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Suona is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 03:22 AM

You're very welcome. ^^

Oh, well thank you very much. This is the list of them. I'm sorry that there are so many. ><;; I really enjoy avi making. Haha

So, how is your week going thus far?

Proud to be nekkid since '08.
Bunnyy is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 03:31 AM

Wow I really like them! *o*
Will you draw me even though I'm nekkid? (I've been on a streak since 08 so I don't plan on getting clothed anytime soon anyhow hehe)

I would totally price you but I haven't bought art at Mene in a looong time since I've been away. :c


Ahmelo is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 03:58 AM

sure, got nothing until my friend's potluck on Friday :P

hoho! that's awesome, I love looking at other people's avis c:
gives me lots of choices depending on my mood too :insane:
it's going great so far, on Sunday I was part of a group that tried to break the record for largest group to dance the macarena

sure, gives me a chance to practice anatomy :9

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 04:30 AM

Me too! Its neat to see what different things people can come up with. Gives me inspiration and ideas for avis of my own, too. ^^

Thats very true! lol

Whaat? Thats so cool! Haha. How did you guys do? And what an interesting record. Sounds like a lot of fun, though.

Ahmelo is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 04:42 AM

I don't know the exact number, but it was over 2000 :D
as far as I know the number we were looking to beat was 1861, but then I googled it and something about UK students making it over 2200 came up D:
It was hilarious! Some didn't know the moves, and we started awkwardly because we only knew the "hey Macarena" part hahaha

how about your week?

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 04:47 AM

Wooow! Thats so many people! @__@;;
I bet that would have been so cool to see. Did it get filmed and put on youtube, by chance? Only thing that could top that is everyone doing the Thriller dance. :lol:

Mines been pretty good, actually. Last weekend my best friend and I had a Harry Potter marathon and then today went and watched the last one in theatres. Was pretty neat.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 05:04 AM

Ah, would you be interested in drawing my avie? :3 Just, no human ears. XD;

Ahmelo is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 05:22 AM

I'm not sure, I would have filmed it myself but I was on the stage and couldn't bring any cameras, hmm...I shall search youtube tomorrow to see if the organizers put it up yet.
woo Thriller dance :D I want to learn that some day

wow! all 7? (plus one hahaha)
did you read all the books? (I didn't, neither did I watch all the movies *cough)

sure, I think I'll change the shop status to full now, I've got a pretty good list going.

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 05:25 AM

Oh wow. It was done on a stage? That must have been a huge stage to fit that many people.
Let me know if you find anything, please. ^^

Me too! I think it'd be fun to learn it. And it always makes me think of the movie "13 going on 30". Haha. I loved when they broke out into the Thriller dance.

Well, we watched the first 5 since they took up so much time. ><;; Plus I had just watched the 6th one and the first half the the 7th a couple days prior. And then today I rewatched the first half of the 7th. But nah, I haven't read the books. lol I like the movies well enough, and dont currently have the urge to read the books.

Ahmelo is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 05:15 PM

oh no, only the volunteers were on stage, the people were just randomly in that square, the yonge-dundas square in Toronto if you know about it?

yeah! my parents love that movie hahaha, I feel anxious when I see a 30 year old dress like how a 13 year old thinks adults dress.
And a whole bunch of adults dancing Thriller? Can't pass that up :D

phew that sounds like a lot. The only movie marathons I've done were Lord of the Rings (never read those books either).
I've never read one of the Harry Potter books in english, read the first 2 in chinese, and then...petered out :P

Kia_: here you go!

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Kia_ is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 05:22 PM

Oh Wow thank you. Thank you. I love it.

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Suona is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 08:14 PM

Hmm. Nope, I haven't heard of it before, but that makes more sense. :lol:

Haha. Its a very good movie. I'm almost tempted to put it in to watch now. I know, right? How awesome was that? Probably my favorite part of the movie.

Very much so! But it was fun. ^^ Oh man, I haven't watched the LotR movies in so long. Haha. I catch bits and pieces of them on TV from time to time, but I haven't just sat down and watched them all the way through for some time. I was planning a marathon of it with my friends awhile back, but it never ended up happening. Those are super long movies, too! @__@;; And I also haven't read the books for it. Haha

Ahmelo is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 09:44 PM

I've never managed to watch 13 going on 30 all the way through from start to finish.
The first time I caught the beginning and then had to go to sleep, and the second time I tuned in mid way :D

I only do the marathons with one of my friends, the rest aren't into fantasy as much ):
I know right?! 3 hours! Phew, plus the extended stuff that they always never put in. Admittedly 3 hours is already pretty long.
And Transformers marathon too, all that CG-y goodness is too much to resist :stare:

and here's a wip of yours that I'll colour in after I bake my apple pie :9

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 07-27-2011, 10:32 PM

Really? :O
You should totally watch it all the way through. I think its a cute movie. ^^

Most of my good friends like fantasty stuff, too, but they're usually all too busy or just want to spend time with their boyfriends, so they wouldn't be much interested in marathons. :( Ah yes, the transformers movies have such amazing graphics, and they're a good laugh, too. :lol:

Ooh. It looks fabulous! :D I can't wait. ^^
You chose one of my favorite avis, too. :lol:

Ahmelo is offline
Old 07-28-2011, 02:54 AM

Shall do that once my connection stops being funky, and the weather too.
The nice and cool weather (rainy too) makes the connection unreliable for watching D:

aww, my friends try to include their boyfriends in our girly outings so we get to know each other fairly well (they often decline our sleepover invitations hahaha)
hoho I love the part when the guy was climbing underneath that one bot on the pyramids and you see two dangling balls :rofl:
the entire theatre took a couple of seconds to burst out laughing. Nice to know that even the elderly is as immature as I am :9

and here you go! glad to know I picked a good one :D
still can't do fat and cute, but I shall prevail!

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 07-28-2011, 05:08 AM

For watching on the tv?

I know all my friends' boyfriends very well, because they're my friends, too. Its just that my chick friends would prefer spending time with only their boyfriends, instead of with friends, too. -__-

lol Moments like that are the best. I enjoy when the whole theatre is laughing. Sometimes I feel like i'm the only one laughing during movies, so I appreciate when a bunch of others are, too. :lol: Yeah, the transformers movies have lots of humor. The one out in the theatres now is really funny. I laughed so hard during it.

Ooh. She turned out lovely! ^^ Thank you very much.
I like that style just how you have it, in fact. It looks really good, and is nicely unique. :yes:

Proud to be nekkid since '08.
Bunnyy is offline
Old 07-28-2011, 05:12 AM

Originally Posted by Ahmelo View Post

sure, gives me a chance to practice anatomy :9
Yay thankies! :3

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 07-28-2011, 05:15 AM

Thank you so much! <3

Ahmelo is offline
Old 07-30-2011, 04:30 AM

Yeah, my family has satellite so the connection gets terrible whenever it rains (although our internet always works fine).

Aw, my friends would slowly ease their boyfriends into our little girl group hahaha, it was awkward for a while, but we got used to it. And now they know to bring their guy friends along so we can ignore them and not feel bad :P

I feel like a total perv if I laughed at the dirty jokes and no one else gets it hoho~
Oh man I saw that one in 3D (imax was too expensive boohoo), and the effects and gags were hilarious. I love that secretary dude who was all like "I'm sorry, that was the old me." He is so freaking adorable.

Thank you :D glad you like it, gotta work on making my own colouring style, a style that depends on the mouse hmm...

And a note for the people who I'm working on, I'll be away for a pool/slumber party this weekend, so I won't get to it until either Sunday or Monday.

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Suona is offline
Old 07-30-2011, 05:12 AM

Aah. Yeah, that'll do it. D:

Mine just want to be alone with their boyfriends. They dont care to hang out that much anymore. And when they do, they're texting their boyfriends the whole time anyway. -__-;;

I know what you mean. I chuckle at parts in movies that seem dirty even just in the slightest. Or how someone make give someone else a look. Like sometimes I swear that Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter is gay. :P

Oh gosh. That guy is so funny! lol He was a total badass, and then suddenly felt horrible. >w<;; I loved his character. very funny.

But of course. ^^ What do you mean? Do you do all that with mouse?

Thats very cool! Have lots of fun. ^^ Sounds like it'll be a blast.

Proud to be nekkid since '08.
Bunnyy is offline
Old 08-01-2011, 06:34 AM

@Ahmelo: I actually want the sweater that's on your avi in real life. XDD

Ahmelo is offline
Old 08-01-2011, 06:34 PM

blegh, I have friends that are practically glued to their blackberries, and when we're out they text half the time to each other
-_____- really?

Draco Malfoy is just in denial, his wardrobe is totally fabulous :drool:
hohoho for some serious undertones look no further than the newest x-men movie.
I went to watch with my friends and half their lines sound like they are confessing their deep undying love fufu~
Gotta love guys that dress well :9

Yeah, I don't have a tablet (saving up for it precious...soon...)
so it's all down to the mouse.

I actually have it in real life, not in green though, got it in nude :D
oh by the way, you changed your avi, do you want me to draw this one or the bunny hat one from before?

Proud to be nekkid since '08.
Bunnyy is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 12:07 PM

Oh I changed it again.. Now it's crazy cluttered because I was in a shopping mood...
You can draw this one and omit as many items as you like. XD
Sorry about that! :cry:

Ooo nude would look even better. Oh well the weathers warming up! No need for sweaters. xD


Edit: Or this one might be easier!

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Suona is offline
Old 08-03-2011, 06:09 AM

@ Ahmelo - Oh man. I hate that. I think its rediculous and rude to do that, especially if they're texting each other! Way to make other friends feel left out and like you're talking crap about them. -__-

I knooow, right? I swear he got more and more gay through the movies.
Oh man, really? I haven't got to see it yet. D: It looked really good, though. And your comments makes me want to watch it even more. o 3o

You do really well with a mouse, then. :yes: I have a tablet, but I dont use it nearly enough. ><;;

Ahmelo is offline
Old 08-06-2011, 04:02 PM

oh ho, it would have been a good challenge if I tried to draw your current one :drool:
ah the weather here's been so nice recently, cloudy enough to cool it down, but not cloudy enough to rain hehehe

woo man late reply
I know right? And then the rest feels awkward so they start texting and then it's just a sit-around-the-table-texting party -_________-

Watch iiittt, the action is pretty well done, and James McAvoy = dreamy
There's this hilarious scene when Havoc first shows his super powers and it looks like he's trying to do an extreme form of hula hooping hohoho~
And all the manly bonding is too good to resist
"Charles, I want you by my side" - Magneto

got a couple of pics done, but scanner's doing something weird


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