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Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-09-2016, 04:57 PM

Banner by the talented Nephila

Alright, listen up athletes! Gymnastics is serious business so let's get straight down to the nitty gritty! Each day we'll be hosting a different type of gymnastic event to show off your artistic ability, test your balance, and push your physical fitness to it's limits. Give each event everything you've got to lead yourself (and your team) to victory! Sounds simple right? Well let me assure you it isn't as easy as it looks so you better be prepared...

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-31-2016 at 01:29 AM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-09-2016, 05:00 PM

Gymnastics isn't just a's a form of artistic expression! Each day, you will participate in a particular event which consists of two parts: planning and execution! Each event has a number of defined skills that you can combine to create your own unique performance, but beware, some of them are harder than others! Make your selections and fill out the daily form then post it. Your rolls will determine how successful your routine was then add up your points to see your score! The more points the better of course! The highest scoring athletes in each event will receive prizes for their performances and the overall best athletes will receive special prizes for their accomplishments. The team scores will be tallied at the very end and applied to the global team score for all of the summer games for a chance to win the gold!

Now of course as athletes I'm sure you know the drill—play fair and show good sportsmanship at all times!

You may only perform once per day/event. For the sake of fairness, only one account per user may participate (no mules except for charity mules).

If you should mess up posting your form, please ping me [zigbigadorlube] and I will fix it for you, no need to repost your form. Any extra forms will not count.

Below you will find the fabulous prizes for the top performing athletes.

Best Routine Per Event

Ribbon Twirling - Island Healer - WINNER: dragoness129 (Trade sent)
Balance Beam - Goth Ninja - Bloody Mistress - WINNER: Siipu (Trade sent)
Trampoline - Flying High - WINNERS: Car'a'carn & wish (Trades sent)
Horizontal Bar - Blind Justice - WINNER: dragoness129 (Trade sent)
Floor Exercises - Diana's Grace

Overall Winners

First Place - Medal of Totally Epic Win
Second Place - Medal of Shiny Awesomeness
Third Place - Medal of Super Spiffiness

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-31-2016 at 01:19 AM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-09-2016, 05:01 PM

Day 5 - Floor Exercises


Chose a combination of any 4 moves:

• Twirl = 2 points
Must roll 4 or higher

• Split = 5 points
Must roll 8 or higher

• Handspring = 10 points
Must roll 12 or higher

• Summersault = 20 points
Must roll 16 or higher

I've been getting a lot of incomplete forms. Please look closely at the form and replace the portions [in brackets] with the correct information. Incomplete forms may not be accepted.


[COLOR="DeepPink"][i]Now presenting floor exercise contestant...[/i] [Username Here] from [Team Name]!

[Insert Move Choice 1] [b][dice]20[/dice][/b]

[Insert Move Choice 2] [b][dice]20[/dice][/b]

[Insert Move Choice 3] [b][dice]20[/dice][/b]

[Insert Move Choice 4] [b][dice]20[/dice][/b][/color]

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-31-2016 at 01:29 AM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-09-2016, 05:01 PM


  1. dragoness129 - 45
  2. GummyBearKisses - 40
  3. Linnea - 40
  4. xoxoAngiexoxo - 37
  5. Divine Heart - 35
  6. Cora - 30
  7. Elirona - 27
  8. SuperZombiePotatoe - 27
  9. User - 27
  10. Roachi - 27
  11. HamletSpamlet - 25
  12. siaasgn - 22
  13. Kiari - 22
  14. salvete - 20
  15. Zephi - 20
  16. For-Chan Cookie - 20
  17. Amane - 19
  18. Velvet - 18
  19. Captain Howdy - 17
  20. LizzyCollinsDeArc - 17
  21. Mageling - 17
  22. Prismatic Llama - 17
  23. Mr. Wrong - 17
  24. sadrain - 15
  25. wish - 15
  26. Xogizmoox - 14
  27. Car'a'Carn - 12
  28. Emma Corrin - 12
  29. Dystopia - 10
  30. M i n u x e - 10
  31. Naisou - 10
  32. APBCole - 9
  33. Kamikaze Kendra - 9
  34. Libra - 9
  35. Citrus Hammer - 7
  36. HIM_ROCK - 7
  37. musagal - 7
  38. neller - 7
  39. Nephila - 7
  40. Seridano - 7
  41. Captain Aamelia - 5
  42. Kay - 5
  43. shinigamikarasu - 5
  44. Precarious Fool - 5
  45. Siipu - 5
  46. Xo~GREMLIN~oX - 4
  47. Kiyoto - 4
  48. Arinia Dreamdancer - 2
  49. Kent - 2
  50. Shadami - 2
  51. star2000shadow - 2
  52. Celestrya - 2
  53. hummy - 2
  54. Hadsvich - 0
  55. Nema - 0
  56. Mimmu - 0

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-28-2016 at 03:12 AM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-09-2016, 05:01 PM


  1. Siipu - 65
  2. Captain Aamelia - 55
  3. Linnea - 49
  4. Xo~GREMLIN~oX - 45
  5. Nephila - 43
  6. User - 42
  7. Libra - 40
  8. blueblackrose - 39
  9. Precarious Fool - 29
  10. Car'a'Carn - 28
  11. Emma Corrin - 28
  12. Nema - 28
  13. wish - 28
  14. CrystalMysteria - 27
  15. shinigamikarasu - 26
  16. hummy - 25
  17. HamletSpamlet - 24
  18. woohoohelloppl - 24
  19. Naisou - 23
  20. Damia Flagg - 23
  21. LizzyCollinsDeArc - 22
  22. star2000shadow - 22
  23. Kiyoto - 21
  24. musagal - 21
  25. SuperZombiePotatoe - 21
  26. APBCole - 20
  27. Kay - 20
  28. Kiari - 20
  29. sadrain - 20
  30. Hadsvich - 19
  31. Kamikaze Kendra - 19
  32. Mageling - 19
  33. Miscreant74 - 19
  34. salvete - 19
  35. xoxoAngiexoxo - 18
  36. GummyBearKisses - 17
  37. Arinia Dreamdancer - 16
  38. Kent - 16
  39. M i n u x e - 16
  40. Mr. Wrong - 16
  41. Prismatic Llama - 16
  42. bloodstainedwings15
  43. Roachi - 15
  44. Seridano - 15
  45. Citrus Hammer - 14
  46. Mimmu - 13
  47. Xogizmoox - 12
  48. Maria-Minamino - 11
  49. Shadami - 11
  50. Amane - 10
  51. HIM_ROCK - 10
  52. Queen_Anadais - 10
  53. numerica - 10
  54. Captain Howdy - 9
  55. Dystopia - 7
  56. pollik17 - 6
  57. Cora - 4
  58. Elirona - 4
  59. For-Chan Cookie - 4

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-30-2016 at 12:33 AM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-09-2016, 05:01 PM


  1. Car'a'Carn - 60
  2. wish - 60
  3. dragoness129 - 47
  4. Mageling - 45
  5. Captain Aamelia - 40
  6. Captain Howdy - 40
  7. For-Chan Cookie - 40
  8. Kiyoto - 40
  9. Linnea - 40
  10. blueblackrose - 37
  11. Siipu - 35
  12. Hadsvich - 30
  13. M i n u x e - 30
  14. HIM_ROCK - 27
  15. Nema - 27
  16. Velvet - 27
  17. Emma Corrin - 25
  18. Kay - 25
  19. Shadami - 24
  20. Dystopia - 20
  21. Elirona - 20
  22. HamletSpamlet - 20
  23. Maria-Minamino - 20
  24. Mimmu - 20
  25. Miscreant74 - 20
  26. bloodstainedwings17
  27. Roachi - 17
  28. APBCole - 15
  29. Divine Heart - 15
  30. Naisou - 15
  31. Prismatic Llama - 15
  32. Citrus Hammer - 14
  33. musagal - 12
  34. Nephila - 12
  35. xoxoAngiexoxo - 12
  36. Amane - 10
  37. Kent - 10
  38. Libra - 10
  39. salvete - 10
  40. siaasgn - 10
  41. Kiari - 9
  42. star2000shadow - 7
  43. SuperZombiePotatoe - 7
  44. Xo~GREMLIN~oX - 7
  45. numerica - 5
  46. woohoohelloppl - 5
  47. Celestrya - 2
  48. hummy - 2
  49. User - 2
  50. Damia Flagg - 0
  51. GummyBearKisses - 0
  52. Precarious Fool - 0
  53. shinigamikarasu - 0
  54. Xogizmoox - 0

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-30-2016 at 01:18 AM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-09-2016, 05:02 PM


  1. dragoness129 - 73
  2. pollik17 - 55
  3. Damia Flagg - 47
  4. User - 45
  5. Hadsvich - 39
  6. Nema - 36
  7. star2000shadow - 36
  8. Kent - 35
  9. shinigamikarasu - 35
  10. For-Chan Cookie - 33
  11. GummyBearKisses - 33
  12. Dystopia - 30
  13. Kiyoto - 30
  14. Woodlandnymph - 30
  15. Divine Heart - 29
  16. Velvet - 28
  17. Car'a'Carn - 27
  18. Shadami - 27
  19. Captain Aamelia - 25
  20. Linnea - 25
  21. xoxoAngiexoxo - 25
  22. blueblackrose - 24
  23. CrystalMysteria - 24
  24. wish - 24
  25. Kay - 23
  26. hummy - 22
  27. Libra - 21
  28. Arinia Dreamdancer - 20
  29. SuperZombiePotatoe - 20
  30. Celestrya - 19
  31. Naisou - 19
  32. Xo~GREMLIN~oX - 19
  33. Xogizmoox - 19
  34. Captain Howdy - 18
  35. Citrus Hammer - 18
  36. APBCole - 17
  37. Mimmu - 17
  38. Precarious Fool - 16
  39. Roachi - 16
  40. woohoohelloppl - 16
  41. Amane - 15
  42. Nephila - 14
  43. Kiari - 13
  44. HamletSpamlet - 12
  45. Mageling - 12
  46. Rochiel Silverfire - 12
  47. HIM_ROCK - 11
  48. Emma Corrin - 10
  49. Prismatic Llama - 10
  50. Symphony of the Night - 10
  51. Elirona - 9
  52. Maria-Minamino - 8
  53. Queen_Anadais - 8
  54. M i n u x e - 7
  55. Miscreant74 - 4
  56. bloodstainedwings1
  57. musagal - 1
  58. Siipu - 1

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 08-31-2016 at 01:26 AM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-09-2016, 05:04 PM


  1. Xo~GREMLIN~oX - 50
  2. wish - 40
  3. Captain Aamelia - 40
  4. For-Chan Cookie - 40
  5. Divacita - 32
  6. Kent - 30
  7. Mimmu - 30
  8. blueblackrose - 27
  9. hummy - 27
  10. Xogizmoox - 27
  11. musagal - 27
  12. M i n u x e - 22
  13. Linnea - 20
  14. Car'a'Carn - 20
  15. User - 20
  16. HamletSpamlet - 20
  17. Libra - 20
  18. Kay - 20
  19. Velvet - 20
  20. Naisou - 20
  21. salvete - 20
  22. woohoohelloppl - 20
  23. Miscreant74 - 20
  24. Divine Heart - 17
  25. Emma Corrin - 17
  26. star2000shadow - 17
  27. HIM_ROCK - 17
  28. Citrus Hammer - 17
  29. shinigamikarasu - 15
  30. xoxoAngiexoxo - 12
  31. Prismatic Llama - 12
  32. Siipu - 10
  33. Kiyoto - 10
  34. Damia Flagg - 10
  35. Elirona - 10
  36. Arinia Dreamdancer - 10
  37. Mnemosyne - 10
  38. dragoness129 - 9
  39. Amane - 9
  40. Nema - 7
  41. Nephila - 5
  42. Precarious Fool - 5
  43. SuperZombiePotatoe - 2
  44. Kiari - 2
  45. Rochiel Silverfire - 2
  46. GummyBearKisses - 0
  47. Hadsvich - 0
  48. Captain Howdy - 0
  49. Dystopia - 0
  50. Shadami - 0
  51. pollik17 - 0

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 09-05-2016 at 04:50 PM..


Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 08-09-2016, 05:07 PM

Please Note: I am in the process of moving IRL so scoreboard updates will likely be sporadic. Thank you for your patience!

  1. dragoness129 - 174
  2. Linnea - 174
  3. wish - 167
  4. Captain Aamelia - 165
  5. Car'a'Carn - 147
  6. For-Chan Cookie - 137
  7. User - 136
  8. blueblackrose - 127
  9. Xo~GREMLIN~oX - 125
  10. Siipu - 116
  11. Kiyoto - 105
  12. xoxoAngiexoxo - 104
  13. HamletSpamlet - 101
  14. Libra - 100
  15. Nema - 98
  16. Divine Heart - 96
  17. Kay - 93
  18. Kent - 93
  19. Mageling - 93
  20. Velvet - 93
  21. Emma Corrin - 92
  22. GummyBearKisses - 90
  23. Hadsvich - 88
  24. Naisou - 87
  25. M i n u x e - 85
  26. Captain Howdy - 84
  27. star2000shadow - 84
  28. Nephila - 81
  29. shinigamikarasu - 81
  30. Damia Flagg - 80
  31. Mimmu - 80
  32. hummy - 78
  33. SuperZombiePotatoe - 77
  34. Roachi - 75
  35. HIM_ROCK - 72
  36. Xogizmoox - 72
  37. Citrus Hammer - 70
  38. Elirona - 70
  39. Prismatic Llama - 70
  40. salvete - 69
  41. musagal - 68
  42. Dystopia - 67
  43. Kiari - 66
  44. woohoohelloppl - 65
  45. Shadami - 64
  46. Amane - 63
  47. Miscreant74 - 63
  48. APBCole - 61
  49. pollik17 - 61
  50. Precarious Fool - 55
  51. CrystalMysteria - 51
  52. Arinia Dreamdancer - 48
  53. LizzyCollinsDeArc - 39
  54. Maria-Minamino - 39
  55. sadrain - 35
  56. Cora - 34
  57. bloodstainedwings - 33
  58. Mr. Wrong - 33
  59. Divacita - 32
  60. siaasgn - 32
  61. neller - 30
  62. Woodlandnymph - 30
  63. Kamikaze Kendra - 28
  64. Celestrya - 23
  65. Seridano - 22
  66. Zephi - 20
  67. Queen_Anadais - 18
  68. numerica - 15
  69. Rochiel Silverfire - 14
  70. Mnemosyne - 10
  71. Symphony of the Night - 10

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 09-05-2016 at 04:50 PM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:09 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [Nephila] (team BunnyFish)

[Large Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 2

[Horizontal Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 5

[Large Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 14

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 10

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:16 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... Elirona!

Full Body Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 11

Toss The 20-sided dice lands on 10

Horizontal Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 12

Large Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 1

xoxoAngiexoxo is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:16 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [Username Here]xoxoAngiexoxo team stareater

[Insert Move Choice 1] The 20-sided dice lands on 20

[Insert Move Choice 2] The 20-sided dice lands on 6

[Insert Move Choice 3] The 20-sided dice lands on 19

[Insert Move Choice 4] The 20-sided dice lands on 5

siaasgn is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:21 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [Siaasgn]

[Large Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 8

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 16

[Horizontal Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 11

[Large Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 7


Velvet is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:32 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant...Velvet

Toss The 20-sided dice lands on 5

Full Body Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 1

Large Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 12

Horizontal Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 9


shinigamikarasu is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:50 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [Username Here]

Large Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 10

Toss The 20-sided dice lands on 7

Horizontal Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 1

Toss The 20-sided dice lands on 13


Send a message via AIM to star2000shadow Send a message via MSN to star2000shadow
star2000shadow is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 02:56 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [star2000shadow]

[ Large Spiral ] The 20-sided dice lands on 9

[Full Body Spiral ] The 20-sided dice lands on 8

[Horizontal Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 4

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 14


Kent is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 03:04 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... Kent

Large Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 9

Horizontal Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 6

Horizontal Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 16

Full Body Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 11

Kay is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 03:10 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [Kay]

[Large spiral ] The 20-sided dice lands on 6

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 15

[Horizontal spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 16

[Large spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 17

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 03:14 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [Username Here]

[Horizontal Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 9

[Horizontal Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 1

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 20

[Full body spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 18

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 03:27 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... Hadsvich!

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 6

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 11

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 15

[Full Body Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 4

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 04:34 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [Maria-Minamino]

[Insert Move Choice 1] The 20-sided dice lands on 6

[Insert Move Choice 2] The 20-sided dice lands on 16

[Insert Move Choice 3] The 20-sided dice lands on 9

[Insert Move Choice 4] The 20-sided dice lands on 17

---------- Post added 08-26-2016 at 05:35 PM ----------

crap - I posted before I inserted the move choice. Does this mean I forfeit the round or can I just submit again?

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 05:12 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... Sadrain

[Horizontal Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 13

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 9

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 1

[Full body spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 6

Citrus Hammer
Orange Sheepie

Citrus Hammer is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 05:50 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [Username Here]

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 16

[Large Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 9

[Horizontal Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 16

[Full Body Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 14

---------- Post added 08-26-2016 at 01:51 PM ----------

Contestant is Citrus Hammer

Dystopia is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 06:00 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... [Dystopia]

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 16

[Full Body Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 17

[Toss] The 20-sided dice lands on 3

[Full body Spiral] The 20-sided dice lands on 11

M i n u x e
Jiggly Jell-o
M i n u x e is offline
Old 08-26-2016, 06:06 PM

Now presenting ribbon twirling contestant... M i n u x e from Team Tatsu!

Horizontal Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 15

Toss The 20-sided dice lands on 14

Full Body Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 7

Horizontal Spiral The 20-sided dice lands on 14


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