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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-02-2011, 10:35 PM

Name: James Valentine
Age: 23
Race: Half demon half angel.
Looks: human form / James his tall and skinny with dark brown hair glasses. He's just a plain looking Guy. /demonic angel form / his body is all black and he had fangs were white as a ghost he had wings that we're red and silver.
Bio: James was adopted as a baby and as he grew his parents beat him tortured him raped him. James was unaware of his true form until he reached the age of 20 and when he discovered true form and power he used it to kill. He killed through lust. Now he's 23 and lives a normal life by day but by night he searches for a man or women to mate with and torture.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 12:45 AM

Name: Ariana Chancler [Aria]
age: 20
race: relatively human
Profession: Working at a phsych ward. She's not peice of cake, she has hand to hand combat training from being a former agent, but she's also not tough. She has a good heart under all the ice, it's just hard to get to.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 01:41 AM

James craved blood and lust it was hard for him to focus during the day during his human life. During the day James works nine to five in a small cubicle on his computer taking calls and helping then with whatever cellphone service problem they had. By night he goes to clubs looking for his next kill. He got off on it and torturing his victims before finally killing him. It was Monday night around six pm that James saw the perfect victims. It was a couple young and very into eachother. He he followed them into the club and spiked their drinks. Then he waited until they passed out from being too 'drunk' James then tells everyone he's a doctor and that they just need air so James helps the couple her up with another Guy and they go outside.

Once outside "ok I got it from here " he told the Guy and so he smiled and waved. Once he was gone he put them in his van and drove off to the middle of nowhere. He drove into a barn and turned the car off. James then got out and opened the van doors and the women jumps on James pinning him down showing him her badge. "We have been following you Mr Valentine " sse said cuffing him. Then then Guy came out and spat in James face "off to court then prison " he said laughing Thanks the put him in the police car and drove off to book him for murder.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 01:57 AM

Aria sat in the jury, lstening to the case silently before the jury asked for rescess. It was to talk about the judgment to be passed, and by gods did they pass it, right on over to aria, the only certified phsychaiatrist there, and not exactly loving it. It was always the same question, but at this point, even she could gi ve an answer.

"I should think that he should be taken in for mental evaluation. He sounds like and insane ass hole, so get him sedated and I can take him in." She said reluctantly.

They nodded and sent a guy with their verdict and then the jury began to leave, all of them eager to get home in time for lunch, while aria was stuck with a possibly dangerous, and insane guy to take to the ward. How fun.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 04:34 AM

James refused to speak to anyone. They would never understand him or how he feels. When they told him he will be evaluation he just smirked. They drove James to the physic Ward and put him in a roomtjat was all white except the table and chairs. They sat him down and looked at him in disgust. The cops left him alone hand cuffed to his chair until the shrink came in to question him James just smiled he could not wait to be alone with her. He had been eyeing her during court.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 11:48 AM

Aria took her sweet time gettig the forms and paperwork ready. She got everything, including back up sedatives in case he went insane on her, and then opened the door, walking into the room. One would expect her to have on a white jacket, but she had on a simple cropped shirt and pants. She had that body that told people fuck with me and you're dead, even if her features seemed sweet and innocent. You could tell she had her fair share of cuts and bruises.

Sitting down across from James, she got her stuff set out, not even looking at him for a couple of moments before she sighed. "I'm Dr. Ariana Chancler, from St. Helen's physch ward. To begin your evaluation I'm going to ask you some questions and I expect serious, honest answers. And since you're a murderer and I really don't like you, if you decide to bullshit me, you get hit. I can always say it was self defense." she said, giving him a small smile before getting the first sheet of paperwork out and setting a recorder down.

"First thing I need is you name, age, date of birth, and if there were any past traumas in your family." she said, ready to get things down. She didn't need to keep an eye on him to know if he'd try anything. She had a mind's eye that worked better than her actual eyes, so a single move from him, she'd anticipate before he could make it.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 09:22 PM

James fiddled with his glasses and folded and un folded his hands until the doctor walked in. He didn't make eye contact but he sure did smile at her. When she sat down and started asking him things he decided to blow her Fucking mind. He almost laughed at her stupid questions. "James Edward Valentine. I am 23 years which makes my date of birth 1988 June 13th." He said in a most proper respectful tone. Then he ran his hand through his short dark hair and laughed "trauma??? You don't care but ill tell you anyways " he said giving her a wink.

"I was adopted as a child and for 18 Years both my 'mother and father ' sexually abused me on top of daily beatings..." he said it as if he were to enjoy doing it to someone else "lets see...sometimes they kept me locked away for days not bothering to feed me or fuck me." He grinned wild now. "I'd love to show you something " he said standing up pulling up his shirt there were deep scaring all over but he pulled down his shirt and sat back down folding his hands again.

"Any more questions? Oh I suppose you want to know what I did when I turned 18...I murdered them. Infact Noone would be able to find what's left of them which is not very the way are you wearing perfume? " he said giving the women and uncomfortable stare. "I'm not afraid of you or your threats to hit me...I enjoy pain it gets me off " he said winking at her again
He liked her her ferociousness...turned him on.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 09:58 PM

Aria listened to him, writing everything down silently in her notes and not responding much. She let him show her his scarsand then sit back down as she finished up her notes, and she listened to his last few words and her jaw tightened. She wasn't one for stupid, merdurous idiots like him. That was the one thing she hated about her job, was working with good for nothing twits like him. But she got off with giving them pills that they didn't need, deeming them immobile.

"Yes. I am. And now that you tell me that, I guess I won't hit you. Maybe give you bear hug instead, then castrate you. Sounds like a better plan to me." she said, giving him a forced smile, showing off a row of white, straight teeth. there was not one stain on them, but she didn't bleach them. It was obvious that they were white and straight because of intense good hygene, not bleaching.

Sighing she began scribbling down a few more things. "the first few times your parents sexually abused you, what was your emotional reaction?" she asked him, not letting any of his comment or attitude get to her. In fact, besides the few smiles and intense looks she gave him, she was practically emotionaless, as if he could hardly care if he was crazy or not. It was clear with the wrong move, she'd easily give him up to the electric chair without having one bit of guilt on her conscience. She was, after all, giving an evaluation on a murdurer, not a highschool kid who had a breakdown in school and accidentally pushed someone down the stairs. "And how often did your parents sexually abuse you?" she asked.

Some of the questions she asked were a bit too in-depth to be comfortable, but her job was to get as much information as possible to help evaluate his mental state. So, there were some questions she couldn't avoid asking.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 10:11 PM

James fiddled with his glasses some more before speaking. "I like you " he said in a very deep creepy voice then he folded his hands and thought a moment about her questions then his smile faded. "Well I was afraid hurt when dad did it not so much with her...I cried myself to sleep...wet the bed which seemed to make them more pissed off at me so Everytime I did so I was beat or burned sometimes locked in the cellar ..." it was a painful memory to say the very least even for James.

"They said they loved me but if I told anyone they wouldn't love me anymore ...but I showed them right before their deaths I showed her and dad how much I loved them" he said his smile returning at the very thought. Then he fixed his glasses and his smile faded. "I didn't like it then. It hurt me a lot...but now I know that they just...." he balled his fists" next question please " James was not fond of bringing up the past.

"I have a question for you...suppose I tell you every detail of my life...then what? " he asked her curiously he would be more than happy to go with the doctor wherever ..of course prison was just as fine and there's no way that these mere humans could kill him that easily but they didn't know that.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 10:56 PM

Aria shrugged, once again having nothing but that emotionless, pitiless face on. As if she could hardly give two shits about him, and she could.

"Mmh. Why do you want to go to the next question? You too scared to show that mommy and daddy had greater effect on you than you wanna give? How nice that you can face an electrical chair, death, you own torture, but when it comes to talking about mommy and daddy you're weak." she observed, clearly finding his life story all that amusing, enough to make the corners of her lips twitch up slightly.

She wrote it all down, everything from his story to his reaction, all in so much detail that it could be made into a movie, exactly as he told it to her. She knew that was his weak spot, and the first step to refining a new person was to use that weak spot against them. How classic. She loved it already.

"Unfortunately for you, you'd be going into solitary confinement, where you'd shower on your own, eat on your own, bathe on your own. You'd never see anyone besides me for your usual appointment. And once we think some of your issues are worked out, I can send you to die like i wanted to in the first place, being I'm not too fond of you." she said, showing not even a hint of sympathy, but more of loathing. "In fact, I kinda wonder what it'd be like to have them do to you what you did to all your victims... Bet you'd be screaming and not exactly getting off then, hmm?" she asked, but the question was rehetorical.

She clasped her hands together, resting her chin on her fingers. "i want to know the rest, up until now." she said, not letting him off as he wanted. "Details. No lies or editing. Because I know eexactly how to tell when someone lies. Their faces and expressions give off the slightest twich, or they do a mouth shrug... It's something you can't control, and neither can I. So you may as well tell the truth." she said finally.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 11:13 PM

This woman angered James greatly they way she mocked his pain they way she acted like he was some low being. He let the anger show. "Alright details you want...details you will get" he spat. If she wanted to know what he did or did not do or what mom and dad did them fine he would gladly tell.

"When I was about five years old my father snuck into my room at night. He said he was just checking on me. Little did I know about right and wrong so when he put his thirty year old cock in my my...bottom I thought it was cause he loved me me I also thought it would never happen again." He said fiddling with his fingers then his glasses.

"It happened a few more times before he started making me touch him...that went on until I was 18 but around eight years old my mom started touching me. Telling me it was ok if I did her it was ok if I touched her and that it was ok daddy did it too cause they just love me" he said clearly uncomfortable.

"They started beating me around age ten. Locking me away starving me then when I was weak they had sex with me. Then when I did everything they asked I got a bath and some dinner. That went on until I was about 18...I just snapped and I fucked my mom and dad in front of eachother before skinning them and burning them Alive..." he said the last part with excitement and joy.

"I liked it so much I started killing more. People I met or saw in the streets ...I got a job and kept to myself but the urge to kill and fuck were always now I'd love nothing more than to be alone with you in the dark...and you can not have me killed I assure you that " he said with a devilish grin.

"I've killed many both men and women alike up until this very day" he said adjusting his glasses. "Of course there's no real evidence but my telling you because there's not much left of any of the bodies..." jelouse said sitting back in his chair he looked the women up and down licking his lips. "How often is it that ill get to see you? "

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-03-2011, 11:32 PM

Aria wrote the rest down, then gathered up her paperwork and set it all in a nice little folder. She enjoyed the fact that she got to him, and therefore, she knew exactly what to do to prey on him. It'd be fun...

Standing up she sent a slap across his face that was enough to leave a black eye and a swollen cheek. She didn't like the way he talked to her, much less how he looked at her.

"You're a fucked up bastard in so many ways... I've seen some pretty pathetic people, and I mean really, really pathetic people. You top them all. I an see why your parents did what they did. Because you were nothing but a peice of shit to begin with." she said simply, then smiling sweetly at him. "And i can assure you that you'll not see me often. I think I'll let you rot in a cell for a while." she said, gathering up her stuff and leaving.

Going back to her office, she filed his stuff, putting what she got in her computer, using the tape recording she got,and than filed that as well before saving the document and ggetting her keys, locking up her office and heading out. it was late, and she needed sleep.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 12:09 AM

James felt his face start bruising and he just smiled. Her words didn't effect him and by how pissed off the women was he knew he got to her. He just watched her as she got up to leave. He then smiled a wicked smile. She touched him and he liked it. Soon an officer along with a young female nurse came in and cuffed him and escorted him out of the room. And into a holding cell foe the night.

The nurse teased him with smiles and then got close enough for a kiss before she spoke. "You make me sick " she said but before she could pulled away he dug hus teeth into her throat making a large gash blood spilled out as he watched her gasp for life falling to hus feet a guard was on the spot instantly calling for a doctor and help.

James smiled licking up the blood from his lips. The man shoved him and locked him in the cage. "Let Dr aria know of this now! He's the Fucking devil " he said. James stayed silent as he watch them try to save the girls life even though she was long gone.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 12:22 AM

Aria was notified just as she was about to leave, and, not wanting to take any chances, she ran back inside. She went to the cell, seeing the girl and she got down on her knees beside her. "I need a tube and air bag, now! Stretcher as well..." she said, looking at the guy in the cell with a glare as they left her alone doing CPR to the girl, before she did it one more time, only this one had more force to it, and the girl's chest actually began to rise and fall, her heart beating, albeit slowly.

She looked up at him and smirked. "I've never lost a life in this ward... I don't intend to start now." she said, having the tube brought to her and she stuffed it down the girl's throat, attaching the air bag and having them pump air into her chet and pup her chest as she worked on cleaning and stiching her up, making sure that she'd be okay before sending her off to the hospital.

She stood outside the cell, and glared at him. "Touch any of my nures again and I swear to every God that ever existed I will kill you." she told him, glaring.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 12:32 AM

James watched excited as the doctor came to save the day. He watched her every move. When she spoke he smiled "is that a dare? Because like I said I'd love to have you alone...and the nurse is lucky that biting her was all I did to her " he said with a huge grin. James knew a human was never going to be able to really harm him and he loves Fucking with this Women.

He sat in his bed and smiled "I can't promise you I won't harm anyone else. Sorry no can do " he said with fake pity in Gus voice. He shrugged " she was the one who came in for a kiss...she wanted me" he said with a smirk folding his arms.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 12:43 AM

She smirked. "Which is why no one else will be tending to you. you're an abandoned solitary from now on. have fun finding you some food." she said, shrugging. "You have to learn, my ward, my rules. Besides, how long can anyone survive, abandoned?" she asked him, getting her stuff and taking her lead. he pissed her off more than anyone else, and that said something.

Going to her office, she ordered some dinner, and decided to watch mr. invincible from her computer, while eating chinese, seemingly unphased by anything he said or did, when really the guy was kinda interesting, and kinda freaky. Not that she was gonna take chances around him, but she was going to be causcious about how she approached him from now on.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 01:03 AM

James just smiled. He didn't need food to feed he could feed off of fear and lust. And there was plenty of fear going around to her his fill. James was moved to a cell with a heavy duty locked door with no with windows no nothing just a bed with a light thar was off by 9pm. James took off his bloody shirt and laid down. You could see his many marks from.abuse.

He closed his eyes and wondered what the doctor was doing yes he liked her and wanted nothing more than to hurt her. What she was going to have to learn was that he can not be broken. He was always alone so being locked up was nothing. Before falling asleep he played with himself thinking of her and all the things he would do to her if he could. Once finished he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 01:15 AM

She watched him until he started playing with himself, and she just gagged and switched to the outside of the cell, where she saw the janitor and she sighed, getting up and going down there again. "this floor is off limits to everyone. Including janitor. Get upstairs or you're fired." she said firmly, in a voice that held high authority, and was clearly full of power.

The janitor nodded, heading up the stairs without question before she went over to the cell, sighing. She wasn;t sure what to do with the guy, and wondered what he'd do if she opened the door and went inside with him alone. She always had a knife, but she had the feeling that a knife wasn't going to work.

She paced silently outside, thinking.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 01:25 AM

James opened his eyes when he heard her speak. He smiled cause he knew she wanted to come into his cell. He stood up and walked to the door and spoke. "You can come in...I won't hurt you..yet " he said he knew she heard him to. James would not hurt the doctor just yet because what fun would he have if she was gone? She put up a fight and he liked that about her.

He sat back on his bed and just waited for her to make up her mind of course he wondered why she would want to be alone with him but he didn't care he just wanted to fuck with mind.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 01:32 AM

Aria glared at the door. She heard him, but she didn't quite trust him. "and why should I go into a cell with a murderer who tried to kill my nurse today. Not a very good way to get me in there." she said, leaning against the door.

She might go in, she might not. At this point, it was weather or not this guy could time the scales in his favor. She wouldn't let him get away with so much as attempting to hurt her. She had more trix up her sleeve than the rabbit did, and he's yet to know it.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 01:46 AM

James laughed " excuse me but your the one trying to decided if you should come in here or not and I simply gave an invitation " he said standing up now walking to the door pressing his body against it."so tell me why it is you want to come in here? " he asked her he got to her and he knew it and he liked it.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 01:51 AM

She smirked. "I don't need an invitation anyways. And besides, going in there would be exactly what you want. Kinda make me wonder what you'd do once I was in there. Kill me like the rest?" she asked him, clearly disgusted that he'd even try. She was just bored and wanted a little fun, and playing mind games with him seemed like a fun way to do it.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 02:46 AM

James laughed again " oh no my dearest I wont kill you yet...if your so curious come in I dare you" he said wickedly. James knew she wanted to come in and it started to bother him because he can't figure why she want in so bad except that she would want him. He smiled at the thought yes she secretly must have wanted to be touched by James and he would he would touch her he would scare her and that git him excited.

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*Electric*Rainbow* is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 03:17 AM

She sighed, thinking about it for a minute before taking out a key, unlocking the door and walking in, the light coming on as soon as the bio detectors read her eye scans and geneology. "I'm in... But I want you to keep your distance. I don't trust you. At all." she said, glaring at him.

Oh no, she didn't trust him. She was curious though. What was the high he got from killing? Torturing? It was the openness in her eyes that said she'd have the potential to adopt his ways. She had her own pain she was dealing with, and using James as her method of dealing with it seemed to make her feel better. it was as if arguing with him, playing games with him, was what made her pain go away. She didn't know that she was letting that show, though. There were times when she talked to patients with a mind a little too open. just a little.

"I have a qustion for you. You're not the only person in the world, who went through something similar to that... Why would you, of all people, turn to killing?" she asked, eyeing him curiously, but keeping a safe distance, even though her muscles were tense and ready to fight him if she had to.

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Violent_Beauty is offline
Old 10-04-2011, 03:27 AM

James smiled as she walked in yes she wanted him he could see it in her eyes that she wanted him to know him to know why he did horrible things. He stood getting just a few inches from her face before he spoke " I killed my parents because I hated them and as I tortured them I felt great pleasure they died I got so excited I creamed in my pants." He said then before backing away he stroked her cheek.

James sat back on his bed and just looked at her "why are in you Here? Do you like my company love? " he said looking her up and down licking his lips.


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