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merciful sin
merciful sin is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 05:08 AM

on a quiet snowy night a pack of wolves crossed the plains of the alaskan and canadian border. they moved swiftly and as if a single entity. suddenly the head wolf, named kapu, stopped short and signaled the rest of his kin to do so. a girl, covered in blood stood before them a bit, holding a shot gun and crying in the silver sheen of the night time sky. she fell over in the snow unconscious. the girl presented the pack with a difficult choice.
after a bit kapu finally moved closer to the human girl and found her to be a child. he signaled the rest of the pack and they came about her as well and lay near her to keep her warm in the cold night.

ten years pass and the girl is grown up now. she has no memory before the morning she awoke surrounded by the wolves. they became her new family and she traveled about with them from village to village in the north. currently she is living in a small town. no one knows of the wolf pack and she leaves to find them every night. a new militant group has come to town and placed them all under marshal law. no one has been told why yet.

merciful sin
merciful sin is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 05:10 AM

aaka:merciful sin

the girl from the wolf pack
a boy from the town:
military members 1,2,3,4,5:
older woman in the village:

merciful sin
merciful sin is offline
Old 08-02-2009, 05:14 AM

please pm me your applications. include your character, name, some bio stuff, and a picture~

Originally Posted by -N e l l a y L e i g h-
Name: Dexter Leigh
Bio: Dexter's parents, were outsiders. They didnt live anywhere near the arctic before Dexter was born. When Dexter was born, his mother had a fondness with his name, thereby naming him. He is moved out now, but lives near the edge of town.

Last edited by merciful sin; 08-03-2009 at 10:07 PM..


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