprised him
you a hug, my lady."

fix this: Kuro grim a bit. I don’t know if you meant grin or became more grim
Channeling DNAngel are we?

Drabble 8: but it was beginning to get
^.^ *grins*

Drabble 9:Occasionally, the slatrommi like to venture into the mortal realm and often pose as humans.
It rained endlessly.

Cute. Twinge of dark adds a nice contrast.

Drabble 10: she was supposed to have
*outraged at the lack of hug!* J/J
cute (again), peaceful (ok, not killing grandfather, but the rest)

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-26-2007, 09:18 PM

Go ahead and edit them! xD I don't have anyone else doing that. In fact I think that's the first time beside me who has seen those profiles. O.o Well they're a shorten form of the long one.

Drabble 2 - Nah, I thought it was cute too! xD So if you're warped, then I am. xD

Drabble 8 - Actually I'm channeling Magic Kaitou. xD But it's along the same lines of DNangel.

okies *waves fake cat tail* xD Back to more writing. xD

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-27-2007, 10:32 AM

Drabble 12
List: 15hugs
#8. Bear-hug
Characters: Ita and Seika
Story: Ninjas
Pairing: Of course!
Location: Fair
Warning/Special Note: N/A

Seika was slightly amused. She wasn't quite sure what happened but it seemed like Ita was forced into working at the fair today. She chuckled lightly as she watched Ita in a pink bear suit pass out balloons to the kids that walked by.

Oh how she wished she had a camera. For once Ita was suffering and she wasn't. Perhaps Fate wanted to give her a small break. Seika pondered about it. Nah, Fate probably had something just as embarrassing planned for her. It would explain the nagging dreadful feeling she was having.

Ita was smirking when he came up to her, further increasing Seika's feeling of doom. "Seika, let me give you a giant bear hug!" He grabbed Seika and hugged her tightly before hoisting her over his shoulders.

"Ita! Put me down!!"

And all the kids laughed at the funny performance.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-29-2007, 10:15 PM

Drabble 13
List: 15hugs
#5. Chocolate
Characters: Seika, Sai, and Ita
Story: Ninjas
Pairing: Ita/Seika
Location: Home
Warning/Special Notes: On normal occasions, Seika and Sai do not get along. However, this little drabble they do. ^^

"Seika, what are making?"

Seika paused her stirring to answer her cousin's question. "Chocolate."

Sai stepped into the kitchen. Seika had been in here since five in the morning. Yumi had spoken some concern about it but didn't say much. No one really knew what Seika was doing. Finally around noon, Sai's curiosity finally got the better of him. "Why chocolate?" he asked.

Seika slowly poured her warm chocolate into snowflake shaped mold. "Because tomorrow is Valentine's Day, or to some Jellyfish day," She answered. Sai frowned. He never celebrated Valentine's/Jellyfish day. He saw no point to it.

"So why chocolate?"

Seika stared at her cousin. She let out a sigh. That was right. Sai was ignorant of the world around him. Seika blamed their grandfather for that. He was probably corrupting Sai with his twisted thoughts and ideals.

"Because Ita likes chocolate and Valentine's day is when girls give chocolate to the people like," Seika explained.


Seika moved in chocolate to the fridge to let it cool. Then she took out another tray of chocolate out. After testing to see if it had set, she took the chocolate pieces and put them in the bag. Turning to Sai she poked him on the nose. "The chocolate I put into the fridge right now is for you and the rest of the family. You may have it after it cools."

Sai frowned, annoyed by the fact that she poked his nose. He watched, though. He watched as she went to meet Ita who was waiting outside. He saw Ita glomp his cousin in a fierce hug and ramble on how he loved the chocolate. Sai saw the smile that was on her face.

"Hm chocolate huh? Can't wait to have a piece."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 09:29 AM

Drabble 14
List: 15hugs
#13. Masterpiece
Characters: Kait and Hikage
Story: N/A
Location: Somewhere
Warning/Special Note: Kait is Kuro Kage the phantom thief. ^-^

Hikage smiled to herself as she read about the latest heist that Kuro Kage pulled off. This time the gentle thief returned a stole painting to the rightful owners while the real crooks were safely arrested for their crimes. They said the painting was a masterpiece left by the artist, Jon Luta.

Hikage's smile stretched a little more. It was true that the painting was a masterpiece but she really believed that real masterpiece was the performance that Kuro Kage put on himself. So steal the painting from the proclaimed best defense system, was a feat himself.

Kait draped himself over her shoulder. Had it been anyone else but him, Hikage would have panicked and freaked out. "Whatcha reading?" he asked.

"The news."

Hikage's smile grew again. Kuro Kage was able to put on a masterpiece performance but the real beauty lies Kait, her best friend. Kait is truly a masterpiece. Like a poker face that can never be broken in front of others, Kait moves through life with a joke, a smile, and a small magic trick. He had fooled nearly everyone in town into thinking that Kuro Kage and Kait were not the same person.

However, Hikage knew better and she knew that it was for her own safety that Kait never told her. She still didn't understand the reasoning behind why Kait did what he did, but nevertheless she choose not to press it. Kait would tell her when he was ready just as he waited until she was ready to tell him things. This would be no different.

After all Kait was her best friend and was there to protect and help her whenever she needed while Kuro would be the one who would connect with her on a more personal level.

Hikage grinned to herself. Kuro Kage and Kait, a masterpiece just waiting to be discovered.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 10:15 AM

Drabble 15
List: 15hugs
#15. KISS
Characters: Seika and Ita
Story: Ninja
Pairing: Yup!
Location: Somewhere here and there
Warning/Special Notes: N/A

Something was very wrong.
Seika glanced around. Yes there was something very wrong going on here. Ita woke up early in the morning and gave her a giant hug before running out the door to run errands.

Then, just now, Seika had found a Hersey Kiss. Picking up the small piece of candy, Seika then noticed that there was a trail of Hersey Kisses leading everywhere. She twitched. Ita was planning something. She knew it. The question what was it and what on earth did it have to do with Hersey Kisses.

"Are those kisses?"

Seika looked to see her grandmother standing behind her. "Yeah. They are. I have no idea why they're here of all places or what exactly Ita is planning, but yes they're Hersey Kisses," she answered.

Her grandmother smiled. "Well then, best not to keep Ita waiting then. He probably wants you to follow that trail."

Seika muttered under her breath. That what she was worried about. Letting out a sigh, it wasn't like she was going to have much of a choice anyways. She followed the trail of kisses around the house, picking up each one.

Into the living room, around the couch, through the kitchen and up the stairs. Into the hallway, past the dojo, and finally into her room. Just outside her bedroom, Seika struggled to hold all the candy pieces. Exactly how many bags of kisses did Ita buy?

She opened the door to her room and came face to face with Ita who promptly kissed her. Seika dropped all the Hersey kisses she was carrying.

Ita grinned. "Have a kiss?"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 10:43 AM

Drabble 1
List: 101 kisses
#24. Daybreak
Characters: Black and Asho
Story: Abstract Reality
Pairing: Maybe
Location: You'll see
Warning/Special Note: N/A

"This way Asho!"

Asho followed his partner down another alleyway. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. They had been running for hours. Asho wasn't even sure which members of the organization were still chasing them. Mostly likely anyone from the S Class.

High above the moon hung in the sky. It was glowing brightly tonight. Despite the fact that he was hot from all this running, the night was cold, almost chilly. He hoped that he wouldn't get sick from all this running around at night.

"Stop daydreaming," Black warned him. Asho pushed those thoughts aside. All he needed was to think about right now was surviving through the night.

They leap over walls and fences, trying to put distance between them. The hours ticked on, but they couldn't stop. Finally, Black came to a stop. "I think we finally lost them," she said.

Asho gasped and took in rapid deep breaths. "I hope so."

Silence fell for a brief moment before Black spoke again, "Look Asho. It's daybreak."

Asho looked up to see the sun rising in the distance. "Daybreak huh? A symbol of the new day, a new start."

Black smiled. "Ah yes. Shall we go then?"

Asho smiled back. "Sure."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 10:54 AM

Drabble 2
List: 101 kisses
#44. You’re as good…
Characters: Ayame
Story: N/A
Pairing: None
Location: Pondering City or N/A
Warning/Special Note: N/A

"You're as good as..."

Ayame hated the phrase with passion. She would glare at anyone who dare utter those words to her. Ayame never understood why someone would create such a phrase like that. It only belittled people and their ability.

No two people are alike. The way someone acts and thinks are not the same. How can you possibly compare a person to someone else? You don't go comparing Superman to Batman do you? They're superheros but completely different in their ideals and fighting ability. Thus how can you compare two people no matter how alike they seem to be?

"You're as good as your mother."
"You're as good as your father."
"You're as good as your brother."

Bitterness filled Ayame's heart. She was herself! No one else! She was not her mother, her father, her brother. She was Ayame. Nothing more, nothing less. Yes she probably inherited the genius from her mother and learned the skills of martial arts from her father. Yes she might resemble her brother in so many ways. But that didn't make her a carbon copy of any of her family members!

Frustration raged in her heart. Everyone told her she was as good as someone. Why didn't anyone just say "You're good at this Ayame"?

A voice interrupted her rantings. "You're as good as yourself."

Ayame looked back. Her friend smiled back at her. "You're as good as yourself Ayame. Don't you ever forget that."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 11:04 AM

Drabble 3
List: 101 kisses
#58. Sword dance
Characters: Saya, Seika and Sai
Story: Ninja
Pairing: Nah
Location: training ground
Warning/Special Note: N/A


Metal strikes against metal, ringing in the falling snow. Another slash is made, as the other dodge just out of harm's reach. Again, both katanas sang as they hit against they other. The wielders using the momentum to leap back before charging forward again.

You know. It's like watching these two train is like watching a sword dance with these two.

Saya watched as Seika and Sai trained together. Well that is if you could call it training, she thought to herself. If she didn't know better they were trying to kill each other. She wouldn't put it past them to try. It wasn't a secret that two cousins didn't like each other that much. Well at least Sai didn't like Seika. Saya wasn't sure about how Seika felt. The fact that both stood to inherit the family name and fortune was constant reminder.


Sai aimed his katana to where Seika's heart would be. His cousin parry the attack with one of her katanas while swing the other towards Sai's head. Sai ducked making a vertical slash only to have Seika jump in the air to dodge it. The two danced away in the snow, the katanas gleaming in the light.

And next time someone is gonna suggest that they don't practice with real swords.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 11:20 AM

Drabble 4
List: 101 kisses
#98. Ashes
Characters: Its
Story: Ninja
Pairing: N/A
Location: N/A
Warning/Special Note: N/A

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust."

Ita watched the match that he had lit burn away into ashes. He dropped it do the ground, watching the small flames eat away at the one small green spot of grass. The remainder of the area was charred and burnt.


Ita turned to see that one of the bandits managed to survived. He smiled sadistically as the bandit desperately tried to scramble away. "W-w-wait, wait please don't k-k-kill me! I don't want to turn into ashes! Please!" He rambling came to a stop as blood red eyes stared down at him.

"Your friends attacked me. I think it's only fair that I returned the favor," Ita replied. He took a deep breath and released the secrets of his family art.

The body dropped to the ground, the flesh burning away being consumed by the terrible heat of the flames. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Those who trespass must die as thus."

Jac is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 07:31 PM

Hey Seito! Long time no see, how are you? ^_^ This is really a great idea, I think I might do something similar soon too, as I've also just rejoined the RP world. I must say, your stories are a treat!

Yes, you rock.

Like KISS. Totally. XD

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 08:49 PM

Originally Posted by Jac
Hey Seito! Long time no see, how are you? ^_^ This is really a great idea, I think I might do something similar soon too, as I've also just rejoined the RP world. I must say, your stories are a treat!

Yes, you rock.

Like KISS. Totally. XD
Hey Jac. ^-^ I'm fine. I'm killing my sleep schedule and I go back to school next week, but other then that life is pretty good. >> I don't want spring break to end.

Thanks. It is. ^-^


Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-30-2007, 10:31 PM

Drabble 5
List: 101 kisses
#18. Walking on air
Characters: Kai
Story: Slatrommi
Pairing: Maybe
Location: In the air
Warning/Special Note: Just remember, Kai is an air god. ^-^

Walking on air is the feat many think is impossible to. Just as it is impossible to fly somewhere without aid of a machine or to even teleport from one point to another.

But the impossible becomes possible when one is the Air God. Kai teleported to his favorite spot above the clouds. He didn't fall. He couldn't after all. For him walking on the air was an easy task.

Kai scrolled looking around. Unseen by mortal eyes, this place was called the Sky Garden. Here creatures and plants that thrived in the clouds gather and grew. Sky Garden is a wonderful place to visit. Anyone can come. All you have to do is able to walk on air. Kai mused quietly to himself. He didn't quite understand how things grew up here, but magic has an odd way of working.

He walked over the Cloud Demons who were arguing over a ball. Cloud Demons were little creatures who had the ability to control lightning and thunder. They're actually quite cute and pretty harmless until you get them mad. But they were easy to control if they did go on a rampage. He calmly told them to stop arguing and to share. Surprisingly the Cloud Demons actually listened this time.

Kai continue his walking, the clouds beneath his feet never seem to move. Kai told himself that the next time he came, he would bring Hotaru. She would like walking on air.

He continued his walks though the rest of the garden with a feeling of peace. Relaxing was so easy here. Sky walking quite fun. He would have to remember to come back here more often.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-31-2007, 12:08 AM

Drabble 6
List: 101 kisses
#19. Shining
Characters: Hotaru and Kai
Story: Slatrommi
Pairing: *shrugs*
Location: Somewhere between here and there
Warning/Special Note: N/A

"Shine bright morning light
Come and sing with me
Shining star to the right
Come and dance with me

Glitter sparkle through the air
I don't have a care
Capture and ensnare
My bright future without a tear

Shine bright morning light
Dawn is waiting
Shining star to the right
Glimmering in the starry night."

Hotaru sang slowly. The words just came as they please, the tune changing to adjust. It wasn't a real song, but it was the best way she could let the words go free.

Song was interrupted by the clapping of hands. Hotaru turned around wondering who was listening. It was Kai.

"What are you doing here Kai?"

Kai grinned. "Well you didn't come home for dinner. So figured you would be here."

"It's past dinner already?"


Sighing, Hotaru looked up at the starry sky. "Well the stars have been shining brighter. I guess I just lost track of time."

Kai kissed her the cheek. "Hm, you know evol, you're shining as bright as those stars are above."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-31-2007, 08:51 AM

Drabble 7
List: 101 kisses
#33. Who?
Character: Ayame
Story: N/A
Pairing: N/A
Location: N/A
Warning/Special Note: N/A


Who am I?

I have been asked that question so many times, that I wonder if even I know the difference anymore. Before if someone would ask me who I am, I would have confidently answered Ayame Tensai.

But now days, I wonder if Ayame Tensai even existed. I wear masks, disguise, even act my way through each and every day. It's a wonder anyone can tell who I am.

Who am I?

Am I Ayame Tensai, Ayame Ookami, Silver, Gin, Kin or someone who's name I haven't even come up with? I interchange between those aliases so easily, I wonder which one is the real me.

Today, I claim I am Ayame Ookami. Tensai was buried with the death of her parents and the horrible day. But I live as Silver, Gin, and Kin each day. Pretending to be four different people on four different sides of a war that is brewing. For, against, neutral, and naive, the four sides of life that will play out in my life. I only dare trust the truth with a few people but sometimes I wonder if they can tell me apart from myself and all the disguises I wear.


Who am I?

Do I even know? Is Ayame Ookami even real? Or is she just another alias for Ayame Tensai? Am I even Ayame at all? What if my memories are just false creations? With all the mental disorders I have, I wouldn't put that as not a possibility.

Today someone asked me who I was.

My answer?

"I don't know anymore."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 12:50 AM

Drabble 8
List: 101 kisses
#15. Photograph
Characters: Mem
Story: Slatrommi
Pairing: None
Location: Mem's Bedroom
Warning/Special Notes: N/A

They say a picture is worth a thousands word.

And I believe them.

I picked up an old photograph. It was a picture of my mom and me. I remembered this moment. It was before mother fell into a permanent deep sleep. She took me out to the zoo. Those were peaceful times before the war.

Sigh. The war. That of course brought painful memories. And no matter how hard I try, I cannot erase them. Perhaps this is Life’s way of telling me that I shouldn’t forget what I saw and experience back then. Curse my powers. I’m beginning to understand why Hotaru dislikes hers so much.

I reached for another photograph as the memories from it flooded in. They were warm and happy. I smiled as I looked at the picture. It was a picture of Chi and Riku playing in the mud. Those two are quite cute. Hotaru often confines in me that she wonders if those two will grow up as siblings or lovers one day. They’re quite close and still very young. Their lives are our future.

I found another photograph. Except this one is old and torn. The picture has nearly faded away. I frown. Using my magic, slowly the pictured repaired itself. Having the ability to find memories, no matter how lost or old they are came in quite handy. I suppose that’s way one of my titles is Guard of Memories.

The photograph revealed a picture of two brothers. One I recognized right away. It was Arashi. The other, I was not too sure. I would have to ask the Storm King when he returned home tonight. I placed it in the photo album anyways. It was nice to have these little reminders. It makes life so much enjoy. A photograph contains a thousands words after all.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 12:51 AM

Drabble 9
List: 101kisses
#61. Over-sized shirt
Characters: Seika and Hotaru
Story: Crossover
Pairing: ^-~
Location: A house
Warning/Special Note: N/A

“Seika what are you wearing?”

“An over-sized shirt.”

“And why are you wearing an over-sized shirt.”

“Because I can.”

“Isn’t that over-sized shirt Ita’s?”

“… Yes.”

“Ah. So you two finall—“

“We did not!”

“Geeze you didn’t have to throw a book at me.”

“You need to get those dirty thoughts out of your head.”

“Nothing is wron—“

“I’ll throw another book at you if you keep that up. If we do it then we do it. It’s none of your business!”

“So you did.”


“Then why are you wearing Ita’s over-sized shirt?”

“Because, Hotaru, it rained last night and I got wet.”

“Oh. That’s all?”


“Well as cute as you look in the over-sized shirt, I suggest you change back into your clothes before someone else gets the wrong idea.”

“Hey guys. Seika, what’s up with the over-sized shirt?”

“Don’t even ask Kai.”

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 01:38 AM

Drabble 10
List: 101 kisses
#35. Snowdrop
Characters: Seika
Story: Ninja
Pairing: *shrugs*
Location: Somewhere
Warning/Special Note: Yuki no Hana is snow flower since I couldn't find a direct translation for snowdrop.

I grew up in land of snow. Here it snows nearly everyday and everything is covered in white. You rarely see any color but white out here. Even in the warmth of spring or the heat of summer, the snow never melts. My home remained cold and cool for the entire year. Blizzards often strikes, causing travel to be dangerous. As much as I now dislike my family, I still very much loved my country.

Today would be the first day spring back there. The snowdrops would be budding soon. Snowdrops were always my mother's favorite flower, right after daisies (which admittedly I am greatly allergic to). I often wonder if mother told me that snowdrops her favorite because she knew that if I tried to get her daisies that I would only end up sneezing and being miserable. I wasn't sure. I never got the chance to ask her before she died.

On the bright side, I don't have to miss seeing the snowdrop. My 'family's greatest attack is shaped like a snowdrop. The six petals, three outer, three inner, which hits our opponent's from the inside and the outside. Many do not get up after being hit by this attack. The swordstroke is so strong that it carved the snowdrop design straight into the ground.

It took a long time, but I finally did managed to master that last attack. Of course grandmother told me if I ever mastered it before Sai did that I would be the one to inherit the family name. That's kinda hard to do when I'm an outcast though. -sigh- Such is life.

"Lookie boys. We have some fresh meat wandering around our terrirtory."

"Hehe, a pretty one too."

"How we play little girl?"

I smirked. On the bright side, I could see the snowdrops bloom today. These bandits would be the prefect targets after all.

"Usuyuki no Ryu, Yuki no Hana!"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 03:29 AM

Drabble 11
List: 101 kisses
#68. Lullaby
Characters: A dying hero and Hotaru
Story: Slatrommi
Pairing: None
Location: A battlefield
Warning/Special Note: Character death

Smoke roses slowly from the charred battlefield. Bodies laid, warriors fallen in battle. Weapons crisscrossed, covered in blood. Souls lingered, leaving one by one as the warriors came to grip with their death. Some envies their comrades that were able to leave in one piece.

In the middle of a field, a hero laid dying. He coughed, hacking out blood. The sword wound his enemy gave was a fatal one. The warrior, Are, doubted he would live to see the sunrise again.

"You did well hero. Your country is safe."

Are forced his eyes to open. He saw deep crimson red orbs stare back at them. Long black hair and a pale face, Are could have sworn the girl staring at him was some sort of princess or related to royal. Then he saw long black wings like a dragon.

"Are you an angel?" he asked weakly, fighting back the urge to cough up more blood.

"No. I am Death, warrior. I will take you to your place in afterlife."

"Ah," said Are, coughing up more blood. "What's the song I keep hearing?"

Death looked surprised. "You can hear it?"

"Yes. Am I not suppose to?"

"Most mortals can't. That is my song, my lullaby to soothe the souls that have died here today."

"Guess that means I'm gonna die soon, huh," Are weakly joked.

Death smiled softly at him. "Yes, I suppose so."

"Can you sing it to me? My mom use to sing lullabies to me when I was kid. Wish I could have seen her one more time."

Death's smile turned to a sad one. "Ah. Very well warrior. That is the least I can do to make your passing easier.

Sweet Child
Close your eyes
Don't be 'friad
Things go by
Listen to
Death's lullaby
Close your eyes
Sweet child of mines"

Are's eyes slowly closed, a small smile on his face. Death smiled back. She had a warrior's soul to place in the highest honors of Death.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 04:10 AM

Drabble 12
List: 101 kisses
#70. Castles in the sand
Characters: Chi and Riku
Story: Slatrommi
Pairing: N/A
Location: A beach
Warning/Special Note: N/A

Chi could not wait to get to the beach. She dragged Riku there as soon as she got up. She wasn't going to wait around waiting for the rest of her family and she knew that Hotaru-oretsis would scold her if she didn't at least that Riku along with here.

"What are you doing Chi?" Riku asked groggily. His sister dragged him out of bed early in the morning.

"There are castles in the sand! Chi wants to build one! Riku help?" she asked.

"You mean sand castles Chi."

"That's what Chi said, castles in the sand."

Riku let out a sign. Chi had an odd way of thinking and speaking. It was best not to try and correct her. Hotaru said that Chi might grow out of it one day.

They got the beach as fast as they could. Chi waved her hands and suddenly a giant castle popped out of the sand. "See castles in the sand!"

Riku stared at the large structure made of sand. "Umm Chi that isn't how you build sand castles." He had nearly forgotten that Chi had control over all of Nature's element. Sand wouldn't be that big of a deal to control for her.

"Eh? Then how Chi suppose to build castle in the sand?"

Riku took his little sister. "Don't use your magic. It's no fun that way. Here we'll get some wet sand. You can shape it. See this can become your wall to your castle. And then we can build a little tower here."

Chi's eyes lit up in delight. "Chi and Riku can put flags on the towers?"

Riku smiled. "Yup."


Hotaru wandered down the beach. Apparently Riku and Chi disappeared early in the morning when everyone was still asleep. Grumbling to herself on why she had to be the one to get them, Hotaru paused and take a double take on what she saw on the beach.

It wasn't the giant castle that impressed her. She knew Chi could raise those things with easy out of the ground. No, it was what was next to it that impressed her.

Riku and Chi somehow manged to two build several sand castles (handmade Hotaru guessed) with villages and towns and she was pretty sure that there was a carnival that they were working on to.

"What are you guys doing?" she asked.

Chi smiled at her. "Building castles in the sand!"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 04-01-2007, 04:18 AM

Random Break!

xD Cause I feel like posting something other then A drabble. xD

I noticed that these drabbles are really really dark. O.o or like they're on the more seriously level of characters. For some reason I can't get the usual cute and funny to come out. O.o Perhaps it's the list this time. They're just non cute things.

Yeah. Hm This is odd. xD I don't remember ever being this serious in drabbles in so long. O.o Kinda weird.

OH! And I declare that this thread officially sucks out all my creativity. O.O;;; my reviewers are gonna kill me on *sweatdrop*


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