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disturbed66 is offline
Old 01-27-2011, 12:23 AM

Personly i think it is, (scard yea huh)
But im going to write a good blog about it. to argue about it
and i need some reasons why people think that this is not art but a simple trend
and such
So tell me some things you've heard/ believe

Also lets discuss it
What do you think? is it art
how is it not art
what makes art art?

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Anaxilea is offline
Old 01-27-2011, 03:44 AM

Well, first of all, you probably mean MANGA is not art c: Anime is animated.

Your biggest argument might be that Western-style cartoons aren't considered real art (not that I agree with that ;p) and manga is simply an eastern style of cartooning.

For the sake of playing devil's advocate, though, I think this pretty much proves irrefutably that anime = art.

More stylized examples of very artsy anime are here and here.

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disturbed66 is offline
Old 01-27-2011, 06:21 AM

yes i know anime art im trying to find what are peoples thoughts as to why it is not
anime manga.. meh u know what i mean
But thank u i now have more arterst to bring into why it is art

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Demoncat is offline
Old 01-27-2011, 11:43 PM

Anime is considered as a form of art but its overused now-a-days. There really isn't any way for you to prove that anime/manga isn't art because its a drawing on paper, like I said its a very overused style but its still considered art. XD

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sarofset is offline
Old 03-05-2011, 07:04 AM

I find it interesting that cartooning is not considered art by some people, since many of the best political points I've ever seen made were in cartoons.

Also Manga/anime is not technically an eastern style so much as an eastern adaptation. It's based on disney. lol. Most people don't know that.

coconutberry is offline
Old 03-05-2011, 08:53 PM

I think that anime can be art. Just about anything can be art, really. Art is subjective -- no one can really say what is and isn't, as it's all a matter of opinion. I've seen some beautiful art that was done in an anime style. Really, as long as you enjoy it, that's all that should matter. ^_^

Nananohumugae is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 04:12 AM

Manga to me is just a simplifyed way of drawing humans. Alot of manga's are Idealistic and shows us what we want. Art is to express ones ideas or dreams in anyway, drawing is one of these ways. To make Manga you have to draw Manga, and all Manga lines come from an idea that is then processed onto paper. So to me, Manga is art, no matter what genere it is (big busts and all) it is art because it came from an idea and then was expressed.

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Explodey is offline
Old 03-11-2011, 01:35 PM

There's this group of people in my town who call themselves The Aesthetians. They don't think cartoons, doodles, watercolor, anything made on the computer, or collages are art. They also hate most music, citing anything not classical as not music.

Probably because none of them play very well. I like to make fun of these guys, to be honest. They used to give out these gold and black buttons with a stylized A on it; I took one and carve/scratched it into an anarchist A and wore that around for awhile.

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angelbabe1 is offline
Old 03-13-2011, 04:55 AM

anime and manga both are art, you had to draw out everything wether its on a computer or on paper! that is what I beleve


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Cora is offline
Old 03-15-2011, 02:39 AM

Just because the technique differs does not mean that the piece itself is not an art form.

Someone somewhere had to pour there creativity into every stroke. Now weather you feel that its good art is entirely up to you....but you can't really say its not an art form.

The Stories Whispered
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Old 03-18-2011, 09:32 PM

Manga is SO an artform. It's a form of comic. And a comic is art. Why do you think they call it COMIC BOOK ART?!??!?!

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Eastriel is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 03:02 PM

disturbed66:I have just completed a 5,000 word essay on anime and manga, I tihkn there may be some points in there to help you, would you like me to email it to you?
For example manga has exsisted in it's most basic form since the 10th century, in the form of emakimono, or 'picture scrolls' which were privately view by the rich. Having exisisted for over 1000 years it is clear anime/manga is not a trend.

Elluh is offline
Old 03-22-2011, 12:57 AM

Hm, anime style art.
Personally, I think it is a form of art design wise. I don't know how to draw manga comic style at all! Or to save my life, but I rather not know how. Because the older you get if you want a field in Art as a painter,drawer and not an animator it's going to screw you over from what I've seen in the ap art i'm taking in my school. Most of my friends can't draw realistically and prefer to draw anime. I think it really closes up your ability because most humans don't have perfect features and bodies. But it being a form of art, then yeah. You can express yourself clearly, post an emotion, or whatever you're trying to bring across to the viewer.

Amaitae is offline
Old 03-22-2011, 04:51 AM

Manga/anime is art, but like it's been said before, it's overused. One of the reasons why, (to the annoyance of most more skilled artists) is that it simplifies things and is quite easy to produce once you get the formula down. I have to admit, the manga style was one of my first drawing styles, but eventually, I sprung off of it and moved into realism painting.
When you take into account how much work goes into realism or another style, and compare it to manga, manga is almost effortless; the bishie styles are almost a surefire way to succeed, even in the hands of someone with a small amount of skill.
Really, I think some artists get really put off by the attention the manga style gets compared to the relative ease of making it. Also, some of the groups manga attracts are less than desirable for some artists, mainly the immature, obsessive "otaku" teens, or the "weeaboos." (urban dictionary definition: A negative term directed to anyone overly obsessed with Japanese culture to the point where they become annoying. Most weeaboos try to impress others with their otaku knowledge. Another trait of a weaboo is their desire to "be Japanese". )

LiliumScifi is offline
Old 03-23-2011, 11:26 AM

Everything is art. Anything can be art. It's just up to the taste of your personal preference. Anime/Manga art takes a LOT of work and the colors can be beautiful like anything else. It's sad to see this world is still full of closed-minded people who are going to try and tell others what is, and what is not art just because they are tired of seeing it, or just don't like the style. I respect art in all it's forms.

And on the subject of people wanting to be Japanese: I feel everyone wants to be something, if you are striving for nothing then you strive to be nothing. There is nothing wrong with a dream to be something you are not because a lot of the time we all want to be something we are not. I want to be a good artist, I practice a lot of different styles, but I am not as good as I'm striving to be. Live and let live. We were all given a life of our own and it's wrong for anyone to tell others how to live it. In my opinion.


Also I get tired of hearing what type of art something is, I like seeing art as just art. It doesn't have to be anime/realism/abstract. To me it's just art. And I love all kinds of art :)

The Stories Whispered
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Old 03-23-2011, 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by Amaitae View Post
Manga/anime is art, but like it's been said before, it's overused. One of the reasons why, (to the annoyance of most more skilled artists) is that it simplifies things and is quite easy to produce once you get the formula down. I have to admit, the manga style was one of my first drawing styles, but eventually, I sprung off of it and moved into realism painting.
When you take into account how much work goes into realism or another style, and compare it to manga, manga is almost effortless; the bishie styles are almost a surefire way to succeed, even in the hands of someone with a small amount of skill.
Really, I think some artists get really put off by the attention the manga style gets compared to the relative ease of making it. Also, some of the groups manga attracts are less than desirable for some artists, mainly the immature, obsessive "otaku" teens, or the "weeaboos." (urban dictionary definition: A negative term directed to anyone overly obsessed with Japanese culture to the point where they become annoying. Most weeaboos try to impress others with their otaku knowledge. Another trait of a weaboo is their desire to "be Japanese". )

I must insist on disagreeing. Not all weeaboos/otaku are trying to be Japanese. Some of my otaku friends even despise the idea,because of otaku-ism "overtaking the Japanese nation". And mostly manga and anime are about expression of emotions and comical purposes,NOT about style.
That's also why in anime,VOICE ACTING is KEY. That's also why they sell drama CD's for manga reading.
I would consider it in more of the Drama/Fine arts field,but it's still an art,nonetheless.
Although drawing it took me my whole life to master.

Amaitae is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by The Stories Whispered View Post
I must insist on disagreeing. Not all weeaboos/otaku are trying to be Japanese. Some of my otaku friends even despise the idea,because of otaku-ism "overtaking the Japanese nation". And mostly manga and anime are about expression of emotions and comical purposes,NOT about style.
That's also why in anime,VOICE ACTING is KEY. That's also why they sell drama CD's for manga reading.
I would consider it in more of the Drama/Fine arts field,but it's still an art,nonetheless.
Although drawing it took me my whole life to master.
I understand this, and I am merely, "reporting" I guess I should call it, what I have personally heard from my fellow colleges. Yes, not ALL otakus are that way. I did not say that. But we cannot deny there are people that behave like that, and the group that does irritates many people, among them, artists.
And yes, I agree manga/anime IS art, like I said in my first statement. I DO, however, have to stand by my opinion in that the manga style is mostly formulated and much easier to master than, say, painting realism and the stereotypical "fine art paintings."

The Stories Whispered
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Old 03-26-2011, 05:21 PM

Then again,one does get bored of landscapes and realism is too droll for me...

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xXastraXx is offline
Old 04-16-2011, 07:49 PM

I could give some long detailed explanation, but as it's been said above, art is subjective. It can be drawing, sculpting, music, writing- you either think something is art or you don't. But art is a sign of expression, and so long as one expresses themselves creatively, it IS a form of art- and that includes anime and manga.

Besides, if Jackson Pollock is famous because he invented the art form of simply splattering paint on a canvas, then likewise people who've become famouse through anime and manga styled art shouldn't be discredited.

xMinkzx is offline
Old 04-18-2011, 06:22 PM

I think it is art.
1. a lot of anime (not all) can have a lot of detail in it.
2.Some of the drawings are sooooo beautiful.
3.The artist puts a lot of effort into the character/background/ect ect.
4.Because I say so ;)

Baihopca is offline
Old 04-26-2011, 01:44 PM


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Nuruhanj is offline
Old 05-07-2011, 01:38 PM

Everything can be art! OFC! Art is subjective and so what I can consider art is not the same of your view.

Mask is offline
Old 05-13-2011, 07:02 AM

mmmn debatable.
I'm not too fond of anime/manga style myself, though don't take it as a hateful term. Stuff's just not for me.

What makes art art?
I side with miss coconutberry and those following on this un, mate. I personally define a lot of things, if not everything, as art-- from a flower growing of its own accord on a lawn to an Impressionistic Revival matte painting on photoshop. for me, the question's not "is it or is it not art", but "is it good or bad art?" And by "good" or "bad" art, I mean, do I like it? Simple nuff. And thus I'm totes fine with someone saying, for example, that a picture that I like is bad art. I enjoy opinions. So for me, anime/manga is definitely art. A majority of the anime/manga artist census... I don't consider particularly strong in traditional skill, and regardless I like a few mangakas.


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jupiter is offline
Old 05-18-2011, 08:03 PM

Well, there was this stuck-up little [profuse swearing] of an "artist" who claimed that anyone who learned to draw in an anime/manga style didn't know how to really draw or paint at all. Her argument was that they didn't have a good concept of anatomy or any of the classic art techniques.
Because her round-head and stick bodies were oh so popular.

Look, it's a complicated subject because art itself is subjective. You can't argue that one thing is art while another isn't because it's usually based off of preference. We don't live in an era where artists were in guilds and there were strict ramifications for what was and wasn't art. For example, anything that wasn't painted or sculpted from marble or copper wasn't considered finished art. Sketches, no matter how finished and beautiful, were still considered sketches.

Now, art comes in forms of urinals, design, paintings, sketches, even the placement of someone else's art in a different environment. Graffiti artists are renowned for this.

Viie is offline
Old 05-29-2011, 02:35 AM

[Well, first of all, you probably mean MANGA is not art c: Anime is animated.

Your biggest argument might be that Western-style cartoons aren't considered real art (not that I agree with that ;p) and manga is simply an eastern style of cartooning.

For the sake of playing devil's advocate, though, I think this pretty much proves irrefutably that anime = art.

More stylized examples of very artsy anime are here and here.] .

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