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Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 01:02 PM

Hataru shook his head. He would not risk losing one of his experiments because of a foolish mistake. He looked out inthe moonlight, taking a deep breath. He did not have all day to wait around and worry about what was lurking out in the shadows. He moved out into the moonlight, the bodies slowly following him as he did. He was careful to kee his guard up as to watch his surroundings for any movement. If something mooved, he would know aboutit. His nerves were bubbling in the pit of his stomach, but he kept them at bay. He did not want to make a mistake cause of hisbfoolish feelings either. He hoped the experiments at the manor were having better luck then he.

Exchange is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 02:30 PM

Ken didn't have to wait long before his shadows returned with both Blaire and Liore. Blaire arrived first, and she again proved to be as instinctive as ever. "Sophy ran off, didn’t she?" Blaire asked. Ken was about to nod his head in assent when Blaire continued, "Or was she taken?" Ken paused, and went over what little information he had in his head. That made all the difference, didn't it? he thought as he mulled over the two choices. Had she run off on her own free will, or was she under the mercy of some manor servant?

Before he was able to give a response, Liore appeared and so to both of them, Ken said, "Sophronia's gone, we know that for certain. There was also someone else with her, but I've never seen him before." His voice came out harsher than he intended to, but he was lying to himself if he wasn't furious with the sudden turn in events. Not even in the manor, and things were already going awry. "I don't know where she's run off to, but she's a big girl. She can defend herself if she's in trouble, and in the off chances that she's already at the manor, well, we'll just meet here there, then." His words were steely, definite. He didn't want to hear any arguments. Truth be told, it'd be better if Sophy had just run off into the woods with her new friend, it was safer out here than in the manor.

With all the swiftness his legs could provide him without melting into shadow, Ken ran towards the manor. If anything, this just meant they'd have to hurry their plan. Before something else went wrong. Reaching the manor, Ken could tell immediately that it was secured on all sides. There was no way to get in, or so they thought.

"Blaire, Liore," he said. "I know you guys don't enjoy traveling by shadow, but that's the quickest way to get inside and search. Do you mind?"

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 02:31 PM


Reina watched as the Master left with Gemini and Marionette. She half noticed Fang leaving the room as well... to find Acis, the breeze told her. Drifting lazily about the manor, she was instantly angry with herself when she realized there was an unknown presence in the manor. Following the air, she hurried down the the corridor, and saw Fang and his cobra. Looking into the room, she cocked her head slightly to the right. "Cheshire?" she whispered. She had seen the cat-like creature before. But holding the Masters mirror seemed like a betrayal. If the creature felt such a thing. Reina narrowed her eyes at the unknown girl.

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 02:43 PM

Sophy nearly fainted when she saw the snake. Oh god, it got under her skin, but she somehow held strong. She bit her lip and looked at Cheshire, she needed that mirror back. It was important to have that back. Actually, it was extremely important to have it back, the man with the snake spoke and she listened; that's when she remember her device. Sophy tapped her foot and turned away from the snake, it wasn't hard to fake that she was feeling nauseous because of it, she gently switched it on and brought it to her lips she whispered into it as she strolled to the window. "Painting." She set it back in her pocket, she felt the eyes of another on her. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she turned back towards them. Her eyes rested on the girl who was staring at her, no glaring.

Sophy stepped closer to Cheshire, it didn't make her feel safer but it was all she had right now. She looked at the cat, then at the girl, she hadn't said a word to either of them. She hadn't even spoken to Cheshire. That was out of character for her but that was because she was being careful, "What's dis?" She walked to a table and picked up a jar holding some crude organ. She looked at it and tried to put it down but feinted being clumsy and it nearly broke. "Oops!" The girl picked it up and examined it before setting it back down. She then walked over to another table and picked up a little jar of eyes. "Whose eyes are these?" She gave them all a goofy smile and set it down more carefully this time. "What is dis room?"

She was buying time, fooling around. She bit her lip, wishing everyone would come soon.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 02:46 PM

Liore sighed, not like he had much of a choice in the matter. Sophie was missing apparently, and all signs pointed to the manor. He nodded to Men in respoonse to his question, giving the it's fine without actually saying anything response. He hoped the woman was safe, and hadn't ruinec their mission. He paused as a strange wave of nasuea toom over his stomach, but he kept it to himself thinking now was not the best time to bring up that he felt like puking. He looked up at the tree in front of him and pausrd. "What the..." reaching up, he pulled a blacj ribbon off of one of the branches. It was most likely silk, but where hd it come from?

---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 07:54 AM ----------

Fang glared, and stepped forward a bit. His muscles felt stiff against the cold in the room, but he ignored it for the time being. He looked at the female darkly then at Cheshire holding the mirror. He was not one much for violence against females, he was usuLly a gentleman. In this case however, he allowed his nails to lengthen a bit, he could feel his snake DNA begining to work, the poison that coursed through his body moving to prepare for an attack. He waited for the perfect moment, when she crossed to the eyes, before grabbing her wrist. His nails dug in, and his venom unknowingly floated into her system. "You are forbidden to be in here" he spoke with clear annoyance in bis voice.

---------- Post added 07-12-2012 at 08:20 AM ----------

cheshire smiled, this was unfolding deliciously indeed. He watched Fang begin conversing with Sophie, as Reina eyed him. He gives her an innocent wink and then laughs a bit to himself. He wondered how Sophie would fair if he vanished and left her there, he doubted though if she could handle a two on one fight not knowing what she was up against. He sighed, so many options, but he could only choose just one.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 04:02 PM

Reina tilted her head at Chesires wink. With an audible sigh, Reina began draining the air from the room. She wasn't sure how Fang and his snake would fair, or Chesire, but the girl was a simple human. Reina was far accustomed to breathing extreamly thin air, this intruder most likely wasn't. "Fang don't kill her. There are more outside, possibly looking for her. I want to know who they are and why they're here." That was perhaps the longest sentence Reina has ever spoken to anyone after she became an experiment.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 04:07 PM

Fang looked back at Reina she had not had much experience with his venom."Calm dow, it won't kill her, I did not give enough to kill...merely to weaken...paralyze...begin destroying her from the inside out" he smiled slightly at the female. The cobra hissed, now xo close to Sohie it craoned its head a bit the hood of its head still fully flared as it was on edge.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 04:10 PM

Blaire gave a look into the forest but stayed quiet for the moment. Sophie, she thought to herself, you had better take care of yourself. Something about the whole situation did not feel right to her. She couldn’t explain it but something in her had told her that Sophie could use help, but they needed to complete the mission first, at least that’s what Ken had said. Each moment that passed had Blaire cursing the whole damn mission, but she kept quiet. If this mission got one of them hurt, or worse killed, she was going to have to give Ken a good solid beating. She couldn’t deny it at this point, the whole thing would be his fault. Did he know what he was up against?

As they stood outside the manor that currently held the fate of all of them she looked up. What was waiting for them inside? Ken had made some comment to them about traveling by shadows and she merely shrugged her shoulders. It was darker perhaps then her usual way of travel, but it wasn’t entirely different then her usual transport by water. “Suit yourself” she said in a serious but still off hand sort of way. She was, she concluded, more concerned about Ken, Sophie, and the other boy Liore then she was about their methods of penetrating the manor. She felt in her bag for her last jar of water, she was gonna have to remember to stock up should they make it out of this alive.

She fashioned herself a sword out of the water in the jar. She didn’t know what they would be facing and she would always change its shape later, but for now a sword would work to her advantage. She turned to Ken at that point, and took a deep breath, “Ready when you are”

Marionette followed the experiments out of the morgue. Soon after however she let herself disappear into the background. She would Surprise attack them if she needed to. For now she wanted to remain unknown and unseen. She did not however take her eyes off either master or Gemi, she didn’t want to have to resort to it but if either one was hurt, there would be hell to pay.

Exchange is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 06:34 PM

With both Blaire and Liore's assents, Ken called once again on his energy within and slowly eased it out. Transforming three beings into shadow was much harder work than just changing himself--he was used to succumbing to the darkness, Blaire and Liore weren't. Slowly, he eased the energy out of his core and teased them out. Farther and farther, until the shadow enveloped both Blaire and Liore. As the shadows encased all three of their bodies, he felt himself melting to the manor's walls, but not before his communication device crackled to life once more. "Painting," Sophronia's voice whispered before cutting out. At that exact moment, Ken and his companions were no longer solid. They were now an in between phase, neither liquid nor gas, and Ken slithered up the wall and into the crack of the window, knowing Blaire and Liore would follow suit.

Something was definitely wrong. Sophy was a girl of many words, and it wasn't like her to just say one word before cutting off. She was in trouble. Ken's anger rippled through his shadow form and caused his shape to waver, nearly giving him away. Painting, she had said. So she wasn't out in the woods. Chances were she was in this manor, in trouble, and only had time to give them one word as a hint. Search for a painting, he told the others telepathically. When they were in shadow form, they were all one and the same. What one thought the others could all hear. Ken stretched himself out further into the manor and gave thanks that it was night out. The darkness allowed him to penetrate the rooms of the manor with little disturbance and effort.

An abnormal amount of beings in one of the rooms attracted Ken's attention, and immediately signaled the others to follow. Sophy was there, he thought. Sophy, surrounded by three others. What had that damn girl done?

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 06:51 PM

Reina raised an eyebrow, and replied in her usual near-monotone. "I am calm Fang." Blinking she returned the air to the room. "Just unaware of your intent with the venom." A shiver ran down her spine. Reina glanced behind her but saw no one. The air told her the area was empty. "odd" she whispered softly. Looking down the hall, the area was indeed deserted. Reina frowned and turned back around, a frowm pulling gently on her face.

Gemini is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 03:16 AM

Gemini moved silently out the door after Master and Mari, keeping every sense alert for anything at all out of place.she wouldn't make a move unless Master said to, but she could certainly warn against any attacks.and if Mari or Master got hurt, in any way, she would not hold back on the culprit.she would not hesitate to kill, if need be.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 12:29 PM

The cobra turned towards the door a bit and hissed slightly. Fang watched as the hood on its head flared slightly more. The snake was clearly on edge. The chill of the room was beginning to get to them, a dull ache had settled into Fang's body. He needed to get out of there. He looked at Reina, wondering if he shou,d leave her for a bit with the two. He shook his head tht was not a good idea.

---------- Post added 07-13-2012 at 05:36 AM ----------

Liore followed Ken keeping quiet. The closer they got tothe manor though, the more a sick feeling settled into his stomach. Why the hell was this place so familiar? He in no way could have ever been here………could he? He sighed a bit, and paused when Ken stopped to look around. Being in the darkness of the shadows wasn't helping him to much either. Having them close in around him, they felt cold, like they were taunting him to remember. Remember what though? He was beginning to get aannoyed with this all. A strange feeling and thought though, told him Ken knew more about him then he was letting on. But how? What was Ken hiding from him?


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 01:17 PM

Blaire moved quickly and quietly along with the rest of the group. Something was definitely off about this place. Briefly she wondered what Ken’s connection to the place could be but decided now was not the best time to ask that, not that he was liable to tell her anyways. Ever since they where children together she had know something dark was hidden in his past, something that he didn’t want to talk about and also something that she wasn’t going to push. They could after all focus on the present time and place, but now she wondered. Should she have wheedled him down just a little bit?

He signaled her to follow him and briefly she looked down at her sword search, looking. Sophie where were you? Are you hurt? She tried desperately as they walked to try and find water, anything that may give a glimpse of the situation. A sink was in the corner of the room with a small leak, it didn’t give her eyes, but she could hear them. "Calm dow, it won't kill her, I did not give enough to kill...merely to weaken...paralyze...begin destroying her from the inside out"

“Ken!” she said close to his ear, “its poison, Sophies been poisoned.”

Exchange is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 01:56 PM

Ken snarled, if shadows could snarl. Poison? Sophronia? Anger and rage fueled his movements as he made for the four beings in the lab room. As he got closer, he saw that Sophy's wrist was scratched, most likely the snake monster's work. To Ken's disadvantage, the room was bright and white, unlike the other rooms in the manor, and as such Ken could not sneak in undetected. No one could miss the black shadow gliding in through the ceiling, nor the figure unmistakeably reforming next to Sophy's body.

As Ken materialized, he regained his senses and was able to see the scene more clearly. The snake person was clearly an enemy, for the freak had scratched Sophy. The girl by the doorway was also an enemy, Ken gathered. She was in no haste to do anything. That just left the person closest to Sophy, save for Ken. Who was he? And what was his role in all this?

Kneeling down to Sophy, he looked her in the eyes and tried to assess the situation. "Sophronia," Ken said gently, using her full name. "What happened? Are you okay?" He tensed, looking around. Everything was going wrong. Where was Blaire and Liore?

Last edited by Exchange; 07-13-2012 at 03:40 PM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 02:44 PM

With years of practice Blaire was not bad at sneaking into places without being noticed. As they neared the room she saw that everyone’s attention had been focused at this point on both the injured Sophie and also the materialization of Ken in the middle of the room. She took this as a slight advantage to her and Liore. She looked back at Liore and placed a finger to her lips indicated that he was not to say a word.

Wordlessly and silently she slipped in behind the girl standing in the doorway. The sword she had created early shortened in her hand as she stepped forward. Placing the blade against the girl’s back, enough to be felt but at this point not enough to be painful, she spoke in a low whisper hardly more than a growl. “If you say one word little dear, I’ll slice you to bits.”

She nodded her head towards the room with a look to Liore that clearly said, help Ken.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 03:39 PM

Liore looked at the room. Everyone was acting so rash and based on more emotion then anything, especially Ken. He sighs and moves over to the two, he kept his eyes on the snake guy and the cat

---------- Post added 07-13-2012 at 08:43 AM ----------

Cheshire smiked, his tail swaying lightly "my my so many twists and turns." He spun the mirror lightly around in his hand, not even bothering to hidethat he bad it. He watched them all, plotting his own next move. Now the strange girl named Sophie was not alone, thus he could go right? He paused though, for that would mean he would miss out on akk the fun. Cheshure did not want to miss a moment, so he stayed where he was.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 03:55 PM

Reina gave a small sweet smile as the others came into being. The sword girls threat meant nothing to her. Speaking wasn't her strong suit anyways. She looked over to Fang, and her smile disappeared. The stone in her chest made her breathing more noticable, especially when she stopped breathing completely. Reina could only hope Fang realized that she was going to drop the oxygen. And thats what she did. Slowly the air began to leak from the room, with no fresh air returning. Reina could hold her breath for half an hour, a -very rare- yet sadistic thought wondered how long the intruders could.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 04:07 PM

Fang watched the other three move into the room. He and Reina were out numbered now, but the others in the room were seriously out classed. He paused though as his eyes moved to the white haired male in the room. His heart skipped a beat as he looked at him. It couldn't be....could it? He barley noticed the cold now or the drop in the air focused on the other male. "Liore....."

Gemini is offline
Old 07-15-2012, 02:41 AM

Gemini stopped behind Master, waiting for orders.she didn't want to speak, for fear of alerting any possible enemies, but the waiting was making her anxious.if it came to a fight, would she protect Master, or Mari? Or the new experiment bodies? Would Master tell her to fight or run? Running didn't appeal to her at all.Gemini liked to fight, she was good at it.but if Master told her to run, she would have to."Hmph." She muttered, perplexed by her thoughts.

Ana_M is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 10:31 AM

She was clawed, she felt it and looked at the wound. She watched as he walked away calmly and very sure of himself. She bit her bottom lip she was not feeling any effects yet except for the pain of an open wound, she noticed that they finally arrived and Ken strided over to her concerned. "Sophronia. What happened? Are you okay?" He knelt down to her level and she smiled.

"Peachy," when she stood dizziness hit her and placed a hand on the table. She pulled out her gun and aimed it at the cat, in a second she shot. The target was his left side of the chest, she was a pretty good shot. "Get it," for once her accent didn't cut into her words. She hoped Ken knew what she told him to get, and she heard Blaire and Liore. Liore walked towards them and Blaire was doing something. She could catch up on her feeling in the room though. The air was getting heavier, her lips pursed and she aimed for the window, with the pressure of the air and the venom taking it's time she was slow to react but able to make it to the window which she jumped through, taking in the air. Hoping, praying that it was the right bullet she placed it into her gun and shot it at the roof, luckily it was. She hung just two yards above the ground.

Here she could breathe, as she started to lose consciousness her grip loosened. She fell and landed feet first. She heard a crack but felt nothing and it went black.

((OOC: Probably my shittiest of Sophy's so far. But now that I think about it, due to the mass posting and events, she's sort of ooc now. :l Annoys me, makes me not wanna post. -.-'' Whatever. Just guys, remember that at critical times in a roleplay you should really give everyone a chance to post before you post again. That way everyone has a chance at keeping their character ic.))


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