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*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 02-28-2012, 03:55 AM

Slipping below after the captain led the group of land-folk down, Tal sidled around them and started on the lamps that hadn't been lit yet, knowing Karlin would already have plenty of light in that room. The room with Silas' water-tank would likely also be well lit, if the boy was still in there.


Pre'acha'n inhaled deeply upon entering the galley, the enticing scents of both soups filling the room. He noticed the Lady Priscilla move over to a chair, and her father merely shake his head a tad, but that wasn't really his business. His business was... well, to have a good time on the ship, he supposed.


Staria is offline
Old 02-28-2012, 04:10 AM

Leah watched Pris’s father with a moment of open disdain. His daughter was ill and all he seemed to care about was himself. She would love to give him a good smack on the head. She knew she couldn’t, her captain wouldn’t allow it, but she wanted too. She frowned a moment and glanced at the captain in question, feeling slightly uncertain as she did so. Something about him looked….off. Had he fed yet? She doubted it. He couldn’t have just pushed the tour off until later?

Irritated with the situation of her impossible captain and the idiot of a father she decided she was done watching the tour. She stepped out of the room, heading to the part of the ship where her…where the canons were. She began to polish them out of habit and to have something to do. Perhaps she could just hide down here with them…


Shay enjoyed chatting with the captain she decided absently as he put up with all her questions. Sometimes her enthusiasm was not well loved and she had half expected him to get bored. She nearly skipped as she walked, enjoying learning new things so much. She took a deep breath of the foods smells, enjoying every moment. She wanted to try everything! It all smelled different then back home…

She was soon distracted from that, however, as she saw pris. She frowned at the woman’s father then turned and walked to Pris. She sat next to her, wordlessly rubbing her back in thought. She wasn’t sure what to say… Would she always be this miserable and sick? Why did her father make her come? For even Shay could tell he had to have dragged her here

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-01-2012, 11:28 PM

Karlin frowned slightly and sighed. No, it would be best to let Heiro know immediately. At least that way the worry would be taken from his mind. Sidling over to the captain, Karlin bumped her hip lightly against him to get his attention. "You know Captain, if there's any special dish that you would like I'd be happy to bring it to you." Fairly purring the words, Karlin wore a rather seductive smile. Perhaps she was enjoying herself a little, and was in a way trying to see how everyone would react to her behavior.

Priscilla watched as Shay and her guardian walked to her side. She smiled gratefully at the woman once more, though she knew very well that it was only the thought of being sick again that plagued her. "I'm perfectly fine. The thought of being sick once more is filling me with dread though."

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-03-2012, 01:55 AM

Heiro chuckled at the red-haired chef but said nothing as he watched the guests venture about the small dinning room, his eyes following Priscilla as she swayed again and moved to sit at the table. His eyes narrowed slightly at her father's reaction, his disapproving look typical of western men. They always seemed to blame a women for their bad image, it was disgusting.

He quickly righted his features when the man turned back and wandered over into the kitchen area to take a closer look at the food, but could not help but throw another contemptuous glare once his back was turned again. He could play nice with the man, he had to to get his full payment for the journey, but he had a feeling he wouldn't warm up to the man.

He was about to turn and go to Priscilla's side with the others when Karlin stepped up. Her words honestly did not surprise him, there were plenty of people who were curious about his nature, and plenty more who found themselves attracted to him. The term "moth drawn to the flame" suited quite nicely.

"You know I would be happy with anything you cook up, Karlin." He said coyly with a smile, voice low in an attempt to keep their small conversation private as well as get his meaning across. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I do have a tour to attempt to finish." He said, giving a slight bow of his head before walking over to where Shay, Nereus and Priscilla were, hands held casually behind his back.

"Lady Priscilla," he called as he put a soft smile back on his face. Once the brunette had raised her eyes to look at him, he would press a bit more of his energy onto her, adding to the effect of his voice. "Perhaps we should move on away from the kitchen if the smells are upsetting. I'm sure once you get away from the heat and have another ginger chew you will feel much better." He said, his voice soothing. He couldn't make her any less sick, but the glamour could keep her from concentrating on it so long as he stayed near her.

He felt a twinge of guilt from abusing his power like this, but he needed the company to continue on the tour as soon as they could, the burning pain in his stomach was beginning to make his throat dry with need. Plus, there really was no harm in using a bit of glamour, he wasn't using it to sway any choices or force anyone against their will, he was just comforting a despairing woman.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-03-2012, 02:24 AM

With a wink and an airy laugh, Karlin turned away from the captain and returned to her domain. For of course the kitchen was hers, even though the ship wasn't. Checking that everything was alright, she shewed away that pesky rich guy from her stews. Though of course, the offer of rare chocolates from another port certainly helped ease the sting of her brusque mannerisms. Unlike Heiro, Karlin didn't worry all that much about pleasing her customers with her personality. She preferred to let her cooking do that for her.

Priscilla had been trying in vain to forget the smell of food wafting trough the enclosed space. At the sound of the captain's voice her head lifted and her golden eyes fastened upon him. Though others might have been attracted to him, she could only think of the fact that he had been the one to help her when she'd been at her worst. Perhaps they could be friends? Or at least, maybe later she could ask him about other ways of assuring that sea sickness would not plague her once more.

"Yes, please. I do believe that would help, thank you for making the suggestion Captain." Fumbling a little, she found the tin inside her purse with relief. With a small smile, Priscilla moved so that she stood and quickly slipped one of the chew's from their container and slipped it into her mouth. Glancing at the others, she made as if to move out of the area but stopped after a few steps. It wouldn't really be polite to leap out of the cozy dining area without the other guests and the captain.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-03-2012, 05:12 AM

Pre'acha'n made a face at being left with the Lady's father, though he moved away quickly enough that it didn't matter quite so much. The scents were delicious, and he wandered a tad closer to the pots, noticing how carefully they were being guarded by the cook, and watching her shoo the father away. He almost jumped when he heard the chair move, and walked closer to the door when he saw which direction she'd been going. The need to see the rest of the ship was starting to get him anxious.

((Sorry, birdy-boy's being difficult tonight...))


Staria is offline
Old 03-03-2012, 05:23 AM

((I'm going to have shay just follow XD since she really has nothing to say and her muse is being difficult))

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-04-2012, 01:48 AM

((Lol, it's alright.))

Heiro took a step back, allowing Priscilla to pass before he turned to lead the rest of the guests out of the crowded galley. Once he was certain they were all following, He lead them across the second deck, the path clearly marked between the stacks of roped barrels and crates. The wooden containers held miscellaneous food stores and the like, things that shouldn't get wet on their long journey through the Caribbean.

On the prow end of the deck were four small rooms, each containing a small bureau, bed, wash basin, small desk and a chest to hold personal items. Each item, minus the chair of the desk, was bolted to the floor to prevent sliding and possible bodily harm during turbulent weather and a round window on the hull-side of each room allowed in plenty of light, but could not be opened. The rooms were a tad crowded, but they had the proper furnishings and assured comfort in the unknown world of the open ocean. The only thing the rooms lacked, oddly enough, were mirrors.

"We have gone at lengths to provide the comforts of land on the Tempest, and while these rooms are.... cozy, I hope they can serve your needs during the trip."Heiro said as he opened the first door on his left, allowing them to look into the room at their leisure. None of the rooms were locked at the moment, so he allowed them time to explore the rest of them if any of the group chose to. "However, as I am sure you have noticed, there are only four rooms like this available. We had not expected the last minute addition to the guest list, so we shall have to further discuss proper bunking over dinner, which as previously mentioned on the letters, will be served after the tour." He explained, watching the expressions of each of the guests as he did, ready to quell any anger that may rise.

((finally, we are getting somewhere. I'm very sorry to those playing crew members, I really was hoping to have this fully underway by now.))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-05-2012, 06:28 PM

Priscilla moved with the sway of the ship and followed the others. The comforting taste of ginger filled her mouth as she listened to everything Heiro had to say about the sleeping arrangements. After glancing at her father she knew that without a doubt he would refuse to sleep in the same cabin as his daughter. They were far too small and cramped, and nothing at all like either of the pair had imagined. Admittedly, Priscilla had expected everything to go wrong upon this trip. The brunette was already resigned to sharing her room with another, in all probability that nice young woman from earlier.

At the same time it looked like her guard was prepared to make sure that he was in her room. Though he hadn't said anything yet it was obvious from the way he stood protectively over her shoulder glaring at everyone else. In a way, Priscilla found it sweet that anyone could be so loyal to another. She'd never experienced it of course, but hoped to someday. "Forgive me, but I doubt I'll be able to stomach even a morsel of food." That garnered a glare from her father and a small smile from the white haired guard. It seemed that at least some people were sympathetic to her plight.


Staria is offline
Old 03-05-2012, 09:23 PM

Shay ignored Nerues, as honestly to her an unrelated man and woman sharing a room was inappropriate. It was just the way she was raised... though she was too innocent to truly understand why or that other women could be equally as dangerous in many ways. She might have suggested that he stay with the nervous rich man or Pris's stay with her father but that look he gave her... Shay frowned at him openly, feeling almost protective of Pris suddenly. She stepped forward and hugged Pris around the waist, not caring how it looked.

"Well who says it needs to be talked about? We're the two girls so we'll stay together! it'll be like a slumber party! I always wanted to have one of those" She said cheerfully. She then gave both the captain and Nereus both her most warm and hearth melting smile... she had yet to meet anyone who could resist it. She beamed at them as she hugged Pris, inwardly a little less certain then she pretended. Would Pris ask about the birthmark on her back that looked so much like a tattoo that many thought it was? Would she look down on her for it ?

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-08-2012, 08:47 PM

((Well, Tal's keeping out of the captain's way, at the moment... so... yeah!))

Pre'acha'n peeked inside the room the captain had opened, listening to the explanation, and inwardly thinking that he was that last-minute addition. Letting the rest of the guests sort of talk out the sleeping arrangements on the spot, he went to the next closest door, going in the room to take a better look.

((ACK! Birdy-boy, WHY? Why must you suddenly be so difficult?!))

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-10-2012, 09:09 PM

Priscilla looked from the hand around her waist to the other young woman with a rather confused expression. Plucking at the dark colored skirt nervously with a gloved hand, the golden eyed woman shifted uncomfortably upon her feet. Glancing from one person to the next, her back straightened without any conscious thought and her nose lifted up in the air.

"Party or not, it does seem like the best of arrangements any of us could hope for. Not to mention that it is also the most proper." The words fell like stones into the silence as Priscilla glanced daringly at the others present. For a few moments longer her gaze stopped upon her father before returning to looking at the opposite wall and staring at the ebb and flow created by the grain of the wood.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 10:01 PM

Heiro gave an apologetic smile and a nod to the sick young woman, expecting her to not be able to stomach much. Ginger was supposed to help stir appetite as well, but it did effect everyone differently and she was quite uneasy. He was beginning to wish the flighty man had not enforced their place on the voyage so firmly, the open ocean was no place for his daughter.

When Shay spoke up, he gave a slight smile and a nod, she was voicing his suggestion already. In truth it was the only option, neither of the young women were married to the men they were with, therefore it was highly improper for them to bed together. The deal was sealed when Priscilla spoke and her father offered no objections. He did not wait for Nereus to give any input, partially due to the fact that while he was Shay's guard, he had little sway in this situation.

"So it is agreed then. If you are all satisfied, we can move on for a brief look about the hold, then return to the dinning area for a meal." he said, glancing to each of the guests. "Lady Priscilla, if you do not feel you can tolerate the smells and heat of the galley, you are quite free to explore the ship at your leisure. I shall arrange something to be made for you when you feel you can eat." He added, giving her a comforting smile before turning slightly to allow them all to exit the narrow hall between the rooms before him.


Staria is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 12:32 AM

Shay said a soft yay and gave Pris another squeeze. She then let her go and beamed at her a moment until she saw how pris stared at the wood grain. She frowned slightly and then took Pris's hand and tugged at it. She was smiling again within seconds, having already come up with a plan. She had some cookies her mother sent that she could snack on, she didn't need to eat.

"I'm not hungry myself. Why don't we go for a walk on deck or down below? She suggested cheerfully. She didn't want Pris to have to be alone... and if her father wouldn't take care of her, Shay would! It was just her nature, it always had been.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 03-16-2012, 06:26 PM

Pre'acha'n heard the captain's voice again, and quickly left the room he was exploring to rejoin the group. This ship seemed so different from the ones his father used for transport, the hold must have some unique design. Or, perhaps he was getting his hopes up for nothing, a hold was just a hold, after all. Then again, this particular ship seemed to sit higher in the water than traditional ones...


Tal had finished with the lanterns, and started up to the deck again, impulsively wanting to check the rigging again. His mind turned from the look his captain had given him to the small problem of coordinating the crew to work around the new guests, with as little mishap possible. This gave his face a more concentrated appearance than usual.

((I finally looked up the job of boatswain, and I'm going to try to tie it into my posts... XD ))


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