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Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 12:38 AM

Its a private all girl school roleplay, about these two popular girls from two differant fashion groups... who have to share a room.

Name: Lydia Ravencroft
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Likes: Gothic romance novels, Guns, Swords, Roses, Sweet things, Dark Chocolate.
Dislikes: Pink, Eggs, Hip-Hop, Rap.
Crowd: Lolita & Gothic Lolita Crowd

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 01:40 AM

Name: Karen Welsley
Age: 17
DOB: December 17th, 1992
Sex: Female
Gender: Unisex
Group: Visual Kei
Likes: Stuffed animals, gothic clothing, vampire and romance novels, yellow roses, candles and incense, cats, More...
Dislikes: Peanuts/Peanut Butter, chick flicks, clocks that tick, her last name, More...
Appearance: Her hair is naturally a dark brown, and her thin eyebrows prove it, but is currently has bright green hair with blue tips and matching green extensions; it's usually spiked in some way, or typically the windy look. She is of Japanese and English heritage, but shows more the traits of her English father- other than her mothers almond shaped brown eyes. She has pale skin somewhere between her father very White and her mother's Asian colored skin. She tends to wear more punk-ish visual kei than the costumes, but she does spice it up every so often. She loves doing her make up in the punk aristocrat fashion. ((Hair and make up styles look like this ))
Background: Karen was born in England, then moved to Japan for several years, during which her little sister, Emiko, was born, three years after Karen. When Karen was turning ten years old, the family moved to the United States. Karen went to public school until there was a scare at the high school she was attending- a student had brought a gun to school with intent to use it, so then, Karen and her sister were sent to private schools.

((I might add a little more about her clothing later, or making some other changes... n_n; ))

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 01:47 AM

Lydia had already gotten up, showered, dressed, and applied make-up, before it was time to attend Friday's classes. She wore of her favorite black and purple lolita dresses today, complete with rose and floral lace stockings, with a pair of black pumps to finish the outfit off.

Last edited by Malice Mourn; 11-11-2009 at 01:57 AM..

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 02:14 AM

Karen has just arrived at the school that week, and they still hadn't had a room ready for her. Luckily, the school had had a guest building where parents sometimes stayed when the visited their children. The guest houses were for both the middle and high schools- both of which were private. She, unfortunately, had the displeasure of staying with mostly middle school parents who gave her funny stares when she walked by. Today, her attire was a Gothic-vampire theme. She wore a red vest with black buttons and a long-sleeve white undershirt, ruffled all down the front, hiding the buttons. Her pants were black and flared out at the bottom, rhinestones going down the seam of the left leg. Her boots were simple black. Karen did her make up to the punk aristocrat fashion this day, with stick-on rhinestones under her right eye. He hair was spiked and teased to perfection, for once not the windy version.

She simply smiled at them, staring them down with her brown eyes hidden by contacts of a brilliant red color. She carried her messenger bag over her right shoulder as she walked out of the Guest House and to the school, ready for another excellent day of being stared at by those outside her group. When she had gotten there, Karen was excited to see there was already a group of people of the Visual Kei persuasion. None were as flamboyant about it as her, however. Sure, they did the make up and the hair, but it was usually only highlights of bright colors, not the whole head, and they especially didn't 'do it up' on the cosplay portion, though, not all did.

Karen walked to class, a smile on her face, being in an unusually good mood. She waved casually to the side, from her chest out horizontally in more of an 'all this could be yours, Simba' way, rather than 'hey there!'. She met up with her group, "Hello and greetings to you all!" she said. They were all eager to see her and hear about whatever stories it was she had to tell this time. They walked to class, parting when necessary until only she and Jamie were left, going to the same biology class together.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 02:46 AM

Lydia first class this morning was math. How she loathed the subject. On her way, she had to pass by Karen, but she have nothing more then a glance to her as she rounded the corner. She seen one of her own friends at the end of the hallway, Mila, who was basically her counter part. Mila was a sweet lolita, maybe even sometimes a baby-doll lolita.

"Lydia!" Mila beamed seeing her best bud head towards her. She imedantly interlocked arms with her as they finished the journey to math class. The only thing about Math class Lydia liked, was that she and Mila sat in the back, so it was easier to pass notes.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 04:28 AM

Jamie and Karen were lab partners and sat at the table the farthest to the left of the classroom, near the window. Today, she was rocking the bright pink spiky wig, dark jeans with holes and safety pins in them, a fur trimmed hoodie that was mainly dark blue, the fur being light tan. Her shoes were bright green- almost the color of Karen's hair. When Karen first got here, she was mostly of the darker Visual Kei type, but after seeing Karen, she seemed to be adjusting to her... Karen wouldn't call her a copy cat, so much as Karen was helping Jamie expand her horizons... Add more options to the lot, so to speak.

Class was pretty boring, being mostly a lecture that day. When class was finished, the girls walked out of the room laughing at a misspeak the teacher had made that the girls took as a sex pun. They were the only ones who caught it, obviously. They met up with the rest of the group, swapped friends and headed off to their other classes. Two more till break for mealtime. This time, Karen was teamed up with Jenna and Amy for Literature. Karen remembered that she had caught of a glimpse of the Lolita girls in the hall. She hadn't really seen the clothes they were wearing that day. She always like seeing them in their cute little outfits. She loved their clothes, but couldn't stand them. They thought they were so high and mighty because they dressed cute. Ha.

At least thanks to the school not having uniforms they could dress however they wanted. It gave Karen a reason not to kill the Lolitas. God how she couldn't stand them...

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 12:18 PM

Next class for Lydia was Literature, unfortunatly, Mila wasn't in this one. Walking into the classroom, she glanced around, looking for a place to sit. In this school, there were no assigned desks, you took what you could get.

Today... Lydia was sitting beside Karen. She found this odd, seeing as usually the Visual Kei group sat together... She wondered if something was wrong as she pulled her text book out, getting herself situated.

She was trying to will herself NOT to look at Karen.

Last edited by Malice Mourn; 11-11-2009 at 04:26 PM..

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 04:53 PM

Karen was not happy. As she walked into class, there were only two sets of two seats toegther- they wouldn't all be together. She volunteered to be the one who sat alone, despite Amy and Jenna's unwillingness to comply with it. They all would have rather sat together, but Karen knew Jenna and Amy could keep each other busy, especially since this was one of Karen's favorite classes and she wanted to pay attention. She was completely content with sitting there, surrounded by strangers, until she saw who took the empty desk next to her...

Lydia. Of all frickin' people, WHY Lydia?! Why out of all the people on the great-green-earth, let alone all the miserable bimbos in this school, did Lydia have to be the bimbo who sat next to her. Karen had out her Lit book, and was thumbing through it as she thought all this, looking for the page that had been written up on the board. Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare... The day wasn't a total loss.

Besides, she now caught a glimps out of the corner of her eye at the outfit the Lolita was wearing. Other than the ugly high heels, the outfit wasn't so bad. Karen thought she could totally use it as a costume. Spice it up with some amazing and probably gravity-defying hair, some equally amazing make up... She could make it work. Better than Lydia, that's for sure.

((OOC: Wouldn't it be funny if the literature class put on Romeo and Juliet as a play and Lydia was Juliet and Karen was Romeo? Would you want to do that? ))

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 07:55 PM

It was right when Karen glanced over to her, that Lydia did the same... It was almost like that she had sense it. That she was looking at her... or maybe she seen her out of the corner of the eye.
She flipped to the page marked on the board, waiting for the teacher to start the class, and initiate them to start reading.

OOC: That would be hilarious. XD Lets do it. >:3

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 08:45 PM

(( Excellent! ))

Karen noticed Lydia was looking back, but she didn't falter- she looked as long as she deemed necessary, and then a little longer, to make Lydia uncomfortable. She began reading before the teacher had begun. Karen had read it before, many times, loved Romeo and Juliet, for the most part. There are a few things about it that bugged her, but the overall story was just beautiful.

When the teacher called the class to order, she informed them that they would be doing a play- Romeo and Juliet. Auditions would be private, one on one with the teacher after school, and the decided cast would be posted on Monday. Karen already knew what part she would audition for- Romeo.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 08:48 PM

Lydia wasn't as high hoping... She was planning to audition for a littler part. But, in her group, she had been known to be very... dramatic, which might prove useful in this play... seeing as it WAS a drama.

As class drowled on, Lydia became affixated on something outside the window, however, it seemed that she was staring at Karen. Well, Karen WAS in her line of view, but thats not what she was looking at...

OOC: Chance to start fight...

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 09:50 PM

Karen was absorbed in the novel. She hadn't volunteered to read aloud, wanting to save her voice for the audition. She had, however, been intently following along- so much so that her eyes began to bug out of her head. She shook her head, and in the process, noticed someone was staring at her.

Karen looked over to see Lydia staring quite intently, "Do you have a problem?" Karen asked in a whisper.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-11-2009, 11:58 PM

Lydia blinked, seeming to snap out of her trance. Her gaze flickered up to Karen, her own gaze became curious, maybe almost questioning.

"What are you talking about?!" She asked, seeming to be offended by the question.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 12:15 AM

Karen narrowed her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows, "You were staring at me like you wanted to rape me or something, you freak!" she accused in a louder whisper. She was getting the attention of the people around her, but she wasn't paying attention to them, she didn't care. Karen was focused on the creepy Lolita, staring at her.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 01:27 AM

"Don't flatter yourself!" Lydia hissed in response. "There was something outside the window!" She growled, attempting to turn her focus back on her book.

What nerve! That Karen would accuse her of thinking of such a thing when she didn't even want to sit beside her? She gagged thinking about.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 01:48 AM

"Ha!" Karen laughed out loud. Funny. Lydia expected her to believe that? Karen knew Lydia hated her, but that didn't stop Karen from thinking that Lydia could be harboring some same-sex fantasies about Karen..

The teacher then addressed her, "Ms. Welsley, do you have a problem?" she asked. in a disapproving voice, stopping the class, who all looked at her in either confusion or astonishment.

"Yes, I do! Little Miss Lydia won't stop staring at me like she wants to tap that!" She announced. She looked over at Lydia and gave her a look of disgust, "Like I would..."

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 01:55 AM

Lydia looked horrified by what she accused her off. "Oh my gawd!" She cried, hot anger filling her eyes. "Your SO full of yourself! You think your SOOO hot that everyone wants you!" She screeched. "You need to get down to earth!" She growled turning away from her.
"As if I'd want to even touch your disgusting body." She muttered, acid practically dripping from her mouth. She crossed her arms over her chest. She knew what Karen had said would be plastered all over school by noon. It made her want to throw up.

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Old 11-12-2009, 02:56 AM

"Hey!" Karen yelled back, standing up, ready for a fight, "At least I don't look like a pre-pubescent little girl looking to get laid because I'm oh-so-adorable in a dark, misunderstood way!" she retorted. That was the meaning of "Lolita" also, so she couldn't really deny it. She was the one who thought she was so hot, Lydia was the one who was the narcissist. Karen wanted to tear her pretty little head off right there...

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 03:00 AM

Lydia just ignored her. She wasn't going to justify it. However... That didn't work. "Just SHUT UP!" She cried slapping her. "Stay away from me, and I'll stay away from you!" She hissed, tears brimming in her eyes.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 03:12 AM

When Karen was slapped, she didn't even waste reaction time, she hit her back, punching her in the cute little stomach, "Get over it, Barbie Reject." she said, more so hissing through her teeth.

"That's enough! Dean's office! Both of you!" the teacher screeched, stepping between the girls.

Karen grabbed her stuff and shoved in in her bag carelessly. The teacher waited for Lydia to grab her things too, so she could escort them to the office. Oh yes, this was sure to be all over the school by the start of the next class. It wasn't like the kids weren't waiting for it. It was no secret Lydia and Karen hated each other. At least this would give the other students something to live for in their boring lives... For awhile, at the least.

((If this were a real private school, they'd be thrown out no questions asked. xP ))

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 03:19 AM

OOC: Well... Its a roleplay, we can do whatever the heck we want. x3

IC: Lydia shoved her stuff into her back pack, and was out the door. However, it was outside the door, she waited for the teacher. Why?! Why did she have to sit beside that wretch?! She didn't know... She wished now she just had skipped the class...
Now they had to deal with whatever punishment the dean gave them... little did they know... it was going to be absolutly horrible.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 03:36 AM


Karen followed the teacher to the office, even though she knew where it was. The teacher left them there, to be watched by the secretay, but they didn't wait long before they were called into the office. The two girls sat before the dean, waiting to see what he had to say.

She pulled out the files on Karen and Lydia and looked them over, then typed something into her computer. When she was done typing and reading over what she wanted, she turned back to the girls, a sadistic smile on her face. "While I was going to have you expelled, I found something out- a little fact that will be a much more suitable punishment." she said in her sharp, high pitched voice, "Seeing as Karen is a new student, she has yet to acquire a dorm room. Both of you girls are meant to be taking a single room, Lydia already having one... However. There has been a problem with rooming and appears that a girl with a physical disability requires a single room, and her roommate in the double room has been removed from the school. I figure the best remedy to this situation is to give the girl your room, Lydia, and move you to the double. Karen, your dorm room will be the double as well. Both of you will have to learn to get along. You will be roommates, you will be civilized, or you will be thrown out." she told the girls with the smile still intact.

Karen's eyes widened in horror as her mouth dropped. She wasn't sure how to react at first, then she just wanted to strangle the dean on the spot. Wasn't such a good idea though... Karen just stared at her, "You have GOT to be kidding! NO WAY!" She exclaimed, "Is this a joke?! Are you trying to have us kill each other?! I mean, I know she's lower than dirt and utterly useless, but I have a family who needs me!" she spoke the truth with the last bit- her sister needed her most, being at "that age", you see. Even with parents, there was nothing like a sister then. And her parents would definitely miss her if she went to jail for murder- because, let's face it, Lydia didn't stand a chance against Karen.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 03:43 AM

Lydia growled at that bit. "But... if she has family who needs her, she should be with them." She tried to counter. She didn't like the idea of sharing a room with Karen... Not one bit.

She didn't mind sharing, just not with her. She would have gladly given her room to someone who needed it more... But the Dean do something like this?

It was a Death Sentance.

JessiFlakes is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 03:50 AM

"My sister's in the middle school section, you twit, I am with her!" She hissed. Karen was right where she needed to be, she thought, other than sharing a room with... She shuddered, unable to think it. Rooming with the Barbie Reject, what had she done to deserve this hell?!

"That's enough, ladies!"
the dean said. "This will take effect immediately. You will have your stuff packed and ready before supper tonight. I suggest you start right after class. A maid will be there to assist each of you. Get back to class. It's third period now." she said, looking at the computer, "You both have Music now..." she smiled, laughing lightly, "Have a nice day." she smiled.

Karen stood, taking her bag and storming out and off to the music wing. What a freakin' day! Torment started immediately. She was to be moved in by dinner, six o'clock, that night. Oh, torment...

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 11-12-2009, 03:53 AM

Lydia followed after, seeming to sulk. But it wasn't because of the rooms... If how she dressed really disgusted her that much... Maybe she should just go normal for the next few days. She heaved a sigh... Try that... She decided. She wear none lolita-ish clothes, and break out her full on goth wardrobe.

OOC: Think we ought to fast forward?


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