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The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-21-2018, 10:39 AM

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-21-2018, 10:39 AM

Jeryck: "Good evening, Menewshans. Welcome back to the Time Tales story! Briefly I want to remind you of the story thus far. It all started with two alien children who were given an assignment to complete a historical examination of an “alien” species spanning thousands of years. The teacher in question set forth this assignment for Boq Boq and Xeox to…"

Channah: "Listen old timer. You’re gonna put all these fine folks to sleep talking like that. I think maybe I should give this a go and you should save your story tellin’ for some kinda history book."

Channa clears her throat, adjusting her beehive slightly as she settles into her wing-back chair.

Channah: "This is what’s been going on, see? An interstellar history project starting in the age of the dinosaurs. Three kids and a rowdy feline on an adventure in a dangerous prehistoric world. What could go wrong, right?

Narrowly avoiding the sharp teeth of some large reptilian thingies, the group of four got out of the frying pan into the fire while visiting Ancient Merket! A cooking fire that is.. It’s a good thing those old timey people loved cats.

This is where Jeryck and I enter the story!"

Channah cracks her knuckles and settles in to tell her favorite part of the story.

Channah: “'So, some alien brats took Cecilia on a joy ride through history?' Heh, that’s my favorite line out of that whole story! Hooligans the lot of you, youngins! Let's catch up with some of the going ons from the last few events …"

Channa starts a slideshow of the recent happenings from past events starting with Time Tales: The Where’s Cessy Mystery

Channah: "Here’s the “Agents” *cough* talking with Jeryck just after we all learned the kids were hitchhiking through time. Boy were they a hoot:"
The agents chat with Jeryck before leaving themselves. “We will be in contact with you.” …
Jeryck looks out towards the night sky as the ship vanishes. …
Channah: "Here we have the kids heading back towards present day. You’d think with their “superior intellect” they wouldn’t be making little errors like setting the dial to the wrong number. Kids these days…"
The kid’s ship bent and stretched as it cut through time like a hot butter knife. “Uh oh . . . Looks like we're 10000 years in the future. And menewsha is underwater!” …
Yumeh bats at the globe like display and it vanishes. Just like that the system is locked down. …
Xeox: Alright, let's get this thing operational. No more "field trips". …

Finally they initiate the autopilot.
Channah: "This is where things take a hairy turn. Why I just about lost all my hair when I heard this part from the kids!"
. . . Time Drive Operational . . .

. . . Searching Optimal Time Chart . . .

. . . Optimal Time Chart found . . .

. . . Initiating parental correction Coordinates . . .

. . . Initiating Jump Home… NOW! . . .

. . . Ejecting Earth debris. . .

Xeox: It thinks we're Earth Debris!
BoqBoq: Must be because we're wearing Earth's shells and fish.
Xeox: This is why I don't have fun. …
The shells dropped through the floor, the kids all following them out of the ship. Where to they land but…? Is that a 1950s Malt Shop? And a waiter with a cell phone?? Yumeh Scampers away AGAIN. The kids give chase. The Malt Shop waiter runs after them, the little thieves! They all run through the streets until…

"STOP! Stay right there kids!"
Channah: "And that brings all you hooligans up to date with the recent happenings of the Time Tales story! Thank goodness Lie Mei was around. I’ll say it sure is good to have Cessy back with us and now that all this nonsense is over and done with, we can all have a good ol’ fashion FOWN!"

Jeryck: "Ah but Channah! You left out the story of how they returned home!"

Channah: "So I did. Well… I’ll let Li Mei and the Kids tell you the rest of the story then. … Say, does anyone want any hot chocolate?"

Channah leaves into the kitchen to make some hot cocoa for everyone. Meanwhile, the story about how Cessy, Xeox, and Boq Boq (and Yumeh too) returned to Menewsha begins...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-23-2018 at 03:42 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-21-2018, 10:39 AM


A streak of excited particles lights up the interstellar sky as the UFO sailed right across the view port of the the Parental Unit's spaceship.
Parental unit 1: ”Was that…?”

Parental unit 2: ”It was.”

Parental unit 1: ”Lifeform readings?”

Parental unit 2: ”Negative”


Parental unit 2: ”You are right as always, my Snugglenova…”

Parental unit 1: ”Let’s hurry back to Earth”
The spaceship swings around in a tight arc, the light-speed engines flaring as the ship is pushed through sub-space back towards the Human Jeryck.

Jeryck hung up the phone, turning to the two returned Aliens now back in his living room.
Jeryck: ”That was the kids! They are safe, thank goodness! By some lucky chance meeting, they ran into Li Mei while she was visiting her family.”
Jeryck wondered at the odds of the children getting dumped exactly in a time and place where someone like Li Mei knew them and could protect them.
Parental unit 1: ”Indeed human Jeryck… Time travel is a… funny thing. It’s not a perfectly understood science. Sometimes our time travel technology does strange… Unexpected things. In this case it has become for the better.”

Jeryck: ”What happens when it turns out for the worst?”

Parental Unit 1: ”It is I think, best not to think about that, Human Jeryck…”

Parental Unit 2: ”Indeed. All that matters currently is that the children are safe!”

Jeryck: ”Perhaps you could use your spaceship to retrieve them?”

Parental Unit 1: ”Indeed, Human Jeryck. We shall go prepare for immediate departure.”
The two aliens left the house to prepare their spaceship for travel. Meanwhile Jeryck called Channah to tell her the good news. Hanging up the phone, Jeryck grabbed his coat and hat and made for the front door. Before he could get to it though, it opened, admitting the two Alien parents, one looking a bit embarrassed and the other looking quite miffed.
Parental Unit 2: ”Human Jeryck. I regret to inform you that it will be… some time before we are able to take off again.”

Parental Unit 1: ”You see, SOMEONE forgot to turn off the sub-warp propulsion core when they parked the ship and now our fuel reserves are… extinguished…”

Jeryck: ”You mean…?”

Parental Unit 1: ”Yes Human Jeryck. It seems we will not be able to retrieve the Children at this time.”
Jeryck’s face fell as he realized it could potentially be a month or more before he was reunited with Cessy
Parental Unit 2: ”Don’t worry Human Jeryck! We can synthesize more! In theory, we should have enough by the next cycle of your Nights of Winter Festival.”

Parental Unit 1: ”Festival of Winter Nights! Do you not read the infographic I create for our destinations??”

Parental Unit 2: ”Forgive me, my snugglenova…”

Parental Unit 1: ”In the meantime Human Jeryck, we shall start the synthesis process right away.”
Jeryck looked quite despondent. Picking up his phone again, he dialed the number for Li Mei’s phone.
Jeryck: ”Hello again Li Mei! How are the kids? … Good … Well ah… that’s what I was calling about…”
In short order, Jeryck explained the situation to Li Mei.
Li Mei: ”Don't worry, Jeryck. I totally got this. Like, I will watch over the children and see them safely back home!”

Last edited by The Time Machine; 12-24-2018 at 06:40 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-21-2018, 10:39 AM

Li Mei hung up her phone and turned to the kids admiring the heart fox shrine in front of them.
Li Mei: "Alright kids… Soooo, it totally looks like Boq Boq and Xeox’s parents… ah… Parental Units, aren’t coming to get us after all. Something about a sub-speed power… thingy like, running out of fuel."
Boq Boq gives Xeox a knowing look
Li Mei: "Anyways, you three…"

Yumeh: "MROW!" (What about me?)

Li Mei: “I totally didn’t forget about you Yumeh! You four are all in my care until we can get back to Menewsha.”

Boq Boq: "Human Li Mei! I have a galactic idea! We can set sail like the Pirates of your distant past! First we must procure a Chinese Junk, and then…"
Xeox surreptitiously points the bubble gun at Boq Boq and squeezes the trigger, encasing her brother’s head and thankfully muffling his ramblings.
Xeox: "I think what Boq Boq means to say is, what should we do Human Li Mei?"

Li Mei: “I think Boq Boq’s idea is actually awesome! It just so happens I’m booked on an ocean liner that’s headed back for Menewsha. Well actually… There’s totally a train ride from here to the ocean first… But that won’t take too long! We should be home before the Festival of Winter Nights!”

Cessy: “That long? It’s going to take ages to see Jeryck again!”
Cessy clutched Yumeh to her chest looking quite sad indeed.

Li Mei: “Hey Don’t worry Cessy! It’ll be a totally rad adventure taking a train ride AND sailing on the ocean!"

Xeox: "Actually Human Li Mei, we’ve had quite the adventure already. I think Cessy might be feeling a little, how do you humans put it… Sickly for home?"
Cessy gave a slight nod in the affirmative.
Li Mei: "Oh… I see. In that case, lets head back to my Mom’s house. She’s awesome. She’ll make you some awesome snacks and you can totally hang and play with my annoying little brothers. I’ll get us a few extra tickets to ride!"
Li Mei gathered the children and started walking back to her home. It wasn’t fancy by any means but it sure was cozy and she thought that was exactly what Cessy needed right now.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 12-24-2018 at 07:48 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:25 PM

Spending the night at Li Mei’s house for a few days had been a lot of fun. Even though Li Mei said her brothers were annoying, Cessy, Xeox and Boq Boq had all gotten along well with them. Yumeh played a little too but mostly contented himself with lying on the back of the couch in rays of sunlight.
Before they were able to get on board their train, the gang had gone to buy a cage for Yumeh. That went about as well as you could expect. Yumeh flat out refused to get in. Lucky for Yumeh, Li Mei was an Ace Fashionista and spotted a solution before Yumeh could meow.


*clickety-clack, clickety-clack,clickety-clack*
Cessy looked out the train window, watching the trees whiz by.

Cessy: "This sure is gonna be a long trip."

Boq Boq: "It is true Cessy. However, It certainly is preferable to getting lost in time before you ship dumps you out the airlock."

Xeox: "Agreed brother. Not to mention, things will be much easier now that the Feline Yumeh has a container.

Yumeh: "Merrrow…" (Why did it have to be pink?)

Cessy: "It is! And it’s such a pretty color too!"
Li Mei enters their train compartment just then with an arm full of assorted beverages and hands them out.

Children: "Thanks Li Mei!"
As Li Mei sit down, the compartment door slides open again. A train conductor in a blue suit and hat appeared in the door. Across the front of his hat was a golden plate spelling out the word “CONDUCTOR”.

Conductor: "TICKETS! Tickets Please!"
The conductor brandished a ticket punch, making it click like a typewriter. Everyone got out their tickets and handed them to the conductor for him to punch.

Li Mei: "Wow what a fun, old fashioned train!"
The conductor gave her a wink as he handed back her ticket and left the compartment. The kids went back to their drinks, Cessy turning to the pink bag to offer some of her fizzy drink with the kitty

Cessy: "Here Yumeh, Have some! … Yumeh? YUMEH! Where did you go?"
Everyone looked around frantically before spotting a swish of tail flick though the gap in the compartment door before it clicked shut.

Boq Boq: "Quick! After him!"

Cessy: "Not again!"

Li Mei: "How often does this happen??"

Xeox: "The probability of Yumeh running off is quite large Human Li Mei!"
All the kids were out the door in a blink leaving a shocked Li Mei in their wake

Li Mei: "H-Hey! Come back here! I’m like, totally your chaperone! Jeryck will kill me if I let you 4 out of my sight!"

Last edited by The Time Machine; 12-25-2018 at 05:13 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM

The group of kids tore down the hall after the fleeing kitty. It was slow going dodging past other passengers. Meanwhile, Yumeh lithly wound his way around the ankles of the passengers, quickly gaining ground on the kids.
Cessy: “Yumeh stop! Bad kitty!”

Boq Boq: ‘I do not think Feline Yumeh is listening to you Cessy…”

Xeox: “Look! Yumeh just went through the door at the end of the compartment!”
The kids darted through the door after Yumeh leaving Li Mei behind, still struggling to catch up. Just as Li Mei got to the door at the end of the train car, she spotted Yumeh jump to the other car and slip inside the door on the other side just as it was closing. Li Mei burst through the door just as all the kids jumped to the other side of the train knuckle

Li Mei: Cessy! Be careful!
Li Mei cried out, watching in horror as Cessy fell backwards towards the open space between the trains. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blue sleeved arm reached out and caught Cessy, gently sweeping her up onto the landing of the train.
Conductor: “My my my children… You know you’re only supposed to cross between trains with adult supervision! And for exactly this reason…”
The conductor gave a reprimanding look to the girl clutching tightly to his arm, the two alien siblings shrinking into the doorway behind.
Li Mei: “Oh… Thank you so much Mr. Conductor! You kids!! You can’t go running off like that!! You like… Totally freaked me out!”

Xeox: “Apologies Human Conductor Sir & Li Mei… You see, Conductor, we were chasing after our human friend’s cat, Yumeh. He came this way just a moment ago.”

Boq Boq: “It is imperative that we confine the Earth Feline soon you see… He has gotten us into many... serious situations in the past...”

Conductor: “Hmm yes.. Yes I see! You kids talk funny but I understand what you’re saying. Well now, young sir and misses, as the Conductor of this train, it is my duty to see all the passengers arrive to their destination safely!"

Cessy: "You mean… You’ll help us find Yumeh Mr. Conductor?"

Conductor: "Yes of course Miss! That’s exactly what I’m going to do!"

Last edited by The Time Machine; 12-26-2018 at 06:33 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM

With the children and Li Mei in tow, the Conductor opens up the door to the train compartment. It looks like a regular old train car with seats lining each side of the car, an aisle running up the middle to the door at the end of the train.

Conductor: "This is the last car on the train. If your cat is in here, we have him cornered. Mr. … um… You there. "
The conductor points at Boq Boq

Conductor: "I’m stationing you here at this entrance. If your cat tries to get out, you stop him here."

Boq Boq: "Understood, Human Conductor Sir!"

Conductor: "You there! And you… Cessy was it? Would you two be so kind as to search the ground? Check under all the seats. Meanwhile Ms. Li Mei and I will check the luggage compartments!"
Everyone went to work checking here and there for the elusive Yumeh. The kids looked low, the adults looked high. It wasn’t long before a fluffy black tail slid behind a chair up ahead. Xeox spotted the movement and shouted.

Xeox: "There’s Yumeh! Earth Feline, please come back!"

Cessy: "Yumeh be a good kitty! We are on our way home! This time for sure!"
The group advanced down the aisle in the direction of where Yumeh was seen. As they turned to face the booth that Yumeh had gone into, the earth feline jumped up onto the top of the seat back, bounding from one to the next back in the opposite direction.

Boq Boq: "I’ve got him! I’ve got him!"
Yumeh however had a different plan. Jumping from the last seat back, Yumeh pounced squarely onto Boq Boq’s head and slipped inside the upper luggage cabinet. The rest of the group came bounding down the aisle towards him.

Li Mei: "He’s cornered now!"

Cessy: "Com'on Yumeh! Be a good kitty and come down from there"

Conductor: "If you’ll allow me, Miss Cessy…"

Xeox: "Human Conductor Sir, I do not believe that Yumeh will allow you to…"
But it was too late. The Conductor was already reaching his hands into the luggage compartment to grab onto Yumeh. Xeox cringed, waiting for the yelp of pain as Yumeh’s claws sunk into the Conductor’s hands. Moments later however, a defeated looking Yumeh appeared in the Conductors arms who had a gentle but firm grip on the kitty’s collar.

Yumeh: "Meroww…" (I give up, you’ve caught me…)

Conductor: "There there, kitty. Lets get you back to Miss Cessy. It’s against train regulations to have any pets loose in the cars. Here you are Miss Cessy, and you better take this too Miss…"
The conductor handed back Yumeh to Cessy and gave her a small box.

Cessy: “Thank you, Mister Conductor!”
Cessy opened the box. Inside was a black leash with a shiny gold clip on the end. With a slight gasp of delight, Cessy clipped it onto Yumeh’s collar and put the kitty on the ground.

Cessy: “It’s perfect!”

Xeox: “Why didn’t we think of that before…?”
Boq Boq just shrugged while Li Mei wondered just where the box had come from. She hadn’t seen the Conductor holding anything beforehand… And how would he have even knows something like that would be needed? It seemed as though like it was… Magic.

The kids followed the Conductor back to their train compartment in the next car over, being very careful to cross the gap between cars with his help. Taking their seats once again, they all thanked the Conductor and, with a tip of his hat, the Conductor walked on to punch more tickets.

Cessy put Yumeh back in his pink travel bag and they all settled in to enjoy the rest of the journey. Li Mei happened to bring along some playing cards and they all started going about teaching Boq Boq and Xeox how to play Go Fish.

Yumeh: “Meow! … Merr, Meeorrrww.” (I still hate pink! But… This is a very nice leash.)

Last edited by The Time Machine; 12-27-2018 at 09:29 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM

The rest of the train ride passed by without much excitement. While it wasn’t exactly a long trip to the coast, Li Mei and the kids stopped frequently to sightsee (And to let Yumeh stretch his legs). Jeryck had made sure to wire Li Mei enough money to take care of the kid's food and travel expenses and even some beyond that for fun too!

In each town and city they stopped at, they made sure to get some presents to take home to everyone. Seeing as it’d be just around time for the Festival of Winter Nights when they got home, they wanted to be ready when they got there! For Jeryck, Cessy found a nice new hat! It was identical to the one he had now but it was new!

After much sightseeing, present buying, and a fantastic journey though cities, forests and deserts, Li Mei and the kids (and Yumeh) finally arrived at the coast. Unpacking their luggage from the train (which was a bigger job than you might think with all the presents they had acquired along the way) Li Mei checked them into a nearby hotel until their ocean liner was ready for boarding.
Cessy: “That was a long train ride… I’m beat!”

Boq Boq: “Indeed friend Cessy, your earth transports are exceedingly slow compared to our ships.”

Xeox: “It is unfortunate that the parental unit’s ship was depleted of energy before they could come and get us.”

Li Mei: “Oh come on… Are you kids saying that you aren’t having any fun? Like, I know that was a totally long train ride but we got to visit some really nice places and see some really pretty scenery! Like, just think if you were zipping around on your space ships, you totally wouldn’t get to see any of that.”

Xeox: “Hmm… Human Li Mei, you have an excellent argument. While the train ride did take a long time by our standards, we really did get to visit many different Earth locales that we otherwise would have missed had we been on our ship. Boq Boq, this too will be a perfect addition to your Earth History report for the professor.”

Boq Boq: “My what?”

Xeox: “You have been taking the proper notes for your research assignment haven’t you? The whole reason we came back to Earth in the first place?”

Boq Boq: “Oh um… Of course, of course!”

Xeox: “Boq Boq!”
Xeox advanced on her brother, getting ready to give him a stern telling off for not remembering to take proper notes after all the trouble and effort they had been through to research his assignment in the first place. Cessy giggled watching the two alien siblings, snuggling a purring Yumeh in her arms. Before Boq Boq and Xeox could start arguing in earnest however, Li Mei butt into the conversation.
Li Mei: “Alright you kids! Everyone totally needs to get ready for bed. We have to be up like, really, really early to board the ship tomorrow! Go brush your teeth and get… In… BED!”
Li Mei emphasized each of the last 3 words by throwing a fluffy pillow at each of the 3 children. The kids got ready for bed without complaint and got snuggled under the covers. In no time flat they were out like a light. Li Mei wasn’t far behind and after a brief call to Jeryck to let him know where they were, she too fell asleep.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 12-28-2018 at 09:32 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM

Li Mei woke all the kids up early to get ready for the beginning of their voyage back to Menewsha. Boq Boq and Xeox were up like a flash, sleep all but forgotten, while Cessy blearily rolled out of bed to get ready, ending up with her shoes on the opposite feet. Yumeh never left his pink bag even on the taxi ride down to the port.

Despite having to arriving early, the group ended up having to wait hours to board the ship. Finally, the boarding call for their deck was announced over the loudspeaker and they shuffled through to the loading zone together.
Cessy: “Oh my gosh! What a gigantic ship!”
The group of Menewshans all stood at the base of the gangway looking up at the ocean liner.
Xeox: “Indeed friend Cessy. Certainly I have seen spaceliners bigger than this by far. However, for you humans, this is quite impressive!”

Li Mei: “See? Like, we aren’t all cave men and women you know!”

Boq Boq: “What fun! This will be just like the pirates from your near human past! Lets go! Gar!”

Xeox: “I think you mean “Yar!” or “Argh!” brother…”
The group followed Boq Boq up the gangway. Halfway across, Yumeh peaked his head out of the pink bag to see what all was going on. Taking one look down at the water, Yumeh completely flipped out, jumping out of his bag and onto the shoulders of Li Mei, using his claws to stay in place.

After much coaxing and cooing, Cessy managed to get Yumeh back in her arms, being sure to cover his eyes while she pet him. Li Mei cursed under her breath, rubbing the sore claw marks left behind by Yumeh.

At the top of the gangway, a small map showed them the layout of the ship. With one glance, Xeox waved at everyone to follow and led them all to their rooms were they all unpacked their things, making the tiny cabin feel a bit more like home.
Li Mei: “Whew… Well that’s done. That was like, way more work than it should have been. We totally have a ton more packages now than when we started!”
The boat horn sounded, interrupting Li Mei and heralding the departure of the ship.
Li Mei: “Hey kids, how about we go up to the top deck and wave goodbye to the mainland?”

Boq Boq: “A spectacular Idea! I will get my pirate hat!”

Li Mei: “Your pirate hat…?”

Xeox: “Don’t ask human Li Mei… He insisted on purchasing one in town the other day when he saw it in the window of…”

Boq Boq: “Gar! Let us depart!”

Li Mei: “Um… Boq Boq, that’s like, totally not…”

Xeox: “Do not be bothered human Li Mei… I have already told him that is not a pirate hat but is in fact a modern era sailor hat.”

Cessy: *giggles* "Boq Boq is so silly! Come on everyone! He’s leaving us behind!”

Yumeh: “Meow meerrroww….” (You all go ahead. I’m staying here where it’s dry and there’s no danger of falling in the water…)
Laughing at Boq Boq’s misguided choice in hats, the rest of the group followed him up the hall. Arriving on the top deck of the ship, they were surprised to see almost no one else at the railing. Boq Boq was already hanging over the side shouting “Gar!” as the rest of the group all joined him. Cessy was just barely tall enough to see over the top on her tiptoes. Xeox just shook her head at her brother’s antics wondering to herself just how he was going to pass this assignment.

Li Mei leaned down, crossing her arms on the gunnel of the ship as she watched the port receded into the the distance. The dying rays of light warmed her back while the scent of salt water drifted up from the ocean. Content with the silence of the moment, she and the kids stayed there, watching the mainland disappear from view as twilight overtook the ship, until nothing but ocean remained.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 12-29-2018 at 09:11 PM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM

Their first few days at sea, Li Mei and the kids mostly roamed the ship, familiarizing themselves with all the different decks, hallways, and common areas. It wasn’t exactly a “Luxury” ship but it still had plenty of things to do for its passengers, including a fitness room, tennis, and shuffleboard. Much to Xeox’s surprise, she ended up being quite good at shuffleboard and ended up signing on for a tournament and won handily.
Cessy: “That was amazing, Xeox! You did so great!”

Boq Boq: “Indeed sister, that was a fine display of physics and physical coordination!”

Li Mei: “And look! You won a free dinner voucher at the ships restaurant! Maybe we can all go together tonight.”

Xeox: “Indeed it was an excellent match. However I’m surprised there were only 4 other opponents. It seems for such a large ship that there are not that many humans aboard.”

Li Mei: “I’ve totally been wondering about that too, Xeox. Like, this ship is supposed to take us to Menewsha and then even beyond to other places for the rest of the passengers but like, there doesn’t seem to be that many “other passengers”.”
The group of Menewshans ended up having a fine dinner at the onboard restaurant instead of the cafeteria. The food was delicious and the best part was it was free thanks to Xeox’s voucher! The next few days passed along quietly until one morning when the ships horn blew and woke them all up.
Li Mei: “That sounds like the horn used for docking…”

Cessy: *yawn* “Y-you mean we’re there??”
Cessy jumped out of bed, sleep suddenly forgotten as the excitement of being home charged though her.
Li Mei: “Hang on, Cessy. Like, don’t get too excited. We shouldn’t be anywhere near Menewsha yet. We are barely into our voyage. Come on kids. We totally need to check this out.”
Li Mei and the kids all dressed and headed out to the main deck. The site that greeted them however was quite a surprise. The ship was already at anchor and a tropical landscape stretched out before them, coconut trees swaying gently in the salty breeze.
Cessy: “This sure isn’t Menewsha at all…”
Li Mei pats Cessy on the shoulder and walked over to a deck officer overseeing the departure and arrival of people on the ship. After a brief conversation she returned to the group to give them the news.
Li Mei: “Alright you three. Here’s the deal. So like, the ship didn’t get enough passengers at the last port so they totally made an unscheduled stop here to pick up more people. The deck officer said they are going to be here for a week while people arrive.”

Cessy: “Another week!”

Boq Boq: “Worry not, friend Cessy! This gives us more time for pirate adventure, OW!”
Xoex stopped Boq Boq mid-sentence with a bop on the head.
Xeox: “No more adventures, brother! Friend Cessy wants to go home.”

Boq Boq: “You’ve bent one of my antenna!”

Li Mei: “It’s alright, Cessy. It’s a totally short delay! Like, we’ll be back on the open ocean before you can blink! Lets go do some shopping to pass the time alright? Shopping always cheers me up!”
Despite the frustration of the delay, Li Mei managed to get Cessy excited for a shopping trip. Over the course of the next week, she took Cessy and Boq Boq and Xeox shopping every single day. Mostly they purchased presents, but Li Mei managed to find several fashionable island outfits including a cute floral print skirt and a cute new bathing suit.

The ship slowly filled with people, making the otherwise quiet ship feel alive with activity. Before any of them knew it, it was time to depart again. This time, as Li Mei and the kids watched the Tropical city slip past the horizon, the entire upper deck of the ship was filled with people as they ship set out once again into open waters.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-01-2019 at 12:11 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM

Weeks had passed in their long journey to Menewsha. Li Mei was a bit upset with herself at her lack of investigation in choosing a ship. It just so happened this was one of the slowest commercial liners you could get a ticket for. The kids had all settled into life on the boat. Xeox was honing her shuffleboard skills every day. Boq Boq was devouring the “moving pictures of earth’s history” as he called it while Cessy contented herself with playing with Yumeh. Life was just fine.

That is until the day Li Mei had gone out to get a fresh pitcher of ice for their room when she heard Cessy scream all the way down the hall.
Cessy: “WHERE’S YUMEH??”
Rushing back, Li Mei burst into the room
Li Mei: “Cessy! What’s wrong??”

Xeox: “It appears once again that the feline Yumeh has escaped the confines of his container.”

Li Mei: “Ohh nooo…!”
The events on the train ride came rushing to the forefront of Li Mei’s mind making her cringe with the possibilities the near future now held.
Li Mei: “O-ohh kay… Okay… Y-you kids all stay PUT!”
Li Mei stamped her foot on the ground for emphasis, flinging out her pointer finger at the children gathered in the room, making sure to point at each in turn.
Cessy: “B-b-but Yumeh is…!”

Li Mei: “No butts! I will… Like… Totally handle this! I want you all to stay in this room you hear me? Like, if I have to go running down corridors after you all again, I’m… I’m… I’M TOTALLY GONNA TELL JERYCK.”
Cessy stopped complaining. Even Boq Boq and Xeox went silent at that. Jeryck was quite a formidable opponent it seemed! Li Mei cursed herself for not having used that trump card sooner but then thought it might not have worked in this situation had she said it too often.
Li Mei: “Ok. I’m going to go and alert the manager of this deck that we are missing our cat. Like, it’s a big ship, yes.. But we are out on the ocean and Yumeh is totally smart enough not to fall off of the only dry land for 20,000 leagues.”

Xeox: “Actually human Li Mei, 20,000 leagues is much further than the nearest… ahem… I mean, human Li Mei, can I assist you? I am sure Boq Boq and Cessy are capable of waiting here alone.”
Xeox turned to Boq Boq, her antenna twitching slightly.
Li Mei: “Well I…”

Xeox: “Believe me Li Mei. My brother has learned his lesson about being responsible.”

LI Mei: “Ok. Boq Boq, you and Cessy stay here. Xeox and I will totally be right back! Like… if you two aren’t here when we get back…”
Li Mei left the sentence hanging and exited the room with Xeox in tow.
Boq Boq: “Supeeerrrnova! Who know my sister was so… How do you humans say? Cool? Well, friend Cessy. Let us go look for Yumeh!”

Cessy: “Huh…? B-but Li Mei said…”

Boq Boq: “Do not worry friend Cessy! Xeox wiggled her antenna at me! That is our signal to each other to let us know we are planning something! I am sure that Xeox will keep Li Mei an enormous amount of company until we can return from our own search.”

Cessy: “Well uh… Ok Boq Boq. Let go then! Yumeh is probably lost and scared right now! Let's go save him!”
Boq Boq and Cessy searched through their floor of the ship from top to bottom but found nothing. Seeing as how Yumeh didn’t like water much, They reasoned he probably would have gone down, deeper into the ship. A few hatches and ladders later, Boq Boq and Cessy were in a skeletal part of the ship. Thick cords and bundles of wires lined hallways dimly lit with soft yellow bulbs.
Cessy: “I-it sure is kinda dark down here Boq Boq… Are you sure Yumeh would have come down here?”

Boq Boq: “Friend Cessy! Have I ever lead you astray? … Um… don’t answer that… AH! I see a room ahead that is brightly lit! Surely feline Yumeh would be in there!”
Together the kids advanced up the hallway. Arriving at the doorway, they both pushed back the heavy iron door with a loud screech and peered inside. They were only able to look for a moment when from behind they heard.
Engineer: “Hey! You kids aren’t supposed to be down here!”

Boq Boq: “Time to run away friend Cessy!”

Cessy: “I think you’re right!”
Boq Boq and Cessy tore down the hall away from the person, ducking though a tiny side door. Climbing up a ladder, Boq Boq and Cessy burst through a hatch onto the next deck up. A few doorways later, they were back in the passenger rooms section of the ship. Boq Boq finally recognized where they were and quickly lead them back to their room. Just before they reached their room though, Cessy spotted Li Mei and Xeox rounding the corner ahead of them! Luckily Xeox saw them first and distracted Li Mei just long enough for the two to reach their door and slip inside. Li Mei opened the doors just as the two kids leapt onto their seats.
Li Mei: “Cessy? Boq Boq? You two had totally better still be in he… Oh good, you’re here! … Why are you breathing so heavy?”

Cessy: “Oh, we were just having a pillow fight! Boq Boq was trying to cheer me up a bit!”

Boq Boq: “Indeed! Friend Cessy is a ferocious pillow fighter!”
Boq Boq winked at Cessy conspiratorially and tossed a pillow at her from across the room. Cessy gave Boq Boq a “Thanks for helping me try to find Yumeh” smile back.
Li Mei: “I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better Cessy. Like, we’ll find Yumeh! Don’t you worry at all ok? I’ve told the deck manager and he totally told all the crew to keep their eyes out for a little black kitty. They’ll find him for sure. For now, let’s just try and have a little fun until he shows up. So… Who wants to play come cards!”
That night Cessy couldn’t sleep. The familiar weight of Yumeh nestled on her feet as she slept wasn’t there. Her thoughts kept wandering to Yumeh and wondering if she’d ever see him again. Eventually sleep came to her and she drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-01-2019 at 12:10 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM

The next morning, Cessy was up like a shot, ready to go check with the deck manager to see if Yumeh had been found. It was still quite early, but Li Mei acquiesced, suggesting they all get an early breakfast while they were at it. In no time at all, everyone was dressed and heading down the hall to the deck reception desk. Unfortunately, the deck manager had no new news for Cessy.
Li Mei: Cheer up, Cessy! Like, he probably saw a mouse and chased it out the door when we weren’t looking. Yumeh is a smart kitty though. He’ll totally turn up!

Boq Boq: Indeed, friend Cessy! The ship may be big but there are not many places a Kitty can hide.

Xeox: I suspect, friend Cessy, Yumeh will return soon. Since I have become acquainted with him, I have never known him to skip a meal.
Li Mei walked into the cafeteria looking for a place to sit when suddenly a voice called out to them from behind.
Old Man: Oh well hello there kids! Ah and Li Mei, how nice to see you!
It was an old man sitting at a table. Next to him, munching on some fine looking tuna was a little black kitty.
Li Mei: H-how did you know my name?”

Old man: Hmm? Oh um… I saw it… on your bag the other day! .. Come come! Sit! Have some food! Yumeh here was just telling me all about the different times of your past adventures!
Boq Boq gave Xeox a surprised look. This man! Could he possibly know about their Time Travels?? It couldn’t be...
Cessy: YUMEH!! Where have you been!
Cessy ran over to the table and immediately picked up Yumeh, squishing him in a giant hug
Yumeh: Meeoww! (I can’t breath, human!)

Li Mei: Yumeh! Oh my gosh you’ve like… Totally given us a heart attack! We all thought you ran away!

Old Man: Oh well now, curious thing that… Yesterday as I was heading to my room for a nap, this little critter must have slipped in behind me. I daresay I accidentally locked him in the room after I awoke from my nap! It wasn’t until the middle of last night I realized he was there. Pounced right on my chest while I was fast asleep! It really is no trouble. We have been enjoying each others company all morning while we waited for you to join us.”

Cessy: “Hey… how did you know Yumeh belonged with us?”

Old Man: oh well now… why the… deck manager of course! I overheard him speaking to the crew about a lost kitty. Please! Sit, sit! Have some food! There is plenty here for the lot of you!
The kids and Lei Mei all sat down with the old man. They were quite surprised to see that all their favorite foods were sitting at the table waiting for them. Even Boq Boq and Xeox went wide eyed when they saw their favorite bowl of Quisp cereal sitting before them. It wasn’t long before they all devoured their food. Yumeh sat purring contentedly in Cessy’s lap.
Li Mei: You know, like, I just realized we were so busy getting presents for everyone back home, we never stopped to get each other anything! Maybe there is a giftshop on board…

Old Man: Nonsense! Here here! Pass them around!
The old man handed out several bags, passing them around the table until each child had one. One by one they reached into their bags and let out a soft gasp.

For Li Mei, a dress of pure silk flowed out onto her hands. Her squeal of delight could only mean it was an item of the most current and up to date fashion trend. Meanwhile Xeox puzzled over the strange looking cylinder in her hand. Something that shouldn’t have existed on earth had somehow made its way to her hand. From this box that the old man had given her.

Boq Boq suddenly whooped. Darned it all if he didn’t have the most authentic sailor pirate hat you ever did see perched on top of his head. Cessy meanwhile ooed and awed over the most magical looking snow globe she had ever seen. It positively sparkled! Yumeh on the other hand purred affectionately at the shiny new crown that was placed atop his head.
Old Man: I do hope you enjoy! Well now, I think it’s time for me to be off! You kids have a great rest of your journey! I suspect we’ll be reaching Menewsha quite soon!
The old man stood up and said goodbye to everyone, the kids and Li Mei all said thank you for their gifts and he departed. It wasn’t long before the group decided they ought to head back to their room as well. As they walked back, Cessy and Li Mei chatted idly about their gifts
Boq Boq: Yes, that was quite nice of that Old Earth Man to give us these things.

Li Mei: Old man? What old man? Like, are you getting a bit sleepy after all that food?

Cessy: Boq Boq I think your hat might be on a little too tight! Those were the gifts we all got for each other, remember?

Boq Boq: O-oh… Yes… Yes of course, friend Cessy! And a galactic gift it is! I hope you like yours as well!
Boq Boq fell behind to the back of the group where Xeox was walking and gave her a look. From her surprised expression, it seemed that she remembered the old man too.
Xeox: How very strange, brother… How very strange indeed...

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-04-2019 at 06:19 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM

Another few weeks passed aboard the ship. Yumeh was being a pleasantly good kitty. It seemed he had traded in his escape attempts for lounging in the curve of the circular cabin window, enjoying the gentle sway of the ocean. Whenever Cessy tried to take him up to the main deck however, he hid as far under the bed as he could manage.
Li Mei: Aw Cessy. Like give it up already! Yumeh is too afraid of the water to come up to the main deck! Don’t worry, he’ll totally stay in the cabin. Won’t you kitty?
Li Mei said the last while hanging her head upside down to peek under the bed.
Yumeh: Merrrow… (Leave me be, It’s safe here.)
Cessy finally gave up trying to coax Yumeh out from under the bed and they all made their way up to the main deck. As they exited, a wash of cold air stung their skin. Even Boq Boq and Xeox seemed adversely affected by the the temperature.
Cessy: Burr! It sure got cold didn’t it?

Li Mei: It totally did. We must be getting close to Menewsha now with this cold weather. I expect it won’t be long at all before we arrive.

Boq Boq: Interstellar! It will be satisfying to see the Parental Units once again!

Xeox: It has been a long time since we left on your history project brother. Next time you try to take me on an adventure with you, remind me to stay in our home dwelling.

Cessy: I know it’s been a long time Xeox, but it sure was a fun adventure wasn’t it! I miss Grandpa Jeryck lots but this has been the most fun I’ve ever had!

Li Mei: Don’t you kids worry. Once you grow older you’ll be able to have all sorts of adventures!
The kids and Li Mei chatted for a few more minutes before heading back into the ship. It was just too cold! A few days passed until one evening when they all heard the boat’s horn sound, signaling the arrival of the ship. Cessy looked around at her friends before springing to her feet and jumping up and down with excitement.
Cessy: We are here!!

Li Mei: Looks like it’s totally time to get packed! Like, let’s get this place cleaned up and get our coats on everyone.
Quickly everyone tidied up the cabin and packed their luggage. The bigger suitcases were left in the room for the Portman to deliver to them off the ship.

Jackets on, suitcases in tow and a cowering Yumeh in his pink travel back, the group of Menewshan’s all made their way up to the main deck. It wasn’t terribly packed with people it seemed the majority of passengers would be going on to Duval and beyond.

Deck crews were in the process of lowering the gangplank as they group arrived at the disembarking area. Lights shone brightly down on the docks, illuminating a huge group of people. Behind them, Main Street was illuminated with bright and colorful lights all the way back to the Town Hall. Cessy squealed with delight as she spotted her Grandpa Jeryck waving frantically down below. Running to the rail, Cessy Flung herself up to the top waving back.
Cessy: Look!! It’s Grandpa Jeryck!!

Li Mei: Cessy! Be careful! We totally made it here without anymore accidents! Like, let's keep the record clean!
Li Mei rushed over to Cessy, picking her up so she had a better view of the crowd below and also so she wouldn’t fall off the ship. Moments later the deck officer announced the gang plank ready. Cessy wiggled out of Li Mei’s arms, sticking Yumeh’s bag in its place and ran off with the other kids leaving leaving Li Mei in their dust one last time.
Li Mei: Wait!! You kids are totally going to get me in trouble!
Li Mei dashed down the gangplank after the kids Yumeh clenched tightly to her chest. As soon as she reached dry land, Yumeh jumped right out of the bag, kicking dust back at the ocean liner, and ran off after Cessy who was just throwing herself into her Grandpa Jeryck’s big welcome home hug.
Jeryck: Thank you so much Li Mei! I’m ever so grateful you’ve returned Cecilia home safe to me!

Li Mei: It was like no problem Jeryck! It was totally a piece of cake!
Boq Boq and Xeox started snickering behind her but stopped abruptly when Li Mei gave the both of them a swift kick to the shins. Jeryck noticed the two alien siblings behind Li Mei and stepped aside, ushering forwards two very official looking people in suits and ties.
Jerck: Ah! I believe there is someone here that would very much like to see the two of YOU!

Boq Boq and Xeox: Parental Units!
Having been around earth culture for so long, Boq Boq and Xeox surprised their parental units with big warm hugs. Immediately Boq Boq and Xeox began arguing about whose fault it was that the ship had malfunctioned. Jeryck turned back to Li Mei and Cessy.
Jeryck: Ah it looks like everyone is happily reunited!

Li Mei: Totally! Ah well, I should probably get back to my shop and…

Jeryck: Nonsense! You must come with us! Come come!
With Cessy in hand, Jeryck lead Li Mei and the alien family back up the streets of menewsha to the town center. As they passed by the crowd, Cessy and Li Mei stopped to say hello to familiar faces. Abel, Lance, Aimee and Emilio. Everyone they saw greeted them warmly with big smiles and affectionate hugs and pats on the shoulder.

Li Mei, and the kids were marveling at all the different decorations throughout the town. It looked spectacular! It wasn’t long before the group reached the the town hall where large tents had been erected. What looked like huge buffet tables were set up inside and people were mingling all around.
Jercyk: Happy Festival Of Winter Nights everyone! You made it just in time for the town festival!

Parental Unit 2: Ooooo Earth delicacies!! If you insist Human Jeryck!

Parental Unit 1: *Ahem* I really think we should be returning to the…

Boq Boq: Oh please?? Let us stay just a while longer! I haven’t even said goodbye to friend Cessy yet!

Parental Unit 1: Very well Children. We shall save the detentions for when we return home. Provided someone remembered to finish refueling the sub-warp propulsion core...

Xeox: Indeed, and you really should hear about Boq Boq’s amazing blunders through time…
Boq Boq elbowed Xeox in the stomach as the alien family walked into a tent.
Li Mei: Jeryck the town.. It looks totally amazing!

Magnus: Ho ho! I am so glad that you like it Ms. Li Mei! In fact, Tesel and I along with several other Menewshan’s worked quite hard to decorate the city for your return!
Magnus said from behind Li Mei, making her jump having snuck up on her.
Tesel: Ol’ Maggy’s team of decorators need a few prods in the behind with my pudao! Ahah! But really, it was a group effort.

Cessy: It’s so pretty! All the lights look really amazing in the dark! Hey… Where’s Yumeh?

Li Mei: Oh.. Not again… Jeryck, I’m never babysitting for Yumeh again.
Cessy ran off into the tent to find Yumeh. Meanwhile, Jeryck chatted with Li Mei, Magnus and Tesel. Walking into the tent together Li Mei began to tell Jeryck of the trip back home and all the different places they got to see and visit.


It was quite a long night of celebrations and festivities. Li Mei and Cessy had gotten a greeting from just about every major figure in Menewsha throughout the evening. Li Mei ate so much food she didn’t think she’d be able to stand up. Boq Boq, Xeox and their parental Units decided to stick around for a few days so that the kids could properly say goodbye. (and so someone could finish refueling the sub-warp propulsion core…)

Cessy was fast asleep in her chair by the time the Festivities calmed down. Li Mei was invited along with everyone else as they returned to Jeryck’s house for the night. While their ship’s cabin was comfortable, nothing beat the feel of solid bed underneath you. Everyone was out like a light.


The next night, several menewshans showed up to hear all about the trip home directly from Li Mei, Cessy and the Alien Siblings.

Channah: Hey you hooligans! I’m not waiting around in this kitchen forever! Give me some Hot Chocolate orders or miss out! It’s no skin off my nose either way.


If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumber'd here
While these visions did appear.
And this weak and idle theme,
No more yielding but a dream,
Gentles, do not reprehend:
If you pardon, we will mend.
And, as I'm an honest Puck,
If we have unearned luck
Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,
We will make amends ere long;
Else the Puck a liar call:
So, good night unto you all.
Give me your hands, if we be friends,
And Robin shall restore amends.

Last edited by The Time Machine; 01-08-2019 at 07:41 AM..

The Time Machine
The Time Machine is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:26 PM


Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 07:42 PM

I'm hangin'

The ever changing Fairy of Mene ...
musasgal is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 08:25 PM

Heyo everyone~

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 08:38 PM

hiya and happy holidays, musa <3

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 09:22 PM

Thanks for the story recap! :D

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 09:23 PM

we need HIMmie

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 09:24 PM

Yes! I agree!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 09:25 PM

I am freezing

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 10:38 PM

=wraps hum in a blankie- better? :3

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 10:39 PM

ahhhh much

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 10:39 PM

-also brings you hot coco- :3

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 12-22-2018, 10:48 PM

be careful reading my mind, Ruby, it is very busy in there!


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