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Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-04-2016, 06:30 AM

When he saw a sincere smile on her face, he smiled back at her. "Anything specific?" he repeated and thought for a while. "Well, the last time I was home my mother made me fish stew. That was three years ago." he said and laughed softly. He missed his parents but hopefully he'd be able to see them soon. "Any stew is fine by me though." he added. "Well ma'am, as long as you get something to eat. You can't help people without helping yourself first. You need to eat in order to help the people who will surely arrive soon." Calum commented. Let her feed him? Well he really couldn't use one arm because of his shoulder so being fed was probably the only option if he wasn't allowed to move to the table and eat there.

"Thank-you ma'am, you're very kind." Calum said to her honestly, she would make a great nurse, she was already doing such a great job on him. He watched her make him a makeshift sling, she really was a perfect nurse. "Thank-you. Where did you learn to do this?" he asked her curiously. Listening to her, he frowned. He understood why she said what she did. "I didn't expect this to happen either and I do not know why it happened or if it will happen again. What I do know is that we will do our best to protect the people here. We are not here to kill, I do not know why those men did that." he answered and frowned. "I don't think you're being mean or harsh, I understand your concerns. War does this to people, some people change for worse than for better. War affects everyone differently. Some of us want to kill everyone, and some of us just grow tired of the same thing and become puppets I suppose is the word I'm not sure. I wish this war was over too ma'am." Calum answered.

Hearing a knock at the door, Phoebe stood up and walked with her husband to the door. Letting him open it they were surprised to see the general standing there. "H-hello general, what a nice surprise." she said, giving him a weak smile. It was clear to see that she had been crying as she leaned against her husband. Lucian wrapped his arms around her gently and wondered why the general was here. "We have been wanting to visit today but then we heard all the commotion outside. What happened general?" he asked. "Is our daughter okay?" Phoebe asked worriedly. "Please tell us our daughter is safe." she begged.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-04-2016, 06:54 AM

Garnet smiled softly as she heard him. "Stew it is then." She said as she helped prop him up so he could sit up right a she cooked. She looked through the kitchen and looked down as she saw the empty cup where the bullet was. " Oh I should throw this away." She said as she picked it up and disposed of it. She found some enough things to make a stew and frowned seeing that she didn't have any more flour to make any rolls with to go with it. However she had a feeling it was something she and the others would have to get use to. She looked and found some beef and some fish in the ice box. She went about the task of cutting it all up into small pieces. She cleaned everything and even put some scraps into the stew to make it have better flavor as it cooked. She cleaned up the kitchen from where the Doctor had been working on Calum.

After a while the stew was finally ready. She fixed a bowl of it and walked over to where Calum was having already fixed her a seat beside him. She sat down as she pulled up a spoon full and blew on it to help cool it down for him. She then held it out for him to eat. " Go ahead sir try some. I know it wont be near as good as your mothers but it's what I have to work with." She said as she smiled softly.

Seth was going to answer when suddenly a tall man appeared from behind him speaking up quickly. "Oh there you are! I have Garnet at the Inn taking care of the wounded. I'm sorry for worrying you. I had told her that I would inform you and your husband for her. She is one of the few here that can be trusted to do a task and not have to worry about something going wrong. You raised her with a good head on her shoulders. I've tried for years to get her to become a nurse at my clinic. It's a proper job for a women like teaching. But you know our Garnet she is as stubborn as ever. I left her caring for one of the soldiers. The poor boy had been shot in his shoulder. I just got word that my brother is going to deliver supplies to us tonight. He lives in one of the other towns not far from here. They are under the control of your army General. I thank your men for helping us today." The Doctor said.

Seth himself was surprised by all of this as he wasn't sure what to say or do.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-04-2016, 07:54 AM

Calum winced slightly when she helped him sit upright. He watched her work on the stew in the kitchen. As he watched her, he wondered how everyone else was doing. He knew people would be arriving to be tended to but maybe it was best to get more ladies to be nurses since this girl was just one person and she couldn't possibly tend to everyone by herself. Surely some other ladies would like to help...unless they were all scared which was probably the truth right now. Who wouldn't be scared after what just happened?

Calum watched her approach him with a bowl of steaming hot fish stew. Some bread would have been nice with it but with war you couldn't be picky. You ate what you had and he was okay with that. It was odd being fed since he hadn't been fed in years, but it was the only way he could eat. He was sure that if his general walked in on them right now he'd probably question him again when the girl wasn't around just to see if he had developed any feelings for this girl. Of course he hadn't, why would he? Calum decided to focus on the task at hand and ate what he was offered. The stew was very good, of course he would always love his mom's cooking but right now his mom wasn't here so he was free to love someone else's cooking.

Both Lucian and Phoebe let out a sigh of relief when they heard that Garnet was safe. Phoebe smiled, "We are so relieved to hear this. We were worried, we thought she was dead." she said. "I told you she'd be fine, love." Lucian said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Lucian looked at the doctor, "She is rather stubborn but nothing we do seems to change that." he said and frowned when they were told about a soldier being wounded. At least the man hadn't died. They didn't need more deaths, enemies or not, death didn't solve anything.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-04-2016, 09:25 AM

Garnet feed Calum making sure she was very careful. Once she was done feeding him she fixed a bowl for herself. She looked up as people suddenly where being brought in left and right. She felt a little panicked not seeing anyone there to help. She calmed herself as she gathered her courage and started helping where she could. She spent the entire evening running from place to place tending and feeding or watering. By the time help come she was exhausted. She walked back to where Calum was. Her hair had fallen down and she looked like a little rag doll. She walked over to him with blankets and pillows in her arms. " I'm sorry sir but all the rooms are full. It looks like this is going to be the kitchen, doctors office, and bedroom. " She said as she walked over to the table and sat the bedding down. She sighed as two men brought in a extra bed placing it over in the corner for Calum. She thanked then went to make it for him.

Once she was done she took a seat just happy to rest for a moment. "I wish my mother was here. She would have everything organized and have supplies already here. " She said as she thought about her mom. " With only four of us here to take care of everyone I'm not sure I'll be able to let my mother know I'm fine." She said as she heard one of the women yelling at a man for trying to get out of bed. She looked up suddenly as she looked over to Calum. "Oh, I'm sorry you know I have never really introduced myself to you formally. I'm Zylphia Withers. " She said as she smiled warmly at him.

"Ah yes I was wondering if you would mind helping Mrs. Withers. I'm afraid after the events of today there aren't many knowledgeable bodies around to help me with my work. I know I have three other ladies who trained to be nurses helping Garnet but maybe you could help with the food and organizing. If I remember correctly you always did host the best parties and celebrations. I believe you have had some nursing skills after all you are a mother. Now excuse me I need to get back. More people to try and fix." He said as he turned heading for the Inn.

Seth stood there as the doctor left them suddenly. He sighed as he held out the gold and Garnet pin he had found. " Here you are my Lady I believe this belongs to your daughter. She gave me a list of supplies that where needed. I was going to get everything in order today. However I think I am needed out here with men and the people trying to help salvage what we can a protect the people. I'll leave list to you and your husband I'm sure you both want to see your daughter. Here are my top officers. They are Jesse and James Smith brothers. They'll be your personal guards to ensure nothing happens to you. They will also make sure that no one gives you any issues. Some of my men can be real pains. " He admitted and sighed.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-04-2016, 04:13 PM

Calum was glad to see that she was going to eat, however food was going to have to wait it seemed. The people that the doctor had mentioned were starting to arrive and the poor girl had to do all the work herself. By the time the helpers had arrived, she looked terribly exhausted. She was trying so hard to please everyone and he wondered if she ever did anything that made her happy. "Ma'am you look exhausted, don't push yourself too much. You can't help others if you don't help yourself first." he said and wondered why he had even said that.

"The doctor said he would inform your parents of your whereabouts so you do not need to worry." Calum started and wondered how his own mother was holding up. Zilphia Withers he finally had a name for that face. She was no longer the girl, she was now Zilphia. "It's alright, with all that's going on an introduction is the last thing on someone's mind." he said and laughed softly. "I'm Calum MacFarland. It's nice to meet you, even if it's not under the best of circumstances and for that I apologize." he said to her.

Phoebe listened to the doctor's request and nodded. "Y-yes I would be happy to help doctor." she answered honestly and looked at her husband, hoping he would be okay with her choice. Lucian only looked at her and nodded. He really couldn't say no right now, people needed to be treated and if his wife could help then he wasn't going to stop her from helping. Phoebe took the pin the general held out to her and smiled sadly as she ran her fingers over the beautiful garnet. "Thank-you so much General." she whispered. Lucian took the list from him and looked it over. There were many things on it so they were going to be rather busy getting all these supplies."We'll get the supplies and take them to the Inn general." Lucian said as he looked up from the list at the general and the two soldiers would would be taking care of them for the time being. "Yes, we'll get all the supplies on this list and bring them to the inn as soon as we can." Phoebe promised with a warm smile and then laughed at what he said. "Well general, these men have been through a lot, I think it's only fair to let them be pains at times." she commented.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-04-2016, 11:21 PM

Seth looked at Mrs. Withers as he gave her a soft smile. "I guess your right my lady. I'm sorry for troubling you both so. I myself need to get back to patrol. I don't wish for any more deaths. The bloody war has caused enough already. I am sorry for having to put you through this. " He said as he hung his head remorsefully meaning it. " I will be with my men tonight if you should need me out patrolling and trying to help where we can. He said as he bowed respectfully be for turning and heading off into the city. There was so much to do and so little time. He worked through the day helping where he could and managed to even help the Doctor get his supplies early.

Garnet went to answer Calum when suddenly the front door to the inn swung open. She jumped in surprised and let out a small sigh of relief seeing it was just the doctor with soldiers carrying in all his supplies. She watched as the Doctor with the help of the men turned the dinning room into a office for him. The man went about turning the crates on their side putting them on one of the tables and organizing all his supplies so all he had to do was walk over grab and go. He even had his instruments back and a new field kit. He moved the other tables near the wall for people to rest on while he worked leaving just one in the middle for him to use as his operating table. The man suddenly came to where she and Calum was as he smiled seeing very happy to have his supplies.

"Ah there you two are. Ok my boy your up. I have the supplies I need so I can fix that shoulder properly. And some pain medication that should help with the pain." He said as he paused for a moment seeing the sling the boy's arm was in. He then looked over at Garnet and smiled. " Ah I see you thought ahead." He said as he looked at Calum. " All I need to do is clean the wound out properly and Keep a eye on your shoulder. If you don't use it it should heal back better than before. But I would like to look at it again and make sure. We where in a hurry this morning." The man said wanting to make sure that Calum's wound was going to be alright this time.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-05-2016, 04:05 AM

Phoebe smiled at him and shook her head, "This is no trouble at all. We're more than happy to help out any way we can. We don't like this war either sir, and if we can help in any way to end it sooner we will be more than happy to help. We know you are just doing your job and we respect that." she said kindly. When the general had left, Phoebe looked at her husband and smiled then looked down at the list. "Well then, let's go get these supplies." she said and walked with her husband and the soldiers through the town to get what they needed.

Calum watched as the doctor walked back inside the inn and start setting his supplies down, converting the kitchen into his office space. When the doctor approached them, Calum nodded in hello and listened to the doctor's words. So he had pain medication? Blessed be the doctor because his shoulder was killing him, pain medication would be extremely helpful right now. Even with the medication, he knew he wouldn't be able to move his arm for a while. "I understand doctor." Calum said with a nod of his head. He didn't mind having the doctor look at the wound again. "Oh doctor, I do have one question. Will the wound require stitches?" he asked. He didn't know how bad the would was, he didn't even want to look at it.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-05-2016, 06:47 AM

"Good question by boy. I was in a hurry today and I really didn't have time to check it out as well as I would like to. More than likely yes. Witch means no shooting for you. You might be able to walk around town but that is about it. If it was up to me I'd send you home. Your in no shape for fighting. " The Doctor said as he helped Calum to the dinning room and onto the table. He slowly took of the Sling as he undid the bandages and removed them. He removed the dressing as he looked into the wound. He walked over and pulled out some of his strongest medication giving it Calum and giving him some water to help get it down. He gave Calum a shot in his arm as precaution of antibiotics. He then very carefully started examining the wound making sure not the touch it to much. He knew it would take a while for the pills to kick in.

"Humm well my boy you did a fine job with this one. I'm afraid you are going to be out of commission for quiet a while. The issue is how deep it is. I'll sew you up and keep a eye on it. I'm going to give you a bottle of Antibiotics to take just to be sure nothing nasty tries to take over. I think with plenty of rest and the company of a good looking nurse you'll be back to your old self soon enough. And don't worry son about your commander your not the only young man with bad injuries. It will be up to your ranking officer but I think you'll be reassigned to desk duty. However with how things are you might end up working as a cashier around town. You just need one hand to take money and you can learn to count it back with one. Besides you could do a desk job. " The man said as he went and his needle and thread. He smiled as he turned seeing Garnets face. " Oh come now it wasn't that back look he's all done." The Doctor said as he moved showing how fast he had sewed Calum up. See nothing to be afraid of. " He said as he cleaned Calum's wound up and then rebandaged it. He cleaned up the area and then helped Calum back to his bed in the kitchen. " The town might get dull after a while but you can't beat the company. " He said looking to Garnet before he turned and left.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-05-2016, 07:44 AM

Hearing that he would get stitches, Calum knew that the wound had to be pretty bad. No shooting? Well he could live with that but what would he do now? Stay here and do nothing? No, he had to do something to stay busy. He still wanted to be able to help out somehow. Home, going home would be nice but he coujdln't leave, not until this war was over. Calum was still while the doctor started to remove the sling and the bandages. He looked over at Zilphia and gave her a weak smile. She was probably scared, the one that should be scared was him but he was used to this sort of thing. He took the medication he was given, drinking the water to help. He felt a slight pinch on his arm and looked to see he had received a shot. It didn't bother him though, but he did know plenty of people feared needles.

"Out of commission?" Calum repeated and looked at the doctor. There was nothing he could do, he was going to follow the doctor's orders. "I understand doctor, thank-you." he said honestly and blinked in surprise at what the doctor said next. Good looking nurse?! Well now, Calum didn't know about that. He wasn't here to look at the pretty nurses, he wondered what his ranking officer would have him do. Would Calum be stuck working at a register? Desk Duty? A Desk Job? Well he wasn't sure what he'd be good at but he'd do his best regardless what job he had. "I see, well I will do my best regardless where I am sent." Calum answered and looked over at Zilphia again who looked frightened but then looked back at the doctor. "Thank-you doctor." Calum said and watched the doctor leave before sighing softly.

Phoebe and her husband along with the soldiers had walked around the busy streets of the town, gathering the supplies one by one until they had everything that they needed. "I think this is everything dear." she said to her husband who looked at the list again, making sure that they didn't miss anything. "Well then, I suggest we take these to the inn where you can stay and help the people." her husband suggested as he walked beside her back towards the inn.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-05-2016, 08:05 AM

Garnet watched the Doctor leave going to help one of the other men. He was going to be busy it looked like. She walked over to where Calum was splinting his arm up again for him. She gave him a soft smile. " Don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll find something to do. Besides you might get to go home. Anything would be better than being here part of this war. I'm sure your mother is worried about you. Don't worry I'll promise to try and bring you some books or something that could keep you from being board. You should get some sleep. You've been through a lot today." She said softly knowing he needed rest.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-05-2016, 08:30 AM

"Thank-you." Calum said to Zilphia. "I wish I could go home ma'am, but I cannot. I have people here that I want and need to protect. I am not allowed to go home until this war is over..." he said and frowned. His mother was probably in tears, he hoped his father could cheer her up. "My mother..." he started and sighed sadly, "She's probably in tears, I would write her letters but I fear they won't reach her." Calum answered. She had gotten his letters before but he felt that if he tried to send her a letter now it wouldn't arrive. Sleep...yes sleep was probably all he could do right now especially since he took the pain medication sleep would come easier.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-08-2016, 05:40 AM

Garnet nodded as she put up the make shift curtain giving him some privacy. She walked to the counter and picked up her bowl of food. She sat down finally after a long stressful day. She closed her eyes and said a prayer then started to eat her food. She found she was very hungry. She had to admit the food tasted very good but maybe it was just because she was so tired and hungry. Once she had finished her bowl she sat there for a while honestly to tired to move. She finally got up and went to the sink starting to wash some more of the dishes. She did her best to be a quiet as she could be. She frowned as she heard gun shots. The sound still made her jump. She wasn't sure she would ever get use to such sounds.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-08-2016, 07:23 AM

When they arrived at the inn, Lucian had opened the door for them and followed them inside. Phoebe looked around at the various soldiers who seemed to be sleeping or at least trying to. Her eyes examined her surroundings and they stopped when she was a curtain put up around something. She didn't want to know what was behind that curtain, possibly a dead person. She smiled when she saw her daughter. "Hello sweetie." Phoebe whispered softly to her daughter. "We brought the supplies you asked for. Well I hope we brought everything." she informed and frowned, "How are you doing?" Phoebe asked and jumped slightly when she heard the gunshots.

Calum did his best to lay down when Zylphia put up a curtain. He wasn't sure why she did that but he appreciated it. At least he could now pretend he was in his own room, perhaps that thought would make it easier to sleep through all of this. He shoulder wasn't hurting at the moment thanks to the pain killers but he knew that it would wear out eventually so he hoped he could get some sleep before it wore off. Staring at the ceiling, he wondered if she was ever going to get herself some sleep. She wouldn't be able to help if she didn't get any sleep. Calum closed his eyes, he couldn't distract himself with any thoughts, he needed to get some sleep or at least try to.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-16-2016, 05:15 PM

Garnet jumped up as she wrapped her arms around her mother. She said nothing as she clung to her mother waiting for the gun shots to past. Once they head she finally let go of her mother. " I...'m fine tired but alright. " She said very softly as she looked up at her mother. " Thank you , and there is a young man over there trying to rest. I put up the curtain to give him some privacy. I hope that is alright." She said knowing that her father was where ever her mother was. " I honestly would like some sleep. There are other ladies here now tending to the others here. I'm so glad that you are safe. I'm sorry for not being home. The doctor told me to stay here and do what I could." She said softly as she smiled faintly at her mother.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-17-2016, 05:34 AM

Phoebe hugged her daughter back and held her in her arms. "Oh sweetheart, I'm just glad you're alright. I was so worried that something happened to you." she said and looked at her husband who now stood beside her. "Oh, here dear. The general found this and gave it to me. I believe it's yours." she said and handed Garnet over what the General had handed her. "You really should get some sleep Garnet." her father started seriously. "You won't be able to help these men if you're deprived of sleep." he added. "Your father is right dear. You need to sleep and I am sure the general will understand. Besides, all these men are sleeping so I don't see why you can't be sleeping too." Phoebe added.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-18-2016, 10:04 PM

Garnet was surprised seeing her garnet pin in her fathers hand. "Oh, thank you father!" She said as she took her beloved pin and put it back on her head band. She nodded hearing what her parents had said as she frowned for a moment. " Where should I sleep? After today are we safe to go home or are we going to wake up to fire or men trying to kill us?" She said as fear started to creep into her mind. She thought about the poor people today and everything that had happen in the short while. She was afraid to go home she didn't want to wake up barricaded into the house and it be ablaze. She had heard the screams from the people that had been. What if no one came to help her or her parents.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-18-2016, 10:26 PM

Lucian listened to his daughter and sighed softly. "Garnet..." he started. "I understand your fear sweetheart but you have to take a risk sometimes." he explained and tucked some hair behind her ear. "I'll be staying up to look after my two favorite girls so you don't have to worry about anything. You need to get some sleep though Garnet." Lucian explained seriously.

"Sweetheart your father is right. If you don't get any sleep how do you expect to continue helping these men?" she asked honestly with her hands at her hips. "I know you are afraid, we all are but just because we are scared does not mean we are not going to take care of ourselves. We need sleep, you need sleep. You have been working very hard sweetheart. The least you can do is take a nap if you don't want to fully sleep." Phoebe explained.

Lady Chello
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Old 03-18-2016, 10:43 PM

Garnet smiled hearing her father as she wrapped her arms around his waist suddenly. She felt like she was four again and he had just saved her from a bad thunder storm. Or from a bad nightmare. She finally let go of her father as she looked up at him and her mother. " Are we going to go home then and rest? There are no free rooms here or beds. That is why there are many on the floor or in strange places here. I believe the ladies here could take care of the men. "

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-19-2016, 12:22 AM

Lucian was surprised by the sudden hug since she hadn't hugged him like this for years. He smiled and hugged her back then looked at her when she let go. "Yes we are, come along now Garnet. You need to sleep." he said and looked at his wife. "Both of you need to sleep." he said and walked out of the inn with his two girls and towards their house. He didn't mind not getting any sleep, his job was to keep his family safe and that's just what he intended to do. When they reached the house, he opened the door for them and then followed them inside. "Alright, off to bed the both of you." Lucian said and kissed their cheeks."

Lady Chello
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Old 03-27-2016, 09:37 PM

Garnet smiled once they reached their home hearing what her father said. It made her feel like she was small again as she laughed softly to herself and hurried up to her own room. Garnet fell quickly asleep something she hadn't expected. She slept through the night for the most part. However she woke up once or twice from hearing gun fire. War was not something she could ever get use to. By the time morning had come she was fast asleep once again.

Evergreen Goddess
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Old 03-27-2016, 11:52 PM

Lucian would be up all night, walking back and forth between the rooms to make sure they were both sleeping. His wife had asked him to come to bed but he always told her that he couldn't. There were times when shots could be heard and Lucian would always check to make sure the front door was locked. When morning came, he had fallen to sleep on the armchair in the living room.

Phoebe worried about letting her husband stay up all night but she knew that it was best not to argue with him. He was doing this to protect his family, and the thought saddened her. Over the years he had grown distant, they didn't spend much time together as a family as they used to. Waking up the next morning, she went to check on Garnet and smiled when she saw that her daughter was still sleeping. Phoebe quietly walked down the stairs and walked over to her sleeping husband and kissed his forehead before walking off to the kitchen to start on breakfast and coffee.

It was a huge relief that he had managed to get some much needed sleep. Calum woke up that morning and could hear a few of the nurses that were still there, talking quietly amongst themselves while the other soldiers slept. He wanted to get up and get some fresh air but the truth was he was afraid that the nurses would yell at him and order him back to bed.


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