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Suzhi Mix
Master of Leprechauns
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Old 09-30-2008, 11:46 PM

Well, i play the piano, and personally i like classical music (along with a lot of other music), but every time i have to cancel on someone becuase i have piano lessons, or i am going to a classical concert they are always like "Why do you even do that?". I know that not alot of people my age (16) likes classical music, but does that mean that its weird because i do??

So basically, do you play any instruments? if yes, which and why, if no, is there any you would like to play and why? and what kind of music do you like (doesn't need to be only one genre)?

To keep this alive, fell free to just talk about music in general, or anything music related.. :P

Deranged Insanity
Self-Proclaimed Pumpkin Princess
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Old 09-30-2008, 11:52 PM

I enjoy any musical instrument for if played correctly they produce amazing sounds. ;D~!

*is stalking Suzhi around Menewsha.

Suzhi Mix
Master of Leprechauns
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Old 09-30-2008, 11:57 PM

yay! violins are amazing!! i wish i could play the violin...

*sees a looming shadow or orangeness behind me*

Ash_Kitten is offline
Old 09-30-2008, 11:58 PM

blah to people shunning you for your love of music! I've been into music since I was a kid and love classical music. Give me Gershwin or Bach over popular modern music any day :}

been playing piano since I was 5 (classical and jazz)
singing since I was 9 (Opera and Musicals)
Playing French Horn since I was 11 (Band, Pep band, Orchestra and Play Orchestra)
Picked up auxiliary percussion some in there for band and jazz band.
Trumpet at 12 (band, never did much with it)
Viola at 16 (Orchestra) as well as a bit or Violin and Cello
and currently learning Guitar from my roommate.
I'm a big music geek if you didn't notice :}

Deranged Insanity
Self-Proclaimed Pumpkin Princess
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Old 09-30-2008, 11:58 PM

Haha, So do I. >__>;;
That and the piano. <3
It'd make my life amazing.

*lunges at massive green blob.


I'm in love. :heart:
Mene Marry me?

Suzhi Mix
Master of Leprechauns
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:07 AM

@ ash: *deeply bows down* Wooooooow 0_o you have my respect!
i only play the piano and guitar.. and i think that's hard enough..
Yeah.. I like modern music too, but i would definetly prefere chopin or bach.

*Shrieks in terror as orange stalker attacks*

edit: @deranged: you do realize your a guy...

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Old 10-01-2008, 12:08 AM

I've played the French Horn for about six years now. I love how it sounds, though my friends find it annoying. Oddly enough, I'm more into metal and rock music than anything else.

Deranged Insanity
Self-Proclaimed Pumpkin Princess
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:12 AM

*high fives male marriage. ;D~!

I've only met 2 people so far who play the French Horn.
Now 3.

@suzhi; What was that German beer named? The blue bottle.

Suzhi Mix
Master of Leprechauns
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:12 AM

haha, thats cool! (not the part about the friends finding it annoying..)
well, i like rock and metal too, so i totally understand.. ^.^

Deranged Insanity
Self-Proclaimed Pumpkin Princess
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:16 AM

*is completely off topic

Oh gods, my father wants a 'go-devil' boat.
OH wait he lied theres a better one on the other page. -__-;

Suzhi Mix
Master of Leprechauns
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:28 AM

@deranged: thats random.. oooh, go check out the competition i added..

DYKE JONES is offline
Old 10-01-2008, 12:30 AM

i love music in every way shape and form. i love classical music to m.i.a paper planes.

i sang for a acoustic band, it was really fun.
i'm trying to teach myself how to play the guitar and HOPEFULLY save up money to buy a violin, or ask my mom too.
i love violins so if i ever got one i'd SO take lessons.

xxcalciferxx is offline
Old 10-01-2008, 12:33 AM

I love classical music, I think it is beautiful. Unfortunatly like most other song genres i wouldnt be able to tell you who wrote it or what its called though.

No I dont play any instrument. Although I do wish I could. Maybe quitar or violin.

Deranged Insanity
Self-Proclaimed Pumpkin Princess
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:34 AM

*runs off to check

@Jones & Cal;
*high fives fellow Violin lovers

I suppose you could learn anything on the internet nowadays huh.
Just youtube it up and BAM you've learned something

xxcalciferxx is offline
Old 10-01-2008, 12:39 AM

@ Deranged

Haha heck ya the violin is beautiful sounding^_^

xxcalciferxx is offline
Old 10-01-2008, 12:39 AM

@ Deranged

Haha heck ya the violin is beautiful sounding^_^

Suzhi Mix
Master of Leprechauns
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:43 AM

ooh. well you don't need to be able to play an instrument, simply to enjoy the music. or even to be able to tell who made it..
i think just listening and liking it is enough! >.<
the internet is very resourcefull.. i learned how to play stairway to heaven from youtube.. haha

Kah Hilzin-Ec
The little creep with the weird ...
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Old 10-01-2008, 01:03 AM

*agrees with Deranged* xD

Well, I know how to play the flute, and some piano. I would love to play the guitar and the cello, though that would be extremelly hard since my fingers have this pointy shape and my nails grow so insanely fast, that while I took piano classes, I had to cut them half an hour before each class xD

About music tastes, it generaly doesn't depend on the genre, but more on the specific song. I like from Stänchen from Franz Schubert, to El Murguero by Los Autenticos Decadentes, to Aerodynamic from Daft Punk, to Freak on a Leash by Korn xD Just to give you an idea 8D

PS: *worships Ash_Kitten*

Last edited by Kah Hilzin-Ec; 10-01-2008 at 01:08 AM..

Deranged Insanity
Self-Proclaimed Pumpkin Princess
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Old 10-01-2008, 02:47 AM

*luffles on Cal and Hilz. :heart: :heart:

Wow, I believe if you in general love music than you don't specifically have a genre of music you like. It's more like you just in general love all music that catches your ears. ;D~!
Hence why we all have such a drastic different taste in each music piece we listen to.

If...that made any sense to you. >_>;

Myra is offline
Old 10-01-2008, 02:55 AM

One, music is amazing. I play guitar, cello and piano and I absolutly love classical music. It is amazing and intricate. I am seventeen and I love classical music and everyone knows it. Haha, I love piano because it can be so expressive and intense. I always play it when I am sad or angry and emotion totally shows through. Thats also why I chose cello, because it is so deep and secretive. I love it. Guitar I just started learning because I want to have an easy way to add melodies to my music. I compose. It is fun.

And two, you are not at all strange for liking classical music. In fact, you are very awesome hahaha. =3

Ash_Kitten is offline
Old 10-01-2008, 03:31 AM

Deranged: lol yeah sure but I think my boyfriend would have a bit of a problem with that lol

Suzhi: I really don't practice them as much as I should but I enjoy so much learning new instruments, trying new things with music.
never listen to much modern stuff, some 70's and earlier rock but that's about it lol

Suzhi Mix
Master of Leprechauns
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Old 10-01-2008, 03:56 AM

@myra: playing piano is very expressive. usually a lot of piano players don't put feeling into their performances, and just make it pure technique.. personally, i don't like that, even if the technique is all amazing like.. even the simplest melody can be beautiful, if it is played with emotion. >_< i wish i could play the cello. Love the deep sound it has.
I can't compose, like what so ever, but i love hearing what other people make, so good luck with that! ^.^
@ash: It's still amazing that you can play that many instruments, and sing too.. 0_0
I wanted to learn violin and cello, but i dont have the money to buy either instrument.. T_T
i like all kinds of music, but i prefere classical..
just got tickets to a tchaikovsky and stravinsky concert. *Squeals* :squee:

Deranged Insanity
Self-Proclaimed Pumpkin Princess
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Old 10-01-2008, 04:02 AM

*high fives Myra because of her awesomeness XD !

@Ash; SHH, He doesn't have to know. >_>;;
Nor does my fiance. <_<;; HAHAHAHA.
Eloping is a funny action/word. I can never understand it really. I mean are you that poor that you can't just divorce the person? NVMD! I take it all back. I'm missing the meaning of the word and am rambling. XD~!

Ash_Kitten is offline
Old 10-01-2008, 04:05 AM

Suzhi: yeah I only had a couple of the instruments, piano and a keyboard, guitar and french horn and rented viola and trumpet I just used school instruments for all the rest

Deranged: lol yeah eloped just means a wedding where you don't invite or tell anyone has nothing to do with getting divorce

Suzhi Mix
Master of Leprechauns
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Old 10-01-2008, 04:20 AM

oooh, i wish my school had instruments.. we do have a choir, i think... but i'm never gonna be able to sing.. haah. windows would start breaking.. @_@

yay for classical music! >.<


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