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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-22-2020, 06:22 AM

"Exactly!" Key exclaimed, pleased that Priscilla seemed to understand the concept of thrifting. She seemed so much more excited now and that made him excited, remembering his own first time thrifting in college when he could finally dress the way he'd always wanted to. It took him forever to build up that wardrobe. He imagined it would be the same for Pris to remake herself.

Not hesitating at the steps, he hurried down, past the other people not giving them any attention. It wasn't a busy time of day so he didn't have to push his way through a crowd even if he did need to weave between a few people. "Keep close so I don't lose you," he called out to Priscilla with a hand reached out for her to hold. "And it's not hard. There are machines so you can just give it money and it will spit a card out just like that."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-22-2020, 05:05 PM

Pris was smiling, even as she followed Key into the crowd. It seemed very busy to her, but she wasn't so used to the hustle and bustle of the city yet, despite having been gone from home for a few weeks. Relief swept through her when Key held out his hand, and she grabbed it without hesitation. It made a strange flutter whisper through her whole body, something Pris was entirely unused to. She laughed a bit as they wove through the crowd, a pair of odd ducks that didn't seem to get too much attention.

When faced with the machine to buy the metro card, Priscilla looked at it uncertainly. "I think ..."" She glanced at everyone around them before whispering to Key. "I think I have too much money ... Will it have enough change?" She was exited about all the new experiences she was coming across, but some of them made her feel so out of touch with reality.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-26-2020, 05:21 PM

Key laughed back, feeling a bit breathless himself. It had nothing to do with having walked some distance but entirely with Priscilla and her breathless energy. "Ah, I think so too. Even if you wanted a year pass, it's surprisingly affordable. Let me..." He trailed off as he pulled a few smaller bills from his bag and fed them into the machine. "You can pay me back later if you want, but since this is a subway station, it's probably not a good idea to flash a wallet like yours. Save that for when we're at the thrift stores!" A few seconds later, he had Priscilla's card in hand and yet another smile on his face.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-26-2020, 09:11 PM

""Thank you," said Priscilla. She looked at Key with complete trust in her eyes as she reached out to take the metro card. "I will pay you back, somehow." The tone of her voice clearly showed the young woman was speaking about much more than the card. She couldn't believe how much Key had helped her, and how little time they had known each other. it felt like much more ... If felt like she'd known Key forever, or had been looking for someone like him all her life. Friends were really wonderful.

Still smiling, she stepped aside so other people could access the machine, and waited a little nervously for Key to show her the way to the underground train they would take to their destination. Thinking of how she must look, Priscilla did her best to actually hide her nervousness by making sure her posture was perfect, and her breathing steady. Her face, well she did her best to school her expression. "Lead the way, I'm in your hands."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-28-2020, 05:14 PM

Key bit his lips when Priscilla said she was in his hands. Of all the things to get under his skin, why was it that? It made him want to wrap Priscilla up in his arms and keep her safe even though it had been a long time since he felt that way toward someone. He pushed back the desire though, only reaching down to hold her hand again.

"Come on then. You'll just need to hold your card up to the sensor to pass through the metal guards then we'll get on the Green Line. It basically runs into the shopping district and back," he explained in a voice that was just a bit hoarse, his eyes studiously ahead of him. The few benches in the lower part of the station were already filled with people so he wandered toward the edge of the tracks to wait.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-28-2020, 09:11 PM

Priscilla gave Key's hand a squeeze when their hands were clasped together. Once they were at the machines, she flashed her pass with trepidation and was relieved when she was allowed through with no fuss. Everyone else passed like it was no big deal at all. Of course, Priscilla supposed it was all routine to them.

When they were in the waiting area for the train, Priscilla eased even closer to Key. She felt a little guilty for using him as a human security blanket, but not so bad that she would stop anytime soon. The clacking of the train's wheels approached, and seeing it arrive so swiftly made Priscilla gasp aloud. "Is that the one we're taking?" There were so many people, how would they all manage to even fit? Her hold on Key's hand tightened. "Well, at least with a crowd this size, I'll be harder to find."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-05-2020, 12:59 AM

Key supposed that he shouldn't chuckle at Priscilla's trepidation, but it made her so cute that he only just managed to bite back the laugh. "Yes, that's the one that we're getting on. Come on and be careful of the other people and like...don't fall onto the tracks," he added with another chuckle. It wasn't really possible to have an accident getting onto a train, but it still paid to be mindful, especially of getting shoved by rude passengers. Thankfully, it seemed like more people were getting off than on so Key held back to wait for all those exiting, all the while holding Priscilla's hand. Which was warm, and kind of amazing of a feeling if he thought about it. Once it was clear to get on, he tugged Priscilla toward the least crowded car he could see.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-05-2020, 06:59 PM

The warmth of Key's hand against her own made gratitude well up in her heart all over again. She would have been so lost without him, wandering around trying to make her way in the big city. It would have been so easy for her to fall prey to unscrupulous individuals who waited for the gullible to fall into their grasp, like spiders waiting for their prey.

Once on the train, in one of the less crowded cars, Priscilla edged towards a pair of unoccupied seats. It didn't seem like anyone else wanted to sit there, but it would mean siting beside strangers... again.
She supposed she would just need to get used to it, as she had begun to on her journey away from home. But this was such a different arangement than on the bus, everyone could look at her! "How long do you think it'll take before we can go shopping?" The sooner, the better.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-08-2020, 09:23 PM

Key laughed and sat in one of the empty seats, encouraging Priscilla to sit down next to him. "It'll be a few stops, so you might as well sit. You're not used to the subway so I wouldn't want you to fall." Thankfully, it wasn't a long trip to get to their shopping destination, but it would still be more than a couple of minutes.

"Have you decided what sort of style you want to shop for or were you going to just wing it? Ah, and you'll have to let me do your hair as well! I'm pretty excited to see what sort of look we end up with. I'm sure you'll look the absolute cutest!" He couldn't help but beam at Priscilla as he imagined all sorts of fashions that would suit her. Priscilla had good genes though so he doubted they could make her looked trashy no matter how hard they tried.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-10-2020, 01:17 AM

Priscilla settled down beside Key, and was smiling at him when she caught a reflection in the window. Someone had their phone pointed at her, the camera aimed directly at her face. The young woman stiffened, and her hands shot out to clutch at Key like he could do something to save her, protect her, from her father, from the man she was supposed to marry despite her unwillingness to do so.

Her eyes darted everywhere throughought the carriage, lingered on the faces of anyone who seemed even the slightest bit like they might be one of the people hired to track her down. Priscilla was embarrassed to hear a wimper escape her lips. "I'm sorry, I was doing so well. I'm sorry..." She knew she was being paranoid, as she moved to hide her face against Key's shoulder, but all of the terror she'd been feeling up until those blissful safe moment in the apartment came crashing back now that they were away.

How was she ever going to be able to function properly, go unnoticed, when simply taking public transportation made her feel like a hunted animal?

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-11-2020, 10:28 PM

Key's heart skittered in his chest as he flinched, then wrapped one arm around Priscilla's shoulders to hold her close and shield her. "Pris?" She jumped so suddenly that it left his own heart racing, his eyes darting around the train. Was something wrong? He didn't know any of these people but maybe Priscilla did. How could he know who to protect her from if he didn't know faces? How could he protect her? He made such bold claims in the video store they met, but he was useless, only able to offer a shoulder to hide again.

"Priscilla?" he started again when he felt like he could speak without his voice trembling. "Is something wrong? What are you apologizing for? Should we get off at the next stop?" Key started rambling as his own nerves got the best of him. "We can go back home if you want and forget all about this. I swear there are shopping sites online. O-or...I don't know. Just, please tell me what's wrong!"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-11-2020, 11:25 PM

Hearing her name spoken with such concern, and being pulled into such a warm embrace, helped her to think. Feeling somewhat reassured allowed Priscilla to take a deep steadying breath, and let her mind start functioning again. Still, her body trembled as she pulled away from Key, just enough so that her voice wouldn't be muffled by his shoulder. She wanted to make sure that she would only have to speak her embarrassing answer once.

"I saw someone's phone camera pointed my way," whispered the young woman. "It just made me remember how terrified I've been this whole time. You have no idea ... And your apartment, it just felt so safe there, it made me forget my fear for a while."

The brunette hid her face again for a moment more so she could think about their shopping trip. "We have to go. i mean, we already left, so it's pointless going back without anything to show for it, and
I'm sure having new clothes and a new hairstyle will help make me feel so much safer, more ... invisible." Though, hanging out with Key, she had the feeling she would never be invisble. Despite the danger that seemed to accompany the thought, Priscilla found herself thinking it was worth it to have her friend by her side. To try and reassure Key, she plastered a smile on her face.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 03-20-2020, 04:05 PM

A frown painted Key's face, but he nodded his head. "Alright...if you really think we should go..." He gave the train car another look over, trying to see suspicious phone action, but there was nothing. A few curious looks, concerned grandmothers and nosey children, but no one with evil eyes. Then again, he didn't know who to look for. If anyone did take pictures of them, it was possibly just because of their looks and their closeness. The pair of them did stick out.

"But, if you think you see something that makes you uncomfortable again, we should head home, okay? Even if it's just paranoia, there's no point in being stressed when you don't have to be. It's uncomfortable having people watch you even if you're not on the run..." Key added in a low murmur, still with an arm around Priscilla's shoulder. He didn't want to let her go.

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 04-17-2020 at 01:23 AM..

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-15-2020, 01:56 AM

Priscilla nodded. "I promise to let you know." She smiled a little, genuinely this time, at the thought of calling Key's apartment home. It already did seem like that, far more than her father's mansion had ever been. Sighing softly, the brunette settled into Key's embrace with only the smallest amount of self-consciosuness. It did cross her mind that perhaps people were staring because of how they looked together; they were a pair of princesses after all! Thinking that helped to ease Priscilla's worry tremendously.

"I'm looking forward to choosing some new clothes. Maybe I'll even buy a jean jacket, and decorate it with patches. Or I could get a peasant skirt, or a pair of overalls even!" Excitement started to creep into Priscilla's voice again, even if her eyes kept darting about. She was trying to map an easy way out of the train car, mentally making note of all the possible exits.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 04-17-2020, 01:22 AM

Key laughed, the vibrations felt where they were still pressed together. It was just so absurd to hear Priscilla's excitement about clothes after such a scare. "I don't think there's anything called a peasant skirt," he chuckled. "But you can buy whatever you want. Even overalls." The idea of Priscilla in such an outfit left him wanting to laugh again, but he settled for leaning back in his hard seat to grin at the car's ceiling.

The slid to a few stops, staring again and stopping as different people entered and left the train. After the third stop, Key finally let his arm fall from Priscilla's shoulders so he could scoot along the seat closer to the exit. "This next one is where we get off. Are you still good?" he asked, figuring that Priscilla had gotten a bit anxious again with all the different people. He was by her side though, ready to be a hero if he had to.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-17-2020, 01:50 AM

The only reason Priscilla didn't bolt every time was Key. It was so strange to feel his laughter in her own body, and nice in a way. Having his arm around her shoulders was even more wonderful. Instead of worrying over who might have stepped onto the train, Priscilla used all the sensations of being so close to Key as an anchor. A spattering few thoughts about the clothes she might find and buy were also welcome distractions.

Cold swept across her when Key moved away, and for a moment Priscilla could only stare at him with confusion and worry. With his explanation came relief, and the brunette started nodding. "I'm fine, I promise. I just want to get off and go shopping. All I need are some new clothes, and I'll be a brand new person." The reality of her words had Priscilla giggling, even as she scooted closer to Key again. She just couldn't bear the thought of being far from her friend, and it was necessary too! Without Key, Priscilla would have had no idea where to get off the train.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 04-22-2020, 05:04 PM

Key could understand Priscilla's sentiments. Most people wouldn't say that clothes could change a person, but life gave him a unique perspective on this. His clothes were a statement, a part of who he was. If they could become something like that for Priscilla, then he would cheer her on all the way. "I'm sure you'll be wonderful in your new clothes. I can't wait as much as you!" he grinned before taking her hand again.

The train car stuttered to a stop as the passengers all shuffled about towards the doors. A second later, they slid open, allowing the first rush of people to exit. Key pulled Priscilla forward with him but waited until enough of the crowd already passed so they could exit in relative ease. Once on the platform, he spun around to grin at Priscilla again. "See. That wasn't so bad, was it?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-22-2020, 06:17 PM

Priscilla watched the stream of people pass by with a mixture of nervousness and fascination. She forced herself to look at their clothes, trying to pick out things that she might like. There were just so many options available on display, and she had no idea what she wanted to look like after all was said and done. "Maybe you should pick a few outfits out for me too, since I have no idea what kind of style I`m going for." She gave Key`s hand a squeeze, and returned his grin with a small smile of her own.

And then she was bracing herself, donning her usual confident air even though she felt about as confident as a fish confronting a shark. It was nice to be able to step out of the stuffy train car again, to be out in the open even if there were still too many people about. At least out of the confinement of the train car, if something did happen running was always an option. When Key was grinning at her again, Priscilla frowned. "It was endurable, but I feel much better now that we`re outside and on the platform." With that said, the young woman waited patiently for her guide and friend to take the lead once more.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 04-24-2020, 03:29 AM

"I can do that. Don't worry, this is going to be fun!" Key exclaimed as he led Priscilla down the platform and them up the stairs to the more colorful part of the city. Shops lined the street sides, marking the whole area as largely pedestrian with roads and parking making a neat line to their left. All around them wafted the smell of baked goods, salty snacks, and sweet drinks, a summer beat blasting from a shop's speakers. It was nowhere near as busy as a proper tourist spot, but it was delightful and quaint and left Key grinning from ear to ear.

"This is it. Is there a certain shop that grabs your eye or should we just go down the line and try them all?" he added with a tease.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-27-2020, 10:24 PM

Priscilla breathed a sigh of relief when she realized the shopping area Key had chosen was a quaint and charming place. Her eyes travelled over the storefronts. She noticed an interesting looking yarn store, and wondered if they had any handmade treasures. Beside it, in another old building, books were displayed attractively. It was the store with the summer music which drew her the most, since it had an interesting display of clothes in the window. The employees must have worked hard to find pieces of clothing to create the battle going on between an 80s rocker and a 90s teenager with their mannequins.

"That one looks like a lot of fun." Priscilla nodded towards the store, and started to walk its way with great care. It wouldn't do to get the clothes Key had lent her dirty. Later, she hoped they would stop by one of the cute places which smelled delicious. A pink and white stripped awning drew the eye to a place that sold gourmet cupcakes. They looked and smelled delicious, but there was also a pretzel place, and there were some savoury offerings to be glanced over too!

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 04-28-2020, 02:39 AM

Key chuckled at the place that Priscilla picked. He himself had been in there before because of just how wide the clothing selection was. Most of it was thrifted, but the front of the store housed a mini collection of wares from local artisans that tended toward the dramatic. Those were always his favorite pieces.

"You've got good taste," Key laughed as the reached the door, setting off a small bell set above them. "Ah, and I saw you eying the cupcake place. After we've finished shopping, we can definitely get some snacks. Breakfast was a bit of a mess after all. There's a cafe on the other side of the street where we can get some sandwiches and coffee. Oh-" He paused halfway through the main room. "I just thought of something. Do you know your sizes. I mean, in normal people clothes? It'll be hard to find things if you don't know what to look for."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2020, 09:48 PM

Priscilla was smiling and thinking about what wonderful things she might be able to find ... Until Key mentioned quite a problem she hadn't even considered before. At the mention of sizes, she blushed and looked away. It was embarrassing to think of not knowing something so simple about herself. Her father knew her size better than she did, considering he had always been the one to actually foot the bill of her clothing.

But it was just one more thing she needed to learn in order to move on and create a life all her own. "I don't actually know. My clothes were always custom made, or tailored, for me. And when I did make things, well I just made them until my closet was full, and then I would ask the maids to dispose of them however they saw fit." Priscilla had never once wondered what happened to her creations.

But thinking of them had her wandering to the section of locally made items. There were a few she liked. One item in particular caught her eye. It was so adorable! Priscilla grabbed the cat shaped purse, marvelling at the construction of it. The tail was the strap, and the curled up black cat with vibrant green eyes was the body of the bag. "I wonder what I could wear to go with this ..."

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-10-2020, 03:21 PM

Key felt his chest clench a bit as Priscilla trailed off into thought. He couldn't' even imagine how much of a culture shock this all was. Priscilla knew so little about this part of the world, but she kept smiling, kept moving with excitement. Just how many people could do that? Shaking his head, he let his fingers trail along some of the display tables as he watched.

"You could wear that with any style, I'd think," he answered with a chuckle. The item was so unique that he found himself proud that Priscilla would pick out such a thing. "You could pair it with jeans and a shirt or short skirt and tights. It reminds me of Junior High. All the girls had cute, funny bags but boring patterns are all that's in style now! It's really such a shame!"

Making a faux dramatic gesture, he started to riffle through a rack of clothes himself, half for Priscilla and half for himself. After all, it would be pointless to make a shopping trip without trying to have a little fun himself. "Anyway, I think your size would probably be in the medium range. My clothes are tailored a lot of the time too so it's hard to judge from my own experience but...maybe something like this?" he said, holding out a knit poncho with beaded tassels and a frilled crop-top to wear underneath.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-11-2020, 05:20 PM

With Key telling her a few things the purse could go with, Priscilla found it much easier to imagine herelf walking around with it. She decided it was definitively her, no doubt about it, and found a basket to put it in. When the young woman turned around, Key was holding out something she couldn't wait to try, and another item that just made her blush. She couldn't imagine baring so much of her stomach to the world! And yet ... the very fact that it was so very out of character was the perfect disguise.

"I wouldn't usually even think of trying that on," said Pris as she took the crop top and slid it into the basket to be tried later, "but under the circumstances it's ideal." The poncho joined the crop top and purse. Then she turned to the rack herself, and came across the most adorable thing! It was a short sleeved blouse with lace on the sleeves with cute little bows and ribbons, there was even a ribbon round the collar, just where a necktie might have been for a man.

Priscilla turned towards Key with a bright smile. "Hey, maybe you would like this?" She had no idea what his style was, still, and the things her fingers itched to make probably were very different from young man's usual style.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-16-2020, 05:42 PM

"It's a bit different," Key admitted. "But I think it will suit you really well. You're so cute, Pris! I'm dying to see you in more casual clothes." Turning back to the rack, he tried to focus on some kind of pants or skirt that would fit Priscilla. A few shirts were important but bottoms were absolutely necessary. "Do you think jeans would be fine or...ah?"

Key turned as Priscilla held something out to him which left him stopping mid-sentence, just staring for a second. "It's not really my style's cute," he murmured with a flush growing across his cheeks. The bows were a detail far too girly for his usual look, but not unpleasant. It would fit and the dark, lush blue of the fabric left him reaching out to touch the shirt regardless of his words. "Um, I could still try it on. You'll have to tell me if it suits me though. Ah, but seriously! We came to shop for you!"


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