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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-23-2008, 04:33 PM

As of right now Cora has read the 100 drabble thread and found that they are positively facinating. I will therefore create two separate lists. As Cora is both a writer and an artist she will be doing a drabble list for writing and also a drabble list for artistry. She might add the artistry list to the art forem but she is not sure yet. So then I suppose you want her list now right. Well its incomplete as its merely random words pulled out of her head.

I have desided to make this a challenge for Cora and make them have to flow from one story to the next having the same characters and continued plot. If one character is present and did not leave in one drabble then they must be present in the next drabble. I will be pulling these random words in the dictionary. I will currently list the first 10.

1)opal- DONE 11/27/2008
2)fort-DONE 3/27/2009
3)Cupid- DONE 3/28/2009

Last edited by Cora; 03-30-2009 at 02:17 AM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-28-2008, 05:09 AM

Character List:

I will add caracters to this list as they show up within the course of the Drabbles.

Name: Akira
Age: 21
Bio: Currently living in a fort, she is not part of the army but nothing is yet known about why she is there.

Age: 24
Bio: Part of the Military working from the base where Akira is staying. The only person here that Akira Trusts.

Last edited by Cora; 03-30-2009 at 02:19 AM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-28-2008, 05:25 AM

Drabble Number 1- Opal

Akira sat upon her bed in the small room for which they called hers, though it was not really hers, she would never say so. No, it was merely a room for which she was borrowing, to her it was merely just a prison. A place where she was staying, a place far from her home.

She sighed deeply and looked around at the small room.The room was simple, a bed and desk crammed into a space with little room to move between. The bed was a medium plusness with soft white sheets and a blanket. The desk was small and wooden, but it had a small rickety chair and served to be a good place to get work done. It was a plain room but she supposed there would be those who would call it comfortable. She supposed it was not uncomfortable but merely a place far from the one she called home.

She sat on the bed and twirled her finger around the small opal necklace which hung around her neck. It was a habit of hers to fiddle with this small necklace. This the only piece of home she still had with her. A small yet strong reminder of the one thing she longed for more then anything.

It was this that she thought about as she fell back into the bed and closed her eyes, hoping for the sleep that just would not grace her.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-28-2009, 03:52 AM

Drabble Number 2- Fort

Akira was still tossing and turning amongst her bed trying and longing for sleep that would never grace her when she heard it for what was not the first time. The deep echoing banging of a thousand gun shots going off all at the same moment. With this her eye opened fully take in her surroundings. She quickly dressed and wisked her way out of the room into the long arduous hall that led to the sleeping quarters of her and the soldiers.

She walked down the hall briskly in fact after a few moments time the brisk walk became even brisker until it was simply a run and nothing more. She raced down the hall searching for someone, anyone she might be able to ask about the situation and yet she found no one, it was if this had been an abbandonned fort and not the lively active one she knew it to be.

After what seemed to her a thousand years she finally spotted someone of comfort.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-30-2009, 02:17 AM

Drabble 3- Cupid

She ran towards the one person on base she felt she could trust, the only person she dared trust around this place. She reached out a hand to touch his shoulder as he was currently facing away from her. She smiled softly at the touch of his warmth. She spoke for the first time in what seemed ages, "Brian...." she started with her newly reclaimed voice.

He turned to her and looked down on her, "Akira....what is it.....?" he said in a soft gentility only known to her through him. The fort was full of gruff people who knew nothing of the word gentility let alone being able to execute it.

"The gun shots.....why.....whats going on" She said with a hint of fear in her voice and in her eyes.

"I'm afraid you already know, my dear" he said with complete honesty that made her heart race.

She buried her head in his shoulder with a small fraility that showed the fear, in the fearless woman that she was. It was only in him that she felt this comfort to let her fear show on her sleeve. This comfort is what she needed. She needed him, but then he needed her. The two knew nothing of the fact that cupid had struck them, but over time they would, they would know that it was in each other that they found safety, in each other that they found survival.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-30-2009, 02:00 PM

Drabble Number 4-Mocking Bird

He wrapped his arms around her shoulders like a brother would to his crying sister. "Its alright Akira, I'm going to protect you....dont you worry about it" he said softly, with the same gentility.

She nodded gently into his shoulder, greatful for his warmth, his caringness in this hidden fortress....this prison. She closed her eyes and her mind wondered back to her mother, her home. She had images in her mind of her mother singing to her as a small child, rock a by baby, she smiled softly as she heard the words in her mind "momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird" She started to drift softly off to sleep on Brian's shoulder when suddenly she heard more gun shots and was jerked back into reality.

Brian was letting her stay there for as long as she needed. He knew he had offered to be her personal guard. She was important to them all in more ways then even she knew. Another soldier came around the corner to check up on her room and be sure it was still sercure when he saw the two of them.

"Captain Brian Delmar Sir" he said and stood at arms.

"Yes Lutentant" he said in return though it was still with gentleness, although Akira was now standing by his side with a red face.

"Is it wise for the Princess to be wondering the halls as such sir"

"I suppose your right, I shall escort her back to her room, Thank you Lutenant, back to your rounds"

"Yes sir"

He swept back in the other direction and Akira stood facing Brian, though her face was still extremely red. He looked down on her, "I'm sorry for this, but he is right. Your room is in the most secure part of the building"

"I understand"


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 06-19-2009, 01:55 AM

Drabble Number 5-Daze

Brian guided her back towards her room and stood with his back against the door. He closed his eyes as if listening. She looked at him with unease, his face unreadable to her. He noticed her looking at him and gently shook his head, "It'll be alright....I wont let them hurt you"

She shivered at those words, at the unknowing of it all. She hated the not knowing, "please....tell me the truth....its me...they want me...dont they"

He looked at her as if determining how to answer the question. He looked at her with gentleness as he chose his words carefully, "I dont want you to be afraid, but....the truth of the matter is, your the symbol of the revolution. Without you the operation fails...they do want you"

Her head spun around in a daze but she fought hard to hold this from him, "I see" she said though her voice shook slightly. "I think I always knew that"

He took her in his arms and held her against him strongly, "I wont let them hurt you"


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