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Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 09:35 PM

“Good evening, Fish,” he says. He falls against the bed. Fish kicks the door.
“Why took socks?” She asks without looking at him. He shrugs.
“You ever looked at bed springs, fräulein? Really looked? They’re beautiful.”
“Mr. Denial got taken and lost, now Love—” Em isn’t paying attention. Fish clenches her fists. Em is drawing little circles on the bed where the sock was. Fish marches up to him she is about to speak. Em holds up Mr. Denial. He laughs and collapses on the bed spread eagle.
“This trick prank of yours makes no sense, Em. It won’t work.” She says.
“You ever looked at bed springs?” Em holds Mr. Denial and pets him. They hear something at the door. Em slides off the bed and back into his hiding place. Someone kicks at the door. It falls over into the room. Fish swallows hard. She pulls her shoulders up to her ears and her hat over her eyes.
A scantily clad young woman comes in.
“I am Serenity. Who are you?” She walks closer and her breath is heavy like she’d been running for a long time. She brushes her hair out of face irritably. Her hair is long and blond and it swirls about her ankles like water. But the most miraculous thing are her eyes they were deep blue with subtle purple highlights like a river.
Em pulls his head out from under the bed. Another young woman comes in she has huge rainbow wings. Serenity grimaces and holds her stomach.
“Oh!” She exclaims clutching her belly “, I’ve been injured by… oh but I can’t say.” She doubles over in pain and faints. The woman with the wings speaks softly like a breeze.
“I have survived another day,” she grimaces “, and many more are yet to come.” She looks hard and long at Fish, judging her. Fish is confused.
“I am Yorugami.” Yorugami has long blond hair tied up in a pony tail. Her bangs escape this, however, sweeping into her face, framing her beautiful round features. A man runs in. His shirt is dirty and torn, two swords are strapped to his back.
“Serenity!” he cries, running to her side and pulling out his small bag filled with herbs. His hair is long and blue, it is pulled back in two loose braids, but his bangs escape this hold. Suddenly Serenity sits up and cries out. Three more scantily clad girls arrive. They have long graceful horns coming out of their pale foreheads. They each have piercing gazes. Their eyes were the most amazing parts of their features though, one had one red and one blue, another one silver and one gold, another one red and one half purple and half aqua. They look at Fish, almost looking through her, as if she were nothing.
Em is out from under the bed.
Suddenly a dozen men in long coats and tight pants come in. Their hair is long and sweeping and red, gold, blue-green, purple streaked with white, silver-gray, pink with purple, bright blue, blond, more blond, jet black, shimmering sky blue and white with green stripes respectively. But their eyes are their most striking feature. They are red and blue, pink and yellow with polka dots, plaid with sparkles, completely black with a red stripe, dark rainbow with orange highlights, glow-in-the-dark, oatmeal with beige undertones (or one might even say eggshell), completely empty, filled with blood, shooting lightening bolts, one red and flaming one blue and weeping, and mirrors that only show the viewers true desire which always involves a loved one with long flowing hair and more flashing eyes. Suddenly a bat flies in. With a great swoop it lands.
“It is not safe here,” says the man as he transforms. His hair flows about. Suddenly three wolves come in and turn into two men and a woman. Three more girls with wings come in. Their eyes are their most striking feature.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 09:35 PM

“I am Yinyin, but you can call me Yin.”
“People call me Locke.”
“My name is Horukia.”
“I am called Kayena, but everyone calls me Kay.”
“My family is lost! My name is Yun.”
“People call me Serenity. After my gaze.”
“My name is Zatoichi Kisikata Azusa, after my grandfather. He died along with the rest of my family in the attack.” They say.
Their eyes flash. They are reserved and somewhat aggressive. They are secretive and defensive, sometimes hurtful. They are young. They are beautiful. They are strong inside. They are quiet but fun loving. They will destroy things that get in their way. They are naturally good at everything. They love playing tricks on people, but they are cursed, or scarred, or depressed. They are rich, smart, overly ambitious. They are tough physically and emotional. They anger quick, but not often. They say what’s on their mind. They always do something, never do other things. They are mysterious. They hide their feelings. They have darker sides. They are half-animal, half-human. Outcasts and misfits in trendy clothes.
They fill the room. They push Em and Fish against the wall. Em watches the mass of innocent sexuality with a smile. Fish covers her eyes. The crowd shifts. It’s moving out now. Some young beauty grabs Em’s hand. He pulls hard and manages to spring up on her shoulders for a better view.
“Why don’t you join us?” a shirtless boy with a mace asks Fish. He looks at her with his sharp gaze, tears come to his eyes “, you remind me of… I can’t say it. No…” he covers his face “, Natiri is that you?” Fish pulls herself up against the wall as he tries to hug her. She shakes her head violently. He follows her. She moves away, into the crowd. She sees the armoire over their brilliantly colored hair. Some one’s sword pokes her. Some one throws a punch over her shoulder. She turns around and is shoved back.
Her back hits the armoire. One door is still open. Fish slips into the armoire. She sits under the coats until the crowd is out of the room. It is silent. She sighs. She kicks open the door and stands to stretch.
“Who are you?” The man says, grimacing while pulling his sword from his belt. Fish raises an eyebrow. “I might as well tell you who I am. I am Jutatsu Kami Kun. But you mustn’t tell any one… they might…” he winces as pain shoots up his leg. There is a young woman beside him. She gently wraps his leg in a bandage, while singing a quiet song that reminds him of a childhood too terrible to forget. Her eyes are her most beautiful feature. He holds back tears, but she leans forward and kisses him. Fish turns to leave.
“How dare you!” says the man, his eyes, which are his most striking feature, flashing.
“Hush Jutsie,” says the woman, stroking his long flowing green hair with blond highlights “, just because she’s one of them…” she looks at Fish with fear in her eyes, pulling her dress up to prepare to run, if there was any danger she would be ready. Fish re-hooks her over-all strap.
“She can’t be trusted,” the man turns away. Tears are in both of their eyes now.
“Crying eyes, flowing hair, always also never there. Finding paths and falsing love, not so falsebad, flesh and blood.
Children’s dreams, old man’s fancy. Common counterinsurgency. Shallow small and little clothes on, ageless mindless never gone.”
The two are silent throughout her poem.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 09:36 PM

“That was beautiful,” says the woman softly.
“Yes,” Jutatsu whispers weekly “, Chea, we need to get married.” Chea turns away. Jutatsu rests his hand on her shoulder and she cries.
“No more tears, Chea. You can be one of us now…” he turns away, it’s too painful. Chea cups her hand around his chin and tears roll down her cheeks.
“You have to promise then… you have to promise that…” she doesn’t have to finish her sentence. He knows what she’s thinking.
“I promise.” Tears come to her eyes and she smiles. Raising her head slowly, majestically, regally, almost queenly, she turns to Fish.
“Marry us.” Says Chea. Fish frowns.
“You have such beautiful words… you have to marry us here so that even… even if he dies, I would have the honor to be Jutatsu Kami Kun’s wife.” Fish thinks for a moment.
“Two too perfect. Two too perfect together.” On a whim she taps each of their shoulders like she were knighting them with her umbrella “, Kiss now.” Tears fill their eyes and they do so. For a long time. Fish leaves. The hall is empty. There is a ding down the hall. It is the elevator. She races into the stairwell, leaving the door open a crack to watch.
“Willkommen, Fish,” says Em. She turns, the crowd of people is gathered behind him. They live there. Two long thin men with tiny noses, sparkling eyes and flowing hair hold Em up by the shoulders.
“Come fast now, Em. Need to find Love.” Em turns to the crowd. He smiles without using his eyes. Fish hates this. She says nothing. A couple of the people seem ready to protest, but Em shrugs and waves goodbye to the crowd. They wave back, their eyes flashing.
Fish puts her finger to her lips and peeks out the door. Love and Sherwood stand there looking into their room. Em and Fish are behind them. Em walks up behind Love. He holds his temples and looks at her, it takes several moment for his vision to properly focus. Love sees him and moves closer to Sherwood. Sherwood holds her hand. Fish taps Em on the shoulder. He turns and falls into her, leaning into her shoulder. He sticks his bottom lip out in a mock-pout. Fish shrugs him off. Love whispers.
“We came to warn you, the Followers went into the stair well to search for you.”
“Weren’t in this stairwell, Love,” says Fish “, not but for a moment or two short moments.”
“They chased out those creepy people. I thought we could catch them before they attacked you or something. I’m so sorry I’ve made so much trouble for you.” Love hugs Fish. Sherwood says nothing, he is looking down the hall. He hears something. He motions to the other three. They enter the room next to Love’s. Sherwood opens the window. There is a fire escape.
“Where’s Mr. Denial?” Love whispers to Fish. Fish points at Em. Love doesn’t look at him. Fish heads for the window. She shakes Sherwood’s hand in thanks. He gives her a nod. She steps out onto the fire escape. Em follows. Sherwood doesn’t look at him. Em keeps his eyes where his feet are going. Out on the landing he stands up straight and chips paint off the rail. Love spends a moment speaking to Sherwood. She hugs him, then joins them on the fire escape. Sherwood turns to listen to something and leans out.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 09:37 PM

“I’ll distract them,” he says. He turns back into the room. Em swings himself over the edge of the railing. Fish gasps. But he drops onto the next landing down and grins back up at her. She walks down the stairs as quietly as she can. She stops midway and motions for Love to follow. Love sighs and does so. Fish reaches Em. He has his hand on the railing and is preparing to jump over. She shakes her head and walks past, ducking under the window. Love speeds up past Em to catch up with Fish. Em follows.
They reach the bottom landing. The sidewalk below is a mass of people and creatures. Em slowly lowers the ladder. People gradually notice and move out of the way. Just enough so they don’t run into it. The three go down the ladder. They stand for a moment. Uncertain if they must leave the ladder down. They decide to leave it. It’s a waste of time.
They walk several blocks away from the hotel. Fish asks Love where the relic is. Love asks Mr. Denial, then points north east. They go north. Love puts the sock in her pocket and holds Fish’s hand. Em follows with his hands on his head some ways away. They reach the edge of the city. A girl with pigtails and a loose fitting white leotard that falls over one shoulder sits cross-legged just beyond the knife-cut edge of the city street.
“Someone,” she says. Then “, Someone else.”
“She’s calling for help,” says Love.
“Someone,” says the girl a little louder.
“She’s calling for Someone,” says Fish.
“Who’s Someone?” Love asks the girl.
The girl doesn’t look at her “, Someone else,” she answers.
They pass her and walk on into the grassy field. The light fails. They feel exposed. The mountains glow for a while after the sun sets. They sleep on the ground. Love sleeps close to Fish. Em some ways away, facing away from them.
All three wake around the same time. Em forgot his coat. Love lends him hers. She hands it to him without touching him. He doesn’t look at her, but asks to no one in particular “, Have you ever really looked at bedsprings?”
He shivers uncontrollably and walks with his head bowed. He asks to borrow Fish’s umbrella. Fish hands it to him. She is nervous. Em uses it as a cane. He lifts his head and sings a quiet song about static, confusion, power and bedsprings. Love avoids him and speaks in a soft voice with Mr. Denial. Fish avoids him physically, but hums along with his tune. She hums quietly so Love doesn’t hear. Love hears anyway.
The boy comes at noon as usual. Love marches up to meet him.
“Boy, do you remember me?” she asks.
“No miss,” he says.
“Who are you?”
“I have a—”
“Message, I know,” Love cuts him off.
“I memorized it right well, miss.”
“I know. Is it any different already?”
“I don’t know how you mean, miss.”
“Aren’t you a little wordier this time around?”
“He sent me with a message.”
“You said that. Who is he?”
“Who’s he?”
Love storms back to her humming companions and the boy vanishes.
The grasslands are breezy and cooler as their second night passes. Fish wakes up first and stands to watch the sunrise. The sky is pale gold and she wakes up Love. Love shivers in the morning air. She reluctantly goes to wake Em. He does not shiver. His breath is shallow. Fish gently shakes his shoulder. Fish shivers and it is not from cold. She has a poem in her head but she doesn’t speak it. She gives him a shove. She springs over him to sit in front of him. She pushes him over on his back. There is a breeze. Fish purses her lips. She slaps him on both cheeks.
Em is dizzy. He doesn’t know where he is. The sky is the color of hay and far too bright. He pulls his hands up to cover his eyes. His head is screwed on too tight and presses his palms against his forehead hard.
“What’s going on?” asks Love. She walks over slowly, clutching Mr. Denial to her chest. Fish grabs Em by the wrist and pulls him to his feet.
“What’s going on?” asks Em. He takes a step foreword and catches Fish’s hand for balance. Love looks at Fish. Fish bites her lip. Love looks at Mr. Denial.
“There’s a doctor near here,” says Love. Fish nods. Love listens to Mr. Denial for a moment, then turns and walks northwest. Fish shades Em’s eyes from the sun and follows. They make slow progress. Fish becomes nervous. She glances over her shoulder repeatedly. Em leans on her more and more. They stop to rest regularly. Fish switches her one sock back and forth between her blistered feet. She asks Mr. Denial how far it is. Love relays his answer.
“A day and a half more at this pace,” she says.
“This is half and half again at least. Where Boy?” Fish lets Em down to the ground, where he picks at grass listlessly. Love and Fish face in opposite directions and watch for the boy. Love sees a small figure back the way they came, it walks slowly coming straight toward them. Fish sees another figure up ahead. It moves in a zigzag pattern. It seems to be dragging something. Both figures get closer. Neither Fish nor Love says anything. Until it is clear to Fish she is not looking at a boy. It is a small girl with a wagon.
“Small skipping hop quick and happy girl, this girl come fast to us,” says Fish. The girl yells something. They can’t hear what she says. Fish turns to watch the slower figure. It is the boy. The girl yells again.
The boy is startled. He takes a step back and stops. Love runs up to meet him.
“I… I have—”
“A message,” Love fills in. The boy nods.
“You don’t remember me, do you?” says Love. The boy thinks. Then shakes his head.
“Who sent you?” asks Love.
The little girl interrupts her “, HEY PEOPLE. You should be looking at me when I speak because that’s how you pay attention. And guess what paying attention is what you do when some one talks at you so you aren’t being rude.”
Em holds his head. She’s very loud. Love looks peeved. The boy shakes and looks at the new girl.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 09:38 PM

“Hey mister!” says the girl “, why are you shaking when you look at me because guess what I’m not a fearsome beast that’s what! A fearsome beast is what happens when a regular beast gets fangs and claws and roars real loud like this!” the girl drops the handle of the wagon and roars. She makes her fingers into claw shapes and stomps around the wagon. Fish looks at the wagon curiously.
“Did you see me doing that mister! Because that was what a fearsome beast looks like except not a little girl because a fearsome beast is not a little girl that’s why.”
The boy shakes “, I have a message,” he says again.
“Are you a postal service guy? Because you look a little too young to be a postal service guy, and you even don’t have any hair on your face,” she marches up real close to him dragging her wagon behind her. She stands in it so her face is eye level with his cheeks. She examines them closely. The boy pulls his arms up to his chest protectively and watches her warily. Love stands off to the side.
“I memorized it right well,” says the boy.
“He’s not coming today, but surely tomorrow,” says Love. She crosses her arms. The boy nods and takes a step back to go.
“Who is this man who sent you?” asks Love.
“Guess what people!” says the little girl “, guess what I got sent by some one too, except he doesn’t know he sent me yet and that’s a bitty problem let me tell you because I didn’t tell him that he sent me.”
Love pointedly ignores the younger girl and tries again “, This man… he has a name.” The boy nods. She continues “, tell me what it is.” The boy shakes his head.
“And you know what mister!” says the little girl “, you need new clothes because these clothes are the ugliest rag set I have ever seen ever!” The boy blushes. “You mister are excused!” the girl says loudly. The boy almost smiles, then turns and sprints away.
“Why did you do that?” asks Love clenching her fists.
“BECAUSE ON ACCOUNT OF HE WAS BEING A WEENIE SCARDY CAT THAT IS WHY,” says the girl. Fish clamps her hands over her ears.
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Love raises her voice.
“Hush and don’t speak,” says Fish “, sickness here.” She points at Em. He curls himself into a ball.
“HOW’S HE SICK?” the little girl asks throwing her arms every which way “, ONE TIME I GOT SICK AND DOCTOR HAD TO—”
“You know the doctor?” Love catches her by a squirming arm. The girl starts to speak in capitals again, but Love shushes her.
“Sorry,” says the girl in a loud whisper. Love leans down and speaks very slowly.
“Where… is… the… doctor?”
“Sheesh Loo-easy woman, I am not a stupid brain you know. My brain is smart. I even know how count to one hundred. One. Two. Three. Four...” the girl squirms away from Love and skips in a circle. She trips and falls into Em. He pushes her away roughly, his eyes flashing.
“Hey you know what! That was not even right mister! That was not even a nice thing to do!” says the girl.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 09:39 PM

Fish looks at Em. His eyes fill with tears. She pulls off his hat to check for long flowing hair. His hair is still cropped short. Fish is relieved. She moves to set the hat back on his head but the little girl stops her.
“BLOOD!” she yells pointing and jumping up and down “, YOU KNOW WHAT! THAT IS NOT EVEN A GOOD THING TO BE SEEING ON YOUR HEAD!” The blood is dry. There isn’t very much. There’s a little smear at the base of his skull. The little girl skips in a circle.
Fish looks closer, parting his hair. Em shifts uncomfortably.
“ONLY TOO BAD FOR ME BECAUSE THEN IT BLED MORE EVEN THOUGH IT GOT CLEANED UP! BUT THAT WAS ONLY A TEENY WEENY BLOOD NOT EVEN—” Love grabs at the girl’s arm and misses. She catches the girl’s dirty pink jumper instead and pulls her to a halt.
“We need your wagon and we need to get to this doctor,” she says. Fish finds the source of the blood. The scratch is small and not very deep.
“Not deep wound, flesh broken but healing. Swells and pressing throbbing skull pounding this. Something underneath this is. I cannot say what,” says Fish.
“I cannot even understand a word you say woman,” says the little girl.
“She says we need your wagon right now,” says Love.
“I have an important thing to do with this wagon—”
“We don’t have time!” says Love. The girl looks embarrassed. She says they can use it. Fish has helped Em to his feet and into the wagon before the girl has finished her sentence. They arrange the blankets under him. Em doesn’t fit well. His long legs hang out of the back. Love suggests they sacrifice their coats to hold his head steady. They feel this makes sense and do so. The girl babbles on as they consult Mr. Denial for direction. It is further east than they were originally heading.
“Silence is golden,” mutters Love as they begin moving. The little girl is yelling about grass stains. It’s hard work to get the wagon rolling. The grass sticks in the wheels. Fish pulls. Love pushes from the side. They are thankful the ground is flat. The wagon is rolling. The girl skips along beside them.
“My name is Pinkie. That’s on account of the prettiest color is pink I think. HEY THAT RHYMES! Pink I think. Pink I think. Pink think Pinkie thinky. Inky PINKIE THINKY INKY DINKY WINKY. You want to see me wink? I wink real good I think! Think wink!” Pinkie winks over and over again “, Think wink! Think wink! See! SEE HOW GOOD I WINK!” she gets really close to Fish. Fish pretends not to see her.
“Be quiet!” snaps Love.
“You are not the boss of me missus!” says Pinkie. Love groans. Pinkie shakes her finger “, I don’t like your ADDITUDE.” Love does her best to join Fish in ignoring the younger girl.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 11:32 PM

A streak of Em’s greasy hair has turned bright red. It slowly raised into a oily spike as the day wears on. The color spreads as well. Sometimes Pinkie falls momentarily silent. She is quiet for longer than usual now. Fish become anxious at what the little girl might be doing. She glances back and catches sight of Em’s hair. She is first confused then horrified. Then faintly amused. Then she is completely disgusted, entirely terrified, and utterly at a loss as to what to do.
Em is asleep. He talks in his sleep. He doesn’t talk like himself in his sleep. He speaks in black and white. Of vague wars and danger and great loss. He makes far too much sense and no sense at all. Sometimes Love and Fish burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of his speech.
“No… no!” he says “, I am falling and you must save me from… no it’s too terrifying!.” The pure melodrama of his monologue is a mockery of their situation. Their laughter stops soon after it began.
Pinkie tries to hold conversations with the delirious man.
“I will save you mister because guess what! I am sometimes a superhero. But except there are not a lot of people to save like this so I am a little rusty now. A little rusty is what happens with the stuff in you’re brain freezes up because it got wet while you weren’t doing anything. That’s why you don’t go out in the rain got it mister?”
“I… No! It’s too much!” says Em.
“Now I am sucking my breath in at you,” says Pinkie “, see how I am sucking my breath in at you? This is because you are not listening to a word I say that’s why.”
Pinkie explains the effect of water on the mind again. Slower. Time passes.
Love gets Pinkie to help push. She helps very little. Fish speaks little. She gets tunnel vision looking intently at a spot on the horizon. She ignores her sore arms and legs. Love determinedly pretends she is not tired. She feels ashamed of her weariness with the seemingly endless ball of energy beside her. Pinkie keeps up her steady chatter long after it gets dark.
They see a light ahead as the moon sets. They pick up their pace. Pinkie gets in front of them and assures them this is the right house. She picks up a stick and pretends to lead them like a parade. Some one runs out to meet them. They are more than a hundred yards away as he meets them.
“Pink, I thought that was you! Who is this with you?” says the man “, where is that torch… ah!” he flicks on a flashlight. The man is a head shorter than Fish. His hair is salt and pepper and receding. He smiles and his mustache wiggles a little. He takes a moment to study them. He walks around and sees Em, who he examines briefly with a sweep of his flash light.
“In a moment, Pink,” the man offers his hand to Fish “I’m Dr. Ormond.”
“Fish,” she says dropping the wagon handle and shaking his hand.
“Wait here,” says Dr. Ormond “, come with me, Pink. It wouldn’t do to weary these three any further. They are guests.”
The doctor hurries back to the house. He walks with a limp and carries a cane. Pink follows, explaining her exciting day. Fish and Love let themselves down to the ground.
“So it’s catching?” asks Love. Fish nods.
“So it seems to be,” she says.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 11:33 PM

Dr. Ormond comes back with his home. He pulls the brick, double-doored building with a rope. Leading it as he would a dog. It has been pulled out from between two other buildings. The shingles on the roof were attached to something else; they stick out at odd angles. A broken bit of pipe snakes out of the side wall. Between Dr. Ormond, Fish and Love they get Em inside. They set him on the couch. The room is sparse. A couch, two sitting chairs and a rocking chair. A small table is set with a shiny silver tea set. A large bookcase is in the corner. It holds only one book. Love immediately goes over to look at it.
Dr. Ormond and Fish rest a moment. Fish tells Dr. Ormond what she knows. Then they take Em into the next room. The doctor spreads the bed with a couple clean sheets before lying the man on top. Dr. Ormond sends Pinkie into another room for bed. She protests, but eventually concedes.
Fish and Love wait in the sitting room while Dr. Ormond examines Em. The house miraculously has electricity. Love reads the book. Fish sits on the couch closes her eyes. Pinkie sneaks out to grab a biscuit off the table. She goes back to bed. Love flips leaf after leaf and devours the book before Dr. Ormond returns. She sits and stares at its cover until he comes out.
“Well, ladies…” he says.
“Is it terribly bad?” asks Love, jumping to her feet.
“I have good news and bad news,” says the doctor.
“Bring bad first, that we would rejoice last in the good,” says Fish.
Dr. Ormond smiles “, Very well. First of all, he has a concussion. Second of all he’s…” he searches for the words “he calls himself Endo Ennosuke Hirofumi.”
“What’s the good news, doctor?” Love asks.
“Good news is he’ll be fine,” he smiles warmly.
“How long?” asks Fish fidgeting with her hat.
“A week for the concussion. It’s hard to say for the rest.”
“What… is it?” asks Love.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” says Dr. Ormond.
“Love,” says Love “, but what is it?”
“I believe the technical term for it is… the mangaphilic marisue virus.”
“Meaning…?” Love drums her fingers on the book.
“Meaning that without treatment your dear friend would eventually loose all originality, and the ghosts would largely loose interest in him in the second life,” says Dr. Ormond. Love nods, but Fish looks confused.
“Ghosts? Second life?”
The doctor sees the book in Love’s hand.
“Oh, I see you’ve found my colleague’s book.”
“Oh yes! It’s wonderful!” says Love.
“Good! I suggest you read it as well, Fish, it clears up quite a bit. Funny chap, my friend, brilliant though. I must apologize, the house is small we only have two bedrooms. You’re welcome to make yourselves comfortable where ever you wish.”
Fish and Love look at the doors. It’s a case of choosing one’s poison.
“The couch is also available,” says Dr. Ormond smiling. They sleep on the couch. It is crowded, but soft and warm. The doctor brings in their blankets and coats. And stokes a fire in the hearth. He brings out a quilt for himself and sleeps on the floor.
He is up early the next morning with Pinkie. Pinkie wakes the two on the couch.
“Quiet Pinkie, you don’t want to wake our patient,” says Dr. Ormond.
Pinkie speaks quieter “, I’m the nurse here that’s what I do so you have to do what I say k?”

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 11:33 PM

Fish smiles and gets up. Love scowls at Pinkie.
“Hey woman that is not even what you look at your nurse like! You look at me like I am a darling little angel! Tell her Doctor! Tell her I’m a darling little angel nurse and she needs to look at me with perspective.”
“You mean respect,” mumbles Love.
“Respective is what you get when you’re far away and you see some one like a doctor and guess what you do not even scowl at a doctor or a nurse even when you are respective and not perspective that’s why and that is even what I meant!” Pinkie puts her hands on her hips.
Love forced an indulgent smile “, of course you’re right.”
“Pink, be kind,” says Dr. Ormond. He sets the small table for four. There are biscuits, tea, and small fish.
“How do you get food way out here?” asks Love as she sits at the table. Dr. Ormond hangs his cane on his arm and moves the two easy chairs around the table.
“We stop off at cities to help people. We stock for our travels there,” he explains “, Pinkie, you want to go get some apples?”
“Yes sir! I would like to get some apples because they are tasty things let me tell you that’s why!” Pinkie skips off into the kitchen.
“How do you live with her?” Love wrinkles her nose.
“Pinkie? Lots of patience. She’s actually quite useful though.”
“How?” asks Love.
“She has a knack for… making happy endings,” Dr. Ormond says “, it’s hard to say exactly.”
“Endings?” Fish sits down “, How ending and how might she make without a relic?”
“Relic?” asks Dr. Ormond.
“Have you heard of Anansi?” asks Love.
“Rumors. I dare say I’d like to hear more. We don’t get nearly enough news around here.”
“Well the Leader says—”
“The Leader?” asks the doctor.
“He leads the Followers,” explains Love.
“That follows,” says Dr. Ormond.
“No, he leads,” says Love.
Love takes a moment to figure that one out “, Yes. Anyway, the leader says that Anansi is bringing back the relics from the sky god for him. He says he’s—”
“Hold on a moment my good miss,” say Dr. Ormond “, be so kind as to start at the beginning I fear I’m missing something.”
Love looks confused “, The beginning…?”
Fish smiles “, Love, sing us a song, tell us a story.”
“Yes, do,” says the doctor “, pray tell us of this Anansi, I feel certain it pertains to something my companion spoke of before he left to complete his book.”
“Alright…” says Love “, I’m not sure it’s even true any more—”
“I HAVE THE APPLES!” Pinkie runs in with a wooden crate of apples. She can’t see over the top of them. She runs into the back of Fish’s chair and drops them. Apples go everywhere.
“Oopsie,” Pinkie puts her hand over her mouth and giggles. Dr. Ormond sighs. They all stand and help gather the apples.
“Come now, tell us this story,” he prompts Love. Love clears her throat and begins. Some of it seems memorized.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 11:34 PM

Once upon a time, long ago… but not really all that long ago, all the relics belonged to Nyame the sky god. Nyme was a tall dark man with a golden cape. He kept all the stories in golden boxes. Anansi, the spider lived on the ground far below. He lived in a small dirty house with two other people. They did nothing for a very long time. Anansi was strikingly hansom. He wore long leather boots and had a lovely mustache. And a hat. He had a big hat with a feather.
After doing nothing for a very long time, which was very dull, the three found they could move. Anansi wove patterns with his long shimmering thread. He followed his patterns and made more patterns in the world around him. His first companion moved by watching. He was very wise. But very fat. He saw all the patterns that Anansi wove and was able to follow them. The third companion moved… sideways. He saw no patterns. Nor did he weave patterns. He moved at random, because… I guess without a relic you don’t get to move normally. But he often tripped over Anansi’s webs. This made Anansi laugh.
One day. The second man moved and was suddenly in Nyame’s palace. Nyame had seven beautiful guards at his side. They lowered their cruel pointed swords at the Second man. But he heroically thrust his hand into the air and seven Rhinoceroses came running after the guards. Nyame swirls his beautiful golden coat. Oh, and he was holding a relic then. But a rhino comes up from behind him and knocks the box from his hand. It falls down… down… down… to the ground, where Anansi finds it. Then the Second man steps sideways back to their little house. But all memory of the rhinos and the sky god… are gone!

“GONE?” asks Pinkie. All the apples are picked up now. They are sitting back at the table. Dr. Ormond puts his finger to his lips.
“Gone?” asks Pinkie in a lower voice “did Nyame make him forget?”
“I don’t know…” Love thinks “, I guess he must have. No one ever said why he forgot. Maybe Nyame was embarrassed. I know I would be if I were sky god and some stupid rhino got the better of me.”
There’s a noise from the room Em is staying in.
“It sounds like our patient is awake,” says Dr. Ormond, he drops his voice “, I would ask that no one speaks of his illness near him. It may exasperate his condition.”
Love and Fish nod. Pinkie scrapes her small teeth across the skin of an apple. She tries to bite it.
“Pink?” says Dr. Ormond.
“What I didn’t do nothing mister I was just biting this apple—”
“Did you hear what I said Pink?”
“Yeah… I heard…” Pinkie rolls her eyes and attacks the apple. Dr. Ormond opens the door to the bedroom quietly. Fish takes the butter knife and starts peeling an apple. The skin comes of in little pieces. Fish gets frustrated. Pinkie gnaws the peel off in a ring around the apple. Her small mouth doesn’t fit far enough around the apple to get to the flesh. She slams it on the table and crosses her arms.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 11:34 PM

“This apple is defectish and that’s what I can’t even bite it that’s why. It is not even an eensy bit good for eating!” she says. Fish sets down her apple and slices Pinkie’s apple into thin slices. The little girl watches happily. She chews on the slices while Fish returns to hacking the peel off her own.
Love wanders off to look at the book again.
Dr. Ormond returns. He comes to the table and leans in to speak softly.
“It is as I thought. The medication I supplied him last night in his water staved off any complications for the primary issue, but the virus is quickly spreading. I will need your help in the treatment. There will be three stages.”
Fish sets aside her pealing and Love puts down the book. They sit perfectly still as they listen to the part they are to take.
“Be careful, you can’t let him get up in his condition, but under no circumstances should he know anything is wrong with him. Above all, be extremely wary of contracting the virus yourself,” he finishes.
They nod. Pinkie nods really fast. Her hair flies every which way.

Em feels dizzy. His hair is shoulder length and red with a single black streak down the front. It has spiked itself. The door creaks open and his eyes flash dangerously.
“Who are you?” he asks. The tone of his voice says very clearly that he doesn’t want them there.
“Fish, Em.”
“My name is Endo Ennosuke Hirofumi, and you will call me by my name,” his eyes are dark and stormy, they have a red light behind them like a flame.
“Em, I have some spreadsheets for you to do,” says Fish, holding a huge stack of papers.
“You betrayed me!”
Fish ignores him “This column and this column need to be added up. Then… um… you can turn them in at noon.”
“I’m a fighter Fish,” He turns away sadness fills his gaze “, or at least… I was. I don’t do… spreadsheets.”
“You don’t do spreadsheets?”
“I don’t do spreadsheets!” he yells. He puts his hand on the wall beside him and prepares to rise. Fish quickly sets the heavy stack of papers on him. He falls back against the pillow. Tears come to his eyes.
“Am I… am I going live, Fish? Where is the doctor?” he lets his head drop to his chest and closes his eyes, like he were remembering something… terrible.
“Not if you don’t do this your—these spreadsheets,” says Fish severely “, quick now, what’s twenty-two and eleven?”
He turns away “, I never learned to add. I was born in poverty.”
“Nonsense,” says Fish “, twelve and six.”
Love comes in with a pair of scissors, a razor and a small blanket.
“What are you doing?” Em’s eyes flash to Love’s. They seem to fill with fear, like a small animal.

Penny is offline
Old 12-10-2007, 11:35 PM

“One plus three?” says Fish.
“Four,” says Em automatically “, but what are you doing? Why are you here? It isn’t safe.”
“I know,” says Love. Fish catches her eye “, I mean, I know you’re… afraid. I mean… two and five?”
“Seven!” his face is suspicious. It’s all… too simple “, what are these spreadsheets for anyway they’re not for… THEM are they? Did they put you up to this?”
Love giggles. Fish keeps her face straight “, no Em.”
“It’s Endo,” he snaps.
“No Em, we’re just doing our host a favor,” says Fish.
“I… I have something I’ve been meaning to tell you, Fish,” he turns away. He doesn’t want her to see him. She might guess his… secret.
“Forty and twenty-one, Em?” says Fish.
“What good is math when… I can’t say it…” he says. Tears fill his eyes. Love rolls her eyes. She throws the blanket around his neck and ties it at the back. Luckily he’s too melancholy to protest.
“Thirty-three and eighteen, Em” says Fish. She puts a pencil in his hand and pokes the page where the answer is to go.
“It’s Endo,” he says softly. Love starts snipping away at his bright red hair.
“Write the answer, Em,” says Fish. He looks up sadly at her and does so.
“It’s so… hard for me to—”
“Seven and nine,” says Fish.
“Sixteen. What I mean to say is—”
“Three and fifteen,” says Love lopping off a big chunk of black bangs.
Em looks at her with tears in his eyes “, you have to understand me, Love,” he cups his hand around her cheek. She slaps him away, brandishing the scissors in front of her. He jerks back and knocks his head against the back board.
“Love,” Fish says. Love swallows hard and sets down the scissors.
Fish bites her lip and adjusts the brim of her hat. Em look angry. Love clenches her teeth and leaves the room.
Fish smiles at the Em, who looks about ready to throw something. Then she follows Love out.
Dr. Ormond is waiting outside.
“I am to assume the endeavor did not go well,” he says.
“You heard all?” asks Fish.
“Yes, I did.”
“I’m sorry…” says Love.
“This speech won’t hold this hello and good day talk does not fit in my mouth,” says Fish.
Dr. Ormond nods.
“What do we do now?” asks Love.
“His anger will be short lived… but it would be a mistake to leave the scissors in there for long,” says the doctor.

Penny is offline
Old 12-15-2007, 08:17 AM

“I see you Pink,” Dr. Ormond assures her “, we can’t put you in there yet… though a few more slips like that and we may need to.”
Love looks ashamed. Dr. Ormond smiles and sets his hand on her shoulder “, don’t you worry about it, Love. No one blames you.”
“Let me tell you I am the bestest nurse you ever seen so guess what I am a little in patient!”
“Just so, Pinkie,” says Fish “, we can see.”
“When can we try again?” says Love.
“You need not follow in and try again, if your heartfears have grown too much, Love,” says Fish.
“I’m not scared,” says Love, defensively.
“I’d give it a few minutes,” says Dr. Ormond. They wait a few minutes. The two go back into the room.

Em is where they left him. His arm rests on the pillow beside him. Fish thinks he looks very frail. She feigns disinterest. Love heads straight over and returns to her cutting.
“You left me…” says Em.
“Twelve and twelve, Em,” says Fish.
“Twenty-four. I was… so scared. No… I’m not going to cry… and I’m Endo Ennosuke,” he says. Love cuts away more hair.
“Eight and seventeen, Em,” says Fish.
“Twenty-five. And it’s Endo Ennosuke. Why don’t you help me?” he pleads.
Fish stands at the foot of the bed ignoring everything Em says. She gives math problems as Love chops off the hideous flowing locks. Fish moves to subtraction after a while, when he stops protesting to her calling him Em. Em switches between sad and angry often and quickly. Love is on her toes to avoid stabbing him when he strikes out.
When her part is complete there is only a fine layer of uneven fuzz covering his head. Love can’t help but smile as she leaves the room. Fish is able to persuade him to write all his answers on the spreadsheets that rest en mass on his stomach. He starts on the problems with eyes flashing and tears and Fish leaves the room content.

Love is reading the book from the shelf again outside the room. Mr. Denial rests on her shoulder.
“Is he thoroughly engrossed in his work?” Dr. Ormond asks Fish. Fish nods.
“Very well then, we shall commence stage two shortly. Until then—”
“Yes, Pink, it does,” says Dr. Ormond “, keep it down, please.” Pinkie puts her finger to her lips and runs into the kitchen. He continues “, What I intended to say was that I’d be intrigued to here the rest of your story, Miss Love.”
Love smiles “, I’d love to finish it then!” she says happily. She sets aside her book and continues “so the Walker knocked the story out of the sky god’s hand—”
“Walker?” asks Fish.
“The second man and the rhino,” explains Love.
“I see,” says Fish “, the Weaver, the Watcher and the Walker.”
“Yes, I think you could say it that way. Oh those are wonderful names for them!” Love goes on.

Penny is offline
Old 12-15-2007, 08:17 AM

Anansi the spider found Nyame’s golden box on the ground in front of his house. He picked it up and emptied it onto the ground, he was going to pocket the contents, but the first man, the Watcher saw him.
Anansi wanted more relics for himself.
“Walker,” he asked “, Walker, I want to know where you went the other day.”
But the Walker didn’t remember where he went.
So Anansi threw a web around the Walker so Anansi was pulled along behind him as he wandered. Soon enough, the Walker came back to the sky god’s palace. Anansi saw the great golden boxes, the mighty god, and his seven warriors. Then Walker dragged him back to the house.
That night when both the Walker and the Watcher closed their eyes Anansi went outside. But the Watcher was only pretending to be asleep. Anansi built a web up into the sky. He climbed up to Nyame’s palace.
“Nyame!” he said “I wish to buy the relics in your great golden boxes!”
Nyame laughed evilly “, You cannot buy this gold. You are poor. You are small. And you have no power.”
The seven soldiers laughed with Nyame. But Anansi’s greed was too much.
“Name your price!” he said.
Meanwhile, the Watcher had bravely followed Anansi up the web. He hid behind a beautiful marble column, because the sky god had a lot of columns in his palace.
“First,” said Nyame to Anansi “, you will bring me Osebo, the leopard.”
Osebo lived deep in a dark, scary forest. He was as big as Anansi was small, with huge fangs.
“Then you will bring me Mmboro, the hornets.”
Mmboro lived in a huge colony in the high grasses of the savanna. There were hundred of them, they flew swiftly and their stings were deadly.
“Finally, you must bring me Mmotia, the fairy.”
Mmotia went where she wanted, dancing under trees. She was beautiful, but invisible.
“That is my price,” says Nyame. And he laughs again with his guards.
“It will be done,” says Anansi. He goes past where the Watcher was cleverly hidden and goes back down his web. The Watcher sneaks to the sky god’s window, from there he can see the entire world. He watches Anansi as he collects the price.

Dr. Ormond stops her “I’m sorry Miss Love, I’m going to have to stop you for a moment, as it is about time to begin treatment.”
He hands them a carpet bag and they go back into the bedroom.

Penny is offline
Old 12-15-2007, 08:18 AM

Em is totally absorbed in the spreadsheets they left with him.
There are tear streaks running through the bright red circles on his cheeks. He’s sneering and pressing dangerously hard on the pencil as he writes. The finished papers have holes punched in them because of this.
“The world is going to end in ten minutes, Em” says Love.
Em looks up “, how do you know this?” he says.
“The sky is falling,” says Fish quickly.
“Everyone you have ever loved is about to die,” says Love.
Em sinks into his pillow and starts crying softly.
“And I think you’re a terrible selfish, stupid person,” Love says with venom “, and your hair is ugly.”
“How dare you!” says Em, balling his hands into fists. His eyes flash.
“I love you, Em,” says Fish.
“What?” he starts crying again.
“I mean… and I have congac,” she says.
“Really?” he almost smiles.
“But you don’t get any because you’re a terrible person and the world is ending,” says Love. Em cries.
“But I love you,” says Fish. Em looks mildly pleased.
“You never do anything right,” says Love. Em looks murderous.
“The world is ending and I love you,” says Fish. Em throws his pencil at Love and cries and smiles.
“I hate you,” says Love “, I’m going to kill you.”
“Hardly!” says Em. He laughs.
“The world is ending.” He cries.
“He has come for us, Em,” says Fish suddenly. She flings herself at the door. She throws her weight against it as if something were trying to get in.
Em’s eyes get big. He bites his fist to keep from making a sound.
“Everyone’s going to die. And they all hate you. Because you’re a terrible person,” says Love.
“But I love you!” calls Fish from the door.
Em simultaneously bursts into tears and laughter and a fit of rage. He throws the paperwork to the floor.
“And what is more, we’re lying!” says Love with a grin.
“But not really,” says Fish.
“Most of it is true.”
“But not entirely,” Fish opens the door and Pinkie comes in. She immediately starts talking.
Pinkie goes on, and Fish starts a story.
“One love lost time of quiet tiredsoft feet walked a new not followed path. This their path unmarked unfinished, a train track rusted and falling off broken bridges…”
Love joins in “, I don’t understand why he won’t remember me! I swear he must be the most infuriating little…I just don’t get it! And no one really tells me anything because they all think I’m too young, or that a young girl shouldn’t worry about such things. At least Mr. Denial understands…”


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