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kawii-anime-ninja is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 01:39 PM

{Last Time: Amilia (our main character) meets up with a lost little girl named Penelo. Penelo is sweet and kind and shows us a different side of Amilia that no one would ever see. Amilia gets her back home but ends up getting tangled up with a fighter that ends up being Penelo's brother!! The brother says to never return. Deep sadness fills the hearts of both Penelo and Amilia. They say their goodbyes and are left with broken hearts.} Now let us continue on our journey...
~Chapter 2~

Three days have passed now, and I have been on my feet the entire time. No food, no sleep, and far away from where I was. I was probably in the same town, but no one really knows where they are on this planet.
I kept walking and stumbled upon an old building. The sign read ZZ Time Motel, a motel! “Glorious.” I thought, “Maybe I could find a real bed!”. I strolled over to the building and went to open the first door, but, of course, it's locked. I drop to the ground and start to search on my hands and knees for something I could try and pick the lock with. But, just my luck, all that's around me is dirt and some fallen off parts of the building. I sit down and brush back my bangs. Then I realized what I had had all along. I search through my pockets and found it. The all holy hair pin. I look next to my foot and see a piece of thin metal. I got up and went to the lock. I start to work lock, pushing there, turning there, and boom! Lock opened. I flip the hairpin off my fingers and catch it and let out a victory laugh and walked inside.
I look around and it was not the happiest place. Floors were cracked, ceiling starting to cave, wall paper slowly slipping off the walls, but who am I to judge. That's when I see it, a beautiful (well not really when it comes to looks) bed. I ran over and jumped into the bed. I through off my shoes and found a conferable position and took a great big sigh of relation. I looked around and the bed was in pretty bad condition. The mattress was ripped through and the stuffing of the bed falling out. The blankets, even though they are dirty and torn, they suggest of happier times. With its yellow background and scattered flowers. But, I can’t complain. Having anything like a bed these days is good enough for anybody.
Penelo is now in the back of my thoughts and I really start to think how it all came to this. I thought back to the day when the world was supposed to end....when I became a killer. I remembered when everyone was saying the world was going to end in 2012. Well, I guess I can chuckle at this a little now, they were one year off. But, that was 10 years ago and I can still see it clear as day.
I was six years old and it was a bright and beautiful sunny day. Seemed like one of those days that nothing could possibly go wrong (I guess that's where the irony comes in). I was swinging on a swing and humming a little tune my mother always sang to me before I went to bed. When I was little, I used to close my eyes and pretend that I was soaring through the sky, flying with the birds on a swing. It always made me feel happy, made me feel free. But, happiness doesn't last forever.
I opened my eyes and found that the clear blue sky had turned to the color of blood, clouds of smoke started to smother the air. The sun had gone out and now only glowed as bright as a little candle flame. I jump out of my swing and froze. I couldn’t move, I couldn't stop looking at that sky. It was as if it was hypnotizing me. The ground started to shake and rumble as if the Earth was breaking. I look down, and I was right. The Earth started to tear like paper and a giant crack ripped right between my legs. The crack tore open even wider and I could see flames starting to rise, fast. I took a giant leap to the side, and just in time to avoid the flames. The flames shot out of the ground and made a wall of fire that towered over me. I quickly get up and run into my house.
I scream, “MOMMY!“. I searched room after room, but I couldn’t find her anywhere. I screamed her name over and over. She had to be outside. But before I could leave, I would dare not be alone during this horrible time. So, I jumped into my room and grabbed Michie, my stuff animal cat (and my best friend), and ran out the door.
I looked around and saw hundreds of people screaming and running. Cracks were forming everywhere, and one by one people were falling into the fiery pit, or being lit to a scorching crisp.
But, I couldn't stop now. I just started to run. Trying to drown out the sounds of cries and screams of death all around me. I dodge one crack after another. Side to side, jump after jump. But one crack opened wider then all the others and had tricked me. I felt myself starting to fall and the heat getting intensely hotter. All I could think to myself is “I can’t die yet.”. Then, I felt a arm go around my waist and lift me up out of my fiery pit.
I look up and it was a man. The man had strong features and had long, jet black hair that was pulled into a pony-tail, and eyes of emerald green that lite up the soul. He had on a dark blue kimono with a black wrap around his waist. The black wrap had a crest on it of two wings wrapped around a child with its arms crossed. This belt also held a sword. It looked like the man had came strait out of a samurai movie.
I started to wiggle and jumping around, trying to get out of this mystery man's grip. Through my struggle I asked, “Who are you?”
He looked down at me with those intense, powerful eyes that silenced my whole body, “Ill tell you later, ok?” he said with a bit of a smile but still a serious look. I nodded and just held on for dear life.
The ground started to shake more and more. It started to pound with a beat. The man turned his head backwards and I saw his eyes get slightly wider and he ran faster. I tried to look over him but his chest blocked my view. I look down and a crack was chasing us. The man ran and ran but could never get away from it. And, only to make matters worse, a crack formed right in front of us. We both knew we couldn't make it.
I grabbed on to his kimono with a death gripped and tucked my head towards his chest and tears start to drip down my cheeks and I whimpered the words, “Don't let me die Daddy.”
When I finished those words, I felt a blast of energy explode from his body as he took a giant leap. The flames were rising faster and faster. I swear I felt fire get on my shoe but, I opened my eyes and we had landed inches from the fire wall. He sets me down gently and falls to the ground.
He pants hard and looks at me and says, “We made it.” with a weak smile and a thumbs up. I followed his lead and collapsed to the ground and gave him a thumbs up in return.
His head turned up and looked at the sky, and I just stared at him. “Who is this man? Is he a super hero?” I remember asking myself. So, I just looked at him. I looked at him more intense then I had ever looked at anything.
He looked at me and raises one eyebrow, “We should find some shel--umm, you ok over there?”. I guess without me knowing it I had slowly gotten closer to him the more I thought about him.
I flew my head back and then busted out with a giant voice that was almost a scream and asked, “Can I know who you are now!?”
He lets out a weak laugh and says, “My name is Ty, Ty Heiko.” and holds out his hand. I took his hand with both of mine and shook it.
“Well, it's nice to me you Ty.” I say with a giant smile.
He gave me a smile back and continued, “We should go find some shelter for now.” I nodded and agreed.
We found this building, not to far away from where we were, and went inside.
“Ladies first.” Ty said with a smile and a gesture that welcomed me in. I smiled at him with a smile that probably reached from ear to ear and skipped in.
Ty smiles and says cheerfully, “Well, don't you have an adorable smile.” I felt my cheeks burn up with embarrassment, “What's your name?”
“My name is Amilia and I'm...” I took a pause and counted my fingers and then held up five fingers, “this many!”
“Awesome!” he said back acting as excited as I was. But, then he got little bit of a suspicious look in his eyes. “Hey, you know five is a pretty awesome age.”
“Why?” I say confused and look down at my hand. Then in lighting speed Ty sits up and reaches over and gives me a low five and then (as that distracts me) he pokes my nose and gives out a great big, “Got cha!”.
“Hey!” I yell at him with my cheeks puffed out and my angry eyes a flare. He takes one look at me and explodes into laughter. “It's not funny!” I whined at him, but that only made him laugh more. Then he wrapped his arm around me and started to give me a noogie. Trying to fight back, I slapped his hands and can't help but start to squeak and giggle myself. He finally lets go and we both roll around on the ground laughing and having a blast. I had totally forgotten what was going on around us when a part of the ceiling started to cave in. Ty quickly grabbed me and jumped us away.
I screamed said, “I'm so scared Ty!” I couldn't help but finally to break out into tears.
He picked me up like a baby and started to rock me back and forth while rubbing my head gently, and trying to calm me down. He started to say in a hushed voice, “It's ok. I got you. I'll protect you.”
I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and I buried my head into his chest and started to cry, “What's going on? Why is this happening? Who is doing this?”
Ty took a deep sigh and said, “Do you really want to know?” I peaked out form his chest and nodded my head. He closed his eyes and had a troubled look. He rubbed his face and said, “Ok. This might be hard to understand but you have every right to know. So, do you think you could sit still and listen?”, I looked up and nodded yes and then he continued, “This might shock you but, the world is supposed to end today.”
“WHAT?!” I yelled as all tears disappeared and turned into fear.
“Hey. Hey now, now need to yell. Remember, you got to be quiet.”
“Sorry.” I covered my mouth.
“Ok. Now, as I was saying, the world is supposed to end today. But, luckily, there has been warriors to try and stop this. See this?” he grabs the crest on his belt and points, “ This is a symbol of a warrior. A warrior that will stand up before everyone and say they will fight and protect this world. You could say we are kinda like a special force, and this special force is called The Blue Wings. The Blue Wings were specially made for big situations like this. See, the Earth is not doing this. There are creatures called Temulus. The Temulus are terrible, terrible creatures. What they like to do is trick people by transforming into something beautiful, like a unicorn for instance. They will just seep of beauty and love and lure any living creature to get close, and when close enough, they show their true hideous self and kill.” I started to shake at the story and how real this all really was. Ty must of noticed because he started to gently pet my head. That always calmed me down, “Now there are many other creature like this but, Temulus feast on the souls of both the dead and living. So, The Blue Wings were trained to hunt and kill the Temulus. Because, if the people knew about them...well, it would get difficult.”
I nodded my head in agreement, but then a question started to swim around in my brain. I knew I couldn't talk so my hand shot up and started to wave in they air.
Ty's eyebrow went up and he asked, “Yes?”
“Is that what was chasing us?”
“Well well, aren't you a smart little girl.” he said with a goofy voice and a little wink to follow. “I guess the Temulus just finally said “If we can't have the humans, the humans can't have there lives.”. We have known about this for about 10 years now. We have trained all this time and now ready for them.”
“Good.” I said with a smile.
Ty got up and stretched and said, “We should probably not stay to long in one spot at a time. So, lets get a move on it.”
“Yes sir.” I said as I went into salute. He laughed and got down. I jumped on his back and we were off.
Nothing has gotten any better while me an Ty were in the building. There was less screaming, but more bodies around us. It was such a terrible sight. I just buried my head into Ty's shoulder.
“How you holdin' up?”
“Not to good. I worried about mommy. Do you think she is still around here.”
“It is possible that another blue wing picked her up. What about your father?”
“Oh...well, he disappeared on the day I was born. I never even met my dad.”
“Oh...oh.” Silence took over. My heart started to sink at the thought of never having a dad. That's when Ty stopped. He put me down and got down to eye level.He had a very serious face on. He said, “I know this might be weird but, you are a really good kid. No kid like you should ever be sad or lonely. This might be a bit sudden to...but, I'm up for it. Amilia, if we don't find your mom would you think I could be you dad?”
Every bit of sadness had rushed out of my body and had turned into joy. I jumped over and hugged him. He picked me up and started to spin me around. I cried soft tears of joy and so did he.
I wiped off his tears and then Ty asked kinda goofy like, “Is that a yes?” I giggled and nodded yes. He finally put me to the ground. He took one ok at me and had to hug me again.
I was scared and confused once he swooped me behind him and grabbed his sword. He started to get up and he said, “Stay behind me.”. I looked around his leg and then understood. It had to be a Temulus.
The unicorn was truly gorgeous. It's white body shined through the darkness that surrounded us. It's mane was almost sparkling with it's warming colors of orange and yellow that would just melt away all the bad from the world. The horn glimmered with it's golden shine. I was so beautiful I had to get closer but I knew I couldn't. I stopped myself and just thought of Ty and his words, “Stay behind me. Stay behind me. Stay behind me.”
“Well, well, well. Isn't it my good old bud Sine Metus. Aren't you looking extraordinarily ugly today.” Ty said with a cocky tone to his words.
The unicorn looked amused and started to speak in the most angelic voice, “Well now, isn't it my Ty-warrior. We meet at last. I wish not to give you troubles so, just hand over the girl and let this be over with.” It's voice was as if a harp of love swimming through your veins making you want to dance towards the light. But Ty's words continued to scream in my brain, “Stay behind me. Stay behind me. Stay behind me.”. I grabbed on to Ty's leg tighter.
“You touch her and you and my blade will have to make friends very, very quickly.” Ty said unleashing his sword and being ready for battle.
“Ty, Ty, Ty. Always going straight to violence. You know how words hurt me.” the unicorn said with a wicked tongue as it got closer and closer. “All I want is one sacrifice. Is that so bad.” I couldn't stop looking at it's eyes. I started to get dizzy and my body leaned forward. Ty's words started to fade, my vision was getting blurry, I was going down.
Then I hear the clash of a sword and a terrible high pitched screech. I open my eyes and Ty was standing over me and had sliced off the Temulus's horn!
“I would make all the sacrifices in the world to keep MY daughter safe! You are not getting MY Amilia! Now taste the blood of your kind I have killed before you! TOKIHANATSU CHIOKAMI!!
HIS daughter, HIS Amilia. Those were the sweetest words I have ever heard. I was almost stunned by what Ty had said. I have never felt like anyone had cared for me so much. Thank you.
Awwww. Well, I hoped you enjoyed this one and continue reading my story. Have another chapter to you in 3/4 weeks. Peace! xD
[Fun Fact: Tokihanatsu = unleash in Japanese
Chi = blood in Japanese
Okami = wolf in Japanese ]
~Cosplay of the year!!~
Nerine Forbesii from "Shuffle!"

NARUTO RP ACCEPTING NOW!! PM me for more info xD


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