View Poll Results: You are the incarnation of The Moon Spirit and you have two choices, what will you choose?
Go with the Ocean Spirit and allow the water 2 return 2 the humans 3 100.00%
Stay with your current husband and let the humans suffer 0 0%
Run away from your problems 0 0%
Voters: 3. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-19-2012, 10:00 PM

The Search for the Moon Spirit
The Song of the Ocean Spirit:

The Melody of the Moon Spirit:

The Love Song of the Lovers:

The Moon, the Sun and the Ocean of the planet Earth now inhabited with humans. The three most important things the Earth needs to survive. In 9011, the humans thought they knew about the sun, the moon and the ocean until one day when the Moon, the Ocean and the Sun seen to come down and told them about the Spirit Realm. The Humans couldn’t believe that there were spirits in the world and that they controlled what most of the humans did in the world. Over the years, the humans got use to the fact that spirits existed and resided in the both the human and Spirit Realm, they also got use to three particular Spirits, The Ocean, the Sun and the Moon spirits, Taiyo, Umi and Tsuki. Tsuki is the younger sister of Taiyo, the Sun Spirit, and the wife of Umi. She is considered the most beautiful woman of both the humans and spirits. Her heart is kind, generous and friendly towards others that cross her path. Her husband, Umi, The Ocean spirit is mostly feared due to his scary appearance and seemingly rude behavior. But in truth, Umi is very kind and can be sweet if you don’t tick him off or harm his wife. Taiyo, the Sun spirit, is the oldest of all spirits and the older brother of Tsuki. He is considered a ‘hottie’ of the human and Spirit Realms and his caring to the subjects of the two realms.

Tsuki and Umi would visit earth almost all the time and enjoyed helping as many humans as they could to prevent horrific events that would happen to them. The human males would often try to impress Tsuki by confessing their love to her, she often kindly rejected them and they accepted it. All except one man by the name of Von Groff. Von Groff would a crush on Tsuki and he confessed his love for her and was kindly rejected; which caused him to become angry. Von went to the Spirit Library in the Spirit Realm and seen a way to kill Tsuki the Moon Spirit. One day in 9087 Tsuki was swimming in a small lake with Umi in her mermaid form then sat on the edge of the bank and spent quality time in her husband’s arms. When she woke up after waking asleep, Tsuki was stabbed with a red rune sword right in the heart by Von Groff himself. Umi woke up and held Von by the throat as Taiyo came down from the sun to mend the wound, Umi killed Von but both Taiyo and Umi couldn’t save Tsuki, she died in Umi’s arms after 10 agonizing minutes. Umi’s angry climbed to new highs as he did the unthinkable. He used his powers to call back all the waters of the Earth back to him and hid the water in a seal far from both the Spirit Realm and the humans. Taiyo tries to convince Umi to return the water to the humans and the Spirits so life can continue, but Umi only growled at Taiyo and told him to leave him alone. Umi said that he will return the water when his beloved Tsuki returns in his arms. Taiyo knew that this was impossible to do and tried to help the humans himself by letting the sun shine for only about two and a half hours so that the sun wouldn’t take away the remaining water on the Earth or Spirit realm.

After 10,000 years of no water or love from the Ocean spirit Umi, a young teen girl by the name of Yue and her newly wed husband moved a little closer to the Moon Spirit’s shrine to take care of it and to hopefully find water near the shrine of the once beautiful Moon Spirit. One night while Yue was sleep she unknowingly turned into the Moon Spirit. Yue woke up and seen this transformation and screamed as her husband came in and gasped from this as well and knew what was going on. Taiyo seen this and came down to confront Yue and told them that she was the incarnation of his dead sister. Taiyo told Umi that he may had found the Tsuki is human form and told him to come see for himself, which he did. Umi seen Yue and couldn’t believe his eyes about how she looked just like his Tsuki and he wanted Yue to be by his side, there is only one problem. Yue doesn’t remember anything about her past life and her husband doesn’t want to give her up without a fight. Taiyo separated the two to allow Yue to think about her decision even though she wasn’t the only person to be incarnated. Jason Groff, Von Groff’s descendant and very angry about the death of his ancestor, vowed to kill the new Moon Spirit after finding out who it was. Yue doesn’t have much time, she was to choose to either stay from her husband and cause more suffering for the spirits and humans or go back to Umi and start her new life as the Moon Spirit?

Information for the confused:

All Spirits are immortal and can come back to life when they wish to. The Moon Spirit couldn't come back to live because she, her brother and Umi gave up their immortality to be in the human world a very long time ago, before humans had evolved. They can still live forever but can also still be killed. Tsuki is the very moon of the human and spirit world just as Umi is the very ocean and Taiyo is the very sun as well, and since Tsuki was killed, the Moon vanished in both realms.

Tsuki/Yue: Gothika_Knight
Husband (make up the name plz):
Jason Groff:
Caretaker(s) of Umi’s temple:
Caretaker(s) of Tsuki’s shrine/temple:
Spirit of Earth:
Spirit of the Forests:

Spirit Leader (group):
Other spirits: Lady Chello Arechi

Human Leader (group):
Other humans:
1.) No godmodding
2.) Be nice
3.) You can have as many characters you wish
4.) Post at least once a day
5.) Subscribe to both the OCC and main threads
6.) PM all profiles 2 me
7.) If u get ‘^U^’ ur profile has been accepted
8.) Have fun
Character Skeletons:

Human Skellie:
Do you trust Spirits/relation to Yue: (yes, no, maybe, a little/step-sister, mother, father, brother or husband)
Position in Group:
Theme Song: (can be a link)

Spirit Skellie:
Age: (be creative with age)
Powers: (relate 2 what spirit you are)
What are you the spirit of:
Position of Group:
Pic: (true form, human, animal)
Theme Song: (can be a link)
Accepted Characters:


Name: Yue Tsuki
Age: 19 but in technical Spirit years she’s supposed to be about 4.9 billion
Gender: Female
Powers: controls gravity, makes the force of gravity stronger or weaker when she wants to. Has the ability to change into any form she wants and can reflect
What are you the spirit of: The Incarnation of the Moon Spirit
Position of Group: none
Bio: Yue is an orphan and has been all her life. When she was about 5, her mother and father died of dehydration which was common for most humans. She learned to defend herself for about 10 years and was adopted by a strange man that was willing to watch over her. This only proved to be a big mistake when the man raped her and left her for dead in the middle of nowhere, alone once more Yue learned to trust no one since she was considered odd. The humans found it strange that a young girl would have pitch jet black hair and pure white bangs and almost never seemed to be thirsty. After three more years of being alone, she meets a young boy at her age and they fall in love with each other, the boy doesn’t fine it strange that her hair is different but says that she is beautiful as she is. Yue and the boy stayed together and got married within a year’s time. Yue, now 19, and her husband moved closer to the shrine of Tsuki the Moon Spirit and decided to help the caretakers take care of it. In a few mouths, Yue starts noticing strange things happening to her but ignores it. But when she falls asleep one day, she is transformed into the new moon spirit. Confused and scared her husband comforts her as best he could then get a visit from the Sun Spirit himself as he explained everything. Now little Yue has to choose. Stay with her husband or go with Umi and live with him forever?
Pic: human
Moon Spirit Form
animal form
Theme Song: Indestructible by Disturbed

Originally Posted by Lady Chello
Human Skellie:
Name: Hado
Do you trust Spirits/relation to Yue: Yes, Husband
Position in Group:Leader
Bio: Hado came form a family of warriors. He has known how to use the samurai katana since his birth. It has been said that he was blessed by one of the spirits at his birth, with his mastery of the blade. Since his birth he has spent his years in training. It wasn't till one day he found a beautiful girl in a river that his life had purpose. There he found his beloved Yue. He left his home and family when Yue wanted to move closer to the moon temple. He would do anything for her. He even gave his life at one time. Sakura the spirit of the forest saved him from his death. It was after that day he learned of his Yue's true identity. He made a promise to her to help her learn of her old self and to respect her wishes. Though no matter what he would fight for her till the death even if it means to go against the spirits themselves. Over his dead body will any harm come to his beloved Yue by human or spirit.
Other Spirits:

Originally Posted by Lady Chello
Spirit Skellie:
Name: Sakura
Age: 76 this time around. Stopped counting after 20000.
Powers: Controls the plant life. She can either give life or take it away for any plant form she chooses as well as any animal. Has the ability to heal with a single tear from her eyes or one of the flowers from her spirit form.
What are you the spirit of: Forest
Position of Group: Friend to Yue and little sister
Bio:Sakura grew up with the other spirits. She was the younger sister of the other spirits. Of the spirits she loved Taiyo. Even though he will never love her. At first she felt no need to help the humans. They only hurt her by killing her beloved forest. The humans took the animals she had sheltered and healed. She watched as they over hunted and killed her beloved little ones. She spent years locked away in her favorite tree in her sacred forest letting the humans meet their demise. It wasn't untill her beloved older sister Tsuki convensed her to let go of her hatred she gave humans a chance. It was a human boy for a small village near the mountains below her scared forest that chanced her heart and mind on humans. The boy learned to turst her and soon they became best of friends. She taught him of her forest and animals. For many years she protected the boy who quickly turned into a man before her eyes. He soon left her and her forest for the call of war. The boy had made her promise to protect his people and to teach them. She kept her promise taking human form giving up her own importality to do so. As a human she taught the villagers all she knew of the forest and animals and of the land teaching them how to cultivate it. She waited for years for her beloved boy to come back. Though the day he did she lost herself and her life. It was a day of celebration when he and the others came home. The boy didn't need any explnation he knew who she was and quickly confessed his love for her as a arrow met his chest quickly diying in her arms. Using her powers she saved the village. She died holding her beloved boy in her arms. After some years she has been born again. After losing her beloved sister she is now on the hunt for her ready to help her in any way she can even if that means she angers her brothers and it breaks her heart again.
true form
Spirt Forml

Theme Song:Voices of the Forest

Originally Posted by Arechi
Name: Mason Hades
Age: 4,873,474
Gender: Male
Powers: Controls death itself (in other words decides on whether a person dies or not within reason), can call forth souls of the dead to assist him, can take the life of any creature capable of dying (however depending upon how close they are to dying to begin with he could end up using all of his energy and would require a fair amount of time to recuperate. For example a completely healthy person no where near death will put him into a temporary comatose like state), determines the fate of souls (though once he determines this he is technically not 'allowed' to alter it) and can raise the dead bodies of creatures and humans (however their souls will not be in their bodies nor can he reverse damage already done to the body).
What are you the spirit of: Death
Position of Group: Other spirit, and occasional adviser to Yue
Bio: With the creation of life on the planet it was inevitable that death too would be born into the world, and it is this role that Mason was born into carrying out. He's younger then the three more commonly known spirits of the moon, sun and ocean, however he had been alive long enough to know the Moon spirit before she passed on. In fact he had been the one that had to whisk away her soul at her death since it was his duty, though trying to tell that to an enraged Ocean spirit wasn't exactly the easiest task. Fortunately he still held immortality so his 'fatality' at the time wasn't a permanent thing, nor was his second 'fatality' when he had to explain he could not bring back the Moon spirit nor return her soul to her body. His third 'fatality' came when he then had to try and explain that more then one being was passing on at the same time as the Moon spirit and was the reasoning he hadn't been able to come sooner to relieve her pain.

After the Ocean spirit had calmed down enough to stop delivering 'fatalities' to the death spirit, the decision was suddenly made to whisk away all the water on the planet. Like the Sun spirit, Mason had attempted to help convince the Ocean to return the waters, however had received another 'fatality' for his efforts before giving up. A bit disheartened by this the spirit began to help the humans and other creatures as best as he could by allowing a peaceful and quick passing into the afterlife or for reincarnation. As the mortality rate of Earth began to climb, and the situation started becoming rather desperate, Mason made his own unthinkable move. Previously he had decided that the Moon spirit's soul would rest peacefully in the afterlife, however due to the circumstances he secretly removed the soul and instead had the spirit be reincarnated in hopes that it would quell Umi's rage when her powers, and form reawakened, thus giving him a chance to see his beloved once more even if it was on a more temporary basis. One thing the death spirit hadn't quite foreseen however was the reincarnation falling in love with another, nor her memory loss.

He doesn't agree with forcing the reincarnated Moon spirit in choosing her new love or the continuance of the human race, after all she is just a reincarnation with only the soul of the previous Tsuki, not the original Tsuki herself. He truly believes that Umi may need to move on, though in fear of incurring another 'fatality' on his part he has chosen to keep this belief silent. Instead he offers now advice for the reincarnated Tsuki if she so desires it. Due to the past 'fatalities' he tries to avoid Umi as much as possible as he now holds a slight fear of his anger.
Pic: Human-
Animal- (Has very small black feathered wings with a glowing red scythe rune on his forehead.)
Theme Song: Hardstyle - The Darkness
Current Event:

@Yue: currently moving into a little home with her husband
@Taiyo: watching over everything, making sure not to stay in the sky too long and watching the couple
@Umi: sits in his chair and watches almost everything happen in a water crystal ball
@Caretakers of Umi: serving Umi his food, has a lot of fear to him
@Caretakers of Tsuki: helping and watching the newlywed couple move in the home
@Jason Groff: starts stalking the odd couple that has moved into the home near the Shrine of Tsuki
@Spirit of Earth/Forests/other spirits helping the humans as best they could

Settings: year is 19,087 and the water basically a brown dust ball with very, very little water anywhere in the world. Half of the human population is dead and the remaining is alive.

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Last edited by Gothika_Knight; 07-09-2012 at 08:42 PM..

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Old 07-09-2012, 08:44 PM



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