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Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-04-2012, 03:55 AM


RavenWood has been rumored to house many secrets that have yet to be unlocked. It is rumored to have passed hands recently to a new heir, but no one in the town is brave enough to find out. You see, the manor is also home to the Master's playthings. Experiments who have been given special talents or appearances. Normally the experiments are kept in the manor, they do not bother him, he does not let them bother the town. Something has changed recently however, something has angered the heir, and the townspeople are about to understand what it means to cross him. He releases his experiments to have free reign over the town, and do with the people as they wish. What is he missing that has caused him so much anger? The Master has a mirror, to most it looks like an average hand mirror. Victorian black frame, and a glossy surface like water. To those who have done their homework however, they would know the mirror is able to capture souls, for which the Master uses in his experiments, and on a deeper level, that his own soul is bound to. If anyone discovered this, they could use it to bend him to their will. He is determined to get it back, before it is put to use aganst him. He does not care who he steps on, and what must be done, as long as the mirror is returned to his possession. One new problem arises, when it surfaces that the truth is the town does not have the mirror after all. A new man is in town with a few follower's of his own, and he has taken a particular intrest in the heir of RavenWood...


The layout of RavenWood is simple to those who know where to look for things. When you enter the main hall, you are in the gran entryway, the front of the house pointing south towards the town. In this room what is visible is a grand staircase which splits off into east and west wings. The East which leads off into halls containing the bedrooms and a staircase leading up to the master bedroom. The west wing leads to similar halls which contain larger rooms including a training room, a clinic, a weapons room, a few holding rooms and another staircase leading up to the lab. The west wing is always kept locked. Downstairs holds its own unique areas. To the east of the grand staircase on the main floor leads to the kitchen and dining room, as well as off to the greenhouse and grounds of the manor. Also on this side is the study for the heir which is also always kept locked. To the west of the grand staircase on the main floor leads to a living/entertaining room, a sort of ball room for parties, an old fashond armory/gallary in which old suits of armor and portrates of the RavenWood family can be found. There is also a library located on this side. Unknown to most, there is an intracate system of tunnels located under Ravenwood. An entrance to these tunnels can be found in the armory, the study, the green house, the grand staircase, and the cellar who's entrance is located in the pantry of the kitchen. They lead off to various destinations, such as a safe house under the manor, the town, the grounds, and off into the world.

(more will be added as we go)

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Last edited by Kiyoto; 07-10-2012 at 04:03 AM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-04-2012, 09:58 PM


Hataru paused in the darkness of what was once the master bedroom in RavenWood Manor. He had changed it long ago after the family passed, into something more of his liking. It was around midnight he guessed, and sleep evaded him for yet another night. He wondered what the experiments would be doing at this time of night, most would probrably be in bed by now, but he had a feeling a few others would be roaming the halls. He crossed to the window, and pulled the curtain back just enough to look out at the growing moon. It would be full tomorrow, and he was planning a trip into town to check out the morgue. He would go at night as to avoid any trouble, but he doubted people would dare be out after all the rumors were circulating about him.

He turned away from the mirror, letting the soft black silk of the curtains run through his fingers as he did so. The room was cast once more into complete darkness, however Hataru knew the room perfectly, so he could manuver without the need to see everything. He opened the bedroom door, and slipped out with minimal sound. He managed to slip down the stairs into the hall that held many rooms which had been given to the experiments. He glanced at a few, thinking about checking in on them, but dismissed the idea immediately. He moved to the main staircase, and looked across to the other hall that led to the training/experimentation wing. The hall door for that was constantly kept locked, and only Hataru had a key to it.

He moved down the staircase to the main floor and his eyes glanced at the main doors. He was sure the experiments set to guard the grounds were doing just fine. Running a hand lightly through his hair, he turns to the east side of the house once more to move to his study. He might as well get some work in if he wasn't going to get any sleep. The door was locked as he kept it, so he slipped out the chain he kept around his neck. Two keys dangled from it, one was to the west wing, the other to the study. He slipped the key in and herd the click of the lock slipping undone. The door slid open smoothly and he made his way into the dark room. The light on the desk was cold against his hand, the study always seemed to stay colder then the rest of the manor.

The room was slightly a mess at the moment, he had a lot of paperwork to get done. A representative from the town was sure to be coming soon to get it, that is if they were brave enough. RavenWood technically belonged to the town, but Hataru was not going to let it go so easily, but he wasn't entirely cruel so he kept up with the RavenWood's old customs of re submitting the papers that granted them ownership of the land, as well as a donation to the town to be left alone and sort of as a keep your mouths shut kind of thing. He doubted anyone would try to make a move against him anyways. Hataru hardly ever left the manor to asociate with the people down in the town. Most thought that he was some evil, vile man who would steal their children in the night.

He chuckled lightly to himself. He had no intrest in that sort of thing. The people he used for experiments were usually close to death, already dead, or a sort policy. RavenWood attracted a lot of attention fot the town, not all ov it good. Usually though Hataru would deal with the problems swiftly without having the people have to get involved or really know about it. One day the problem would be there, the next it would be gone. No one knew for sure it was him or his experiments who were taking care of things and keeping the town relatively safe, but there were always rumors upon romors building up each day. Some people thought he was good in the end, truth was he couldn't care less what people thought of him.

He did the things he did to look out for himself as well as the experiments who kept him company. He gave them a new chance at life, a new begining and thee ability to defend themselves. It might not exactly be as humane as most would like, but it was far better then what had been done to him. He had not had the choice, nor had he been dead or near it when the RavenWoods decided his body would be perfect for their biggest experiment of all. A wave of anger moved over him at the thought, it disgusted him. His past was not well known, even by the experiments, and he had no plans on letting them in on it for now. He did not wish to be pitied or looked down upon at all.

He moves to the other side of the desk, and slips into the chair. Pulling a file to him, he looks at the legal papers that still needed to be looked over. He would also have to place an order to refil the lab upstairs soon if he was to advance. He got his tools and his necesities from an old friend in another town, someone who's family had known him for generations and did not ask questions but were very loyal. He then noticed the small black journel which sat on top of the desk but was usually in one of the drawers. He had been keeping journels ever since he was turned into what he was today, this one was new and empty for now.

He slid the book over to him, and opened the black bindings to the first blank page. A little writing could not hurt, and he had plenty of time to do so since he was alone. He doubted that someone would interrupt, so he picked up his pen. Slowly he thought about what to open with and what to even focus on in this journel. He kept them locked away, for he would rather avoid anyone learning his inner most thoughts and feelings. At last he sighed, and moved closer to the desk, placing the pen to the paper and began to write.

Exchange is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 01:22 AM


It was nearly midnight in the town surrounding RavenWood, and most of the inhabitants had gone to sleep. Two strangers stepped out quietly from the dark of the woods surrounding the town and let the moonlight bathe upon their faces. Black cloaks shrouded the strangers' bodies, but the moon gave clarity to their faces. The one in front was taller, and there was an edge to his dark red eyes that clearly distinguished him as the leader. Soft silver hair swept across in the wind as he turned to his companion. Where he was reserved and quiet she was full of energy. Lush curls cascaded down her face, but don't let that pretty hair fool you. Unbeknowest to the random passerby, she was armed and deadly.

"Sophy," the male said softly. "We've finally arrived."

As she turned towards the speaker, who was known as Ken, no last name, one could see no resemblance between the two. Yet they've known each other for as long as each could remember, although Ken still remembered his life before meeting the Kaherin family. Memories of always being cold and hungry resurfaced in his mind, and Ken slowly clenched his right hand into a fist.

"Finally," Sophy replied as she followed Ken's gaze to the sleeping town. There was nothing that distinguished this town from any other one, save for the enormous manor in the background, so large it appeared to dwarf the town. Despite the light of the near full moon, the manor was shrouded in a cloud of gray and black, appearing impenetrable from where Ken and Sophy stood.

The two companions slowly made their way down the dirt path that had brought them through the woods and soon found their boots tapping on a paved brick path. Silence was their companion as they walked the last stretch towards town, but Ken's mind was far from silent. Finally, after all these years, he would get his revenge. The kindness that they treated him when he was a vulnerable young lad would be the kindness he'll unleash upon their return.

"Hey Ken," Sophy said after a while. "What now?"

Ken stopped in his tracks and looked up again at the moon. A couple of clouds were lazily drifting by, but it was evident that the moon would soon be full. Tomorrow, the moon would be at its largest.

"Now we rest," he said simply. "Tomorrow we attack."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 02:01 AM


Fang laid in his room stairing up at the ceiling. He herd the master get up and go down to the study. He hoped he was alright. Looking over at the door as the footsteps passed, he yawned slightly. He hadn't been sleeping to well, and tomorrow was going to be a long day. He wondered who the master would choose to take with him when he went into town. There was going to be even more work to be done when he came home if he had a new body with him.

Suddenly fang did not feel tired dispite the yawn that wanted to come from him.
He slips out of bed quietly, and to the door opening it barley an inch. The hall was clear, he might as well get a bit of work of his own done while he was awake. He moved down the grand staircase and past the closed door of the study, the light underneath confirmed his suspicions about the master being awake. He moved into the kitchen then into the greenhouse. He loved the greenhouse, the hot and humid air that the plants thrived in also allowed him to thrive as well. He spent a lot of his time either here or in the library or kitchen of the manor, doing his job.

He moved to the door that led out onto the grounds opening it. The air hit his skin, it was a nice warm night with a gentle breeze. He looked up at the moon and wondered if things would go as planned tomorrow, perhaps he should tell the master he wished to stay behind to watch over the manor if he was chosen. No doubt he would take the twins. A slight hiss comes from him. The twins did not like him, they said he was always trying to steal the master's affection away and become the favorite. He wasn't to fond of them either.they always seemed to be hiding something in his opinion. He sighed and closed the doors, turning to water the plants a bit to calm himself.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 05:30 AM


As always Reina rarely slept. Usually she would spend the dark hours holed up in the library, reading the same books she had a hundred times past, but she was restless tonight. With graceful, silent steps Reina decended the stairwell and made her way out the back. She noticed Fang in the greenhouse, but simply walked past, unsure of where her feet were taking her.
As she neared the woods surrounding Ravenwood manor, the old experiment was uncomfortable. She willed herself to turn around. "Master may need me. No time to wander off." She chastised herself with a harsh whisper. Reina made no noise on her return, though this time she did stop at the greenhouse. With a single knock, she let herself in, liking curiously over Fangs flora. Reina hoped he wouldn't mind her presence. She understood some of the pets disliked some others, and though she would never voice such fears or complaints, she hoped the other pets didn't mind her.

Last edited by Codette; 07-05-2012 at 10:30 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 05:39 AM

Fang looked up at the knock and entrance to the greenhouse. He noticed the other experiment's eyes looking around at the plants he had been caring for. He knew her name was Reina, an air based experiment if he remembered correctly. He turned to her and his skin slightly tingled as the colder now early morning air ran over his skin as the door was closed. "Good evening" he says in a calm collected tone keeping his green eyes set on her every move. He finally turned walking to the sink near the back, to refill his watering can. They had a sort of sprinkler system, but watering by hand gave him a chance to think and relax as well. He felt a slight movement by his feet, glancing down to see a white cobra he kept around as a companion wrap around his leg. It moved up his pants slowly and he moved his arm down for it to wrap around. Soon the snake was wrapped around his shoulders lazily. Its hood down, he moved a hand to gently rub its head affectionatly. The cobra turns its head to the other experiment, flicking out its tongue and watching her. "It is alright Venom" he whispers softly "she is not going to harm you or me" the snake responded to his words, laying its head on his shoulder, but keeping its eyes on the girl.

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 12:56 PM


Sophy nodded, "Finally!" She smiled and twirled, happy to be free and not cramped. They walked up to the path together, quietly and not really talking much. She was taking in the sights, it was rather refreshing. They lived near factories, and other things so it was easy to find extra metal pieces. "'Tis a bit warm." Sophy adjusted her goggles. A cool breeze blew against them, ruffling her black cloak and curls. Soon they arrived at the place marked on the map. The brunette pulled out a telescope and she looked through it, "'Ey Ken, what now?" She asked peering at the mansion that loomed before them through the telescope. It was quiet, and she couldn't see any lights.

'I wonder if he hungry? We hadn't aten since we left home! Ah, we packed food... what did we pack again?' Sophy tapped her chin gently.

"Now we rest. Tomorrow, we attack." She pouted and placed her hands on her hips, she wanted to march right up there already.

"Oh c'mon, let's go on up there! Ask for hospitality, and then we attack dem from the inside! I mean, that's even more exciting, no?" She giggled. She set down her two bags though, next to a tree. "Are ya feeling alright, Ken?" She pulled out an oily cloth from a pocket of hers and she began to wipe down her telescope, humming to herself. She quickly set her telescope away and pulled out a brass pocket watch. She oiled that up and then opened it and looked at the time, twelve-thirty. She was restless since she had rested on the entire trip here.

Her eyes scanned the skies, it was such a great night out tonight. Sophy turned back towards Ken, his hair looking lighter than usual when the moon light hit it. Tilting her head she wondered what he may be thinking about, as she was lost in thought she didn't notice that she had lost track of him. She then remembered about the food when her stomach grumbled at her. "Oh, yah!" She opened one bag and rummaged through it and found a box. She opened it up and there sat in it a sliced apple, two sandwiches, and diced mango. When she looked up she frowned, she called out in a sing song voice, "Ken?" She pulled out her telescope again and began to look through it trying to find the silver haired man.

Last edited by Ana_M; 07-05-2012 at 05:20 PM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 05:09 PM

Reina nodded in response to the greeting, a small smile tilting her lips. She watched the cobra curiously, unsure of how to take the response of Fangs slithering companion. Looking away Reina noted the colours and species of the flowers. A few times she opened her mouth and closed it, as if contemplating the words she wanted to say. Finally, choosing her words carefully, she spoke softly. "They are beautiful." Reina motioned towards some white flowers. "And your friend is wary."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 05:17 PM

Fang looked over at her and nodded. "Thank you, and he is merely protective of me" he says. The cobra had been a part of his life for awhile now, he had found it injured in town because of some fools who had been afraid of it. Snakes were powerful, and yes at times dangerous, but they could be so much more. He sighs lightly and looks at the snake, who tilted its head slightly to peer at him with his sharp eyes. It seemed to speak to him flicking its tongue out and then looking over towards the roses. "Hmm...yes I suppose they do need more light" he nodded and walked over to where they sat fixing the lighting system a bit. The snake seemed to nod a bit in approval.

---------- Post added 07-05-2012 at 11:07 AM ----------


Liore looked over at Sophie from his position on a large rock overlooking the vally. He had been told by her to stay back at the hotel as her and Ken came to scout the area, but he never listened to her. He only followed Ken's orders, he had no reason to listen to a girl. Many were intimidated by her, but he found the challenge a bit lacking for him. If she wished to scare him or order him around she was going to have to step up her game. He smirked lightly and jumped down approaching. He paused when his foot hit something, and he kneeled down to pick up what seemed to be the body of an old decayed doll.

A sharp pain ran through his head, and his hand moves over his eyes slightly. He had been getting these pains since coming here, but why? Did he actually know this place? He shakes his head, and tosses the doll aside out of his way, watching it fall and stay where it laid. He sighs, standing to look up at the moon. Tomorrow would be the full moon, tomorrow it would begin. He wondered what Ken had in mind for tomorrows events, he hoped that he would not be told then to wait at the hotel, he wanted to be by the other's side. He had grown slightly attatched and very loyal to him since the night they had fought together to survive.

He looked back at the girl, and slowly continued his approach to her. Leaning against a tree he smirked lightly. "Seems you managed to not get lost" he says his voice cool and calm. He watched her looking for the other male through her telescope. She looked actually nice under the moonlight, almost...beautiful. He froze, what the hell was he thinking? He shakes his head a bit to chase away those thoughts and sighs, he had no time to be foolishly getting involved in things like that, besides she was in no way his type...if he had one.

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 07:44 PM

She almost hadn't heard his foot falls as he came towards her, yet she still couldn't help jumping a little at hearing him speak. She turned her head, still peering through the telescope but this time at him. [b]"Seems you managed to not get lost," he told her in a cold tone of voice. She put away the telescope back into her pocket and placed her hands on her hips. That boy just didn't know how to listen one bit! The white blond sighed, that just made her pout.

"Well 'course not! Did ya really think I couldn't keep up?" Sophy dropped her pout but kept her hands on her hips. She wasn't that slow, was she? "Wait a second, weren't ya supposed to be waitin' there?" She pointed at the rock where he was sitting earlier. After a few seconds she gave up, a gentle huff escaped her lips. "Are ya hungry?" She bent down again and looked through the bag to see if she could find another packed meal, and to her pleasure she did. Smiling she picked it up and opened the box, a sandwich shaped into a clock was in there and also a little dessert. Grandfather must have put it there in her bag when she was not looking. She looked back up at Liore, picking up the other box she stood up and held both out to him. "Which one?" She asked him, she was hoping he wouldn't take the clock sandwich though there was a chance of that.

'Now if he insults either,' she let her train of thought fall off. She raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to take one. "Ken, come eat!" She thought she caught a glimpse, but wasn't too sure. As she held out the two boxes she looked over the bushes, standing on her tip-toes, trying to see if he was over there. She decided to give up the search, he'd come back when he wanted to and she'd have the food ready for him. Sophy returned to standing normally.

Last edited by Ana_M; 07-05-2012 at 07:50 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 07:52 PM

He raised a hand a bit refusing the food. "Headache..." the pounding in his head was making him feel a bit ill, and the thought of what she was offering him made his stomach turn a bit. He sat dosn against the tree he had been leaning against, and pulled out a canteen of water taking a small sip. He then took out a small pouch of herbs, placing one under his tongue to help with the feeling of sickness as well as his headache. He looked off in the distance at the manor, and his thoughts clouded a bit. It seemed so familiar, and yet so new to him. He saw the lights on in the greenhouse "seems someone's up".

Exchange is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 09:41 PM

Ken was lost in thought, his footsteps almost mechanically making their way to the town. It wasn't until Sophy and Liore's bantering filled the night sky that Ken was brought back down to Earth. He whipped back and realized that Sophy had made camp, but more surprisingly he found that Liore had tagged along despite Sophy's insistence that he stay at the hotel. Shaking his head, he swiftly made his way back.

"Keep your voices down," he said sternly as he approached. "We don't want to alert others to our presence. Especially when so much depends on the first attack." Sophy pouted and offered him two bento boxes. The smell of food reminded Ken that he hadn't eaten since last night. Although Liore refused the food, Ken's own stomach grumbled and he took the box with the sandwiches and diced mangos. The sandwiches were average, but Ken was grateful that Sophy always remembered his favorite fruit, mangos. He devoured the mango and half of one sandwich and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand when he finished.

"Asking for hospitality is a good idea, Sophy," Ken began as he picked at the rest of his food. "But we'll do it when the so-called heir is out of the manor tomorrow night. The full moon marks his trip down to the town, and that's when we will--Liore, headaches again?" In response, Liore pulled out a bag of herbs meant to numb the pain. Ken shook his head. "This is exactly why I didn't want you to come, Liore," he said, almost gently this time around.

The greenhouse lights piped his interest. "You're right," he murmured as he craned his neck, searching for the source of the light. "Someone's up at this ungodly hour." Ken thought about melting into the shadows for a closer look, but then decided against it. The light would surely give him away, and he needed to be at full strength for tomorrow.

"Sophy," he called. "Go check who's up. Look only, don't engage them. It's highly likely that they'll outnumber you. Normally I would send Liore, but he's in pain right now. We'll wait for you back here."

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 09:44 PM

"Keep your voices down," Ken warned them sternly. Her eyes widened and she jumped up, straightening her posture. "Asking for hospitality is a good idea, Sophy. But we'll do it when the so-called heir is out of the manor tomorrow night. The full moon marks his trip down to the town, and that's when we will--Liore, headaches again?" She blinked, Ken was talking quite a bit. This obviously was just as exciting for him as it was for her.

Sophronia's eyebrows scrunched together, she looked at him closed, eyes slits. "Headache," he had told her while raising his hand to her offer of food. She set down the box with apple slices and put the lid back on, she placed it into her bag. Standing she patted her skirt and then walked past Liore to sit on the rock he had previously sat on. She looked at the clock sandwich somewhat wistfully. After a quiet sigh she picked it up and began to eat it. Bite, bite. "Seems someone's up," he said. The way he said it sounded quiet to her.

She looked up at, "Really now? How wonderful!" Ken spoke up, told her to go scout. She set her sandwich aside in the box next to her and pulled out her telescope and looked through it. "Why, hello there!" She smiled, trying to find the person but plants blocked her view. "I can't see dem!" Biting her bottom lip, the creeper girl tried to search a bit more. She even went to the extent of getting up and going a bit closer and bending different angles. "Move ya plant!" She was really annoyed with how the plants kept blocking her view. Finally she saw a glimpse past some roses, a male and someone with light purple hair. Then she saw a snake. "Eek!" She squealed a bit too loud. She ran back and hid behind the tree that Liore was leaning against.

"How dare dey," she hissed, "What a filthy creature!" The girl adjusted her goggles, a blush leeking onto her cheeks towards her nose. She leaned towards the rock and snatched up the little box. Holding it one hand, she used the other to bring the sandwich to her mouth and eat it. Soon it was half eaten; she kept muttering about how such a filthy creature was kept in the greenhouse and how she hoped to stay far away from it. She then realized that she was supposed to report back what she saw, or whom she saw. "Oh, I saw a male! Gray hair, I tink, and there was someone with purple hair. They had a... snake!" She spat out the noun with loathing. She greatly disliked those vile creatures.

The creeper shivered, it was so ugly.

Last edited by Ana_M; 07-05-2012 at 11:14 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 10:51 PM

Liore looked at Ken as he spoke. He felt a small wave of sadness abt the slight chiding, but was glad the other seemed to care about him. He watched Sophie with her telescope respond, and get freaked out by the vision of the snake in the greenhouse. He stands, brushing off his pants a bit. "I'm fine" He looked at her as she continued eating, the food made his stomach turn once more. He knew he should eat, but he would wait till later it was not a big deal to him. He usually ate, drank and slept less then normal people anyways.

He looked up at the moon once more and then scanned the forest lining, it went up to just behind the manor. A howl echoed in the forest not far from them, his hand lightly moved to what looked like two guns without the trigger or the hole in the barrel. In truth they were merely used as hilts, when Liore focused his control over energy on them, they became twin blades which he had become an expert in using. He calmed a bit as another howl was herd, whatever it was was moving off. Something about this place set him on edge.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 07-05-2012 at 11:22 PM..

Exchange is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 11:53 PM

Sophronia's report gave Ken some relief. There would be no bloodshed tonight, not yet. Everything was going according to plan, save for Liore. This place made him uneasy, and rightly so. They were walking a fine line here, bringing Liore so close to the origin of his creation.

After confirmation that the creatures in the greenhouse were not aware of their current location, Ken began to pack up his box and returned it to Sophy with a slight nod to indicate his thanks.

"As long as the creatures in the greenhouse don't know we're here, we have no reason to disturb them. See that clearing?" Ken pointed to a patch of empty land half hidden by the woods. "We'll rest there for the night and take turns keeping watch. Liore, you'll go first. Wake me up in three hours. Sophy, get some rest, we'll need you in the morning."

The three of them quickly made their way to the designated clearing. They were far enough in the shadows of the trees that a passerby walking through would not notice them immediately, but they were close enough to see all that passed by. Ken leaned back against the bark of an oak tree and tried to close his eyes. If all went well, there would be no disturbances. A nagging voice in the back of his head scorned his wishful thinking, but he told that voice to hush. They were so close.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 12:07 AM

Liore stood by one of the trees looking out at the manor. It was so quiet out, and he could tell something was off with Ken. He would not force the issue, doing as he was told staying put where he was and watched. It was warm out tonight, but as time passed a slight chill began to set into the breeze. He finally sat down to think about his own plans. He would do his best to make sure he was not left behind tomorrow, he did not want something bad to happen that he could have possibly helped prevent. He sighs lightly, and looks over at Ken for a moment restless trying to sleep. He hoped he felt better soon.

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 12:11 AM

Sophy was still not quite ready to sleep yet, though she did understand that she'd regret it greatly if she didn't take advantage of that now. She grabbed the two bags and followed Ken. Keeping close behind, glad to be getting farther away from the damned snake. The girl remembered those nights she'd be working on her grandfather's automatons, or some clocks and other little trinkets. One time she spent all night working on a gun! In fact, it was one of the guns she kept on her now. Grandfather had built it first however it was still a prototype then, so she finished it by making it fancy and very useful. She pat the two guns that hung on her belt. Smiling at the cool feel of metal and sat down near Ken, "Good night!" The young girl smiled and nodded at Ken. She waved to Liore, unsure if he saw her wave night to him or not and turned to her side, laying her head on one of the bags. She closed her eyes and let herself drift off.

A dream began, in it were the three of them and another. The new person was a male, and the male was another white haired male. She was pretty much surrounded by three white haired boys. Her body curled up and she murmured something in her slip, she rocked gently for a little while as they surrounded her then grew into shadows. The shadows leered over her, smiling and laughing at her. Then the shadows disappeared and clocks and gears came into being. She was standing on one of them, wearing her mother's wedding dress. Poking at the skirts the girl was unsure of why she was in it, then she was pushed down. Down and down and down she fell, Sophronia reached and called out in the dream then suddenly she was caught and black eyes stared at her. A creepy cheshire cat smile appeared on this person's face.

Sophy gasped and she bolted up right from the dream. Sweat drenched down her back and face, she was also panting. "Ah," she was for once speechless. It had been a long time since she last had such a weird dream. She looked up at the slightly lighter sky, stars speckled the landscape. Maybe an hour had passed, or maybe more. The thought of not knowing the time scared her a bit so she quickly struggled to pull out her pocket watch. Click! It opened up and told her it was roughly 3:20 in the morning. Swallowing she looked at the bag she had been using as a pillow, 'Is this the bag that has the water?' She opened it up and searched, luckily she found one. She downed what was left in it. Another gasp escaped her lips, she had forgotten to breathe after she downed that.

She pulled out the bound journal that was in a side pocket of the bag and began to write an entry... Once she finished writing it she put the pen and journal back up in the pocket, she hummed to herself as she laid back down. "Once upon a time," she whispered softly. For the first time since she had woken up her eyes darted around to see if Liore was up or if it was Ken.

Last edited by Ana_M; 07-06-2012 at 12:24 AM..

Exchange is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 12:47 AM

A light tapping on his shoulder woke Ken up just as he was about to drift of to sleep. His mind screamed in desperation, but he knew that giving in was a luxury he would not be able to afford. Forcing his eyes open, he gave Liore a curt nod. "Go rest," he ordered, although he himself had not done a very good job of that. Truth be told, had a fitful nap, the empty time only allowing his mind to draw up worst case scenarios. Stretching his limbs, he shook off the warnings swirling around in his head. The sky was still dark, although he knew dawn was close to breaking. Soon, he thought to himself.

Ken made his way slowly towards Sophy, who appeared to be scribbling in a notebook of sorts.

"A gear for your thoughts?" Ken asked as he sat down next to her. "You're supposed to be resting, not writing."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 01:19 AM

Liore sat back against his tree after having woke Ken. His mind was to active for sleep, and he looked up at the sky taking a deep breath. "I need sleep but..." he sighed lightly, looking over at Ken begin to speak to Sophie. He didn't think they would notice, so slowly he moved back into the shadows deciding to go for a walk. The night air felt good on his skin, a howl echos near him. He looks over the direction it was coming from, watching a wolf who was watching him not to far away. He paused and looked at it. It seemed to be unsure about him, and wary of his movements. He slowly kneeled, and the wolf hesitently approached him lowering its head. He had a strange bond with animals, as if they could read him and knew he would not harm them. He placed his hand on the wolf's head gently scratching behind its ear.

Something felt weird though, and the wolf looks up at him. The pounding in his head got a bit worse, and he layed down on the grass. The wolf laid by his body, nuzzling his neck a bit as he closed his eyes. He let himself drift a bit, and drempt of a strange forest much like the one he was in now. Him walking with people he could not see their faces, they were talking to him coldly, one said he was not worth the trouble. Moments later they were surrounded by others he could not see their faces. They were everywhere a strong cold feeling sets into his body. He turned on his side wrapping his arms around the warm fur of the wolf. He clenches his hands as sharp images began to flash over his dream he clenches his teeth. " away..." his side where an old long scar was began to hurt and slightly bleed. It was a strange wound that never fully healed, but this was the first time it had begun to bleed in a long time. He knew it was all a dream, but could not seem to pull himself out of it.

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 01:33 AM

"A gear for your thoughts?" Ken asked her as he sat down next to her. She nodded, it was luckily in the pocket by the time he sat down next to her. How embarrassing would that be? "You're supposed to be resting, not writing." She pursed her lips and brushed a strand of curls back with her fingers.

She looked up at him, "I had a really odd dream." She wasn't sure whether to tell him or not due to the content. Her cheeks reddened and her eyebrows furrowed. "I was falling in it and there was a clock," her ears perked up as she heard a shift, she glanced behind her shoulder but didn't notice anything different. Her gaze turned up towards the sky. "What does falling mean?" She saw a shooting star and that made her rise to her feet and she clapped her hands together. "Wow!" It had certainly been a while since she last caught sight of one. Closing her eyes she quietly wished upon the star, "Twinkle twinkle little star, I wish for things to go well." A small smile played on her lips and she sat back down. She looked at Ken and pointed up at the sky, "I saw a shooting star, Ken!"

She acted like a little kid whom had just received candy. She giggled, hoping her wish would come true. "Do you think there'll be more?" If she was to see another shooting star then she would wish for them all to be safe. She tapped her chin gently, watching the sky. 'That star was beautiful. How many more will fall tonight? Where do they land when they fall?'

She turned her gaze back to Ken, her finger held still against her chin gently. "What would you wish upon a star?" She tilted her head inquisitively.

Exchange is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 02:06 AM

A pained smile flitted across Ken's face. Sophy was so innocent, so naive, and yet he had dragged her into this impending bloodshed with only half the details. He had told her they were going to have an adventure, searching for a valuable item, and in her excitement she had readily agreed. Her youth was just what he needed right now to take his mind off things, although her dream seemed troubling, to say the least.

"I don't bother myself with dreams," he said instead. "Falling, flying, what difference does it make? It's the here and now of reality that matters. Reality's the only thing that matters." Ken's last words were tainted with bitterness, and he hoped Sophy hadn't caught the edge in his voice.

He turned his head up at the mention of shooting stars and gave a small smile when Sophy made a wish. What was he getting her into? "If there were more stars, that wouldn't make the first one too special, would it?" he said simply.

"What would you wish for?" she asked, and for a second Ken was caught off guard. Revenge was the first thought that came to mind, but he couldn't ruin the moment right now by dragging it down into darkness. Not when she was looking at him with such eager eyes.

"I can't tell you," he said instead. "If I did, it wouldn't come true."

Ken flexed his inner muscles and focused some of his energy into the shadow of the tree. Tentatively, he stretched out, one limb at a time, until he was one with the shadows. He expanded his grasp then and searched the perimeter. All was clear, save for the wolves howling in the distance. Wait a second. Ken's brows furrowed as he realized it was too empty. Where three bodies should have been, there were only two. Snapping himself back together, he opened his eyes.

"Sophy," he said in a voice that had reverted to its original calm coolness. "Liore is gone. Can you go find him? Dumb kid should've stayed at the hotel, this is too close to home for him."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 02:16 AM

Liore sat up and slid his hand over his side flinching a bit "ow" he noticed the blood. He sighed and stands up walking back slightly near enough to hear his name mentioned and being called a 'dumb kid'. He looks away a bit wrapping his arm back around his side. Is that what Ken really thought about him? The wolf whines slightly by his side, but he ignores it. He turns away making his way back into the town ignoring the thoughts of going back in his head. He reaches the hotel and slips into his room feeling like an idiot. He starts the shower climbing into the hot water, letting it run down his skin cleaning the wound.

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 02:47 AM

She caught a glimpse of the pained smile, she was a bit worried about it but didn't think too much of it. She was really excited about hearing his wish, but he instead refused to tell her. Pouting, she almost protested when she saw the fierce concentration in his eyes. "What's wrong?" He then told her in his normal voice to go after Liore. "Ah, so that's why," she muttered, tapping her chin. "Alright."

Sophy gathered her skirt and got up. She started to run and pulled out her telescope, using it to look ahead. Her eyes caught a slightly trampled trail, she followed it and saw Liore sitting up. There was a wolf near him. Her eyes widened and she kept her distance, he started to moving away and she followed him. She went through the bushes a bit noisily to avoid the wolf and then realized he was going back to the hotel. She still kept her distance, not ready to call out yet. He entered a room and she heard water running soon after. She blushed and sat against the door.

"This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world," she sang quietly to herself. The music played in her head and she bobbed her head from side to side to the rhythm. "And while she looks so sad in photographs and I absolutely love her when she smiles." The simple lyrics brought comfort to her as she waited. She hoped he'd quit showering soon so she could knock on the door and see if he'd come back.

The girl wondered why he had ran off in the first place. Her eyes looked up at the doorknob as she continued to sing to herself. She was adjusted her goggles to make sure they were on her head right.

((Story of a girl by 3 Doors Down))


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 02:57 AM

Marionette lay in bed and looked at the ceiling of her room. It was dark, but with the dark curtains pulled back just slightly she was able to see the ceiling, not that there was really anything interesting to see up there, but it was what one did in the guise of pretend sleep. She could not tell you the last time she remembered truly sleeping, a puppet does not need sleep. However she was well aware that a life like creature such as herself who does not sleep is a bit disconcerting to those around her. So every night she went into her room and stared at the ceiling for a few hours pretending to be asleep.

It was eventual that she got up out of bed, brushed the bottom of her dress out and took to walking the halls. It was a big manor with much room for Master and all his toys, his companions. It was only when she heard the quiet footsteps from somewhere behind her that she shrunk into the scenery of the wall. She wondered who it could be for only a moment when Master Hataru passed by her on the way to his study. She knew she was one of the only experiments that had no need for sleep and that caused her concern for her master. What was causing him to be losing such troubled sleep? Was it tomorrows task?

Shortly after the master passed her another body came down the hall which made her sneer a bit. "Fang" she hissed low enough so that he wouldn't hear. She knew she was being selfish a bit vying for masters love against another experiment but she couldn't help it. She also hated herself for it. Marionette was the indifferent one in all aspects but this, and yet she could not force herself to find indifference. Fang was trying to steal her glory.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 02:59 AM

He loved the feeling of the hot water on him. Washing his hair, he thought about all of what had happened. Taking a breath he sighed, did Ken really think he was a dumb kid? He sighed lightly, and looks down a bit at the water running down the drain. He was a fool, he should have just stayed home in the first place and maybe he wouldn't have upset the other.


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