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kurobizzle is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 04:36 AM

A deadly plague has swept the land, killing everything it has touched. Those who have survived it are now left to fend for themselves in the barren wasteland. Most of the surrounding areas are barren or desert-like. There are few forests and jungles that survived the plague, but those that did are incredibly large in size. And major cities still have tall, yet run-down, skyscrapers and buildings where most surivors are thriving in. It seems as though life could be reborn again on Earth. But, to the survivors' horror, the threat has not disappeared. A year after the plague, those who have died are starting to reanimate into living corpses who hunger for human flesh. An elite team has been chosen to destroy the zombies and find the cause of this and maybe the secret behind the deadly plague. Can this team find the answers? Or will they become lunch for the army of the undead?

*No god-moding

*No killing anyone unless I say you can kill them

*Keep the RP up to PG-16

*Romance is allowed, but I dunno if you can concern yourselves with it in a zombie world. No cybering though

*No one-liners. The minimum of posts is two-three sentences. Please be semi-literate.

*(This is how you right an OOC, k?)

*Don't post so much that the other posters lose track. And please post at least once a day.

*I am only accepting TEN profiles so there won't be much confusion in the RP, so hurry and pm me your profiles

*Usually, I would play the role as the zombie, but if any of you would like, some of you can play that role a few times

-Profile Skeleton-
Please pm me your profile, k?

Age: (16-24)
Appearance: (pictures and written descriptions are accepted)
Weapon(s): (You need a weapon, we are fighting zombies people. And the maximum is four)
Anything Else?

Last edited by kurobizzle; 03-05-2009 at 02:49 AM..

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 03-01-2009, 04:36 AM

Name: Kaosu Eldrath
Age: 21
Personality: Cool, calm, and collected, Kaosu usually keeps to herself. Her icy exterior makes people see her as a b#*%@, but those close to her know she has a kind heart. She's a born leader who is incredibly loyal to her comrades. Those who betray her trust will usually end up with a bullet in their head. Her realistic way of thinking makes her seem heartless.
Weapon(s): A black katana, a short HK G36K (type of assualt rifle), and a Desert Eagle
Bio: Kaosu was from a loving family of four; her parents, herself, and her youngest brother. During the plague, Kaosu was away in college when it first struck her hometown. Before she knew it, her whole family was killed by the plague. She never had a chance to say good-bye to them. She was able to escape the plague by locking herself inside the basement of her dorm with a few others until it had passed.
Anything Else? Kaosu hates admitting it, but she's quite the gambler. Blackjack and Texas Hold'Em are her favorite games.

Name: Jordan
Age: 21
Personality: Jordan is cool under pressure. His shady and mysterious past has trained him to handle situations like the one he is in now logically and effectively. Jordan is ultimately a good person, however he can come across as rude or uncaring most of the time.
Weapon(s): Machete, Dual wield elites (pistols), AK-47
Bio: Jordan is tall, thin, but muscular, dark black hair. His smile is entrancing and almost threatening.
Anything Else?

Name: Daniel Farrady
Age: 19
Appearance: A shorter man who always has a smile on his face, despite teh world's condition. His hair is ahort and a deep chocolate, as are his eyes. He wears a white T-shirt with blue jeans, a shoulder bag always on his shoulder to carry supplies and a belt with a holster for his simple .22 pistol. There's also a sash lung over one shoulder to hold his trusty crowbar. (*is shot for the fact that it sounded like Half Life for a second*) He wears a pair of sturdy old boots, but they're beginning to erode. He's going to need new ones soon.
Personality: Kind, bubbly, and trustworthy, he prefers to be in a group than alone. He's always had a fear of being comepletely alone. Unfortunately, he's been alone now for a few years, causing him to invent an imaginary comapnion he merely calls Dresby. He can be heard speaking to this nonexistent person in teh middle of the night.
Weapon(s): .22 pistol and a crowbar
Bio: He had an otherwise uneventful life until he was about 6. His older brother ha ddecided to play a trick on him and locked him in the family's wine cellar. Unfortunately for Daniel, his bro had forgotten, and he was stuck sobbing and starving down there for days, his only form of water the leaky pipe in teh corner. He's been afraid to be alone ever since.
Anything Else? He scares easy.
Name: Kirsten Lazarus
Age: 17

Personality: Usually rather depressed and introversive, she almost has a second personality when she's angry. Very explosive anger that can burn under the surface for quite a while afterward.
Weapon(s): A pair of arm mounted blades that hinge where they connect, so they can be on her at all times. These blades
Bio: Kristen was raised by her father. He taught her all manner of martial arts and trained her in a staggering variety of weaponry. He had her signature blades specially forged for her when she saw them on a popular game and wanted to see if they could be used in a real fight. Her father presented the blades to her on her 16Th birthday, only a handful of months before the plague hit. Their house was equipped with a bomb shelter, so they survived the first part of the plague just fine, but they weren't ready for what followed. Especially when her dad was bitten by who they thought was a survivor. Her dad was the only person she cared about so when he died she completely shut down. the only thing driving her is the desire to kill as many of the things that killed her father as she can.
Anything Else?

Last edited by siaasgn; 03-08-2009 at 08:38 PM.. Reason: not quoting content written by another person

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 03-07-2009, 04:28 AM

Kaosu walked down the streets of what was left of New York. Compared to the other big cities, New York was more lively though it had the most amount of damage. And as in 'lively' she meant it had more active gangs and outlaws trying to take over as good citizens tried to survive.

The woman stopped in front of a two story building that lost it's second story. She pushed her orange sunglasses up before walking up to the open hole that served as the door. Inside was dark and the only source of light was the rays of sunlight that streamed out from various holes. Large, tough-looking men turned to Kaosu once she walked in, but only a few kept their sights on her as she walked straight to the make-shift bar in the middle of the room.

A bald man turned to her as he wiped his hands on his apron. "Whatcha need miss?" He asked. "I'm answering an ad." Kaosu replied simply. "What kinda ad?" She simply smiled. "The only ad that's out there buddy." The bald man's eyes lowered as he slipped his hand under the counter. He took a card out and pointed at a room in the back. "Takers are in that room. You'll meet your employer in another 20 minutes." He explained. Kaosu nodded and took the card. She slipped it into her back pocket and walked towards the back room.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 03-07-2009, 05:39 AM

(*pokes* You forgot to put Daniel up...oh well! At least you know I'm not just jumping in....right?)

The room was empty and the silence was causing his ears to buzz. Or was that Dresby? It was hard to tell. The other man would always drone on and on about one thing or another with Daniel either listening politely or zoning out. He really liked Dresby. No one else seemed to notice him, but Daniel could see and hear him just fine. "Yeah. I heard Canada's nice this time of year," he murmured, looking over to the almost featureless man, that smile curled on his face. "Then let's go!" came the whispered, almost buzzing reply, Dresby acting as if he didn't want anyone to hear him. Not like they could. No one ever paid Dresby any mind except Daniel. The room was dark and the table dirty and lopsided, but it served to keep his drink in place. Especially since that guy was late. Dresby had suggested this, saying it was a good idea, that they needed the money. No one needed money nowadays. People just took what they want and killed whoever tried to stop them. He jerked his brown-haired head upward as footsteps neared the door to the cramped and cold room, causing a smile to fit his lips. Bout time.

(Dresby gets no description. After all, he doesn't exist.)

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flamingcatdemon is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 02:19 AM

Originally Posted by flamingcatdemon
Name: Kirsten Lazarus
Age: 17

Personality: Usually rather depressed and introversive, she almost has a second personality when she's angry. Very explosive anger that can burn under the surface for quite a while afterward.
Weapon(s): A pair of arm mounted blades that hinge where they connect, so they can be on her at all times.
These blades
Bio: Kristen was raised by her father. He taught her all manner of martial arts and trained her in a staggering variety of weaponry. He had her signature blades specially forged for her when she saw them on a popular game and wanted to see if they could be used in a real fight. Her father presented the blades to her on her 16Th birthday, only a handful of months before the plague hit. Their house was equipped with a bomb shelter, so they survived the first part of the plague just fine, but they weren't ready for what followed. Especially when her dad was bitten by who they thought was a survivor. Her dad was the only person she cared about so when he died she completely shut down. the only thing driving her is the desire to kill as many of the things that killed her father as she can.
(Here's my character)

Kristen walked into the city. She stopped for a second to look at how the light of the setting sun filtered through the air and bounced off the reamnants of skyscrapers.
"Now that would be a cool painting."
Kristen sighed and continued walking, her artistic eye was a constant reminder of the life she'd never have. In this hell of a post-apocalyptic world, there wasn't really a market for art anymore, Let alone art supplies.

(Kuro accepted me BTW)

Last edited by flamingcatdemon; 03-08-2009 at 02:43 AM..

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 04:07 AM

(Srry I didn't post your profiles guys!!)

Kaosu opened the door to see a brown-haired boy and a black-haird boy sitting near a table in the middle of the room. These were to be her partners...? She just glanced at both men before taking a seat farthest from the two. She didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. All she needed was to concentrate on the job ahead of her. Hopefully these two would be reliable in a fight...

Last edited by kurobizzle; 03-08-2009 at 04:43 AM.. Reason: Didn't know Jordan was in the room too

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Oxym0r0n is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 04:40 AM

Jordan sat in a chair. Waiting to see who the rest of the team would be. He hoped more would join, as of now, the current team didn't impress him too much. With his arms crossed he sat in silence. Listening and studying his soon-to-be teammates. Jordan was bored with this job already. He took the job because it seemed to be the only interesting thing to do around here any more, but when he realized he would be working with these sub-par fighters, he began to become annoyed. "This is not going to be easy," he thought to himself as he looked around the room, hoping someone else who would impress him would join the team.

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flamingcatdemon is offline
Old 03-08-2009, 10:40 AM

Kristen walked to the building the ad specified and tossed the paper at the doorman, cutting his half uttered nicety short. She didn't even bother to mumble a greeting as she walked past him. The edges of Kristen's mouth turned upward slightly as she felt the man's eyes on her blades. The two wickedly sharp blades were about three feet long each, made of a very strong and reflective composite material that couldn't possibly be replicated now that most technologies were lost. The blades were gracefully curved and caught the light beautifully, they were as much works of art as they were lethal harbingers of death.

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Old 03-09-2009, 03:34 AM

As Kristen walked into the meeting room, Jordan glanced up. His eyes fell on her two blades and he could almost smell the attitude she gave off. He gave a brief smile of satisfaction. Smiling wasn't something he did often. "Maybe there is hope for this group yet," he thought.

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flamingcatdemon is offline
Old 03-09-2009, 04:31 AM

Kristen looked around and noticed there were three other applicants in the room. Kirsten searched her memory and a line of text from the ad mentioning it might be a 'team' wafted up. Kristen almost didn't stop the sigh that bubbled up. Oh well, I suppose it's better to have someone watching your back, but they better not expect me to be all bubbly and friendly. Kirsten nodded at the man with black hair who seemed to be appraising her worth, he seemed to be the only one who was serious about this. The other boy seemed to be sitting against the wall silently gibbering to himself and the only other girl looked kind of paranoid, as she was sitting at the table farthest from everyone. Kirsten mentally chided herself, for if the girl wasn't already there that would have been the table she'd have sat at. Kirsten glanced around at the various places to sit and settled with leaning against the wall a few feet to the left of the door.

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Old 03-09-2009, 10:57 PM

Jordan watched as the girl sat against the wall, with three chairs open, he wondered why she would choose to sit there. He brushed it off. Other people's choices weren't his business, until they were getting him killed at least. Jordan sat patiently, waiting for the meeting to start.

Hidden Cupcake
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Old 03-09-2009, 11:06 PM

Dresby was mumbling something again, his eyes on the black haired man in the room, blinking at him as if just seeing him, smiling widely. Daniel just turned his head, watching and listening politely. Until Dresby's muttering grew darker, eyes narrowing slightly and his smile widening. "Dresby...." Daniel murmured, catching his companion's attention. "Please don't say things like that. It never leads to anything good." His companion's eyes just widened, smile remaining, before his face softened, smile becoming brighter as he nodded. The sound of the door opening caught his attention, causing his head to turn. The woman at the door seemed interesting. Well, the blades she had with her were. They caught light even in this dark room.

(Sorry I haven't posted anything. Been sick all weekend. The coughing is hurting my chest.)

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 03-10-2009, 03:16 AM

Kaosu just glanced at the girl who came in and eyed her blades. Now those were pretty special looking. She felt a bit safer, but not too relieved to let her guard down. Minutes passed in silence until the black-haired woman heard a group of footsteps closing in on the door. The door opened to reveal a large, muscular man with cropped blond hair. Behind him was an older man with a distinguished look on him. He had a graying mustache and neat, gray hair. Next to that man was a younger, scrawnier man with glasses. His red hair was messy and looked like a birds nest. In his shaky hands was a briefcase. The three walked in and the muscular man who was in front immediately stepped back to be behind the old man.

The old man looked at each person sitting in the room and smiled slightly. "Thank you all for replying to my request. I am the appointed mayor of New York and have called you hear for a certain... problem.

"Now I hope you all are aware of the current situation of the world. Those who were killed by the plague that hit only a year ago have started reanimating into, for the lack of a better term, 'zombies'. It started out small and in the countryside, but the reanimation has been spreading outward into larger cities where more people are inhabiting. A few areas where attacks have occured are Miami, Denver, and Chicago.

"Here in my fair city of New York, I have closed off what we used to call the Empire State Building. Almost 1/3 of the city's inhabitants died in that building or was placed in there because of the plague. I have recieved word from many survivors that corpses have been rising up. I am willing to reward you if you can take care of my pest problem." The mayor motioned his hand to his glasses-wearing assistant. He gave him a nervous glance before stepping forward to the table. He placed the briefcase on the table and opened it. He handed each person what looked like a blueprint.

"T-this is a m-map of the b-building." The red-head stuttered, "Each o-of you holds a b-blueprint of a s-section of the b-building. It m-might c-come in h-handy." Once he finished, he immediately turned to the mayor. The man gave a nod and relief washed over the younger man as he took a step back.

"I suggest you introduce yourselves to myself and to your knew teammates." The mayor announced. He first turned to Kaosu. She sighed mentally and stood up.

"I'm Kaosu Eldrath. Please don't make any stupid mistakes while we're on this mission. I would like to live." And with that, she sat back down.

\ (•◡•) /
flamingcatdemon is offline
Old 03-10-2009, 03:41 AM

Kirsten pushed off the wall, her leather jacket swaying behind her. She did a sort of gentlemanly bow.
"Kristen Lazarus. Be advised not to sneak up on me, you might lose something vital."

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Old 03-15-2009, 01:13 AM

The mayor nodded at the girl as Kaosu mentally laughed. 'Little girl doesn't know she's playing with the big boys now.' She thought as she eyed Kirsten, 'Even with her fancy toys.'

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unknown_soul14 is offline
Old 03-15-2009, 01:45 AM

Name: Demonta`
Age: 18
Perosonality: Kind-hearted, knows when to play and when to fight, out going, wise no matter how deep a conversation gets, when angered inner demon (Slayerian).
Bio: Demonta`'s was raised by his mother, his father is deceased (cause of death unknown)
Throughout all of his life his mother and him struggled to have a normal life. Sadly they were seperated by a raid in their town. From then on he felt like he lost everything. With nothing to lose he only lives for today with a smile. Making others happy will make him happy.
Weapons:long sword heavy, but only a master swordsman can wield it. When the sword is swung you can hear the wind scream tearing the flesh if the blade does not contact you first.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 03-15-2009, 05:34 AM

"I'm Daniel," Daniel said simply, smile widening for a minute, before he jerked his head to teh side in slight distraction. Dresby was buzzing something in his ear again. Mindless rambling. He did that sometimes. Daniel just smiled wider and brought his knees to his chest, tuning everything else as he listened.

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flamingcatdemon is offline
Old 03-18-2009, 05:11 AM

(ok then... not sure what to do... I already introduced my character... where's kuro?)

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Old 03-19-2009, 04:30 PM

(I'm waiting for oxymoron, but I guess I'll just post again if he doesn't show)

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flamingcatdemon is offline
Old 03-21-2009, 10:29 PM

Kristen saw the arrogant look in Kaosu's eyes. She locked her own cold eyes with them.
"Doubt my claim, or my worth and you will regret it."
Kristen held out her hand and motioned Kaosu forward.
"Come, test me if you like, your arrogance may prove to be your downfall."

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 03-22-2009, 07:28 PM

(oxymoron's just gonna be out of this until he comes back so we can move on)

Kaosu's smirk just widened at the younger girl's challenge. "Calm yourself girl." She said, not making a move to get out of her seat, "You'll be tested soon enough." She turned her attention away from Kristen and to Daniel. Here was another weird one, hopefully the kind of weird that won't get her killed.

"Now that you are all acquainted, I suggest that you start on your mission." The mayor announced, "If you can, please follow me." He turned to the door. His two other subordinates turned and followed him out. Kaosu finally stood up and started for the door, not caring what the other two had to say.

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flamingcatdemon is offline
Old 03-22-2009, 09:13 PM

Kristen nodded and followed, her eyes flicking to each side of the door as she passed through. You never knew with people like this, their 'test' could be a random ambush you couldn't possibly have seen coming.

(Are we allowed to have 'magical' aspects? or is this going to be a purely real-world scenario)

Last edited by flamingcatdemon; 03-24-2009 at 03:03 AM..

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 03-23-2009, 01:45 AM

Daniel hopped to his feet, turning away from Dresby. He turned to give the man a strange look, but found only an unoccupied. Oh. He wasn't there. Must've wandered off. His friend had a bad habit of doing that. He shrugged, turning to follow the mayor and the two girls, a slight bounce in his step. He was shorter than the two women, but not by much. He wondered vaguely whne he'd get his crowbar back. They took it from him before they let him in. He really wanted that thing back. At least they let him keep his gun if he handed over all his clips. He needed some form of security after all.

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kurobizzle is offline
Old 03-24-2009, 02:14 AM

(real life scenario please)

The group of six walked out of the bar; people staring at them as they passed. Weapons were given back as they headed out the door.

The trip took only 20 silent minutes as the mayor and his cronies led the trio deeper into the city. The building came to view about halfway there and as they got closer, Kaosu noticed less and less people around. Finally, they arrived at a rusty wired fence. A giant lock was placed on the front gate as well as a 'NO ENTRY' sign.

"Here we are." The mayor announced in a ironically cheerful voice. He pulled out a key from his pocket and put it close to the lock. His happy expression instantly changed into a serious one.

"Are you ready?" Kaosu nodded, gripping the hilt of her katana located on the leftside of her hilt.

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flamingcatdemon is offline
Old 03-24-2009, 03:01 AM

Kristen gave no reply other than taking a defensive stance and swinging her blades forward. The hinges made a distinct and ominous 'shhhhink' as the blades slid forward, their handles going right into kristen's open and waiting hands.


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