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Acobjum is offline
Old 08-26-2013, 10:41 PM

What colleges do all of you attend/have attended and what recommendations are there to be said? Are there any to be avoided?

Mirai wo Hanase
Mirai wo Hanase is offline
Old 08-26-2013, 10:48 PM

Prepare for alot of work and less time.

Pa-chinko is offline
Old 08-26-2013, 11:25 PM

Time management while keeping balance is key. Really. I worked two jobs and did full time uni doing a double degree with two theses in one semester. Still got time for fun and play, and planning to move overseas.

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Codette is offline
Old 08-27-2013, 02:09 AM

I went to a career college for Graphic Design and New Media. It was a 2 year course crammed into 1 and it was hell. Half way through the course I was thinking that it wasn't the career I wanted to go into, but I didn't want to drop out and be out 12k, so I stuck it out. Now I have a degree I'll never use. ^.^'

Be very careful that you're going into something that you're going to love, but make sure that you don't push yourself too hard. Yes you'll need to work hard, but you also need down time for yourself or else you go mad. Trust me.

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Bearzy is offline
Old 08-27-2013, 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by Pa-chinko View Post
Time management while keeping balance is key. Really. I worked two jobs and did full time uni doing a double degree with two theses in one semester. Still got time for fun and play, and planning to move overseas.
Did you sleep at all?!

I'm doing a certificate in Japanese at the moment, moving into a BA next year. I find it quite difficult to self motivate when it comes to studying, and I think that's really important, especially if you're moving out of your parents' house. It's easy to slack when nobody's nagging.

Acobjum is offline
Old 08-27-2013, 03:26 PM

Let me rephrase this since nobody appears to have actually read my initial post: What colleges do all of you attend/have attended and what recommendations are the best for a particular college? Are there any colleges to be avoided?

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 08-27-2013, 09:38 PM

I'm not actually sure if my college was located outside of my city, but if it is, BEWARE of McKay Career College!

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Pkero is offline
Old 08-27-2013, 10:52 PM

I study Game Development/Design at Columbia College Chicago and I absolutely love it. My professors are all incredibly smart and talented people with a wealth of experience to share.

No matter where you go, there are two important rules: Get interesting professors who love what they teach (rate my professor is pretty helpful in this regard), and major in something you'll enjoy. Don't go to college just to major in political science or philosophy and get a half-assed degree that'll put you jobless (or woefully under-employed and under-appreciated). Pick something you like and excel at it. Work comes first, but when work is done, play as hard as you like, because you'll have earned it. You may change your mind about your major, and that's OK. Take everything one day at a time, and don't sweat your failures too much. You'll fail often and you'll fail hard, but you'll learn each time. College is a time for fucking up and making mistakes so you don't repeat them in the real world.

Mathonwy is offline
Old 08-31-2013, 10:49 PM

I attend the University of Massachusetts. I don't recommend it. While western Mass. is a lively place, with lots of educated people and culture, the school itself has an awful student body, a ton of notorious bureaucracy (at one point voted most bureaucratic university in North America by some magazine), and professors in many departments that don't seem to care.

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Knerd is offline
Old 08-31-2013, 11:12 PM

I won't repost it all here, but I made a list of my advice for college freshmen over on Tumblr. It's just odds and ends that no one told me at first, so I thought that I'd pass along the wisdom.

I'm all finished with college now, but I went to two SUNY schools, both of which were near Syracuse. I loved them both and had a great time, so it goes to show that even state universities can provide you with a really high quality education!

Mathonwy is offline
Old 08-31-2013, 11:22 PM

I agree that state schools are a wonderful choice. So are community colleges, which often have transfer pacts with nearby state schools. You save a lot of money going to state schools and community colleges and often get the exact same education. One of my professors taught simultaneously at Amherst College (an extremely expensive and prestigious school in the same class as Harvard and Yale), my university, and the local community college, thus showing that you could either pay $5000 a year to study with him, $14,000, or $48,000. I wish I had gone to community college first and saved myself the money. I would have had nearly the same professors in all of my major classes. xD

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RoadToGallifrey is offline
Old 08-31-2013, 11:39 PM

I'm in Scotland so my recommendations probably aren't much use. I'm going to Abertay in Dundee though and from what I've seen I'd really recommend it

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Old 09-02-2013, 01:32 PM

I'm English, so the usefulness of my input will probably be minimal, but i went to the University of Chester, and it was less than fantastic. I didn't enjoy my experience at all, and i'd advise anyone doing Animal Behaviour & Welfare to avoid it like the plague.
Poor course structure and content, lack of caring lecturers, minimal contact with them if help is needed, and next to no resources. It's fine if you want to be told you're paying 3/9k to go and read a book repeatedly.


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