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Gory Little Horror
The Lurker
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Old 11-07-2007, 07:53 PM

This Is My Poetry Thread, Because I Have These Random Little Writing Spurts And Apparently It's Poetry. I'd Like You To Tell Me What You Think About Them [E.G. If You Like Them Or Not And Why] But Also What You Think They Mean And Who Wrote Them. Of Course I Wrote Them But I Sometimes Think That I See Other Peoples Problems And Make Them Poetry More Than My Own. So I Would Like To Know The Impression You Get From Them.

PLEASE NOTE: I don't sit down and go "Let's write poems!" They just happen sometimes.

I Doubt I Could Write Poetry On Request But I Am A Talented Writer - At Least That's What Teachers, Friends And Family Say - So I'm Willing To Give It A Go.

List Of Poems Submitted So Far:

.: Never Really Forgiven :. [Part 1]
I Would Be Lying If I Said...I Lie About...
Poem Written To My Boyfriend [23 March 08]

Gory Little Horror
The Lurker
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Old 11-07-2007, 07:54 PM


Gory Little Horror
The Lurker
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Gory Little Horror is offline
Old 11-07-2007, 07:56 PM


.: Never Really Forgiven:. [Part 1]

You Were Never Really Forgiven Were You?

Every Insult Craved Into The Walls. Craved Into Your Skin. Every Insult Whispered In Every Hall. Whispered In Your Ear. Their Faces Haunt The Corner Of Every Mirror. Haunt Your Every Dream.

...You Could Of Forgiven Them...

Every Step Burnt Into The Ground. Every Touch Cut In Your Heart. Each Breath Locked Away. Each Tear Falling Freely. Your Warm Heart Cooled To It's Core.

...You Could Of Forgiven Them...

A Shadow Of Your Former Self. The Physical Pain. The Emotial Pain. The Emptiness You Feel. The Loneliness You Feel.

...You Could Of Forgiven Them...

But You Ran Away

I Would Be Lying If I Said...I Lie About...

I Would Be Lying If I Said...I'm Happy With You Insulting Him. But I Lie About....
I Would Be Lying If I Said...But I Lie About....My Feelings.
I Would Be Lying If I Said...I Didn't Miss Her. But I Lie About....
I Would Be Lying If I Said...But I Lie About....My Own Guilt.
I Would Be Lying If I Said...I'll Lean On You And Tell You Everything. But I Lie About....
I Would Be Lying If I Said...But I Lie About....Him.
I Would Be Lying If I Said...I Could See Properly. But I Lie About....
I Would Be Lying If I Said...But I Lie About....Liking People.

I Would Be Lying If I Said...I'm Happy. But I Lie About....Being Sad.

Poem Written To My Boyfriend 23 March '08

I miss having conversations
I miss asking questions
I miss us being more child like
I miss what I used to think and feel.

I'm glad there's still something
I'm glad it's still real
I'm glad that your effects on me haven't broken me
I'm glad I still have the strength to be me.

I smile because it's Friday and you'll be online
I scowl because it's Thursday and there's still one more day till I get to talk to you.
I smile because you say love me
I scowl because that's all you say
I smile because I trust you not to do anything stupid
I scowl because I've lost what made me worry.

I dance because you're talking to me
I cry because you're not there
I dance because you say you'll be back soon
I cry because I never knew you were going
I dance because you're okay
I cry because I didn't get a chance to say all the things I wanted to say.

I laugh because I forgot
I write because I remember
I laugh because they're there
I write because you aren't
I laugh because I'm happy
I write because I'm sad

I give to others because I'm content with what I have
I take from others because I'm missing something
I give help to those who need it
I take help from those who offer and spit it back in their face
I give advice to those who ask
I take examples of those I know

I talk because I know
I shake because I'm confused
I talk because I am open
I shake because it's all bottled up inside
I talk to show my mind
I shake because I can't make snyone understand

I miss what I was
I'm glad I've changed
I smile because I have something to smile about
I scowl because I'm not perfect
I laugh because I am me
I write because I overpower myself
I give to make myself feel good
I take myself away to try to fix me
I talk to gain liking and knowledge
I shake because I see no way out

I write because there's nothing else I can do,
to get it across to you ...

ForkoFried is offline
Old 11-09-2007, 03:57 AM

very interesting! i like it because it's different, mainly the first one better.

Edana Little Flame
\ (•◡•) /
Edana Little Flame is offline
Old 11-10-2007, 03:03 AM

I like them! The second one is my favorite because it is so true people tell you all the time about one thing and expect you to believe them but then they go and turn around and say something to contradict that previous the question is can we really trust anyone?

Gory Little Horror
The Lurker
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Old 03-23-2008, 07:35 PM

It's been a while, hasn't it? Since my last poem... I forgot about this thread but now, re-reading those poems I realise how I never change inside. That one thing.

New poem added; the long one in green -.- Written to my boyfriend. You probably won't understand why but you might understand the message.

Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 03-24-2008, 08:15 AM

Never Realy Forgiven Were You has the potential to be a very strong poem, although it seems a bit rough.

First off, the title is weak. If you take out the 'really' it sounds more certain, and it adds a better strength. That's petty on my part though. XD

Second, your formatting is awkward. Perhaps try:

You Were Never Really Forgiven Were You?

Every Insult Craved Into The Walls, Craved Into Your Skin.
Every Insult Whispered In Every Hall, Whispered In Your Ear.
Their Faces Haunt The Corner Of Every Mirror, Haunt Your Every Dream.
A format like this ellaborates on the link in the phrases. It seperates the 'carved', 'whispered', and 'haunt' aspects and gives each line more attention from teh reader and makes the message stronger.

...You Could Of Forgiven Them...

Every Step Burnt Into The Ground.
Every Touch Cut In Your Heart.
Each Breath Locked Away.
Each Tear Falling Freely.
Your Warm Heart Cooled To It's Core.
First, steps burned in the ground, cold hearts, and locked breathes give a more imprisioned feel that's completely disregaurded by the tears falling 'freely'. Perhaps find a different word, or suggest the tears held back or in. This is totally a preference thing of course, but it takes away a lot from your poem to change feeling like that.

Also, the 'cold heart' and 'tears' are both very commonly used terms. Maybe try rephrasing it to be more original? A lot of the art of poetry is saying things in ways people aren't used to hearing, and letting them try to take thier own meaning from it. Once again, this is just my opinion. n.n

...You Could Of Forgiven Them...

A Shadow Of Your Former Self.
The Physical Pain.
The Emotial Pain.
The Emptiness You Feel.
The Loneliness You Feel.

Here you're playing a game of show and tell. You tell the reader the physical pain, then tell them the emotional pain, then show the emotional pain. What about the physical pain? Why not show that too?
...You Could Of Forgiven Them...

But You Ran Away
This line is very strong. The line itself stands alone, demanding the reader's full attention. The context and the feeling match perfectly, saying ;you ran away', thus leaving, when ending the poem.

Over all, I would also work on adding a distinct rythm to this poem. Match up the syllables in every, every other, every third sentance, or whatever pattern apeals to you. It'll flow better that way.

Any way, I'm sorry if I come across too harsh, I'm very blunt when editing. n.n;;

If my advice is appreciated and I have time I'd gladly critique your other poems. n.n

Gory Little Horror
The Lurker
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Old 03-24-2008, 09:20 AM

Actually now I was sat here thinking "Oh? I should try to improve them?" A thought that never occured to me ^_^;

Thanks for the post though, maybe I'll try doing what you said and giving my poems more effect ;_; though to admit the only time I write a poem is when I'm feeling passionate yet uncomfortable and unhappy then I don't really ever look back on it...


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