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Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 07:10 AM

Yeah, I wanted to a place to post some drabbles I have, so I decided here would be good because I don't want post it some where like or what that website was called.

Anyways, the purpose for these drabbles is do some character building. I have this original story, but I'm lacking a good plot and I feel like don't know the characters well enough. So it might be confusing since I don't introduce the characters, I just start ^^;; But I'll post whatever profiles I have on them and some stuff on the world I've created.

Purpose of this thread: To get to know the characters better and get feedback
How I will do this: By using the 100 themes list and writing drabbles.
What story is this based on: My own original story: Threads of Life (title subject to change)

Feedback will be nice, but if you just want to read (or edit) then that's find too. I'll probably have tons of grammar mistakes and whatnots cause grammar is my weak point. But I'm more concern on the ideas rather then my own grammar mistakes. xD (though there is always room for improvement!)

"Inspiration is like a leaf on the wind -- it comes and goes"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 07:11 AM

The 100th list that I will be following. Completed ones will be bold and have a little blur about the drabble. (hopefully)

100 Themes 01

1. Bite
2. Green Pen (Drabble 9. Characters: Kyatto and Byakko)
3. First Flower
4. A Beautiful Day (Drabble 43, Characters: Byakko)
5. Water
6. Jars
7. Buttons
8. Silence (Drabble 1. Character: Aira and Ambrose)
9. Trash
10. Chain (Drabble 10. Characters: Aysel and Ravi)
11. Rain of blossoms
12. Chapstick/lip balm
13. Cards (Drabble 29, Chracters: Everyone)
14. Quiz
15. Fans
16. Fish
17. Smile (Drabble 11. Characters: Ambrose and Kisei, mentions of Aira)
18. Chocolate
19. Scissors
20. Pillows
21. Jacket/Blanket

22. Glare (Drabble 9. Characters: Ambrose and Aira)
23. Jealousy (Drabble 12: Characters: Ambrose, Aira and Kisei)
24. Misunderstood
25. Holiday
26. Bell (Drabble 13: Aysel and Ravi)
27. Dog
28. Bridge
29. Minute
30. Flying

31. Bird
32. Cloud (Drabble 16 Characters: Yi)
33. Umbrella
34. Snow
35. Singing
36. Square
37. Curtain
38. Popular
39. Rubbish

40. Jellyfish
41. Circle

42. Matches
43. Deception
44. Paper
45. Heart
46. Color
47. Moonlight
48. Death
49. Candle
50. 50%

51. Obsessive Compulsive (Drabble 3. Character: Kisei)
52. Technology Challenged (Drabble 8. Character: Ambrose and Aira)
53. Lurk
54. Stalk
55. Doom
56. Butterfly
57. Check
58. Make up
59. I feel pretty (Drabble 6. Characters: Ambrose)
60. Clock
61. Midnight
62. Cocoa
63. Tinsel
64. Spiffy
65. Spilled Ink
66. Paw prints
67. Cute

68. Mess
69. I’m coming
70. Late
71. Missed
72. Spellcheck (Drabble 14: Characters Kyatto)
73. Mail
74. Tied up
75. Nails
76. Small terror
77. Spider
78. Wine/champagne
79. Cross-dressing (Drabble 4. Characters: Ambrose and Aira)
80. Instruction Manual (Drabble 15. Characters: Aysel and Ravi)
81. Confetti
82. Glitter (Drabble 5. Characters, Ambrose, Aira, and Kisei)
83. Shiny objects
84. Rebirth
85. Marbles
86. Lamp post (Drabble 17. Characters: Lamp Post)
87. Charcoal
88. Markers
89. Scribbling
90. Board games
91. Love
92. Sibling
93. Coffee
94. Sticky
95. Sweet
96. Sour
97. Hyper
98. Apathy & Empathy
99. Lost cell phone (Drabble 2, Character: Kisei)
100. Happily Ever After

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 07:14 AM

I hope this post doesn't go too long. >.< I'll just limit it and only post the three main characters until I use the other side characters.

Name: Ambrose
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Blue
Race: Immortalis
Weapons: none
Magic: ???
Appearance: Black jacket. Black fingerless gloves. A white shirt and long black pants and shoes.
Age: Looks like 28 actually 450+
Family: Unknown. Probably doesn’t even remember them.
Dislikes: Life
Habit: Smoking (a lot)
Likes: A good mystery. Sky, books
Personality: Serious, everything about him screams loner. Smart, cunning. Wants nothing more then to die. Arrogant
History: He has lived a long life and is already sick of it. He smokes as an attempt to kill himself. Every since he met Aira, he’s somehow gained the reputation of a detective. He might want to die, but it seems he might have found a reason to stay alive for the next hundred years.
Quote: “Smoking is just a pitiful attempt to die.”

Name: Aira
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Dark Violet
Eye Color: Black
Race/Clan: Windcrafter
Weapon: Fans
Magic: Wind
Appearance: A white bandana and long white dress. A sky blue vest, black boots. White elbow length gloves.
Age: 26
Family: Sister (location unknown) parents (decease)
Dislikes: Fish, Pens
Habit: playing with her hair, listening to music
Likes: Sky. The Wind. Fans
Personality: Strong will, stubborn and just drifting through life. She lacks a reason to live yet she still gets up every day. She believes the only thing keeping her going is a promise she made when she was younger. She knows Ambrose can’t die, but she can’t help but worry about him all the time.
Fear: Being left alone
History: Her parents passed away when she was young and currently she has no idea where her sister is. The only thing that seems to keep her tied to life is the promise she made to a man with mismatched eyes. She met Ambrose when she was 17 and been traveling with him ever since. There are hints that she might just like him more than a friend.
Quote: “I don’t have a reason to live. I just do. Plus I promised him that I would.”

Name: Kisei
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Eye Color: One Golden One White
Race/Clan: Poisonweavers
Weapons: Daggers
Magic: Poison related
Appearance: Dark blue trench coat with soft black tank top and long black pants.
Age: 523 looks to be 26
Family: None mention
Dislikes: Being disturb
Habits: Napping
Likes: Napping, Sweets
Personality: Laid back fellow. Likes to nap. Very relax type of guy. He smiles a lot and likes to have fun. Very dangerous if angered. He knows more then he lets on. Make people wonder what kind of person he truly is.
History: He’s known Aira since she was a small child. While there is reason to believe he is the one responsible for her parents’ deaths, Aira has no idea about it. She’s never known it, but Kisei has always kept a close watch on her. Why she’s so special to him is unknown.
Quote: “Napping is good! Everyone should nap!”

Windcrafters- A dying clan/race. Windcrafters are most famous for their beautiful fans that they create. Woven into/onto the fans are usually charms and spells. Anything from bring good luck to protection charms. Skills windcrafters are able to create wind and use it as form of attack. Said they could use even a piece of paper of use their skills. The average lifespan of a Windcrafter is 70-100 years
Immortalis – Immortal creatures. They’re like gods though not of such strength. They’re usually smart and cunning. Powerful yet not too powerful. They excel in martial arts and can’t be killed. There’s quite a hand full of them existence. It is possible for them to die but the process to do so is complex and difficult.
Poisonweavers – The creators of Sanies. An elite clan of assassins. They move among the shadows of the night. For the right price you can hire one as your assassin. Average lifespan is ???
Spiritus – Spirits. Creatures that can shift forms from to any form of their spirit family. A Dog Spiritus can shift to any type of dog/caine but never to a cat. Average lifespan is 1,000 years. Normally remain in animal form, some have humanoid forms which has plenty of the animal’s family characteristic (ears, fangs etc)

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 07:19 AM

First Drabble

Drabble 1: #8. Silence
Characters: Aira, Ambrose
Location: Somewhere
Pairing: Not really

Everything was quiet, except for the dull hum of the car engine. The wind blew both their hair, causing it to dance in the wind. The next town was miles away and chances were they wouldn't reach until nightfall.

The silence was thick, but that's alright. The quiet was good. After all, all they needed were each other.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 07:26 AM

Drabble 2: #99. Lost Cell Phone
Character: Kisei
Pairing: None
Location: Somewhere

Kisei, for once, was in a predicament. He had lost his cell phone and the damn thing had been ringing like crazy since early this morning. He had turned over everything in the hotel room and he still hasn't found it.

It wasn't in the bathroom, under the bed, on the bed, on the dresser drawer, or in the trashcan. Where was that cell phone?!

-ring ring-

Kisei twitched. Where on earth was that phone?!

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 07:37 AM

Drabble 3: #51 Obsessive Compulsive
Characters: Kisei
Pairings: Kisei/Aira (one sided)
Location: Somewhere

Ten little toy soldiers, lined up neatly in a row. Their plastic tiny guys poised and ready to fire at their foe. Not a single one stood out of place. It was perfection at its finest.

Though the eleventh little soldier, stood out of line. A lithe hand picked it up and fingered its find.

"How amusing that she chose you."

There was a crunch and the soldier feel to pieces. "Keep her safe of there will be hell to pay, Ambrose."

Ten little soldiers all line up. The eleventh one crushed as the dark blue trench coat flapped in the wind and disappeared in the dusk.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 07:45 AM

Drabble 4: #79. Crossdressing
Characters: Aira, Ambrose
Pairing: None
Location: Somewhere

"You're joking Aira."
"No not really."
"I agreed to let you buy me new clothes.. but this is an outrage!"
Smile. "And?"
"... you're still mad at me for breaking your fan aren't you?"
"Now why would think that?"

Ambrose open the dressing room door and came out wearing a frilly neon pink glittery dress. "Because of this," he said with a glare.

Aira smiled. "Perhaps. Now smile for the camera!"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 07:54 AM

Drabble 5: #82: Glitter
Characters: Ambrose, Aira, and Kisei
Pairing: None
Location: Ame Town Preschool

Little kids and glitter was not a good combination. It never was. Ambrose sulked silently. Aira had dragged both him and Kisei to a children preschool. There Ambrose's worst nightmare came true: little kids and art projects.

Ambrose glanced towards Kisei and Aira. Aira didn't have a speck of glitter on her. Ambrose suspected she had one of her wind charms on her. Kisei at least wasn't fairing much better then him. The nap loving poisonweaver was covered in head to toe with glitter just like Ambrose.

Ambrose turned back to sulk as another child threw glitter into his hair. Oh how he couldn't wait for this to be over.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 08:21 AM

Drabble 6. : # 59 I feel pretty
Characters: Ambrose
Pairing: None
Location: Apostrophe Town

Weird things kept happening to Ambrose today. The entire town was hustling with movement as everyone was getting ready for the festival. Ambrose was just about to relax when a horde of girls came ou of nowhere and swept him into a clothing shop.

He was whisked into a dressing and within minutes he was dressed in a lovely jean skirt and frilly purple top. Deja vu overcame him. This was far too similar to what Aira did to him a few weeks ago.

"Doesn't it make you feel pretty?" cooed one of the girls.

Ambrose twitched. "No! I'm a guy! Not a girl!"

All the girls just giggled to themselves and dragged Ambrose off to another room. Ambrose scowled. Today was not his day.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 08:40 AM

Drabble 7: #2 Green Pen
Characters: Byakko and Kyatto
Pairings: Not really
Location: Somewhere

Kyatto hated writing with pencils. She detested using paper. But pens, pens were just messy. Pens were the worse things to ever be created to Kyatto which would be why she's glaring at her current foe: a green pen.

Byakko sweatdropped. "Kyatto... it's only a green pen."

Kyatto hissed. "It stained my shirt!"

Byakko's sweatdrop grew bigger. How was it every time Kyatto tried to write with a pen, it spilled ink on her? He was beginning to understand her hatred towards pens.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 08:56 AM

Drabble 8: # 52 Technology Challenge
Characters: Ambrose and Aira
Pairing: None
Location: Techno

"Welcome to the person finder 3000. Please follow these instructions and we'll be on our way."

Ambrose stared at his new "toy". The Glowseeker said this toy can track down anyone, even Aira who has a habit of disappearing to think.

"Please register your Person Finder 3000."
Ambrose typed in his info.
"I'm sorry we are unable to register. Please try again."


"I'm sorry but the Person Finder 3000 doesn't understand your request. Please try again."


"Error. Please input registered info again."


"We are unable to locate your request. Please try again later."

Ambrose twitched. Stupid machine. It doesn't even work! Suddenly the annoying electronic voice rang again, but this time it wasn't from Ambrose's machine. "Your target is behind this door."

The door open and there stood Aira with her own Person Finder 3000. "Wow," she said. "This thing really works!" Ambrose's twitching suddenly grew worse.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 09:34 AM

Drabble 9: # 22. Glare
Characters: Ambrose and Aira
Pairing: None
Location: Somewhere


"Stop glaring."

Bigger glare.

"Sulking like a child isn't going to help either."

"I am NOT sulking like a child."

"Right which is why you're glaring at me."

Glare. "Gee, I wonder why?"

"Hey you're the one who didn't want to ask for directions."

"Yeah and you had to insist on stopping to ask and now look."

"Hey, I didn't know they were savage little creatures who were going to capture us and eat us for dinner."

Glare. "Exactly."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 09:38 AM

Because I made a second post with the list, I'll post the reminding character lists. >>

Name: Ravi
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Pale Golden
Race/Clan: Poisonweaver
Weapons: saber
Age: 777 looks to be 30
Family: Unknown
Dislikes: fuzzy textures
Habits: Brooding
Likes: Bells
Personality: Serious type. The kind that’ll never crack a smile unless it’s for the person he loves. He’s also very protective of the person he loves and will do anything she asks him to and he’ll follow her wherever she goes… even to death.
History: Ravi’s assignment was to kill Aysel… instead he fell in love with her instead. Now he’s searching for her to grant her final wish.

Name: Aysel
Gender: Female
Hair Color: Golden
Eye Color: Violet
Race/Clan: Immortalis
Weapons: Darts
Age: 698 looks to be 25
Family: Unknown
Dislikes: Scent Lotion
Habits: Wearing bells, staring off into space
Likes: Bells, Ravi
Personality: A natural dreamer. She loves to stare off into space or to look at the stars. She daydreams a lot.
History: She met Ravi and fell in love with him. They shared wonderful memories and he even bought her the bells that she always wears. Due to misunderstanding and coincidence, she’s accidentally killed someone. Now she disappeared into Double Dice in an attempt to forget everything… even Ravi

Name: Byakko
Gender: Male
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Race/Clan: Spiritus (Fox)
Age: 23
Family: Deceased. (Gang is “foster family”)
Dislikes: Happy things. Cheerful people. Shiny things
Habits: frowning
Likes: martial arts, peace and quiet, frowning, stealing, causing trouble
Personality: A loner by heart and a very quiet and somewhat negative person. A pessimistic. Generally found frowning. A natural prankster when wants to be. Cunning and sly.
History: Belongs to a gang in Akuma. Grew up with them. Met Kyatto and his entire life got turned upside down. He saved Kyatto, killing on of his gang’s members in the process. Now he’s on the run from his former gang, running beside with the one he fell in love with.

Name: Kyatto
Gender: Female
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Race/Clan: Spiritus (Cat)
Age: 22
Family: Two parents who live in Clockworks. Only child.
Dislikes: cruelty to animals. Violence. Paper and pencils and pens
Habits: playing with her tail. Changing topics (probably suffers from ADD).
Likes: Her laptop. Her wonderful tiny laptop that goes everywhere with her. Crackers shaped like Goldfish.
Personality: A very upbeat, cheerful girl (very different from Byakko). An optimistic. Normal. A writer and dreamer.
History: Kyatto is a writer who published her first book at the age of 20. She went to Akuma for inspiration (and a change of scenery) for her next book. There she ran into Byakko for the first time. Coincidence pile up and they end up meeting each other over and over again. The gang that Byakko belong to ended up targeting her (for a job. They were hired to kill her) but Byakko ended up saving her. Now the two are one the run, avoid Byakko’s former gang while all the while Kyatto is slowly warming up Byakko’s heart.

Audley is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 10:00 AM

This is a really good idea for this forum, I think - I hope other people take on the 100 themes and apply them to their own characters, because I think it's a very cool way to give insight into a character without getting bogged down in walls of text.

Well done? :)

sychobunny is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 03:29 AM

drabble 1:
I know your dealing with drabbles- which by definition aren't long, but silence tends to be something that lasts while its there... like experiencing silence, while your experiencing it, it seems to be an expanse. To have silence be the theme here, I think the nature of silence should be shown a bit more. You started out good- I think it just needs to be expanded if you were to actually use it.

drabble 2: This one made me smile. Good capture of a moment.

drabble 3:
Originally Posted by Seito
There was a crunch and the soldier feel to pieces. "Keep her safe of there will be hell to pay, Ambrose."
her safe or there will
I like your imagry.

drabble 4: *grin*
I like the conversation- highly amusing. ^.^

drabble 5:
Originally Posted by Seito
There Ambrose's worse nightmare came true: little kids and art projects.
*throws glitter at Seito*

drabble 6: I feel so bad for him

drabble 7:
Originally Posted by Seito
He was beginning to understand her hate towards pens.
I love pens. Silly girl. The mess is part of the fun ^.^

drabble 8: Hah! A nice analogy to life.

drable 9: This is actually the first one I read. I lol’ed so I decided to read the rest, and while I was at it; tell you my thoughts.

Over all, I like your style. You show a sense of humor, but you can also portray a serious moment well. Good luck!

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 03:49 AM

Gah! I copied the list. @.@ Will have to delete that later.

Originally Posted by Jupiter
This is a really good idea for this forum, I think - I hope other people take on the 100 themes and apply them to their own characters, because I think it's a very cool way to give insight into a character without getting bogged down in walls of text.

Well done? :)
Thank you! ^^ If you ever need 100 themes, list, please don't be afraid to ask, I have many. This one that I'm using is one my friend and I made. *nods*

I also have shorter ones if you don't want to do 100 (like 30 or sometimes)

- First thanks for the corrections, xD As you can see I make plenty of mistakes.

Drabble 1: Actually, I little unsure how to do this one when I first started. It confused me a little. ^^;; Expanding is okay for me, I call them drabbles but I know some are not gonna be drabble length. ^^;;

*throws glitter back* Not at my hair! I had enough experience with that! Throw it at Ambrose or Kisei!

Kyatto: Pens are evil! They're always breaking or spilling ink on me!

Humor? That's good, I think humor is one of my weak points. *nods* Along with fighting scenes, angst, good drama (like really good drama), thrillers, anything scary, and reality. <-- Reality is a HUGE weak point. ^^;;

But thanks, I'll have more up by tonight. ^^

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:08 AM

(I have figured out that the max amount of gold you can get from one post is 20g. *nods)

Drabble 10: #10 Chain
Characters: Aysel and Ravi
Pairings: Aysel/Ravi
Location: Somewhere

Chains have so many meanings; a binding, a restraining. Chains can have a happy meaning or a sad one. For Ravi, chains are important. They are a good thing for they connect him to Aysel. He would always be able to find her.

Kissing Aysel on the cheek, he wished to her, "I will follow you where ever you go."

Aysel could only smile. After all, Ravi is her chain to life.

((This one plays more with the idea that you're forever connected to the one you love. ^^;;; When the chain breaks [aka one dies] the other is just lost.))

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:23 AM

Drabble 11: #17 Smile
Characters: Ambrose and Kisei (with mentions of Aira)
Pairing: *blink* darn it! You just missed it!
Location: ^^ Somewhere!

"Aira smiles a lot."
Blink. "And?"
"She just smiles a lot."
"Ever wonder why?"
"No not really."
"You should."
"How would you know?"
"Do I sense jealousy Ambrose?"
"Aira smiles a lot. Fake or real, those smiles are what make Aira, Aira."
"Yeah that's true."

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 04:43 AM

Drabble 12: #23 Jealousy.
Characters: Ambrose, Aira and Kisei
Pairing: Ambrose/Aira, Kisei/Aira
Location: In the middle of nowhere

Ambrose will never admit it, but he's jealous of Kisei. The poisonweaver always seems to know what to say and what to do around Aira. Plus the fact that Kisei tends to always be saving Aira does nothing more then injure his pride.

Kisei will never say it, but he's jealous of Ambrose. For Kisei knows that Aira truly cares about Ambrose and not him. Of course that won't stop Kisei from making Ambrose jealous of him.

Aira envies, maybe perhaps is even jealous, of the fact that Kisei and Ambrose are such good friends. Perhaps that is because the two never fight when she's around.

Oh the irony of jealousy.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 05:01 AM

Drabble 13: #26 Bells
Character: Aysel and Ravi
Pairing: Maybe~
Location: Double Dice

~Jingle, jingle~

Long ago, as Aysel walked, her silver bells would jingled. They probably annoyed everyone around her at the time, but Aysel didn't care too much.

"Let them ring, so that I can always find you," Ravi had once told her when he gave them to her.

Today, Aysel walks down the crowded streets of Double Dice. Her silver bells still ring and jingle. She stops to look at them, a frown on her face. The jingling of the bells, were beginning to get on her nerves but for some reason she couldn't remember where she got them. She jingled them once more. The annoyance fading away. For one reason or another she still couldn't part with them.

Aysel continues walking, fading back into streets of Double Dice. Her silver bells still ringing. If only she had turned to look back, she would have seen a face she no longer recognized.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 05:21 AM

Drabble 14: Spellcheck
Character: Kyatto
Pairings: Nope not really
Location: Clockworks (not that it matters)

"There all done!" Kyatto said to herself.

She had finally finished her latest chapter of newest story. Her tail flickered in excitement. Things had been so busy as of late, it was good to sit down and do some writing. All the preparation for her trip to Akuma kept her running around all this week. Kyatto twitched her cat ears in excitement. Akuma offered some new inspiration.

Kyatto pressed a button on her computer, the last step she would need to finish her chapter. Suddenly realization spread over hear as a message button popped up.


Downstairs her parents rushed up to their daughter's room to see what had happened. "Kyatto?" her mother asked, "What's wrong?"

Kyatto looked at her mother, tears threatening to fall. "The spellcheck doesn't work!"

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 07:22 AM

Drabble 15: # 80. Instruction Manual
Characters: Ravi and Aysel
Pairing: *shrugs*
Location: Techno

"Okay so you insert letter A into slot 15 and letter B into slot 15... what?"

Aysel giggled. "So the mighty Ravi can't figure out how to read the instruction manual?"

Ravi growled. "Instruction manuals are supposed to make sense."

Aysel could only giggle more. "Well they do say this is impossible to assemble. After all there are over 10,000 pieces and the manual is a cryptic puzzle. I know Immortalis who have spent centuries on this thing and still haven't figured it out. I still say it's a waste of three hundred dollars."

Ravi growled again. "I will finish this and I will figure out this manual!"

Aysel could only laugh. Ravi was so stubborn sometimes.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 08:04 AM

Drabble 16: #32. Cloud
Characters: Yi
Pairing: Nope
Location: Ame Town

Yi looked up at the white clouds in sky. She often wondered what it would be like to fly up in the sky and sit on one. She almost envied the windcrafters who had such an ability to attempt that.

But then again she wouldn't give up her ability to go swimming in the depths of the ocean either.

Yi smiled. The clouds could stay up there. She was content down here where the water was warm.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 08:37 AM

Drabble 17: #Lamp Post
Characters: Ambrose and Aira
Pairing: Ambrose/Aira
Location: One of the cities

The night was cool. There was a light chilly breeze the blew through the streets. Everything was quiet and calm. There weren't many people around. It was quite late.

Streetlights lit up the streets, causing shadows all around. They were nothing compared to the bright stars above though.

However one particular lamp post, that had an interesting story tonight. The lamp post located on Etaf Ave and Ynori Lane, two people sat under the glow of the light.

"Hey Ambrose. How did we get handcuffed to the lamp post?"

Ambrose growled. "No idea Aira, but when I find out, I'm going to strangle them."

Aira smiled and lean her head on Ambrose's shoulder. "It okay, Ambrose. I don't mind sitting here."

Ambrose blushed slightly. Okay so maybe being handcuffed to a lamppost wasn't such a bad idea.

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-14-2007, 09:31 AM

Drabble 18: #58 Make up
Characters: Avani
Pairing: None
Location: Angelus

Avani likes to wear make up. Well that was if you call it make-up.

"Avani! What are you doing? Why do you have mud on your face?" Safara nearly shouted, almost dropping the piece of pottery she was carrying.

Avani blinked innocently. "Mud? What mud? It's tribe paint!"


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