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Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 11-27-2014, 02:14 AM

Mystika - Revival of the Elementals

This is the OOC for Mystika - Revival of the Elementals RP.

For thousands of years humans and the elemental spirits of Mystika lived together in harmony. Five hundred years ago a corrupt king rose to the throne and it ended the peace within this world. The king hated the elemental spirits and ordered that they be destroyed along with anyone connected to or even just seen talking to one of the elemental spirits. His descendant still rules over the lands and is just as evil as his ancestor. The elemental spirits dwindle in numbers and were forced to take refuge by bonding with animals so they could move throughout the world without drawing too much attention. These elemental animals would then continue their jobs as protectors of balance and order and try to find their destined partners.

Today the stories of elemental spirits seemed to be nothing more then a legend or a myth. The only ones that have actually seen them are the elemental’s partner and the secret hunters that have been sent out to eliminate them from the world. Will the elemental spirits and their partners be able to survive and return peace back to Mystika or will they be exterminated by the king’s ruthless hunters?
Interested in joining? Check out the request thread.

To the RP - clickie

Last edited by blueblackrose; 12-09-2014 at 05:35 AM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 11-27-2014, 02:15 AM

Character Availability

The King

Alaric Rayner Blackthorn - Reserved by blueblackrose

Elemental Spirits and Human Partners

Spirit - Gaia – Reserved by kilia
New Partner - OPEN – OPEN
*Deceased Partner - Ryota - Reserved by kilia (profile may be visited in the graveyard)

Spirit - Cináed – Reserved by blueblackrose
Shifter Partner - Roshan Aki Starr – Reserved by blueblackrose

Spirit – Anubina - Reserved by Shikabane Hime
Partner - Quinell – Reserved by Xavirne

Spirit - Ziarra – Reserved by Pandora's Box
Human Partner - Aya Cross – Reserved by Pandora's Box

Spirit - Katarina – Reserved by CrimsonShadow
Dark/Light Elf Partner - Caden– Reserved by CrimsonShadow

Spirit - Mitsukai – Reserved by Kiyoto
Human Partner - Hikaru Leon –
Reserved by Kiyoto

Spirit - Malik Shiv – Reserved by Esmme
Human Partner - Lydia Harper – Reserved by Esmme

Spirit - Audra – Reserved by Shadowgamer42
Human Partner - Euria – Reserved by Shadowgamer42

Spirit - Shepard – Reserved by Xavirne
Wisp Partner - Jennifer Glow –
Euphonium Panda
Spirit - Ovacinprilcia – Reserved by salvete
*OUT OF PLAY* Huma Partner - Akira Hasegawa – Reserved by flamethrower1391

(More Elements will be add if there is enough interest)

Hunter 1 - Reserved by Shikabane Hime
Hunter 1's Partner - Kuro - Reserved by Kiyoto

Hunter 2- Andrayah - Reserved by CrimsonShadow
Hunter 2's Partner - Valen Nocturna - Reserved by Esmme

Hunter 3 - Rufio Bliss - Reserved by blueblackrose
Hunter 3's Partner - Alister Blackthorn - Reserved by Kilia

Others (Human's who help the elementals, knights, etc)
The Queen - Kalypso Victoria Blackthorn - Reserved by CrimsonShadow
Old Geezer/Advisor to the King - Hen Tai - Reserved by blueblackrose
*OUT OF PLAY* Assassin - Setsutarou Hasegawa - Reserved by flamethrower1391

You maybe play up to three characters if you wish. Also if you wish to play an Elemental Spirit you do not have to also play the partner role unless you wish to do so.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 06-18-2015 at 07:10 PM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 11-27-2014, 02:15 AM

What does the future hold?

Elemental Spirit Skeleton

HTML Code:
[CENTER][img]insert image link here[/img]

[B][SIZE=5][COLOR=postingcolor]Character Name[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Played by [COLOR=postingcolor][username][/COLOR]
[B][SIZE=3][COLOR=postingcolor]“Character quote goes here.”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[B]Nickname:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](if you have one)[/COLOR]
[B]Appear to Be:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](16 or older)[/COLOR]
[B]Real Age:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]How old are you?[/COLOR]
[B]Gender:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](female/male)[/COLOR]
[B]Species:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]Elemental Spirit Type[/COLOR]
[B]Orientation:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, homosexual)[/COLOR]
[B]Relationship Status:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](single, dating, it's  complicated, engaged, married...if your character is in a relationship  please share who with.)[/COLOR]
[B]Hair:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](please correspond with your element)[/COLOR]
[B]Eyes:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](please correspond with your element)[/COLOR]
[B]Height:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Weight:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Build:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Markings:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]tattoos, birthmarks, etc.[/COLOR]
[B]Animal Form:[/B] (either an image or a link to the image)

[B]Personality:[/B] [color=postingcolor]What are you like?[/COLOR]
[B]Likes:[/B] [color=postingcolor]Please share at least three[/COLOR]
[B]Dislikes:[/B] [color=postingcolor]Please share at least three[/COLOR]
[B]Why do you fight:[/B] [color=postingcolor]What is your reason and what side are you on?[/COLOR]

[B]Powers/Skills:[/B] [color=postingcolor]What are you good at?[/COLOR]
[B]Weaknesses:[/B] [color=postingcolor]You must have at least one[/COLOR]
[B]Weapons:[/B] [color=postingcolor]Up to three[/COLOR]
[B]Clothing Style:[/B] [color=postingcolor]What do you typically wear?[/COLOR]

[B]History:[/B] [color=postingcolor]This can be as long or short as you want.[/COLOR]

[B]Extra:[/B] [color=postingcolor]Anything else you want to share[/COLOR]
Elemental's Partner Skeleton
HTML Code:
[CENTER][img]insert image link here[/img]

[B][SIZE=5][COLOR=postingcolor]Character Name[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Played by [COLOR=postingcolor][username][/COLOR]
[B][SIZE=3][COLOR=postingcolor]“Character quote goes here.”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[B]Nickname:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](if you have one)[/COLOR]
[B]Rank:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](hunter, royal, government official, etc.)[/COLOR]
[B]Age:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](16 or older)[/COLOR]
[B]Gender:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](female/male)[/COLOR]
[B]Species:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]Human (or another creature as long as it's been oked first)[/COLOR]
[B]Orientation:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, homosexual)[/COLOR]
[B]Relationship Status:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](single, dating, it's  complicated, engaged, married...if your character is in a relationship  please share who with.)[/COLOR]
[B]Before You Met Your Partner[/B]
[B]Hair:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Eyes:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]After You Met Your Partner[/B]
[B]Hair:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](please correspond with your element)[/COLOR]
[B]Eyes:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](please correspond with your element)[/COLOR]
[B]Height:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Weight:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Build:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Markings:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]tattoos, birthmarks, etc.[/COLOR]

[B]Personality:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]What are you like?[/COLOR]
[B]Likes:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]Please share at least three[/COLOR]
[B]Dislikes:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]Please share at least three[/COLOR]
[B]Why do you fight:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]Why do you help your partner/why you fight. If you don't want to fight then tell us why.[/COLOR]

[B]Powers:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]Max of three.[/COLOR]
[B]Weaknesses:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]You must have at least one[/COLOR]
[B]Weapons:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]Up to three[/COLOR]
[B]Clothing Style:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]What do you typically wear?[/COLOR]

[B]History:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]This can be as long or short as you want.[/COLOR]

[B]Extra:[/B] [COLOR=postingcolor]Anything else you want to share[/COLOR]

Hunters and Other Characters Skeleton
HTML Code:
[CENTER][img]insert image link here[/img]

[B][SIZE=5][COLOR=postingcolor]Character Name[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
Played by [COLOR=postingcolor][username][/COLOR]
[B][SIZE=3][COLOR=postingcolor]“Character quote goes here.”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]

[B]Nickname:[/B] [color=postingcolor](if you have one)[/COLOR]
[B]Rank:[/B] [color=postingcolor](hunter, royal, government official, etc.)[/COLOR]
[B]Age:[/B] [color=postingcolor](16 or older)[/COLOR]
[B]Gender:[/B] [color=postingcolor](female/male)[/COLOR]
[B]Species:[/B] [color=postingcolor]Human or Other[/COLOR]
[B]Orientation:[/B] [color=postingcolor](heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, homosexual)[/COLOR]
[B]Relationship Status:[/B] [color=postingcolor](single, dating, it's  complicated, engaged, married...if your character is in a relationship  please share who with.)[/COLOR]
[B]Hair:[/B] [color=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Eyes:[/B] [color=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Height:[/B] [color=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Weight:[/B] [color=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Build:[/B] [color=postingcolor](whatever you like)[/COLOR]
[B]Markings:[/B] [color=postingcolor]tattoos, birthmarks, etc.[/COLOR]

[B]Personality:[/B] [color=postingcolor]What are you like?[/COLOR]
[B]Likes:[/B] [color=postingcolor]Please share at least three[/COLOR]
[B]Dislikes:[/B] [color=postingcolor]Please share at least three[/COLOR]
[B]Why you hate or help the Elementals:[/B] [color=postingcolor]There has to be  reason[/COLOR]

[B]Skills:[/B] [color=postingcolor]What are you good at?[/COLOR]
[B]Weaknesses:[/B] [color=postingcolor]You must have at least one[/COLOR]
[B]Weapons:[/B] [color=postingcolor]Up to three[/COLOR]
[B]Clothing Style:[/B] [color=postingcolor]What do you typically wear?[/COLOR]

[B]History:[/B] [color=postingcolor]This can be as long or short as you want.[/COLOR]

[B]Extra:[/B] [color=postingcolor]Anything else you want to share[/COLOR]
**Please PM completed profiles to blueblackrose**

Last edited by blueblackrose; 12-03-2014 at 03:38 PM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 11-27-2014, 02:26 AM

All is not what it appears...

The King

Alaric Rayner Blackthorn
Played by blueblackrose
“This world will belong to the humans and only the humans.”

Nickname: The Demon King, Rayner, Rayne, Al, Your Majesty
Rank: Supreme Ruler
Age: 31
Gender: I am a man.
Species: Human
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married to the queen.
Hair: Golden Blonde
Eyes: Deep crimson
Height: Five foot, eleven inches
Weight: Two Hundred four pounds
Build: Mesomorphic
Markings: Not telling.

Personality: I am calculating, arrogant, rude, strict, forceful, cold hearted and egotistical. I am everything that it takes to be a supreme ruler. If the people do not fear their king then their king has failed.
Likes: My lovely wife, cleansing this world and humans.
Dislikes: Elementals, non-humans and weak people.
Why you hate or help the Elementals: Elementals and other non-humans do not belong in this world. They are unnatural creatures who shall die at my hands. Humans are the rightful rulers of this world.

Skills: Ruling over this world... I am excellent at striking fear into the hearts of the people within Mystika. I can hold my own in a fight, but I rather let others do the fighting for me.
Weaknesses: I am impatient and my hatred for non-humans. The queen, but none shall know this.
Weapons: This is for me to know and you not to know. I will let you in on a little secret. I do always carry at least on weapon on me at all times. Can't be caught with my guard down.
Clothing Style: Whatever I feel is comfortable.

History: This is of no concern to you. All you need to know is that I am the king of this world.

Extra: "I will finish what my ancestor started and rid this world of the elementals."

The Queen
Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow

Kalypso Victoria Blackthorn
Played by [CrimsonShadow]
“We will conquer and rule them all”

Nickname: Queen Kalypso, Kal (Only the King dares to call me by this)
Rank: Queen
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Married to the King
Hair: Black
Eyes: Amber
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 115 pounds
Build: Slender
Markings: Wouldn’t be ladylike to tell

Personality: Well you’ll just have to figure it out for yourself
Likes: My darling husband, my pets, my people
Dislikes: Disgusting elementals, animal cruelty, those who go against my husband
Why you hate or help the Elementals: I grew up that way. My darling husband hate’s them so I hate them.

Skills: My wit, I have a great mind for planning. The King often asks for my advice. I’m adapt at acquiring secrets and I am extremely charming. Throwing very sharp things.
Weaknesses: My blind love for my husband. My views are his views
Weapons: A Lady should never need for a weapon. Though I do always have daggers in my hair. They’re made to look like pins.
Clothing Style: Extravagant to be frank. I’m the Queen, of course I should look like one.

History: I grew up in Court and then I caught the eye of the Prince. We fell in love and were wed. That’s the only part of my history you should know.

Extra: Anything else you want to share

Elemental Spirits

Played by blueblackrose
“I will make sure that balance returns to our world at all costs.”

Nickname: Cinder or Cin
Appear to Be: In his twenties
Real Age: Doesn't remember
Gender: Can't you see that I'm a man?
Species: Fire Elemental
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Hair: Red Head
Eyes: Golden eyes with red and orange speckles in them.
Height: Six foot one inch
Weight: Two hundred twenty pounds
Build: Athletic with toned muscles
Markings: Black marking around his eyes. Flame on his right shoulder. It looks like a tattoo, but it's actually a mark that connects him and his partner. I also have a few scars on upper left arm.
Animal Form: When in his animal form his coat looks metallic because of the silver and golden fur mixed into the white/blond fur. His eyes also shift to bluish silver. One may not think he is the elemental of fire while in this form, but in fact he perfectly represents the hottest of flames.

Personality: Confident, brave, selfish (at times), strong willed, easy to anger, tempermental. impatient, and stubborn.
Likes: Napping on warm rocks in the sun, the sun, fire, the forest, music and my partner
Dislikes: Water in general, the King, bullies, hunters, those who want to eliminate the elementals and other supernatural creatures, and waiting.
Why do you fight: I fight to restore balance to the world. Elementals like myself and supernatural creatures should not have to live in fear. This world is as much ours as it is the humans. The long forgotten promise of peace. I fight to survive.

Powers/Skills: As the elemental of fire I can create, control and manipulate fire. I'm also able to heal others with minor to sever injuries. Oh and did I mention that my animal form is a white lion? As for skills I'm a pretty good fighter.
Weaknesses: Water and ice cause problems for me. My stubbornness, impatience and anger. My partner, I would protect her with my life.
Weapons: Really I have no need for weapons, but when I choose to then I typically use a naginata, scimitar and chakram.
Clothing Style: Usually I go shirtless or wear a sleeveless shirt with pants and knee high boots.

History: The past doesn't matter. All that matters is the present and the future that we are fighting for.
He may say this, but Cináed
is still haunted by some of the things that have happened in his past. One of them being the death of the woman he loved because he had been unable to protect her.

Cináed has lived a long time and has had a rough life. It's hard for him to remember what peace is like. There was so little of it when he was young. For almost as long as he can remember he has had to be on the run. Along the way he met many people both ones that helped him and ones that tried to kill him.

Extra: It doesn't matter what Roshan wants. She is his destined partner and it is with her help that we will save the people of Mystika. We will bring back the balance and long forgotten peace that once rules this world. The scars on my left arm were caused by an ice elemental. Another picture of me.

Originally Posted by Kilia

Played by [Kilia]
“Be quiet and listen...the earth is telling you about the secrets hidden deep with in.”

Nickname: Gai/Guy or Ai
Appear to Be:19
Real Age:To be honest it has been so long that I lost track
Relationship Status:Widow
Hair:Dark brown that it appears to be almost black
Eyes:Emerald Green
Height:Four foot Eight inches
Weight:One hundred and thirty pounds
Build:Petite but also athletic, which is hard to tell because of her hourglass shape
Markings:has a tree tattoo at the base of her neck that is a twin of her human's. Also has a paw print shaped burn in the middle of her chest.
Animal Form:

Personality:I am kind, caring, emotional...i am consider a mother to most or that really fun loving, caring aunt that you would rather hang out with.
Likes:Nature obviously, nighttime, rain
Dislikes:snow, fire, new moons
Why do you fight:I am on my own side. I fight to survive, to protect the earth so that it may live on, so that I may live on to take care of it.

Powers/Skills:Is every skilled at throwing knives and using the bow and arrows, she is decent at hand to hand combat. She is also skilled with her curved knives but it is clear that they are still awkward for her to use. Can control, manipulate, and alter/reshape the surrounding terrain, landscape, and earth at will. Can manipulate minerals and crystals. Can make golems out of inanimate materials like rocks, wood, plants, etc. Can manipulate and control the powerful forces of nature itself. Can also heal.
Weaknesses:Fire, using her certain aspects of her powers can leave her tired and vulnerable. The more powerful the power, the closer to death she gets.
Weapons:bow and arrows, throwing knives, and two curved daggers
Clothing Style:It depends on what i feel like. I could wear little to nothing or i could go all out and dress up in a nice elegant gown. Though if i had to say it would be a white chemise, a corset and capries and that is about it.

History:I was born, I was hunted and now i live safely with a human. What more do you want to know about me?

Extra:The burned paw print scar i have on my chest.....I got it from a fire spirit.
Originally Posted by Pandora's Box

Played by Pandora's Box
"I don't like the ground. My heart belongs in the sky."

Nickname: Z
Appear to Be: 16
Real Age: 30 (and still young)
Gender: Female
Species: Wind Element
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single and looking for cute guys.
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Light violet
Height: Five feet, six inches
Weight: One hundred and forty pounds
Build: Hourglass
Markings: I have a tattoo of a feather on my back.
Animal Form:

Personality: People tell me I'm too carefree. They say it like it's a bad thing. I am a child at heart and I haven't quite grown up yet. In a world like this, I worry that my fear of being caught will change me into someone I'm not. I decided not to let the King and his orders rule my life. Of course, I still have to keep the secret. I also prefer peace over violence.
Likes: The outdoors, birds, kind people.
Dislikes: Hiding, fighting, the stupid king.
Why do you fight: I am not a fighter, but I know that before the world can live at peace, the ones who cause violence must be stopped. So I fight for good, that way one day humans and spirits will live in harmony.

Powers/Skills: I can manipulate the air to my control, I mean, I'm a wind spirit after all. Apart from that, my only real skill is my ability to blend in and look adorable. Because who wants to hurt the cute kid?
Weaknesses: I don't like fighting, so I might not fight with all my strength, and even if I win a fight, I refuse to kill people, which may come back to haunt me. I'm also not very skilled with any weapons.
Weapons: My good looks? The closest thing I have to a weapon is a small dagger which I have never used.
Clothing Style: I tend to wear whatever I get my hands on. Simple dresses and things like that. I don't like shoes at all, and I prefer skirts over pants.

History: Compared to other spirits, I'm fairly young. So not much has happened in my life.

Extra: I love apples. Seriously, those things are yummy.
Originally Posted by Shadowgamer42
Played by Shadowgamer42
"Life's long and hard, that's just the way it is."

Nickname: N/A
Appear to Be: 18
Real Age: 107
Gender: I'm a female.
Species: Storm Elemental Spirit
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Hair: Dark purple (almost black)
Eyes: One blue, one gray.
Height: Five feet, eight inches
Weight: One hundred and sixty pounds
Build: Average
Markings: Tattoo of a sun, moon, and star on her back.
Animal Form:

Personality: I don't know how I'd describe myself. I don't fall into any character types that you would imagine. I am told I'm smart, but I'm not one to brag. Everyone seems to come to me when they need help. I don't really mind, I enjoy being around people.
Likes: Being around people, reading, visiting new places.
Dislikes: Being in hiding, people who take advantage of others, bugs.
Why do you fight: I want freedom, that's all really. I fight for the good of the elements.

Powers/Skills: I can summon lightning strikes and most types of storms. I'm also agile, and can climb trees or scale the sides of (certain) buildings.
Weaknesses: When I summon lightning, it will always hit my target, however, it may spread further than I expected and hit my allies as well. I'm also a night person, so I can be sluggish and tired during the day.
Weapons: I have half a dozen throwing knives.
Clothing Style: I'll wear pretty much anything.

History: I've been through a lot, and have learned a lot from it. That's all you need to know.

Extra: N/A
Originally Posted by Esmme

Malik Shiv
Played by Esmme
“There is no shared world. There is no peace. This, I promise.”

Nickname: Much to my disdain, Shiv and Mal sometimes slip through.
Appear to Be: 25
Real Age: Roughly ... 300.
Gender: Male
Species: Metal Elemental
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Hair: Pale silver
Eyes: Bronze - more of a reddish color than my picture shows.
Height: Six foot seven inches
Weight: Nearly 200 lbs, though you'll find that different kinds of metal weigh differently. Have fun trying to keep track of my weight.
Build: Obviously fit, built for shrugging off many blows that would down others.
Markings: The marking received from my bond looks like molten gold - it is a "splintering crack" beneath our skin. Hers is on the back of her neck, and is relatively small. Mine, however, spreads over my heart. It was the only thing I could give. As for scars, I have my fair share - I have many deep scars over my face and chest.
Animal Form: My wolf form retains the scars and markings I have in my humanoid form.

Personality: Gruff, rude, and fierce. I am not loyal, nor am I caring or merciful. I am very stubborn, make quick decisions, and have very little tact - it's a skill I don't bother strengthening. The weak die, and usually by my hand. I do not want peace, but war - it is in war that I thrive. You won't find a more unpleasant conversational partner.
Likes: The cold helps me concentrate, so I suppose I like that. I enjoy the thrill of battle and chase of danger. I also find warmth ... comforting.
Dislikes: The ignorant sorts who assume peace is obtainable. Anything small and weak is sickening. I also despise indecisiveness.
Why do you fight: I fight because that is my craving - there is nothing I do better. I enjoy the taste of battle, the scent of the battlefield. I am on my own side - I wish to be free of this foolish contract that I forged with my partner. I am forced to remain fighting for "peace" despite my true desires.

Powers/Skills: Any weapon placed in my hands is deadly. Metal can be formed and molded to my will, and I often toy with others merely for the sake of seeing them flounder their own fights. I can create and shift weapons and armor, and am able to become the element of which I'm made - metal. This means I am nearly molten - I can become whatever from I desire. My weapons are unable to be stolen from me - they are part of me. Only my partner can bear them - others feel the sharp edges of metal that weren't there when they grabbed the weapon.
Weaknesses: My element is very ... altered by emotion. My concentration is easily broken, thus if something distracts my anger from one subject to another, my element returns to me. I am also not fond of electricity or storms, as I conduct the power quite well. It's painful, and leaves everything buzzing - I hate it. It's the only thing that can break through my strength life a knife through butter.
Weapons: Usually a large two-handed broadsword, though often I enjoy using myself as a weapon. It's more interesting to feel them dying than to run them through.
Clothing Style: Mostly metal, though the bulk of my clothing is leather. It's more comfortable to move about in. I wear metal armor about my shoulders and upper arms, and there is a "spine" of plate that literally comes from within me - for all you know, it might actually be part of my bone structure. I wear pants, though rarely do I wear a shirt. They're very human in make, as modesty doesn't matter for an elemental who shifts forms.

History: I am a harbinger of war. I seek war. I moved away from my home because it was boring, and everyone there was interested in fostering peace. That was nearly three hundred years ago. I have seen the rise and fall of civilizations, and watched the mortals pass away with each generation. I sought battlefields, participating in whichever side seemed to be losing at the time. There was more challenge fighting on the losing side. It didn't matter what cause they fought for - I didn't care to find out.

Moving from battle to battle, I found myself in a fight with another elemental. It was strange, as I'd seen very few others of "my kind," especially the other elements. We met on the battlefield. It was glorious, and well worth the fight. I received plenty of my scars from the event. The most noticeable mark, however, is a deep groove over my heart. I won. I beat the storm elemental, and moved away from the battlefield.

I couldn't, however, escape my wounds. I pulled myself into the nearby forest, and there I rested, trying to keep myself from fading or bleeding out. A woman stumbled upon me days later. I was dying - I knew I was. The storm elemental had done something to me - that shard they left in my chest was more than enough to kill me slowly.

The woman who found me was hardly a child to me. A frail, delicate thing - a human. In my desperation, I made a pact with her. I survived only because she saw my power, and formed an agreement. I bonded with her to save my life. She knew what I was, and she knew what power she could have if she were to befriend me. I don't think she realized how difficult that would be.

Extra: While I protect my partner, I hold no particular liking for her. I keep her safe merely for my sake - if she were to die, then I would die as well. It's pathetic, saving a human. They're so delicate and easy to break. I suppose I only have till the end of her life to find a way to free myself from this torment - I am bored of her striving for peace, and need another source to keep me alive once she fades into dust.

Also, my word is my bond. Rarely do I speak words that mean nothing - every word I speak is binding. It's a curse that I hate to live with.
Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow

Played by [CrimsonShadow]
“The world needs peace. We will have peace.”

Nickname: Kat
Appear to Be: Twenties
Real Age: Psh who knows?
Gender: Female
Species: Ice Elemental
Orientation: Heterosexual on most days
Relationship Status: Widowed a very long time ago
Hair: Pure white and glittery, the color of fresh snow.
Eyes: Glowing silver
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 125 pounds
Build: Willowy, slight curves
Markings: Ice blue markings over my pale shimmery skin. My right arm, left rib traveling down to my hip, and down my spine.
Animal Form:

Personality: For the most part cool and collected. When she put’s up her “face” she is the embodiment of ice. Nothing could crack her exterior. But under all of that ice is a warm and loving person. She’s like a mom to other elementals and an Ice Queen to anything she dubs as a threat.
Likes: The cold, winter, snow, laying on a patch of ice, anything white, family, laughter.
Dislikes: Heat, fire, hunters, rudeness,
Why do you fight: I fight because I am an Elemental. Also the king killed my husband many, many years ago. I fight for his demise and for there to be peace.

Powers/Skills: Anything to do with ice. I can creat ice storms, whips of ice, send ice daggers flying at you. My other form is a large snow leopard. I’m a predator in both my forms. If there’s a fight I’m the first to jump in. Though I do know when to hold back.
Weaknesses: Fire, I’m done for if I get to hot. My partner, he is my life.
Weapons: My powers. But I carry around twin katana’s and a bow. No need for arrows, I create ones out of ice.
Clothing Style: Really doesn’t matter but I always have my white hooded cloak with me.

History: Not really one to talk about my past. King killed my husband long ago and now all I want is peace. We deserve that much.

Extra: Anything else you want to share
Originally Posted by Shikabane Hime

Anubina Gabriella Lolitas
Played by Shikabane Hime
“Freedom and War are two sides of the same coin. But if there is more war, then no one will be around to experience freedom.”

Nickname: Anu, Bina, Gabby, Ella, Bella, Gabriella
Appear to Be: 19
Real Age: I appear to have lost count, very sorry.
Gender: I am a female
Species: Water Spirit
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single at the moment
Hair: A very dark blue
Eyes: A bright sapphire, almost like they are glowing
Height: 5'7"
Weight: I do not wish to say
Build: Curvy and pear-shaped hybrid
Markings: On her back she as the birthmark on her back that is in the shape of the Yin and Yang symbol made of two Koi fish.
Animal Form:

Human 1
Human 2

Personality: Anubina is very peaceful and doesn't like violence. She believes that everyone has a place on earth and believes in the phrase "going with the flow." Anubina is also very shy and doesn't really know how to communicate well with others without shrinking int a corner. However, once she gets to know the person, she is very goofy and a bit silly as time goes on. Deep down, Anubina doesn't want to fight, she can't bring herself to harm anyone, she would whether have this be done peacefully. Considerate and kind-hearted, Anubina makes sure that everyone has gotten their fair share and wants everyone's voice to be heard.
Likes: Loves singing, sweet things, kittens, swimming with the marine animals, walking around in different forms and many more to be revealed.
Dislikes: Yelling, abuse, someone harming children, being told that she is weak, having her normal life being disrupted, more to come.
Why do you fight: I will not fight, I refuse to harm another person just to prove my point.

Powers/Skills: As the water spirit, my specialty lies with manipulation over water itself or water based things. I also have the ability to change my form, I guess that isn't really special, but I considerate one of my powers since I can't change my form to look like almost anyone I wish to.
Weaknesses: I guess you can say one of my weaknesses would be violence towards others, I can't bring myself to harm someone or something, even if I am getting hurt. I also have a weakness for children, I don't like to see them in pain. I sometimes suffer from fits of memories coming into my head about my past. I also can't stand to watch my partner experience pain in any shape or form. For many shapeshifting, I can only copy appearance, I can't copy powers.
Weapons: The Siren's Harp and a long white bladed katana.
Clothing Style: My clothes normally flow like water. It's very light so it doesn't slow me down when I am in or out of the water. The colors I aim for in various shades of blues with splashes of white. I venture into the darker colors as well, since I must say that I like them a lot.

History: I have been hunted for so long, I was afraid that my story would fade with my existence. I have always lived with the humans, I didn't really like fighting as much as the other spirits or humans so I normally stayed away from them, only helping those who are in need of healing. Hunters have been hunting me, killing a lot of my friends and my loved ones. So in order to protect myself and those who were alive as well, I have shut myself away. Hiding, if you will, within the water. I never returned to the surface until I felt like it was time. I have now returned and have met my partner, but I just hope that it isn't too late to fix things before everything goes done the drain.

Extra: Anubina has a lot of forms that she uses in order to get around so that no on will find her...most of the time. She normally goes from human to animal and back to human. But when she is sleeping, she has to return back to her original form, no matter what.
Originally Posted by Kiyoto

Played by [Kiyoto]
“Sometimes hope is the only light we have.”

Nickname: Mitsu
Appear to Be: Twenty-One
Real Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Light Elemental
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Hair: White
Eyes: One is a golden color, the other blue
Height: Six foot, Two inches.
Build: Slender and lean, he has a developed muscle tone from an active life style. Fit and trim, he keeps himself in shape.
Markings: None
Animal Form:

Personality: Kind and warm, he comes off as being a good guy to everyone. He is the type to prefer learning for himself about someone, before making up his mind about someone. He is strong willed and hearted, quick to put himself in harms way, if it means protecting another. He is often more soft spoken, not one for confrontation. However, when he is passionate or his emotions are high, his light can burn like that of any fire. He is typically more calm and level headed, thinking things through. He has a naturally calming personality, one that seems to draw others in to him. He is a good listener, and one who will help others in any way he can. He is modest and benevolent, not one to be arrogant or cocky at all. He is a natural born leader, having little trouble stepping up and taking the lead, however, he does not wish to force or push others into anything they are not ok with. He has a good sense of justice, living by a sort of code, and a good head on his shoulders. He is the all around good guy for the most part. Most say he does not have a bad bone in his body.
Likes: Nature, helping others, moonlight, snow, etc.
Dislikes: Darkness, blood, seeing others hurt or used, evil, arrogance, etc.
Why do you fight: He is on the side of the people, the side of peace and a hope for a better future for those who inhabit the world. That is also why he fights.

Powers/Skills: As a light elemental being, Mitsukai stands as the embodiment of light. He is able to bend not only light to his will in various ways, but also dabbles in light abilities that are deemed more of the “holy” nature. He is skilled in tactics and strategy, as well as has heightened senses, strength, agility, speed and a more animal nature at times, due to his bonding with his animal.
Weaknesses: He has a natural weakness for darkness, and thus is more sensitive to darkness around him. His good nature and heart can be a weakness as well, since it leads some to try and take advantage of him. Some believe that his code is a weakness, for he refuses to kill, even someone who is so horrible and vial, that others deem deserve it.
Weapons: He at times will use a bow and arrow, a smaller sword more closely related to a dagger in size, and if need be a sword.
Clothing Style: Lighter colors, typically in the field, he will wear something like this in nature. When more casual, he can be found in a white shirt that ties up the chest with a string, as well as brown leather pants and black boots.

History: Mitsukai has always been held in high regard, even among others who walk the path of the light. He has had a pretty strict upbringing and life in this sense, people always watching and looking to him to stand strong and be..well…a light. However, when people actually think about it, there is really little known about him and his past, making people to often be curious about him. When asked, he will more than likely tell people to look towards the future instead, to hold onto their light and hope, and try to make the future a better place for all..

Extra: His name means “Angel”, and he keeps a charm with him around his neck. It is to bring luck and protection.
Originally Posted by Xavirne

R. Shepard Grey
Played by Xavi
“When hope is lost, mankind fails. I will prevent this.”

Nickname: Shepard
Appear to Be: 27
Real Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Darkness
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: N/A
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey
Height: Six-feet, two-inches
Weight: Two-hundred and some odd pounds
Build: Slender side of the BMI
Markings: Large scars and burns across the face (reason he wears a helmet)
Animal Form: Chameleon

When it comes to personality, it's hard to really discuss who Shepard is for he's often scouting the forest for the enemy. Those who are closest to him would say he's friendly and understanding, but in a way that would irk or annoy people. You see, Shepard doesn't really give people a shoulder to cry on or give them emotional support. He does, however, act and will give someone the advice they need to succeed and stand on their own two feet again.

He's a very logical man, often a bit detached from emotions. As you can assume, those who don't fully know Shepard might see him as cold, heartless, and rude. They will warn you that Shepard has no feelings and doesn't care about human life. But the reality of it all is that he does. He does care and he hates seeing people die. He's learned to stop grieving over this for he knows tears won't bring back peace or vanquish the titans. He uses his sorrow to foster up the strength, courage, and heart to press on. Because of this, those who fight with him will say that Shepard is wise beyond his years. His courageousness is one to applaud and his methods, although seemingly cold, are actually very practical.

Shepard isn't what you would call overly talkative, but he does converse with people during down time. He enjoys listening and teaching above all else. The rumored raven also likes reading and learning, often watching how people interact and behave. He believes that if he can grasp humans, he might be able to learn how to read titans.

A final thing to note about Shepard is that is he is fully aware of his limits and weaknesses. He knows when to stop and he will do as such. To Shepard, it is better to not overdo it and let someone die. As morbid and cruel as it sounds, he knows the fate of the world rests on his shoulders so if he did overdo it and got injured, the end would be unstoppable. He understands his place in life and he will do all he can to ensure he succeeds.
Likes: I have always been a fan of the wilderness. I enjoy being outside and basking in the sun. I also enjoy long walks and skipping rocks across the water. Even since I was little, I've been able to whistle bird calls and understand how the birds feel. Probably has something to do with avoiding becoming bird food....
Dislikes: Like everyone, there are some things I simply despise. I have never been a fan of spiders (I don't care if I'm supposed to eat them, they scare me) and I don't do well around water. To be honest, I am petrified of water. I would rather walk three days than wade across a stream. I also dislike the rain. I do, however, love thunderstorms so long as I'm not getting rained on.
Why do you fight: He does not want life to end or for it to fall into the wrong, wicked hands.

I've been gifted with the ability to vanish before your very eyes. Granted, this isn't a long thing. I can "poof" for about fifteen seconds before reappearing. I can't go invisible again for about thirty seconds. Perks of invisibility are increased agility. Aside from vanishing, I can create doppelgangers, three to be exact. The neat part is, I can vanish while the shadow clones are out and distracting the enemy. Being clones, they add no strength to my attacks; they merely distract and act as a decoy.

Off the topic of magical powers, I am extremely fast. It's part of my occupation. I've learned to run faster than most and I can endure this speed for a long time (about 10-miles).

Seeing as I'm a scout and hunter, I know how to... wait for it... track and hunt. Shocker, right? What you didn't know is that I'm a clean freak and I can sew. I'm also a bit of a tinker and mechanic; I can pretty much fix anything, even if it's just a make-shift, temporary fix.
Weaknesses: Time. As capable as I am, time is not my friend. Not to mention, the timing of others. I hate to admit it, but I like to think and do alone. My moves are always per-calculated. On rare occasions I have mowed down an alley simply because they interfered with my attack. Oh, and if it wasn't obvious, I'm terrified for water so please keep it away from me!
Weapons: My blade glows blue and, when an enemy is near, it flickers white. I'm not sure why, but I like to think the heavens smile down at me as I try to defend mankind. My friends like to tease me that I'm a ninja assassin due to my flexibility, speed, and ability to vanish with the shadows. Regarding what I carry, it's really only my sword. Okay, okay. I have a few guns, too. A revolver and a sniper rifle.
Clothing Style: Regarding my attire, I am often found in my slim-fitting black and grey suit of leather, cloth, metal, and chain mail. The suit is neither warm nor cold, which leaves me to fend for my own body temperature controls. I always wear a helmet as I prefer to keep my face hidden. Let's just say I have some scars I would prefer not to share with the world. I fear they won't be ready to fully embrace my ugliness. I do wear a necklace that was given to me by a dear friend. Since her passing, I haven't been able to remove it.

History: Losing both his mother and father to a hunter out to kill him, Shepard was raised by a young mother and her boyfriend. For the first few years of his life, he group up alongside a pretty little miss by the name of Annie Lynn Jenkins. The two were practically siblings, save for the fact that Shepard was an orphan. Even so, he believed Annie to be his sister and did everything with the petite brunette. Their innocence was soon severed when Mr. Anchert (Annie's step-father) decided to send Shepard off to a military school. From there, Shepard trained until he became the vigilante of his days. However, when evil came, he was forced into hiding, taking on the form of a chameleon to keep from dying. Upon learning that the hunters were on the move again, he's come out from hiding with the hopes of whipping the rag-tag team of misfit spirits into shape to take on the forces of evil the bring about great disturbance.

Extra: As an aside, I do enjoy singing. I have been told my deep, rich voice is quite arousing when I sing. There's something about my dark lullabies that makes people swoon, though I'm still not sure why.
Elemental's Partners

Roshan Aki Starr
Played by blueblackrose
“This isn't what I wanted to become. It is what I was destined to become.”

Nickname: Star, Ai, Aki and Little Flame.
Rank: Rogue, Huntress, The Fire Elemental's Partner
Age: 27
Gender: I'm a woman.
Species: Shapeshifter
Orientation : Hun, I don't discriminate.
Relationship Status: Single, maybe this will change *wink*
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Hazel
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Azure with speckles of silvery white, green and black in them.
Height: Five foot, two inches
Weight: One hundred thirty-one pounds
Build: On the petite side with and hourglass figure and a little on the athletic side.
Markings: Roshan has what appears to be a flame tattoo on her right shoulder that matches her partners. It is a symbol of their contract.

Personality: I am confident, strong willed, stubborn and at times hot tempered. One could say I'm a little spitfire. At times I can also be a flirt and a real bitch. I have my quirks, but that just makes me unique.
Likes: Fire, napping in the sun, sweets, music and dancing
Dislikes: Weak willed people, liars, bullies, loud noises, senseless killing, and the King.
Why do you fight: I fight because this what I was destined to do. It may not be the path that I wanted to take, but it is the one that I am meant to take in life. I share Cináed's dream of restoring the balance and peace to the world that we live in. There is no reason why those of us who are non-humans should have to live in fear or hiding. It's time that the human's remember the promise that was made long ago and that equality was restored. I will fight with everything that I am for what I believe in and to survive.

Powers: I'm a shapeshifter and am able to shift into the form of other living creatures. Thanks to my partner I am also able to create, control and manipulate fire at will. Cináed also gifted me with the ability to heal minor and moderate injuries.
Weaknesses: Water puts a damper on my fire abilities. So using them in the rain and snow isn't such a good idea. My anger, it can sometimes cloud my judgement and cause me to reckless. Healing others can leave me a little weak.
Weapons: A short sword, throwing knives and whip
Clothing Style: While travelling I usually wear a tunic under a leather corset, leather gloves, pants, thigh high leather boots, belt with pouches and a blue cloak. When staying in one place for a while I'll sometimes wear dresses and skirts. My clothes are usually a little more fiery in color as well.

History: I haven't had the easiest of the life, but I'm not going to go into all of the details because well you just don't need to know off of that stuff. I will however share some of the highlights. I didn't get along with my mother. We often fought and one day when I as fifteen she told me to leave and never come back. That is exactly what I did. I took what I needed and left home with the intention of never returning. I lived in the forest alone. One day while I was near the lake Cináed found me. He corned me and told me that we were to be partners. At first I wanted nothing to do with him or to believe what he said. Over time we came to an understanding. At the time I was either sixteen or seventeen. Yes the two of us have been partners for a very long time. So we know each other well.

Extra: There is more then meets the eye when it comes to me.
Originally Posted by Pandora's Box

Aya Cross
Played by Pandora's Box
“Never underestimate how much trouble I can get in."

Nickname: N/A
Rank: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: I'm a girl.
Species: Human
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Golden
Height: Five feet nine inches
Weight: One hundred and fifty five pounds
Build: Athletic
Markings: None.

Personality: I'm a bit mysterious, I keep to myself most of the time. However, I'm not always like that. Once I'm comfortable with someone, I'll show them who I am. And apparently, I'm annoying.
Likes: Sneaking around, Ziarra, relaxing.
Dislikes: Snobby rich people, Bounty hunters, thunderstorms.
Why do you fight: Ziarra is like a little sister to me, and the thought of people trying to hurt her makes me angry. She's too ditsy to stay out of trouble, and I have a lot of experience with trouble, and staying out of it. So all I care about right now is her being safe.

Powers: I have a special set of..skills. Ah, who am I kidding. I'm a thief, and a really good one too. I've got an enchanted key that can open any normal lock. I'm also good with archery, although I do better with firing from a distance than in normal combat.
Weaknesses: Thunder and lightning = No. I'm terrified of it. I'm also not the smoothest talker, and I'm a little too blunt.
Weapons: My magic key and my bow.
Clothing Style: Whatever.

History: I'm a thief, what more do you want from me?

Extra: I'm not as forgiving as Ziarra, and won't hesitate to fight.
Originally Posted by Esmme

Lydia Harper
Played by Esmme
“We can live in peace. We can stop the destruction.”

Nickname: Pup, little one, whelp, human ... anything Mal decides to call me. I enjoy pet names, even if he intends them to be insulting.
Rank: Noble-born daughter to a court official. I am a close cousin of the king and his twin, Alister.
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, though currently engaged to a noble-born from another city. I've never met the man.
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: Dark brown hair
Eyes: Brown eyes
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: Dark auburn, as though it took on a slight bronze hue
Eyes: There is a ring of bronze about my pupil now, though my eyes are still brown.
Height: Five foot five inches
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Slender, and agile, though still a soft sort
Markings: The marking received from our bond looks like molten gold - it is a "splintering crack" beneath our skin. Mine is on the back of my neck, and is relatively small. A two-inch span of "cracks" is easily hidden by hair, luckily.

Personality: I am a sweet sort, or so I'm told. I'm friendly, and trusting enough to give people a second chance. I wish to promote peace and equality, and believe friends can be found in any corner of the world. I'm adventurous, curious, and (true to my birth heritage) tactful. My diplomacy is what's gotten my this far in supporting the peace between races without me being found out and executed. I have an excellent "court mask" face, and can control my expressions for the most part.

Mal says I'm ignorant, naive, and foolish. I don't want to say it's true, but ... I don't know.

Likes: Strange objects and people catch my eye, and I collect a lot of oddities. I truly enjoy speaking with friends, physical contact, and companionship. I am a very friendly sort, and my actions are often taken as flirtatious.
Dislikes: The killing of the innocent, those unable to see past their own wants, and battlefields full of death and destruction.
Why do you fight: I fight because I see the potential for goodness and peace within both races. Neither race is worse than the other, despite how much power the elementals hold. I think that by joining forces, we could find a common enemy and live better because of it.

Powers: Ability to wield any weapon with the skill of her partner (even if she's never seen the weapon before). Ability to withstand the elements better than the average human, though still feels them keenly it will not kill her. Minor influence over small bits of metal - for example, lock picks or keys are easy for her to manipulate, or altering metal hooks to drop objects, bend metal bars (with a lot of concentration).
Weaknesses: I find myself strangely afraid of electricity and storms now, though I get the feeling it isn't my fear. I think it stems from my bond with Mal. But ... I am still human. I will die if I am poisoned, stabbed, shot, or mauled. It's Mal's job to keep me from dying.
Weapons: I carry small blades, but typically don't use them. I use whatever is necessary at the time thanks to Mal.
Clothing Style: I wear a lot of dark crimsons, deep purples, and various bits of gold and brown. My clothing is frivolous to Mal, as he doesn't care for things such as dresses and finery. But I really enjoy my fine clothes. For adventuring, however, I do wear light leather garments and a tunic of dusty purple color.

History: I was raised in the court circles as an only child. It was lonely, but I found ways to keep myself busy through curiosity and learning the complex workings of nobles and their silver tongues. Thoughout my childhood I was loved by my parents and well off. I had everything I could want - exotic pets, books, a loving family, riches, fine clothing and large meals. But ... it wasn't what I was seeking. By the time I moved on to start my schooling for diplomacy, I was getting restless.

I spent many years in the ladies school for diplomacy near my cousin's estate - near the King's home. I finished my classes quickly, and in my free time I roamed the forests nearby. I work closely with Hen Tai, who is ... an interesting sort. I know how to deal with him, despite his odd behaviors. You just have to keep a straight face, which I'm quite practiced at. I have a fantastic "court mask."

While I was finishing classes, I began to wander in the forests again. Just a few months ago I came across the most peculiar situation. A metal elemental had been wounded, and was dying. I found him with a shard in his heart, one that conducted electricity. I made a pact with him - I knew of his power. I'd studied the elementals and their kind in my free time throughout my life, and found them fascinating. With an elemental bonded to me, I could both use him to convince others that peace was possible and prove to him that not all humans hate his kind.

Malik Shiv made the pact out of desperation - it is our pact that keeps him alive and dulls the shard of lightning in his chest. I wish to befriend him, but he doesn't want anything to do with me.

I'm hoping that with this pact I can both understand the elemental and inspire others to trust their kind. It's ... difficult when Mal is so feral. I don't regret my choice - I only hope that he will change. Three hundred years of hatred is too much for a "whelp" to repair.

Extra: I like the company of animals and tend to talk to them easily, as they are good listening ears. I'm sure Mal wishes he could be deaf....
Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow

Played by [CrimsonShadow]
“For them I will sacrifice everything”

Nickname: Cade
Rank: The Ice Elemental’s partner
Age: 28 in human years
Gender: Male
Species: Dark/Light Elf
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: Black
Eyes: Right eye; very dark green. Left eye; gold
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: Shimmery light grey (almost white)
Eyes: Right eye; very dark green with ice blue streaks. Left eye; gold with ice blue streaks
Height: 6’ 4”
Weight: 152 pounds
Build: Muscular and fit
Markings: Ice blue markings that match my partners.

Personality: Stoic and a protector. I’m fierce about protecting the elementals. Around those who I love I’m funny and caring. Always there for anyone that needs me.
Likes: The cold, plants and animals, my partner
Dislikes: Heat, anyone who doesn’t respsect mother nature, people who do anything to Katarina
Why do you fight: My kind were slaughtered for not being human. There is only a few of my people left and that is only because the elementals saved them. So now I fight with them, to restore the peace. .

Powers: Because I am a dark/light elf I have two powers. My dark side gives me the power over shadows. My light side, the power to control nature. Katarina give’s me the ability to control ice.
Weaknesses: I cannot create ice, thus Katarina must create it for me. Fire is a weakness for that ability also. My people are my other weakness. I would do anything for them.
Weapons: Sword, a few daggers, and
Clothing Style: Usually a tunic, pants, leather boots.

History: I’m an Elf, my mother a Dark Elf and my father and Light. You would think that I would have been an outcast from my people because usually Light and Dark war between themselves. But for Elves that isn’t such. We are a peaceful but strong species. I was bred to be a warriorm to protect our people. My kind, the dark/light were meant to protect as we are the strongest. So that is what I did. For centuries we had peace until the humans found us. They took us by surprise and burned our homeland to the ground. Without mother nature around us half of us couldn’t fight with our powers. Most of my people were slaughtered. But I managed to escape with almost two hundred of us, with the help of the elementals. They came to our aid allowing some of us to survive.

We found a new hidden place to live and now I work with the elementals. I’m partnered with a woman I consider my sister, Katarina. She is the one that got us all away and to a safe place. I would do anything for my people, sacrifice everything for them. As I would for the elementals.

Extra: He has dark grey skin
Originally Posted by Shadowgamer42

Played by [Shadowgamer42]
“I'm going to use my cuteness to my advantage.”

Nickname: (N/A)
Rank: (The Storm Elemental's Partner)
Age: (18)
Gender: (female)
Species: Human
Orientation: (heterosexual)
Relationship Status: (single)
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: (white)
Eyes: (blue)
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: (dark purple)
Eyes: (grey)
Height: (5 feet 10 inches)
Weight: (One hundred and sixty five pounds)
Build: (average)
Markings: N/A

Personality: When people first meet me, they say that I'm cute. They say "Awe," and they have huge smiles on their faces. I also act cute. Sometimes I'll use that to my advantage.
Likes: candy, ice cream, and cute dresses
Dislikes: dirt, Audra getting hurt, boys
Why do you fight: I fight to keep Audra safe. She is my best friend, and I don't want anything bad to happen to her. I will try my best to keep her safe.

Powers: My cuteness is my power. Like I said before, I'll use my cuteness to my advantage. Even though I'm a teenager, I still act like a little girl. It has helped me before in dangerous situations. Hey, whatever works, right?
Weaknesses: I can't use powers like Audra can.
Weapons: I'll use whatever I can find when I'm fighting. (like sticks, rocks, etc.)
Clothing Style: I'll usually wear my dresses

History: When I was younger, I had a friend. She wasn't the sort of friend that I would always play dolls with. She was more like the Grandmother type of friend. I loved spending time with her, and I cried when she passed away. I think that's why I get along well with Audra. She's pretty old, but we gt along together very well. She has taught me so much with all of her wisdom and guidance. I just hope she doesn't die soon. That would be really sad.

Extra: N/A
Originally Posted by Kiyoto

Hikaru Leon
Played by [Kiyoto]
“Sometimes the only path, is the one you carve for yourself.”

Nickname: None
Rank: Prince of Liore, rebel.
Age: Eighteen
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazle
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: Lighter brown, but in times of intense emotion, or in sync with his partner, it will turn white.
Eyes: Lighter hazle, but in times of intense emotion, or in sync with his partner, they will turn a golden brown color.
Height: Five foot, Eleven inches.
Weight: 65.7709 kg
Build: Slender and lean, he has a light muscle tone, but is still working on it for his age. He does have muscle to him though, due to his active lifestyle. He is lengthy a bit, and maturing well for his age.
Markings: He has a mark on his back, marking him as part of the royal family.

Personality: Bold, rash, stubborn, headstrong, passionate, all of these can be used to describe him. He can be seen as a hot headed, typical teen boy. He is indeed driven and torn often by his emotions. He has a more “in your face” personality, having little trouble getting up into other’s faces and speaking his mind and heart. However, this does not mean he is a bad guy. He is fiercely loyal and faithful, one to always give his all to protect people, especially those he cares for. He is smart and cunning, one to think on his feet. However, he can be impatient, hating to sit still or stand around and do nothing. He is active and one to continue pushing forward. Giving up is not in his vocab a lot of the time, which can get him into trouble along with his mouth. He does normally have his heart in the right place, but he does not always know how to express himself, or get his feelings across. He typically keeps many things inside, due to the stigma and the path of a royal person.
Likes: Nature, rain, animals, training, etc.
Dislikes: Blood, arrogance, cockiness, those who would use or abuse others for their own gain.
Why do you fight: To rebuild what they took from my people, as well as to make a better future for those I am able to help.

Powers: He is able to heal the wounds of others, as well as bend a bit of light energy to his will (imbuing it into objects, making light blasts, etc.) and able to make light shields..
Weaknesses: He has a weakness to darkness, because of his light ranking now. His mouth and many other aspects of his personality can be a problem for him. At the same time, his status and his ties to what happened in his kingdom can cause him trouble, since they will also bring feelings of anger and pain.
Weapons: He carries with him a sort of old fashioned gun, a boomerang that has his families crest on it, and his father’s sword.
Clothing Style: He can typically be found within traditional heavier clothing of his land. A jacket, with pants, a headband and or hood as well. Though he is versitile, and can change to wear whatever suits him and the occasion. At the same time, he is never found without boots or his black fingerless gloves.

History: Hikaru belongs to a sandy and desert oasis kingdom called Liore. It resides in the east of Mystika, and has always lived in peace and ruled under the guidance and king of Mystika. However, tension grew between Liore and the king as the man came into power and began targeting the elemental spirits and those connected with them. Hikaru was born to Liore's king, and was raised as its prince. He understood that in truth, the royal family of Liore was out ranked by the king of Mystika, and that the tensions between the two due to the choices on what to do about the elemental spirits could lead to trouble. However, his father tried his best to shield Hikaru from such dark things at such a young age, wanting him to live a happy and healthy childhood.

However, the already tense peace did not last long. As the king of Mystika thought that Liore was harboring and helping the spirits, he ordered an invasion of Liore and an overthrow of the royal family. He sought to take back control overall from the peaceful and relatively independant area. It was a horrible night, many died, including Hikaru's parents. He was fourteen at the time, and was forced to flee against his will by guards. Liore was badly hurt, the land ravaged. People who had enjoyed an era of peace and harmony were dragged under the rule of the overall king once more. It threw the land into darker and more chaotic times. Hikaru was kept moving, from place to place. He was the last living heir of the Liore line, and thus a threat. Hikaru harbored a pain and anger for what had happened. It only succeeded in pulling him to a darker place, obscuring his normally good heart.

It was about this time, that he was endangered by a group of guards for the king. He was saved out of nowhere by a white tiger. Oddly enough, he was not afraid. He soon learned that it was none other than one of the elemental spirits. At first he was angry, believing they had had a hand in helping to harm his home. However, after spending some time with who he discovered as the spirit of light, he began to see the world differently. It helped to heal his heart, and open it up, as well as his mind. He gradually felt better, though his past still holds a darker place in him. He has pledged himself to helping the spirits, as well as the world. This means protecting them from the king, and in turn, building a better world for the future. Hopefully in time rebuilding Liore as well.

Extra: He has an odd tallent for playing the flute, and often can be heard playing it to calm himself.
Originally Posted by Euphonium Panda

Jennifer Grow
Played by Euphonium Panda
“Everything is beautiful, how you use it is what matters.”

Nickname: Jen
Rank: Rougue
Age: 274, her human form is only 16 however.
Gender: Female
Species: Wisp
Orientation: Asexual
Relationship Status: Single
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: Blue in her wisp form, light brown in her human form.
Eyes: Amber in her wisp form, green in her human form.
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: Grey in her wisp form, chocolate brown in her human form.
Eyes: Amber in her wisp form, grey in her human form.
Height: She is always 5'3"
Weight: 126 lbs
Build: Her wisp form is well endowed, but with slight shoulders and thinner appendages. Her human form is very childish in looks.
Markings: She has very pure skin, no marks are visible.

Personality: She is both friendly and mysterious, she will never willingly talk about herself, but will gladly make friends with anyone with a pure enough heart. She seems much friendly than she really is, and will leave or kill you when you least expect it if you anger her enough.
Likes: She likes new friends, the elements, and music.
Dislikes: She hates violence, liars, and unjust treatments, whether it be punishment or otherwise.
Why you hate or help the Elementals: She hates how the king has destroyed so many people and elementals for seemingly no real reason. There's nothing more to it, she simply can't stand the unjust treatment of those that aren't human.

Skills: She is very good at spying, and performing sneak attacks, she can also melt into the shadows.
Weaknesses: She tends to fade out when she is uncomfortable, whether she seems to be or not. It makes communicating hard for others at times. Fading out also affects her tangibility, preventing her from being able to attack.
Weapons: Throwing daggers, twin swords.
Clothing Style: In her wisp form she tends to wear longer, breezier clothing that flows around her legs and keeps them hidden. In her human form she tends to wear belly showing tops and shorts of varying colors.

History: She doesn't keep much of a history, as she doesn't stay in the same place long nor does she make herself too memorable except to those that she plans to keep in contact with.

Extra: She has the ability to take up a human form, in this form she is completely human and separate from her wisp form. It is much more fragile than her wisp form, and ages at a normal rate. If the human form is killed it is reborn as a baby, and she is usually stuck as a wisp until the human form has grown to an age that can take care of itself.
Originally Posted by Xavirne

Quinell Favager
Played by Xavi
“That's a nice back you have there. Mind if I stab it?”

Nickname: Quinn
Rank: Thug
Age: Twenty-two
Gender: Male
Species: Drow
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Freshly single; cheated on girlfriend
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: Hair
Eyes: Red
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: White but with a bluish tint to it
Eyes: Bluish-silver
Height: 6-foot, even
Weight: 150-ish pounds
Build: Lithe and lean
Markings: The very obvious black skin of his, naturally. Aside from that, he has a half-inch scar over lower, left side of lip. A notch cut out of his upper left ear. Teeth marks just above his right ankle (looks like a dog bit him). Three long scratch marks that run from his right shoulder down around to back just above the love handles (likely caused by the dog). Three short, 1-inch long marks on his back just below the rib cage (also assumed to be the dog).

Personality: Sweetest, most caring, most sensitive man in the world. Not! Quinn is emotionally unstable and constantly at war with everything around him. He's a standoffish man who trusts no one. Whatever you do, don't show him your backside or weaknesses. He loves to feast upon others when they are most vulnerable. Quite simply, Quinn is a backstabbing, ruthless man who lives solely for himself.
Likes: Pain, misery, and getting caught in the rain.
Dislikes: Dogs (huh, I wonder why), sunny days, and overly happy people.
Why do you fight: Fighting is hella fun! Why not kick some ass and have a legitimate reason to do it? Just don't get fooled into thinking he's doing it to "save the world." Quinn fights purely for the fun of it.

Powers: He's a drow so, by nature, his senses are also 10-times better than that of a human. Not to mention, he can see in the dark of the night! Quinn is incredibly crafty when it comes to the not-so-legal side of things. Need to hot-wire a car? Pick a lock? Break into a bank? He's your man!
Weaknesses: An ungodly fear of dogs. He's eyes, keenly tuned for darkness, have issues adjusting during the day so he's forced to wear sunglasses--unless he wants to squint and be half-blind!
Weapons: A lovely, black bow with hand-made arrows, as well as fletchettes and their holster gauntlet (the fletchettes are ideal for tranquilizing foes). Also carries a few small knives (perfect for backstabbing!).
Clothing Style: A black, leather tunic, of-sorts. It has long sleeves and runs down to above his knees. Beneath that, he wears a pair of form-fitting tights, also black. Around his feet are black, leather boots that lace up backside. On his hands, he wears a pair of finger-less, leather gloves, namely for pulling back the bow. And around his neck is a lovely silk scarf of a moon-color gray.

History: Quinn belongs to a group of drow that are trying to rectify their less-than-glamorous stereotypes. All his life, Quinn was raised with morals, ethics, and respect. Of course, as soon as he could get out of this, he did. At the age of eighteen, he took the curbs and said goodbye to that hoity-toity lifestyle. It just didn't suit him. He thirst for adventure and loved the grungier side of life. He has no qualms with making enemies and he certainly doesn't mind getting his hands dirty.

Extra: May or maybe not have been arrested at least once in his life.


Rufio Bliss
Played by blueblackrose
“One should always trust their instincts because looks can be deceiving.”

Nickname: Dante, Azure Ghost and Crimson Devil
Rank: Hunter
Age: 24
Gender: It should be obvious that I am a man.
Species: Presumed to be human, but actually has a mixture of human, elemental and possibly anthro blood which is only known to him.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single/It's complicated (feels a connection to Roshan)
Hair: Raven
Eyes: His right eye is crimson and his left eye is azure.
Height: Five foot, nine inches
Weight: One hundred ninety-eight pounds
Build: Lean, mesomorphic
Markings: He has a tattoo on his lower back.

Personality: I am sly and cunning. I like to keep people guessing and being mysterious. It's up to you to decide if I'm wearing a mask or being my true self.
Likes: I like the night, storms, fire, getting what I want and a good challenge.
Dislikes: I hate being double crossed, people who are lazy and sour things.
Why you hate or help the Elementals: My reasons for helping or hating them are my own. After all it can be hard to tell exactly who's side that I am on. I fight on my own side. I fight to survive and live within this world.

Skills: Being charming, gather information, archery, making poisons and cures, hand to hand combat, "magic" (it is magic, but he uses other ways to explain how he can do the things he does if there are witnesses), and swordsmanship
Weaknesses: Over thinking, the truth about what he is, not being able to trust and his infatuation with Roshan.
Weapons: Bow and quiver of 24 arrows, poisons, twin sword and dagger.
Clothing Style: My clothing usually varies depending on the region that I'm travelling in at the time, but typically I wear what most would consider the grab of an assassin or mercenary. Also I almost always wear an eye patch over my eye.

History: My past isn't really something that I am comfortable with sharing. Let's just put it this way. I've been through a lot. I lost my mother at a young age and my father died before I was born. For the most part I have had to rely on myself to survive and I will continue to do so. At present I am a mercenary/hunter for hire. The king is paying a handsome price for any and all elementals and those who help them whether they are alive or dead. Sounds like my kind of deal. This is going to be fun.

Extra: Let the games begin. Oh and I forgot to mention that I do have a partner named Alister.

Originally Posted by Kilia

Played by [kilia]
“what has to be done....has to be done.”

Nickname: Al
Rank: Crown Prince, King's Shadow, King's double
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Hair: Black though occasionally dyes it Golden Blonde
Eyes: Bright blue occasionally wears red contacts
Height: five foot and eleven inches
Weight: two hundred and four pounds
Build: mesomorphic
Markings: has a crescent moon tattooed behind his ear

Personality: What are you like? a man
Likes: stuff
Dislikes: stuff
Why you hate or help the Elementals: *shrugs* because i was raised that way

Skills: hunting, fighting, blending in, doubling as the king
Weaknesses: is allergic to a lot of things
Weapons: Up to three
Clothing Style: what i need to wear

History: I am the King's twin brother.

Extra: I used to be in love with an anthro/element before my father killed them. I also work alongside Rufio.
Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow

Andrayah (An-dray-ah)
Played by [CrimsonShadow]
“I will get my vengence. I will kill them all.”

Nickname: Drayah, Red Death
Rank: Hunter
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Hair: Blood Red
Eyes: Electric green
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 140 pounds
Build: Toned and curvy
Markings: I have tattoo’s everywhere. My whole body is covered.

Personality: I’m a take no nonsense kind of girl. I tend to have a rough exterior and come off as abrupt. Unless I like you, but there’s only one person I like, Valen. On the extreme occasion I can be all warm and fuzzy, but only to him. I’m tough, I have to be. I need to protect the world from those..elementals.
Likes: Fighting, animals, my weapons, and Valen
Dislikes: Crowds, people, sunshine, daisy’s (can you hear the sarcasm?)
Why you hate or help the Elementals: My parents died for helping the elementals. There is only one way they could have been found out. Someone told, someone opened their mouths and squealed. All elementals and their annoying partners will pay for whoever snitched.

Skills: Battle, sneaky, weapontry, hand-to-hand, martial arts, fast learner.
Weaknesses: Valen. He’s the only person in her life. Will literally loose her mind if anything happens to him.
Weapons: Black staff (when she twists the middle spikes come out on each end, can also fold in half to tuck in her boot), set of four small throwing daggers, golden whip (coiled around her left wrist)
Clothing Style: Clothes I can fight in, usually black. Tight leggins, always knee length leather boots. Depending on the weather; long sleeved shirts, tanks or t-shirts that are always form fitting. I have a leather jacket I tend to wear at all times. I like keeping my face hidden so I have a deep hood I can wear under my leather jacket.

History: I use to be a sweet kid, that’s what people told me. My parents were amazing and I never wanted for anything, especially love. They gave me an abundance of that growing up. Mom and Dad were lovers of the Elementals. They use to help them in anyway they could. No one and I mean no one knew they helped besides the elementals they actually helped.

One day they were betrayed. I was 14 at the time. I used to love them, the elementals. Now I despise their kind and do my best to hunt them down and kill them. There is only one way my parents were found out by the King. An elemental or an elemental’s partner talked. After they were killed I trained. I was taken in by a master in the martial arts, you would name him a ninja. I studied and I learned, quickly. He gave me the tools I needed to find and kill them all.

A few years later I was hunting a darkness elemental. When I finally caught up to it my luck ran out. It injured me so severely I could barely stand up, it was only by sheer hatred that I managed. That’s when Valen found me. He killed the thing as a sat up against a tree trunk I had crawled to.

He..saved me. After my parents had died I was left alone in this world. Sure I had the master, but he didn’t give me love, he just taught me. Valen gave me something that night when he saved me, friendship. I’m loyal to the extreme and I always pay those who help me. I paid Valen with my trust. Right then and there I gave him no choice but to accept a partnership.

When we fight together we are unstoppable, both driven by so much rage and hatred. But we have each others backs no matter what. The other always comes first in our eyes. Valen is my light in so much darkness. My world would crumble without him now.

Extra: Anything else you want to share
Originally Posted by Esmme

(Above picture is after his change. This is him before his confrontation with a dark elemental.)

Valen Nocturna
Played by Esmme
“I don't require your submission ... I require your end.”

Nickname: Val
Rank: Hunter, particularly attached to Andrayah, his partner
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Once married to Lady Orpheelin of the king's court. Currently single.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black due to his confrontation with an elemental of darkness
Height: Six foot three inches
Weight: 153 lbs
Build: Muscular, and built for hunting, long treks, and tough fights.
Markings: Ink-like stains cover his skin at various points including his hands and most of his chest. They look like black scars, and are evidence of his confrontation with a dark elemental. His eyes are also the same ink color.

Personality: I've always had a level head and steady emotional state. I am reliable, slow to anger, and stern. There are precious few people who see anything other than a man who gets things done without drama or complaint. My partner, however, sees a little more than that. She sees my loyalty, my protective nature, and my aggression directed toward elementals - particularly darkness. Rarely am I driven by emotion when I make decisions, and most anything I go through with is well-thought through. I enjoy my time alone, and can often be found off in a dark corner or outside if there is an event going on.
Many times, my silence is taken as me having no opinion.

Likes: I am particularly fond of females - though not in the way you think. I enjoy their company as one would enjoy sitting in the same room as their friends. I am fond of long training lessons, and of sharing those said lessons. I also enjoy the strict way Andrayah seeks her prey - it is one I relate to.
Dislikes: Elementals. That should be enough to cover everything. Other trivial things include speaking around a group of people and being around people too often. I'm an introvert, and do not enjoy being around others for long.
Why you hate or help the Elementals: Elementals are not human, nor will they ever be anything close. They are destroyers, and harbor too much power for their own good. I fight them because they killed my wife, and nearly killed me.

Skills: I am good at combat, particularly with long blades and daggers. I am a good tracker, and a master of stealth. My silence and ability to meld into the shadows come in handy. I received my dark ability from nearly being killed by an elemental of darkness, which left its mark on me. If I do not wish to be seen, you will not see me ... even if I'm standing right in front of you.
Weaknesses: If a dark elemental comes into view, I lose control of my actions and thoughts. If you will, I go berserk. I am weakened and unable to hide around light elementals. Another is my strange fear of losing my partner. Andrayah is the closest thing to a friend and companion I have, and losing her would confirm that I am a failure, unable to protect anyone I love.
Weapons: A slender long blade that I carry at my shoulder, and various hidden weapons.
Clothing Style: I wear what appear to be bandages over the lower half of my face, which reminds others of my silence. My clothing is very travel-ready and comfortable in a fight. An example of my common attire is here.

History: I was born into a life of challenge. My family was a confident sort from another nation, full of power and ready to make their mark on the world. I married into the king's nation by choosing one of his court officials, Lady Orpheelin, as my wife. She was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen.

My Lady and I lived in the king's nation, and I served the king in whatever way I could. I served as one of his guardsmen for the city for a time. It was during this time when things ... changed.

A dark elemental struck our city. It was a brief struggle, and it was captured swiftly. I led it toward where we were to execute the creature. Lady Orpheelin met me there, curious about the elemental that we'd captured. The monster took the moment of my distraction to strike, and murdered her. I couldn't save her. In a rage, I attacked - it left its mark on me and escaped, leaving me to my death. It was sheer luck that I survived with the help of healers and whoever found me.

I devoted myself to hunting elementals, and carry their taint within me. The hunt began in earnest, and I sought their kind with a fervor that most feared. I've killed a few elementals, though haven't been able to track down one of darkness.

While hunting, I came across the prey I sought - though it was distracted. The dark elemental was attacking a woman who was wounded, and hardly able to keep herself standing. It nearly killed her. In that moment, she reminded me of Lady Orpheelin - I struck without thinking, and without mercy. The elemental escaped, and it was then that I met Andrayah. A fellow hunter, she took to me swiftly. Saving one's life has that influence, apparently. Her easy trust in me for saving her was startling at first, and in all honesty I'm not sure I've adjusted to it completely.

The two of us fight together now, our hunt the most driving factor in our lives. It seems the elementals leave nothing but destruction and tragedy behind.

Andrayah is my priority, despite our hunts. While I have a desire to kill the elementals, I am also very devoted to keeping my partner alive. She is the reason we hunt together.

Extra: I have minor abilities from the dark elemental. I rarely speak, and it has been rumored that I became mute after my wife's death. When I do speak, my voice sounds rough and worn, as though damaged.
Originally Posted by Shikabane Hime

Abraham Von Moon
Played by Shikabane Hime
“The one at the end of my sword is fighting for something that he believes in. But, it doesn't matter to me since they end up dying for their beliefs.”

Nickname: Ab, Hammy, Von, The Silver Streak
Rank: [color="navy"Hunter[/COLOR]
Age: 25
Gender: I am male
Species: I'm human
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, looking for someone
Hair: Silver hair with black tips
Eyes: Batk brown/Black
Height: 6'3
Weight: 215
Build: Medium/slightly heavily build, tone muscles
Markings: Nothing

Personality: I am very stubborn, I don't really care for who I am hunting as long as I get what I need in the end. I can come across as flirtatious and a bit cocky. However, I do have my moments of being cocky and try my best to contain myself. I can't help if I end up flirting with you. If I find you beautiful, be ready for me.
Likes: Women, a good drink, going on walks, having alone time(to a point), Meeting people, getting my money, jokes, working, more to come.
Dislikes: Being broke, not being able to be myself, not getting my money, women who think they are not beautiful and more to come.
Why you hate or help the Elementals: It's not that I hate or love them, I just do it for the money. If the elementals gave me money then I would fight with them until I get paid.

Skills: I am skilled with a Katana and shooting. I am also able to play the violin. I am good with the chained weapons.
Weaknesses: I am human, there is only so much I can do.
Weapons: Two guns and a steel Katana with chains
Clothing Style: I wear a dark silver with a dark brown tight muscle shirt. Black slacks with black shoes and a gold color belt that hangs loosely around my waist.

History: Abraham was born into the Von Moon clan. They were a band of mercenaries who got money in order to help take care of their families, as well as any other necessities. Things were going well with the Von Mons, but things went to hell during the war. Most of the Von Moons, including Abraham's mother, father and older brother, were killed in order to get the money they needed. Young Abraham was forced to train to be a mercenary at the age of 8. when he was the age of 13, the last remaining Von Moons made sure Abraham was ready for being a mercenary as well as understanding that earning money was one of the most important things you can get in order to live. Abraham kept that saying to heart and kills for money. He understands that he is destroying families as he does this, but he just wants to have this end quickly so no one will experience that he did.

Extra: I wear a locket around my neck, it as a picture of my family in it. When I am not at a job, I am at the orphanage playing with the children. I also wear a necklace around my neck that is the symbol of my clan, the Von Moons. There aren't that many of us left, but we are trying our best to live.
Originally Posted by Kiyoto

Played by [Kiyoto]
“Darkness resides within us all. We can choose to let it rule us, or defy all odds and become who we decide.”

Nickname: Panther, The Black Assassin, Reaper, etc.
Rank: Hunter
Age: Twenty-Seven
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Hair: Black
Eyes: Silver Gray
Height: Six feet, Several inches.
Weight: 81.6466kg
Build: Mesomorph, lean, slender and refined. He is a bit lengthy in nature, keeping himself fit and active to maintain peek performance.
Markings: He has a tattoo on the back of his right shoulder. It has no meaning to those, who are not aware of its origin.

Personality: Kuro is calm and cunning, an intellegent man by nature. He is precise and calculating, a dangerous man to cross. He can be cold and intimidating to most, seeming unapproachable. He can be imposing, rude, bold and blunt. He often speaks what is on his mind, and is unapologetic about it. His mind is always on allert, taking in the various stimuli around him, and processing it. He can think on his feet, reacting accordingly in most situations. He is more refined in nature, which tends to at time make him come off as stuffy and old fashioned. However, he does have a warmer side, for those he cares for.

He is fiercely loyal and protective of those he cares for and those in his charge. He is not one to give up easily, putting his all into things. He can be ruthless, running on pure power and a darkness in him that few know the true depths of. This darkness tied to his past, and the colder side of him. In this side, he is like another person, one seeking nothing more than blood or death. Little seems to phase him, and he understands that the world can either be a place of good or a living hell. He lives by a code for the most part, a man with morals and such unless he is pushed to far. Little else is really known about him, a mystery to most.

Likes: Books, music, tea, night, snow, rain, training, anything refined really, or higher classed.
Dislikes: Whining, those who attack the defenseless, those who manipulate others rather than relying on their own power, getting dirty or being dirty for to long, degrading himself, etc.
Why you hate or help the Elementals: He is indifferent to them either way, he fights because of his loyalty to his partner. If that means striking down the elementals, then so be it.

Skills: An expert swordsman. If it has to do with a blade, hand held, throwing or otherwise, he is a master of it. He is a master tactitian and strategist, if it needs the mind, he is the man to go to. He is agile and quick on his feet, contrairy to his looks. His mind is his greatest weapon, having knowledge of many things from all over the world, including: weapons, medicine, people, poisons, plants, etc. He is quite skilled with firearms as well, though they are not his weapons of choice. He has many connections, which help out in a pinch, as well as many other little tallents from his years in the trade.
Weaknesses: He needs his glasses to see, though without them, his hearing is still quite good. He trained to compensate for his lack of sight, but it is not always perfect. His past can be a problem at times, especially when it comes to legal dealings with the king. His colder side and more serious personality can be a bit of a problem as well, but he tries to branch out.
Weapons: He carries with him a series of blades, that snap into the fingers of his gloves like claws. Besides that, he carries various smaller blades with him and toxins.
Clothing Style: He usually is found in more formal clothing. From suit and tie, to more casual but still refined clothing. He wears colors of black, blue, purple and red, never one to wear much white.

History: Little is known about Kuro's past. It is rumored that he used to be an assassin, responsible for the deaths of many. He managed to evade the king and those who wished to bring him down for years. He soon met his partner, and began dealings with him. Over time, he became loyal and close to him, keeping him safe and out of trouble. They shared similar pasts, which allowed them to understand one another and become in a way kindred spirits. However, when his partner began dealings with the king, it arose who he was. To avoid death and "excuse" his past, he agreed to be an assassin for the king as well, helping in this fight. His reasoning being purely to protect his partner, he cares little for his own life.

Extra: He does have an odd sense of humor at times, and is a skilled pianist and painter.


Hen Tai
Played by blueblackrose
“All of the women in the king's harem shall belong to me!”

Nickname: Old man, Geezer, Tai
Rank: Advisor to the King
Age: Not telling
Gender: Male
Species: Pervert Human
Orientation: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Widower
Hair: White
Eyes: Gray, almost black
Height: Five foot, five inches
Weight: One hundred fifty-eight pounds
Build: Mesomorphic
Markings: He has wrinkles and age spots.

Personality: I don't see any point in answering.
Likes: Woman, booze and woman.
Dislikes: Not getting my way, being old, and sour stuff
Why you hate or help the Elementals: This is a secret, but I can tell you that I may not really be on the side I appear to be on.

Skills: Chasing woman, drinking booze, advising the king, professional pervert.
Weaknesses: Woman, booze and woman.
Weapons: I'm not telling.
Clothing Style: I much prefer going around in the buff, but that is frowned upon in public so I usually wear loose fitting robes when out and about.

History: This would take a life time to tell so I'm not sharing. Also if you keep bugging me with questions I'm going to have you thrown in the dungeon.

Extra: Please leave this old man to his dreams.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 06-18-2015 at 07:03 PM..

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Old 11-28-2014, 04:47 AM


This is where the profiles of characters who have die will be moved to
Originally Posted by Kilia

Ryota Shiro Nukimura
Played by [Kilia]
“Why can't we just live in peace?”

Nickname: Ryo
Rank: n/a
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Anthro Rabbit
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: Black with various colored neon
Eyes: violet with green at the edges
Height: 5 feet 11 inches to the tip of his ears
Weight: 120 pds
Build: mesomorph
Markings: has a swirl design on his fur pattern that is in neon though the only neon green color he has is the tree design on his thigh

Personality: Ryota is hard to describe, it isn't your normal rabbit person, timid doesn't cut it because he isn't timid. He is quiet, likes to analyze things, fresh, lively, charming, grouchy once in a while, practical, and always interesting. He is someone who's constantly is reading something or working on something.He is also kind, considerate, and understanding, someone who will try and help or cheer his friends up.
Likes: Carrots, cooking, sweets, art, magic, cute things, books, singing, clubbing, dancing, drinking, and other things
Dislikes: animals that eat him, meat, things that suck blood, loud people, loud noises and other things
Why do you fight: Because without her I would not be who I am today.

Powers: The normal magical powers that wizards/magicians have, he doesn't need his wand for some of the magic that he can do but it is easier to do such things with his wand. He is rather fast considering the fact that he is a rabbit but it causes him to fall a sleep after he uses it which isn't always a good thing. He has extraordinary hearing which is why he dislikes loud people and noises.
Weaknesses: Gets very tired after using his abnormal speed and ends up falling a sleep for long periods of time. He can't really do anything with out his wand in his hand but what little that he can do with out it isn't enough to do anything to the person. His hearing can be impaired by loud people or loud noises which causes him to be unable to hear for a while with headaches.
Weapons: paintbrush (which is his wand also)
Clothing Style: a robe

History: Not sharing.

Extra: has a very distinct fur pattern but always wears clothes to hide it since the pattern is made by neon colors and his main fur is black, can also change into a human form but you rarely see him in it beacuase he prefers his rabbit demon form

Inactive Players

This is where players who have not posted within the past two months will be list.


Originally Posted by salvete View Post

Played by salvete
“Are you scared of The Dark?”

Nickname: Ovacinprilcia
Appear to Be: Ancient
Real Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Species: Dark Element
Orientation: Unknown
Relationship Status: Unknown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Height: Fluid
Weight: Fluid
Build: Fluid
Markings: Slivers of red throughout body
Animal Form: Raven

Personality: Cold, antisocial, misunderstood
Likes: Spreading darkness throughout the realm, freezing temperatures, controlling others
Dislikes: Sunlight, Fire, Electricity
Why do you fight: For more darkness in the land

Powers/Skills: Manipulation of shadows
Weaknesses: Light
Weapons: Shadow Slaughter, Night Blindness, Possessing others and bringing them to the dark side
Clothing Style: None

History: Humans have always battled the dark. With the advent and invention of numerous light sources, the power of darkness has diminished considerably over the ages. Now, Ovacinprilcia is back with a vengeance.

Extra: Ovacinprilcia's human form has decayed into a fluid-like entity because the power of darkness coursing through its veins.
Originally Posted by flamethrower1391

Akira Hasegawa
Played by flamethrower1391
“You'll do anything to stay alive, even if it's against your nature.”

Nickname: Raven is the name my guild gave me.
Rank: Assassin for hire
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: I have many relationships. The King and I have a mutual one. We both hate each...oh that kind of relationship. Nah, I'm not seeing anyone.
Before You Met Your Partner
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Brown
After You Met Your Partner
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown, but when she uses her powers, they go completely black.
Height: Five foot, six inches
Weight: 136 lbs
Build: Girlish, yet athletic
Markings: I have a tattoo from the guild I'm part of. If I showed you, I'd have to kill you.

Personality: I come across as cold-hearted. In my line of work, you can't be soft. I can be quite blunt about things as well. I learn human nature pretty quick, but am oblivious to matters of the heart.
Likes: Food, the thrill of adventure, and did I say food? I do enjoy sleeping under the stars.
Dislikes: The King, duh. I hate people who want things to change in the world, but just sits back and hopes someone else does it. The light doesn't bother me. It's not suitable for my occupation.
Why do you fight: I kill for a living. It's my job, but when people are out to kill me, well, I can't just stand by and let it happen. I don't care about anyone else in this world. Just me and my little friend. I'll kill members of my guild if I must.

Powers: I no longer make any noise when I move, and I can completely disappear into the shadows. I can also get two allies to attack one another. Lately, I've been working on trying to teleport from one shadow to the next.
Weaknesses: Light has always been my bane.
Weapons: I can wield any weapon ever created. I tend to carry at least one ranged, one melee, and whatever else I need for the mission.
Clothing Style: I normally wear a cloak or anything that'll cover my face. The rest is leather armor.

History: I joined the guild when I was 13, so I'm pretty good at what I do. Other than that, the past is the past. Nothing really to say about it.

Extra: I will do anything to kill the King. Even if it means killing other elementals and their partners.
Originally Posted by flamethrower1391

Setsutarou Hasegawa
Played by flamethrower1391
“I must protect her.”

Nickname: Setsu or as my guild calls me, Paragon.
Rank: Assassin for Hire
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Hair: Dark brown with some blonde streaks
Eyes: His right eye is blue while is left is a very pale purple.
Height: Five foot, nine inches
Weight: 165 lbs
Build: Scrawny, yet muscular
Markings: I have a tattoo of the guild I'm in and a strange marking I had received from a mage when I was younger.

Personality: I appear to be depressed or bored all of the time. I don't like showing my emotions to people. Only my sister and those who have been with the guild long enough know who I am. With them, I like to joke around and play pranks.
Likes: Some peace and quiet every now and then, food (who doesn't like food?), and probably a good long nap.
Dislikes: This King guy. What is up his, well, you know. Brussel sprouts are pretty gross and don't get me started on broccoli.
Why you hate or help the Elementals: My sister is one of those things, and she's the only family I have left. And did I mention that the King has a stick up his...oh I did? Well, it's a HUGE one.

Skills: I make some pretty good traps. I'm quite agile.
Weaknesses: You could say my sister is a weakness...and broccoli. I don't want to see that crap.
Weapons: I usually carry a katana, a couple of daggers, and tiger claws, but I'm not afraid to swap out a weapon or two if the mission calls for it.
Clothing Style: I wear leather armor with a mask over my mouth. On occasion, I'll wear normal clothes if need be.

History: My father was killed many years ago by one of the King's knights because he openly disagreed with the killing of innocents. It's not their fault they were born elves, elementals, and whatnot. At the age of 14, I joined the guild. Two year later, my mother grew sick and died. That was when my sister joined. A few months ago, I found out that she's been connected to an elemental spirit and everyone's trying to kill her. I have no idea where she is though. I've been chasing rumors in hopes of finding her.

Extra: I really, really, REALLY hate the King.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 06-09-2015 at 08:16 PM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 04:51 AM

Thank you for setting this up! Posting here so I remember to check this thread tomorrow or the next day. I am going to bed now, but will be dreaming about what character I can play!

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 11-28-2014, 04:56 AM

You're welcome.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 08:01 AM

Yay!!! *rolls around amongst all the thick soft fluffy blankets* I would like to know if it has to be a straight up human or if it can be an anthro

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Old 11-28-2014, 02:04 PM

I think I'm going to change things up this time and allow antros as well.

The elemental spirits are shape shifters. They have a human form and their spirit form which is typically an animal so that it's easier for them to hide.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 02:45 PM

So your saying the spirit and human partner are one and the same right

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Old 11-28-2014, 05:48 PM

No they are different.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 07:00 PM

Okies lol that helps too lol

Pandora's Box
Everyone's Favorite Sociopath
Pandora's Box is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 10:06 PM

Yay!! I'm really excited for this.

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Old 11-29-2014, 01:07 AM

Alright now that I'm home from work I have time to explain a little better.
The elemental spirits have a human form, but they have distinguishing features that might lead someone to think they might not be human. Such as the color of their hair and eyes.

Like I said I'm open to having more than just humans. Actually that thought made me consider combining this plot along with another one that I had which involved non-humans fighting for survival. I would have to tweak it some, but it could work since it was also a kind of fight for survival type deal.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-29-2014, 09:04 AM

Combine away!!!

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Old 11-29-2014, 04:24 PM

Just might, need to find that other old plot.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-30-2014, 02:07 AM

so where do you want us to do with our skeletons?

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Old 11-30-2014, 03:47 AM

Yeah I meant to add up there for you guys to PM them to me. I remembered about it while I was at work, but I didn't really have a way to fix it then, lol.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 11-30-2014, 03:49 AM

I will post mine here once I come up with them ^_^ I'll also PM them to you, but I want to do the formatting and layout first.

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Old 11-30-2014, 04:00 AM

Oh look what I just found! It's that other old rp I was talking about.

Kilia is offline
Old 11-30-2014, 04:23 AM

awesome!! hello love!!!

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Old 11-30-2014, 04:34 AM

Kilia! *tackle hugs*

Kilia is offline
Old 11-30-2014, 04:47 AM

ah!! *falls down, squeals in surprise* nice to see you too lol

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 11-30-2014, 04:58 AM

*chuckles before rolling away* wait...Shiro...yeah that's it, Shiro made me do it. >.>

Kilia is offline
Old 11-30-2014, 05:21 AM

ah shiro >3> such a doll he is though now he gets no fluffy blankets *takes them all away*


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