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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-23-2014, 06:44 PM

Bell watched Gwen almost lazily as she moved off the bed and began to speak to them. She seemed agitated about something, but Bell didn't let that bother him. As far as he could tell there was nothing to be agitated over at all. When the pillow suddenly smacked her in the face, Bell laughed at her. As far as he could tell, Cade had thrown the pillow at her.

He was still giggling when he turned his head to stare at Cade. "Your work? I'm the one that taught her to feed so she wouldn't go on a rampage. That was all me. Don't take credit for my effort and hard work." That giggling had stopped and Bell pouted, but that pout disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared and he was giggling again.

That giggling stopped when Cade spoke once more. "Aren't we already doing something fun?" At least to Bell this was already rather fun, still that mischevious look on Cade's face had him instantly interested. "Alright. Sure."

Hidden Cupcake
\ (•◡•) /
Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 11-24-2014, 03:58 AM

Nate kept his eyes closed as he listened, Regan's voice and the sounds of his movements. Each one was punctuated by a soft throb in his skull.

"I'd keep quiet," he mumbled, voice cracking from sleep and dryness, cracking his eyes open and staring pointedly at the vampire. "At least for now. That ancient Something's wrong. Wait for a while..." He hummed raggedly, rubbing his temples.

"As for me..." he groaned, standing, "don't worry. I'll figure myself out. You'd be surprised how often I have to deal with this."

He cracked a smile in an attempt at a joke, only to grimace with a throb of pain. He needed water. A quick handful from the bathroom. Something to make it go away.

He made his way there, opening the door and taking a step. Only to stop dead and stare.

Mud. Clumps of drying dirt and mud on the floor and covering his pants (those were definitely his still dirty with his own blood). The porcelain bed of the shower was streaked with it, as if it had been washed off and little else.

He wondered absently how he got in here without tracking any mud into the room. least now he knew where his pants had gone.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-05-2014, 07:15 PM

Gwen crossed her arms and looked from one man to the other. What were they planning now? She shook her head. Whatever it was, she didn't trust them alone, not in this odd state. They both just seemed so out of it. How could she in good conscious walk away, leave them alone? She just couldn't do it.

"Could I join in too? I promise I'll try to have fun too." She squeezed between the two, settled on the edge of the bed.

Regan slid from the mattress and was glad to see he wore clothes, still.. The other man had been in such an intoxicated state ... It would have been wrong if anything had happened between them.

Silent as only a vampire could be, when they wanted to be, Regan followed Nate into the bathroom and poured water into a glass. There was always one near the sink, and a good thing too.

He held the water out silently, with a hint of a smile.


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