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SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-14-2010, 09:46 PM

Hello everyone! I'm new around these parts.
I'm hoping to get comfy here, and you know, make some friends and such. =3

I was on Gaia for the longest time, like four years,
then I realized I shouldn't have to pay for pixelated :talk2hand:
items to make a forum enjoyable.
Oh and all the elitist jerks were pretty lame,
plus I felt like an old lady. =/

Louis duLac
Purveyor of Yaoi
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Old 05-14-2010, 10:10 PM

Haha, I think I can relate to all that. :D What makes you feel old? We have a few middle aged members here.

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-14-2010, 10:22 PM

Well, I joined Gaia when I was something like eighteen and I was active for quite a few years then I hit my twenty and all of the "older" crowd sorta just disappeared. ;s It just eventually felt like I was surrounded by nothing but twelve year olds. @_@

The Singly Guided One
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Old 05-14-2010, 10:26 PM

I know exactly how you feel. There are some people on there in their 30 even almost in their 30's :D I seem to relate to those people more and they seem more enjoyable to talk to. :) I do like the occasional younger person if they aren't completely childish. Lol. :D I still play Gaia a little because I still like seeing the avatars that people create now days but as far as most of the forums and the people posting in there.... nonsense I tell ya! :D

Louis duLac
Purveyor of Yaoi
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Old 05-14-2010, 10:39 PM

True. I just turned 20 and everyone under 16 calls me old for some reason. >.>

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-14-2010, 10:41 PM

-_- I know that feeling. Heck, I'm just as awesome, if not more, than I was at that age! Lol

The Singly Guided One
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Old 05-14-2010, 10:44 PM

Yes actually it seems to be common for the typical 13-16yr old Gaian to "freak out" when someone says they are 20 or so. Sugary I was awesome too but actually pretty mature at that age. Everyone seemed to think I was already in my 20's. I think I might be turning the table now since I try to be more childish in some situations now days. Lol. :D

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-14-2010, 11:13 PM

Hmm.. I wonder if I should tell you folks a little more about myself? o_o

Okies, well here goes; *Clears throat* Ahem..

Well, I'm a twenty three year old female from a small town in Tx.

Music is my life. ♥ [Yeah, I know everyone says that, but um, there's nothing that makes me happier than
a good pair of headphones and some awesome tunes.]

I am an avid gamer. I enjoy a certain online MMO most. World of Warcraft, you may have heard of it. Although, I have been known to play a few console games. I have two level 80 Alliance toons. I originally played strictly as a Horde but I met my fiance and he convinced me to switch sides. :s ♥ xD

I'm pretty much a hermit in real life. xD I am most comfortable in front of my PC.

I hate drama, so I'm hoping everything I've heard about this site being low key is true.

Hrmm... that's all I can really think of for now. If anyone is interested in knowing anymore, just ask. =3

Last edited by SugaryCalavera; 05-14-2010 at 11:30 PM..

The Singly Guided One
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Old 05-14-2010, 11:55 PM

Can we be friends?!?!?!? Lmao! WOW ALL THE WAY YO!

A little something about me:

My name "is" Amber.
I do like playing WoW when I am able to. Don't really like the horde only because of the places they start out and eh mostly desert. Lol. Alliance is freaking awesome. Night Elves YO! And Gnomes. :DDD

I am 21 turning 22 in June. June 9th that is, so very soon. I do love playing regular video games mostly racing. Really into street racing personally. ;D

Um I'm not sure about what else to tell you so if any one is interested go ahead and leave me a comment on my profile. :DDD :angel:

I am too a PC lover and am VERY comfortable infront of my PC. :D I own a laptop although I would love to have a desk top. More space. LOL. My PC is my almost only way to connect to people and make new friends. Lol

Last edited by Amber_TheOne; 05-14-2010 at 11:57 PM.. Reason: forgot to add something... ;)

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 12:02 AM

^.^ Sure. I'd love to get to know more people around here, heck, more people in general. WoW can only provide so much social interaction. Hehe.

The Singly Guided One
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Old 05-15-2010, 12:10 AM

^.^ Yep yep. :D I seem to have a thing against DK's. I've been playing multiple times and a DK will just stand there and watch. Won't help just watch. Then if I die they just laugh. >:( So Idk. Lol. Usually when I play and I'm able to buff I end up buffing everyone that could use it. Lol. No matter the level. So what are you? How many characters and what are they?

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 12:13 AM

I have a Mage, Rogue, and a Priest. :D All above 70. Heh. I have no life. ^^;

The Singly Guided One
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Old 05-15-2010, 01:06 AM

Oh that is life. Lol. No, life is doing things you love always! :DDDDDDD Oh thank goodness you don't have a paladin. TO MANY! I really like rogues but I can't seem to get them past level 15. Lol. Oh actually are you a Night Elf rouge? I seen a girl that had on some pretty interesting armor that I would LOVE to have. :DDDDD If you've seen Bioshock it looked some like that. The armor has some green glowing items. Anyway so what are you doing at the moment?

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 01:31 AM

Hehe, ugh no. I am a Human Rogue and a Draenei Mage. I don't particularly like Night Elves, but that's just personal preference. I'm in te middle of raiding Icecrown Citadel. lol >.>

The Singly Guided One
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Old 05-15-2010, 01:43 AM

I knew it!!! :D When you guys get to Arthus do you guys run away even though Jenna says so but I think it's retarded. I say fight! Lol.

Last edited by Amber_TheOne; 05-15-2010 at 01:44 AM.. Reason: forgot to post something lol

venus_starshine is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 02:22 AM

Welcome to mene! The people here are great and it is indeed "low key" and enjoyable. c:

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 02:24 AM

Thank you so much Venus_Starshine. I've only been here for like an hour, but I already feel so welcomed. It's great. ^^;

Parasite Steve
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Old 05-15-2010, 02:56 AM

Welcome to the forums hope you enjoy your stay.
What consoles do you play?

Last edited by Parasite Steve; 05-17-2010 at 01:58 PM..

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 02:58 AM

Mostly just Nintendo's handhelds and Xbox. ^^;

Parasite Steve
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Old 05-15-2010, 03:34 AM

Original xbox or 360? I'm a 360 fan myself.
Besides MMOs what kind of games do you play?

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 03:45 AM

Xbox 360, I own an original as well, but it's just kinda gathering dust.
I digg FPS, platform, obviously RPGs, basically anything except RTS games.

The Singly Guided One
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Old 05-15-2010, 03:59 AM

SUGARY!!!!! Did you do well in ICC?

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 04:09 AM

We did...fine. :sweat: A lot of our team mates didn't show up so we had to bring in some new people, so it was a bit hectic.

Last edited by SugaryCalavera; 05-15-2010 at 04:10 AM.. Reason: Editing.

The Singly Guided One
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Old 05-15-2010, 04:14 AM

Brand new people doing ICC? I've never made it that far but I've seem my mother do it so many times. >_> Is it just you that plays or anyone in your family? My mother, brother, sister-in law (aka his wife lol) my cousin aaaaaannnnnddddd I think that's it that plays in my family that I know of.

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 04:16 AM

For now, it's only my fiance and I that plays. But our guild is like our family, so yeah, that's like 25+ people. ^.^


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