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Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 05-05-2009, 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Strude View Post
I just give things titles I like. Example: Card House Rape, the title came about because I wanted the word card. I sat and stared and thought 'what word would make people stare at the title and think WTF MATE. Then go and see what the hell it's a title for!' So I added rape, knowing people would think the title unusual. But Card Rape didn't sound right, and I thought 'what goes with the word card . . . ' and house came to mind. BAM I had a title!

Others I simple made up, because I liked the sound of it. [Fagera] [Matona] [Arketure].

For the most part I simple make shit up. If it has anything to do with the story or not! Doesn't matter to me. Card House Rape had NOTHING what so ever to do with the story (actually role play but same different).
That's a Blue October song. Is that where you got it from?

I usually have a working title that I change around until I find something that sticks. If I ever finish any of my stories I'll probably change their title though, because mine usually aren't amazing. Like I named a story "How Does Your Garden Grow" about a kid with plant growing powers. Yeah...

I'm getting close to finishing one though! Yay me!

Last edited by fairywaif; 05-05-2009 at 12:59 PM..

Inoko Clan-Clan
Inoko Clan-Clan is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 08:40 PM

I usually write the story completely then read it until a something pops in my head for the title. XD

Meirion, Madman Librarian
Lysine is offline
Old 05-02-2010, 09:35 PM

It happens when it happens. For NaNoWriMo novels, I always come up with a working title about 10,000 words in, just something to refer to it by while I write it. My working titles usually have nothing to do with the story, and always have something to do with food -- so far I've used Ketchup, Toast, Bagels, and Tahini. Some of these I've renamed, some I haven't. Bagels became Some Say Ice, inspired by the Robert Frost poem Fire and Ice. Tahini is currently A Treatise on Some Small Dark Spaces of the Mind, although I'm considering changing it again. Ketchup and Toast have, so far, retained their working titles.

Last edited by Lysine; 05-02-2010 at 09:44 PM..

purplewaterbottle is offline
Old 05-19-2010, 01:48 AM

My story titles come from the plot like the mod said, I hate titles that say there about one thing then it has nothing to do with the plot. Or the title is such a mystery that even after I finish reading I don't see what it has to do with the story.


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