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Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 08:27 PM

Two unlikely people are stuck at a high school dance, awkwardly,
they meet and where the night takes them... they cannot imagine.
Anything is possible, romance, friendship, secrets to be shared,
laughs to be had.
This is their high school dance, this is their story...

Last edited by Kory; 03-18-2015 at 11:51 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 11:11 PM

Name: Noah Rosales
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Race: White/Hispanic
Gender: Male
Personality: Sarcastic, bitter, rebellious.
Likes: Punk music, piercings, cigarettes.
Dislikes: Sports, history, non-dyed hair.
GPA: 2.5

((other info later as i think of it))

Last edited by ghostPastry; 03-21-2015 at 11:29 PM..

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-18-2015, 11:52 PM

Name: Juniper (June) Harper
Grade: Sophmore
Age: 16
Race: Black/White
Gender: Female
Hobbies: Writing songs, rollercoasters
Personality: A shy girl who's often caught between being herself and being unnaturally rambunctious.

Last edited by Kory; 03-24-2015 at 02:44 AM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 01:38 AM

Leaning against a wall as far away from his classmates as possible, a mopey-looking teen with hair a shocking shade of blue stood with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. Through half-lidded eyes, he regarded the other teens laughing and dancing and having fun. None of his friends had come tonight, they were too cool for this sort of thing. They were all out drinking and smoking and wreaking havoc, probably. He wished he was with them. They kept snapchatting him pictures of their adventures, and it looks like Lauren had managed to get her older brother's car for the night. He pulled out his phone, lighting his face in an unnatural cyan glow that stood out in the otherwise darkened room. He sighed as he clicked through his apps-- no new texts, no new posts, nothing. He pocketed the phone again and chewed on his lipring. The music was decent, although he would never admit his love of shitty pop to anyone else. He was more of a punk guy, himself, but everyone's got a guilty pleasure.

His mom had forced him to come tonight. She seemed upset that he didn't have a date, but putting him in a nice shirt and tie seemed to placate her. He had managed to grab his favorite grey hoodie on his way out the door, thank god. He couldn't stand to be dressed like a boring adult. He scanned the room, seeing several people he recognized from his grade. He didn't really get along with any of the other juniors, but maybe he could go over to them and at least pretend to have fun. He decided he would wait until the boredom got unbearable or until the DJ put on something even resembling punk. Whichever came first.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 02:07 AM

Her friend abandoned her... Typical. The girl in the yellow dress stood awkwardly in a darker corner of the gymnasium, partially because she was scared to death to talk to anyone else besides Alice, her "friend". She hated herself for even allowing her friend to "persuade" her to come along to the dance. Alice, her "friend", just wanted to drag her along so she could tell her parents she'd be with her boring, goody-two-shoes, best "I-am-only-your-friend-when-it-benefits-me" acquaintance. If only her parents knew the half of it... She was certain if Alice's parents truly knew who she was, they'd not want their daughter around her.

The girl in the yellow dress lowered her head, allowing her thick, curly, blue-tinted hair to hide her face. She hated social events like this one, especially ones that involved her peers. She rubbed her arms, careful to avoid the tears in her jean jacket and she gave her arms a gentle squeeze. She allowed her eyes to wander, looking at her surroundings, feeling more awkward and misplaced than she did when she first walked in with Alice.

She noticed a few boys from the senior class staring at her, mixed emotions on their faces. They were familiar to her, and the memories of them just made her feel sick. This was absolute torture. She whispered to herself,

"Damn... why do I always do this to myself?"

When the lights started flashing again she realized the boys from the senior class were approaching her. They were coming close rather quickly too, she knew they'd probably just start teasing her again, or worse... try to hit on her again. She couldn't handle that, not after the last time... She lowered her head and began to walk away as quickly as she could, avoiding the dancing teens that seemed to just jump in her path as she sped across the wall. She wasn't paying any attention to where she was going, her only thoughts were, "Get the hell out of dodge, get the hell out of dodge, get the hell out of dodge..."

She peered over her shoulder, trying to see if the boys were following her. It was difficult to tell as the lights were dim except for those bright, flashing strobe lights that bothered her vision. She didn't see them following her, and just assumed that she'd lost them, she let out a sigh of relief and began to turn her head, however, she'd turned her head just a couple of seconds too late and she bumped into an unfamiliar student...

The first thing she noticed was his bright, cyan colored hair and his facial piercings. Her heart stopped and she went rigid with embarrassment. She felt she should apologize for bumping into him, but even though her mouth was open, she couldn't form coherent words, as her shyness began to take over...

"Oh... I-I... Um... W-well..." She stuttered.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 04:11 AM

Finally deciding that he was so bored he couldn't take it any more, the blue-haired boy started to step away from the wall. The second he did, he was hit by something-- someone?-- that appeared to be nothing more than a mass of curly, blue-black hair. The breath was knocked out of the boy, and he stumbled back, his converse squeaking loudly against the gymnasium floor.

"Oh, hey... um... are you ok?" He asked, tilting his head and looking down at whoever this girl was. He had never seen her before, so she must be an underclassman. She looked cool though, and her hair was awesome when it wasn't flying at him at a high speed. Maybe she could be his escape from boredom.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 07:33 AM

She looked up at him, her mouth open, about to speak, then she turned around and looked behind her really quickly, still trying to be certain she wasn't being followed. When she was positive no one was following her she turned back to the boy and mustered up a clean, understandable sentence....

"I am okay." She said softly, he looked at her feet in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry I hit you... Are you alright?"

She took in his appearance now that she was closer to him, he seemed nice enough thus far. Then, a thought came to her mind, she could use him as her protection for the night. If she could just hold his attention for the entire night, perhaps she'd be able to get the upperclassmen out of her hair. She didn't want to flirt, didn't want to have to be someone she wasn't to keep his attention, that was the reason why she was in this predicament with the seniors to begin with! Maybe a different approach, maybe she could try actually being herself for a change.... Maybe.

Before he could answer her last question, she quickly asked another one,

"Are you by yourself?"

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 04:26 PM

He looked at the girl quizzically as she turned to look behind her. She seemed nervous, like someone was following her. Maybe she was avoiding her date or something? He didn't really want to be included in that drama.

The boy started to answer that, yeah, he was alright. More startled than hurt, really, and more concerned about this girl who seemed to be avoiding someone. But before he could answer, she asked him another question.

He had to think for a second before he responded. Would it be better to tell her the truth, that he was alone? He would look like a total loser, but if he lied and said his friends were here, she'd find out soon enough that he was lying.

"Yeah, I am," he said sheepishly, scuffing his shoe against the ground. "My friends are too cool for this lame shit, I guess." He paused for a minute, looking the girl up and down. "What about you?"

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-19-2015, 05:23 PM

She grabbed onto one of her arms nervously. "I'm by myself too..." She said. She looked up at him and awkwardly walked a little closer to him, not meaning to invade his personal space or anything, she just felt a little safer being closer to a person to talk, rather than appearing stand-offish.

She let out a little chuckle as she turned to look at the other teens, laughing, dancing, having a good time. It made her feel a little less like a freak to know that someone else was there, just like her, someone who didn't seem to be enjoying themselves. She couldn't seem to read this boy, she wasn't sure how to talk to him. Should she flirt? Would that get her the company she desperately wanted at this point? Flirting always seemed to make the boys take more interest in her, perhaps she'd try her hand at compliments first?

"I like your hair." She said softly. She came a little closer to him, now certain that she was definitely closer than what was probably socially acceptable when meeting someone new. She stared at his azure locks and gave her best, sweet smile.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-21-2015, 11:22 PM

The boy leaned back nervously, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, haha, yeah, thanks..." he mumbled, avoiding making eye contact. "Hey, listen, since both of us are here alone, do you wanna maybe hang out tonight?"

He wasn't sure what it was, but something about this girl made him nervous. He could keep up his usual cool, apathetic demeanor around his friends, or his classmates, but there was something different about this girl, although he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. He actually wanted to hang out with her, not just because they both happened to be alone, but because he kinda wanted to get to know her.

"Oh, and my name's Noah, nice to meet'cha." He held out his hand, with a lopsided grin.

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-22-2015, 01:11 AM

She nearly sighed in relief when he asked if she would hang out with him tonight. She desperately needed someone to keep her distracted and keep those boys off her scent. Besides that, she was lonely, and she didn't really want to put out the effort to whore herself out just to have someone pay attention to her. Her struggle was always the same, she was torn between being the "good girl" and being the "bad girl". Noah confused her so much, she couldn't figure out who to be around him so far, he wasn't like the others she'd met.

She wanted to be herself, to finally have someone notice her and like her for who she was. She took a while to think about her name, finally deciding upon giving him her real name instead of picking out one of the many different nicknames she'd been given since being a freshman in high school. She looked at his hand and shook it awkwardly, giving another sweet smile.

"I'm Juniper." She said softly. "B-but my friends call my June..." Then she mumbled softly, "If I had any friends, anyway..." Her smile faded quickly for a moment as she got a little lost in her thoughts. She shook her head after a moment, shaking the thoughts from her mind, causing her wild, curly hair to bounce with each movement of her head.

She stared at him for a while, thinking about what he said. Hang out? What was he trying to do? Did he want something from her...? What was he asking? She wanted to believe that that was all he truly wanted to do was hang out. That maybe she could have an actual friend for a change and not just someone who would use her for their own benefits. Still, she answered with her heart instead of her head...

"Yes!" She paused, realizing she probably sounded a little too excited when she responded, "Yes... I'd love to hang out." She looked away and nervously brushed her hair behind her ear.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-23-2015, 07:28 PM

Noah looked at the girl a bit suspiciously as she hesitated before saying her name. Was she lying to him, or was she just so nervous she couldn't remember her own name? He decided to drop it and just go with whatever name she gave him.

"Cool. I guess I'll call you June, then?" He asked, trying not to act like it was a big deal. It usually took him a long time to accept someone as a friend... it was hard for Noah to be able to trust someone and also know for sure that they're cool enough for him to want to be associated with them. But this was a different situation, and plus, Noah was already starting to trust June, for whatever reason.

"So, uh, this dance is kinda lame, right?" He asked, leaning against the wall again. "Like, this music is totally weak... Ke$ha, really?" He paused for a moment, waiting for her reaction, but he realized in that moment that he wasn't with his punk friends. He didn't have to pretend he hated this crap so much. Maybe he could actually have fun tonight... "I mean, but we can dance if you wanna," he shrugged. "There's no one I know here to see me be lame."

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 03-24-2015, 02:39 AM

At the mention of dancing, June immediately shook her head, almost violently so. In her mind, dancing would mean... being out there with the crowd of preppy, snobby girls and their jerky, jock boyfriends. Not to mention, those senior boys would probably notice her out there in the center of the floor. She didn't exactly blend in with the other students...

Upon being reminded of those boys, she quickly took a scan of the area, making sure that no one was noticing her and that no one was going to approach her. When she concluded that she was safe, she let out a relieved sigh. June put her focus back on Noah and smiled,

"Wouldn't it be better if we just..." Stayed in the shadows. Her brain filled in, but her tongue knew better than to say something so silly and so odd to a complete stranger. "... talked?" She felt strangely safe around Noah, she didn't want to drag him into her drama, especially now that she could see just how different he was. She thought about what she was saying, maybe an explanation would make her seem less strange. "Haha... I m-mean, I'm not a very good dancer...."

ghostPastry is offline
Old 04-01-2015, 06:02 PM

"Haha, oh, that's fine," Noah said, cramming his hands deeper in the pockets of his hoodie. "Me either, really."

He followed June's nervous gaze to the dance floor, gazing out at all the jocks and rich kids. He still wasn't quite sure why he was still here, although being with June was helping. The lights and music were starting to get to him, not to mention the huge crowd of his classmates.

"Hey, do you wanna maybe go outside?" He asked, not able to meet her eyes while he asked. "We can just sit and chill in the parking lot or something, get some air..."

Spooky Action at a Distance
Kory is offline
Old 04-02-2015, 01:15 AM

"Uhm..." June bit her bottom lip and quickly looked around the area and her eyes widened when she saw the boys who were following her earlier. They weren't looking in her direction. Good! That meant that they didn't know she was there, but if they'd just look to their left, if they took even the smallest step in her direction, they'd see her. With her big, curly hair, she was hard to miss.

June immediately ducked her head and tried her best to squirm behind Noah and she spoke, "Yes!" She sneaked passed him and grabbed the sleeve of his hoodie, tugging it gently. "Air is a-always good!" She smiled nervously, her eyes darting between him and the boys she was trying to avoid.

June continued to tug gently, attempting to coax Noah to hurry so they could go outside. She didn't want to be caught by those boys, she couldn't risk having her new friend see her be picked on by the seniors. She'd die of embarrassment and that would open up a whole new side of her that she didn't want him to see. She knew it would happen sooner or later tonight... Yet, she wanted this sweet bliss of ignorance to continue for as long as it could.


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