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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 10-21-2011, 11:22 PM

This is your start c:
just a bit of background info, i am hoping to get a whole lot of people to be survivers of a train crash in the middle of a tunnel with no way of getting out.
Any kind of characters are wanted and needed. No skeletons are nessecary but if you want feel free to still make one if it is easeir for you c:

She stared out at me from the rubble. Lifeless from the dark, all light gone from the soft blue of the small child’s eyes. Her long blonde hair was mattered against her face, caked with blood and dirt. I was great full for the large metal sheet hiding her tiny decapitated and mangled body for I was scared for what had befallen her body. Not that it would matter much now. They were beyond rescue. I was positive I and the other survivors were too.....

Your Beautiful Asian Obsession
Faustus is offline
Old 10-22-2011, 12:13 AM

So we just start posting?

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sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 10-22-2011, 12:15 AM

yeah pretty much c:

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-24-2011, 11:19 PM

Anniebelle regains consciousness in the darkness of what she thinks is the tunnel, coughing--wheezing even due to her asthma. She heard screams and cries--smelt the thick smoke in the air which made her gag even more. She needed light to be able to see. In the part the train she was in was pitch black, which terrified her, She fumbled around, digging in her satchel for her shake flashlight--giving it a few shakes she turned it on, she crawled over to pry one of the emergency exit windows open and got out.

"If anyone can see the light come to me, be very careful, use any light you can," She hollered as waving her flashlight in the air. "Do not panic!"

Your Beautiful Asian Obsession
Faustus is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 12:17 AM

Haruto sighed as he rubbed his head and felt a warm liquid."Did I spill my drink?"He thought aloud as he looked at the 'drink' on his hand and screamed."It's blood!"The male stood up and looked around.A broken train was covering the way in and the way out which made him think he was flung out of the train as it crashed but he couldn't remember.He knew he was way too weak to move them so he looked around the dimly lit space around him for something heavy.He then noticed the girl holding the flashlight and thought he could scare her but now wasn't the time.He was a trickster though,maybe that's why no one liked him.

Last edited by Faustus; 10-25-2011 at 12:20 AM..

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 12:43 AM

Anniebelle gave up calling for any people to come from the wreckage knowing it would take a while, she took out her inhaler, taking two puffs from it she then put it back up. She began looking around the tunnel for any and to also get her footing so that she would know where she was going and wouldn't fall. Shining she flashlight about, she came to a figure, a man. Finally, another human-being, she thought.

She then carefully made her way over to him, biting her tongue ring, debating on what to say, "Hello." She noticed the flow of crimson as she got closer, "That looks like it hurts, would you like me to clean that for you? Though it may not need it, the head bleeds more than any other part of the body--even if it is a small cut, it should be looked at."

Last edited by XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX; 10-25-2011 at 12:47 AM..

Warrior of light
ShadowXV is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 05:17 AM

As Felix came back to consciousness he looks around to see where he's at. He can't tell cause it's dark. Felix can't remember anything anymore. He can't remember anything about his life or how he ended up in the dark somewhere. Felix feels liquid coming down from his forhead. Felix thinks its just sweat until he smells blood as the liquid ran down his nose."Blood? How did that happen? I gotta firgure out whats going on here." Felix had enough room to stand up, but when he did he felt sore in his whole body. While he struggles to get up he sees a flashlight in a bag next to where he was laying down ( its his bag, but he doesn't know). Felix grabs it and turn it on. Now he was wishing he never found the flashlight. The sight of what he was seeing was confusing and somewhat scary. He was trapped between a messed up train and a wall of rubbish. on the side of where the train is a broken window was big enough for him to fit in. It look like somebody his size had broken through it. Now Felix was wonder if it was him, but he had doubts cause he doesn't remember anything. He peeks through it turns on the flashlight and sees 3 dead people. One stuck in a window another on the ground bent out of shape and another in the roof of the train. Felix goes back to where he was laying sits down and tries to remember something.

Last edited by ShadowXV; 10-25-2011 at 05:25 AM..

Send a message via MSN to sweet_serender159
sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 06:55 AM

Alexandra stood, a little hesitantly at first, she wasn;t sure what was injured and what wasn;t but it seemed she had miraculously gotten out alive and unharmed. She could hear yelling from what seemed to be the other end of the train and she began to pick her way through the bodies and limbs that now scattered the dark floor. As her eyes adjusted she could pick out what could be 3 people, so far she was unsure of gender or if they were injured but she tried to hurry as fast as she could when suddenly her black heel se had been wearing snapped and as she fell she could feel her ankle twist and heard a loud snap. Crying out loudly shelooked to her leg, tears now forming, and saw a large graze on her calf and her ankle in an oddly non-painful position. It didn't look right but she knew it wasn't right. Looking back towards the light that she guessed was a torch she began to call out, weak at first but soon her voice grew to the normal loud setting it was always on.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 01:06 PM

Anniebelle heard the cry as her ears picked up she edged over, taking her flashlight with her, shaking it a bit as the light grew a bit dim--to recharge it.

"I hear you, but where are you," Anniebelle replied, loudly. "Can you come towards the light?"

Anniebelle drew even closer to the woman's voice, she sounded as though she were in pain, which made Annie feel even more concerned.

She looked back at the man, "You mind helping me with the women?"

Your Beautiful Asian Obsession
Faustus is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 10:55 PM

The male smirked as he watched the girl come closer to him.He began pulling at his hair as he turned around a tried to get her to take a look at his head.What if her hands are cold?,He thought with a sigh as he kicked a piece of scrap metal and heard the faint noise of it hitting the wall.It made him think of his fear of the dark which made him attack the girl with a hug."Help me!"He screamed as he began squeezing the girl."I gotta get out of here!"

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 11:07 PM

Anniebelle hugged the strange man back, trying to comfort him the best she could, "You'll be fine, we're all in this together--the thing is rounding up everyone. I'm Anniebelle by the way, I'm thinking you're a bit afraid of the dark, but it's alright I've got my rechargeable flashlight--just stay by me, okay? Now, we need to figure out if that women calling over there needs help, are you with me?"

Your Beautiful Asian Obsession
Faustus is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 11:44 PM

Haruto nodded as he hesitated to let go of her but eventually did."Okay."The male said with a nod as he shut his eyes closed tight."I'm Yamazaki,"The boy breathed as he held out his hand for her to shake."Haruto Yamazaki but you can call me Haru,or Yamaki and it's nice to meet you Anniebelle."A sigh escaped his lips as he slowly opened his eyes up to darkness."I hope you don't mind if I call you Annie."

Last edited by Faustus; 10-26-2011 at 09:05 PM..

Warrior of light
ShadowXV is offline
Old 10-25-2011, 11:52 PM

As Felix sat there trying to remember something he heard the noise of metal being kicked. He looks up and the noise seemed to be coming from the wall of rubbish behind him. He thought about calling out to whatever was behind the wall, but he didn't really feel like it. He dizzy as he got up to move around a bit. As dark as it was his eyes had already adjusted, but since he was dizzy everything was blurry and he could see anything. He trips over a piece of the train and falls on concrete. As that happen he heard a noise of rocks sliding above him. He looks up as his blurryness goes away and sees a huge boulder fall right at him. A reaction inside him clicked and he leaped forward doing a cartwheel and a backflip handspring out of the way. As the boulder hit the ground making a loud boom sound big chunks of rocks from the boulder broke and flew in all direction. One rock hit Felix in the face knocking him unconscious again.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

Send a message via MSN to blueblackrose
blueblackrose is offline
Old 10-26-2011, 12:39 AM

Tabitha’s long black eyelashes fluttered as she came to. The young woman found herself lying in a pool of blood. Unsure if the blood was hers, someone else’s or both she started to move slowly raising a hand to her head. Like of the rest of her body her head ached and throbbed. The stench of blood was beginning to overwhelm her causing her to cough. Coughing brought a new level of pain which left her curling up into a ball, holding onto her ribs. A squeak escaped from her as she fought back the tears and pain. This isn’t good, I probably have some cracked or broken ribs. God I wish the pain would go away and to know if this blood is my own. Damon where are you? I need you. Someone please help me.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-26-2011, 12:58 AM

Anniebelle accepted his hand, shaking it gently, "Nice to meet you Haru, and no--I don't mind if you call me Annie, that's what I'm called back home. You can hold my hand if it makes you feel any better. Then you'll know I'm going to always be in reaching distance, which should ease you a bit more."

Annie jumped, somewhat clinging to her new acquaintance--giving a little squeal from being started, mil-seconds after hearing the large bang near by, "S-sorry, I usually don't scare easily, but I guess in times like these we're all a little scared." She paused, taking a deep breath, "Now the woman, I heard her over here somewhere."

She started to scan the area around her, still somewhat clinging to the man--beginning to speak loudly, address the woman and her cry for help once more, "Miss, if you see the light right in from of you say 'here'."

Your Beautiful Asian Obsession
Faustus is offline
Old 10-26-2011, 09:30 PM

Haruto smiled as he squeezed her hand tightly."That's perfect!"He yelled with joy,but tried not to startle the dead and sleeping people around him."I'm glad we're friends."His arms where raised high above his head as she clung onto him.He simply laughed at her reply,"We'll protect each other,Okay?"

Last edited by Faustus; 11-01-2011 at 05:54 PM..

Send a message via MSN to sweet_serender159
sweet_serender159 is offline
Old 10-31-2011, 09:27 AM

Alexandra looked back down to her ankle and then again as the light flashed and bobbed in front of her. She tried to rise and stand on one foot but fell to the floor in a dusty heap, "I.. can't stand! I'm sorry! She cried out, but it came out as a raspy whisper more then a cry. Tears began to fall harder and she tried to carefully pry the high heel off of her foot. Crying out again she left the shoe half on her now swollen ankle and began to try and drag herself on her hands and stomach towards the light, still trying to cry out. She could hear the slight rumble of rocks falling and could begin to hear voices which quickly turned into coherant sentances.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 10-31-2011, 03:16 PM

Anniebelle heard the soft whisper, due to her overly sensitive ears and made her way over to the woman rather slowly trying to make sure she or Haruto didn't fall.

"I promise, Haru, let's just see how we can help this lady," She spoke softly, the woman was crying--she had to be in a rather severe pain. "Okay, ma'am, I'm Anniebelle, this is Haru, we're going to help you get out, okay?"

Anniebelle crept closer, finally able to see the woman--she'd been hurt pretty bad compared to Anniebelle and Haruto.

"Hello, okay, I need you to try your best and get to the seated position, you're going to have to help me--help you, I have a bad back so it's difficult to lift with my back, but I can left you up using mostly my legs"

Your Beautiful Asian Obsession
Faustus is offline
Old 11-01-2011, 06:03 PM

Haruto smiled as he looked at the injured girl."I'll pick her up!"He said as he got on his knees next to her."That is if you don't mind."

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 11-01-2011, 06:09 PM

"Well, okay, Haru. I guess it's time for you to play hero," She laughed, trying her best to keep the mood light--finding herself blushing once--yet again, "But, thank you for suggesting that you yourself do it, I'll just be the certified flashlight carrier."

Warrior of light
ShadowXV is offline
Old 11-01-2011, 08:36 PM

As Felix still lays unconscious a boulder above him is slipping down. As it slips down it makes crushing sounds and hand size rocks falls down letting the boulder slip even faster. If Felix doesn't wake up soon he will be a goner.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

Send a message via MSN to blueblackrose
blueblackrose is offline
Old 11-03-2011, 04:54 AM

Tabitha could hear other survivors, but she had no clue how close they were to her. She pushed herself up off the floor of the train car or at least she thought it was for the floor. “Help,” her cry came out more like a rhaspy whisper. Slowly she forced herself up onto her knees. She felt around for something to hold onto and pull herself to her feet. When she finally touched something other than broken glass or rocks she wasn’t sure what it was. After tracing the outline she screamed. It was an arm and only an arm. She tried to back away from it, but ended up falling down. She let out a loud yelp as she clutched her ribs once again.

Forever Questioning the Unknown
XxA_Wistful_InsanityxX is offline
Old 11-03-2011, 10:59 PM

Anniebelle practically jumped out of her skin--almost dropping her flashlight when she heard what sounded like a woman's' scream--then taking a deep breath trying to , "Christ, does everyone have to scream, they're going to give me a heart attack. It's bad enough we're in this mess, I just hope she's okay, but--DAMN it I'm getting way to ahead of myself, I'm not Superwoman and you're not Superman Haru. I'm just going to try to keep calm, we don't need me panicking..."

II Certified II
II Certified II is offline
Old 11-04-2011, 01:55 AM

Under a broken window of the crashed train #2, Certi cries and cries for his friend who unfortunately, did not survived the crash. His friend Freya, died due to a multiple head injuries.
Certi knows he has to move on and find a way out of the crash site where there are other survivors as well. He went out of the train and yelled "Hey guys wait for me!"

Can I please come down? ~Simple ...
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 11-04-2011, 05:33 AM

Jolene groans and sits up dazed and confuses. Then gasps as molten pain fills her knee. Looking around, she sees a scarf half out of a bag. Grabbing it, Jolene ties it around her knee and looks for the source of dim light. Seeing it coming from out of a computer case, she opens it and discovers a mag light. Picking it up, she struggles to her feet and limps towards the sound of voices.

She walks slowly and comes across a body, laying on the ground. Chest slowly rising and lowering. The backpack beside him has his name, Felix, on it. She Jolene bends down and carefully shakes his shoulder. He groans. Another groan from above causes her to look up. A boulder is tilted at an unstable angle. She gasps, grabs his arm and clumsily drags him a bit away. Then looks up in the direction of the dim voices.


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