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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-27-2014, 09:37 PM


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[There are NPC employees that basically run the Inn, they are just marionettes, dolls more or less and they take care of all the mundane, typical inn running tasks. I.e. serving wenches, bartender, a cook, maid, etc.]

The Dusty Bat with it's quaint and friendly appearance sits on the road's edge. Though for all it's friendly and cozy appearance, dark rumors surround the Dusty Bat. Rumors of people going in and never being seen again and sometimes those who are seen again are changed, nothing but a mere shell of their former selves. Sometimes screams can be heard coming from the inn during the night. Perhaps the place is haunted by evil spirits, or maybe run by a demon? What if the innkeeper is a vampire, for he is never seen outside the establishment when the sun is up after all.

Though these are only a few of the rumors that surround the Dusty Bat, however rumors never seem to stop people from entering the establishment, if anything it spurs on more. People are curious, but not just the curious, also hunters of demons, banishers of dark spirits and skeptics alike enter and are welcomed at the Dusty Bat.

Have you come to find the truth to the rumors?

Virsat Andarias
A timid creature at best, his actual position in the Dusty Bat is rather unclear. Is he the proprietor? Perhaps just the innkeeper? Might he be the house keeper? Could this timid thing be responsible for the dark rumors? Whatever his role may be, he is always in the Dusty Bat and seldom ventures out of it's doors, especially when the sun is up.

Opening Post

There were people in the Dusty Bat, not a lot mind you. Just a few, and most had been here for a few days already. Perhaps the rumors that circulated were actually starting to frighten people away? It didn't matter, the people here now would keep his master fed for another week, but then what would happen if no one else came in? Surely others would come in, they always did, but whenever there was a lull, Virsat worried. He would be punished and his master would have to find a new means of luring in victims.

Once a person entered the Dusty Bat, the thought of leaving it usually didn't cross their mind anymore. The threshold was spelled, although it didn't work on everyone, it did work on almost everyone. They simply seemed to forget that they had a journey to finish, a home to return to. So they remained only to be devoured by some creature. A creature that Virsat was very fond of. His master, Virsat owed the creature a great deal and had been with him for a very long time. In fact there were very few memories in Virsat's head that didn't also involve this creature that was lord over him.

Virsat fed the creature all and any who entered the Inn and in return Virsat was rewarded with his master's blood. The vampire was addicted, had been since the first taste so long ago, though it was also the only blood he was allowed to take, and even if he hadn't been addicted, the thought of ever trying to break free of his master never would have occurred to him. Virsat knew very well that he simply could not survive on his own, he would starve or be slain.

This creature only ever revealed itself to it's victims, in their rooms at night when they lay down to sleep, and to Virsat. Though the vampire could always feel his master's presence, it lurked in the shadows, under tables and in dark crevices. It was never far from him, vicious and ravenous. The creature Virsat served was an eater of souls. Those lucky few, if they could be called lucky, that did manage to avoid the charm and did escape alive didn't usually escape completely whole. A partial soul, making them only shells of the person they had once been.

The vampire, Virsat, sat at a table, lightly tapping his fingers on the table top and just watching the few guests that were drinking and interacting with one another. Yes, there were only enough left for a week or so. Those red eyes moved across the room, there were tavern wenches and an actual innkeeper in this establishment, so Virsat needed not do any real work. Though the wenches and innkeeper were nothing more than animated dolls, with soulless eyes and empty smiles. This place was nothing more than a trap, a cage. A cage for Virsat as well as his master's intended victims.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 01:37 AM

Chrysanta hated her name. She hated her large bouncy chest too. It made her body impractical for fighting anything that went bump in the night. She rebraided her long blonde hair again, and stuck a spiked leather wrap at the end. That at least made her hair alright for battle, plus the long spiked chord at the center of the three strands helped a lot too.

Dust got kicked up from the road as Chrissie's horse plodded along. She needed a new one, and new gear too. That was most of the reason why she had taken it in her head to go to the Dusty Bat Inn. The place's name alone was suspicious. Then there were the rumors. They surrounded the paradise like place. It looked like honey, ready to trap anything that walked in that door.

And of course she was going to.

The hunter pulled lightly on the reins of her grey dapple gelding. She slipped out of her creaking saddle. Hardboiled leather armor covered her forearms, and protected the same chest she'd thought of so derisively. Her long legs were well shown off by her deerskin pants, and her calf hugging leather boots. That was for practical reason. It made it easier to kick and run, unlike the skirts a lot of other women preferred, or were forced to wear.

After tying her horse to a post, she walked inside. "Hey, anyone around?'

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 01:51 AM

There were people around. Not very many mind you, just a couple of patrons here and there. Jovially drinking their ale and conversating with one another, and there were wenches moving back and forth from the patrons, refilling their ale and what not. A man behind the main bar stood, where he could offer service to those that wanted to sit at the bar instead of the tables. There was a maid somewhere too, probably cleaning a mess that had undoubtedly been left in one of the rooms the night before.

All of these employees were nothing more than animated dolls though. However, Virsat was there as well, he sat at a table and tapped his fingers against it gently. His table was sitting more in the shadows, furthest from the windows that the sunlight seemed to happily stream in. When the woman entered, Virsat's body tensed and his fingers had stopped tapping at that table's surface. Though, he always tensed when people came in, even though the spell cast upon the threshold often enthralled them completely, strangers still made Virsat a bit nervous. There was always a chance that someone that entered would be able to resist the enchantment. It was a harmless enchantment really, it just made people want to stay, rent rooms and never leave.

The enchantment didn't always work, but that was rare. When the woman spoke, Virsat watched her more intently, his eyes a light reddish color. He didn't say anything though, and one of the serving wenches. A doll with empty smiles and soulless eyes, approached the woman to see what she might need. Food? A room? Virsat hoped she wanted a room. She could be another meal for his master. He shifted slightly in his seat and lowered his head a bit, letting that long hair fall forward over his shoulders.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 02:00 AM

Chrissie had felt something slide across her skin when she walked through the door. Now it was gone, like spiderwebs brushed away by a stick. She shook her head and plastered a grin on her face when one of the barmaids walked over. The hunter made a show of stretching, and seeming road weary. Quite the opposite was true. She felt energized, excited, better then she had in days!

"A room and food would be great. Oh, and any info you could get me about local legends." She could probably pass herself off as a treasure hunter. "Particularly the ones about treasure." It was odd. The other patrons were more interested in their drink and food then a newcomer. Usually they always looked up when someone new walked in.

The barmaid walked away to take care of the room part after Chrysantha handed over a few coins. She took the opportunity to scan the room for a likely table, and spotted one in the shadows that had a good view of the rest of the room. Sadly there was already someone there, though perhaps that might be good. Putting a more demure smile on her face, she sauntered over after pushing the sword at her hip so it was far less visible then before.

"So, is the food here any good?" She slid onto an empty stool, and looked at the dark haired man sitting at the table.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 02:20 AM

When it became clear to Virsat that the woman was approaching his table, he lowered his head a bit more. The vampire's body very tense. Why had she come over here? Why didn't she just sit at an empty table? Then she was speaking, the words clearly directed to him as she sat down. Virsat frowned deeply for a moment, but when he lifted his head to look at her the frown was gone. "...It's...good enough for them.." His voice. It was quiet, so soft and rather uncertain. He had glanced at the other patrons for a moment when he spoke the words, to indicate how they seemed to be enjoying themselves.

That gaze settled on her again, just as he lifted a hand to tuck some of his long strands of hair behind an ear. There were bits of red in his hair. Not a lot, just a few strands had been colored, it wasn't natural. It was the physical sign of the contract with his master, but no one should really be able to tell that. Maybe. He bit his bottom lip slightly, watching her. He was clothed rather casually, a loose white shirt that hung open a bit, black pants and no shoes. Bits of jewelry here and there and a thick leather collar around his neck. Even though he seemed a bit nervous, rather tense, his overall expression seemed rather gentle. Perhaps in another life, Virsat had been a bunny instead of a vampire. Such a thing would surely suit him better.

He shifted a bit in his seat, uncertain. "...W-welcome to the Dusty Bat.." He offered uncertainly and mostly because he wasn't sure what else to do or say. He gave her a glimmer of a smile.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 02:32 AM

She tilted her head at the sight of red. Streaks of color in dark hair. It could be dye. It could be something else. It was too soon to tell, and she didn't want to jump to any conclusions. So instead she smiled at the hesitant replies, uttered by a soft voice. "Thanks for the welcome." A look at the other patrons gave her some clue to the most popular dish. When the same barmaid as earlier came back with a key, she made her order.

Chrysantha turned back to her soft spoken companion. "Are you one of the regulars? Or are you just passing through like I am?" She leaned her forearms across the tabletop. It was a hard wood, a little rough and used. The stool was just as sturdy.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 02:48 AM

Another glimmer of a smile when she thanked him for the welcome, there and gone in mere moments. His body was still tense, and he tensed even more when she asked that next question. He moved his hand, bringing it to his throat so his long fingers could almost delicately brush against that collar around his neck as he looked away from her at the same time. That head lowering a bit, and his hand falling to his lap. Both hands were in his lap and clasped tightly together. "..No..This is..This is where I live....I-it's my Inn.." Technically. It was his master's Inn, but he wasn't supposed to tell anyone about his master. The creature that lurked in all the dark places in this building.

Virsat still didn't bring his eyes up to look at her. No one had ever tried to have a conversation with him before, usually the patrons left him alone completely. As if he wasn't even there, and now he was beginning to wonder if maybe the enchantment hadn't worked on her at all. If that were true, then something would need to be done. This woman might be dangerous. He looked at her now, an almost wary glance, but that expression was gone so quickly it might not have been there in the first place. "How...How long will you stay?" He bit his bottom lip gently again.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 02:57 AM

The blonde leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms. She looked up at the ceiling, admired the large wooden beams for a few moments, before glancing at the Inn's apparent owner again. "I'm a treasure hunter. So, until I find treasure. Do you know any rumors? Legends?' Anything could be helpful for that kind of quest. Incidentally, her questions could dredge up the kind of information she was really after. There was just something odd about the place, a feeling, a sense of .. Well she really couldn't tell. Not for a second.

As the owner, maybe this man knew about it. He was so timid though. Her probing and prodding for information would have to be done carefully. Teasing it out would take some time. Hopefully she could afford the wait. "And I want to sell my old horse. The poor boy needs a cushy farm job, not a life of traveling the roads. "She could put the money to good use. And the excuse of finding a new horse would grant her a lot more reasonable time then her quest for treasure, or the excuse of it anyway.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 03:16 AM

A treasure hunter. Well that didn't seem too dangerous, not to Virsat. The thought that she could be lying about anything never even occurred to the vampire, she could be a vampire slayer or a demon hunter in disguise as a treasure hunter and Virsat would never see it coming. He shook his head slightly. "T-there's no treasure here." And rumors? Well, there were plenty of those, just none about treasures. Virsat was shifting in his seat again.

"R-rumors? Legends?" He frowned deeply. "P-people in the villages near here....they..they spread rumors," He paused, his hands gripped his pants legs tightly now. "They...they always say my inn by demons...t-they scare away my business." For a moment those red eyes shimmered, as if he might cry. He didn't cry, but his eyes remained looking a bit wetter than normal. "...b-but I've heard no rumors of treasure....and I don't know any legends." Once again when he finished speaking he began to chew his bottom lip.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 03:25 AM

Now those were the kind of things she wanted to hear, but Chrysantha had to force her features to boredom. The only excitement she showed was a spark of interest and a smile when her food was brought to the table by a serving wench. The buxom woman ignored her boss, in a very odd way. You would think there would be at least an acknowledgement. Chrissie shrugged and turned her attention to the hearty stew. Chunks of beef floated in it, potatoes and carrots and some spices she couldn't name were in the mix. It did taste delicious when she took a spoonful of it.

"Now why would they do that?" She twirled her wooden spoon around a bit."This place seems nice enough. And the food is good." Chrissie smiled. "Anyway, it's a shame. I still do need to sell my horse and buy a new one. Do you know anyone who might want a horse around here? Anyone whose selling them?" Usually inns were the center of the town. But this one, it was outside the village, and people did start the rumors. Maybe the owner wasn't as in the loop as the usual innkeepers. That could have been because of his nervousness, his timid demeanor. She wondered about that. Why open an inn if all you felt was timidness around other people?

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 03:42 AM

Virsat didn't even look at the doll that brought the food out, almost made it a point to not look at her. Those dolls. They made him more uncomfortable than people did and he'd been around them most of his life. When the woman spoke to him, he suddenly felt rather foolish, and wondered if perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut in the first place. It was too late for that now. Virsat gave a slight shrug. "P-people in town are scared of me." Those eyes of his were shimmering again, as if he might cry. As if such thought really made him sad. In a way it did, he wouldn't mind making friends with people, but his master would just eat them so that was impossible.

"I-I don't go out often....and the towns are so far in either direction on the road...sometimes people don't always make it back home...It isn't my fault!" It really wasn't his fault, it was his master's fault. "T-the road is dangerous...bandits always waylaying people." It wasn't a lie, but he was implying that people sometimes vanished on the road after leaving his inn or on their way to his inn and that was more or less a falsehood. His master usually ate the people that stopped in and that was why they were never seen again. Not because of bandits.

It was true though, if one followed the road long enough to the north or to the south it would lead directly to the two closest towns to the inn. And the inn was situated right in the middle of that journey. Still though, it was a few days horse ride to either town from the inn and a lot could happen on the road in a few days. That was mostly what Virsat was trying to imply.

"S-stables in town might buy your horse and sell you a new one.." He spoke those words almost as an after thought, as if just remembering she had mentioned the horse.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 03:55 AM

He was so quick to say it wasn't his fault. But if the townspeople really did fear him as he said, it would make sense. She had no way to know, until she went in town to sell her horse. That would be a few days yet. There was a whole inn to explore after all. "Have they ever tried to hurt you?" It would explain the man's uncertainty, and his cowed ways. "If they have, I could try and discourage them from doing so again." She hoped he wasn't one of the creatures she'd come to hunt. Though of course, everything about him could have been an act.

Though she knew there were bandits on the road. Chrissie had nearly run into them. Only quick thinking and experience had kept her out of trouble's way.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 04:11 AM

When she asked if the people ever tried to hurt him he looked away quickly, his arms coming up to hug himself. "Once." The word was a whisper. Spoken more softly and more quietly than his normal tone of voice. Though that had been so long ago and didn't really pertain to this situation at all, it only partly accounted for why he was so skittish, so timid. "...I was saved...b-by a f-friend.." Virsat's arms lowered slowly and he slowly looked at her. "It's alright...if..if it happens f-friend will protect me." Those words, a bit stuttered but still he spoke them with clear certainty. He had faith in his friend, whomever that might be. In truth it was his master that he referred to, but he couldn't just come out and tell her that. His master would keep him safe. The creature always did.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 04:21 AM

A twinge squeezed her heart at his words. And he seemed so frightened. "Must be a good friend. "Though where was this friend? There were no burly bodyguards in sight. There was no one hovering watchfully nearby either. "Where is your friend? Maybe he or she could help me out with my quest for treasure? Whoever it is sounds really helpful." She wished she had a friend sometimes. But friends were liabilities in her line of work. All that was needed was the sword at her hip, and her intuition, plus a few other things. But of all her weapons, Chrissie's mind was the most needed of them all.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 04:36 AM

Of course she would inquire as to where his friend was. "H-he's sleeping." Well it wasn't really a lie, his master was resting. As it always did during the day, resting but not exactly sleeping. It was aware of things. Though Virsat should try and steer the conversation away from his 'friend', he wasn't really sure how. Virsat bit his bottom lip again, a bit harder than before, somewhat exposing his vampire fangs and drawing a couple droplets of blood. He didn't seem to notice, and his eyes had shifted, looking around the inn for a moment. A man had risen from his table, and was heading towards where the rooms were.

Virsat felt a pang of guilt, a bit of sorrow for a moment, as he knew the fate that awaited that man. Still the creature wouldn't strike until the sun had set, and it might not even take that man, it might take any one of the others. Still, Virsat couldn't help but feel a little guilty about it, but it had to be done. His master had to eat to live, and his master had to live so Virsat could live. His tongue flicked out to lick at his lips slightly as his attention returned to the woman. "Is..Is it fun....t-treasure hunting, I mean?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 04:48 AM

Droplets of blood welled from her companion's lip.He didn't even seem to notice. "It can be. And it can be dangerous. Treasure hunting can be boring too. The hardest part is finding where the treasure is, gathering information. The funnest is actually going searching for it, going on the hunt. You dig, you wait, and sometimes you sneak into places where you really shouldn't be."

Chrysantha smiled. Then she tilted her head and ate some of her cooling stew. "Your lip's bleeding." Sharp teeth did that. So did gnawing at your lips the way the man had been doing for the past while. There was no denying that she had her suspicions, but there were no proofs either. Speculation led to trouble and to innocents being accused. She wouldn't do that to anyone.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 05:02 AM

It could be fun, and dangerous. So that meant it was an exciting thing. Virsat wouldn't mind trying it one day...if his master allowed. Still he seemed to relax the slightest bit. Genuinely interested in what she might have to say about treasure hunting. Though sneaking into places where one wasn't supposed to be didn't appeal to terribly much to Virsat. If he were to sneak into places he wasn't supposed to be in he would get punished.

When she mentioned the blood, he blinked, raising a hand to his lips. Brushing the droplets away with a gentle finger. The tiny punctures he had made with his fangs to draw out that blood had already healed. He made a mental note to be more careful. Virsat wasn't supposed to let anyone know he was a vampire, that would just make the nearby towns people even more restless and they might actually try to do something. He had lowered his head a bit, and now he raised it again. "I..I don't think there's much treasure for you to find around here."

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 05:14 AM

Chrissie shrugged and finished off her stew. Then she took the hunk of bread that had been delivered with it, and wiped the bowl clean. "You know, saying that so many times will make me want to leave. Then you'd lose my business." No wonder the place was so empty. Not only were the villagers afraid, but the owner didn't seem to have all that much of a grasp on how to get people to actually stay. Then again, most seemed to ignore him anyway. It was just about the oddest arrangement she had ever come across.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 05:24 AM

"Oh." It was a very simple reply, and the only one he gave immediately when she mentioned he could lose her business. Virsat didn't want to lose her business, well it wasn't exactly her business he didn't want to lose, it was her. She would be a good meal for his master, though he was almost certain the enchantment hadn't worked on her. That meant she might fight it if his master came for her in the middle of the night and that might be problematic.

Once again he was shifting in his seat. Not quite sure of what to say, but not wanting to be rude by just, sitting there like a lump. He squirmed a bit more, looking down at the table top instead of at her. He didn't often find himself in conversation with someone, other than his master. His master was the only one he ever felt comfortable with, safe. His red eyed gaze lingered on the table top for a few more moments before returning to her. He could tell her his name, though he wasn't sure what difference that would make. "M-my name is Virsat." He spoke the words as if he wasn't sure if he should be telling her his name or not.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 05:35 AM

She could tell he was surprised. The way he just stared for a few minutes, and moved, that made his state of mind obvious. "My name is Chrysantha. But please, call me Chrissie." She held out a hand, and waited expectantly for some kind of response. She wasn't holding out for it too much. Virsta was a nervous man. "It's nice to meet you." Though the hunter suspected there was more to the dark haired man then was obvious at a glance. Again, she couldn't tell why she felt that way. The feelings were always so nebulous. So hard to understand.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 05:52 AM

It was a nice name, the one she had. Virsat liked the sound of it, a glimmer of a smile was given to her, though his expression turned to a wary one when she held her hand out. A hand shake. He was sure that's what she meant by that. Virsat seemed to pull back slightly though when she held that hand out, and just when it seemed almost certain that he wouldn't offer his own hand, he moved slowly. Uncertainly that pale arm lifted and his slender fingers very gently slipped around her's. His skin was cool to the touch though any human wouldn't have been, the temperature in the inn was very ideal.

His grip was feather light almost, and he gave her hand a quick shake and withdrew his own rather hastily. As if she were a snake about to bite him. That hand went to his lap, and so did his gaze. "Y-your name...It's v-very nice." He shifted a bit as he offered the compliment, slowly bringing that red eyed gaze from his lap to her once again.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 06:01 AM

How could anyone be so uncertain and survive? At every turn, Virsat's actions made her wonder. "I don't like my name. Too soft for someone like me, don't you think?" She laughed a bit and shook her head. Her parents had hated her decision to become a hunter. Her brothers had been supposed to do that, one of them anyway. Instead she'd run off to do that, take up a blade and defend those who couldn't from the things that had made humans their prey. She was a defender, and this man looked like he needed that. Or perhaps he already had it, but had been unable to grow into the kind of confidence that was expected from an inn keeper.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 06:21 AM

More like, unable to grow into the confidence one expected from a vampire. He shook his head a bit. "N-no...not too soft at all." Virsat was being honest, at least in his opinion. He thought it suited her rather well, but then again, he really didn't know her all that well. "B-besides...there...there's nothing wrong with a bit of softness.." A slight frown flickered across his features then it was gone. He had dropped his gaze to his lap again.

Virsat was chewing his bottom lip again, though more gently than before. He seemed to stare at his lap for a few moments longer before he raised his head, his eyes shifting to look around the inn once again. As if checking on his patrons with a quiet wariness. A few more had retired to their rooms, and he couldn't help but wonder which one his master would eat tonight. His attention returned to her, and the bowl that had held her stew. One of the serving girls came over to take the empty bowl, and Virsat once again made it a point not to look directly at her. Those dolls. They were just so creepy in his opinion. The doll ignored Virsat, and only seemed interested in finding out if Chrissie wanted anything else or not before tending to the other patrons.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 09:39 PM

Chrysantha waved the waitress away. She crossed her legs and tapped her fingers against the tabletop once it was clear. "I'm curious, how did you end up owning the Inn?' Maybe he had inherited it? That seemed like the likeliest explanation for this odd inn keeper. Still, she supposed it was no worse then a lord buying such a place and hiring someone else to do all the work. At least in this instance, the owner was on site and watching over the running of things. And watching the patrons from the looks of it. How to draw him out? How to turn talk to the rumors again without arousing suspicion? Chrissie sighed a bit. This place was going to be a tougher rock to shatter then she'd thought.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 04-28-2014, 09:55 PM

"I-it was a gift." A gentle smile touched his lips at those words. It was truly his master's inn. As pets weren't really allowed to own property, or so the creature often told Virsat. Though his master had also told him it was a gift. A place to hide from the sun and keep his master happy in. No running about towns in the dead of the night with a chance of being caught by an angry mob or by the sun. It was far easier for his master to protect a stationary building anyway, far easier for him to acquire meals, so far. And so many cracks, crevices and dark places for the creature to hide in.

That faint smile faded and Virsat gave a slight shrug. "I-I'm afraid.." Those arms came up to hug himself again. "..A-afraid that...e-everyone will stop coming here." That would be bad, so bad. His master would get angry, they would have to find somewhere else to go. Some other way to acquire an almost constant food source. This inn had been in business for years, and it had taken a few years for the rumors to actually start circulating and a few more years for the constant traffic to actually slow down as much as it had. Virsat was frowning a bit.


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