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VoltaireDomian is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 05:34 PM


There's only one thing I want for you; happiness. The way your eyes light up when the attention is focused solely on you, it's breath-taking. I pray you wealth, power, and love: even if that love is not shared with me. I don't understand my own obsession, I have a love of my own and yet I crave you.

Since I can't have you, I'll simply remain on the sidelines and help you shine.

Storyline: Mikael has worked for JetStar record company since he was fifteen, his talent for lyric writing almost beyond compare. His words, his lyrics, are practically a singer's guarantee of fame and world-wide recognition.

Recently, the world's most infamous and arrogant rock star is signed by JetStar records and writer and musician are placed together to create an album, which has been predicted to rise to the very top in days

It seems the perfect set up: world's greatest lyricist with the world's greatest vocalist, only two things could go wrong: If there's one thing Mikael hates: it's spoiled stars and the other man defines the term 'arrogance'. At the same time, beneath that hate, the lyricist is beginning to discover the rotten nature of the star is somewhat, dementedly...charming.


Name: Mikael Alik

Nickname: None


Sexuality: Straight, right? course! STRAIGHT!

{5'11, light blue eyes usually covered by black frame glasses, brunette, tan}

Personality: Mikael is the first to inform someone of their mistakes unless you are his boss, then you can't get him to speak. He doesn't view his self as superior, just logical and has little patience for childish behavior. Most view him as "uptight" and an "anal bastard" but due to his past he's simply always been the responsible one. He takes the elder brother role with most people he meets and is very intelligent with a sensitive side he attempts to hide in a glare and cigarettes.

Bio: Nothing significant about his past really, was the eldest of five children and escaped that madhouse the moment he could. His father called him a 'pansy' for writing poems and not having a "real" job, but they still are on speaking terms despite the tension. He is good friends with JetStar's CEO considering he's been dating the man's younger sister for over a year now. He's still not sure what to think of the girl, she's nice but...well that's a different story.
No one is sure, since Mikael obviously hates the stuck-up types, why he continues working with them when it would just be easier to write the songs and sell them. He's a bit of a mystery when it comes to certain things and no one really seems to want to find out as they're afraid he'll *really* kill them for being "immature and nosy"

Likes: Writing obviously, video games with a decent plot, cats, coffee, sour candy

Dislikes: Most people, shopping, tea, unnecessary noise.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 07:09 PM

Name: Jin Sirus ((The j is soft so it ends up sounding more like 'shjin' than anything, the 'i' makes the soft sound in 'it', not the 'ee' sound. '-'; You'd be amazed how many people get his name wrong. XD ))

Stage Name: Jin


Sexuality: Picky. XD He'll be with whoever he wants, gender, marital status, religion, and age (to an extent) irrelivant, but he rarely is interested in anyone.

Appearance: 6ft even, Jin is tall and slender with waist length black hair and pale skin. His eyes are a pale blue grey color. His nationality is unknown since he doesn't really look like anything.

Personality: Jin's incredibly arrogant, spoiled, and childish. The world it his and there to serve him. Despite this he's a pretty easy going 'whatever' kind of guy. He likes swets and makes a hobby out of gtting on people's nerves, and often takes it too far. He's strongly against drugs, but he drinks from time to time. He's rarely seen without a water bottle and a bag of baby carrots. He likes to dress up in lolita styles, gothic styles, rock and punkstyles, pretty much anything he feels like, and he's constantly dying his hair strange colors. He thinks it was originally black.... Jin likes to point out people's faults and remind them that he's superior by having them do pointless tasks like finding him certain brands of water, comparing the price to six or eight others, then decide to just drink the one he brought with him.

Bio: Jin Sirus had a pretty fucked up child hood, but he seems to have turned out sort of alright... His dad was abusive, a business man that was rarely around, and his mother was a raging drug addict and over all a weak willed woman. Jin got emancipated at sixteen and started living on his own. He joined a band in highschool with another man and within a year they had a huge fight and the band broke up. He started again solo, ended up recruited, and made a few cds before the drummer died of an over dose and the band couldn't handle the loss. Shortly after he signed on with JetStar records, and here he is now. XD

Likes: Singing, playing guitar, sex, money, sweets of any kind, strange pets, water, carrots, contoling people, being the center of attention.

Dislikes: Being alone, being ignored, people he sees as 'weak', being told what to do, being asked to sing stupid lyrics, anything that reminds him of 'home', he's terrified of silence.

Would you like to start or should I?

VoltaireDomian is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 07:36 PM

Considering the world, all it's glorious flaws and demented sense of humor: Mikael was not surprised when he heard the news. Christopher Oasis, Mr. big shot JetStar CEO grinned wickedly, his perfect teeth ad perfect smile blinding the lyricist. The man was Satan incarnate Mikael was sure of it, no one could cause so much misery so effortlessly without connections down below.

"Sir, would you mind repeating that last part?" He said, pushing the slim black frames closer to his nose more out of habit and comfort sake. Christopher nodded slightly and began popping his thick knuckles much to the smaller male's irritation.

"You're being assigned to work with Mr. Sirus, meaning you'll be expected to write: a lot. We need to get him into the recording studio as soon as possible! Don't worry, I have complete faith in you!" Mikael could have punched him.

"Sir you don't seem to understand that-"

"Ah, nonsense! You're my most cherished writer and he's my cash crop vocalist. It will all be great!" Christopher laughed in a manner reminiscent of a bark before pressing the buzzer to alert his secretary. "Darlin' send our special guest in now please! Sirus has a practice in about an hour, we don't want him late!"

"Mr. Oasis, as much as I appreciate this chance I don't think that my style is suitable for his, well, outward persona. He's a rock star and I primarily write for, less, leather clad, gender confused men." Mikael glanced over at the thick glass windows that revealed the vast city landscape that surrounded the massive building. He stared and wondered if it would hurt to simply leap to his death and avoid this impending headache. The brunette was so lost in his suicidal thoughts he didn't acknowledge the sound of a door opening.

"I'm sure this Jen Sirus is very talented but honestly I might have to refuse."

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 07:53 PM

"Silly silly boy, refusing the best vocalist moeny can buy? How shameful. And it's -Jin- thank you." came a silky voice from the door. "And leather isn't really my thing, don't worry." He cloded the distance between himself and the desk, taking a seat on it as if it werre some sort of throne. "Mis-ter O-a-sis..." He said, pausing slightly after each sylable, "It this the Mr. Amazing you were telling me about?" He asked as he eyed the man. "He sure doesn't look like much." He said, sounding almost dissapointed. "Aw, don't pout Foureyes, I'm not so bad. You wanna smile for me?"

Jin was dressed in black and white with enoguh accesories to sink a small ship. His waist length black hair was pulled up into a messy bun, leaving locks around his face. He wore a form fitting white long sleeved shirt with a loose open black t-shirt over it. Several necklaces hung from his neck including one with black an white beads, one with a clock face, and one with a black locket. His hands were gloved in black and features several thin bangles. A black and white striped guitar earing huung from one ear along with six studs, and five studs and a dangly star adorn the other. His black pants modeled two white belts with large black and white star buckles, and a pattern of stars and stripes fell across the leggs of the pants until they reached his heavy black boots.

On his face was a pair of white gogles with black and white hypno swirls over the lenses. He kept a guitar case on his back, and sat with one leg crosed over the other at the knee. "Well?"

VoltaireDomian is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 08:10 PM

Mikael was a bit embarrassed that he'd spoken about the vocalist without thinking of whom could overhear. He immediately straightened his posture and crossed his arms, glaring cold eyes at the extravagantly decorated singer. He'd dealt with a great deal of punks like this, Jinm before though none had ever succeeded in truly getting to him.

"Well?" He echoed the other's question. "Well I hope that we won't be needing to travel on an airplane anytime soon, you look like a pincushion." He snapped and adjusted his glasses out of default again. "I am merely suggesting that one of your...talent wouldn't need nor want myself at your aid. And get off that desk you're not seven, though I might be mistaken."

Christopher laughed suddenly, a deep low laugh that only rose when the man was truly entertained.

"I can see this will work out just perfectly! Wonderful!"

"I think you're the one that needs glasses if that's your deduction..." Mikael grumbled low enough so that his boss couldn't hear him. Only a fool would ever think the two could work with one another with any semblance of peace! Just by looking at them it was obvious they'd strangle each other within moments if left alone! Mikael was already feeling the urge.

"Mr. Sirus, please forgive my earlier comments I didn't mean to offend you in any way, but I truly don't see how our varying genres of music preferences would get along." Mikael removed his glasses, cleaning off the dirt that only he could see with the sleeve of his shirt. He knew he was fiddling with them too much and had a tendency to go through many pairs a month by cleaning them too often: they'd snap and break from wear. But the action kept him distracted from the annoyances around him.

"Besides, I'm certain the last thing you want is to have a Silly FourEyes tagging along with you practically everywhere." He slipped the glasses back on, assuming his stance that screamed "Listen to me I am truly the only sane one here" and glared lightly.

"And for the record, I've never once pouted in my life and you'll be waiting a long time for a smile."

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 08:19 PM

Jin grinned, kicking his legs childishly, "I was never seven... nope. I started at sixteen, remember that, kay?" He said childishly, although there was a 'do fucking go there' tone to it. "A pin cushion? That's the best you can do? I'm afraid I don't see the resemblance. Mr. Oasis, I think it'll work great, Mr. Silly FourEyes is so angrey and cute!" He said as he hopped to his feet and flung his arms around the song writer. "Although you're right, you aren't good enough for me, but I haven't found anyone better, so you'll have to do. Although..." He moved back towards the door, his hands behind his head as he glanced back, "I still don't know Mr. Foureyes' name." He spun to face him, "But no matter, 'Mr. Foureyes' is fine, and I'll see you smile eventually." H grinned evily, his eyes still hidden by the goggles. "So get writing."

((Edit: Sorry for the shortness, I got kicked out of the room I was in and had to move. u.u ~is at school~ ))

VoltaireDomian is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 08:34 PM

Mikael was prepared to shriek when the "hug" came, and far the more willing to beat the taller male to death then anything ever before! Was there a sign on him stating "Please, annoy and then hug me, I beg of you", he was honestly tempted to look.

Slightly flustered and feeling like he'd been thrown under a bus, the brunette glared fiercely at the frivolous male who continued to grin. It was hard to believe they were only a year apart and yet centuries separated their maturity levels.

"Not good enough for *you*?!" He stormed over to where the other male stood, the ridiculous choice of eye wear only adding to Mikael's suspicion that the male was mentally deficient. If anyone was a four eyes, it was Jin!

"I'll beg your pardon but that screeching you'd like to call music hardly justifies as anything more then the wails of a prepubescent boy! And my name is Mikael Alik, not that I'd expect someone like you to remember it if your skull is truly as thick as I assume!"

Christopher cleared his throat, capturing both their attentions. He was smiling, Mikael officially hated smiles. He made a vow never to smile again.

Especially not for, because, or NEAR the raven-haired male beside him.

"You do understand that Mr. Sirus here is my baby-sister Josephine's favorite singer?" A silence followed, Mikael stopped breathing, and suddenly was thinking about the leap from the balcony again. Christopher's sister, Mikael's girlfriend...he'd bet his life this was her way of "helping" him.

"Of course he is." The brunette responded and glanced at the taller male. "Don't call me Four Eyes again." He ordered. "And I'll write you your damn songs."

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 09:06 PM

The expression the hug had recieved... Well, Jin couldn't have hoped for better. "Oh dear," He said as Mikael stormed over. He was still grinning, wider now if possible. He loved to get a rise out of people, and this 'Mikael' person seemed to have a hair trigger on him.

"Aw, the foureyed four foot wonder's got some tongue!" He commented, patting Mikael on the head as it he were a pet. "A shame your ears aren't as effective, you've clarly never listened to anything of mine."

He listened intently to Chritsopher, then clapped his hands together in delight, "A fan? Your little sister, really? Let her know it's appreciated, and I'll send her a signed cd once we've got one worth listening to. And please, just call me Jin. It's Mr. Sirus to you though." The last part was directed at Mikael.

He was still marveling in the perfection of the scene that had just folded out, knowing that the famed writer was dating the recorder's sister. It was all too perfect.

On top of that, Mikaelhad given in, meaning Jin had won the little battle that only he seemed to realize had been going on. "Wonderful Decision, I knew you couldn't be totally stupid, Foureyes." He stressed the new nickname as he ruffled Mikael's hair. "Now..."

Suddenly Jin's tone had changed entirely from that of a ridiculing child to an agressive adult. One hundred percent serious about his music, as always. "I have heard a lot about you, I expect your absoloute best. I will not perform anything that I wouldn't want to listen to. Understood? We'll work together on this, differences aside." His hand moved to cup the writer's cheek and he grinned again, their faces too close for comfort. "So let's be friends, alright?" He said as thoguh it were more of a threat than and offer.

He pulled back, seeming to have shifted to something between the two seperate personalities he'd displayed. "I've got a song I've been working on, let's get lyrics for it first to see what you can do, and how well we can manage. Call it a test run. If it turns out wll we'll release it as a single, a sneak peek of the coming album." He turned to Christopher. "I'm gonna steal away your pet here for some lunch so we can get started. It was lovely seeing you again!" He hugged the man and then returned his attention to Mikael, "Come on, my treat for lunch, we've got work to do. Right?"


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