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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:01 AM

I say this a lot but, I love Halloween! It's my favorite!!
One of the best things about this time of year is all the scary stories
So take a page out of Poe's book and let me give out some prizes for some spectacular seasonal writing in a variety of categories.


First Place: 10k gold and a !
Second Place: 8k gold!
Third Place: 6k gold!

Another for my favorite over all!


How many entries can I make?
One entry per person (unless otherwise stated)

Last edited by Linnea; 11-10-2017 at 03:55 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:09 AM

Graphic Stories!

Let's start this writing contest with some multimedia action.
Make an original story in a picture book or comic book style. (No plagiarizing! Always give credit where it's due!)
You can choose to have limited to no words, but it has to tell a story... and have pictures of course.
The theme needs to be related to the event and/or the holiday!

Entry Form:
[color="purple"][b]Username:[/b] [/COLOR]

Username: Shadami
Graphical! Username: HIM_stopcreatingMSpaintabominations_ROCK Entry:
Username: Nephila

Username: ghostPastry

Last edited by Linnea; 11-10-2017 at 04:10 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:15 AM

Short Stories!

Next, try your hand at a short story.
In keeping with the theme of the event and/or the holiday, write a story no more than 350 words in length.
That's pretty much it!
Make this original, nothing you've posted before and absolutely no plagiarizing!

Entry Form:
[color="darkorchid"][SIZE=6][B]Show Me The Shorty![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[color="darkorchid"][b]Username:[/b] [/COLOR]

Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Bearzy
The house was built in 1857, and nobody knew how long it had been empty.

Mary and Helen were restless kids, always coming home from school with black eyes from getting into fights or grass stains and mud on their dresses from their “adventures”.
So when they moved in next door to an old abandoned manor house it was inevitable that one October night the girls would hoist themselves over the fence that connected the houses and walk through the long dead grass to the back door.
It hadn’t been locked, and it opened with a loud creak.

Both girls stood silent in the doorway for a moment, waiting to see if the lights at their own home would come on and they would be busted by the noise. Nothing. Mary pulled a flashlight from her dressing gown pocket and shone it inside. The back door opened into a kitchen, and the dust sat so thick on the floor that every step their slippered feet took puffed up a cloud that made Helen sneeze. Mary shot her a look after the fifth sneeze.
“I can’t help it!” She whispered.
“Cover your nose with your handkerchief!”
“I forgot it”
“Take mine” Mary handed over the piece of cloth embroidered with flowers that their mother made them carry everywhere. Mary often carried two, because she knew her sister well. As Helen took the handkerchief, the flashlight flickered and went out. They rushed back to the door, but this time when they turned the handle, it was locked, and there was no sign of a key.

Helen and Mary Watford were missing for long enough that the police declared them kidnapped, and then dead. Fifty years later, the house was purchased, and when they opened the back door, out rushed identical ten year old girls, wide eyed and gasping, and still in their dressing gowns and slippers. Nobody believed their story, but the young couple never moved into their new house after hearing it.
Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Velvet
"I dare you to enter!" Erick whispered to his best friend Benny.
The two of them were standing in front of the abandoned, old home that stood alone down a dusty dirt road. It had been decades since the tiny cabin had been occupied. There was a local legend that claimed the history of the house was one of violence, blood, death, and other unspeakable acts. So of course, like any creepy legend, it attracted the local youth, especially on Halloween night.
"No way!" Benny replied.
"What? Are you too scared?" Erick teased. He would never admit it, but he was also scared. The place seemed to scream "get away", but the two teenagers were too proud to admit it.
"Er, no, but I doubt the door is unlocked. What's the point of even trying? It probably won't even open!" Benny shivered and from more then just the chill in the air.
"Oh, come on! Aren't you even a little curious?" Erick grinned mischievously, "I wonder if the body is still in there? Ya know, the one of the girl that went missing? They say she was murdered in that house."
"Then you go in!" Benny demanded as he took a step back.
"I will then. Maybe you should just go home, Benny." Erick took a few steps forward and was standing on the creaky front porch that lead to the door. The porch was warped and falling apart, but the door appeared to be intact. Perhaps Benny was right, the door may be locked..
"Erick... Come on..." Benny pleaded.
But Erick ignored his best from and turned the door knob. The door slowly creaked open revealing a strange odor and absolute darkness. Panic began to creep through Erick, his skin tingling with uneasiness. "Yeah, I think we should just leave. I can't see anything." Erick gulped and began to back away when something tore through the shadow and yanked the teenager inside. The door then slammed shut. Benny shouted for his best friend, but all was now silent.

The police searched the house, but no body was ever discovered.
Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Woodlandnymph
Drip.Drip. The blood made a thick muffled noise as it rhythmically fell to the carpet. The dark stain crept further out, sucking up the dingy beige as it went. Brandi sat hunched over, as far away as she could possibly be from the bed...from the body, snot and tears mingling on her face.

A car’s headlights flashed by, illuminating the scene briefly. She looked up at the thin motel curtains and finally glanced back over to the bed. A muffled moan escaped her lips. He shouldn’t have come tonight. He knew it was dangerous to be around her.

The closet door rattled and shook, making Brandi jump and cry harder. Her heart pounded in her chest and fluttered. She rocked, sending spittle flecks flying. The laughter started up again. She shook her head again, firmer this time, “I won’t let you out.”

“You have to sooner or later,” the voice mocked, “You can’t keep me here forever. That corpse will start to bloat and fester.”

Brandi’s head perked up and this time she couldn’t help but stare at the lifeless form of her friend. She’d never hear his laugh or stupid jokes again.

“Might as well give him to me.”

“You can’t have him. No one can.” She balled her fists.

“No one can? Is that why you did it?”

“...I...couldn’t. I’m so sorry Chance. What have I done to you?”

She flung her hands out, blindly hitting the knife she used to carve into the only man she loved. She clutched the slippery handle, “What have I done?”

The laugh continued. “Trap me all you like. It won’t last. I will take you both in the end.”

The closet door rattled until it seemed like the whole door frame would break off the wall, and the flimsy talisman she placed on it finally snapped. HE stepped out.

The room grew icy and she felt rather than saw HIS shadow loomed above her. The knife thrust inward, and she felt no more.

DEATH mused over them for a moment... then consumed their souls.
Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Nephila
A True Story from the North

There's a place on the great lakes called Lake of the Woods. Within it there is an area well known for strangeness. Although most won't talk about it with outsiders. It's called "The Devil's Gap".

Back then my Uncle and aunt owned a property closer to a famous landmark in the area. The devil rock. There's a few stories about how and why that rock got there. One is something to do with a group of "Satanists" trying to scare the natives out of the area. Others say it's older and something the natives warned us about. Either way it's a creepy out of place piece of rock the gets painted annually to ward off evil.

Anyway, one fall about a week before Halloween we went there to help get the lodge ready for wintering. My sister and I loved those times. That was until we got the bright idea to do a midnight hike to touch the stone. It was something we heard our older cousins did. A local rite of passage?

So there we were 5 and 7 respectively and as brave as two girls in fuzzy slippers could be. We stole a flash light and snacks, then made our way down the hill towards the hiking trail. We were about halfway down the path when an old Cree man stopped us.

"You red hairs shouldn't be out here. They like that color. They follow and take kids in the night."

This scared my sister so bad she ran all the way back to the lodge- with the flash light. I was left in the dark with this stranger. Oddly, I wasn't afraid of him, just curious.

"They who? Where will they take us? Can you take me to look at it? Pleeeease?"

He wouldn't take me. I still wanted to touch the stone. I never made it much further than where the man that stopped us. I had strange "dreams" for the rest of the week.

Foremost in my mind was the "dragon in a fur coat" that kept taping at my windows at night.
Show Me The Shorty!
Username: LillieRose

Siara Atterton carefully lowered one foot on the first rung and slowly began her descent.

All the years of experience could not prepare her for this - she was excited and terrified.

A find as big as the one she was about to explore only comes along once in a lifetime.

She reached the last rung and as her spacesuit protected arms let go of the bars, she turned around and gasped.

The alien structure in front of her was magnificent. It was definitely made by sentient beings, Siara concluded, based on the shape of what appeared to be the entrance.

It was perfectly circular with what appeared to be beautifully detailed, triangular carvings around the outer edge of it.

As she approached, she flicked on the recording button wired to the visor of her helmet and reached out to touch one of the edges to retrieve a sample. She carefully placed the sample in one of the compartments on the arm of her suit and datavised a quick order to her ship computer for analysis.

After a few moment, the results data appeared on her visor's screen.

"Material: organic.
Origin: unknown.
Compound: unknown.
Results: inconclusive.
Retrieve more samples for further analysis."

Siara's pupils widened. An organic material of unknown origin? Uncommon but not unusual.

Since humankind began its space exploration, many marvelous discoveries have been made but there were still many secrets to uncover. The universe was vast.

Despite the tingle of fear down her spine, Siara decided to proceed.

She carefully stepped in front of the circular entrance and observed that the triangle shaped carvings were arranged all around it in a very purposeful manner, as the space between them was equal all around.

She reached out and touched the lower, protruding end of one of them.

Suddenly, a warm wind blew right toward her from the centre of the entrance hole.

Her poor human eyes were not quick enough to detect the movement of the arch above her head, as it crushed down on her.

And with a sickening crunch and a belch, she was no more.
Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Car'a'Carn
Entry:(I Went over... It's actually 368 words )
The gasper dangles from her pretty red lips. What a dish. One of those nights yer glad you stayed late to dip the bill. I lean back in my chair, shaking a gasper outta my deck. Empty.

“Spare a butt gorgeous?” The blinds make hard shadows across her features. Her dress sparkles, catching the light. She takes a pull, then passes it to me. Lipstick stains an’ all.

It’s sweet. The smoke pours down my throat like cheap Bourbon. It does the job.

“You gonna help? Or you gonna pull on those butts all night, drownin’ in corn?” She stands there staring at me, hands on her hips, leanin’ forwards on gams that won’t stop. A real pro skirt.

“Long as you got the scratch doll” I nibble one while I wait. It burns, but I like it that way.

“Youse dicks are all the same ain’t youse?” She tosses a wad o’ dough in my lap. It’s heavy. Ought’a be ‘nuf.

“Listen doll, I ain’t no sap... But I’ll take a pipe at yer case.”

“Name’s Shae, Flattie” Then she gave me the dust.


Can’t finger it… But there’s something fishy wit’ this girl. Wit’ the whole. I grab my Flogger, holster my heat. Time to ankle over to the Clip joint.

It ain’t a long walk. Bruno stops me at the door but I flash ‘em the butt of my colt an’ He lets me in.

I glance at the canary on stage an’ freeze. Lin? What’s she doin’ here? Our eyes meet. My best moll, an’ she ain’t smiling... Something hinky here.

There’s the bossman with the big alderman. … And Shae. I head over.

“Well this ain’t what I expected Shae...”

“Never is, is it Flattie?” Shae Smirks.

A hatchet man reaches for his roscoe but I beat him to the pull “Grab air!”

“Chase! Watch out!” The music’s stopped. I turn an’ look at Lin. Movement. I’m just in time to pipe the hatchet man burn powder. The slug burns across my conk... How, how did I get to my knees? My… My colt… ... It’s sticky. The blood. Pouring down my pan. Shae is… Above me?

“You… You played me for a chump…”
Show Me The Shorty!
Username: Naisou
The woods could be a dangerous place, especially at night. Full of creatures who hunted and killed without thought of mercy. The week surrounding the full moon being exceptionally perilous for those caught unaware.

Going for a run was cathartic though, shedding the burdens of reality and focusing on the simple push and pull of straining muscles. When the need for release came, it didn't matter what perils the full moon held. I was strong enough. Smart enough. Or so I had always thought.

And I needed this run, a bone deep need so strong that the panicked pleas my mother uttered fell onto deaf ears as I ran. The rhythmic thud of my feet hitting the soft earth, breaths condensing in the cold night air, heart beating against my ribs. These were what I focused on. Not the colicky cries of my baby sister or the slurs thrown from villagers as we passed.

The anger swelled up again, pushing out behind my eyes, clawing into my brain. Anger at our poverty, our fathers death, the unbridled hatred shown to us. I ran faster. Branches scratching, snagging, trying to slow my frantic pace.

Pain bloomed in my haunches, overwhelming me, dragging me back to the present. The metallic smell of blood sharp in the cold night air.

Drunken shouts of triumph flooded my ears, the heavy, uneven fall of feet rushing forward, snapping the undergrowth.

Panic flared bright, snarls tearing from my foaming lips as I fell. My skin rippled, fur bristling as I attempted to change. Unwilling to let the men have my pelt as a souvenir. The silver bullet lodged in my leg prevented me from succeeding, boiling my blood within me.

"It's tryin' change back."
"Finish it quick! Human skin ain't worth 'nuthin."

A knife flashed. My last thought was of my mother and sister. Would they survive? Father butchered and now this. My pelt to be hung on a wall.

I should have known not to go into the woods during a full moon. When the monstrous humans came out hunting for elusive silver manwolf pelts.

Last edited by Linnea; 11-10-2017 at 04:07 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:22 AM

Even Shorter Stories!

For this contest, I challenge you to come up with some original and quick haikus, limericks, sonnets, or poems.
Still has to be related to the theme of the event or course.
And again, make sure it is nothing you've posted before and absolutely no plagiarizing!
*For this contest you can enter twice!

Entry Form:
[color="orchid"][SIZE=6][B]A Quickie![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[color="orchid"][b]Username:[/b] [/COLOR]

A Quickie!
Username: Nephila

Dream thief has long teeth
Moonlight glistening red drops
Survival not cer-
A Quickie!
Username: Nephila

Make and bake;
The ritual sweet cake, an adventure to take.

Potions and lotions;
The ruckus commotions, and fractal emotions.

Blood and bone
You're not alone, soft chalk on hard stone.

Dare and fare;
Embrace the nightmare, dance in the square.

Chainmaile and flail;
Remove the veil, as it drops we set sail.
A Quickie!
Username: star2000shadow
Entry: All Hallow's Eve

The Leaves twist and tug,
a brezze dancing through Skeletel Limbs,
Pumpkin Orange,
and Witches black,

spirits energy,
ghostly moaning's,
Spirits veil,
Worlds beyond,

the witching hour,
has finally come,
lets all clasp hands,
And dance beneath a blood red moon.
A Quickie!
We do not walk by the old Oak tree
Whose limbs do crack and quiver

Nor skip by old man Willow
His branches snap and crack and reach

We hold our breath as we pass the Ash
Lest it be stolen away for good

When the moon is high and full we dare’nt
Stray down the path bathed in its light
For the wildwood is deep and treacherous
And the paths do twist at night

We do not walk by the old Oak tree
Whose limbs they want to tear us

Nor skip by old man Willow
He’ll drown you quick in the river below

We hold our breath as we pass the Ash
Our breath turns cold as death comes past

When the moon is high and full we dare’nt
Follow and run in the midnight sun
For the wildwood is deep and treacherous
And the paths do lead us to our plight
A Quickie!
Username: Woody

Faded crimson leaves do blow
Across the broken stone below
Vines creep and crumble down
Soft marble stones to the ground

The iron sign is flecked with rust
An ear is missing from the bust
Of “Dearly Departed Maive”
No one left to mourn her grave

The grounds are vast, in disrepair
And silence hangs heavy in the air
The only sounds the mournful cry
Of doves and owls just flying by

But still when the moon is overhead
Just a sickle of light illuminating their bed
You might just catch the sleepers still
Coming up to dance their fill

No music heard nor witness here
And still they dance in funeral gear
Dawn’s cold rays sets dead to sleep
Down they lay in the dreamless deep

A Quickie!
Username: monstahh`

Tall and slender
Off in the distance
In the shadows of the creeping night
He watches
He waits
The right time
The right victim
Run, if you can
But his long legs will always catch up
A Quickie!
Username: Naisou
Don't close your eyes
For if you do
The shadow man
Will come for you.

Don't go to sleep
For when you wake
The shadow man
Your soul will take.

But if your soul is stained
And darkness lives within.

Don't be afraid
For then you'll see
The shadow man
Will welcome thee.

Last edited by Linnea; 11-10-2017 at 04:08 AM..

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:24 AM


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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 08:25 AM


the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 09:21 PM

Kind of curious if I could screenshot sims things and art in some speech bubbles or something for the comic one... hmmmmm. (because lazy and annoyed with my art tablet at the moment)

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:09 PM

oh my gosh, that would be amazing! yes i am ok with that, just credit the sims, please!


Kent is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:09 PM

Woah. Flash fiction. XD I'm sorta interested in making a comic. O:

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:14 PM

i'd love to see it, kent!

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 10:36 PM

Just updated the prizes! check it out!

dusting off the cobwebs

Bearzy is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 11:13 PM

I'm so excited to give this a shot, maybe as warm up for NaNoWriMo...

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 11:24 PM

Oh absolutely. :] If only I had a spooky sim house set up already.. hmmmmmm.. (i just got the Halloween stuff so that's why it came to mind.)

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 11:27 PM

that's a really good idea, bearzy!

---------- Post added 10-27-2017 at 04:27 PM ----------


the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-27-2017, 11:58 PM

That's a fantastic idea bearzy! i've been feeling a little shaky about nano. but goodness after writing my story for my game I feel like I could win at nano again this year. xD
even though i failed at all of the camps this year. LOL

yes! It was on sale for half off and i just had to get it. now i have cute little pumpkins and ghosts to decorate. and my sims can CARVE PUMPKINS!!

OMG i think i know what I want to do for my story now. xD

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 06:32 AM

Sharpens hello kitty pencils

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 03:52 PM

hope to see your entries!

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 04:45 PM

Username: Shadami
Entry: Click on thumbnail for full view

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 05:24 PM

oooo! you made a cessy and jeryck sim! that's fun!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 05:25 PM

*thinks of something*

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 06:16 PM

Thanks Linnea. ^-^ It was funky i had to make some random sim to be a parent so i could have them be grandfather and granddaughter to each other. xD I think i may actually go in and clean them up even more. make full wardrobes and make the other NPCs and upload it to the gallery. they were fun to make. xD

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Linnea is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 06:28 PM

OMG that would be so cool! and with the new pets coming out next month you could make a yumeh too!

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 06:36 PM

yup. :] I'm hoping to be able to pick up pets. My stream is probably going to be helping me out. They've been bugging me to make them into animals for a long time.

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 06:38 PM

yes. great idea, Khaleesi!
make a yumeh, Shad!

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 10-28-2017, 07:03 PM

i will if i can get the pets expansion when it comes out ^-^


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