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Adrastia is offline
Old 08-29-2008, 08:05 AM

I was wondering is the death of any particular series (timely or untimely) made you not want to watch TV much anymore.

For me the departure of Malcolm in the Middle, That 70s Show and Arrested Development kind of ended the era of watching alot of TV for me.

Mainly because I can't really get into anything new to replace those shows.

Other than Family Guy and South Park I don't really watch much that's new. I'm more into reruns now.

Malcolm in the Middle I guess was destined to end when it did. And That 70s Show needed to go as well before it turned too much into the the final days of Happy Days. Without Eris and with the 80s coming that was bound to happen if they didn't let it die. And it's not like they could have reinvented it as That 80s Show because someone already screwed that up.:roll:

So now I just watch reruns if I want to watch TV. Mostly sitcoms from the 70s and 80s, which I like the best. I'm waiting for something new to come along that I actually like that sticks around.

Michy Lea
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Old 08-29-2008, 08:16 PM

No shows ending have ever made me lose the desire to watch TV at all. I have kinda stopped watching some channels for a while because of it, though. Third Watch ending soon because of NBC makes me not like NBC, and when A&E stopped airing it in the afternoon, I stopped watching the other shows I watched on A&E in the daytime. October Road being cancelled so soon with so many unanswered questions makes me very wary of watching any new shows they put out in case it happens more. I hate getting into a show just to have it canceled. If they would have promoted it better so that people could actually tell what the show was about, it most likely would've gotten a lot more viewers. Finally, I barely ever watch The-N since Instant Star was ended so abruptly.

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Old 08-30-2008, 02:54 AM

Never made me wanna stop watching but it's killing me that they won't finish the second season of Jeremiah. They left season one at such a cliffhanger and they won't release the ones they have made on dvd. >.>

Adrastia is offline
Old 08-30-2008, 04:08 AM

I've seen Jeremiah oon Sci Fi. From time to time when Sci Fi shows something prematurely cancelled eventually you see the rest. They've even picked up shows before like Sliders (also ended in a cliff hanger. What happened to Remy?)

After the old Headbangers Ball went off the air I kinda gave up on MTV. I only watched for Beavis and Butthead.

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 08-30-2008, 05:37 PM

I don't really watch a lot of TV anyway. I'm more effected by seasons ending then actual shows being canceled. I watch anime on Adult Swim every Saturday no matter what's on. Now that House and I Survived a Japanese Game Show aren't on at the moment, the only other thing I intentionally watch on TV is Criss Angel: MindFreak. Other then that I don't watch TV unless there is nothing else one and then I just find something random.

Adrastia is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 06:51 AM

I do kinda get bored just watching something though. Unless it's really intriguing.

My mom's really into Mind Freak.

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Lissi is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 01:58 PM

I was soo upset when Firefly was cancelled. It made me never want to watch anything on Fox again. But of course, that didn't last long... But I really do still miss that series! Oh, and another show - I was sad when Invasion was cancelled.

miss murder
miss murder is offline
Old 09-01-2008, 10:03 PM

I know I'm going to sound like a little kid when I say this but when they cancelled Invader Zim on Nickeldoen I was so mad. Now I don't even watch Nikelodeon anymore because they don't even show re-runs. Sometimes they do at 3:00 A.M. I usually record them so I can watch them. My favorite quote from invader zim:

Zim: Ok GIR. Our mission begins now. Let us rain some doom down upon the filthy heads of our doomed enimes.

GIR: I'm gonna sing the doom song...Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom DOOM!! Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom DOOOOOOM!!


GIR: Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom

Zim: Gir will you please stop singing

GIR: Doom Doom Doomy Doomy Doom Doom

Zim: GIR we're here. We're finally here.

GIR: *Points finger up to say one minute* Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom The End Ohh What's That??!!

Zim: Planet Earth

Selmarixie is offline
Old 09-04-2008, 12:51 PM

No, it doesn't really make me want to stop watching TV at all. Most of my hobbies are entertainment oriented, and I'm way into them, so perhaps that makes a bit of a difference.

Of course, if I was really into a show, and it ends, I'm a bit sad to see the characters go. The same goes for when I finish a book, or almost anything else. But there are always reruns, DVDs, and new things to occupy my time. Just recently, now that some of the older shows I watched in my childhood are coming to DVD, I've started to get back into a few of them. As well as more current things, such as Secret Life of an American Teenager. - I also watch quite a bit of Asian TV, and just recently started Evasive Inquiry Agency.

I don't think anything will ever make me completely stop watching TV, or even want to. Theres always going to be some new story that I get interested in. And if it isn't TV, it'll be books, games, anime, comics, cartoons, manga, movies, new foreign dramas, etc.

Adrastia is offline
Old 09-05-2008, 12:39 AM

Originally Posted by miss murder View Post
I know I'm going to sound like a little kid when I say this but when they cancelled Invader Zim on Nickeldoen I was so mad. Now I don't even watch Nikelodeon anymore because they don't even show re-runs. Sometimes they do at 3:00 A.M. I usually record them so I can watch them. My favorite quote from invader zim:

Zim: Ok GIR. Our mission begins now. Let us rain some doom down upon the filthy heads of our doomed enimes.

GIR: I'm gonna sing the doom song...Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom DOOM!! Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom DOOOOOOM!!


GIR: Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom

Zim: Gir will you please stop singing

GIR: Doom Doom Doomy Doomy Doom Doom

Zim: GIR we're here. We're finally here.

GIR: *Points finger up to say one minute* Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom The End Ohh What's That??!!

Zim: Planet Earth
I was really upset myself.
Nicktoons Network shows it. But I want new episodes! ><

I had heard that there were alot of creative differences and Nickelodeon wanted certain things that the creator did not like. He wanted more freedom with the show. It would be nice if it came back.

Dramatica Romanticide
Dramatica Romanticide is offline
Old 09-05-2008, 03:19 AM

Hey I liked That 80s Show:(
Anyhoo when Angel got cancelled i swore off TV for a bit.
Now i watch Reaper and Entourage and stuff so yeah, I guess i got over it.
I'm sad that Moonlight isn't coming back, but i'm not shocked, i'd already had the feeling it wouldn't be coming back.:(

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Old 09-05-2008, 04:35 PM

OMG! Yes! The only reason I have cable to begin with is for the AZN channel. When they canceled that, I lost a part of myself. TT_TT

I have been bummed since last year when the writer's strike hit. My favorite show at the time was Pushing Daisies. That show never came back on from that strike. I am so geeked right now. There are previous for the second season.

I love adult swim and Reaper.

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 09-05-2008, 05:57 PM

It seems like all my favorite shows are cancelled:

Dead Like Me
Joan of Arcadia
Love Monkey
West Wing

I always have to resort to buying the DVD sets just so that I can watch them, because most channels don't even run reruns anymore.

lark_31 is offline
Old 09-05-2008, 06:21 PM

A cancellation has never stopped me from watching tv, but I did get really upset when they cancelled Jericho on CBS. I was thrilled when die-hard fans revolted and demanded it's return, but then they didn't really watch it. :illgetu: It then ended, but since the creators knew it wasn't getting the ratings it needed, they filmed two endings.

One ending left it open for the next season if the channel let them stay and the other ended the series entirely. It still sucked when it left because even though it was that second ending, it still didn't clarify everything that happened.

Cancelling Joan of Arcadia also really pissed me off. I was in love with that show and the ending was just left completely open. Arg.

jopwie is offline
Old 09-06-2008, 11:06 AM

Jericho was pretty much the only TV show I watched, now that it's gone I don't watch TV any more. I was so sad when it ended the first time, even sadder when it ended for the second time.

Tsukihami is offline
Old 09-06-2008, 02:15 PM

I've never had a program I watch canceled thus far, and I hope it stays that way.
If they did that to any of my shows I'd probably send in a formal complaint xD

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Gabbie is offline
Old 09-10-2008, 02:08 AM

Immediately when I started liking Journeyman on NBC I knew it was finished. I used to sit through dumb Heroes endings just to watch that brilliant show.

HBO rules, though.

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Old 09-10-2008, 03:44 AM

I haven't watched the CW since Gilmore Girls was ended. I loved that show and would have sat through like eight more seasons of it because I loved it so. There were some channel changes ended my wish to watch some shows such as Buffy and Angel. I never watched them after they were moved to WGN (I think that was the channel anyway).

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Twethereal is offline
Old 09-11-2008, 10:12 PM

I was really sad when Stargate SG-1 was finally cancelled. It had a ten season run which is really good and it probably could have been ended a season or two sooner, but they had just gotten into a new story line after the main bad guys were defeated and they kind of rushed the new story line in order to make it feel like they completed it. It would have been better if they'd had a few more episodes in which to do it right. And one of the main characters who has always been my favorite, wasn't even in the last episode! He had bowed out of the show a few seasons before to spend time with his family and has appeared on the show a few times after he wasn't a regular anymore, but to not have him even make an appearance in the last episode at all made me upset. So far they have done two made-for-TV movies (in which he appeared briefly in one of them), but they just seem kind of forced now. It made me sad for a while, but there are other shows I like to watch (like Psych and Doctor Who), so I never really became sad enough to want to stop watching TV. But if Psych ever gets cancelled, I will be depressed for a long while. I daresay that the loss of my favorite show would make make me feel sad enough not to watch TV for a while. But I'd probably end up watching TV again anyway. I get bored easily. ^_^

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Old 09-12-2008, 02:59 AM

It did for Carnivale. I know that the show was supposed to go through 6 seasons originally and I bought the DVD set for the 1st season and really loved the utter bizarreness and unique traits about that show. But learning that the second season was a complete flop and they just wiped the rest of the 4 seasons off turned me off the show! I would have loved for it to be one of those long running TV shows so I can continuously watch but unfortunately, it ended and my love for it ended too... :(

Brutal-Beauty is offline
Old 09-15-2008, 07:12 PM

I really miss Firefly and Deadwood. Those were such good show that were pulled way before there time.

xXx Garet xXx
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Old 09-16-2008, 12:01 AM

Family Guy should of stayed canceled as it went down the tube of selloutism just to appease to the masses who go "Oh random throaway joke that isn't even that funny compared to the older episode's throwaway jokes."


Anyway yeah pretty much Scrubs is on its way out as Zach Braff be leaving after this season and heck even the creator of the show is going to leave possibly after this season so I just don't see how its going to last.

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Bunai is offline
Old 09-24-2008, 03:16 AM

Toonami is gone :( Nooooooooes

Henshin Heroine
KamenRiderNadeshiko is offline
Old 09-28-2008, 12:51 AM

I'm a little peeved that there is no word wether or not The Middleman is canceled. There not even running re-runs.:gonk:

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danae249 is offline
Old 09-28-2008, 03:21 AM

It hasn't made me stop watching so much as made me wary of getting too excited about new shows. I fell in love with October Road almost instantly, then to have it pulled... then reput on the air, then pulled again was probably my biggest Television Rollercoaster. This happened at around the same time that Cashmere Mafia was aired, got juggled around in time slots and was finally pulled when the writer's strike hit, and they decided not to renew Veronica Mars. Or at least that is the way that it seems to me.

So now when I see a fun quirky show (don't even get me started on Arrested Development) I am very hesitant to fall in love with the characters because who knows if they are going to stick around very long.


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