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Linnea is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 05:34 AM

Banner made by Woodlandnymph and Car'a'Carn!

Last edited by Linnea; 02-16-2018 at 03:15 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 05:36 AM

We need to find a path to the Mayor's manor to deliver him all the valentines!
There are a lot of obstacles in the way and many paths to get there.
Which way will, you, the collective horde take?
All you users vote, and the winning vote determines the path for everyone in the horde of fan girls and boys.

Rules of the Game:
*You have 24 hours to cast your vote for which path to choose.
-->Copy and paste the correct form with your answer in this PM to me, Linnea!
*The path with the most votes is the path chosen!
*At the start of the next 24 hours, there will be a new set of paths to pick from.
*Then you vote again! (One vote per user, per round. Charity mules can also vote!)
*That's it!

*There will be additional obstacles along the way which you can battle through to earn more prizes! (aka random bonus rounds!)

If the path you voted for is the chosen path, then you get a prize. Ooooh, aaaah! Shiny!
Day One Prize: A random mousie + 500g.
Day Two Prize: A random cozy capelet + 500g.
Day Three Prize: A random golden pendant + 500g.
Day Four Prize: A plague doctor's stick + 500g.
Day Five Prize: A random spacey helmet + 500g.
Day Six Prize: A random heart wig + 500g.
Day Seven Prize: A honeymooners retreat event rare + 500g

There will be a big shiny prize at the end! These vary depending on the outcome of your collective votes!
I might tell you what they are later if I feel like it

Another big shiny prize if you voted every day too!
So many prizes to give away!

Last edited by Linnea; 12-23-2018 at 05:27 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 05:36 AM

Day Seven

After a vote, you all chose to close your eyes and let your hearts completely decide which direction to go in. Clutching your valentine filled with written love, you turn slowly where you stand, and stop when you feel the warmness in your chest blossom. This is the right way, you can feel it. You decide to keep your eyes closed to truly follow your heart... that is, until you walk smack into a low hanging branch. With the luck you've had, it's probably best to keep eyes open.

While you are walking you are thinking of all the wonderful memories you've had living in Menewsha all this time, especially all the ones with Mr. Mayor. Vicky is one lucky lady! With all this love radiating out of you, you soon come to a clearing and see the Mayor's manor plopped in the middle! You finally made it! Now how to deliver the valentine... hmmm...

Path #1: March right up to the front door and knock! Confident is best!

Path #2: Go around the back, sneak in and hide, while you wait for the perfect opportunity to hand deliver!

Path #3: Oh maybe just slipping it in the mailbox for him to receive at his leisure is best.

Voting Form:
[COLOR="red"]I choose path # [/COLOR]

Day Seven Results

Path #1: Knock, knock! Guess who's here!? - 16 votes! *Prize of a honeymooners retreat event rare + 500g*

Path #2: Ninja style hide and seek! - 5 votes!

Path #3: Cool as a cucumber, let's just use the mailbox! - 3 votes!

Last edited by Linnea; 12-23-2018 at 05:25 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 05:36 AM

Day Six

After a vote, you all chose to take the path down the middle. This just feels right, but with the day you're having you don't want to rely completely on your gut instinct, so you walk with caution. After some time you notice that the forest doesn't seem to change much. "Am I going the right way?" you say to yourself out loud.
"No, I don't reckon you are." said a voice seemingly out of nowhere. Spinning around in a circle, you look for where the voice came from to no avail. "Who is this? Where are you?" you shout, still whipping your head back and forth. "Why, I'm up here, ya fool!". You look up and see the fuzziest caterpillar you've ever seen, sitting on a branch just above your eye level. "Is that... you?", you say with consternation. The fuzzy fellow appears to nod it's tiny little head up and down. You lightly shake your head in disbelief. You really must have knocked your noggin good!

Just giving in to the way things now appear, and not having any real idea what's going on anyways, you ask, "So do you know how to get to the Mayor's manor? I really need to deliver this valentine; he's quite lovely you see, and such a wonderful mayor." The caterpillar looks at you for a moment before it responds, sizing you up. "Aye, I know how to get there. The trick you must understand, is to make your own path. Anyone who was ever a someone never followed a path taken by everyone."

Path #1: What a bunch of nonsense. You flick that pesky little caterpillar off the branch and keep following the path.

Path #2: Huzzah! You just remembered there is a small compass on your house keys. Science!

Path #3: Closing your eyes, you think hard about the Mayor and let your heart decide which way to proceed.

Path #4: The fuzzy little dude has a point. You choose a direction based entirely on feeling which leads directly into the woods.

Path #5: You look up and face the sun to think. Wait, the manor is in the west and the sun sets in the west. Follow the sun!

Voting Form:
[COLOR="darkRed"]I choose path # [/COLOR]

Day Six Results

Path #1: Flick the caterpillar and keep walking! - 3 votes!

Path #2: Use the compass! - 3 votes!

Path #3: Let your heart decide! - 10 votes! *Prize of a random heart wig + 500g*

Path #4: Listen to the caterpillar, make a new path! 3 votes!

Path #5: Follow the sun west! - 6 votes!

Last edited by Linnea; 04-07-2018 at 03:05 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 05:36 AM

Day Five

After a vote, you all chose to poke the strange water cautiously. You watch as the end of the stick disappears once it touches the water. You gasp! How can this be?! Pulling the stick back out, you can see that it is still completely intact. You drop the whole stick in completely and it completely vanishes. You search around you again for a much longer stick or branch, you have to know how deep this goes! You find one that is about twice your size and poke it down deep... and you still don't feel the bottom. Just as you are about to drop the stick, you feel a tug. You tug back! With a hard yank, you go face first into the glowing water.

You try to let go of the stick but both of your hands seem glued to it, and down you go. The glowing seems to intensify as you suddenly see a burst of white and then a POP! With your stick in hand, you appear back in the forest. You don't recognize this area though. You check on your valentine. It's a little wrinkled but otherwise ok, and you still have the gold chain too. Then you look around and see nothing but trees and green behind you. However, in front of you there are three worn out paths. They all look the same; well lit and filled with bushes and tall trees. Welp, here goes nothin'!

Path #1: You choose the path on the left.

Path #2: You choose the path in the middle.

Path #3: You choose the path on the right.

Voting Form:
[COLOR="red"]I choose path # [/COLOR]

Day Five Results

Path #1: Path to the left - 4 votes!

Path #2: Path down the middle - 17 votes! *Prize of a random spacey helmet + 500g*

Path #3: Path to the right - 6 votes!

Last edited by Linnea; 02-16-2018 at 02:16 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 05:36 AM

Day Four

After a vote, you all chose to tug the shimmery gold chain hanging from the damp log. It gently slithers into your hand. Hmph. Nothing happens. Well that was uneventful. It's just a gold necklace it seems. Might look rather nice once it's washed properly. Perhaps Mr. Mayor will like this extra little gift. You shrug and stuff the necklace into your pocket.

With your new found trinket safely stowed away, you crawl out of the log and continue on your way. The rain has all but stopped, leaving a slick shine on the grass and other flora. Giant puddles have formed along the trail. You get an idea! If you can find a decent looking bit of water you can clean the necklace! What a lovely gift it would make. You speed along the trail looking left and right, hoping to find anything that looks clear enough. In your haste, you lose your balance on a particularly slippery patch of leaves and roll down the side of the trail and into a bush. With branches in your hair and leaves in your mouth, you look up to see a giant puddle. It is in a perfect circle and looks so clear it's almost glowing. How peculiar. You walk over and kneel down on the edge.

Path #1: You aren't sure what's going on here. You've never seen water like this. Searching the perimeter you grab a stick and poke the water cautiously.

Path #2: Well, you're already here so you might as well wash the necklace. You gingerly remove the treasure from your pocket and dunk it in the water up to your wrists.

Path #3: This is way too freaky for you. There is no way you are going anywhere near that water and you back away slowly.

Day Four also had a Bonus Round!

Voting Form:
[COLOR="darkRed"]I choose path # [/COLOR]

Day Four Results

Path #1: Poke the water with your stick! Pokey, pokey! - 16 votes! *Prize of a plague doctor's stick + 500g*

Path #2: Wash the necklace in the water! Washy, washy! - 8 votes!

Path #3: Back away slowly, slowly! - 1 vote!

Last edited by Linnea; 02-16-2018 at 04:46 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 05:36 AM

Day Three

After a vote, you all chose to get cozy inside the hollowed out tree. It has certainly proved to be the quickest option, but you are soon regretting it as you are now covered in dirty, soggy tree residue. You pat your shirt. Phew! The valentine's card is still ok. As long as the card is intact, you will be able to convey your love! Nothing to do but wait... for now.

After a while the storm is starting to let up and the clouds in the sky are breaking away to let the sun shine through. Now you can take a better look at your surroundings.

Path #1:
Just above you inside the tree, a strange gold shimmery chain catches your eye. You gently tug it free.

Path #2:
To the right of you, just outside the opening of the tree you see a gray rabbit. Is it beckoning you? Perhaps you should follow it!

Path #3:
You've had enough of this cage, it's feeling rather cramped. You scurry as fast as you can out the same way you went in.

Path #4:
You're feeling rather tired all of a sudden. The rain hasn't stopped yet anyways, and a nap seems like such a good idea.

Day three also had a Bonus Round!

Voting Form:
[COLOR="red"]I choose path # [/COLOR]

Day Three Results

Path #1: Pull the gold chain! - 15 votes! *Prize of a random golden pendant + 500g*

Path #2: Follow the gray rabbit! - 7 votes!

Path #3: Scurry out the way you came! - 3 votes!

Path #4: Take a nap! - 1 vote!

Last edited by Linnea; 02-16-2018 at 04:47 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 05:38 AM

Day Two

After a vote, you all chose the well lit woodland path, with the rays of light, warm air, and tiny paws. You stroll confidently down the path, arms swinging at your side, sure that nothing will stand in your way! You even start to whistle a little bit.

Suddenly, the sky starts to darken. As you look up, a fat drop of rain hits your face. Oh no! With your valentine's card swiftly tucked into your shirt, you make a run for it. The rain comes down in sheets and you desperately need to find some shelter until the storm passes. Up ahead you see a rather large and old tree which has fallen down across your path.

Path #1:
There is space under the fallen tree to huddle. You curl up here to wait out the storm.

Path #2:
The tree has hollowed out over the years and makes a cozy and warm place to sit.

Path #3:
Screw that tree! You see what looks like an old animal den and it looks to be the driest option.

Voting Form:
[COLOR="darkRed"]I choose path # [/COLOR]

Day Two Results

Path #1: Sit under the tree - 2 votes!

Path #2: Cuddle inside the tree - 19 votes! *Prize of a random cozy caplet + 500g*

Path #3: Crawl into the animal den - 10 votes!

Last edited by Linnea; 02-14-2018 at 02:32 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 05:38 AM

Day One

With your well decorated valentine cards in hand, you start this journey with only a vague idea of where the Mayor's manor is. Something strange seems to have happened as the path is not as clear as it used to be. How very odd, but you think, "I will find the way!" as you trudge forth with hearts in your eyes and one clear thought in your mind.

Path #1:
There is a dark and dank cave up ahead surrounded by a lot of wet looking foliage.
It has a severe musty smell eking out and you hear strange noises from inside.

Path #2:
Here we have a worn down woodland path, such beautiful rays of light shining through the trees.
The air is warm and dry. You hear tiny paws scurrying about attending to their daily tasks.

Path #3:
You come up to a large ravine, it's hard to tell where the bottom is because of all the fog.
There is only one way across; a rickety wood and rope bridge, swaying in the thick breeze.

Path #4:
This rocky path leads up. A bit gray and colorless, the path is littered with small bones.
You see snow a little ways ahead and a biting whip of wind smacks you in the face.

Path #5:
Down this sandy path the dry beach grass is rustling in a nonstop current of salty air.
You can see the ocean ahead of you and high tide is coming in with the sun setting behind it.

Voting Form:
[COLOR="Red"]I choose path # [/COLOR]

Day One Results

Path #1: The dark cave - 1 vote!

Path #2: The woodland path - 17 votes! *Prize of a random mousie + 500g*

Path #3: The rope bridge - 2 votes!

Path #4: The rocky path up - 2 votes!

Path #5: The beachy path - 4 votes!

Last edited by Linnea; 02-14-2018 at 02:32 AM..

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 09:02 PM

Pick a path any path armed with water heart balloons


Kent is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 10:32 PM

I wonder how many votes Linnea will receive. o:

Dystopia is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 11:25 PM

I choose path #

Last edited by Linnea; 02-16-2018 at 03:33 AM.. Reason: took yer vote out

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 02-09-2018, 11:27 PM

Day 1 bloop! So I have a reminder to myself that I PMed that day. XD

---------- Post added 02-09-2018 at 05:27 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Dystopia View Post
I choose path #
Shhh Your suppose to pm it I think.

Last edited by Linnea; 02-16-2018 at 03:33 AM.. Reason: took the vote out


Kent is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 12:08 AM

Yeah. Supposed to pm votes. > u>;

Damia Flagg
Damia Flagg is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 12:17 AM

Thanks for the game it looks interesting.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 12:32 AM

EDIT: oops sorry I should have private messaged

Master Debater
Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 02:40 AM

Pmed!!! All the paths!


Velvet is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 02:40 AM

!Gah! Pming now..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 02:48 AM

oooh, looks fun! my vote's in. :D

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 02:55 AM

I'm excited to see where this goes.

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 03:08 AM

I’m so excited to see the end of this! Such fun options await you all!

Kiari is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 04:13 AM

I have voted for the path of the day!

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 04:59 AM

so to keep the posts coming in here, i am going to be doing some bonus rounds throughout the event, so stay tuned

also, to help up the traffic, i'mma do some page prizes!

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 06:16 AM

Time to dust off my old fanboy costume... I hope it still fits!

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Linnea is offline
Old 02-10-2018, 06:49 AM

Ooo la la! Nice to see you’re getting dolled up for the occasion


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