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Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 01:55 AM

Hello and welcome to our summer user-ran event planning thread. In the spirit of summer and not wanting to use a previous years theme we would like to present to our fellow Menewshan's The Menewshan Summer Camp Event. This event will be held this summer, most likely in June. An exact date for the event has yet to be decided upon. We have many wonderful hosts this year as well as an assortment of games and contests for you to enjoy. All games and contests will keep with the theme for the event.

I know that I and all of the other hosts would like to hear some feedback from our fellow Menewshan's on our plans so far. On what kind of prizes you'd like to see us give away. Your opinions and input matter to us. We want this to be one of the best summer user-ran events yet and to do so we need your thoughts.

For myself this will be my fifth time hosting at a user-ran event and second time as a main planner. I, blueblackrose, am more than happy to be doing this and trying to keep the spirit of having a summer user-ran event alive. I am also a former charity owner and I still want to find ways to give back to the community since Menewsha is my home on the internet.

This will be my 3rd time hosting in a User-ran event, and my 2nd time as being part of the planning team. I, Codette, was really excited when blueblackrose and others decided to hold a summer time user-ran event and even happier when I was able to join in the fun. I love Menewsha and it's users and I want to do whatever I can to make sure everyone has a wonderful time ^.^

Thank you,

blueblackrose, Codette & all the hosts

Original MessageX

We know that the summer user-ran event for this year was just held and we are a long way off from next summer, but why wait until last minute to get all the planning done?

Some of us are still excited and hopeful for being able to keep the tradition of Menewsha having a summer user-ran event alive. As it is a way that us users can help support the community and show our appreciation to the staff.

The thread is open for posting now so feel free to chat.

Thank you,

blueblackrose & Codette

Last edited by blueblackrose; 03-31-2012 at 05:50 AM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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blueblackrose is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:00 AM


Event Theme
Summer Camp/Camping

Event Colors
Blue, Green & Brown
(optional accent colors - white/silver/gold/yellow/orange)

Event Date
June 15th to June 22nd, 2012

Game Ideas
Swimming or Row Boat type game
Team Games??
Water Balloon Fight
Around the Campfire (variety of games)
Nature Scouting
Bug Catching

Contest Ideas
Writing Contest
Ghost Stories
One time at summer camp...
Campfire Stories (for non-ghost/horror stories)

Art Contest
Being Used
Around the Campfire
Monsters in the Woods

Other Ideas (not being used)
One time at summer camp...
Summer Camp (summer camp games & crafts)

Avatar Contest
New Summer Camp Uniform
Water Sports
A Walk in the Woods

Cooking & Recipe Contest
Making a Treat
Camping Favorites (recipes)


03/31/2012 -
Dates for event are finally set
02/23/2012 -
Fundraiser raffle is underway (set to end April 30th)
11/14/2011 -
We have enough hosts, yay
11/10/2011 - Got a Baby Yan to add to the prize pool
10/31/2011 - We have 20k in gold, but still have a way to go
07/07/2011 - Planning thread set up and opened

Last edited by blueblackrose; 03-31-2012 at 05:53 AM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:01 AM


Want to volunteer or help us out then just talk to blueblackrose or Codette either here in the thread or through PM.


Beautiful Disaster

Official Helpers

Artists & Banner Makers

Last edited by blueblackrose; 02-29-2012 at 06:16 PM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:04 AM


If you would like to donate to the event please send your donation to Camp Counselor.

blueblackrose/The INSANE Asylum
Fox Spirit x2
Shiver me Timbers! x2
Blood Lotus
Tapio Defender
Warm Fuzzies
Sunny Side Up x2
Alter Ego x2
Mischief Maker x2
Fleet Commander x2
Little Hellion x2
Kappa Trouble x2
The Power of Voodoo x2
Phoenix Crossbow x2
Perfect Pastries x2
Wizard's Wish
Rocking Out Rockstar
Fright Night
Cloak and Dagger
Time's Titan
Phear Meh
Jamming with Yumeh
My Pet Chilly
Spirit of the Phoenix
Mad Monk x3 (one for raffle)
Valiant Knight Armor x5 (one for raffle)
Bee Slippers
Panda Slippers
Classic Movie Night x3 (one for raffle)
George the Alpaca x
Dark Alchemist x3 (one for raffle)
The VJ x3 (one for raffle)
Siriusly? x3 (one for raffle)
Siriusly a Staff! x3 (one for raffle)
Midnight Carnival x3 (one for raffle)
At the Bottom of the Garden... x3 (one for raffle)
Hawtness x3 (one for raffle)
Cheesy Romance x2
Harpy Feather Shoulder Cape
Yumeh Plush x3 (one for raffle)
My Little Vicky Dolly x3 (one for raffle)
Yumeh Halo
Les Voiles d'Or
Swing into Spring x3
Steampunk Buggie x2
Buzz Off Costume x2
Duvalian Top Hat x2
Empress Arch
Love Potion no.9
Valentine's Fireworks
The Black Widow's Pin
Witch's Broom
Pumpkin Patch
the big BANG
Channah's Panties on my head!
Bunny Hairpin
Pierced Bunny Headband
Who Hid the Catnip!!
Baby Yan x2 (one for raffle and one to sell)
Hat's off to you, sir!
Go Fly a Kite x3
What the Cluck... x2
We All Float Down Here x4
Shut Your Piehole x3
Magical Mysteries x2
Creepy Beastie Costume x2
Bargain Basement Costumes x2
I'll Treat You x2
Oh, Tricky x2
Pumpkin Tee (F)
Pumpkin Tee (M)
Winter Nights Tour VIP Ticket x2
Ice Queen Protectress x2
Sugarplum Village Winter Uniform x2
Reindeer Slippers x2
Garland Celebrations x2
Festive Stocking x2
Green Present
Teal Present
Red and Green Present
Purple Present
Big Present
Glowing Heart Halo
Caged Heart
King of Hearts Staff
King of Hearts Crown
Holiday Wreath
Fun With Tinsel
Two Cute Chicks Slippers
Bunny Bag
Shamrock Balloon
Festival Ribbon
Chicky Flock x2
Emerald Isle Giftbag
Chocolate Bunny Hairpin
Snow Bathing Shoes
Floral Stripe Gent's Onepiece (m)
Smoke Strip Gent's Onepiece (m)
Beige Striped Bathing Bloomers
Matilda Chocolate Bathing Skirt (f)
Starry Belt
White Rambling Rose
Cathay Sleeves - Latte
and a ton more stuff....

LizzyCollinsDeArcCelestial Waist Wrap
Celestial Headdress
Celes Paradi Hairpin
Cresent Moon
Stardust Sash
Starfruit Basket

sweet_serender159 - 1,000g

The Kitchen Charity (TKC)
Spirit of Atlantis
Yumeh Cat Hairpin
Black Heartface Fox Slippers x2
Heartface Fox Slippers x2
Orchid Hairpin
Staff of Orchids
Celestial Waist Wrap
Grenache Blade
A Night in the Graveyard
Romance Isn't Dead Hairpin
Fluffy Pillow
Drawing Room
Team Floaties
Candy and Flowers
Halloween Lanterns
Grey Egg
Lilac Egg x2
Yellow Egg x2
Teal Egg
Brown Egg x2
Marshmallow Egg
Cream Egg
Pink Egg x2
Blue Egg x2
Orange Egg
Aqua Egg x2
Green Egg x2
Deep Pink Egg
Sky Blue Egg
Red Egg
King of Hearts Staff
Aimee's Eggnog
Cessy's Chocolate Coin
Vicky's Red Velvet Cupcake
Red Candy Apple
Magnus's Creamy Cappuccino
Peeblo's Yule Log
Lise's Gingerbread Man x2
Mr. Mayor's Mulled Wine
Birthday Cake Hat
Cloak of Death
Witch's Broom
Yumeh Bats
Pumpkin Patch
A Night in the Graveyard
Orchid Petals
Bunny Hat
Fox Hat
Horns of Nature
Chaos Armor
Order Armor
Bleeding Hearts Fan

jecynecy - 100g

The Star Eater's Wig
Carrot Wand

sushi_mew - 1000g

Nephila - Yumeh Plush (for raffle)

Pumpkin Tee (M)
Menewsha Cookie Collective
Halloween Pumpkin and Booger Cookie
Yumeh Birthday Scarf
We All Float Down Here
Go Fly a Kite

George the Alpaca x3


Aimee's Eggnog
Mr. Mayor's Mulled Wine
Cessy's Chocolate Coin
Lise's Gingerbread Man
Nalin's Holiday Cookie
Magnus's Creamy Cappuccino
Peeblo's Yule Log
Team Gasket Hammer Set
Team Sprocket Wrench Set
Team Sprocket Hammer Set
Team Sprocket Shovel Set
Team Gasket Shovel Set
Team Gasket Hammer Set
Sky Blue Egg x3
Lilac Egg x2
Orange Egg x2
Grey Egg
Pink Egg
Teal Egg
Blue Egg x2
Red Egg
Cream Egg
Green Egg
Yellow Egg
Marshmallow Egg x4
Deep Pink Egg
Aqua Egg
Chilled Beauty

Bee Headphones
Chilly the Polar Bear
Sleepy Time
Mischief Maker
Sunny Side Up
Imperial Lucky Cat x2


- Red egg, Lilac egg x3, Cream egg x3, Orange egg, Deep Pink egg x2, Yellow egg, Aqua egg, Blue egg x3, Teal egg x5, Green egg x3 and Pink egg x4

Sayomi - Gasket Hammer Set x5, Gasket Shovel Set x4, Gasket Wrench Set x3, Sprocket Hammer Set x4, Sprocket Shovel Set x3, and Sprocket Wrench Set x4.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 06-10-2012 at 04:41 PM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:04 AM

Event Funds

56,000 Gold (doesn't include gold from raffle fundraiser)
19,000 (from raffle so far)
437 Items

Contribution Items

(Total: 121)

Fox Spirit x2
Shiver me Timbers! x2
Spirit of Atlantis
Blood Lotus
Tapio Defender
Warm Fuzzies
Sunny Side Up x5
Alter Ego x2
Mischief Maker x3
Fleet Commander x2
Little Hellion x2
Kappa Trouble x2
The Power of Voodoo x2
Phoenix Crossbow x2
Perfect Pastries x2
Wizard's Wish x2
Rocking Out Rockstar
Fright Night
Cloak and Dagger
Time's Titan
Bee Slippers
Valiant Knight's Armor x7
Mad Monk x6
Kitsune and caboodle x2
Leon the lion x2
Scarf of Order
Ire of Naias x2
Omniscient Eye
Order Armor x2
Chaos Armor x2
Sash of Chaos
Scepter of Chaos
Glacial Circlet
Bunny Hat
Fox Hat
Horns of Nature
Pirate's Booty
Evil Overlord
Overlord's Wrath
Waves of Naias
Staff of Healing
Classic Movie Night x2
Fright Night
Tome of Nightmares
Dryad's Hallow
Star Catcher
George the Alpaca x3
Panda Slippers
Bee Headphones
Chilly the Polar Bear
Sleepy Time
Imperial Lucky Cat x2
My Pet Chilly
Spirit of the Phoenix
Midnight Carnival x2
Dark Alchemist x2
At the bottom of the garden... x2
Siriusly? x2
Siriusly a Staff! x2
The VJ x2
Phear Meh
Jamming with Yumeh
Raven Headwings
used 7.5k to get a Wood Sprite from the MP

Auctioneer Items
(Total: 2)
Harpy Feather Shoulder Cape
Millenium Scythe

Commemorative Items
(Total: 12)
Yumeh Halo x2
Yumeh Cat Hairpin x2
Yumeh Plush x2
Yumeh Scarf x3
Yumeh Pop x2
Birthday Cake Hat

Event Items
(Total: 259)
Celestial Waist Wrap x2
Celestial Headdress
Celes Paradi Hairpin
Cresent Moon
Stardust Sash
Starfruit Basket
Les Voiles d'Or
Swing into Spring x3
Steampunk Buggie x2
Buzz Off Costume x2
Duvalian Top Hat x2
Empress Arch
Love Potion no.9
Valentine's Fireworks
The Black Widow's Pin
Witch's Broom x2
Pumpkin Patch x4
the big BANG
Channah's Panties on my head!
Bunny Hairpin
Pierced Bunny Headband
Who Hid the Catnip!!
Black Heartface Fox Slippers x2
Heartface Fox Slippers x2
Orchid Hairpin
Staff of Orchids
Hallopop x2
Grenache Blade
A Night in the Graveyard x2
Romance Isn't Dead Hairpin
Fluffy Pillow
Drawing Room
Team Floaties
Candy and Flowers
Halloween Lanterns
Grey Egg x2
Lilac Egg x4
Yellow Egg x4
Teal Egg x2
Brown Egg x3
Marshmallow Egg x5
Cream Egg x2
Pink Egg x4
Blue Egg x5
Orange Egg x3
Aqua Egg x4
Green Egg x3
Deep Pink Egg x3
Sky Blue Egg x4
Red Egg x3
King of Hearts Staff x2
Aimee's Eggnog x3
Cessy's Chocolate Coin x3
Vicky's Red Velvet Cupcake
Magnus's Creamy Cappuccino x3
Peeblo's Yule Log x2
Lise's Gingerbread Man x4
Mr. Mayor's Mulled Wine x3
Hat's off to you, sir! x2
Nalin's Holiday Cookie x2
Go Fly a Kite x5
What the Cluck... x3
We All Float Down Here x5
Shut Your Piehole x3
Lucky Wings x2
Green Shamrock Balloon
Star Eater's Wig
Carrot Wand
Pumpkin Tee (F)
Pumpkin Tee (M) x2
Magical Mysteries x2
Bargain Basement Costumes x2
Creepy Beastie Costume x2
I'll Treat You x2
Ooh, Tricky! x2
Winter Nights Tour VIP Ticket x3
Ice Queen Protectress x2
Sugarplum Village Winter Uniform x2
Reindeer Slippers x2
Garland Celebrations x2
Festive Stocking x2
Green Present
Teal Present
Red and Green Present
Purple Present
Big Present
Glowing Heart Halo
Caged Heart
King of Hearts Crown
Halloween Goodie Bag - Yellow
Halloween Goodie Bag - Blue
Halloween Goodie Bag - Red
Halloween Goodie Bag - Green
Mr. Bun Bun Slippers
Two Cute Chicks Slippers x2
Chicky Flock x3
Easter Basket
Chocolate Bunny Hairpin x3
Festive Wreath x2
Engraved Oak Orchid Shield
Star Crest
Dancer's Sky Sash
Gold Lyre
Gasket Shovel
Gasket Hammer
Halloween Goodie Bag x2
Voodoo Doll Skin
Bone Belt
Passing Soul's Coffin
Menewsha Cookie Collective
Holiday Wreath
Fun With Tinsel
Bunny Bag
Festival Ribbon
Cloak of Death
Yumeh Bats
Orchid Petals
Bleeding Hearts Fan
Sprocket Hammer
Sprocket Wrench
Sprocket Shovel
Lunar Belt
Whole Bunch of Luck
Leprechaun Hat

(Total: 20)
Herbal Candy Stick
Crystal Mint Candy Stick
Halloween Candy Stick
Tropical Candy Stick
Toffee Candy Stick
Sweet Berry Candy Stick
Cool Berry Candy Stick
Dark Berry Candy Stick
Pumpkin and Booger Cookies x11

Mystery Items

Mennie's Shop Items
(Total: 2)
My Little Vicky Dolly x2

(Total: 25)
Red Candy Apple
Snow Bathing Shoes
Floral Stripe Gent's Onepiece (m)
Smoke Strip Gent's Onepiece (m)
Beige Striped Bathing Bloomers x2
Beige Striped Tank (f)
Matilda Chocolate Bathing Skirt (f)
Starry Belt
White Rambling Rose
Cathay Sleeves - Latte

Raffle Items
(Total: 13)
Baby Yan x2
Jan. CI set x2
Yumeh Plush x2
My Little Vicky Dolly x2
Feb. CI set
March CI set
April CI set
May CI set

Last edited by blueblackrose; 06-11-2012 at 07:16 PM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:08 AM

blueblackrose & PapillonCameo-Around the Campfire
Camp Counselor-Information/FAQ
Camp Counselor-Writing Contest
WinglessFairy- Art Contest
Siti_Hajar-Avatar Contest
Ascadellia & lunanouva-Water Balloon Fight

Last edited by Codette; 06-07-2012 at 12:28 AM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:09 AM

Shopping List!

Winter's Flight
White Bunny Plushie
Chicky on my Head
Yumeh Pop x2
Yumeh Slippers x2
Birthday Cake Hat
Limited Edition Birthday Cake Hat
Dryad's Hollow x2
Panda Slippers
Phear Meh
Scepter of Order
Tigra the Tiger x2
Trinity Guardian
Jammin With Yumeh
Eyes of the Wild x2
Spirit of the Pheonix
My Pet Chilly
Calesco's Fury x2
Ghosty Kitties
Pumpkin Candy Holder
Pumpkin Mask
Lunar Staff
Orchid Petals
Cloak of Death
On the Farm
Silver Lyre
Lunar Belt
Sexy Heart Lantern
Love Knot
Sprocket Hammer
Sprocket Wrench
Sprocket Shovel
Iridescent Jelly Squid
Dark Halo
Whole Bunch O' Luck
Leprechaun Hat
Shut Your Piehole
Go Fly A Kite
Hat's Off To You, Sir!

Last edited by Codette; 01-24-2012 at 12:14 AM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:09 AM

To Do List!
~Come up with ideas on how to get funds
~Set a goal on how much we want in prizes and gold for the event
~Get/make more advertising banners
~Come up with ways to advertise and get the word out
~Think about outfits, art and banners

Last edited by Codette; 08-04-2011 at 08:45 PM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:09 AM

please copy and save the images and host from your own photo-sharing site (tinypic, photobucket, ect)

Last edited by Codette; 08-04-2011 at 11:47 PM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:10 AM

Misc. Important Info!
this will probably fill up fast later.

Last edited by Codette; 07-08-2011 at 02:55 AM..

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:16 AM

We are open for posting now!

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:17 AM

*pokes thread*

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:28 AM

Hey there sweet.

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:29 AM

hows things? :)

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:33 AM

They are alright. Just getting my posts organized with what information we do have.

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:40 AM

I saw that :)

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
Dottie Mae Evans is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:45 AM

Awesome! Summer Camp! I can't wait for Summer Camp 2012. That will be awesome. Anyways I think I have some extras to send to ya'. ^_^;

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:46 AM

Really Lizzy? That would be awesome and thank you.

@ sweet - I'm also going to go ahead and work on some banners so that the thread isn't so plain looking.

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:47 AM

:) that might help :)
it does look pretty though :)
and I may send some gold over to you

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 02:49 AM

Ok, just make sure just to send any donations for the event to midnightstar.

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 02:53 AM

well now you tell me ;)
I just sent 1k to you

Teh Awesome
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Old 07-08-2011, 02:59 AM

Can I host the art contest or the avatar contest? o=

and The Kitchen Charity would love to sponsor some of the prizes ^.^

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 03:00 AM

Could I possibly host the Writing contest?

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 07-08-2011, 03:03 AM

We'll sign you up for the art contest wingless.

Sure you can sweet.

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 07-08-2011, 03:08 AM

yay :)

oh I love your avi by the way Rose


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