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Old 05-02-2015, 04:25 AM

Two friends will find love in an unlikely place.

This is a roleplay between zigbigadorlube and Nova only.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-04-2015 at 06:58 PM..


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Old 05-02-2015, 11:40 PM

Name: Elise Hardford
Nickname: Elie
Age: 16
Grade: 11
Average: B
Favorite Subject: Science
Least Favorite Subject: History
Likes: Ice skating, Classical Music, Shopping, Tea, Candles, Reading Magazines
Dislikes: Cigarette Smoke, Bullies, Bees
Favorite Food: Vanilla ice cream
Personality: Curious, polite, stubborn, open
Biography: Elie's parents divorced when she was six. Her mother moved away and leaving Elie and her dad on their own. After watching the Olympics together, he noticed his daughter's interest in ice skating and signed her up for classes at the local rink. It was the one thing that brought them together during the difficult time directly following the divorce. Growing up Elie spent a lot of time with the boy down the street Kevin. As she got older, her dad began taking longer business trips and Elie found herself spending more time with Kevin than her own father but he was always sure to come to her Sunday practices and competitions.
Other: Wears contacts

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-04-2015 at 01:07 AM..

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Old 05-03-2015, 04:21 PM

Name: Kevin Winters
Age: 17
Grade: 11
Average: C
Favorite Subject: Language Arts
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Likes: Cats, poetry, reading, camping
Dislikes: Doctors, storms, boats
Perso: caring, shy, timid
Bio: Kevin is an only child. His mother works as a doctor at the nearby hospital and his father is long gone. Left him and his mother years ago. He loves cats and loves his best friend as if she were his sister. She's the only one he could ever really talk to and open up about his problems. Since his mom works all the time and he didn't have many friends, he pretty much stays to himself all the time.


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Old 05-04-2015, 01:26 AM

Elise's hand fumbled over the button of her alarm clock. She stared at the clock groggily before finally noticing the time. "Oh no!" she cried before throwing back the covers. Digging around in her closet she threw some clothes on her bed and ran across the hall into the bathroom to shower. Fifteen minutes later she was back in her room dressing. She pulled on a pair of jeans and a pulled a sweater down over hear head before finger combing her hair up into an acceptable bun. She quickly checking her handiwork in the mirror then threw her jacket on and shoved books and notebooks from her desk into her school bag before dashing down the stairs.

In the kitchen she opened the door to the refrigerator, grabbed the first bag that she saw, and shoved it into her backpack along with a water bottle. From the counter she grabbed a granola bar and dashed out the door, stopping a moment to lock it behind her. Usually she wasn’t one to be late but she had stayed up later than usual and snoozed her alarm one too many times. Walking quickly, she passed houses on either side of the street until she reached the one that she was headed for. Checking the time, she hoped that Kevin hadn’t already gone ahead without her. Jogging up the steps of his house, she knocked loudly on the door and then stood back to see if he would answer. While she waited, she unwrapped the granola bar in her hand and took a bite. It wasn’t the best breakfast but it was better than nothing.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-04-2015 at 01:33 AM..

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Old 05-04-2015, 08:21 PM

Kevin was home alone as usual, he had already gotten up and taken a shower before getting dressed. He wore a red sports jacket, a pale blue tank top, a pair of matching sweat pants and white/ blue sneakers. And he had already had breakfast and fed Milly, his kitten. Now he was just passing time as he waited patiently for Ellie. He sighed as he played with the kitten and worriedly glanced at his wrist watch. 'She's late...' He thought to himself. Kevin looked at Milly with a tilted head. "Should I go pick her up?" He asked curiously. Milly mewed at him. He simply chuckled lightly and continued playing with her.

When he heard the loud knock, he quickly rose to his feet and slung his bag over his shoulder. "Be good, I'll be home in a few hours." He told the kitten before going and answering the door, greeting his friend with a warm smile. "Hey, we just talking about you." He teased playfully as he stepped outside and closed the door so that Milly wouldn't escape.


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Old 05-04-2015, 08:40 PM

Elie hastened to finish chewing and swallow the bite of granola bar she had just put in her mouth when Kevin appeared at the door a moment later. “Hey,” she said, once her mouth was clear, “Sorry I’m late.” Elie blushed. It wasn’t like her to be late. She usually liked to be on time for things but this morning had caught her off guard. “How’s Milly?” she asked, already aware of who Kevin had been “speaking” with. His mother seemed to be away about as often as her own father was.

Her dad wouldn’t let her have a pet of her own so she liked to live vicariously through Kevin and his fluffy little kitten. She usually spent at least a half hour over at his house every day playing with the little furball, doing homework, or just hanging out. They had practically grown up together over the years and it just felt right to spend that much time together, especially when they lived on the same block.

Elise stepped out onto the sidewalk and looked back to make sure Kevin was following. She didn’t want to be late for school after all. Once he caught up, she fell into step beside him and bit off another bite of granola bar. She had a competition coming up soon so she would have to be careful about making sure not to skip meals from hereon out.

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Old 05-05-2015, 12:00 AM

He shook his head and waved his free hand lightly. "Hey, don't worry about it." He said to her, smiling kindly. Kevin chuckled lightly and ran his fingers through his hair. "She's doing well." He answered casually as he walked towards her. Kevin followed her to sidewalk and from there they walked to school together. He put his behind his head as they walked and glanced over at her. Kevin never really noticed how thin Ellie was..yet she looked so fit. Sighing softly, he moved his blue eyes to the blue sky. "So um..wanna have dinner with me and Milly tonight? Mom's pulling another all-nighter and probably won't be home 'til early morning..." He said quietly, trying to hide his light blush.


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Old 05-05-2015, 12:34 AM

Elie smiled back at Kevin as he brushed away her apology. She watched as he ran a hand through his blonde hair. It was getting a bit long but she honestly liked it that way. It looked soft and clean and was almost tempted to reach out and touch it but stopped herself, a bit confused by the sudden urge. She pushed the thought aside as he commented on Milly. She should take some pictures of her she decided. Milly would grow up fast and be out of the kitten stage before they knew it.

Elie took another bite of her granola bar and chewed it quietly. It was a relatively nice day though she was glad she had worn a coat as a gust of wind blew stray tendrils of her hair about. She glanced over at Kevin as he sighed and listened to his offer of coming over for dinner. It wasn’t anything terribly new or different for them but he seemed a bit shy about asking for some reason… “I have practice tonight,” she said, “I can come by after then though,” she added with a smile. She briefly thought of inviting him to come watch her practice but decided against it. Kevin surely had better things to do with his time, like studying. She had noticed that his grades in math seemed to be slipping lately.

Adjusting her backpack slightly, Elie smiled, “So what do you want to eat?” she asked. She wasn’t the best cook but the housekeeper Marisa had taught her a few things. Pasta for one was quite easy and a good staple food that she ate often. Or they could always order takeout, either would be fine with her.

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Old 05-05-2015, 06:36 PM

He smirked lightly at her answer and moved his arms back down to his sides. "Awesome." He replied casually. Kevin thought for a moment and glanced at her. "Hey..mind if I come watch today? At practice I mean." He asked curiously after realizing that after knowing her basically all his life, he'd never once gone to one of her practicing or matches. It made him feel kind of like a bad friend...

He nervously scratched the side of his cheek, smiling sheepishly. "I was actually hoping we could get pizza." Kevin admitted, hoping it didn't sound like he was asking her out. That would be a little awkward, considering that he had never even had a girlfriend before.


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Old 05-05-2015, 06:55 PM

Elie looked back over at Kevin when he asked about coming to watch her practice. He had never actually come to see her practice before and was slightly taken aback by his sudden request. He had never really seemed particularly interested in her skating and in fact had never even seen her compete before. She didn’t mind though, figure skating was a pretty girly thing that she didn’t figure most boys were into, why should Kevin be any exception? But then why was he asking now? And why did she suddenly feel so self-conscious about him coming to watch her skate? Still, she didn’t want to turn him away and it would actually be kind of cool if her best friend took an interest in one of the most important things in her life.

“Sure!” she said at last, hoping the enthusiasm in her voice would mask the fact that it had taken her a minute to respond. “We can walk over to the rink together after school.” “Pizza sounds good to me,” she added, “I’m usually starving after practice.” Ice skating looked pretty effortless, compared to running for example, but burned almost as many calories. She'd probably be extra hungry too for not having eaten much for breakfast. Shoving the remainder of the granola bar in her mouth, she chewed slowly and tucked the wrapper into her coat pocket until she could get a chance to throw it away.

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Old 05-05-2015, 08:09 PM

Kevin began thinking that asking her was a bad idea since she seemed nervous about him going..he wondered if he should change the subject. Subject- ugh! He remembered that he had a test in his second period class, math. Great. Just what he needed. If this kept up, he'd have to give up his little kitten. The agreement that he made with his mother about the kitten was that he could keep her so long as he kept his grades up and took care of her properly. If his grades were to fall below a C, he would have to give the kitten up so that he could focus more on his school work.

Hearing Ellie speak, caused the boy to blink and glance at her, smiling. "Sweet." He said in response to her answer and following statement. Kevin smirked when she agreed to pizza. "What's your favorite pizza?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck as they walked.


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Old 05-05-2015, 08:24 PM

Elie swallowed her mouthful of granola and shifted her backpack so she could grab the water bottle inside. She took a couple of swigs then recapped the bottle and stashed it in her bag once again. “I’m not picky really,” she said, “But I’d say Hawaiian pizza is my favorite.” There was something about the combination of the sweet pineapple with melted cheese that she really enjoyed. “What about you?” she asked. She felt like she should know the answer to this question but somehow had never really paid attention. Besides, maybe it had changed over the years. Her tastes were hardly the same at 16 as they were when she was 6.

Elie thought about her first period English class. Their teacher was so boring and monotone half of the class was usually sleeping before the end. She had a feeling that today she would probably be one of them. She definitely should have gone to bed earlier but she had been up late watching a movie. She didn’t usually watch movies on weeknights but her father was away and she’d had nothing better to do really. She’d probably regret it later though. Whatever, she’d just worry about going to bed earlier tonight to make up for it.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-09-2015 at 03:27 PM..

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Old 05-09-2015, 12:13 AM

He actually had to think a moment, since he really liked just about anything. When one popped into his head and looked at Ellie and smiled. "Hawaiian is the best, no doubt." He answered. "As long as they don't overcook the pineapple." He added lightheartedly. "I guess we'll order a large Hawaiian and a small cheese, for lunch for another day." Kevin said with a light smirk. He took a deep breath and looked up at the sky as they walked, knowing that the school was inching closer. All they had to do was walk another two or three blocks. He didn't want to think about the math test. But what choice did he have? Man, school was a drag...


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Old 05-09-2015, 03:34 PM

Ellie laughed lightly when Kevin revealed that Hawaiian pizza was his favorite as well. She wasn’t terribly surprised when he mentioned ordering extra pizza to have for lunch. Kevin’s mom wasn’t around a lot and as far as she knew he didn’t really like to cook much. She was lucky that her father’s housekeeper came over a few days a week to clean, do the shopping, and cook. She always mad leftovers that she packed away for Ellie to take for lunches or reheat for dinner on the nights she wasn’t there.

“That’s a good idea,” she said. Cheese would definitely be the easiest pizza to reheat—or eat cold. “Did you study for that math test?” she asked, remembering that they had one planned in the second period math class that they shared. Ellie hadn’t bothered to study for it. Math was one of those things where you either got it or you didn’t and she had done fairly well on this chapter’s homework assignments so she felt she had a good enough grasp to at least pass if not get a relatively good grade on it.

History however was a different story entirely. All the names and dates and facts to remember. It just wasn't her thing. She spent hours pouring over the textbook and her notes and even made flash cards to test herself but even with all of the effort to put in her grades never seemed to get better in that class.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 05-09-2015 at 03:36 PM..

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Old 05-16-2015, 02:46 AM

((sorry for the wait!! x.x))

He smiled when she laughed. Kevin really liked it when Ellie smiled, or laughed. He gave him a sense of relief, he didn't know why but he also didn't question it. When she asked about his test, he groaned a little. "Yes I studied, but I don't see how I'm gonna pass- but if I don't then I have to give up Milly..." Kevin rubbed his face with his hand and sighed. "I have to pass..." He murmured quietly under his breath. Kevin honestly didn't want to think about the event of giving up his kitten.

((mind if we have them get to school? or did you have something in mind? O.o))


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Old 05-16-2015, 03:03 AM

((That's alright, I figure a lot of people are busy right now with exams and whatnot. ^^;))

When Kevin groaned at her mention of the math exam, Ellie's face switched to concern. At least he had put in the effort to study. Surely his efforts would count for something? She could definitely feel his pain at the possibility of losing Milly though. That little kitten seemed to be one of the only good things in his life right now and she definitely wouldn't like to see it taken away. That and she had admittedly become a bit attached to the cute little kitten herself.

"Maybe I could tutor you a few nights a week?" she offered quietly. She hadn't offered before because she was usually quite busy with skating but even if they sat down to study together only once or twice a week Kevin still might benefit from it. In any case it couldn't hurt at the very least. It was too late to have an effect on today's exam but if he could scrape by with a good enough score that would buy them some more time to really study hard for the next one and prove to Kevin's mother that he could do better.

As they stepped up to the front of the school, Ellie turned to Kevin. "Think about it," she said, leaving the choice up to him. She wouldn't force herself upon him if he'd rather study alone but if he wanted the help her offer was there. Noticing the other students around them stepping inside, Ellie made her way up the steps and then turned to wave at Kevin, "Well I better get going, the bell will be ringing soon. See you in second period!" With that the brunette stepped inside and headed to her locker to drop off her coat and backpack and pick up her first period's books.

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Old 05-21-2015, 06:53 PM

Kevin nodded to her offer. it wasn't such a bad idea. As he pondered the question, they reached the school and the students were scurrying to their classes. He sighed ad glanced at Ellie and nodded. "Yeah, I'll think on it." He said, smiling. Then he proceeded to his next class to deal with the test. He just hoped that it wouldn't take up the entire math class..those tests were such a drag.

Stepping into his math class, we took his seat and took out the things he would need in that class. Once the tests were handed out, Kevin thought long and hard about each question. Not wanting to rush and risk getting a worse grade then he already thought he was going to get.


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Old 05-31-2015, 02:03 PM

Ellie stepped into her first period English class and took a seat near the back. They were currently reading Ethan Frome. Ellie didn't mind reading but the book was one of the most boring things she had ever opened in her life just as their English teacher Mr. Kingsly was just about the most boring person she had ever met on the planet. She supposed the book suited him but that didn't make it any less painful to read it. Tossing her book down on the desk, Ellie took her chair and propped her head on her chin, preparing herself for yet another unbearably boring hour with Kingsly.

About twenty minutes into class, her head began to bob and sway as sleep called to her. Cracking her eyes open she noticed that at least a fourth of the class was already conked out and gave in, her eyes slipping fully closed.

Forty minutes later, the bell ringing pulled her back from slumberland. Slowly lifting her head, Ellie rubbed at her eyes and grabbed Ethan Frome off of her desk, shuffling out behind the rest of the zombie pack. Tossing the offending book back into her locker, she wondered why she had even bothered to bring it. Grabbing her math book and notebook, she headed off to second period math class. Kevin was already seated and she took the spot next to him. She was going to wish him good luck but he seemed to be busy concentrating on his notes so she sat down silently beside him and took out her pencil. Once she received her copy of the test, Ellie bent over the paper and began to work through the questions, her pencil scratching against the paper as she wrote out the answers to each quetion.

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 06-06-2015 at 03:02 PM..

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Old 06-04-2015, 09:48 PM

Kevin hated his first class more than he hated math... He was passing this class though with an excellent grade. So he kicked back after completing the assignment and took a nap without the teacher even knowing.

When the bell rang, he gathered his things as quickly as he could and moved on to his next class to get the test over with. He sat where he always sat and waited for Ellie, until a copy of the horrific test was slapped in front of him. He sighed and began to study each question very carefully before scribbling an answer on the paper, praying to God that the answer was correct.

By the time he had finished the test, most of the other students had already completed their tests- and Kevin's anxiety was through the roof. His nerves were gone. Since no one had moved from the desk to turn in the test, he didn't either. He put his head on his desk and waited for the teacher to collect the tests.


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Old 06-06-2015, 03:10 PM

Ellie finished her test about halfway into the period. Looking up she noticed that a few other students had finished as well. With nothing else to do she double checked her answers before flipping the paper over. Usually tests like these lasted the whole period so now she had about twenty minutes to kill until the bell rang. With a light sigh, she glanced over at Kevin to see how he was doing. His brow was furrowed with concentration and it was clear that he was on edge. Ellie wished she could help him but looked away before the teacher could accuse her of cheating. She doodled on the back of her scrap paper, making marks that to anyone else would have seemed like a secret code. Instead it was the layout of her skating routine, the one she would perform at the upcoming competition.

Eventually the teacher called for them to pass their tests forward and Ellie handed hers to the girl in front of her, confident that she had received at least an B. Looking back over at Kevin, she smiled, trying to ease his obvious discomfort. "How do you think you did?" she asked gently, tucking a stray tendril of hair behind her ear as she waited for his response.

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Old 06-27-2015, 02:38 AM

((so sorry for the wait! life drama happened all over the place x.x))

Kevin passed his test up to the student in front of him when the teacher called for them to pass their tests forward, then lowered his head. Praying like hell that he got a passing grade, even if it was just a lousy C- it was still passing. He sighed quietly and glanced at Ellie with a small smile. "I think I did alright." He said quietly, partially lying so that she wouldn't worry or tell him otherwise. He honestly didn't know how he did, and didn't really want to think about it. Kevin sat back in his seat and stared at the ceiling.

(i hope this is okay :x)


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Old 07-10-2015, 01:54 PM

((I’m going to do a short time skip to lunch time, I hope you don’t mind? If not let me know and I can go back and change it.))

Ellie smiled, “That’s great!” she said, though Kevin didn’t seem that sure about it. She really hoped that it would turn out alright. In any case they would know in a day or two. “Anyway, it’s over now so you can relax,” she added brightly, trying to cheer him up. Whether he passed or failed, there wasn’t anything he could do about it now so there was no use worrying about it for the moment.

Glancing over at the clock, Ellie gathered her things up as the bell rang. ”Anyway, cheer up! I’ll see you at lunch!” With that she waved and joined the rest of the class heading out into the hallway. She swapped her math book out for her science materials and headed off to Chemistry. It was one of her favorite classes so she was sure to enjoy it. After that she had a period of study hall and then finally lunch.

Ellie walked into the lunchroom with her lunch in hand and approached their usual table in the corner. Kevin wasn’t there yet so she sat down and unpacked her lunch. Today’s menu seemed to be some sort of chilled casserole. She would have preferred something warm but the only microwave in the school was in the teacher’s lounge and therefore off limits. With a sigh she took a bite of her meal and looked around once again for her friend.

((Sorry for the long wait. ))

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Old 07-12-2015, 04:10 AM

((it's okay! and i don't mind the time skip ^-^))

Kevin nodded lightly to her comment and began gathering his things so that he could walk out of the room at a moments notice. But the bell had already rang and Ellie was already walking out with the rest of the class. Kevin got up and walked out of the classroom and headed to locker where he got the proper books for his next class and put the math book into his locker

When lunch finally came around he slugishly headed to the lunchroom. He had a surprise pop-quiz in his last class, and failed. Kevin didn't bother getting anything to eat because he wasn't hungry, and just went straight to the table where he and Ellie always sat. Kevin sat next to his best friend and smiled at her. "Hey, how was your Chem-class?" He asked, referring to her chemisty class, that's just what he called it.


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Old 07-17-2015, 06:27 PM

Ellie smiled when she noticed Kevin approaching the table but her smile faded slightly as she realized how beat he looked. ”Hey!” she greeted him back. Thinking about Chemistry class was enough to bring a smile back to her face. ”It was pretty interesting!” she said, ”We started radioactivity today, it’s really fascinating!” She doubted he wanted a play by play on the subject though so she quickly changed topics. ”What about you? You’re not hungry today?” she asked with a frown. Eating was important though she supposed if Kevin didn’t eat much now he would probably make up for it later with the pizza. While she waited for him to respond she took another bite of chilled pasta and veggies. She was looking forward to pizza.

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Old 07-30-2015, 12:43 AM

Kevin couldn't help but smile a little when she greeted him. He was glad to hear she had a good class period. He chuckled lightly and scratched his head. "Radioactivity, you say?" He asked curiously. "Maybe I should hide in your class for a bit." Kevin joked half-heartedly. He knew about some of that stuff, but not much. Chemistry wasn't really his subject. He shrugged lightly when she asked him about him being hungry. "Not really." Kevin answered quietly with a sigh. "I'm totally bummed out from last class- we had a surprise pop-quiz and I totally bombed it. I hate that teacher." He murmured quietly as his head fell.

He was worried that he would have to give up his kitten. His teacher was always pulling crap like that! pop-quiz's, extra homework, long lectures- it drove him nuts! But, the class wasn't an elective so he didn't have much room to complain.


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