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sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-27-2015, 03:25 AM

Name: Petal
Age: Look's to be around the age of 20 but her true age is much older
Race: Goddess of nature

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 05-27-2015, 11:09 AM

Name: Zane
Age: 21 (just turned)
Race: Human

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 12:53 AM

Petal is in the forest that was at least. thirty miles away from the closest village are fifty miles from a town. she was checking on planets nearby her home. the goddess had made her home out of a large tree. it was a giant oak tree about the size of four-story house. the home even has a greenhouse in the back yard. garden in the front mostly made out of the local wild flower's. right about now she was making sure all the bush's. bearing fruit had enough food on them. for everyone to but at times she had to deal. with big bears trying to steal all the berry's before winter.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 02:38 AM

Zane is hunting in the woods nearby and takes his sword out hearing an animal nearby. He lunges in time to stab a jaguar clean through the head. It goes limp immediately and he carries it back to his cabin in the nearby village. He then takes care of his catch with expert speed and precision and heads in to grab some food and clean his sword.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 02:56 AM

She smiles softly after seeing the berry bush's. had plenty of berries on them she then start's. to walk back to her house grab a bucket. Petal need's get some fresh water daily for her garden. too bad back when she made this oak tree a home. the goddess did not notice how far of a walk. she would have to take get to nearby body of water. such as spring are pond to gather water from. lucky for her she kept a bucket outside by her front door. she picks it up then start's to head off.

To the closest body of water for her it was. a good fifteen minute or twenty-minute walk depending. on how she felt on any given day. being a goddess meant hard work. keeping nature the way the big boss tell's her too. in few weeks she would have to make it rain so the farmer's crops. can grow so the harvest would be good for them. she knew they did not know about her. cause Petal kept herself hidden unless she needs. to change herself to look like a human woman. mostly to buy things or if anyone was walking around the forset.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 03:19 AM

Zane then heads back out to check the jaguar, once he is satisfied that everything is as it should be at that point he grabs his buckets and walks to his favorite water source out in the woods. He enjoys the walk from his cabin to the river he had a strange feeling about going this time but he needed to or he wouldn't have water. This river is a little bit from where he was hunting and he gets there without incident. He looks up in time to see someone approaching. He can't believe his eyes, it's a woman but he's never seen anyone like her before. He stares for a moment the. Gets back to filling his buckets.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 03:31 AM

Petal get's to the pond yet notice someone else was there. it was a man he look's like a hunter. she was a bit worried that she had not since him. beforehand but he look quite handsome from a,far. she then starts to walk closer to the pound. she mighty as well get the water she need's. then she would have to head home after this. yet hope he would not try walk over to her. oh the others would have a fit about this later on. the goddess knew she would be told try hide herself better. so humans would not be able to see her. but Petal has to admit she get's lonely out here.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 03:36 AM

He smiles kindly at her but makes no move from where he is. He finishes and takes his buckets and leaves with a glance back at her but he didn't feel like he should approach her. He thought there was something other worldly about her beauty. He couldn't stop thinking about this the whole way back and he was kind of in a daze the whole way. When he gets back he stores the meat from the jaguar and takes the pelt And hangs it inside and takes the guts and innards and puts them into a jar. Though all the while thinking of that mysterious woman.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 04:02 AM

After he left she sighs out before finish gathering water. into her bucket then start's to walks back home. as she does so Petal wonder if he lived in the forest? if so there mighty be other times they may pass by each other. once home she starts to water her front garden slowly. letting each of the plants have their fill of water to drink. once done she heads inside to check to see. if she need's to get anything from the village general store. the goddess go's two times a week out of habit.

If anyone ask for her name while she was. in the village she'd say her name is Fauna and that she sell's. her homegrown flowers,herbs as well other freshly grown things. she notice she was getting low of some stuff. plus Petal did have some stuff she needs bring to sell or trade. she mostly buys a bit of foodstuff are things. she does not know how to make such as jam's or freshly baked bread. the woman would like learn how to cook other things. besides vegetarian food that she. has travels for days are weeks just to buy supplies from a sea side city.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 04:39 PM

He gets the water to his cabin then Goes to his uncles black smith shop where he helps out. His uncle was known as the best blacksmith in a big town and he came back to this little village that is actually quite wealthy. He taught Zane everything he knows now. Zane is quite good and enjoys doing blacksmithing. He gets going on sharpening and repairing the tools and weapons that are on his work bench and stops every so often to look at how busy the street is here, like it is everyday, it's a nice sunny day around the afternoon now and the village is located on a busy path in between towns so they get a lot of traders, hunters, drifters and what not. Though surprisingly not a lot of bandits or thieves. He enjoys watching the trading buying and selling going on as he works and his uncle is pleasant company.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-28-2015, 10:27 PM

Petal walks around her house gathering things. that she would bring with her to the village to sell. making sure everything she needed was. in a basket plus none of the stuff was not rotten are over ripe. once done she takes a quill,inkwell and parchment paper out. to make a list of things to buy in town today. it takes a bit of time but she did double check everything. she leaves the list on the table then heads off to her bedroom. wanting to get changed into a other,outfit. besides change her hair en eye color so no would notice. she was the lady they mighty see in the forest. at random chance on rare occasion on a nice day.

She gets done with the changes. now she was in a yellow dress with apron around her waist. her hair color was solid black,her eye's were blue in color. yet her hair was short that stop before the shoulder's. the goddess always look like this when going. into the village out of habit yet her outfit would change. at times she would go buy clothes from the seamstress. since she kept clothes for so long over the years. truth be told she has watch over this village. for at least about a full century since it first came to be. she did have to change the way she look's for new generations.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 05-29-2015, 05:17 PM

Zane starts to wonder if that girl would show up, he hoped that she would but somehow doubted it. He continued his work and enjoyed watching everything going on. His uncle gave him a bit of lunch and they sat for a bit before getting back to work.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 05-29-2015, 10:50 PM

Petal starts to leave her home yet locks it up. she hold's on to the basket with her right hand. at least the walk to the village would be. a quite one unless any wild animals try come after her. if they are friendly she would not mind. giving a forest animal something to eat from her basket of goodies. while walking along the path she singing to keep herself company. this time she would have to see if any of the import stores. had anything she could use to make some healing ointments. the goddess would check the forset for any hurt people as well animals.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 05-31-2015, 04:14 PM

He soon finished his day there and went back to hunting on the woods. He got pretty far into the woods and found a tree to climb and wait for an animal to come by.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 06-01-2015, 10:38 PM

She stop's seeing a cute little rabbit. it is walking over to her so Petal smiles softly at the animal. then moves her free hand into her basket. to get a carrot out of the basket then puts it on the ground. the rabbit moves closer to the food that was offered to it. it gets closer till it picks up the yummy carrot. then starts to run off after it had the food in its mouth. the goddess giggles softly watching the rabbit run away. she was happy it had taken the home grown carrot. Petal starts to walk off once more she was almost near the village.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 06-05-2015, 05:07 PM

Not seeing her he jumps down and stabs the rabbit in the head. He pulls his sword out of it and sees a woman. He sheaths his sword and picks up the rabbit before waving and heading off opposite the town in search of more animals. He could sell some for money if he truly wished to, everyone needs to eat.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 06-08-2015, 01:08 AM

Petal was,shock by what she had just seen happen. in front of her but knew people as well other animals. have to hunt in order to survive in this world. plus she was a little guilty by buying blankets made out of animal fur. for the cold winter's even a new jacket besides boots once a year. she wonder if human's would not have to hunt some day for food? if so that would be nice. the goddess of animal's would be happy then not having to worry so much.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 06-15-2015, 09:06 PM

After hunting he heads back to his hut and takes care of the hides and parts of the animals he gets the hides ready to sell and the meat and bones for himself.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 06-16-2015, 06:13 PM

Petal keeps on walking till she get's into the village. she then starts to walk off to the trade shop. to sell her vegetables,flowers and herbs. only rarely she had fresh fruit to sell since people could just go. into the forest to pick fresh wild fruits. unless they grew some here in the village. sometimes she notice fruit bearing tree's around the village. could some of the people here be farmer's? even have a orchid's to grow fruit's?

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 08-19-2015, 11:56 PM

After a long day of hunting he heads over to his house almost bumping into that strange girl again and he waved as he walked to his house. He took care of the animals he got and had dinner then went to bed.
In the morning he took a bath got dressed then had breakfast. For some reason he couldnt get her out of his mind. he intrigued him.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 08-20-2015, 12:33 AM

After a long day in the village. Petal head home but had bump into that hunter again. why did this keep happening to her? once home she makes dinner eats. then heads off to bed. the next day she wakes up early took a long shower. then go's outside to take care of the flowers in front of her home. she wonder if should allow human's to see her? being a goddess can get lonely.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 08-20-2015, 12:40 AM

he decided he'd try to find that girl. he packed his lunch and walked outr into the woods sword strapped on in case something attacked him. he found a clearing that had the river where he had first seen her. he figured that was close enough. he stopped and sat cross legged on his favorite rock to. thinking of where to search next.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 08-20-2015, 12:57 AM

Petal had forgotten to get her watering can. she sighs out before starting to walk away. go pick some things to at least. have some new things at home. for a nature goddess she made sure keep things normal. unless she notice animals are people need food. when before the winter months would come. so each fall she make's some animals last longer to be hunted. others foods that last a long time could be pick. at anytime before the being of winter months.

VampHunterX13666 is offline
Old 08-20-2015, 01:03 AM

Zane stilled his breathe and listened to the wind. it was a little difficult to deiciffer but he did and he was told she'd come here for water. He sat here and listened to the water and let it clear his mind and let it wander. He was able to hear the river and the wind to the fullest while he waited.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 08-20-2015, 01:18 AM

She takes care of plants and some animals on her way. as Petal kept walking gathering things as she go's by. she listen to the wind telling her someone wish. to meet her she bites down on her lower lip softly. was it a good idea or would it end badly? she decided she would head over to the river. to at least clean what she found so far. if she did see,the man from the other day. she'd talk with him to be nice but. deep down mostly wanted to ask him. why he wanted to meet her for?


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