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NightStalker is offline
Old 11-05-2011, 11:41 PM

hello all. hope everyone had a great and eventful halloween. I'm starting this thread in hopes that someone else on here wants a nice thread to hang out in and chat while earning more candy points for the event and some gold to.

:) did anyone do anything fun for halloween? go trick or treating or either go to or throw a halloween party?

Meh Ish Dum
Devout follower of Jesus Christ
Meh Ish Dum is offline
Old 11-05-2011, 11:44 PM

Yay, first post. :3
I had to write an English paper on Halloween, and I wanted to get some candy, but sadly, I received none. My mom bought me random bags of candy afterwards though. xD

I have at least 30 or so candy points now. I need to go see which one i want...

NightStalker is offline
Old 11-05-2011, 11:47 PM

cool. how did your paper turn out? are you in high school or college?

that was nice of your mom.

do you watch scary movies or anything?

Meh Ish Dum
Devout follower of Jesus Christ
Meh Ish Dum is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 12:05 AM

Well, it was the rough copy, but it seemed to turn out well for me. I mean, it was tough to be persuasive without saying "pweez pweez pweez!" But yeah. As well, I'm in High School. Taking CP English. :3 (kekeke)

Yeah, I'm grateful for her. :D

Well, depends upon the movie. If it's a good one like Halloween (the one with Mike Meyers) then yes, but if it's stupid like Friday the Thriteenth, then no. It depends if it's a good bloody thriller. How about you?

NightStalker is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 12:32 AM

thats cool. lol if you have the time I would be interesting in hearing about it. Halloween is a subject that interests me.

it kind of depends on what mood Im in.

If Im going to blood, guts and stupid people who run off on their own then I like Texas chainsaw, I havent seen the first one but Ive watched the remake a bunch of times. Then Resident evil, I think the entire series has some good parts. The Scary movie series is good for a couple of laughs.

for vampire movies I like the Vampire Hunter D and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, which are both anime. Then I think Interview with a Vampire is a classic. The Underworld series is awesome. Bram Stoker's Dracula. The Blade series.

For witch movies I like the Craft. I havent found many other good witch movies but Im trying to look for some.

thats all I can think of right now...

Meh Ish Dum
Devout follower of Jesus Christ
Meh Ish Dum is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 12:49 AM

Hm... Well, basically... I am for a broader selection of foreign languages in the curriculum at my school. Basically I go on about how it helps students choose a language that they want & how a foreign language looks good in college (and it is required) etc.

Hm... I like the remake Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I've never seen the first one either. People say it was pretty gross, especially since there was a lady who sold the human soup to a bunch of people. That's gross. And, The Scary Movies are hilarious! xDD I think they're not for me most of the time though.

I haven't seen any vampire horror movies that really interested me.

A couple of gruesome horror movies: House of a Thousand Corpses, and The Devil's Rejects. They're like a series. They're a good couple of movies if you are scared of clowns, and Dr. Satan..... Gah.

Hmmm, Gothika is a good insane asylum movie where Halle Berry is possessed by the spirit of a girl who was killed. She ends up killing her husband after the girl possesses her. It's a good horror mystery for sure.

Um... I can't think right now either.

But yeah, I'll look into some of your movies. ;3

Oh, and what's your candy count?

NightStalker is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 12:59 AM

yea Ive seen Gothika a mess of times

I know french and spanish but Im not that into foreign films lol Im to lazy to read the subtitles and most of them go to fast for me anyway. For me at least I end up missing the movie when I have to sit there and read the translation. so I stick to american/english movies.

I've got a little under 6 candies but Ive spent quit a bit.

how about you?

Last edited by NightStalker; 11-06-2011 at 01:05 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 03:41 AM

I didn't go trick-or-treating, although I wish I could have.

NightStalker is offline
Old 11-06-2011, 03:48 AM

oh thats too bad. did you dress up as anything for school or work?

Meh Ish Dum
Devout follower of Jesus Christ
Meh Ish Dum is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 12:21 AM

*spoofs in* I only have 3 candies and I'm off to go play Animal Crossing in a bit, but yeah. Still here for mild discussion mates. :3

Anyway, I just finished my final copy for the persuasive paper & now I need to relax. BLEGH. Anyone ready for Monday?

NightStalker is offline
Old 11-07-2011, 12:46 AM

lol nope not even close. What version of Animal Crossing do you have?

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 04:17 PM

hope you get all the items you want with candies.

FireOnix is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 06:00 PM

:) hey Night glad youre joining in on the event

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 06:05 PM

ghostie hummy dragged him into a few threads.
NightStalker won a great prize too!

FireOnix is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 06:08 PM

sweet! that was nice of you

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 06:13 PM

nah, ghostie hummy was new last event and she felt awkward too.
Mistress Seito-san and Iro made her feel welcome.
so ghostie hummy was just passing on the love.

Darth Mudkip
The ninja in your toliet.

Darth Mudkip is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 06:47 PM

I wanted to give out candy to all the children (while chasing them off my yard with a chainsaw) but I had my Calculus class at the same time so I couldn't. :(

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 07:23 PM

hope you get to beg for more candies today, NightStalker.

FireOnix is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 07:40 PM

Im trying to help him get stuff

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 07:43 PM

ghostie hummy doesn't know if NightStalker liked his page prize.

FireOnix is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 07:45 PM

Im trying to help him get stuff

Rei Ann
Is hungry feed me with rps?
Rei Ann is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 07:51 PM


Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 11-08-2011, 08:14 PM

hello, Rei.
see, ghostie hummy remembered.

NightStalker is offline
Old 11-09-2011, 01:06 AM

*huggles fire* HELLOS! to everyone else.

how is everyone doing tonight, or what ever time it is where you live

FireOnix is offline
Old 11-09-2011, 01:10 AM

^_^ HI! Im good how are you?


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