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Old 08-03-2015, 09:05 PM

Ellie smiled at the thought of having Kevin in her Chemistry class. She was sure he would be a much better lab partner than the lazy classmate she had been stuck with since the start of school. Even if her friend wasn’t terribly interested in science, it would be fun to share her passion with him.

Ellie frowned sympathetically when Kevin mentioned the pop quiz in his previous class. “I hate pop quizzes,” she said, ”I can’t believe those are still a thing these days. So lame! He really needs to get out more…” It seemed like only the mean old teachers ever resorted to that sort of torture.

”Anyway,” Ellie said, changing the subject, ”At least we won’t have any math homework tonight after that test earlier!” she said, trying to cheer him up. Less homework was always good in her book. It gave her more time to do things like think of new skating routines or read a magazine.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-17-2016 at 09:43 PM..


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Old 08-19-2015, 07:42 PM

((Hey, just wanted to pop in and see what’s up.))

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Old 08-27-2015, 08:02 PM

Kevin couldn't help but chuckle at her comment about her hatred of pop quizzes and shared her feelings. "Haha, hey you're totally right." He thought for a moment. "I wonder if he has anybody in the school he would want to "hang out" with.." He thought aloud, glancing at Ellie.

He smiled and nodded at the mention of no homework tonight. "Yeah. Which means we can focus more on your skating and our movie night." He said, seemingly cheering up.


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Old 09-23-2015, 05:48 PM

((OMG I completely forgot about this! You should have poked me again! I'll try to get to this ASAP!))


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Old 09-24-2015, 09:23 PM

Ellie giggled as Kevin voiced his thoughts aloud. ”I think the more important question is whether or not there’s anyone in the school who would tolerate him for that long.” She was happy to see her friend looking a bit more cheerful now. ”I know! “ she exclaimed when he mentioned their plans later, ”It sounds like so much fun, I can’t wait!” She took another bite of her lunch and chewed it quietly for a moment. ”So why your sudden interest in skating?” she asked casually. She was curious as to what had prompted him to ask to come to this evening’s practice.

((It’s probably pretty obvious but I was planning on having Ellie’s injury take place while she’s skating. Do you think I should have it happen during practice to liven things up a bit or wait and give them more time to bond and have it take place during the competition instead?))


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Old 12-08-2015, 03:34 PM

((Hey, I was wondering if this is dead? If you don't want to play anymore I understand, I'm just wondering if I should unsubscribe to this...))

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Old 12-14-2015, 06:14 PM

((eh, i think it mean more if the injury happened during practice. the i see it, kevin would be more worried if it happened then- since he feels she's been pushing herself a bit too hard for the competition. make since?))

Kevin couldn't help but chuckle and found himself staring at his friends lunch for a moment, and then averted his eyes and looked back up at her. Kvin truly had always admired Ellie for her since of hurmor and the way she could dedicate herself to such a lively sport such as ice skating. It was dangerous, and he worried that she would get hurt- that's why he never asked to come watch her practice or even skate. He didn't know what he'd do if something where to happen to his dear friend.

Hearing Ellie's question, he paused as if at a loss of words. "I um..." He began to say in a quiet voice. Kevin looked down at his interlance hands resting on his lap. "I dunno..I just wanted to see your face while doing something you love." He managed to say after collecting his thoughts, his cheeks lighty tinted red.


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Old 12-14-2015, 07:44 PM

((Yeah, plus it adds more drama since she'll be upset that she won't be able to compete. Let's plan on that then!))

Ellie watched Kevin as he stared blankly at her lunch for a moment. He had said he wasn't very hungry but she was beginning to wonder if maybe he had changed his mind. She was almost about to offer him a bite of her food but when he looked up at her she closed her mouth. There was something in his posture and in his face that just seemed...different and made her pause. When he finally spoke, his voice was soft and he seemed a bit more shy than usual, if that was even possible.

Ellie was speechless, she hadn't expected something so...deep. Her eyes looked from Kevin's hand on the table in front of them up to his face. His shaggy blonde hair was falling slightly in his bright blue eyes and his cheeks were slightly rosy. Was he blushing? Her own cheeks felt a bit hot and her stomach felt a bit fluttery though she wasn't sure why. Realizing that Kevin was surely waiting for her to say something. "I understand what you mean," she said at last, "You totally get that way when you play with Milly, it's so cute!" Ellie smiled, hoping her face didn't look as red as it felt.

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Old 12-14-2015, 08:45 PM

((such a cute moment~ :squee: :heart::heart:))

Kevin wasn't really expecting her to say anything after what he had said. Heck, he wasn't even sure why those words were the ones that were chosen to answer Ellie's question. He kind of felt like a complete idiot. Kevin loved poetry, and Elise knew it but he tried not to sound like a poet and have their deep meaningful words spurt out- well, that's what happened. He couldn't think of anything to his feelings expressed themselves.

When Elise did reply to his words, his blue eyes widen slightly and he looked up at her. A soft smile painted across his slim lips. No one understood him like Ellie had. Not even his mother tried to get to know the real him. Who he was on the inside. The act he put on for everyone else's enjoyment, slowly depressed the blonde. Elise was the only person he could truly be himself, he didn't have to act... His stomach began to get all bubbly inside and he averted his eyes from hers. Deep down, Kevin was a shy boy who loved to read and write poetry and sometimes sketch. He blinked a few times at the mention of Milly and his stomach sank again.

Praying that he passed the math test and trying to stay positive about the results. Kevin smiled and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Really? I never payed it any mind." He commented with a light chuckle.


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Old 12-14-2015, 09:26 PM

((I know! ))

Ellie's heartbeat sped up when she saw Kevin's eyes widen and realized for the first time what she had said. 'I can't believe I seriously just called my best friend cute!' Ellie mentally kicked herself. Didn't those sorts of phrases make guys cringe? She really hoped that it wouldn't make things awkward between them... The soft smile that slowly spread across her friend's lips pulled her back from her freak out moment however. Surely he wouldn't be smiling if it bothered him, right? Still, her heartbeat refused to slow and and for some reason she found herself unable to look away from his face.

Eventually Kevin averted his eyes and realizing she may have made her friend unformtorable, Ellie did as well. What had gotten into her all of a sudden? Looking for something to do with her hands, Ellie pushed her food around, debating whether or not she wanted to take another bite, only looking up again when Kevin spoke. His smile was contagious and Ellie found herself automatically smiling back. "Of course!" she said happily. Too nervous to eat anymore, she pushed her lunch slightly towards Kevin. "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" she asked. Lunch period would be over soon but they still had a few more minutes if he wanted to grab a bite before the bell rang.

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Old 01-14-2016, 08:17 PM

Kevin once again glanced at the tray of uneaten food, as Ellie began pushing the tray away from herself. He couldn't help but smirk as an attempt not to chuckle at her words. Ellie always did things like this when she was nervous..he found it kind of cute- in a little sister kind of way. That's honestly how he had always seen her... As a youinger sister. He didn't have any siblings, and he and Ellie had always been close. Like family. No one else understood him like she did. Blinking back into reality, he let out a soft sigh and slowly reached for the tray. "Well, if you don't want to eat anymore- I guess I could finish it. Better than throwing it away, right?" He asked in a sort of playful manor.

(short x.x and i hope i didn't miss interperate this x~x)


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Old 01-14-2016, 11:24 PM

Ellie shook her head in response to Kevin's question. "Definitely! I always feel bad throwing food away, you know...starving kids in Africa and all..." she said as she pushed the remains of her meal the rest of the way toward him. The thought of him eating her food or even sharing the same fork as her didn't bother Ellie at all. They had practically grown up together and often shared each other's food so it was second nature by now.

Ellie's thoughts turned once again to their after school plans. Though Kevin's interest in attending her practice session was surprising, she was definitely pleased. She would have to try extra hard for him today. Not showing off per say but rather doing her best to excecute the moves with perfect precision as well as grace. She wanted Kevin to see her at her very best.

((That's fine! And nope, you didn't missinterpret it. ^_^))

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Old 02-07-2016, 11:34 PM


Kevin chuckled lightly at Ellie's response to his playfulness, and began to pick at the food on the plate. Eating casually as if time had stopped, without a care. Once he finished eating the remains of Ellie's lunch, the bell rang for class soon after and the boy gathered his things. Picking up the empty plate and smiling at his friend. "I'll see you after school, meet at the usual spot?" He said to her as he went to throw the garbage away, and proceeded to walk to class. It sucked that they only had one class together.

(Short and very late x.x)


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Old 02-13-2016, 11:07 PM

((No biggie! I think I’m going to fast forward a bit to the end of the day if you don’t mind…))

Ellie watched Kevin eat the remains of her lunch. She was glad to see him eat. Going through the day on an empty stomach was never good and he needed to keep his energy up to focus in his classes. She smiled back at him when he picked up the empty plate to take it to the trash. “Yep, of course!” she responded, watching him walk away towards his next class. It was always a bit sad saying goodbye after lunch. And they couldn’t even walk together since their classes were in different directions. Sighing lightly, Ellie started off in the other direction to grab what she would need for her next class before it started.

- - -
Ellie tapped her pencil impatiently against her notebook. The last five minutes of her last period class were dragging by slowly. When the bell finally rang, she quickly closed her book and joined the line of students filing out of the room. At her locker, she quickly sorted through her books, picking out the ones she would need to take home she added them to her bag and shrugged on her jacket. Shouldering her bag, she slammed her locker door and headed out to meet up with Kevin.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 04-17-2016 at 09:43 PM..

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Old 04-08-2016, 05:14 AM


Kevin smiled a little when he heard Ellie's answer, happy to year that they would be meeting up at their 'usual spot' after school. Being with his friend seemed to !make everything in Kevin's slowly shattering world alright again. All it took was to see Elise smile. He stopped by his locker for a minute to drop off unnecessary books and picked up the book and folder for his last class of the day, thank God!


His last class wasn't so bad. It was a computer class that he fought with his mom for placement. His computer class was similar to a free period, only they worked on a certain website for their lesson. After the lesson, or class project, was completed they were free to do whatever as a treat. So long as there was a few minutes left of class before the bell rang. When the bell did finally ring, Kevin gathered his things and filed out of the classroom with the other students. Stopping by his locker to drop off the notebook and pick up the books or notebooks he would need for studying or homework, then casually headed to meet Elise at their usual spot.


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Old 04-17-2016, 09:51 PM

Ellie was the first to arrive at their usual spot by the big tree behind the school. There were a handful of other trees in the area but this was their tree, the spot they had started hanging out at years ago. How it had even become habit, she doubted either of them would remember. Running her hand over the bark, she thought of all the happy memories that had happened sitting or standing or running around the old tree. The snacks they had eaten together, homework and projects they had worked on, the secrets they had shared, games they had played… It felt like a safe place.

Noticing Kevin walking across the grass towards the tree, Ellie considered hiding behind it’s large trunk so she could jump out and surprise him but decided against it. It had been a hard day with the math test and she didn’t want to upset him. Instead she waved at him and when he got close enough to talk she said, ”Hey! How was the rest of your day?”

((FYI I’m going on vacation so I might be MIA for the next week or two.))

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Old 04-21-2016, 04:49 AM

(okay, thanks for telling me ^-^ also, getting over an ear infection x.x will reply when in a day or two <3)


(oh poo.. i totally forgot i didn't reply x.x sorry zig ^^')

Kevin smiled when he saw Ellie waiting for him at their usual spot. He gave a small wave as he approached her and the tree, putting his bag down on the grass. He shrugged lightly at her question and ran his hand through his hair. "Alright I guess, no homework- that's a plus." He answered casually, walking over and leaning against the trunk of the large tree. Their tree. Kevin honestly wasn't ready to go home just yet.. He wanted to stay here with Ellie for a short time first. Kevin wasn't sure if he should offer to walk her home..or if she wouldn't mind coming to his house before going to watch her practice skating. Why was so hard all of a sudden? It wasn't like anything had changed.. Right?

Kevin glanced at her with curious blue eyes, and nervously shifted for a second before taking a breath. "So um.. can I walk you home? or would you like to see Milly before going to practice?" He asked casually.

zigbigadorlube: are you well? O.o

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 06-06-2016 at 01:00 AM..


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Old 06-06-2016, 04:47 PM

((I'm sorry! This keeps slipping my mind. I'll try to get back to it tonight.))


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-07-2016, 12:12 AM

Ellie smiled, ”Lucky!” she exclaimed as he announced that he had no homework. ”I have a couple of chapters of that mega boring English book to read and a Chemistry assignment.” Still, the Chemistry would be fun so she supposed it would balance out having to read more of Ethan Frome. And of course pizza made the prospect even better. Perhaps she could even convince Kevin to read a bit to her aloud. That way they could both laugh about how terrible it was together.

Ellie was still smiling at the mental picture that thought gave her of the two of them bonding together over the book when Kevin’s eyes met hers momentarily. Was it just her or did he seem nervous? ”Oh yeah,” she said, ”Sure. I have to drop off my bag grab my skating stuff from home before I head over to the rink so why don’t we head over to my place?” Ellie fiddled briefly with the strap of her backpack before realizing what she was doing and dropping her hand.

---------- Post added 06-06-2016 at 08:21 PM ----------

((Sorry for the wait!))

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Old 07-25-2016, 08:44 PM

Kevin chuckled lightly at Ellie's response to him not having any homework tonight. He kind of made a face when she told him what she had to do for homework, and smirked lightly. At least she would have some Chem, to balance it out. Right? He wondered silently. Kevin smiled when she agreed to stop by her place to get her skating stuff, and nodded lightly. "Cool." He said casually, adjusting his bag slightly. Kevin slipped his hand into Ellie's, like they usually did when they walked together, and started walking at a comfortable rate for the both of them.

(finally got over my writer's block x.x)


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Old 10-26-2016, 07:27 PM

((I’m so sorry! I completely forgot about this! Don’t be afraid to poke me if I forget. ))

Ellie smiled when Kevin slipped his hand in hers as they walked along together. His hand was a warm comfort against the cool autumn air. Leaves crunched under their feet and Ellie breathed in the scents of fall. She enjoyed this season but winter was her favorite of course. She loved the way the snow glistened and the crisp clean scent of the cold air that bit at her nose, hot chocolate after practice and baking cookies with Marisa and Kevin.

Ellie suddenly had the urge to bake remembering the last time she had done so with Kevin. He had gotten a splotch of flour on his face which made him look so cute that she decided not to mention it to him so she could see him like that all afternoon. It wasn’t until he was heading home that she lightly brushed the spot off with her fingers. She had been so close to kissing him that day but she resisted the temptation, afraid it might ruin their friendship. Thinking about it again sent little tingles up her spine and she felt her body temperature rise and she blushed, wondering in Kevin could feel the heat through her hand.

It didn’t take them long to reach her house, only a few down from Kevin’s home. Ellie regretfully pulled her hand away to unlock the front door and walked inside. ”I’ll just be a minute…” she said, flashing a smile at Kevin before loping upstairs to get her things for practice.

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Old 11-04-2016, 01:23 AM

zigbigadorlube: it's alright~ i almost forgot about it myself ^^''
and okay, i will keep that in mind ;p - how are you?

The walk with Ellie was relaxing. They weren't talking much, but the silence wasn't unsettling either. It was nice. He noticed her cheeks darken, but since she hadn't said much of anything..he could feel himself warming up a bit himself.

Then they came to her house, and she pulled her hand out of his, he nodded to her words and smiled. How could he not? Her smile was so heart-melting. Kevin sighed lightly once she had gone inside to get her things, and looked up at the clear blue sky. Today felt different then any other day with Ellie..a good different.

zigbigadorlube: *poke* <3

Last edited by Nova_Alchemist; 11-13-2016 at 02:41 AM..


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Old 11-14-2016, 08:16 PM

Ellie nearly slipped on the DVD case she had discarded on the floor the previous night. Her room was quite clean but occasionally the clutter would start to build. She should think about cleaning it before her dad got back. It would be okay for now though. Kicking the DVD case aside she dropped her backpack by her desk and made her way over to the corner of her room where her skate bag sat neatly packed. Even if her room was a mess, she always made sure to keep her skate gear in top shape. Hefting the heavy bag, she lugged it down the stairs and set it down to extent the retractable handle. Thank goodness the thing was on wheels, it would be too heavy to manage herself between her skates and all the other things she had to tote to and from practice. Wheeling the bag through the open front door, Ellie looked at Kevin as she watched the clouds go by. She hated to interrupt his thoughts because his expression looked so peaceful for once.

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Old 12-12-2016, 12:10 AM

laaatee >.<

Kevin couldn't believe how clear the sky was today. He had a mess of thoughts swimming around in his head but the clouds seemed to distract him from the worries of his near future. He returned to Earth when he heard the door to Ellie's house, and he blinked a couple of times before turning and smiling at his best friend. "You all set?" He asked curiously.


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Old 12-19-2016, 06:08 PM

"Yep, I should have everything in my bag," Ellie said with a smile, her eyes wandering over Kevin's face for a moment before stepping away from the door and out onto the sidewalk. The skate center wasn't far away so they could easily walk. "Have you ever skated before?" she asked as they walked. She thought it might be fun if she could convince Kevin to go to a free skate with her someday.


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