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Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 05-06-2012, 01:01 PM

Name: Brian Martin
Age: 19
Bio: Brian has just come back from the military, and his family is moving into a new home. He has to be the more mature one of his family and has to pretend to be happy about their move.


Name: Kari Martin
Age: 6
Relation: Sister

name: Lindsey Martin
Age: 13
relation: sister

Name: Kayla Martin
Age: 36
Relation: mother

Last edited by Screaming Mime; 05-06-2012 at 04:49 PM..

CheshireHatter is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 04:34 AM

Name: Tom Lynn
Age: 20
Bio: Tom was a famous fashion consultant. One day while Tom was working in his office a rival consultant set fire to his workplace, killing Tom and destroying his work. Now Tom haunts the house that has been built on the burnt remains of his life.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 08:49 PM

Brian stared out his window, wondering how long it would be until they arrived at their new home. His sisters were whining about the whole thing and he wasn't so happy about moving away either. He had to act happy about it though. Lindsey was whining and clearly she was mad. "Why do we have to move to some dumb house with some dumb maid and some dumb ugly trees." Brian sighed. "Come on! It'll be fun. We can have a fresh start." He tried to smile. It was up to him to help his mom deal with his sisters. It had only been a few months since his father had passed away, and his mom wasn't as strong as she had been. She was tired and needed them all to be tolerable. When they got there and unpacked, he offered to play a game with his sisters. They didn't want to and he sighed, going and then going to explore. He went up to the attic and looked to see what was up there, feeling pretty bored.

CheshireHatter is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 11:43 PM

Tom lounged on the windowsill of the attic and watched as the newest family to inhabit his house drove up. There were four of them, three girls and one handsome young man. Tom eyed the gorgeous young blond as he eyed the house unhappily and helped his family unpack. He was tall and obviously had some weight on his shoulders. Helping take care of the young ones no doubt. Tom phased through the floor to get a closer look at the family. They seemed a nice bunch. The littlest one was quite adorable. Deciding to let the family settle in in peace, Tom walked over to the attic door and let it down with a bang. Walking up the stairs he went back to his perch at the windowsill.

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 05-08-2012, 01:20 AM

Brian looked around, not seeing the man sitting on the windowsill. He looked at old photos of other families that had once lived here, and even found some old dolls. They were porcelain and quote cute. He thought his sisters might like them. He set the box of dolls aside and then loomed some more. He found a few books, some old lamps, and other assorted old things. It was then that he turned saw the ghost sitting on the windowsill. His eyes got about as wide as golfballs and he screamed like a twelve year old girl, managing to fall from the attic, down the stairs and onto the floor below. He groaned painfully and wondered if what he'd seem was real. The thoughts of a ghost were slightly frightening, but then again, the man hadn't looked mean or anything. In fact, he'd looked kind of nice. Brian's youngest sister, Kari, ran up to see what was wrong. "Brian?! Are you ok?" She asked in her little girlish voice. He laughed a little and stood, brushing off his tee shirt. "I'm fine. You go help mom and I promise I'll have a surprise for you later." The girl skipped off happily and then Brian carefully went back into the attic, looking for his ghost. "Hello?" He called feebly. "If someone's here, answer me please...if this is a prank, I don't think it's funny." He looked around carefully.

CheshireHatter is offline
Old 05-08-2012, 01:31 AM

Tom stared out the window until he heard footsteps in his attic. It was the attractive young man from outside. Tom watched as the boy sifted through all the bits and pieces of stuff in the attic. He seemed particularly attracted to the dolls and Tom really hoped that he intended to give them to his sisters. Men who liked dolls were just silly. The boy turned and actually saw Tom, he must have let his guard slip and allowed himself to become visible. The young man screamed, he sounded quite feminine in his frightened state. Tom giggled and then abruptly stopped as the poor dear fell down the stairs out of the attic. Much to Tom's surprise the boy re-entered the attic and tried to talk to him. Tom stayed silent for a while contemplating whether or not to talk back. Deciding that it couldn't hurt much more than falling out of an attic Tom answered, "Hello, How are you this fine evening? I do hope you're finding the house pleasing, it is so terribly difficult to keep it clean all by ones lonesome."

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 05-09-2012, 01:35 AM

Brian was more than a little unnerved when someone answered him, but tried not to show his fear. "It is lovely here. Youve done a nice job." The house really was nice he had to say. There wasn't dust or creepy cobwebs. "What's your name?" He asked, then realized that was rude. He hadn't even goven this man his own name. "My name's Brian." He called, hoping that this ghost would talk to him and maybe they could even be friends. The guy hadn't seemed much older than Brian himself, and he was sure they could get along fairly well. He looked around for the guy, wanting to see him when he talked to him. "Where are you?" He asked, whirling about. He wasn't really one to talk when he couldn't see the person. It just seemed so impersonal. "How long have you been here?" He asked, hoping the guy wouldn't be annoyed by all of his questions. He was just so very curious and he couldn't help it at all.

CheshireHatter is offline
Old 05-09-2012, 04:44 AM

Tom smiled as the young man complimented his house keeping skills, "Well, thank you." The young man searched for Tom as he spoke. He seemed terribly confused, it was quite fun to watch actually. Tom watched him search for a moment longer before replying, "Hello Brian, My name's Tom and I've been here for about a year." Tom hopped off the windowsill and walked over to the bookcase. He picked out a copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream and flicked through the pages waiting for Brian to notice the floating book. Tom huffed in frustration when he didn't notice and flopped back onto the windowsill, "I'm in the window, hehehe."

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 05-11-2012, 10:59 PM

Brian jumped up in the air as he heard the noise. He turned to the windowsill and stared a bit before making a request. "Urm...could you make it to where I can see you? It's kinda weird to talk to a person you can't see." He said shyly, hoping he didn't offend the ghost. The last thing he needed was dead people trying to slaughter him for being rude.

CheshireHatter is offline
Old 05-12-2012, 04:53 AM

Lounging in the windowsill Tom giggled and let his illusion slip. He stood and did a slow twirl for the boy so he could take a good look at him. "Better?" Tom asked as he plopped back into his favorite spot of the whole house. Tom stared out the window and drew pictures in the slight layer of dust, "Oh Dear, I really must clean again soon . . ."

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 05-13-2012, 06:30 PM

Brian looked at the now visible ghost and smiled. "That's better." He said quietly and then took a step closer, sitting on the floor and looking at the one he'd been speaking to. "I'm sure my mom and I will be cleaning up. You don't have to wory about it." He thought that the other would like that. That would be less for him to have to do.

CheshireHatter is offline
Old 05-15-2012, 04:13 PM

Tom nodded, "It's always nice to look at people when you're speaking to them. It is good manners." Tom sat up straight so he mirrored the boy and wondered over how to continue the conversation. It had been quite a long time since he'd spoken to someone without scaring them to death. He'd nearly forgotten how to hold a conversation. Tom looked at the boy and asked, "Tell me about yourself, if you please?"

Screaming Mime
Full-time internet homo
Screaming Mime is offline
Old 05-15-2012, 08:33 PM

Brian nodded at the request and agreed to do so. "My name is Brian I'm nineteen years old and recently enlisted in the military. Unfortanatly they are thinking about not letting me stay though. I got really ill the last time I was training. They say I'm not in good enough physical shape." He frowned and then continued. "We moved here because my father passed not to long ago. My mom wanted to move and get a fresh start. The two little girls are my sisters. They're sweet, but not so happy about the move so I have to help mom deal with them." He shrugged. "That's pretty much it about me, now why don't you tell me a little about yourself?" He was curious about this ghost. He seemed to be young and modern, certainly not the first thing that came into mind when thinking of ghost and other undead people.

CheshireHatter is offline
Old 06-01-2012, 04:28 AM

(sorry for replying so late i've been kinda swamped in the real world but i'm back now)

Tom listened intently as Brian told his story, he was an interesting person. Tom blushed as Brian asked about his life. Shyly, he began to speak, "Well I was a designer. I did interiors of houses and offices. I even fiddled with fashion. Turns out fashion was really my thing because I was making it good as a consultant. There was this rush to get to some famous twit or other. Everyone wanted to work with her, I can't remember her name for the life of me though. Either way she chose me to create an outfit for her to wear to an award ceremony. A rival fashion consultant heard i got the deal and decided to burn my office down, and me with it. Aaand that's my story."


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